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Showing 7,576 through 7,600 of 18,141 results

Imagined Theatres: Writing for a Theoretical Stage

by Daniel Sack

Imagined Theatres collects theoretical dramas written by some of the leading scholars and artists of the contemporary stage. These dialogues, prose poems, and microfictions describe imaginary performance events that explore what might be possible and impossible in the theatre. Each scenario is mirrored by a brief accompanying reflection, asking what they might mean for our thinking about the theatre. These many possible worlds circle around questions that include: In what way is writing itself a performance? How do we understand the relationship between real performances that engender imaginary reflections and imaginary conceptions that form the basis for real theatrical productions? Are we not always imagining theatres when we read or even when we sit in the theatre, watching whatever event we imagine we are seeing?

Imagining Canada: A Century of Photographs Preserved By The New York Times

by William Morassutti

Sophisticated and well-curated, this photographic tour through Canada's history documents the nation's evolution over more than a century, as seen through the lens of photographers from The New York Times. The book compiles more than 100 iconic, momentous and inspiring images of Canada and includes ten commentary pieces from a range of important thinkers, historians and writers, including National Chief Shawn Atleo, MP Justin Trudeau, historians Charlotte Gray, Peter C. Newman and Tim Cook, and sports columnist Stephen Brunt. Through these pages and images, which represent a portal in time, a portrait of Canada emerges, not as seen by its own citizens, but as viewed through a distinctly American lens.The book includes photos arranged according to the following themes: • The Battlefield: Canada at War • Aboriginal People • The Changing Face of Canadian Society--Our Immigration Story • Landscape • The Political Arena • Industry • The War Machine: How the Homefront Supplied the Wars • Hockey • Icons (Stars, Sports Heroes, Political Figures, Royalty)

Imagining Organizations: Performative Imagery in Business and Beyond (Routledge Studies in Management, Organizations and Society)

by Nigel Thrift Paolo Quattrone Francois-Régis Puyou Chris McLean

Organizations rely extensively upon a myriad of images and pictorial representations such as budgets, schedules, reports, graphs, and organizational charts to name but a few. Visual images play an integral role in the process of organizing. This volume argues that images in organizations are ‘performative’, meaning that they can be seen as performances, rather than mere representations, that play a significant role in all kind of organizational activities. Imagining Organizations opens up new ways of imagining business through an interdisciplinary approach that captures the role of visualizations and their performances. Contributions to this volume challenge this orthodox view to explore how images in business, organizing and organizations are viewed in a static and rigid form. Imagining Business addresses the question of how we visualize organizations and their activities as an important aspect of managerial work, focusing on practices and performances, organizing and ordering, and media and technologies. Moreover, it aims to provide a focal point for the growing collection of studies that explore how various business artifacts draw on the power of the visual to enable various forms of organizing and organizations in diverse contexts.

Imagining the Cosmopolitan in Public and Professional Writing

by Anne Surma

In this important book, Surma combines threads from ethical, political, communications, sociological, feminist and discourse theories to explore the impact of writing in a range of contexts and illustrate the ways in which it can strengthen social connections.

The Immaculate Conception of Data: Agribusiness, Activists, and Their Shared Politics of the Future

by Kelly Bronson

Every new tractor now contains built-in sensors that collect data and stream it to cloud-based infrastructure. Seed and chemical companies are using these data, and these agribusinesses are a form of big tech alongside firms like Google and Facebook.The Immaculate Conception of Data peeks behind the secretive legal agreements surrounding agricultural big data to trace how it is used and with what consequences. Agribusinesses are among the oldest oligopoly corporations in the world, and their concentration gives them an advantage over other food system actors. Kelly Bronson explores what happens when big data get caught up in pre-existing arrangements of power. Her richly ethnographic account details the work of corporate scientists, farmers using the data, and activist “hackers” building open-source data platforms. Actors working in private and public contexts have divergent views on whom new technology is for, how it should be developed, and what kinds of agriculture it should support. Surprisingly, despite their differences, these groups share a way of speaking about data and its value for the future. Bronson calls this the immaculate conception of data, arguing that this phenomenon is a dangerous framework for imagining big data and what it might do for society.Drawing our attention to agriculture as an important new site for big tech criticism, The Immaculate Conception of Data uniquely bridges science and technology studies, critical data studies, and food studies, bringing to light salient issues related to data justice and a sustainable food system.

Immersion: A Writer's Guide to Going Deep (Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing, and Publishing)

by Ted Conover

Over three and a half decades, Ted Conover has ridden the rails with hoboes, crossed the border with Mexican immigrants, guarded prisoners in Sing Sing, and inspected meat for the USDA. His books and articles chronicling these experiences, including the award-winning Newjack: Guarding Sing Sing, have made him one of the premier practitioners of immersion reporting. In immersion reporting--a literary cousin to ethnography, travel writing, and memoir--the writer fully steps into a new world or culture, participating in its trials, rites, and rituals as a member of the group. The end results of these firsthand experiences are familiar to us from bestsellers such as Nickel and Dimed and Behind the Beautiful Forevers. But in a world of wary strangers, where does one begin? Conover distills decades of knowledge into an accessible resource aimed at writers of all levels. He covers how to "get into" a community, how to conduct oneself once inside, and how to shape and structure the stories that emerge. Conover is also forthright about the ethics and consequences of immersion reporting, preparing writers for the surprises that often surface when their piece becomes public. Throughout, Conover shares anecdotes from his own experiences as well as from other well-known writers in this genre, including Alex Kotlowitz, Anne Fadiman, and Sebastian Junger. It's a deep-in-the-trenches book that all aspiring immersion writers should have in hand as they take that first leap into another world.

Immersive Longform Storytelling: Media, Technology, Audience

by David Dowling

A deep dive into the world of online and multimedia longform storytelling, this book charts the renaissance in deep reading, viewing and listening associated with the literary mind, and the resulting implications of its rise in popularity. David O. Dowling argues that although developments in media technology have enabled the ascendance of nonfictional storytelling to new heights through new forms, it has done so at the peril of these intensely persuasive designs becoming deployed for commercial and political purposes. He shows how traditional boundaries separating genres and dividing editorial from advertising content have fallen with the rise of media hybridity, drawing attention to how the principle of an independent press can be reformulated for the digital ecosystem. Immersive Longform Storytelling is a compelling examination of storytelling, covering multimedia features, on-demand documentary television, branded digital documentaries, interactive online documentaries, and podcasting. This book’s focus on both form and effect makes it a fascinating read for scholars and academics interested in storytelling and the rise of new media.

Immersive Technology in Smart Cities: Augmented and Virtual Reality in IoT (EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing)

by Sagaya Aurelia Sara Paiva

This book presents recent trends and enhancements in the convergence of immersive technology and smart cities. The authors discuss various domains such as medical education, construction, brain interface, interactive storytelling, edification, and journalism in relation to combining smart cities, IoT and immersive technologies. The book sets up a medium to promulgate insights and in depth understanding among experts in immersive technologies, IoT, HCI and associated establishments. The book also includes case studies, survey, models, algorithms, frameworks and implementations in storytelling, smart museum, medical education, journalism and more. Various practitioners, academicians and researchers in the domain contribute to the book.

Immigrant Publishers: The Impact of Expatriate Publishers in Britain and America in the 20th Century

by Richard Abel and Cordon Graham

In the first third of the twentieth century, the publishing industry in the United Kingdom and the United States was marked by well-established and comfortable traditions pursued by family-dominated firms. The British trade was the preserve of self-satisfied men entirely certain of their superiority in the world of letters; their counterparts in North America were blissfully unaware of development and trends outside their borders. In this unique historical analysis, Richard Abel and Gordon Graham show how publishing evolved post-World War II to embrace a different, more culturally inclusive, vision.Unfortunately, even among the learned classes, only a handful clearly understood either the nature or the likely consequences of the mounting geopolitical tensions that gripped pre-war Europe. The world was largely caught up in the ill-informed and unexamined but widely held smug and shallow belief that the huge price paid in "the war to end all wars" had purchased perpetual peace, a peace to be maintained by the numerous, post-war high-minded treaties ceremoniously signed thereafter.The history presented here has as its principals a handful of those who fled to the Anglo-Saxon shores in the pre-World War II era. The remainder made their way to Britain and the United States following that war. They brought an entirely new vision of and energetic pursuit of the cultural role of the book and journal in a society, a vision which was quickly adopted and naturalized by a perspicacious band of post-war native-born book people.

Immigration and Strategic Public Health Communication: Lessons from the Transnational Seguro Popular Project (Routledge Research in Health Communication)

by Robert Smith Don Waisanen Guillermo Yrizar Barbosa

This book engages a key question facing governments and similar institutions in countries of immigration or emigration: how should these governments and institutions communicate with immigrants so that they will listen to and act on their messages? Drawing on original research with Mexican emigrants in New York and the Mexican government’s Seguro Popular health care program, the authors examine the ways in which governments integrate migrants into diasporic political, medical, educational, and other systems, and how migrant-sending countries communicate with their emigrants abroad. In analyzing how these efforts fail or succeed, this book presents strategies and policy recommendations that many governments and institutions can use to engage their citizens or clients ethically and effectively. Offering a valuable approach to the study of race, migration, and public policy, this book will be of key importance to researchers and graduate students in public health, sociology, marketing and business, political science, Latinx studies, and international communication.

Immoral, Indecent, and Scurrilous: The Making of an Unrepentant Sex Radical

by Gerald Hannon

“At least by reputation, I am a sex radical: gay activist dating back to the Cretaceous, defender of pedophiles, defender of (and participant in) sex work, sometime porn actor and maker, shameless voyeur (no window is safe if my binoculars are at hand), perpetual sour-puss on the subject of gay marriage. I came of age in the 1960s and ’70s, an era when most of those character traits and activities would have been seen as illegal at worst and shameless at best. Some still are. Others — gay marriage, for example — have switched sides, transitioning from what many people thought of as an unthinkable and illegal travesty to a ritual celebrated in a growing number of jurisdictions, Canada included.” When 18-year-old Gerald Hannon left the small pulp mill town of Marathon, Ontario to attend the University of Toronto, he never would have predicted he’d become part of LGBTQ2S+ history. Almost sixty years later, he reflects on the major moments in his career as a journalist and LGBTQ2S+ activist. From the charges of transmitting immoral, indecent, and scurrilous literature laid against him and his colleagues at The Body Politic to his dismissal from his teaching post at Ryerson University for being a sex worker, this memoir candidly chronicles Hannon’s life as an unrepentant sex radical.

iMovie '11 & iDVD: The Missing Manual (The\missing Manual Ser.)

by David Pogue Aaron Miller

Apple's video-editing program is better than ever, but it still doesn’t have a printed guide to help you get started. That's where this gorgeous, full-color book comes in. You get clear explanations of iMovie's impressive new features, like instant rendering, storyboarding, and one-step special effects. Experts David Pogue and Aaron Miller also give you a complete course in film editing and DVD design.Edit video like the pros. Import raw footage, add transitions, and use iMovie’s newly restored, intuitive timeline editor.Create stunning trailers. Design Hollywood-style "Coming Attractions!" previews for your movies.Share your film. Distribute your movie in a variety of places—on smartphones, Apple TV, your own site, and with one-click exports to YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo, CNN iReport, and MobileMe.Make DVDs. Design the menus, titles, and layout for your DVDs, and burn them to disc.This book covers version 9 of Apple's iMovie software.

The Impact Equation: Are You Making Things Happen or Just Making Noise?

by Chris Brogan Julien Smith

Chris Brogan and Julien Smith, authors of Trust Agents, are back with The Impact Equation to show you how to make social media pay. What can the IMPACT EQUATION do for you? IMPACT = C × (R+E+A+T+E) Contrast: Does your idea stand out? Reach: How many people do you connect to? Exposure: How often does your audience hear from you? Articulation: Is your idea clear enough? Trust: Do people believe you? Echo: Does your idea connect to your audience? When Chris Brogan and Julien Smith wrote their bestseller Trust Agents, being interesting on the Web was enough to build an audience. Now everybody has a platform. But most of them are just making noise. In The Impact Equation, Brogan and Smith show that to make people truly care about what you have to say, you need more than just a good idea, trust among your audience, or a certain number of followers. You need a potent mix of all of the above - and more. As traditional channels for marketing and selling disappear and more people interact mainly online, the very nature of attention is changing. Use the Impact Equation to figure out what you're doing right and wrong. Apply it to a blog, a tweet, a video, or a mainstream advertising campaign. Use it to explain why a feature in a national newspaper that reaches millions might have less impact than a blog post that reaches a thousand passionate subscribers. The Impact Equation will give you the tools to guarantee your message will be heard. 'Their advice on the importance of being able to write to make a splash online is solid. . . when it comes to building a brand online Brogan and Smith have been there and done that' -The Financial TimesChris Brogan and Julien Smith are consultants and speakers who have worked with Fortune 500 companies, including PepsiCo, General Motors, American Express, and Microsoft. They have been involved in online communities and blogging for more than fifteen years. Their first book, Trust Agents, was a New York Times bestseller.

The Impact of ICT on Work

by Jungwoo Lee

This edited volume presents current perspectives on the innovative use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) as an integral part of the changing nature of work. The individual chapters address a number of key concepts such as telecommuting, alternative work arrangements, job crafting, gamification and new work skills, supplemented by a range of examples and supporting case studies. The Impact of ICT on Work offers a valuable resource for business practitioners and academics in the areas of information systems, as well as for human resources managers. The book will also be useful in advanced graduate classes dealing with the social and business impacts of information and communication technologies.

The Impact of International Television: A Paradigm Shift (Routledge Communication Series)

by Michael G. Elasmar

For several decades, cultural imperialism has been the dominant paradigm for conceptualizing, labeling, predicting, and explaining the effects of international television. It has been used as an unchallenged premise for numerous essays on the topic of imported television influence, despite the fact that the assumption of strong cultural influence is not necessarily reflected in the body of research that exists within this field of study. In The Impact of International Television: A Paradigm Shift, editor Michael G. Elasmar and his contributors challenge the dominant paradigm of cultural imperialism, and offer an alternative paradigm with which to evaluate international or crossborder message influence. In this volume, Elasmar has collected original research from leading scholars working in the area of crossborder media influence, and contributes his own meta-analysis to examine what research findings actually show on the influences of crossborder messages. The contributions included here illustrate points, such as: the contentions of cultural imperialism and the context in which its assumptions emerged and developed; the complexities of the relationship between exposure to foreign television and its subsequent effects on local audience members; the applicability of quantitative methods to a topic commonly tackled using argumentation, critical theory, and other qualitative approaches; and the difficulty of achieving strong and homogenous effects. In bringing together the work of independent researchers, The Impact of International Television: A Paradigm Shift bridges over 40 years of research efforts focused on imported television influence, the results of which, as a whole, challenge the de facto strong and homogenous effects assumed by those who support the paradigm of cultural imperialism. The volume sets a theory-driven agenda of research and offers an alternative paradigm for the new generation of researchers interested in international media effects. As such, the volume is intended for scholars, researchers, and students in international and intercultural communication, cross-cultural communication, mass communication, media effects, media and society, and related areas. It will also be of great interest to academics in international relations, cross-cultural and social psychology, intergroup and international relations, international public opinion, and peace studies.

Impact of Nonlinearities on Fiber Optic Communications

by Shiva Kumar

This book covers the recent progress in fiber-optic communication systems with a main focus on the impact of fiber nonlinearities on the system performance. Over the past few years, there has been significant progress in coherent communication systems mainly because of the advances in digital signal processing techniques. This has led to renewed interest in fiber linear and nonlinear impairments and techniques to mitigate them in electrical domain. In this book, the reader will find all the important topics of fiber optic communication systems in one place with in-depth coverage by the experts of each subtopics. Pioneers from each of the sub-topics have been invited to contribute. Each chapter will have a section on fundamentals, review of literature survey and the recent developments. The reader will benefit from this approach since many of the conference proceedings and journal articles mainly focus on the authors' research work without spending space on preliminaries.

Impacting Theatre Audiences: Methods for Studying Change (Audience Research)

by Dani Snyder-Young Matt Omasta

This edited collection explores methods for conducting critical empirical research examining the potential impacts of theatrical events on audience members. Dani Snyder-Young and Matt Omasta present an overview of the burgeoning subfield of audience studies in theatre and performance studies, followed by an introduction to the wide range of ways scholars can study the experiences of spectators. Consisting of chapter length case studies, the book addresses methodologies for examining spectatorship, including qualitative, quantitative, historical/historiographic, arts-based, participatory, and mixed methods approaches. This volume will be of great interest to theatre and performance studies scholars as well as industry professionals working in marketing, audience development and community engagement.

Impacto: Como Comunicar em Público

by Norberto Amaral

Este livro vem ajudar o leitor a comunicar melhor em público, ajudando-o a preparar apresentações com impacto, apontando os maus hábitos a evitar e os fatores de sucesso a ter em conta. Com Prefácio de Nilton «Falar em público é mais do que uma necessidade ou que um objetivo; é uma oportunidade para tocar nos corações das pessoas e gerar impacto positivo e duradouro. Este livro é um excelente auxílio nesse sentido e o seu autor é porventura um dos comunicadores com mais coração que conheço. Imperdível!» Rui Coutinho. Firestarter. Agent Provocateur. Futurecaster. Executive Director of the Center for Business Innovation at Porto Business School «Esse livro te ensinará e será seu companheiro ideal para persuadir seu público a te acompanhar pela jornada de mudar o mundo através das suas ideias!» Marconi Pereira - Organizador do TEDxRio e SingularityUBrasil Summit «Quer tenha muita experiência ou quer esteja agora a começar, este livro oferece informação valiosa e concreta para comunicar com impacto. Compre, leia e coloque tudo o que aprendeu em prática!» Inês Santos Silva - Co-fundadora e diretora executiva da Aliados - The Challenges Consulting A capacidade de falar em público com competência e impacto tem um peso importante no nosso sucesso pessoal e profissional. No entanto, já todos assistimos a apresentações que ficaram muito aquém das nossas expetativas e com as quais não nos sentimos envolvidos. Quando tal acontece, o tédio, a distração e até o sono apoderam-se de nós. Frisando os principais ingredientes para uma apresentação de sucesso, este livro explica ao leitor como comunicar melhor em público. Ajudá-lo-á a: ? definir bem os seus objetivos ? estruturar e articular ideias ? criar impacto visual através de slides atraentes ? determinar os sentimentos centrais das suas apresentações ? encontrar as atitudes a adotar ? comportar-se em palco Em suma, oferece-lhe as ferramentas que lhe permitirão criar apresentações públicas verdadeiramente impactantes!

Impacto: Como Comunicar em Público

by Norberto Amaral

Este livro vem ajudar o leitor a comunicar melhor em público, ajudando-o a preparar apresentações com impacto, apontando os maus hábitos a evitar e os fatores de sucesso a ter em conta. Com Prefácio de Nilton «Falar em público é mais do que uma necessidade ou que um objetivo; é uma oportunidade para tocar nos corações das pessoas e gerar impacto positivo e duradouro. Este livro é um excelente auxílio nesse sentido e o seu autor é porventura um dos comunicadores com mais coração que conheço. Imperdível!» Rui Coutinho. Firestarter. Agent Provocateur. Futurecaster. Executive Director of the Center for Business Innovation at Porto Business School «Esse livro te ensinará e será seu companheiro ideal para persuadir seu público a te acompanhar pela jornada de mudar o mundo através das suas ideias!» Marconi Pereira - Organizador do TEDxRio e SingularityUBrasil Summit «Quer tenha muita experiência ou quer esteja agora a começar, este livro oferece informação valiosa e concreta para comunicar com impacto. Compre, leia e coloque tudo o que aprendeu em prática!» Inês Santos Silva - Co-fundadora e diretora executiva da Aliados - The Challenges Consulting A capacidade de falar em público com competência e impacto tem um peso importante no nosso sucesso pessoal e profissional. No entanto, já todos assistimos a apresentações que ficaram muito aquém das nossas expetativas e com as quais não nos sentimos envolvidos. Quando tal acontece, o tédio, a distração e até o sono apoderam-se de nós. Frisando os principais ingredientes para uma apresentação de sucesso, este livro explica ao leitor como comunicar melhor em público. Ajudá-lo-á a: ? definir bem os seus objetivos ? estruturar e articular ideias ? criar impacto visual através de slides atraentes ? determinar os sentimentos centrais das suas apresentações ? encontrar as atitudes a adotar ? comportar-se em palco Em suma, oferece-lhe as ferramentas que lhe permitirão criar apresentações públicas verdadeiramente impactantes!

The Imperfect Mirror: Inside Stories of Television Newswomen

by Daniel Paisner

Reflecting the views of television's top newswomen, The Imperfect Mirror provides a tough look at what it takes to come a long way. Here are the inside stories of women who are overcoming the last obstacles in what has long been a male- dominated industry, along with their candid opinions about the men running their newsrooms, sexism on the job, and how much better than their male colleagues they have to be to get and stay ahead. Diane Sawyer, Lesley Stahl, Mary Alice Williams, Marlene Sanders, Jane Pauley. The women in this book continue to light the way for others to shine in the imperfect mirror of broadcast news. They come from all over the country, from our smallest local television markets to the big-three networks, and they offer frank insight on their first career steps, on the cosmetic aspects of their jobs, on Christine Craft's sex-discrimination suit against KMBC-TV, on the pregnancy of an unmarried Boston anchorwoman (and their own--very public--pregnancies), and on the constant push and pull of their personal and professional lives. They discuss the ways in which they bring the latest-breaking events to the airwaves, as well as what the future holds for all women in the workplace. In a series of six day-in-the-life profiles--ranging from anchorwoman Chere Avery of WBBH-TV in Fort Myers, Florida, our 101st largest television market, to Connie Chung of NBC News--The Imperfect Mirror also offers a broad-brush portrait of working television newswomen, and takes an inside look at the nitty-gritty business of covering the news on a daily basis. Television newswomen have indeed come a long way since the days of the adorned weathergirl and singing spokes- model. "But the fact is," writes author Daniel Paisner, "the doors of television newsrooms opened a lot faster than the minds of the men who worked inside.... There is still a clear difference between newsmen and newswomen, between anchormen and anchorwomen, between the jobs they are asked to do and the public's perception of what those jobs are and what goes into them. There is a difference in salary, there is a difference in opportunities, there is a difference in balance, there is a difference in influence, and there is a difference in expectations."

The Imperfectionists: A Novel

by Tom Rachman

The charming and enthralling story of an idiosyncratic English-language newspaper in Rome and the lives of its staffers as the paper fights for survival in the internet age.'A precise, playful fiction with a deep but lightly worn intelligence' - Times Literary SupplementThe newspaper was founded in Rome in the 1950s, a product of passion and a multi-millionaire's fancy. Over fifty years, its eccentricities earned a place in readers' hearts around the globe. But now, circulation is down, the paper lacks a website, and the future looks bleak. Still, those involved in the publication seem to barely notice. The obituary writer is too busy avoiding work. The editor-in-chief is pondering sleeping with an old flame. The obsessive reader is intent on finishing every old edition, leaving her trapped in the past. And the publisher seems less interested in his struggling newspaper than in his magnificent basset hound, Schopenhauer. The Imperfectionists interweaves the stories of eleven unusual and endearing characters who depend on the paper. Funny and moving, the novel is about endings - the end of life, the end of sexual desire, the end of the era of newspapers - and about what might rise afterward.

Imperial Babel: Translation, Exoticism, and the Long Nineteenth Century

by null Padma Rangarajan

At the heart of every colonial encounter lies an act of translation. Once dismissed as a derivative process, the new cultural turn in translation studies has opened the field to dynamic considerations of the contexts that shape translations and that, in turn, reveal translation’s truer function as a locus of power. In Imperial Babel, Padma Rangarajan explores translation’s complex role in shaping literary and political relationships between India and Britain.Unlike other readings that cast colonial translation as primarily a tool for oppression, Rangarajan’s argues that translation changed both colonizer and colonized and undermined colonial hegemony as much as it abetted it. Imperial Babel explores the diverse political and cultural consequences of a variety of texts, from eighteenth-century oriental tales to mystic poetry of the fin de siecle and from translation proper to its ethnological, mythographic, and religious variants.Searching for translation’s trace enables a broader, more complex understanding of intellectual exchange in imperial culture as well as a more nuanced awareness of the dialectical relationship between colonial policy and nineteenth-century literature. Rangarajan argues that while bearing witness to the violence that underwrites translation in colonial spaces, we should also remain open to the irresolution of translation, its unfixed nature, and its ability to transform both languages in which it works.

Imperial Inquisitions: Prosecutors and Informants from Tiberius to Domitian

by Steven H. Rutledge

Delatores (political informants) and accusatores (malicious prosecutors) were a major part of life in imperial Rome. Contemporary sources depict them as cruel and heartless mercenaries, who bore the main responsibility for institutionalising and enforcing the 'tyranny' of the infamous rulers of the early empire, such as Nero, Caligula and Domitian. Stephen Rutledge's study examines the evidence to ask if this is a fair portrayal.Beginning with a detailed examination of the social and political status of known informants and prosecutors, he goes on to investigate their activities - as well as the rewards they could expect. The main areas covered are: * checking government corruption and enforcing certain classes of legislation * blocking opposition and resistance to the emperor in the Senate* acting as a partisan player in factional strife in the imperial family* protecting the emperor against conspiracy.The book includes a comprehensive guide to every known political informant under the early empire, with their name, all the relevant primary and secondary sources, and an individual biography.

The Imperial Messenger: Thomas Friedman at Work (Counterblasts)

by Belen Fernandez

Factual errors, ham-fisted analysis, and contradictory assertions--compounded by a penchant for mixed metaphors and name-dropping--distinguish the work of Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times columnist and author Thomas Friedman. The Imperial Messenger reveals the true value of this media darling, a risible writer whose success tells us much about the failures of contemporary journalism. Belén Fernández dissects the Friedman corpus with wit and journalistic savvy to expose newsroom practices that favor macho rhetoric over serious inquiry, a pacified readership over an empowered one, and reductionist analysis over integrity.The Imperial Messenger is polemic at its best, relentless in its attack on this apologist for American empire and passionate in its commitment to justice.About the series: Counterblasts is a new Verso series that aims to revive the tradition of polemical writinginaugurated by Puritan and leveller pamphleteers in the seventeenth century, when in the wordsof one of them, Gerard Winstanley, the old world was "running up like parchment in the fire."From 1640 to 1663, a leading bookseller and publisher, George Thomason, recorded that hiscollection alone contained over twenty thousand pamphlets. such polemics reappeared bothbefore and during the French, Russian, Chinese and Cuban revolutions of the last century.In a period of conformity where politicians, media barons and their ideologicalhirelings rarely challenge the basis of existing society, it's time to revive the tradition.Verso's Counterblasts will challenge the apologists of Empire and Capital.

Impermanent Blackness: The Making and Unmaking of Interracial Literary Culture in Modern America

by Korey Garibaldi

Revisiting an almost-forgotten American interracial literary culture that advanced racial pluralism in the decades before the 1960sIn Impermanent Blackness, Korey Garibaldi explores interracial collaborations in American commercial publishing—authors, agents, and publishers who forged partnerships across racial lines—from the 1910s to the 1960s. Garibaldi shows how aspiring and established Black authors and editors worked closely with white interlocutors to achieve publishing success, often challenging stereotypes and advancing racial pluralism in the process.Impermanent Blackness explores the complex nature of this almost-forgotten period of interracial publishing by examining key developments, including the mainstream success of African American authors in the 1930s and 1940s, the emergence of multiracial children’s literature, postwar tensions between supporters of racial cosmopolitanism and of “Negro literature,” and the impact of the Civil Rights and Black Power movements on the legacy of interracial literary culture.By the end of the 1960s, some literary figures once celebrated for pushing the boundaries of what Black writing could be, including the anthologist W. S. Braithwaite, the bestselling novelist Frank Yerby, the memoirist Juanita Harrison, and others, were forgotten or criticized as too white. And yet, Garibaldi argues, these figures—at once dreamers and pragmatists—have much to teach us about building an inclusive society. Revisiting their work from a contemporary perspective, Garibaldi breaks new ground in the cultural history of race in the United States.

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