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Influential Internal Communication: Streamline Your Corporate Communication to Drive Efficiency and Engagement

by Jenni Field

Streamline your organization's communication with the powerful and easy-to-follow methodology presented in this book, featuring insight from experts including Simon Sinek and Brené Brown. Better communication will mean better business practice company-wide as well as increased employee engagement, happier clients and customers, and stronger profits.As the title suggests, Influential Internal Communication proves just how influential internal communications (IC) is, and the measurable impact it has on an organization's growth. For many organizations, IC often slips down the list of priorities when there are high pressure, high stakes business situations to cope with. This causes a sense of chaos and confusion within the organization that will - eventually - permeate to external customers and clients. Influential Internal Communication presents a clear, adaptable methodology that will help readers understand, diagnose and fix their own communication challenges, thereby transforming the chaos into calm.Backed up with data and statistics from industry reports on workplace culture, Influential Internal Communication is based on The Field Model and draws on research with CEO's, some of the best insights into people, organisations and chaos. The theory is backed up with real world case studies, showing how chaos can impact a range of organizations of varying size and industry. Written by the 2020 President of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR), Influential Internal Communication will streamline any organization's IC practices, and help to drive engagement, efficiency and profit across the board.

Infocracia: La digitalización y la crisis de la democracia

by Byung-Chul Han

Un análisis sagaz del régimen de la información, el nuevo gobierno al que estamos sometidos, por el filósofo más leído del siglo XXI. La digitalización avanza inexorablemente. Aturdidos por el frenesí de la comunicación y la información, nos sentimos impotentes ante el tsunami de datos que despliega fuerzas destructivas y deformantes. Hoy la digitalización también afecta a la esfera política y provoca graves trastornos en el proceso democrático. Las campañas electorales son guerras de información que se libran con todos los medios técnicos y psicológicos imaginables. Los bots -las cuentas falsas automatizadas en las redes sociales- difunden noticias falsas y discursos de odio e influyen en la formación de la opinión pública. Los ejércitos de trolls intervienen en las campañas apuntalando la desinformación. Las teorías de la conspiración y la propaganda dominan el debate político. Por medio de la psicometría y la psicopolítica digital, se intenta influir en el comportamiento electoral y evitar las decisiones conscientes. El nuevo ensayo de Byung-Chul Han describe la crisis de la democracia y la atribuye al cambio estructural de la esfera pública en el mundo digital. También le da un nombre a este fenómeno: infocracia.

Infocràcia: La digitalització i la crisi de la democràcia

by Byung-Chul Han

Una anàlisi sagaç del règim de la informació, el nou govern a què estem sotmesos, pel filòsof més llegit del segle XXI. La digitalització avança inexorablement. Atordits pel frenesí de la comunicació i la informació, ens sentim impotents davant del tsunami de dades que desplega forces destructives i deformants. La digitalització també afecta l'esfera política i provoca greus trastorns en el procés democràtic. Les campanyes electorals són guerres dinformació que es lliuren amb tots els mitjans tècnics i psicològics imaginables.Els bots —els comptes falsos automatitzats a les xarxes socials— difonen notícies falses i discursos d'odi i influeixen en la formació de l'opinió pública. Els exèrcits de trolls intervenen en les campanyes apuntalant la desinformació. Les teories de la conspiració i la propaganda dominen el debat polític. Per mitjà de la psicometria i la psicopolítica digital s'intenta influir en el comportament electoral i evitar les decisions conscients. El nou assaig de Byung-Chul Han descriu la crisi de la democràcia i l'atribueix al canvi estructural de l'esfera pública al món digital. També dóna un nom a aquest fenomen: infocràcia.

Infodemia: Mentiras y verdades en tiempos de pandemia

by OjoPúblico .

Un e-book que investiga y esclarece las falsas informaciones nacidas en tiempos de pandemia El equipo de investigación de OjoPúblico presenta en este e-book un análisis minucioso de la información difundida en los medios de comunicación y las redes sociales sobre los impactos del COVID-19 para evitar la propagación de la desinformación que contamina a todos los peruanos y peruanas. Gracias al ejercicio del Factchecking, OjoPúblico logra desbaratar las noticias falsas y las contrapone con información verídica y data comprobada para evitar que las Fakenews sean la próxima pandemia.

Infodemic in the Era of Post-Truth (China Perspectives)

by Yan Su

With the revolution in information technology, concerns about the proliferation of false, unverified, and misleading information have been growing. As one of the severe public health crises in modern history, the COVID-19 pandemic has provided a novel context for the "post-truth" research. In a "post-truth" era, people are no longer interested in investigating objective facts, but tend to curl up in echo chambers and resonate with like-minded others. Against this backdrop, this book (1) systematically conceptualises "post-truth" and analyzes its defining characteristics and driving forces, (2) examines the nuanced effects of information sources and news consumption behaviours and strategies on COVID-19 misperceptions and knowledge, (3) explores the role of social media in shaping COVID-19-related misperceptions and knowledge, and (4) highlights the importance of news media literacy in navigating the "post-truth" era. The book will be essential reading for students and scholars of media and film studies, communication studies and comparative studies. It will also be a useful reference for medical and media professionals such as doctors, nurses and journalists.

Informal English: Puncture Ladies, Egg Harbors, Mississippi Marbles, and Other Curious Words and Phrases of North America

by Jeffrey Kacirk

Gleaned from antiquated dictionaries, dialect glossaries, studies of folklore, nautical lexicons, historical writings, letters, novels, and miscellaneous sources, Informal English offers a captivating treasure trove of linguistic oddities that will not only entertain but also shed light on America's colloquial past. Among the gems are: Surface-coal: cow dung, widely used for fuel in Texas Bone-orchard: in the Southwest slang for a cemetery Chawswizzled: "confounded" in Nebraskan idiom. "I'll be chawswizzled!" Leather-ears: to Cape Cod inhabitants, a person of slow comprehension Puncture lady: a southwestern expression for a woman who prefers to sit on the sidelines at a dance and gossip rather than dance, often puncturing someone's reputation Whether the entries are unexpected twists on familiar-sounding expressions or based on curious old customs, this wide-ranging assortment of vernacular Americanisms will amaze and amuse even the most hard-boiled curmudgeon.

Informal Leadership, Strategy and Organizational Change: The Power of Silent Authority (Routledge Focus on Business and Management)

by Brenetia J. Adams-Robinson

Across the spectrum of organizational operations, workplace interactions have proven to be one of the most difficult activities for leaders to manage effectively, especially during any level of change. In these circumstances, leadership strategies, especially related to change and leadership transition, consistently fail at an alarming rate. Additionally, employee engagement and team collaboration continue to be among the most elusive concepts for those in leadership to master. This book explores the influence of the informal leader on team member engagement during major change initiative in the organizational paradigm, with a special emphasis on leaders who are new to the team composite. This book examines the role of the informal leader in promoting or hindering team member engagement and organizational citizenship behaviors in change dynamics with a focus on change in the leadership structure and major initiatives. The relationship between the formal and informal leader is explored to assess impact on team interactions and capacity to effectively execute change strategies. This book provides critical information to aid in organizations achieving long-term success and will be of interest to researchers, academics, and students in the fields of leadership, organizational studies, strategy, and human resource management.

Informal Learning and Institution-wide Language Provision: University Language Learners in the 21st Century (New Language Learning and Teaching Environments)

by Denyze Toffoli

“Theoretically wise and practically powerful, this book is about how to take full advantage of advances in technology and the learner autonomy they afford, rather than simply adapt to or deny them. It issues a clarion call to language educators and administrators interested in building on recent advances in language learning via the informal avenues of digital communications.” --Mark Dressman, Professor Emeritus, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, US, Professor and Chair of English at Khalifa University, UAE “This important and original book challenges us to rethink the design and delivery of the language learning opportunities universities provide for their students. Drawing on Complex Dynamic Systems Theory, Self-Determination Theory and her own empirical explorations of informal online language learning, Denyze Toffoli paints a portrait of today’s university language learner that is novel, unexpected and urgent.” --David Little, Fellow and Associate Professor Emeritus at Trinity College, IrelandThis book takes a fresh look at both context and the language learner in an attempt to shed light on the holistic and ever-changing system of the contemporary L2 speaker’s language development. Drawing on complex dynamic systems theory as a means to more fully understand the holistic nature of contemporary language learning, the author attempts to bridge the longstanding gap between formal language provision in Higher Education institutions, and more informal language acquisition achieved through activities such as listening to music, watching films and television, and playing games. Based on a theoretical understanding of the interplay between these contexts, contents and practices, the author offers suggestions concerning the shape of language centres in higher education and the role of teachers in readying the contemporary language learner for autonomous lifelong and lifewide language development. This book will be of particular interest to language teachers, teacher trainers, and higher education administrators.

Informantenschutz: Ethische, rechtliche und technische Praxis in Journalismus und Organisationskommunikation (Journalistische Praxis)

by Peter Welchering Manfred Kloiber

Die Kommunikation der B#65533;rger - vor allem im Internet - wird fl#65533;chendeckend kontrolliert und #65533;berwacht. Das stellt Journalistinnen und Journalisten vor gro#65533;e Herausforderungen: Wie k#65533;nnen sie die Kommunikation mit Informanten und Gew#65533;hrsleuten so absichern, dass sie Ihre Quelle nicht in Gefahr bringen? Wie sichert man Rechercheergebnisse vor Manipulation, Diebstahl oder Verlust? Das Buch beantwortet Fragen rund um die ethischen, rechtlichen und technischen Aspekte des Informantenschutzes. Nach der Lekt#65533;re k#65533;nnen die Leser wichtige Sicherungsma#65533;nahmen sofort umsetzen: Vom Verschl#65533;sseln der Festplatte bis hin zur stenografischen Sicherung wichtiger Informationen.

Information: A Historical Companion

by Ann Blair, et al.

A landmark history that traces the creation, management, and sharing of information through six centuriesThanks to modern technological advances, we now enjoy seemingly unlimited access to information. Yet how did information become so central to our everyday lives, and how did its processing and storage make our data-driven era possible? This volume is the first to consider these questions in comprehensive detail, tracing the global emergence of information practices, technologies, and more, from the premodern era to the present. With entries spanning archivists to algorithms and scribes to surveilling, this is the ultimate reference on how information has shaped and been shaped by societies.Written by an international team of experts, the book's inspired and original long- and short-form contributions reconstruct the rise of human approaches to creating, managing, and sharing facts and knowledge. Thirteen full-length chapters discuss the role of information in pivotal epochs and regions, with chief emphasis on Europe and North America, but also substantive treatment of other parts of the world as well as current global interconnections. More than 100 alphabetical entries follow, focusing on specific tools, methods, and concepts—from ancient coins to the office memo, and censorship to plagiarism. The result is a wide-ranging, deeply immersive collection that will appeal to anyone drawn to the story behind our modern mania for an informed existence.Tells the story of information’s rise from 1450 through to todayCovers a range of eras and regions, including the medieval Islamic world, late imperial East Asia, early modern and modern Europe, and modern North AmericaIncludes 100 concise articles on wide-ranging topics:Concepts: data, intellectual property, privacyFormats and genres: books, databases, maps, newspapers, scrolls and rolls, social mediaPeople: archivists, diplomats and spies, readers, secretaries, teachersPractices: censorship, forecasting, learning, political reporting, translatingProcesses: digitization, quantification, storage and searchSystems: bureaucracy, platforms, telecommunicationsTechnologies: cameras, computers, lithographyProvides an informative glossary, suggested further reading (a short bibliography accompanies each entry), and a detailed indexWritten by an international team of notable contributors, including Jeremy Adelman, Lorraine Daston, Devin Fitzgerald, John-Paul Ghobrial, Lisa Gitelman, Earle Havens, Randolph C. Head, Niv Horesh, Sarah Igo, Richard R. John, Lauren Kassell, Pamela Long, Erin McGuirl, David McKitterick, Elias Muhanna, Thomas S. Mullaney, Carla Nappi, Craig Robertson, Daniel Rosenberg, Neil Safier, Haun Saussy, Will Slauter, Jacob Soll, Heidi Tworek, Siva Vaidhyanathan, Alexandra Walsham, and many more.

Information: A Short History

by Ann Blair, Paul Duguid, Anja-Silvia Goeing, and Anthony Grafton

An essential guide to the ways information has shaped and been shaped by societiesThanks to recent advances, we now enjoy seemingly unlimited access to information. How did information become so central to our everyday lives? This book traces the global emergence of information practices and technologies across pivotal epochs and regions, providing invaluable historical perspectives on the ways information has shaped and been shaped by societies. Featuring the core articles from the ultimate reference book Information: A Historical Companion, this short history will appeal to anyone seeking to understand our modern mania for an informed existence. The book:Tells the story of information&’s rise from the premodern era to today, exploring how diverse cultures have created, managed, and shared facts and knowledgeTakes readers from the medieval Islamic world to late imperial East Asia, and from early modern and modern Europe to contemporary North AmericaCovers a broad range of topics, such as networks, bureaucracy, publicity, propaganda, censorship, privacy, intellectual property, digitization, telecommunications, storage and search, and much moreIncludes a new introduction, suggested further readings, and a glossary of key termsBrings together an international team of experts, including Jeremy Adelman, Devin Fitzgerald, John-Paul Ghobrial, Lisa Gitelman, Randolph C. Head, Richard R. John, Elias Muhanna, Thomas S. Mullaney, Carla Nappi, Craig Robertson, Daniel Rosenberg, Will Slauter, and Heidi Tworek

Information and Behavior: Systems of Influence (Routledge Communication Series)

by Richard A. Winett

First Published in 1986. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Information and Communication Technologies and Sustainable Development: Advanced Approaches and Innovations in Up-to-Date Networks and Systems (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #809)

by Stanislav Dovgyi Oleksandr Trofymchuk Vasyl Ustimenko Larysa Globa

The book highlights the most important research areas in ICT, their impact on e-society, environment sustainable development, namely analytics, security, geoinformation systems, and mathematical modeling. The studies contain a discussion on artificial intelligence in various spheres of society, practical implementation of the IoT, geoinformation systems, and remote sensing of the earth. The book focuses on improving services providing, system architecture for SDN, forecasting social and environment sustainable development based on global information space, a new approach to radio electronics systems for the novel cloud infrastructure implementation. The results are used for novel systems and to promote new approaches for e-societies. The book offers a valuable resource for specialists of R&D organizations, the management of state administration who are involved in sustainable society development, professors, university lecturers, Ph.D. students, and bachelor and master degree students.

Information and Communication Technologies in Action: Linking Theories and Narratives of Practice

by Larry D. Browning Alf Steinar Saetre Keri Stephens Jan-Oddvar Sornes

This book combines 20 stories from a variety of organizations with a selection of nine theories, both mainstream and emerging. The stories introduce readers to individuals talking about how they communicate today via information and communication technologies (ICTs) in business or organizational contexts. The theories, presented in accessible language, illuminate the implicit patterns in these stories. This book demonstrates how and why these technologies are used under myriad circumstances.

Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies: ICT: Applications and Social Interfaces (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #400)

by Amit Joshi Mufti Mahmud Roshan G. Ragel

This book contains best selected research papers presented at ICTCS 2021: Sixth International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies. The conference will be held at Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, during December 17–18, 2021. The book covers state-of-the-art as well as emerging topics pertaining to ICT and effective strategies for its implementation for engineering and managerial applications. This book contains papers mainly focused on ICT for computation, algorithms and data analytics, and IT security. The book is presented in two volumes.

Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies: ICT: Applications and Social Interfaces (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #623)

by Amit Joshi Mufti Mahmud Roshan G. Ragel

This book contains best selected research papers presented at ICTCS 2022: Seventh International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies. The conference will be held in Chandigarh, India during 9 – 10 December 2022. The book covers state-of-the-art as well as emerging topics pertaining to ICT and effective strategies for its implementation for engineering and managerial applications. This book contains papers mainly focused on ICT for computation, algorithms and data analytics and IT security. The work is presented in two volumes.

Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies: ICT: Applications and Social Interfaces (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #191)

by Amit Joshi Mufti Mahmud Roshan G. Ragel Nileshsingh V. Thakur

This book contains the best selected research papers presented at ICTCS 2020: Fifth International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies. The conference was held at Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, during 11–12 December 2020. The book covers state-of-the-art as well as emerging topics pertaining to ICT and effective strategies for its implementation for engineering and managerial applications. This book contains papers mainly focused on ICT for computation, algorithms and data analytics, and IT security.

Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies: Intelligent Strategies for ICT (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #615)

by M. Shamim Kaiser Juanying Xie Vijay Singh Rathore

This book contains best selected research papers presented at ICTCS 2022: Seventh International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies. The conference will be held in Chandigarh, India, during December 9–10, 2022. The book covers state-of-the-art as well as emerging topics pertaining to ICT and effective strategies for its implementation for engineering and managerial applications. This book contains papers mainly focused on ICT for computation, algorithms and data analytics and IT security. The work is presented in two volumes.

Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies: Proceedings Of Third International Conference On Ictcs 2017 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #40)

by Parikshit N. Mahalle Shyam Akashe Simon Fong

This book contains 74 papers presented at ICTCS 2017: Third International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies. The conference was held during 16–17 December 2017, Udaipur, India and organized by Association of Computing Machinery, Udaipur Professional Chapter in association with The Institution of Engineers (India), Udaipur Local Center and Global Knowledge Research Foundation. This book contains papers mainly focused on ICT for Computation, Algorithms and Data Analytics and IT Security etc.

Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies: Intelligent Strategies for ICT (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #190)

by Vijay Singh Rathore M. Shamim Kaiser Juanying Xie

This book contains the best selected research papers presented at ICTCS 2020: Fifth International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies. The conference was held at Jaipur, Rajasthan, India during 11–12 December 2020. The book covers state-of-the-art as well as emerging topics pertaining to ICT and effective strategies for its implementation for engineering and managerial applications. This book contains papers mainly focused on ICT for computation, algorithms and data analytics and IT security.

Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies: Intelligent Strategies for ICT (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #401)

by M. Shamim Kaiser Juanying Xie Vijay Singh Rathore

This book contains best selected research papers presented at ICTCS 2021: Sixth International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies. The conference will be held at Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, during December 17–18, 2021. The book covers state-of-the-art as well as emerging topics pertaining to ICT and effective strategies for its implementation for engineering and managerial applications. This book contains papers mainly focused on ICT for computation, algorithms and data analytics, and IT security. The book is presented in two volumes.

Information and Communication Technology for Sustainable Development: Proceedings of ICT4SD 2018 (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #933)

by Amit Joshi Shyam Akashe Milan Tuba

The book proposes new technologies and discusses future solutions for ICT design infrastructures, and includes high-quality submissions presented at the Third International Conference on ICT for Sustainable Development (ICT4SD 2018), held in Goa, India on 30–31 August 2018. The conference stimulated cutting-edge research discussions among pioneering researchers, scientists, industrial engineers, and students from all around the world. Bringing together experts from different countries, the book focuses on innovative issues at an international level.

Information and Communication Theory (IEEE Series on Digital & Mobile Communication)

by Stefan Höst

An important text that offers an in-depth guide to how information theory sets the boundaries for data communication In an accessible and practical style, Information and Communication Theory explores the topic of information theory and includes concrete tools that are appropriate for real-life communication systems. The text investigates the connection between theoretical and practical applications through a wide-variety of topics including an introduction to the basics of probability theory, information, (lossless) source coding, typical sequences as a central concept, channel coding, continuous random variables, Gaussian channels, discrete input continuous channels, and a brief look at rate distortion theory. The author explains the fundamental theory together with typical compression algorithms and how they are used in reality. He moves on to review source coding and how much a source can be compressed, and also explains algorithms such as the LZ family with applications to e.g. zip or png. In addition to exploring the channel coding theorem, the book includes illustrative examples of codes. This comprehensive text: Provides an adaptive version of Huffman coding that estimates source distribution Contains a series of problems that enhance an understanding of information presented in the text Covers a variety of topics including optimal source coding, channel coding, modulation and much more Includes appendices that explore probability distributions and the sampling theorem Written for graduate and undergraduate students studying information theory, as well as professional engineers, master’s students, Information and Communication Theory offers an introduction to how information theory sets the boundaries for data communication.

Information and Communications for Development 2012

by World Bank Staff

With some six billion mobile subscriptions now in use worldwide, around three-quarters of the world's inhabitants now have access to a mobile phone. Mobiles are arguably the most ubiquitous modern technology - in some developing countries, more people have access to a mobile phone than to clean water, a bank account or even electricity. Mobile communications now offer major opportunities to advance human development - from providing basic access to education or health information to making cash payments and stimulating citizen involvement in democratic processes. This 2012 edition of the World Bank's Information and Communication for Development Report analyses the growth and evolution of mobile telephony, and the rise of data-based services delivered to handheld devices, including 'apps' or smartphone applications. The report explores the consequences for development of the emerging 'app economy'. It summarises current thinking and seeks to inform the debate on the use of mobile phones for development. This report looks, in particular, at key ecosystem-based applications in agriculture, health, financial services, employment and government, with chapters devoted to each. It's no longer about the phone itself, but about how it is used, and the content and applications that mobile phones open up. Mobile applications not only empower individual users, they enrich their lifestyles and livelihoods, and boost the economy as a whole. Mobile apps make phones immensely powerful as portals to the online world. A new wave of apps and 'mash-ups' of services, driven by high-speed networks, social networking, online crowdsourcing and innovation, is helping mobile phones transform the lives of people in developed and developing countries alike. The report finds that mobile applications not only empower individuals, but have important cascade effects stimulating growth, entrepreneurship and productivity throughout the economy as a whole. Mobile communications promise to do more than just give the developing world a voice - they unlock the genie in the phone, empowering people to make their own choices and decisions.

Information and Communications Security

by Lucas C. K. Hui S. H. Qing Elaine Shi S. M. Yiu

This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Information and Communications Security, ICISC 2014, held in Hong Kong, China, in December 2014. The 22 revised full papers including two invited talks presented were carefully selected from 90 submissions. The papers provide the latest results in research, development and applications in the field of information security and cryptology.

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