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Showing 776 through 800 of 17,560 results

Amy, Wendy, and Beth: Learning Language in South Baltimore

by Peggy J. Miller

Amy, Wendy, and Beth, the 1980 recipient of the New York Academy of Sciences Edward Sapir Award, is a lively in-depth study of how three young children from an urban working-class community learned language under everyday conditions. It is a sensitive portrayal of the children and their families and offers an innovative approach to the study of language development and social class. A major conclusion of the study is that the linguistic abilities of working-class children are consistent with previous cross-cultural accounts of the development of communicational skills and, as such, lend no support to past claims that children from the lower classes are linguistically deprived. Instead, Amy, Wendy, and Beth emerge as able and enthusiastic language learners; their families, as caring and competent partners in the language socialization process. Sound scholarship and original findings about a hitherto neglected population of children lend special value to this work not only for scholars in psychology, linguistics, and anthropology, but for educators and policymakers as well.

The Anachronistic Turn: Historical Fiction, Drama, Film and Television

by Stephanie Russo

The Anachronistic Turn: Historical Fiction, Drama, Film and Television is the first study to investigate the ways in which the creative use of anachronism in historical fictions can allow us to rethink the relationship between past and present. Through an examination of literary, cinematic, and popular texts and practices, this book investigates how twenty-first century historical fictions use creative anachronisms as a way of understanding modern issues and anxieties. Drawing together a wide range of texts across all forms of historical fiction - novels, dramas, musicals, films and television - this book re-frames anachronism not as an error, but as a deliberate strategy that emphasises the fictionalising tendencies of all forms of historical writing. The book achieves this by exploring three core themes: the developing trends in the twenty-first century for creators of historical fiction to include deliberate anachronisms, such as contemporary references, music, and language; the ways in which the deliberate use of anachronism in historical fiction can allow us to rethink the relationship between past and present, and; the way that contemporary historical fiction uses anachronism to better understand modern issues and anxieties. This book will appeal to students and scholars of historical fiction, contemporary historical film and television studies, and historical theatre studies.

Analizate: Análisis de las personalidades más importantes de nuestro tiempo

by Maryfer Centeno

Este es el libro de grafología y lenguaje corporal que te mereces y que deberíamos de leer antes de salir a la calle a relacionarnos. Son tus trazos, tus dibujos y la forma en que los haces lo que dice quién eres y cómo te sientes en este momento. La sección de lenguaje corporal es para saber y entender qué siente o piensa alguien que está junto a ti, pues delata lo que percibe con movimientos, gestos y la forma en que acomoda sus extremidades; y ofrece algunas señales de lo que se propone. Las manos, la mirada, las pupilas, los mapas que hacen los brazos y piernas nos hacen llegar a su verdad. Esto lo notamos en políticos, personajes famosos o la gente que te rodea. Con la advertencia de que probablemente descubras en este libro algo que no querías ver o saber, en estas páginas te ofrezco los testimonios de personas públicas que reaccionan a su grafología contando a corazón abierto cómo son y cómo llegaron a donde están. Desde Michelle Rodríguez y Alex Montiel, que se presenta sin el Escorpión, hasta Lucero y Carla Estrada, cada personalidad ahonda en los momentos de su vida que la marcaron. Al final de cada testimonio aparecen diferentes grafoterapias para trabajar en el diseño de pensamientos novedosos que generen nuevas conductas. Te ofrezco también mi Teoría de la personalidad, que parte de la forma dominante de tu letra, ¡y muchos test para que nos desnudemos a gusto!

Analog and Digital Electronic Circuits: Fundamentals, Analysis, and Applications (Undergraduate Lecture Notes in Physics)

by R. Prasad

This book introduces the foundations and fundamentals of electronic circuits. It broadly covers the subjects of circuit analysis, as well as analog and digital electronics. It features discussion of essential theorems required for simplifying complex circuits and illustrates their applications under different conditions. Also, in view of the emerging potential of Laplace transform method for solving electrical networks, a full chapter is devoted to the topic in the book. In addition, it covers the physics and technical aspects of semiconductor diodes and transistors, as well as discrete-time digital signals, logic gates, and combinational logic circuits. Each chapter is presented as complete as possible, without the reader having to refer to any other book or supplementary material. Featuring short self-assessment questions distributed throughout, along with a large number of solved examples, supporting illustrations, and chapter-end problems and solutions, this book is ideal for any physics undergraduate lecture course on electronic circuits. Its use of clear language and many real-world examples make it an especially accessible book for students unfamiliar or unsure about the subject matter.

Analog Communications: Introduction to Communication Systems (Synthesis Lectures on Communications)

by Jerry D. Gibson

This book develops the basic concepts in understanding Analog Communications. Beginning with coverage of amplitude modulation, including the time and frequency domain representations of double sideband, single sideband, and vestigial sideband modulation, and introduces the student to the fundamental ideas of quadrature amplitude modulation, frequency division multiplexing, and digital communications using on-off keying. The author continues with additional discussion and coverage of the time and frequency domain representations of frequency and phase modulation, including bandwidth calculations, and the use of frequency shift keying, phase shift keying, and differential phase shift keying for the transmission of digital information. Contents include applications and further analyses of the effects of channel noise on amplitude, phase, and frequency modulation performance based on input versus output signal to noise ratios and some system comparisons are discussed.

Analog Communications: Problems and Solutions

by Kasturi Vasudevan

This textbook covers the fundamental concepts of analog communications with a Q&A approach. It is a comprehensive compilation of numerical problems and solutions covering all the topics in analog communications. Richly illustrated with figures, this book covers the important topics of signals and systems, random variables and random processes, amplitude modulation, frequency modulation, pulse code modulation and noise in analog modulation. It has numerical questions and their solutions clearing the concepts of Fourier transform, Hilbert transform, modulation, synchronization, signal-to-noise ratio analysis and many more. All the solutions have step-by-step approach for easy understanding. This book will be of great interest to the students of electronics and electrical communications engineering.

Analog Filters using MATLAB

by Lars Wanhammar

This textbook provides a complete introduction to analog filters for senior undergraduate and graduate students. It covers the synthesis of analog filters as well as many other filter types including passive filters and filters with distributed elements. The material also addresses the basic circuit elements for the filters. Each chapter contains examples as well as problems and the author also provides a list of MATLAB functions.

Analysing English-Arabic Machine Translation: Google Translate, Microsoft Translator and Sakhr (Routledge Studies in Translation Technology)

by Zakaryia Almahasees

Machine Translation (MT) has become widely used throughout the world as a medium of communication between those who live in different countries and speak different languages. However, translation between distant languages constitutes a challenge for machines. Therefore, translation evaluation is poised to play a significant role in the process of designing and developing effective MT systems. This book evaluates three prominent MT systems, including Google Translate, Microsoft Translator, and Sakhr, each of which provides translation between English and Arabic. In the book Almahasees scrutinizes the capacity of the three systems in dealing with translation between English and Arabic in a large corpus taken from various domains, including the United Nation (UN), the World Health Organization (WHO), the Arab League, Petra News Agency reports, and two literary texts: The Old Man and the Sea and The Prophet. The evaluation covers holistic analysis to assess the output of the three systems in terms of Translation Automation User Society (TAUS) adequacy and fluency scales. The text also looks at error analysis to evaluate the systems’ output in terms of orthography, lexis, grammar, and semantics at the entire-text level and in terms of lexis, grammar, and semantics at the collocation level. The research findings contained within this volume provide important feedback about the capabilities of the three MT systems with respect to EnglishArabic translation and paves the way for further research on such an important topic. This book will be of interest to scholars and students of translation studies and translation technology.

Analysing Politics and Protest in Digital Popular Culture: A Multimodal Introduction

by Lyndon Way

Supporting you with varied features throughout, this intriguing new book provides a foundational understanding of politics and protest before focusing on step-by-step instructions for carrying out analysis on your own. It includes up to date cases, such as analysis of memes about Brexit, Trump and coronavirus, that cater for this quickly moving field.

Analysing Politics and Protest in Digital Popular Culture: A Multimodal Introduction

by Lyndon Way

Supporting you with varied features throughout, this intriguing new book provides a foundational understanding of politics and protest before focusing on step-by-step instructions for carrying out analysis on your own. It includes up to date cases, such as analysis of memes about Brexit, Trump and coronavirus, that cater for this quickly moving field.

Analysis and Design for Networked Teleoperation System

by Changchun Hua Yana Yang Xian Yang Xinping Guan

This book presents cutting-edge results on stability analysis and control scheme designs for networked teleoperation systems. It highlights new research on commonly encountered nonlinear teleoperation systems, including the stability analysis of teleoperation systems with asymmetric time-varying delays, stability analysis of teleoperation systems with interval time delays, and so on. Moreover, the book presents several high-performance control scheme designs for teleoperation systems when the velocity is available and unavailable, and for systems with nonlinear input. The results presented here mark a substantial contribution to nonlinear teleoperation system theory, robotic control theory and networked control system theory. As such, the book will be of interest to university researchers, R&D engineers and graduate students in control theory and control engineering who wish to learn about the core principles, methods, algorithms, and applications of networked teleoperation systems, robotic systems and nonlinear control systems.

Analysis and Transceiver Design for the MIMO Broadcast Channel (Foundations in Signal Processing, Communications and Networking #8)

by Raphael Hunger

This book deals with the optimization-based joint design of the transmit and receive filters in MIMO broadcast channel in which the user terminals may be equipped with several antenna elements. Furthermore, the maximum performance of the system in the high power regime as well as the set of all feasible quality-of-service requirements is analyzed. First, a fundamental duality is derived that holds between the MIMO broadcast channel and virtual MIMO multiple access channel. This duality construct allows for the efficient solution of problems originally posed in the broadcast channel in the dual domain where a possibly hidden convexity can often be revealed. On the basis of the established duality result, the gradient-projection algorithm is introduced as a tool to solve constrained optimization problems to global optimality under certain conditions. The gradient-projection tool is then applied to solving the weighted sum rate maximization problem which is a central optimization that arises in any network utility maximization. In the high power regime, a simple characterization of the obtained performance becomes possible due to the fact that the weighted sum rate utility converges to an affine asymptote in the logarithmic power domain. We find closed form expressions for these asymptotes which allows for a quantification of the asymptotic rate loss that linear transceivers have to face with respect to dirty paper coding. In the last part, we answer the fundamental question of feasibility in quality-of-service based optimizations with inelastic traffic that features strict delay constraints. Under the assumption of linear transceivers, not every set of quality-of-service requirements might be feasible making the power minimization problem with given lower bound constraints on the rate for example infeasible in these cases. We derive a complete description of the quality-of-service feasibility region for arbitrary channel matrices.

The Analysis of Legal Cases: A Narrative Approach (Law, Language and Communication)

by Flora Di Donato

This book examines the roles played by narrative and culture in the construction of legal cases and their resolution. It is articulated in two parts. Part I recalls epistemological turns in legal thinking as it moves from theory to practice in order to show how facts are constructed within the legal process. By combining interdisciplinary paradigms and methods, the work analyses the evolution of facts from their expression by the client to their translation within the lawyer-client relationship and the subsequent decision of the judge, focusing on the dynamic activity of narrative constuction among the key actors: client, lawyer and judge. Part II expands the scientific framework toward a law-and-culture-oriented perspective, illustrating how legal stories come about in the fabric of the authentic dimensions of everyday life. The book stresses the capacity of laypeople, who in this activity are equated with clients, to shape the law, dealing not just with formal rules, but also with implicit or customary rules, in given contexts. By including the illustration of cases concerning vulnerable clients, it lays the foundations for developing a socio-clinical research programme, whose aims including enabling lay and expert actors to meet for the purposes of improving forms of collective narrations and generating more just legal systems.

An Analysis of Thinking and Research About Qualitative Methods (Routledge Communication Series)

by W. James Potter

Written for social science scholars who want to learn more about the qualitative way of thinking, this book addresses the full continuum of issues about the qualitative methodologies. At one end of that continuum are the deeply philosophical concerns of ontology and epistemology. At the other -- concrete -- end of that continuum are the practical issues of what is considered evidence: How does one go about gathering evidence? Where, when, and how does one analyze evidence? What are the alternative ways of dealing with tone and voice in writing qualitative research? The attention to practical, concrete issues makes this book useful as a handbook providing a great deal of vital information to scholars who want a guide to making decisions as they navigate their research questions through the qualitative realm. Uniquely qualified to write such a book, Potter has earned PhDs in both qualitative methods (with a concentration in linguistics and field studies) and in quantitative methods (with a concentration in social science theory and statistics). The book is not an ideological argument that glorifies one system of thinking while attempting to persuade the reader that other systems of thinking are bankrupt. Rather, the book presents a respectful, balanced analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the qualitative approach. The book builds to a controversial final chapter entitled "Is Convergence a Possibility?" in which Potter synthesizes a conclusion from his analysis of a wide range of qualitative studies across three broad topic areas -- text focused research, audience focused research, and institution focused research -- and across seven major qualitative methodologies -- ethnography, ethnomethodology, reception study, ecological psychology, symbolic interactionism, cultural studies, and textual analysis. His conclusion is that not only is there a possibility of a convergence between qualitative and quantitative approaches, but that the convergence has already happened. The book includes an appendix in which 95 books and articles using the qualitative approach are abstracted and analyzed to illustrate key points of methodology and methods. It also includes subject and author indexes.

Analysis, Retrieval and Delivery of Multimedia Content (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #158)

by Andrea Cavallaro Pierangelo Migliorati Nicola Adami Riccardo Leonardi

Covering some of the most cutting-edge research on the delivery and retrieval of interactive multimedia content, this volume of specially chosen contributions provides the most updated perspective on one of the hottest contemporary topics. The material represents extended versions of papers presented at the 11th International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services, a vital international forum on this fast-moving field. Logically organized in discrete sections that approach the subject from its various angles, the content deals in turn with content analysis, motion and activity analysis, high-level descriptors and video retrieval, 3-D and multi-view, and multimedia delivery. The chapters cover the finest detail of emerging techniques such as the use of high-level audio information in improving scene segmentation and the use of subjective logic for forensic visual surveillance. On content delivery, the book examines both images and video, focusing on key subjects including an efficient pre-fetching strategy for JPEG 2000 image sequences. Further contributions look at new methodologies for simultaneous block reconstruction and provide a trellis-based algorithm for faster motion-vector decision making.

An Analytical Approach to Optical Burst Switched Networks

by C. Siva Murthy T. Venkatesh

This book presents the state of the art results on modeling and analysis of OBS networks. It provides researchers with new directions for future research and helps them gain a better understanding of modeling OBS networks. This book classifies all the literature on modeling and analysis of OBS networks and serves as a thought provoking material for the researchers working on the analysis of high-speed networks. The scope of this book however is not limited to OBS networks alone but extends to high-speed communication networks with limited or no buffers.

Analytical Journalism: A Guide to Science-based Explanatory Journalistic Practice

by Flemming Svith

Responding to an increasingly complex and often contradictory barrage of news information, Analytical Journalism offers a first-of-its-kind guide to this emerging form of science-based journalism. Posited as a practical alternative to other more traditional forms of event-driven news reporting, analytical journalism relies on metatheory and methodology to highlight causal factors such as goals, norms, behaviours and social frameworks when covering events. Seen as adjacent to investigative and data journalism, analytical journalism seeks to provide a solution to the simplification and under-reporting of the causal context by drawing on scientific research and data to offer a deeper understanding of news events. Central to this new field is public understanding; providing news consumers with the information they require to navigate and act with nuance in the real world. Drawing on the author’s experience of teaching analytical journalism at the postgraduate level, this book summarises the aims and theory of the field and contains practical tools to help improve journalists’ contribution to shared public knowledge, including methods and examples of identifying and justifying new causal explanations of an issue. Analytical Journalism will be of interest to advanced journalism students and practitioners exploring alternative forms of journalism.

Analytical Methodology of Tree Microstrip Interconnects Modelling For Signal Distribution: Voltage Transfer Function and S-parameter Analyses

by Blaise Ravelo

This book focuses on the modelling methodology of microstrip interconnects, discussing various structures of single-input multiple-output (SIMO) tree interconnects for signal integrity (SI) engineering. Further, it describes lumped and distributed transmission line elements based on single-input single-output (SIMO) models of symmetric and asymmetric trees, and investigates more complicated phenomenon, such as interbranch coupling. The modelling approaches are based on the analytical methods using the Z-, Y- and T-matrices. The established method enables the S-parameters and voltage transfer function of SIMO tree to be determined. Providing illustrative results with frequency and time domain analyses for each tree interconnect structure, the book is a valuable resource for researchers, engineers, and graduate students in fields of analogue, RF/microwave, digital and mixed circuit design, SI and manufacturing engineering.

Analytical Network and System Administration

by Mark Burgess

Network and system administration usually refers to the skill of keeping computers and networks running properly. But in truth, the skill needed is that of managing complexity. This book describes the science behind these complex systems, independent of the actual operating systems they work on. It provides a theoretical approach to systems administration that:saves time in performing common system administration tasks.allows safe utilization of untrained and trained help in maintaining mission-critical systems.allows efficient and safe centralized network administration.Managing Human-Computer Networks:Will show how to make informed analyses and decisions about systems, how to diagnose faults and weaknessesGives advice/guidance as to how to determine optimal policies for system managementIncludes exercises that illustrate the key points of the bookThe book provides a unique approach to an old problem and will become a classic for researchers and graduate students in Networking and Computer Science, as well as practicing system managers and system administrators.

Analyzing Digital Discourse: New Insights and Future Directions

by Pilar Garcés-Conejos Blitvich Patricia Bou-Franch

This innovative edited collection presents new insights into emerging debates around digital communication practices. It brings together research by leading international experts to examine methods and approaches, multimodality, face and identity, across five thematically organised sections. Its contributors revise current paradigms in view of past, present, and future research and analyse how users deploy the wealth of multimodal resources afforded by digital technologies to undertake tasks and to enact identity. In its concluding section it identifies the ideologies that underpin the construction of digital texts in the social world. This important contribution to digital discourse studies will have interdisciplinary appeal across the fields of linguistics, socio-linguistics, pragmatics, discourse analysis, gender studies, multimodality, media and communication studies.

Analyzing Digital Discourses: Between Convergence and Controversy

by Marjut Johansson Sanna-Kaisa Tanskanen Jan Chovanec

This book contributes to the scholarly debate on the forms and patterns of interaction and discourse in modern digital communication by probing some of the social functions that online communication has for its users. An array of experts and scholars in the field address a range of forms of social interaction and discourses expressed by users on social networks and in public media. Social functions are reflected through linguistic and discursive practices that are either those of ‘convergence’ or ‘controversy’ in terms of how the discourse participants handle interpersonal relations or how they construct meanings in discourses. In this sense, the book elaborates on some very central concerns in the area of digital discourse analysis that have been reported within the last decade from various methodological perspectives ranging from sociolinguistics and pragmatics to corpus linguistics. This edited collection will be of particular interest to scholars and students in the fields of digital discourse analysis, pragmatics, sociolinguistics, social media and communication, and media and cultural studies.

Analyzing Media Messages: Using Quantitative Content Analysis in Research (LEA Communication Series)

by Daniel Riff Stephen Lacy Frederick Fico

Analyzing Media Messages is a primer for learning the technique of systematic, quantitative analysis of communication content. Rich with examples of recent and classic applications, it provides solutions to problems encountered in conducting content analysis, and it is written so that students can readily understand and apply the techniques. This thoroughly revised third edition includes current and engaging examples for today's students, in addition to a number of historically important cases. It emphasizes communication of visual imagery and studies of advertising content. Resources on the book’s companion website provide additional materials for students and instructors, including existing protocols, web links, and a bibliography of content analysis methods articles. This volume is intended for use as a primary text for content analysis coursework, or as a supplemental text in research methods courses. It is also an indispensable reference for researchers in mass media fields, political science, and other social and behavioral sciences.

Analyzing Media Messages: Using Quantitative Content Analysis in Research (Lea's Communication Ser.)

by Daniel Riff Stephen Lacy Frederick Fico Brendan Watson

Analyzing Media Messages, Fourth Edition provides a comprehensive guide to conducting content analysis research. It establishes a formal definition of quantitative content analysis; gives step-by-step instructions on designing a content analysis study; and explores in depth several recurring questions that arise in such areas as measurement, sampling, reliability, data analysis, and the use of digital technology in the content analysis process. The fourth edition maintains the concise, accessible approach of the first three editions while offering updated discussions and examples. It examines in greater detail the use of computers to analyze content and how that process varies from human coding of content, incorporating more literature about technology and content analysis throughout. Updated topics include sampling in the digital age, computerized content analysis as practiced today, and incorporating social media in content analysis. Each chapter contains useful objectives and chapter summaries to cement core concepts.

Analyzing Narrative: Discourse and Sociolinguistic Perspectives

by Anna De Fina Alexandra Georgakopoulou

The socially minded linguistic study of storytelling in everyday life has been rapidly expanding. This book provides a critical engagement with this dynamic field of narrative studies, addressing long-standing questions such as definitions of narrative and views of narrative structure but also more recent preoccupations such as narrative discourse and identities, narrative language, power and ideologies. It also offers an overview of a wide range of methodologies, analytical modes and perspectives on narrative from conversation analysis to critical discourse analysis, to linguistic anthropology and ethnography of communication. The discussion engages with studies of narrative in multiple situational and cultural settings, from informal-intimate to institutional. It also demonstrates how recent trends in narrative analysis, such as small stories research, positioning analysis and sociocultural orientations, have contributed to a new paradigm that approaches narratives not simply as texts, but rather as complex communicative practices intimately linked with the production of social life.

Analyzing Political Communication with Digital Trace Data: The Role of Twitter Messages in Social Science Research (Contributions to Political Science)

by Andreas Jungherr

This book offers a framework for the analysis of political communication in election campaigns based on digital trace data that documents political behavior, interests and opinions. The author investigates the data-generating processes leading users to interact with digital services in politically relevant contexts. These interactions produce digital traces, which in turn can be analyzed to draw inferences on political events or the phenomena that give rise to them. Various factors mediate the image of political reality emerging from digital trace data, such as the users of digital services' political interests, attitudes or attention to politics. In order to arrive at valid inferences about the political reality on the basis of digital trace data, these mediating factors have to be accounted for. The author presents this interpretative framework in a detailed analysis of Twitter messages referring to politics in the context of the 2009 federal elections in Germany. This book will appeal to scholars interested in the field of political communication, as well as practitioners active in the political arena.

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