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Information and Communications Technologies in Society: E-Living in a Digital Europe (Routledge Studies in Innovation, Organizations and Technology)

by Ben Anderson Malcolm Brynin Jonathan Gershung Yoel Raban

There is a growing body of work examining the ‘consequences’, or more accurately the inter-relationships between information and communications technologies (ICTs) and society at the microsocial (individual, household) level. The vast majority of this work has so far been focused on the US and the subsequent publications have consequently provided predominantly US-centred analyses. This book will re-dress this balance by providing analyses of the situation in Europe and is associated states and placing the analyses in the context of both European and International research and policy debates. The book uses data from a range of European countries as well as comparisons with Asia and the USA. Students and academics from a range of disciplines including sociology, business and management and new media will find this book to be a valuable addition to their reading lists.

Information and Communications Technology in Primary School Education

by Subrata Sarkar Sanjay Mohapatra J. Sundarakrishnan

The main focus of this monograph is to discuss the role of technology in education in emerging markets considering that many countries have attempted to reform their educational systems using large scale interventions in the last two decades. Educational change can be prompted by two exact opposites in two different settings; for example, Western countries are faced with the problem of falling enrollments whereas developing countries have to adjust to rapid acceleration in enrollments. Based on the need to bring about change, these reforms subscribe to a large diversity including attempts at restructuring school systems, curriculum revisions, pedagogical change, technological change, assessment- related changes, work condition changes, and so on. Although there have been reforms in schools over the last century, they have been only first order classroom reforms; a 'deep-seated continuity' still persists in both schooling and teaching. Educational reforms are therefore plagued with different kinds of problems: the problem of successful initial change taking place, the problem of replicating successful change in varying contexts, and the problem of institutionalization or durability of the change. Readers will also discover that American India Foundation, having worked in the educational sphere for more than a decade, intends to transform the school ecosystem through its 'Digital Equalizer' Program (DE). The program strives to foster an environment of collaborative learning by effectively empowering teachers to use technology as a pedagogic tool leading to better learning outcomes among students of under-resourced schools across India. The author sheds new light on how the DE program is affecting change in the state of Odisha's education system and the adoption of new pedagogic teaching techniques.

Information and Communications Technology in Support of Migration (Security Informatics and Law Enforcement)

by Babak Akhgar Karen Latricia Hough Yara Abdel Samad Petra Saskia Bayerl Anastasios Karakostas

The book provides a holistic review, presenting a multi-stakeholder, multi-disciplinary, international, and evidence-based approach to Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in migration. The book brings together different views and multifaceted responses to ICT-based migration management, examining their overlap, conflict, and synergies. The book is a major addition to the field, tackling important debates concerning humanitarianism and securitization in the reception of migrants, as well as exploring the role of digital technology in aiding migrant integration. The authors explore contentious areas such as the use of new technologies deployed on borders for migration management and border security under the umbrella of smart border solutions including drones, AI algorithms, and face recognition, which are widely criticized for ignoring the fundamental human rights of migrants. The research presented will depart from the euphoric appraisals that technology has made things easier for migrants and those who assist them, to critically examine the bane and boon, benefits and afflictions, highlighting the barriers, as well as the solutions, including several under-researched aspects of digital surveillance and the digital divide.This edited volume has been developed by the MIICT project, funded under the EU Horizon 2020 Action and Innovation programme, under grant agreement No 822380. Provides a positive approach to the integration of migrants, asylum seekers, and refugees using Information and Communications Technology (ICT) solutions Offers a strategic approach to providing digital services for migrants at an EU, national and local level Bridges the gap between academia and front-line practitioners’ work by providing theoretical, policy, ethical, and methodological recommendations

Information and Elections

by R. Michael Alvarez

R. Michael Alvarez examines how voters make their decisions in presidential elections. He begins with the assumption that voters have neither the incentive nor the inclination to be well-informed about politics and presidential candidates. Candidates themselves have incentives to provide ambiguous information about themselves, their records and their issue positions. Yet the author shows that a tremendous amount of information is made available about presidential candidates. And he uncovers clear and striking evidence that people are not likely to vote for candidates about whom they know very little. Alvarez explores how voters learn about candidates through the course of a campaign. He provides a detailed analysis of the media coverage of presidential campaigns and shows that there is a tremendous amount of media coverage of these campaigns, that much of this coverage is about issues and is informative, and that voters learn from this coverage. The paperback edition of this work has been updated to include information on the 1996 Presidential election. Information and Electionsis a book that will be read by all who are interested in campaigns and electoral behavior in presidential and other elections. "Thoughtfully conceptualized, painstakingly analyzed, with empirically significant conclusions on presidential election voting behavior, this book is recommended for both upper-division undergraduate and graduate collections. " --Choice R. Michael Alvarez is Associate Professor of Political Science, California Institute of Technology.

Information and Knowledge in Internet of Things (EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing)

by Teresa Guarda Sajid Anwar Marcelo Leon Filipe Jorge Mota Pinto

This book provides readers with an insight into information and knowledge in the Internet of Things, in particular an investigation of data management and processing, information extraction, technology, knowledge management, knowledge sharing, knowledge co-creation, knowledge integration, and the development of new intelligent services available anytime, anywhere, by anyone. The authors show how IoT enables communication and ubiquitous computing between global citizens, networked machines and physical objects, providing a promising vision of the future integrating the real world of knowledge agents and things with the virtual world of information.

Information and Public Choice: From Media Markets to Policymaking

by Roumeen Islam

The ability of the media to affect outcomes in economic and political markets has been well documented. News reporting and advertising influence consumer behavior in goods and services markets by revealing (or selectively revealing) information about a product, acting as agenda setters to influence consumer demand, or enhancing competition in markets by alerting consumers to substitutes. In political markets, they can affect behavior by informing voters about a politician's views or actions, enlightening citizens to outcomes of public policy, or taking a stance on political, social, or economic issues. For businesses, households, and most others, the media is the main source of information on public policy choices and current social and economic conditions. As a result, what news the media chooses to gather, analyze and disseminate--and the slant they choose to put on what they report--is of consequence. 'Information and Public Choice' addresses the factors that affect the content and reach of news coverage as well as its impact on public policy. The book addresses both market constraints that affect media--particularly news content--and the impact that news reporting has on economic and political choices. The authors examine a range of issues, including bias or slant in media reporting, the impact of markets and nonmarket factors on news reporting, and the role of government regulation of the media sector in developing countries. The studies in this volume provide new evidence and a good summary of previous research on the power of the media. An invaluable guide for those concerned about the impact of media on economic and political outcomes, 'Information and Public Choice' draws attention to an under-researched yet important area of economics.

Information and Society

by Michael Buckland

We live in an information society, or so we are often told. But what does that mean? This volume in the MIT Press Essential Knowledge series offers a concise, informal account of the ways in which information and society are related and of our ever-increasing dependence on a complex multiplicity of messages, records, documents, and data. Using information in its everyday, nonspecialized sense, Michael Buckland explores the influence of information on what we know, the role of communication and recorded information in our daily lives, and the difficulty (or ease) of finding information. He shows that all this involves human perception, social behavior, changing technologies, and issues of trust.Buckland argues that every society is an "information society"; a "non-information society" would be a contradiction in terms. But the shift from oral and gestural communication to documents, and the wider use of documents facilitated by new technologies, have made our society particularly information intensive. Buckland describes the rising flood of data, documents, and records, outlines the dramatic long-term growth of documents, and traces the rise of techniques to cope with them. He examines the physical manifestation of information as documents, the emergence of data sets, and how documents and data are discovered and used. He explores what individuals and societies do with information; offers a basic summary of how collected documents are arranged and described; considers the nature of naming; explains the uses of metadata; and evaluates selection methods, considering relevance, recall, and precision.

Information and Society (The MIT Press Essential Knowledge series)

by Michael Buckland

A short, informal account of our ever-increasing dependence on a complex multiplicity of messages, records, documents, and data.We live in an information society, or so we are often told. But what does that mean? This volume in the MIT Press Essential Knowledge series offers a concise, informal account of the ways in which information and society are related and of our ever-increasing dependence on a complex multiplicity of messages, records, documents, and data. Using information in its everyday, nonspecialized sense, Michael Buckland explores the influence of information on what we know, the role of communication and recorded information in our daily lives, and the difficulty (or ease) of finding information. He shows that all this involves human perception, social behavior, changing technologies, and issues of trust.Buckland argues that every society is an “information society”; a “non-information society” would be a contradiction in terms. But the shift from oral and gestural communication to documents, and the wider use of documents facilitated by new technologies, have made our society particularly information intensive. Buckland describes the rising flood of data, documents, and records, outlines the dramatic long-term growth of documents, and traces the rise of techniques to cope with them. He examines the physical manifestation of information as documents, the emergence of data sets, and how documents and data are discovered and used. He explores what individuals and societies do with information; offers a basic summary of how collected documents are arranged and described; considers the nature of naming; explains the uses of metadata; and evaluates selection methods, considering relevance, recall, and precision.

Information and the Modern Corporation (The MIT Press Essential Knowledge series)

by James W. Cortada

A guide to information as the transformative tool of modern business.While we have been preoccupied with the latest i-gadget from Apple and with Google's ongoing expansion, we may have missed something: the fundamental transformation of whole firms and industries into giant information-processing machines. Today, more than eighty percent of workers collect and analyze information (often in digital form) in the course of doing their jobs. This book offers a guide to the role of information in modern business, mapping the use of information within work processes and tracing flows of information across supply-chain management, product development, customer relations, and sales. The emphasis is on information itself, not on information technology. Information, overshadowed for a while by the glamour and novelty of IT, is the fundamental component of the modern corporation.In Information and the Modern Corporation, longtime IBM manager and consultant James Cortada clarifies the differences among data, facts, information, and knowledge and describes how the art of analytics has all but eliminated decision making based on gut feeling, replacing it with fact-based decisions. He describes the working style of “road warriors,” whose offices are anywhere their laptops and cell phones are and whose deep knowledge of a given topic becomes their medium of exchange.Information is the core of the modern enterprise, and the use of information defines the activities of a firm. This essential guide shows managers and employees better ways to leverage information—by design and not by accident.

Information Architecture: For the Web and Beyond

by Louis Rosenfeld Peter Morville Jorge Arango

Information architecture (IA) is far more challenging—and necessary—than ever. With the glut of information available today, anything your organization wants to share should be easy to find, navigate, and understand. But the experience you provide has to be familiar and coherent across multiple interaction channels, from the Web to smartphones, smartwatches, and beyond.To guide you through this broad ecosystem, this popular guide—now in its fourth edition—provides essential concepts, methods, and techniques for digital design that have withstood the test of time. UX designers, product managers, developers, and anyone involved in digital design will learn how to create semantic structures that will help people engage with your message.This book includes:An overview of IA and the problems it solves for creating effective digital products and servicesA deep dive into IA components, including organization, labeling, navigation, search, and metadataProcesses and methods that take you from research to strategy, design, and IA implementation

Information at War: Journalism, Disinformation, and Modern Warfare

by Philip Seib

A war’s outcome is determined by more than bullets and bombs. In our digital age, the proliferation of new media venues has magnified the importance of information – whether its content is true or purposely false – in battling an enemy and defending the public. In this book, Philip Seib, one of the world’s leading experts on media and war, offers a probing analysis of the role of information in warfare from the Second World War to the present day and beyond. He focuses on some of the thorniest issues on the contemporary agenda: When untruthful and inflammatory information poisons a nation’s political processes and weakens its social fabric, what kind of response is appropriate? How can media literacy help citizens defend themselves against information warfare? Should militaries place greater emphasis on crippling their adversaries with information rather than kinetic force? Well-written and wide-ranging, Information at War suggests answers to key questions with which governments, journalists, and the public must grapple during the years ahead. Information at war affects us all, and this book shows us how.

Information Centric Networks: Architecture & Current Trends (Practical Networking)

by Nitul Dutta Hiren Kumar Sarma Rajendrasinh Jadeja Krishna Delvadia Gheorghita Ghinea

This book aimed at bringing an insight to the ICN network, particularly various architectures, issues and challenges in the new networking paradigm. The book starts with an introduction to the new promising concept of ICN and its origin along with the reason behind this interesting innovation. Different architectures proposed so far in support of implementing the ICN is also discussed in details. Few of the challenges of ICN implementation are enlisted as caching, naming, routing, and security. Each of these challenges with recent development is covered in individual chapters. Moreover, integration of current trends in communication and computing like software defined networking and machine learning approach are another area that this book is focusing. All these chapters highlight the recent developments reported in the area and also discusses the future trends. The book provides an overview of the recent developments in future internet technologies, bringing together the advancements that have been made in ICN. The book includes three unique chapters in the field of ICN research. The first, is the SDN framework for implementing ICN by decoupling data and control plan. The machine learning models for predicting future trends in network traffic and other management activities is another important chapter. This chapter includes the possibilities of using machine learning models for trend prediction to help network administrators and service providers to take care of unexpected sudden change traffic pattern and user behaviour. The third most vital chapter is the security issues in ICN. This chapter includes various facts that influences the security of ICN. Issues involved in naming, caching and routing are discussed separately along with few recent works in these areas. Various types of attacks in ICN are also part of the discussion. The stated book would be useful for researchers in this area and will work as a reference for future work. Moreover, the content of the book would also be suitable as a supporting material for undergraduate and graduate level courses in computer science and electrical engineering.

Information from Processes

by Robert M. Losee

Information is an important concept that is studied extensively across a range of disciplines, from the physical sciences to genetics to psychology to epistemology. Information continues to increase in importance, and the present age has been referred to as the "Information Age." One may understand information in a variety of ways. For some, information is found in facts that were previously unknown. For others, a fact must have some economic value to be considered information. Other people emphasize the movement through a communication channel from one location to another when describing information. In all of these instances, information is the set of characteristics of the output of a process. Yet Information has seldom been studied in a consistent way across different disciplines. Information from Processes provides a discipline-independent and precise presentation of both information and computing processes. Information concepts and phenomena are examined in an effort to understand them, given a hierarchy of information processes, where one process uses others. Research about processes and computing is applied to answer the question of what information can and cannot be produced, and to determine the nature of this information (theoretical information science). The book also presents some of the basic processes that are used in specific domains (applied information science), such as those that generate information in areas like reasoning, the evolution of informative systems, cryptography, knowledge, natural language, and the economic value of information. Written for researchers and graduate students in information science and related fields, Information from Processes details a unique information model independent from other concepts in computer or archival science, which is thus applicable to a wide range of domains. Combining theoretical and empirical methods as well as psychological, mathematical, philosophical, and economic techniques, Losee's book delivers a solid basis and starting point for future discussions and research about the creation and use of information.

Information Hiding in Communication Networks

by Krzysztof Szczypiorski Sebastian Zander Amir Houmansadr Steffen Wendzel Wojciech Mazurczyk

Describes Information Hiding in communication networks, and highlights their important issues, challenges, trends, and applications. Highlights development trends and potential future directions of Information Hiding Introduces a new classification and taxonomy for modern data hiding techniques Presents different types of network steganography mechanisms Introduces several example applications of information hiding in communication networks including some recent covert communication techniques in popular Internet services

Information is Energy: Definition of a physically based concept of information

by Lienhard Pagel

An objective, dynamic and physically justified concept of information is elaborated starting from Shannon's concept of entropy and applied to information technology, artificial intelligence (consciousness) and thermodynamics. The justification of an information conservation theorem acquires practical significance in information technology, especially as it moves into the quantum realm (photonics/quantum computing). The unconditional dynamics of information and its objectivity are critically examined and are the foundations of the considerations. We live in the information age, but the concept of information is still not defined objectively and physically. This book defines a dynamic concept of information that results in a conservation of information principle. Just as the principle of conservation of energy is essential to understanding energy, the principle of conservation of information leads to a deeper understanding of information. Information is strongly related to entropy, always in motion, cannot disappear, and is independent of subjects.

Information ist Energie: Definition und Anwendung eines physikalisch begründeten Informationsbegriffs

by Lienhard Pagel

Ein objektiver, dynamischer und physikalisch begründeter Informationsbegriff wird ausgehend vom Shannonschen Entropiebegriff erarbeitet und auf die Informationstechnik, die künstliche Intelligenz (Bewusstsein) und die Thermodynamik angewandt. Die Begründung eines Informationserhaltungssatzes erhält praktische Bedeutung in der Informationstechnik, insbesondere wenn sie in den Bereich der Quanten (Photonik/Quantencomputing) vordringt. Die unbedingte Dynamik von Information und deren Objektivität werden kritisch untersucht und sind die Grundlagen der Betrachtungen.

Information, Photonics and Communication: Proceedings of Second National Conference, IPC 2019 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #79)

by Jyotsna Kumar Mandal Kallol Bhattacharya Ivy Majumdar Surajit Mandal

The book includes high-quality papers presented at the Second National Conference of Information, Photonics and Communication (2019), organized by the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, B.P. Poddar Institute of Management & Technology from 01 to 03 February 2019. Covering multiple domains in four broad categories—photonics; devices and VLSI; communication systems and networks; signal processing and intelligent systems, it includes topics such as RF and microwave communications, wireless and mobile communication, satellite communications, signal, image and video processing, deep learning and optical networks.

Information Politics, Protests, and Human Rights in the Digital Age

by Mahmood Monshipouri

We live in a highly complex and evolving world that requires a fuller and deeper understanding of how modern technological tools, ideas, practices, and institutions interact, and how different societies adjust themselves to emerging realities of the digital age. This book conveys such issues with a fresh perspective and in a systematic and coherent way. While many studies have explained in depth the change in the aftermath of the unrests and uprisings throughout the world, they rarely mentioned the need for constructing new human rights norms and standards. This edited collection provides a balanced conceptual framework to demonstrate not only the power of autonomous communication networks but also their limits and the increasing setbacks they encounter in different contexts.

Information Science and Applications: Proceedings of ICISA 2020 (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #739)

by Hyuncheol Kim Kuinam J. Kim Suhyun Park

This book presents select proceedings of 11th International Conference on Information Science and Applications 2020 (ICISA 2020) and provides a snapshot of the latest issues encountered in technical convergence and convergences of security technology. It explores how information science is core to most current research, industrial and commercial activities and consists of contributions covering topics including Ubiquitous Computing, Networks and Information Systems, Multimedia and Visualization, Middleware and Operating Systems, Security and Privacy, Data Mining and Artificial Intelligence, Software Engineering, and Web Technology. Also the proceedings introduce the most recent information technology and ideas, applications and problems related to technology convergence, illustrated through case studies, and reviews converging existing security techniques. Through this book, readers can gain an understanding of the current state-of-the-art information strategies and technologies of convergence security.

Information Science and Applications: ICISA 2019 (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #621)

by Kuinam J. Kim Hye-Young Kim

This book presents selected papers from the 10th International Conference on Information Science and Applications (ICISA 2019), held on December 16–18, 2019, in Seoul, Korea, and provides a snapshot of the latest issues regarding technical convergence and convergences of security technologies. It explores how information science is at the core of most current research as well as industrial and commercial activities. The respective chapters cover a broad range of topics, including ubiquitous computing, networks and information systems, multimedia and visualization, middleware and operating systems, security and privacy, data mining and artificial intelligence, software engineering and web technology, as well as applications and problems related to technology convergence, which are reviewed and illustrated with the aid of case studies. Researchers in academia, industry, and at institutes focusing on information science and technology will gain a deeper understanding of the current state of the art in information strategies and technologies for convergence security. ​

Information Science and Applications 2018: ICISA 2018 (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #514)

by Kuinam J. Kim Nakhoon Baek

This book contains selected papers from the 9th International Conference on Information Science and Applications (ICISA 2018) and provides a snapshot of the latest issues encountered in technical convergence and convergences of security technology. It explores how information science is core to most current research, industrial and commercial activities and consists of contributions covering topics including Ubiquitous Computing, Networks and Information Systems, Multimedia and Visualization, Middleware and Operating Systems, Security and Privacy, Data Mining and Artificial Intelligence, Software Engineering, and Web Technology. The proceedings introduce the most recent information technology and ideas, applications and problems related to technology convergence, illustrated through case studies, and reviews converging existing security techniques. Through this volume, readers will gain an understanding of the current state-of-the-art information strategies and technologies of convergence security. The intended readership includes researchers in academia, industry and other research institutes focusing on information science and technology.

Information Security and Cryptology

by Dongdai Lin Xiaofeng Wang Moti Yung

This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology, Inscrypt 2015, held in Beijing, China in November 2015. The 27 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 79 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on hash function; signature schemes; symmetric ciphers; elliptic curve and cryptographic fundamentals; Web and applications security; cloud security; key management and public key encryption; zero knowledge and secure computations; software and mobile security.

Information Security and Cryptology -- ICISC 2013

by Hyang-Sook Lee Dong-Guk Han

This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology, ICISC 2013, held in Seoul, Korea in November 2013. The 31 revised full papers presented together with 2 invited talks were carefully selected from 126 submissions during two rounds of reviewing. The papers provide the latest results in research, development and applications in the field of information security and cryptology. They are organized in topical sections on secure multiparty computation, proxy re-encryption, side channel analysis and its countermeasures, cryptanalysis, embedded system security and its implementation, primitives for cryptography, digital signature, security protocol, cyber security, and public key cryptography.

Information Security and Cryptology - ICISC 2015

by Soonhak Kwon Aaram Yun

This book constitutes the thoroughly refereedpost-conference proceedings of the 18th International Conference on InformationSecurity and Cryptology, ICISC 2015, held in Seoul, South Korea, in November2015. The 23 revised full papers presented were carefullyselected from 84 submissions during two rounds of reviewing and improvement. The papers provide the latest results in research, development and applicationsin the field of information security and cryptology. They are grouped aroundthe following topics: digital signatures; public-key cryptography; block ciphercryptanalysis; elliptic curve cryptography; protocols; security; side-channelattacks.

Information Security Essentials: A Guide for Reporters, Editors, and Newsroom Leaders

by Susan E. McGregor

As technological and legal changes have hollowed out the protections that reporters and news organizations have depended upon for decades, information security concerns facing journalists as they report, produce, and disseminate the news have only intensified. From source prosecutions to physical attacks and online harassment, the last two decades have seen a dramatic increase in the risks faced by journalists at all levels even as the media industry confronts drastic cutbacks in budgets and staff. As a result, few professional or aspiring journalists have a comprehensive understanding of what is required to keep their sources, stories, colleagues, and reputations safe.This book is an essential guide to protecting news writers, sources, and organizations in the digital era. Susan E. McGregor provides a systematic understanding of the key technical, legal, and conceptual issues that anyone teaching, studying, or practicing journalism should know. Bringing together expert insights from both leading academics and security professionals who work at and with news organizations from BuzzFeed to the Associated Press, she lays out key principles and approaches for building information security into journalistic practice. McGregor draws on firsthand experience as a Wall Street Journal staffer, followed by a decade of researching, testing, and developing information security tools and practices. Filled with practical but evergreen advice that can enhance the security and efficacy of everything from daily beat reporting to long-term investigative projects, Information Security Essentials is a vital tool for journalists at all levels.

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