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Infrastructural Attachments: Austerity, Sovereignty, and Expertise in Kenya

by Emma Park

Set against critiques of neoliberal capitalism in the present, Infrastructural Attachments argues that the technopolitics of austerity have been the organizing logic of statecraft in Kenya since the late nineteenth century, calling into question the novelty of austerity as a mode of governance and a lived experience. Using infrastructures as a lens to explore state formation over the long twentieth century—roads in the early colonial period, radio broadcasting from the interwar through the postwar periods, and mobile phones and digital financial services in the present—historian Emma Park reveals that as the state drew on private capital to make up for limited budgets, it inaugurated a peculiar political-economic form: the corporate-state. For more than a century—in pursuit of minimizing costs and maximizing profits—the corporate-state crucially relied on the exploitation and expropriation of its subject-citizens. By foregrounding these workers, Park interrogates how Kenyans’ knowledge and expertise has been rescaled and subsumed, quietly underwriting the development of infrastructural expertise, the circuits of finance upon which (post)colonial infrastructural expansion has been premised, and the forms of profit-making it has enabled.

Infrastructure Communication in International Relations (Routledge Studies in Global Information, Politics and Society)

by Carolijn van Noort

This book demonstrates how infrastructure projects and the communications thereof are strategized by rising powers to envision progress, to enhance the actor’s international identity, and to substantiate and leverage the actor’s vision of international order. While the physical aspects of infrastructure are important, infrastructure communication in international relations demands more scholarly attention. Using a case-study approach, Carolijn van Noort examines how rising powers communicate about infrastructure internationally and discusses the significance of these communication practices. The four case studies include BRICS’s summit communications about infrastructure, Brazil’s infrastructure promises to Africa, China’s communication of the Belt and Road Initiative in East Africa, and Kazakhstan’s news media coverage of China’s Belt and Road Initiative. Van Noort highlights the fact that the link between infrastructure, identity, and order-making is arbitrary and thus contested in practice, with rising powers operationalizing infrastructure communication in international relations in varied ways. She argues that both communication organization and the visuality of strategic narratives on infrastructure influence the international communication of infrastructure vision and action plans, with different levels of success. Infrastructure Communication in International Relations is a welcome and timely book of interest to students and scholars in the fields of international relations, global communications, and the politics of infrastructure.

Inheritance in Nineteenth-century French Culture: Wealth, Knowledge and the Family

by AndrewJ. Counter

The transmission of wealth between generations was not only a narrative commonplace in nineteenth-century France, but also a topic of considerable cultural anxiety and intense political debate. In this study, Andrew J. Counter draws on a wealth of previously unexplored material to show how the theme of inheritance in literature and beyond acquired ethical, historical and ideological connotations, and was vital to nineteenth-century French conceptions of the family and of the legacy of the Revolution. Weaving together fiction, drama, legal texts, historiographical thought and political writing, Inheritance in Nineteenth-Century French Culture teases out a complex leitmotiv that gives us a new understanding of nineteenth- century Frances sense of its own place in history. It also proposes innovative readings of writers as familiar as Honore de Balzac, George Sand, Guy de Maupassant and Emile Zola, while drawing attention to a range of neglected authors and works.


by David B. Dennis

Inhumanities is an unprecedented account of the ways Nazi Germany manipulated and mobilized European literature, philosophy, painting, sculpture and music in support of its ideological ends. David B. Dennis shows how, based on belief that the Third Reich represented the culmination of Western civilization, culture became a key propaganda tool in the regime's program of national renewal and its campaign against political, national and racial enemies. Focusing on the daily output of the Völkischer Beobachter, the party's official organ and the most widely circulating German newspaper of the day, he reveals how activists twisted history, biography and aesthetics to fit Nazism's authoritarian, militaristic and anti-Semitic world views. Ranging from National Socialist coverage of Germans such as Luther, Dürer, Goethe, Beethoven, Wagner and Nietzsche to 'great men of the Nordic West' such as Socrates, Leonardo and Michelangelo, Dennis reveals the true extent of the regime's ambitious attempt to reshape the 'German mind'.

Ink in My Veins: A Life in Journalism

by S. Nihal Singh

A never-say-die journalist’s life story with an in-depth analysis of crucial historical events, fascinating anecdotes about the high and mighty, revealing behind-the-scenes events and a bouquet of delightful snippets . . .This book traces one man’s journey stretching from the time of Jawaharlal Nehru to the Manmohan Singh era. As a journalist, S. Nihal Singh had a ringside seat in observing and analysing important developments in India and the world: The 1969 split in the Congress, with Indira Gandhi emerging victorious; the Emergency imposed by her in June 1975, her downfall, her phoenix-like rise and her assassination; the game of musical chairs with the Congress as music master as prime ministers came and went in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s; the tempestuous relations between India and Pakistan; the 1991 Gulf war; and the litany of scams that have buffeted the Manmohan Singh Government. The scandals facing the government had been long in the making, but they illuminate features like the erosion of the country’s once-famed administrative structure, the rise of corruption in an increasingly consumer-oriented acquisitive society, the democratization of polity by the inclusion of hitherto excluded sections and the decline of the mother Congress Party. The Manmohan Singh–Sonia Gandhi harness in a two-horse tonga became necessary because Sonia’s so-called foreign birth turned into a major political controversy. The scandals, and the Bharatiya Janata Party’s desire to milk them, merely accentuated the problems of a prime minister without the politician’s ability to tame events while his co-ruler, the party president, became the recognized power centre. Over the decades, editing two major Indian newspapers (The Statesman and the Indian Express) and Dubai’s Khaleej Times ensured a varied and eventful life with never a dull moment. Outside his home country, Nihal Singh was a witness to dramatic events in South-east Asia, Eastern and Western Europe and the United States. His tour of duty also took him to Moscow, where he rubbed the Soviets the wrong way.

Inner Child: 10 ways to reparent and heal yourself

by Tiffany Trieu

Embrace your inner child.Empower your inner parent.Befriend your inner critic.Are you ready to heal all parts of yourself?Meet your inner child – the part of your subconscious still holding the child within – and learn how to honour and heal them. Through quick, constructive exercises, inspirational quotes, journaling activities and reflective practices, this ten-step programme is the perfect tool for embracing your past, accepting your present and improving your future.

Inner Child: 10 ways to reparent and heal yourself

by Tiffany Trieu

Embrace your inner child.Empower your inner parent.Befriend your inner critic.Are you ready to heal all parts of yourself?Meet your inner child – the part of your subconscious still holding the child within – and learn how to honour and heal them. Through quick, constructive exercises, inspirational quotes, journaling activities and reflective practices, this ten-step programme is the perfect tool for embracing your past, accepting your present and improving your future.

The Inner World of Gatekeeping in Scholarly Publication

by Pejman Habibie Anna Kristina Hultgren

This edited book focuses on the certifiers of scientific knowledge, bringing together experts in a variety of areas in Applied Linguistics to address the complex topic of editing and reviewing in writing for scholarly publication. Drawing on insider perspectives, the authors bring to the fore personal histories, narratives and first-hand accounts of editors and reviewers and help paint a richer and more nuanced picture of the discourses, practices, experiences, success stories, failures, and challenges that frame and shape trajectories of both Anglophone and English as an additional language (EAL) scholars in adjudicating and accrediting academic output. This book will be of interest to researchers, practitioners, supervisors, writing mentors, early-career scholars and graduate students in a variety of fields.

Innovating Innovation: Leadership Tools to Make Revolutionary Change Happen for You and Your Business

by David Morey

#1 New Release in Industrial Management & Leadership - Breakthrough Innovation Tools for Successful LeadershipInnovation needs innovation: Innovation is broken. Business leadership is struggling to find ways to crack through corporate politics or bureaucratic silos, to move from defense to offense, to nurture real breakthrough, to drive visionary creativity in ways that add new value to everything they do. In Innovating Innovation, David Morey, one of America’s leading strategic consultants, teaches, coaches, and guides you across eleven concrete and pragmatic steps that unlock and drive day-to-day innovation in your business and help you gain a long-term competitive advantage.Make change and innovation happen: Innovating Innovation synergizes what is best in classic innovation theories with an insurgent strategic model inspired by one of Morey’s first corporate clients, Apple founder Steve Jobs. It shows how to lead innovation that creates the products of visionary genius without the necessity for actual genius. It provides practical tools and guidance on building and leading the teams, working conditions, organizational structures, and cultures of market-made and market-making innovation. It illustrates a roadmap to the disruptive periphery, the organizational margins at which real innovation actually takes place.Innovation can be taught: Innovating Innovation is a framework to counter failure. It directs you, the reader, to the consumer, the very person who will actually tell you how to innovate the benefits to create a future you can own. This book invites you to “think different,” to become a change leader, to go the “wrong” way to get to the right places.After reading this new battlefield manual for innovation, you will:Learn the Disruptive Periphery Concept and how it can give you the tools to help your businessDiscover a practical marketing-centric focus applied to innovationReap the benefits of lessons developed from thirty years of real-world global consulting and training experience

Innovation and Competitiveness in Industry 4.0 Based on Intelligent Systems (EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing)

by Luis Carlos Méndez-González Luis Alberto Rodríguez-Picón Iván Juan Carlos Pérez Olguín

This book presents a series of applications of different techniques found in Industry 4.0 with relation to productivity, continuous improvement, quality, decision systems, software development, and automation systems. The techniques used throughout this book allow the reader to replicate the results obtained towards different types of companies that wish to undertake in the new era of the digital industrial revolution. This book can also help students from different areas of engineering to understand how the use of new technologies is applied to solve current relevant problems and how they give the possibility of constant innovation in the different industrial sectors. This is accomplished through the analysis of illustrative case studies, descriptive methodologies and structured insights that are provided through the different considered techniques.

Innovation Ecosystems and the Role of Communication: Insights from European Science, Technology Parks and Areas of Innovation (Routledge Studies in Innovation, Organizations and Technology)

by Dominika Narożna Justyna Adamska

This book analyses the role of communication in creating the value of innovation ecosystems from the perspective of the international network of technology parks and areas of innovation. It explores the relations and interactions between different stakeholders (administration, universities, business, innovation agencies), highlighting the important role of communication within successful innovation ecosystems.The role of communication is explained using different levels of communication approach. The authors present communication as a complex process, involving all the ecosystem stakeholders who are as well motivated and involved in different roles, norms, business models, environments, organizations, cultures, etc. The book proposes novel and interdisciplinary research (management, social communication and journalism, political science and administration) focused on the potential of communication in order to design the paradigm and indicate practical implications. The authors take into consideration modern IT tools, which provide the ground for redefining the connections between stakeholders, as well as sustainable development and ESG values, which change the perspective and priorities of the ecosystem.Innovation Ecosystems and the Role of Communication is written for scholars and researchers in the fields of innovation studies, management science, and communication studies.

Innovation, Engineering and Entrepreneurship (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #505)

by José Machado Filomena Soares Germano Veiga

This book presents endeavors to join synergies in order to create added value for society, using the latest scientific knowledge to boost technology transfer from academia to industry. It potentiates the foundations for the creation of knowledge- and entrepreneurial cooperation networks involving engineering, innovation, and entrepreneurship stakeholders. The Regional HELIX 2018 conference was organized at the University of Minho’s School of Engineering by the MEtRICs and Algoritmi Research Centers, and took place in Guimarães, Portugal, from June 27th to 29th, 2018. After a rigorous peer-review process, 160 were accepted for publication, covering a wide range of topics, including Control, Automation and Robotics; Mechatronics Design, Medical Devices and Wellbeing; Cyber-Physical Systems, IoT and Industry 4.0; Innovations in Industrial Context and Advanced Manufacturing; New Trends in Mechanical Systems Development; Advanced Materials and Innovative Applications; Waste to Energy and Sustainable Environment; Operational Research and Industrial Mathematics; Innovation and Collaborative Arrangements; Entrepreneurship and Internationalization; and Oriented Education for Innovation, Engineering and/or Entrepreneurship.

Innovation in Branding and Advertising Communication (Routledge Research in Communication Studies)

by Lluís Mas-Manchón

This book addresses innovative and new aspects of branding and advertising communication, by drawing on a broad, interdisciplinary range of theories, methods and techniques– from body image, identity and mental imagery, to self-exposure and LCM4P – intersecting with branding and advertising constructs and practices. The editor combines the perspectives of an international group of scholars to establish new theoretical frameworks and proposes new methodological designs to conduct comprehensive studies in the field. Situated at the intersection between society, communication and psychology, each chapter presents an innovative approach to branding and advertising research. The book explores topics such as social robots, body image in video advertising, brand personality, transmedia personal brands, erotic content in commercial images, and brand fandom communities. Innovation in Advertising and Branding Communication will be a valuable resource for scholars working in the fields of marketing communication, branding and advertising, online communication, sociology, social psychology and linguistics

Innovation in Electrical Power Engineering, Communication, and Computing Technology: Proceedings of IEPCCT 2019 (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #630)

by Janmenjoy Nayak Bighnaraj Naik Danilo Pelusi Renu Sharma Manohar Mishra

This book features selected high-quality papers from the International Conference on Innovation in Electrical Power Engineering, Communication, and Computing Technology (IEPCCT 2019), held at Siksha 'O' Anusandhan (Deemed to be University), Bhubaneswar, India, on 13–14 December 2019. Presenting innovations in power, communication, and computing, it covers topics such as mini, micro, smart and future power grids; power system economics; energy storage systems; intelligent control; power converters; improving power quality; signal processing; sensors and actuators; image/video processing; high-performance data mining algorithms; advances in deep learning; and optimization methods.

Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching: The Case of the Middle East and North Africa (New Language Learning and Teaching Environments)

by Christine Coombe Hayo Reinders Andrew Littlejohn Dara Tafazoli

This edited collection presents a study of innovation in teaching, learning, assessment and teacher development practices in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). The thirteen research-based chapters in this collection examine recent innovations in English language teaching, drawing on classroom, administrative and learning experiences from seven of the countries in the region. The major trends analyzed across the volume include the language skills of reading and writing and the prevalence of technology and technology-enhanced instruction. It highlights that innovative teaching, learning and assessment practices that are now in place in virtually all levels of English language teaching and learning from primary school to university to adult education sectors, and reflects on possible ways forward for innovation in the field of ELT. This book will provide valuable insight for scholars of applied linguistics and practitioners working in language policy,

Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching: The Case of the Southern Caribbean (New Language Learning and Teaching Environments)

by Diego Mideros Nicole Roberts Beverly-Anne Carter Hayo Reinders

​This book presents a unique perspective from an underrepresented region in the Global South. The volume features four different countries in the region: Barbados, Guyana, St. Lucia, and Trinidad and Tobago, as well as Martinique, an island located just north of St. Lucia which is an overseas region of France. It documents innovations in learning and teaching Spanish, French, and Chinese in the case of the English-speaking countries, and English as a foreign language (EFL) in the case of Martinique. The chapters cover different aspects of language education in the Caribbean and will be of particular interest to those involved in managing change in language education that attempts to mediate between global trends and local needs.

Innovation in Music: Adjusting Perspectives (Perspectives on Music Production)

by Jan-Olof Gullö Russ Hepworth-Sawyer Dave Hook Mark Marrington Justin Paterson Rob Toulson

Innovation in Music: Adjusting Perspectives brings together cutting-edge research on new innovations in the field of music production, technology, performance, and business. With contributions from a host of well-respected researchers and practitioners, this volume provides crucial coverage on the relationship between innovation and rebellion.Including chapters on generative AI, gender equality, live music, quantisation, and composition, this book is recommended reading for music industry researchers working in a range of fields, as well as professionals interested in industry innovations.

Innovation Processes in Business Networks

by Francesca Ricciardi

In today's networked economy, each organization is more and more shaped by the system of its long-term business interactions. Innovation processes cannot be successfully designed and managed unless the complex influences of business networking on innovation processes and innovation-related performances are clearly understood. But extant theories on business networks are fragmented, and each of them, taken singularly, provides only partial or poor understanding of the impacts of business networking on innovation performances. Based on qualitative research on three exemplary worst practices and on expert panel discussion and validation, Francesca Ricciardi develops novel quantitative models in this theory-building work to explain innovation performances in different interorganizational networks.

Innovationen im Journalismus: Theorien – Methoden – Potenziale?

by Sonja Kretzschmar Annika Sehl Daniel Nölleke

Der Wandel von Journalismus und Medien ist eine Konstante im digitalen Zeitalter. Dieser Wandel betrifft die Mikro- und Meso- ebenso wie die Makroebene. Neue Akteure sind hinzugekommen, tradierte Geschäftsmodelle von Medienunternehmen ins Wanken geraten und die Plattformisierung wirft neue Fragen nach Gemeinwohl auf. Wie können Medienorganisationen die Herausforderungen meistern und einen qualitativ hochwertigen Journalismus sicherstellen? Was kann die Journalismusforschung leisten? Dieser Sammelband verfolgt das Ziel, das breite Spektrum von Innovationen in Journalismus und Medien wissenschaftlich einzuordnen und zu strukturieren. Dabei werden sowohl theoretische Annäherungen, als auch praxisnahe Umsetzungsformen diskutiert. Der Sammelband geht auf eine Tagung der DGPuK-Fachgruppe Journalistik/Journalismusforschug zum selbigen Thema zurück.

Innovationen und Innovationspotenziale im öffentlich-rechtlichen Medienjournalismus (BestMasters)

by Steffen Grütjen

​Der Medienjournalismus als fachjournalistische Disziplin ist landläufig mit einem Nischenstempel behaftet. Seit seinen Anfängen als klassische Medienseite in (überregionalen) Tageszeitungen hat er sich stark ausdifferenziert und tritt mit neuen Angebotsformen inzwischen verstärkt im Social Web auf. Die Forschungsarbeit systematisiert und reflektiert erstmals Innovationsstrukturen im öffentlich-rechtlichen Medienjournalismus. In Leitfadeninterviews gewähren Medienjournalist*innen von ARD und Deutschlandradio Einblicke in ihre (innovative) Programmgestaltung und formateigenen Zielgruppenvorstellungen. Als Forschungsgegenstand werden neun genuine Medienmagazine betrachtet, darunter „ZAPP“ (Norddeutscher Rundfunk), „@mediasres“ (Deutschlandfunk) oder „Töne, Texte, Bilder“ (Westdeutscher Rundfunk). Mit Blick auf den öffentlich-rechtlichen Auftrag messen die Befragten dem Medienjournalismus in öffentlich-rechtlicher Verantwortung eine große Bedeutung bei – sowohl im Lichte einer kritischenBegleitung von journalismus- bzw. medienspezifischen Themen und Spannungsfeldern als auch bei der Wandelbarkeit von tradierten Programmmustern.

Innovations and Advances in Computer, Information, Systems Sciences, and Engineering

by Khaled Elleithy Tarek Sobh

Innovations and Advances in Computer, Information, Systems Sciences, and Engineering includes the proceedings of the International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering (CISSE 2011). The contents of this book are a set of rigorously reviewed, world-class manuscripts addressing and detailing state-of-the-art research projects in the areas of Industrial Electronics, Technology and Automation, Telecommunications and Networking, Systems, Computing Sciences and Software Engineering, Engineering Education, Instructional Technology, Assessment, and E-learning.

Innovations and Challenges in Social Media Discourse Analysis (Innovations and Challenges in Applied Linguistics)

by Michele Zappavigna Andrew S. Ross

Innovations and Challenges in Social Media Discourse Analysis provides a key introduction to the analysis of everyday discourse on social media platforms.Outlining the challenges involved in the study of social media discourse that includes social interaction, relationality, intersubjectivity, and intermodality, this book takes a social semiotic approach to offer a useful reconceptualisation of existing tools and introduces new methodologies to help those studying in this area.Drawing on a range of corpora that feature tweets, Instagram photos, YouTube comments, and emoji, this book is essential reading for students studying modules on discourse analysis and language and media.

Innovations and Social Media Analytics in a Digital Society

by Maria José Sousa and Célio Gonçalo Marques

Recent advances in digitization are transforming healthcare, education, tourism, information technology, and some other sectors. Social media analytics are tools that can be used to measure innovation and the relation of the companies with the citizens. This book comprises state-ofthe-art social media analytics, and advanced innovation policies in the digitization of society. The number of applications that can be used to create and analyze social media analytics generates large amounts of data called big data, including measures of the use of the technologies to develop or to use new services to improve the quality of life of the citizens. Digitization has applications in fields from remote monitoring to smart sensors and other devices. Integration generates data that need to be analyzed and visualized in an easy and clear way, that will be some of the proposals of the researchers present in this book. This volume offers valuable insights to researchers on how to design innovative digital analytics systems and how to improve information delivery remotely.

Innovations in Communication Theories: The Man Is the Message

by Yanru Chen

This book offers a novel approach to innovations in theories of communication and social development. It proposes that "the man is the message". It argues that communication is woven into the fabric of people’s daily lives, and a scholar with a keen eye, an open heart and an inquiring mind should be able to capture the ubiquitous phenomena of communication and turn them into theoretical observations and even innovations.Although most of the propositions in this book cannot be tested empirically, at least for now, owing to the limitations inherent in current research methods, they complement the empirical studies of communication based on measurement.With due understanding that Western social sciences, including communication studies, focus on analytical thinking and the fine division of disciplines, this book takes a more synthetic approach to analyzing communication, often integrating and contextualizing its various factors and channels and categories in analysis and writing. Providing a holistic picture of communication that features the crux of the matter—how to reach and capture the heart and soul of people without any attempt to manipulate their minds, it is more humanistic than many other books on communication studies. Although much of the thinking in the book is seemingly Chinese, it nevertheless has a universal appeal.

Innovations in Computer Science and Engineering: Proceedings of the Sixth ICICSE 2018 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #74)

by Rajkumar Buyya H. S. Saini Rishi Sayal Aliseri Govardhan

This book includes high-quality, peer-reviewed research papers from the 6thInternational Conference on Innovations in Computer Science & Engineering (ICICSE 2018), held at Guru Nanak Institutions, Hyderabad, India from August 17 to 18, 2018. The book discusses a wide variety of industrial, engineering and scientific applications of the emerging techniques and offers a platform for researchers from academia and industry to present their original work and exchange ideas, information, techniques and applications in the field of computer science.

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