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Innovative Data Communication Technologies and Application: Proceedings of ICIDCA 2020 (Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies #59)
by Robert Bestak Abdullah M. Iliyasu Jennifer S. Raj Zubair A. BaigThis book presents the latest research in the fields of computational intelligence, ubiquitous computing models, communication intelligence, communication security, machine learning, informatics, mobile computing, cloud computing and big data analytics. The best selected papers, presented at the International Conference on Innovative Data Communication Technologies and Application (ICIDCA 2020), are included in the book. The book focuses on the theory, design, analysis, implementation and applications of distributed systems and networks.
Innovative Methods in Media and Communication Research
by Sebastian Kubitschko Anne KaunThis collection reflects the need for suitable methods to answer emerging questions that result from the ever-changing media environment. As media technologies and infrastructures become inseparably interwoven with social constellations, scholars from varying disciplines increasingly investigate their characteristics, functioning, relevance and impact - facing new methodological challenges as well as opportunities. Innovative Methods in Media and Communication Research engages with the substantial need to rethink established methods to research acute changes in the media environment. The book gathers chapters dedicated to the multifacetedness and liveliness of emerging methods - from lifelogging and ethnography to digital methods and visualization - while embedding them in the rich history of interdisciplinary empirical research. Innovation here is a call for widening and rethinking research methods to stimulate a sophisticated debate on and exploration of contemporary methodological approaches for scholars at various levels of academic life. Accompanied by introductory sections of prominent scholars, the majority of empirical studies gathered in this volume are accomplished through early-career scholars who strive to advance cutting-edge and in parts even provocative approaches for the study of media and communication.
Innovative Practices in Early English Language Education
by David Valente Daniel XerriThis book shines a light on novel and less familiar domains of early English language education for children aged 3 to 12, in mainstream and out-of-school settings. Enveloping the volume is the making of creative connections to wider educational philosophies which extend beyond the confines of a narrow linguistic lens. In reconciling the theory-practice divide in English language education, each chapter presents a synthesis of research issues leading to a practical showcase of ideas. Organised in two main parts, the first focuses on innovations within classroom practice, curriculum development, and child-centred assessment, exploring areas which have either received insufficient attention and/or have been reimagined through fresh perspectives. The second part explores innovations in pre- and in-service teacher education contexts and focuses on lesser-known and/or underexplored topics, including bridging general and language education, multilingualism, in-depth learning, metacognition, and pragmatics. This is a timely publication for teacher educators and practitioners alike.
Innovative Presentations For Dummies
by Barbara Boyd Ray AnthonyBe the speaker they follow with breakthrough innovative presentationsInnovative Presentations For Dummies is a practical guide to engaging your audience with superior, creative, and ultra-compelling presentations. Using clear language and a concise style, this book goes way beyond PowerPoint to enable you to reimagine, reinvent, and remake your presentations. Learn how to stimulate, capture, and hold your audience in the palm of your hand with sound, sight, and touch, and get up to speed on the latest presentation design methods that make you a speaker who gets audiences committed and acting upon your requests. This resource delves into desktop publishing skills, online presentations, analyzing your audience, and delivers fresh, new tips, tricks, and techniques that help you present with confidence and raw power.Focused and innovative presentations are an essential part of doing business, and most importantly, getting business. Competition, technology, and the ever-tightening economy have made out-presenting your competitors more important than ever. Globally, an estimated 350 PowerPoint presentations are given every second. When it's your turn, you need to go high above and far beyond to stand out from the pack, and Innovative Presentations For Dummies provides a winning game plan. The book includes extensive advice on the visual aspect of presentations and, more importantly, it teaches you how to analyze your audience and speak directly to them. A personalized approach combined with stunning visuals and full sensory engagement makes for a winning presentation.Learn how to be an innovative, not just "effective" presenter in any situationUnderstand how to read and cater to specific audiencesCreate captivating visual materials using technology and propsCreative customize presentations to best communicate with audiencesMore and more employees are being called upon to make presentations, with or without prior training. With step-by-step instruction, vivid examples and ideas and a 360-degree approach to presentations, Innovative Presentations For Dummies will help to drastically improve your presentation outcomes as never before.
Innovative Security Solutions for Information Technology and Communications
by Pooya Farshim Emil SimionThis book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Security for Information Technology and Communications, SecITC 2017, held in Bucharest, Romania, in June 2017. The 6 revised full papers presented together with 7 invited talks were carefully reviewed and selected from 22 submissions. The papers present advances in the theory, design, implementation, analysis, verification, or evaluation of secure systems and algorithms.
Innovative Security Solutions for Information Technology and Communications
by Emil Simion David Naccache Ion BicaThis book constitutes the thoroughly refereedpost-conference proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Security forInformation Technology and Communications, SECITC 2015, held in Bucharest, Romania,in June 2015. The 17 revised full papers were carefully reviewed andselected from 36 submissions. In addition with 5 invited talks the papers covertopics such as Cryptographic Algorithms and Protocols, Security Technologiesfor IT&C, Information Security Management, Cyber Defense, and DigitalForensics.
Innovative Smart Healthcare and Bio-Medical Systems: AI, Intelligent Computing and Connected Technologies
by Salem, Abdel-Badeeh M.Advances in smart healthcare systems (SHS) and artificial intelligence (AI) domains highlight the need for ICT systems that aim not only to improve human quality of life but improve safety too. SHS bring together concepts and methodologies from various fields, such as communications and network systems, computer science, life sciences and healthcare. The well-known smart healthcare paradigms are; real-time monitoring devices, computer-aided surgery devices, telemedicine devices, population-based care devices, personalized medicine from a machine learning perspective, ubiquities intelligent computing, expert decision support systems, Health 2.0 and Internet of Things (IoT). This book presents models for the deployment of intelligent computing, information, and networking technologies to aid in preventing disease, improving the quality of care and lowering overall cost. It also discusses the potential role of the AI paradigms, computational intelligence and machine learning techniques which are used in developing the SHS. It will provide examples of potential usage of such technology in smart healthcare and and bio-medical systems. It will be an important read for researchers and professionals working in smart healthcare systems, as well as those working in the individual areas of networks, artificial intelligence and healthcare who want to see how an interdisciplinary approach can enhance the current technology.
Innovative Systems Approach for Designing Smarter World
by Toshiya Kaihara Hajime Kita Shingo TakahashiThis book presents an innovative systems approach towards the idea of a smarter world, with advanced and sustainable social infrastructures, facilities and services. It develops a novel systems approach for society-wide systems where interdependent systems encompassing transportation, energy, communication, water, sewerage, logistics, education, disaster prevention, medical care and welfare are integrated to form a ‘System of Systems’ (SoS). Written by leading system scientists and technology creators, it introduces state-of-the-art concepts of and methodologies for systems approaches towards SoS as well as their practical applications, discussing the planning, design and management challenges in their implementation and the potential impact on societies and the environment. The volume will be of interest to systems engineers, system integrators, and researchers in related engineering fields, as well as government policymakers.
Innovative Tableau: 100 More Tips, Tutorials, and Strategies
by Ryan SleeperLevel up with Tableau to build eye-catching, easy-to-interpret data visualizations. In this follow-up guide to Practical Tableau, author Ryan Sleeper takes you through a collection of unique tips and tutorials for using this popular software. Beginning to advanced Tableau users will learn how to go beyond Show Me to make better charts and learn dozens of tricks to improve both the author and user experience.Featuring many approaches he developed himself, Ryan shows you how to create charts that empower Tableau users to explore, understand, and derive value from their data. He also shares many of his favorite tricks that enabled him to become a Tableau Zen Master, Tableau Public Visualization of the Year author, and Tableau Global Iron Viz Champion.Learn what’s new in Tableau since Practical Tableau was releasedExamine unique new charts—timelines, custom gauges, and leapfrog charts—plus innovations to traditional charts such as highlight tables, scatter plots, and mapsGet tips that can help make a Tableau developer’s life easierUnderstand what developers can do to make users’ lives easier
Innovative Technologies for Printing and Packaging (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #991)
by Min Xu Li Yang Linghao Zhang Shu YanThis book includes original, peer-reviewed research papers from the 13th China Academic Conference on Printing and Packaging (CACPP 2022), held in Jinan, China, on November 10-12, 2022. The proceedings cover the recent findings in color science and technology, image processing technology, digital media technology, mechanical and electronic engineering and numerical control, materials and detection, digital process management technology in printing and packaging, and other technologies. As such, the book is of interest to university researchers, R&D engineers, and graduate students in the field of graphic arts, packaging, color science, image science, material science, computer science, digital media, network technology, and smart manufacturing technology.
Innovative Technologies for Printing, Packaging and Digital Media (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #1144)
by Huihui Song Min Xu Li Yang Linghao Zhang Shu YanThis book includes original, peer-reviewed research papers from the 14th China Academic Conference on Printing and Packaging (CACPP 2023), held in Beijing, China on November 24-26, 2023. The proceedings cover the latest findings in color science and technology, image processing technology, digital media technology, mechanical and electronic engineering and numerical control, materials and detection, printing and packaging technology, and so on. As such, the book is of interest to university researchers, R&D engineers and graduate students in the fields of color science, image science, materials science, computer science, digital media, network technology, smart manufacturing technology and printing and packaging.
Innovative Trends in Computational Intelligence (EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing)
by Ravi Tomar Manolo Dulva Hina Rafik Zitouni Amar Ramdane-CherifThis book addresses the key problems that computational intelligence aims to solve, including (i) the involved computational process might be too complex for mathematical reasoning; (ii) it might contain some uncertainties during the process, or (iii) by nature, the computational process is a randomly determined one (heuristic). The contributors make use of methods that are close to the human's way of reasoning, that is, available information might be inexact or incomplete, yet it would be able to produce controlled actions in an adaptive way. Approaches presented in the book include swarm intelligence, artificial immune systems, image processing, data mining, natural language processing, text mining, and other solutions involving artificial intelligence methodologies.
Innovativer Einsatz digitaler Medien im Marketing: Analysen, Strategien, Erfolgsfaktoren, Fallbeispiele
by Lothar Winnen Alexander Rühle Alexander WrobelDieses Buch zeigt fundiert, wie digitale Medien für unterschiedliche Zielsetzungen im Marketing passgenau eingesetzt werden können. Digitalexperten aus Wissenschaft und Praxis geben wertvolle Einblicke in die aktuellen Nutzungsmöglichkeiten. Neben neuesten Forschungsergebnissen zu den Themen Dynamic Pricing, Einsatz von Bots, Transmediales Marketing, Recruiting oder Mobile Marketing liefern sie wichtige Erkenntnisse und konkrete Praxisbeispiele aus unterschiedlichen Branchen.Ein inspirierendes Werk, das kluge Wege aufzeigt, um Ziele und Zielgruppen auch in einer zunehmend dynamischen Welt erfolgreich und nachhaltig zu erreichen.
Input, Interaction, and the Second Language Learner
by Susan M. GassThis volume provides a definitive view of the relationship between input, interaction, and second language acquisition. In so doing, it should prove useful to those whose major concern is with the acquisition of a second or foreign language as well as for those who are primarily interested in these issues from a pedagogical perspective. The book does not explicate or advocate a particular teaching methodology, but does attempt to lay out some of the underpinnings of what is involved in interaction -- what it is and what purpose it serves.Research in second language acquisition is concerned with the knowledge that second language learners do and do not acquire and how that knowledge comes about. This book ties these issues together from three perspectives -- input/interaction framework, information-processing, and learnability.
Input, Interaction, and the Second Language Learner: Second Edition (Routledge Linguistics Classics)
by Susan M. GassTwenty years after its first publication, Susan M. Gass’s Input, Interaction, and the Second Language Learner has become a classical text in the field of second language acquisition (SLA). This new printing includes the original text, along with a new preface that comprises individual consultations between the author and Alison Mackey, Rod Ellis, and Mike Long on the importance of the project two decades later. The volume provides an important view of the relationship between input, interaction, and SLA. In so doing, it should prove useful to those whose major concern is with the acquisition of a second or foreign language, as well as those who are primarily interested in these issues from a pedagogical perspective. The book does not explicate or advocate a particular teaching methodology, but does attempt to lay out some of the underpinnings of what is involved in interaction—what interaction is and what purpose it serves. Research in SLA is concerned with the knowledge that second language learners do and do not acquire, and how that knowledge comes about. This book ties these issues together from three perspectives: the input/interaction framework, information-processing, and learnability. This Routledge Linguistics Classic remains a key text for all SLA scholars and an essential supplementary volume for students on SLA courses.
Input-to-State Stability for PDEs (Communications and Control Engineering)
by Iasson Karafyllis Miroslav KrsticThis book lays the foundation for the study of input-to-state stability (ISS) of partial differential equations (PDEs) predominantly of two classes—parabolic and hyperbolic. This foundation consists of new PDE-specific tools. In addition to developing ISS theorems, equipped with gain estimates with respect to external disturbances, the authors develop small-gain stability theorems for systems involving PDEs. A variety of system combinations are considered: PDEs (of either class) with static maps;PDEs (again, of either class) with ODEs;PDEs of the same class (parabolic with parabolic and hyperbolic with hyperbolic); andfeedback loops of PDEs of different classes (parabolic with hyperbolic). In addition to stability results (including ISS), the text develops existence and uniqueness theory for all systems that are considered. Many of these results answer for the first time the existence and uniqueness problems for many problems that have dominated the PDE control literature of the last two decades, including—for PDEs that include non-local terms—backstepping control designs which result in non-local boundary conditions. Input-to-State Stability for PDEs will interest applied mathematicians and control specialists researching PDEs either as graduate students or full-time academics. It also contains a large number of applications that are at the core of many scientific disciplines and so will be of importance for researchers in physics, engineering, biology, social systems and others.
The Ins and Outs of Business and Professional Discourse Research: Reflections on Interacting with the Workplace (Communicating In Professions And Organizations)
by Glen Michael Alessi Geert JacobsThe Ins and Outs of Business and Professional Discourse Research.
The Ins and Outs of Business and Professional Discourse Research: Reflections on Interacting with the Workplace (Communicating in Professions and Organizations)
by Glen Michael Alessi Geert JacobsWinner of the Association for Business Communication’s Distinguished Publication on Business Communication Award 2016This edited volume offers a collection of original chapters focusing on the Ins and Outs of professional discourse research. Drawing on insights from LSP, ethnography and discourse analysis, it covers a wide range of issues, ranging from gaining access and collecting data to feeding results back in the form of recommendations to practitioners.
Insécurité linguistique dans la francophonie (Collection 101)
by Annette BoudreauVous êtes-vous déjà demandé si vous parliez le français qui convient ? Avez-vous déjà eu honte de votre manière de parler ou de la manière de parler des gens de votre communauté ? Si oui, cet ouvrage vous aidera à mieux comprendre les mécanismes qui régissent ces comportements langagiers. L’insécurité linguistique, fréquente dans la francophonie, serait issue de la façon dont la langue française s’est développée, de l’idée d’une norme unique et d’une vision unitaire et uniforme du français, qui perdure et qui est à la base d’exclusions sociales. Cet ouvrage décrit le phénomène de l’insécurité linguistique, son histoire, ses manifestations, et ses retentissements. Il porte précisément sur l’insécurité linguistique dans la francophonie et puise ses exemples dans la francophonie canadienne.Cet essai propose une analyse des principales manifestations du continuum qu’est l’insécurité linguistique, de l’hypercorrection – sa forme la plus légère – à la honte et au silence. Il explore les liens entre insécurité linguistique et diglossie, soit les rapports de domination entre groupes de personnes qui parlent des langues différentes ou entre personnes qui parlent la même langue. Enfin, il examine le rôle joué par les idéologies linguistiques et sociales dans la construction identitaire, idéologies masquées qui régissent les discours et qui agissent sur les comportements langagiers.
Inside Book Publishing
by null Angus Phillips null Giles ClarkNow fully revised and updated for its seventh edition, Inside Book Publishing is the classic introduction to the book publishing industry.The book provides excellent overviews of the main aspects of the publishing process: commissioning authors, product development, design and production, marketing, and sales. Angus Phillips and Giles Clark offer authoritative and up-to-date coverage of all sectors of the industry from commercial fiction to educational publishing and academic journals. They reveal how publishers continue to adapt to a fast-changing and highly interconnected world, in which printed books have proved resilient alongside ebooks and the growth in audio. The topics explored include AI, social media in marketing, sustainable book production, open access for research, and diversity, equity and inclusion. International case studies from industry experts give perspectives on, for example, comic books, children’s picture books, women in Indian publishing and the Korean literary wave.As a manual for those in the profession and a guide for the publishers of the future, this book remains a seminal work for anyone with an interest in the industry. It will also be of interest to authors seeking an insider’s view of this exciting industry.The book is supported by online resources, including a glossary, a further reading list and links to a range of online resources, available at www.routledge.com/9781032516554.
Inside Iran
by Mark Edward HarrisThe Islamic Republic of Iran is at the center of world attention politically, socially, and culturallybut it remains largely a cipher to the West. Award-winning photographer Mark Edward Harris has traveled throughout Iran to produce the first contemporary photographic book on a place seldom seen or understood. His images of daily life offer a fascinating look at a society of juxtapositionsancient and modern, commercial and spiritual, serene and intense, political and personal. With chapter introductions and extended captions providing context for the images, Inside Iran is a crucial look at a country whose future is likely to influence our own.
Inside MTV
by R. Serge DenisoffMTV is the third major breakthrough in music broadcasting, and the first since the late 1960s. ""Top Forty"" radio was initiated in the 1950s, and along with ""free form"" or ""progressive"" rock molded rock music exposure for nearly twenty years. Many observers credit MTV with resurrecting the music industry from the throes of the Great Depression of 1979. Few would dispute its impact on contemporary film, fashion, and radio.Inside MTV examines the world of cablecasting, the evolution of WASEC, MTV, VH-1, and some of their competitors. The strategies, personalities, promotions, and the contents that placed MTV on the road to its dominant position are described. The many controversies surrounding the channel are thoroughly detailed, and a good deal of the misinformation on the subject is corrected.It is a mere five years since MTV began as the third of four Warner-Amex Satellite Entertainment Company (WASEC) channels, created by two of America's largest conglomerates. Since then, it has become a major force. Before MTV was conceived the relationship between television and rock music was weak, at best. As the new partnership .developed, a story of genius, luck, and discrimination began to unfold, and a corporate innovation of major proportions and psychodemographic success emerged.MTV is now the most profitable 24-hour cable outlet beamed from a satellite. It reaches 30.8 million households. How all this happened is chronicled in this major new book from a leading authority on the American music business.
Inside North Korea
by Mark Edward HarrisAll but closed to outside visitors and influence, its public posture guarded and combative, we see almost nothing from inside North Korea. Award-winning photographer Mark Edward Harris has had rare access to this reclusive country, traveling within its borders as well as documenting life along its northern border with China and the highly militarized DMZ dividing North and South Korea. His images are amazing: the monumental architecture and empty streets of the capital; tightly controlled zones of economic and tourist trade with South Korea; mass games featuring 100,000 choreographed participants. Short essays, extended captions, and a foreword by North Korea expert Bruce Cumings further illuminate a country increasingly at the center of international politics.
Inside of Time: My Journey from Alaska to Israel
by Ruth GruberThe unforgettable story of Ruth Gruber's rugged travels through Alaska and years spent helping refugees escape to Israel in the nation's turbulent early days Drawing from hundreds of notebooks accumulated throughout her career, Gruber's breathtaking memoir spans some of the most significant events of the twentieth century, covering the years 1941 to 1952. She details her eighteen months spent surveying Alaska on behalf of the United States government, her role assisting Holocaust refugees' emigration from war-torn Europe, and her relationships with some of the most important figures of the era, including Eleanor Roosevelt and Golda Meir.Gruber describes these eleven years of her inspiring life with clarity and insight, providing an extraordinary inside look at some of the twentieth century's turning points.
Inside Prime Time (Communication and Society)
by Todd GitlinPrime time: those precious few hours every night when the three major television networks garner millions of dollars while tens of millions of Americans tune in. Inside Prime Time is a classic study of the workings of the Hollywood television industry, newly available with an updated introduction. Inside Prime Time takes us behind the scenes to reveal how prime-time shows get on the air, stay on the air, and are shaped by the political and cultural climate of their times. It provides an ethnography of the world of American commercial television, an analysis of that world's unwritten rules, and the most extensive study of the industry ever made.