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Interdisciplining Digital Humanities: Boundary Work In An Emerging Field

by Julie Thompson Klein

Interdisciplining Digital Humanities sorts through definitions and patterns of practice over roughly sixty-five years of work, providing an overview for specialists and a general audience alike. It is the only book that tests the widespread claim that Digital Humanities is interdisciplinary. By examining the boundary work of constructing, expanding, and sustaining a new field, it depicts both the ways this new field is being situated within individual domains and dynamic cross-fertilizations that are fostering new relationships across academic boundaries. It also accounts for digital reinvigorations of "public humanities" in cultural heritage institutions of museums, archives, libraries, and community forums.

Interface-Driven Phenomena in Spanish: Essays in Honor of Javier Gutiérrez-Rexach (Routledge Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics)

by Melvin González-Rivera Sandro Sessarego

Interface-Driven Phenomena in Spanish: Essays in Honor of Javier Gutiérrez-Rexach brings together a collection of articles from leading experts in the fields of formal syntax and semantics. With a specific focus on interface-related phenomena, the articles address a broad array of issues in Spanish grammar. In so doing, the book offers an updated view on current research topics while providing a rich variety of methods and theoretical perspectives. The volume will be of interest to advanced students, researchers and scholars working on Spanish syntax, semantics and their interfaces.

Interference Cancellation Using Space-Time Processing and Precoding Design

by Feng Li

Interference Cancellation Using Space-Time Processing and Precoding Design introduces original design methods to achieve interference cancellation, low-complexity decoding and full diversity for a series of multi-user systems. In multi-user environments, co-channel interference will diminish the performance of wireless communications systems. In this book, we investigate how to design robust space-time codes and pre-coders to suppress the co-channel interference when multiple antennas are available. This book offers a valuable reference work for graduate students, academic researchers and engineers who are interested in interference cancellation in wireless communications. Rigorous performance analysis and various simulation illustrations are included for each design method. Dr. Feng Li is a scientific researcher at Cornell University.

Interference Mitigation in Device-to-Device Communications

by Masood Ur Rehman Ghazanfar Ali Safdar Mohammad Asad Rehman Chaudhry

Explore this insightful foundational resource for academics and industry professionals dealing with the move toward intelligent devices and networks Interference Mitigation in Device-to-Device Communications delivers a thorough discussion of device-to-device (D2D) and machine-to-machine (M2M) communications as solutions to the proliferation of ever more data hungry devices being attached to wireless networks. The book explores the use of D2D and M2M technologies as a key enabling component of 5G networks. It brings together a multidisciplinary team of contributors in fields like wireless communications, signal processing, and antenna design. The distinguished editors have compiled a collection of resources that practically and accessibly address issues in the development, integration, and enhancement of D2D systems to create an interference-free network. This book explores the complications posed by the restriction of device form-factors and the co-location of several electronic components in a small space, as well as the proximity of legacy systems operating in similar frequency bands. Readers will also benefit from the inclusion of: A thorough introduction to device-to-device communication, including its history and development over the last decade, network architecture, standardization issues, and regulatory and licensing hurdles An exploration of interference mitigation in device-to-device communication underlaying LTE-A networks A rethinking of device-to-device interference mitigation, including discussions of the challenges posed by the proliferation of devices An analysis of user pairing for energy efficient device-to-device content disseminationPerfect for researchers, academics, and industry professionals working on 5G networks, Interference Mitigation in Device-to-Device Communications will also earn a place in the libraries of undergraduate, graduate, and PhD students conducting research into wireless communications and applications, as well as policy makers and communications industry regulators.

Interfirm Relationships and Trade Credit in Japan

by Hirofumi Uchida Arito Ono Souichirou Kozuka Makoto Hazama Iichiro Uesugi

This is the first book to report the details of the current status of interfirm relationships in Japan. Based on a unique data set of firms, the authors describe the characteristics of interfirm transactions in a manner unprecedented in the literature. Special emphasis is placed on the nature of payment/collection between firms. Payment for interfirm transactions is usually made on account, or by payment after delivery, rather than by immediate payment. Thus, most interfirm transactions are accompanied by a provision of credit (i. e. , lending/borrowing) from a seller to a buyer, referred to as trade credit. Although trade credit is used all around the world and accounts for a large portion of firms' balance sheets, researchers, lacking detailed data, have long encountered serious difficulty in clarifying how and why firms use trade credit. In this work the authors use a huge, unique data set of about 380,000 firms in Japan during the 2007-2010 period. To grasp the entirety of this enormous data set, which is tantamount to a picture of all firms currently operating in Japan, this brief summarizes descriptive statistics and conducts univariate analyses of the data. Also provided is the legal background of trade credit practice in Japan from the "law and economics" perspective. In this manner, the book furnishes vital information that can be used as a reference for future theoretical and empirical analyses of trade credit and interfirm relationships.

Intergenerational Communication Across the Life Span (Routledge Communication Series)

by Angie Williams Jon F. Nussbaum

Individuals of all ages interact with one another, and their interactions have significance throughout their lives. This distinctive volume acknowledges the importance of these interactions and provides a life-span developmental view of communication and aging, attempting to capture the many similarities and changes that occur in people's lives as they age. The authors move the study of intergenerational contact closer to the actual participants, examining what happens within intergenerational interactions and how people evaluate their intergenerational experiences. The volume concentrates on the micro-context of the intergenerational interaction and the cognitions, language, and relationship behaviors related to intergenerational communication across the life span. The volume employs the perspective that the understanding of human behavior across the life span is enhanced by studying communicative behavior in intergenerational interaction. The authors integrate research from multiple disciplines concerned with intergenerational communication, which is framed by several unique theoretical perspectives drawn from the communication discipline. As a resource for the study of intergenerational communication across the life span, this monograph offers important insights to scholars, students, and all who are involved in intergenerational communication.

Intergenerational Connections in Digital Families

by Sakari Taipale

This book provides a comprehensive review of how digital communication technology can help families network and communicate across generations, despite differences in family composition, residential location, cultural values and orientations. Covering the full spectrum of intergenerational relations (including child to parent, and parent to grandparent), it offers a positive view of the value of digital technology usage within families.The author focuses on three European countries: Finland, Italy and Slovenia, but also touches on other European countries and parts of the United States, revealing evidence that challenges ideas of universal adoption of information communication technology (ICT) and consistency in the social effects of such adoption in different regions and cultures. Further, the book discusses numerous other challenges and issues, such as:• the social transformations and technological developments that have made digital families possible;• the resulting changes in family roles, responsibilities, and practices; and• the theoretical and conceptual implications of digital communication-technology use in families.The author illustrates how ICT can facilitate family solidarity and how it helps to provide new ways of being together, and they discuss how social media, particularly instant messaging applications, helps develop affinity between family members better than traditional one-to-one personal communication tools. Combining highly nuanced material with fresh sociological thinking, it enhances readers’ theoretical understanding of the meaning of the ‘digital family’, making it a powerful resource for graduate and undergraduate students, as well as academics. Thanks to its structured format with easy-to-understand explanations, it appeals to practitioners and researchers alike.

Interkulturelle Gesprächsführung: Menschen begegnen einander, nicht Kulturen (essentials)

by Edwin Hoffman

Wir alle kommen mit der Superdiversität der Gesellschaft in Kontakt, die zeigt, wie geschichtet, kontextabhängig und veränderlich sich Menschen sozial organisieren und identifizieren. Kulturelle Identität ist schon lange nicht mehr nur mit der nationalen Herkunft identisch, Autochthone und Migranten aus zahlreichen Herkunftsländern haben jeweils ihre eigene Vielfalt an Bevölkerungsgruppen und sozialen Kategorien. Was bedeutet diese Superdiversität für die professionelle Kommunikation? Edwin Hoffman bietet in diesem essential mit vielen Beispielen einen innovativen Ansatz, der auf zwischenmenschlicher Kommunikation und nicht auf der Begegnung von Kulturen basiert. Das TOPOI-Modell enthält Handlungsstrategien zur Reflexion und Überbrückung von Kommunikationsunterschieden.

Interkulturelle Kompetenz online vermitteln (Key Competences for Higher Education and Employability)

by Gundula Gwenn Hiller Ulrike Zillmer-Tantan Reema Fattohi

Bei interkulturellen Trainings geht es um den Erwerb des kommunikativen Handlungswissens sowie die Arbeit an der inneren Haltung. Voraussetzungen dafür sind eine vertrauensvolle Atmosphäre und Interaktion. Wie lässt sich das online umsetzen? Dieses Buch liefert darauf Antworten, in 3 Teilen:• Theoretische Grundlagen vermitteln didaktische Prinzipen • Praxisberichte inspirieren zur Umsetzung innovativer Lehr-Lernkonzepte, und • Eine praxiserprobte Methoden-Sammlung von über 50 Trainer*innen liefert eine breite Auswahl an Tools für interkulturelles Lernen. Trainer*innen und Lehrende finden hier solides handwerkliches Wissen mit konkreten Umsetzungstipps.

Interkulturelle Wirtschaftspsychologie (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Petia Genkova

Dieses Lehrbuch befasst sich mit den kulturellen Unterschieden in der Wirtschaftspsychologie. Im Mittelpunkt steht die Wechselwirkung zwischen Kultur und ihrem Einfluss auf Denken und Verhalten im wirtschaftlichen Kontext. Mit Lernzielen, Praxistipps, Definitionen, Verständnisfragen und Zusammenfassungen ist dieses Werk didaktisch klar strukturiert und leicht verständlich aufgebaut. Eindrücklich zeigt es auf, welche Phänomene eher universell, d.h. in allen Kulturen gültig sind, und welche der affektiven, kognitiven und verhaltensbezogenen Phänomene eher kulturspezifischen Regeln und Normen unterliegen. Zum besseren Verständnis sind die Zusammenhänge praxisnah mit Fallbeispielen veranschaulicht. Aktuelle Studien runden die wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen mit interessanten Erkenntnissen und Beispielen ab. Direkte Handlungsimplikationen regen zum Nachdenken an und laden zur praktischen Umsetzung ein.

Interkulturelles User Interface Design

by Rüdiger Heimgärtner

Dieses Fachbuch beschreibt den Weg der Entwicklung eines international nutzbaren Produktes mit Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstelle von der Theorie über die Konzeption und Gestaltung bis hin zur praktischen Umsetzung. Es werden die wichtigsten Konzepte in den Bereichen Philosophie, Kommunikation, Kultur und Ethnocomputing als Grundlage des interkulturellen User Interface Designs erläutert. Der Autor präsentiert direkt nutzbares handlungsrelevantes Wissen für die Prozesse der Internationalisierung und Lokalisierung von Software. Das Werk ist für ein allgemeines Publikum geschrieben, das sich für Softwareergonomie, Softwareengineering und das menschzentrierte Design im interkulturellen Kontext interessiert. Für Produktmanager und Usability Professionals sind die konkreten Empfehlungen und Checklisten für die direkte Umsetzung in der Produktgestaltung von besonderem Interesse.

Intermediate Dutch: A Grammar and Workbook (Grammar Workbooks)

by Jenneke A. Oosterhoff

Intermediate Dutch is designed for learners who have achieved a basic proficiency and wish to refine their knowledge of grammatical structures. This Workbook, along with its companion volume Basic Dutch, provides clear and concise summaries of the essential points of Dutch grammar as well as opportunities to practice using the structures of the language. Building on the lessons of Basic Dutch, each of the twenty-four units presents a grammatical topic with an introduction and overview, followed by contextualized exercises to reinforce learning. Features include: a clear accessible format many useful language examples abundant exercises with a full answer key frequent references to English grammar an appendix on irregular verbs an index of grammatical keywords. Suitable for independent learners and students on taught courses, Intermediate Dutch, together with its sister volume Basic Dutch, forms a structured course in the essentials of Dutch grammar.

Intermediate German: A Grammar and Workbook (Grammar Workbooks)

by Anna Miell Heiner Schenke

Intermediate German: A Grammar and Workbook is designed for learners who have achieved basic proficiency and now wish to progress to more complex language. Each of the units combines concise grammar explanations with examples and exercises to help build confidence and fluency. The new edition includes: up-to-date cultural aspects of German-speaking countries extended entries on adverbs and the imperative Did you know? sections with tips on learning strategies, and on contemporary usage more exercises to refine retention Suitable for students learning with or without a teacher, Intermediate German forms a structured course of the essentials of German grammar and is suitable for students at intermediate level, corresponding to levels A2–B1+ on the CEFR or Intermediate High/Advanced Low with the ACTFL.

Intermediate Korean: A Grammar and Workbook (Grammar Workbooks)

by Andrew Sangpil Byon

Intermediate Korean: A Grammar and Workbook comprises an accessible reference grammar and related exercises in a single volume. This workbook presents twenty-four individual grammar points, covering the core material which students would expect to encounter in their second year of learning Korean. Grammar points are followed by examples and exercises which allow students to reinforce and consolidate their learning. Intermediate Korean is suitable for both class use as well as independent study. Key features include: clear, accessible format many useful language examples all Korean entries presented in Hangul with English translations jargon-free explanations of grammar abundant exercises with full answer key subject index. Clearly presented and user-friendly, Intermediate Korean provides readers with the essential tools to express themselves in a wide variety of situations, making it an ideal grammar reference and practice resource for students with some knowledge of the language.

Intermediate Korean: A Grammar and Workbook (Routledge Grammar Workbooks)

by Andrew Sangpil Byon

This revised second edition of Intermediate Korean: A Grammar and Workbook is an accessible reference grammar and related exercises in a single volume. The text can be used in conjunction with any primary textbook, both as a reference guide to the intermediate Korean grammar and a practice book to reinforce learning. This book presents 24 individual grammar points, covering the core material that students would expect to encounter in their second year of learning Korean. Grammar points are followed by examples and exercises which allow students to reinforce and consolidate their learning. Key features include: Clear, accessible format Many useful language examples All Korean entries presented in Hangul with English translations Abundant exercises with full answer key Subject index. Clearly presented and user-friendly, Intermediate Korean provides readers with the essential tools to express themselves in a wide variety of situations, making it an ideal grammar reference and practice resource for students with some knowledge of the language. Intermediate Korean is suitable for both class use as well as independent study.

Intermediate Market Leader Business English Course Book

by David Cotton David Falvey Simon Kent

This five-level course uses authoritative, authentic sources to explore topical business issues and builds the professional standard of language needed to communicate in the modern world of business.

Intermediate Persian: A Grammar and Workbook (Routledge Grammar Workbooks)

by Saeed Yousef Hayedeh Torabi

Intermediate Persian: A Grammar and Workbook comprises accessible grammar exercises in a single volume. Each of the 14 units deals with a particular grammatical point and provides associated exercises to help learners reinforce and consolidate their knowledge. In addition, it features four appendices, covering colloquial, polite, literary and journalistic styles. Intermediate Persian reviews the principles presented in Basic Persian and introduces more-advanced features and structures of the language. User-friendly and engaging, Intermediate Persian is suitable for both class use and independent study. This edition is completely revised with additional features, such as a review chapter and translations of all the examples.

Intermediate Spanish: A Grammar and Workbook (Grammar Workbooks)

by Irene Wilkie Carmen Arnaiz

This text is designed for learners who have achieved basic proficiency and wish to progress to more complex language. Each of the units combines concise grammar explanations with examples and exercises to help build confidence and fluency. Features include: clear explanations of the similarities and differences in English and Spanish grammar authentic language examples from a range of contemporary media reading comprehensions at the end of each unit full cross-referencing throughout extra tips on language learning and learning specific grammar points. Suitable for students learning with or without a teacher, Intermediate Spanish, together with Basic Spanish form a structured course in the essentials of Spanish grammar.

Intermediate Swedish: A Grammar and Workbook (Grammar Workbooks)

by Ian Hinchliffe Philip Holmes

Intermediate Swedish: A Grammar and Workbook combines an accessible intermediate reference grammar and related exercises in one volume that covers most of the topics that students might expect to deal with in their second year of learning Swedish. The book follows on naturally from and complements its companion volume, Basic Swedish. Each of the 26 units discusses one or more grammar topics, with examples that are subsequently practised in the exercises that follow. The book presents the contemporary language against a backdrop of Swedish culture, society, geography, customs and history. Each unit ends with a cultural text which outlines an aspect of Swedish culture and, in nearly all cases, exemplifies and consolidates the grammar topic examined in the unit. Features include: • clear grammatical explanations with examples in Swedish and English • vocabulary based on a major corpus of written Swedish in order to guarantee authenticity and relevance • cross-references to other units • over 100 exercises with a key to all the correct answers. The book is suitable both for independent study and for class use. It can be used by intermediate students and those who have grasped the basics of grammar and vocabulary.

The Intern Files

by Jamie Fedorko Dwight Allott

In today's highly competitive job market, an internship at the right company can be the first step to building a career. But how do you get the gig of your dreams? And once in the door, how do you figure out what to wear, whether it's okay to hook up with a coworker, and how to suck it up when you're smarter than your boss?

Intern Insider: Getting the Most Out of Your Internship in the Entertainment Field

by Tammy Trujillo

Internships have all but became a requirement when starting out in the fields of entertainment and broadcasting. Students need these internships not only to get their foot in the door, but to gain valuable experience that gives them an advantage when going for that first job in the industry. Intern Insider helps students navigate the often daunting task of finding an internship, and equips readers to use the experience learned to begin a strong career in the entertainment world. As both a professional broadcaster and college professor, author Tammy Trujillo approaches the topic of internships from both sides: what the student and intern site hope to gain. She provides various valuable perspectives throughout the book, including student assessments on their internship experiences, case studies of those who have turned their internships into careers, and interviews with internship site coordinators. Her breadth of knowledge and experience make for a ground-level book both informative and useful. In the competitive landscape of today’s entertainment and broadcasting worlds, Intern Insider provides students with all the tools they need to make the most of their internships and jumpstart their careers!Also visit

Internal Communication and Employee Engagement: A Case Study Approach

by Nance McCown Linjuan Rita Men Hua Jiang Hongmei Shen

This book aims to explore the connection between internal communication and employee engagement in both educational and business settings. Through the collection of chapters contributed by leading public relations, communication, and management scholars as well as seasoned practitioners, readers will gain new insights into current issues in internal communication and employee engagement through a series of real-world case studies analyzing current issues and offering best practices in internal communication and employee engagement in specific industry and organization settings. Learning outcomes and discussion questions for both classroom use and business strategizing round out each chapter, providing a springboard to further inquiry, research, and initiative development in these intricately intertwined areas so crucial to employee satisfaction and organizational success. This makes Internal Communications and Employee Engagement an ideal resource for the intended audience of scholars, students, internal communication managers, and organizational leaders

Internal Communication and Employer Brands (Routledge Research in Public Relations)

by Ana Tkalac Verčič Dejan Verčič Anja Špoljarić

This book proposes a model of internal communication based on empirical research to demonstrate how contemporary organizations strategize, organize, perform and measure it. Internal communication is the management of communication between an organization and its members to inform, motivate, engage and cocreate meanings to make organizations more effective. The book presents key concepts defining the successful implementation and execution of internal communication: internal communication satisfaction, employee engagement, employer branding, organizational support, and psychological contract fulfillment. Including an extensive literature review and informed by in-depth interviews conducted with corporate communication directors and human resource management directors in 25 Croatian organizations, the book uses original research to give practical guidance on internal communication best practices. The book is an ideal resource for researchers and advanced students of public relations and corporate communication broadly and internal and employee communication specifically.

Internal communication and management: Theory and praxis communication-centered management

by Ulrike Buchholz Susanne Knorre

This book on business management combines theoretical knowledge with practical examples Agility and internal communication are two important competencies for modern business management. They should already be taught during studies so that upcoming managers are prepared for the challenges of management tasks at an early stage. This book on corporate management is an excellent tool for teaching current leadership concepts. Especially the combination of theoretical knowledge with practical case studies makes it interesting not only as a basis for exams for students, but also as a reference book for managers in companies. Theoretical knowledge, practically imparted A major strength of this book on business management is its bridge between theoretical knowledge and tips on how to implement practical concepts in businesses. Thus, not only students benefit from the imparted knowledge of this book, but also managers and employees from the following departments: Corporate DevelopmentStrategic controllingLegal and Compliancechange managementhuman resourcesCommunications Management Current scientific discussions on internal communication and agile management are taken up and explained clearly using practical examples. Recent developments in this professional field are included. The book deals with these topics In their book on business management, the authors deal with the following topics, among others: Fundamentals of corporate managementIntroduction to communication-based management theoryPerspectives of internal communication in the context of agile managementTasks of corporate managementFactors of leadership communication, including normative leadership, strategic controlling and innovation managementOutlook for future developments in internal communication

Internal Communication Strategy: Design, Develop and Transform your Organizational Communication

by Rachel Miller

Getting internal communication right starts with having a clear strategy. Internal Communication Strategy is your all-in-one guide to designing, developing and delivering an effective internal communication strategy that will inspire and motivate your employees. Written by award-winning communications professional Rachel Miller and featuring key insights from companies such as Marks & Spencer, Hilton, BBC and The Met Office, this book covers not only how to develop and write an internal communication strategy, but also how to practically implement it throughout your organization to create a shared understanding and vision. With workplaces constantly evolving, this book gives you a solid framework to return to when you need to refresh your strategy, providing actionable guidance and inspirational insights throughout. Drawing on the author's 20 years of experience, it also tackles the key topics facing communicators today including communicating with neurodivergent employees, how to influence at C-suite level, the effect of hybrid working and how to measure the impact and prove the value of internal communication.

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