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Jubilee Hitchhiker: The Life and Times of Richard Brautigan

by William Hjortsberg

Confident and robust, Jubilee Hitchhiker is an comprehensive biography of late novelist and poet Richard Brautigan, author of Troutfishing in America and A Confederate General from Big Sur, among many others. When Brautigan took his own life in September of 1984 his close friends and network of artists and writers were devastated though not entirely surprised. To many, Brautigan was shrouded in enigma, erratic and unpredictable in his habits and presentation. But his career was formidable, an inspiration to young writers like Hjortsberg trying to get their start. Brautigan's career wove its way through both the Beat-influenced San Francisco Renaissance in the 1950s and the "Flower Power" hippie movement of the 1960s; while he never claimed direct artistic involvement with either period, Jubilee Hitchhiker also delves deeply into the spirited times in which he lived.As Hjortsberg guides us through his search to uncover Brautigan as a man the reader is pulled deeply into the writer's world. Ultimately this is a work that seeks to connect the Brautigan known to his fans with the man who ended his life so abruptly in 1984 while revealing the close ties between his writing and the actual events of his life. Part history, part biography, and part memoir this etches the portrait of a man destroyed by his genius.

Judith Butler and Organization Theory (Routledge Studies in Gender and Organizations)

by Melissa Tyler

2020 will mark thirty years since the first publication of Judith Butler’s ground-breaking book, Gender Trouble. Here, and in subsequent work, Butler argues that gender and other forms of identity can best be understood as performative acts. These acts are what bring our subjectivities into existence, enabling us to be recognized as viable employable social beings, worthy of rights, responsibilities and respect. The three decades since the publication of Gender Trouble have witnessed Butler become one of the most widely cited and controversial figures in contemporary feminist thinking. While it is only in her most recent work that Butler has engaged directly with themes such as work and organization, her writing has profound implications for thinking, and acting, on the relationship between power, recognition and organization. Whilst her ideas have made important in-roads into work, organization and gender studies that are discussed here, there is considerable scope to explore further avenues that her concepts and theories open up. These inroads and avenues are the focus of this book. Judith Butler and Organization Theory makes a substantial contribution to the analysis of gender, work and organization. It not only covers central issues in Butler’s work, it also offers a close reading of the complexities and nuances in her thought. It does so by ‘reading’ Butler as a theorist of organization, whose work resonates with scholars, practitioners and activists concerned to understand and engage with organizational life, organization and organizing. Drawing from a range of illustrative examples, the book examines key texts or ‘moments’ in the development of Butler’s writing to date, positing her as a thinker concerned to understand and address the ways in which our most basic desire for recognition comes to be organized within the context of contemporary labour markets and workplaces. It examines insights from Butler’s work, and the philosophical ideas she draws on, considering the impact of these on work, organization and management studies thus far; it also explores some of the many ways in which her thinking might be mobilized in future, considering what scope there is for a non-violent ethics of organization, and for a (re)assembling of the relationship between vulnerability and resistance within and through organizational politics.

Jugendliche und die Aneignung politischer Information in Online-Medien

by Ulrike Wagner Christa Gebel

Online-Medien eröffnen Jugendlichen in Hinblick auf politisch relevante Information ein breites Spektrum an Handlungsmöglichkeiten, das sich vom Abrufen und Kommentieren aktuellster Nachrichten über das Weiterleiten interessanter Meldungen bis zum Demoaufruf via Facebook-Posting erstreckt. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Studie geben einen quantitativen Überblick, inwieweit und in welcher Intensität 12- bis 19-Jährige dieses Spektrum ausschöpfen. Darüber hinaus zeigen qualitative Fallstudien mit politisch interessierten Jugendlichen, in welchem Maße und welcher Weise sie die informationsbezogenen Handlungsmöglichkeiten für sich nutzbar machen und bewerten. Die Autorinnen diskutieren die Ergebnisse in Hinblick auf heutige Anforderungen an die Medienkompetenz Jugendlicher unter dem Blickwinkel der Mediatisierung gesellschaftlicher Partizipation.

Julius Caesar: The 30-Minute Shakespeare

by Nick Newlin

Julius Caesar: The 30-Minute Shakespeare presents eight spellbinding scenes from this timeless masterpiece. The action begins as the soothsayer warns Caesar of the Ides of March and continues as Brutus conspires against Caesar. Other key scenes include Caesar's riveting assassination and Antony's stirring funeral oration. This adaptation closes with Cinna the Poet's death at the hands of the mob, the quarrel between Brutus and Cassius, and Brutus' suicide. The edition includes a preface by Nick Newlin containing helpful advice on presenting Shakespeare in a high school setting with novice actors, as well as an appendix with play-specific suggestions and recommendations for further resources.

The Jumbled Jigsaw: An Insider's Approach to the Treatment of Autistic Spectrum `Fruit Salads'

by Donna Williams

The Jumbled Jigsaw exposes autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) not as single entities but as a combination of a whole range of often untreated, sometimes easily treatable, underlying conditions. Exploring everything from mood, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive and tic disorders to information processing and sensory perceptual difficulties, including dependency issues, identity problems and much more, Donna demonstrates how a number of such conditions can combine to form a 'cluster condition' and underpin the label 'autism spectrum disorder'. Donna Williams encourages and empowers families to look at what they can do to change their child's environment to address anxiety, overload and other issues. She also gives carers the necessary information to navigate the booming autism marketplace and demand the right tools for the job. The author also challenges professionals to adopt a multi-disciplinary approach to identifying and treating the cluster conditions that make up an autism spectrum diagnosis, and to improve service delivery to those in need. The Jumbled Jigsaw is a call to modern society to take responsibility and accept diversity. It is written in a very human and user-friendly way for parents and for Auties and Aspies themselves, but it is also aimed at carers, professionals, policy-makers and service providers.

Jump Start CSS: Get Up to Speed With CSS in a Weekend

by Louis Lazaris

This short SitePoint book provides readers with a fun and yet practical introduction to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), the language used to style and lay out all web pages. This book will quickly get you up to speed with the fundamentals of CSS and give you the confidence to start experimenting on your own. It covers: Layout techniquesImages, backgrounds, textNavigationGetting fancy with CSS3 The book is built around a real-life example project: a recipe website design. It's a fun and easily understandable project that is used to demonstrate the concepts outlined in the book in a practical way.This is a clear, approachable and very easy-to-follow book that will get you to to speed with CSS in no time.

Junk News

by Tom Fenton

In this salient critique of the American media, veteran journalist Tom Fenton exposes the dangerous failings of our news organizations and the fundamental problems with how they present world news. Junk News is a stirring call to reform the faltering "fourth estate" and to take the blinders off our citizens for the sake of our security.Tom Fenton is a four-time Emmy Award-winning journalist and was the senior foreign correspondent for CBS News. He is the author of Bad News: The Decline of Reporting, the Business of News, and the Danger to Us All. He currently works as a BBC commentator.

Jurisprudence of Jurisdiction

by Shaun McVeigh

For much of the history of the western legal order, jurisdiction has been the first question of law. This book investigates the difference that jurisdiction continues to make to the ordering of normative existence. It also follows the speculation that without an account of jurisdiction, jurisprudence would be left speechless, with no power to address the conditions of attachment to legal and political order. The starting point of this book lies with the claim that a sharper focus can be given to normative legal ordering through questions of jurisdiction than can be through those of moral responsibility or social action. This is so because jurisdiction articulates both the potentiality of law and the conditions of its exercise. It provides the idiom of response to the fact that there is law and to the fact that law institutes, judges and addresses a form of life. From this viewpoint the contributors to this book examine the institution of human rights, the new global and national orders of sovereign power and of trade and information, the judgment and government of death and desire, and the address of colonial and post-colonial legal idioms. In doing this the contributors also provide for the elaboration of questions of jurisdiction as part of the resources and repertoires of jurisprudence. This book provides a point of entry to an emergent genre of writing within doctrinal, historical and critical jurisprudence that has returned to questions of jurisdiction to think again about juridical order and change. In so doing, it also points to questions that must be asked for there to be any interdisciplinary study that addresses law.

Just a Journalist: On the Press, Life, and the Spaces Between (The William E. Massey Sr. lectures in American studies ; #2015)

by Linda Greenhouse

A Pulitzer Prize–winning reporter who covered the Supreme Court for The New York Times, Linda Greenhouse trains an autobiographical lens on a moment of transition in U.S. journalism. Calling herself “an accidental activist,” she raises urgent questions about the role of journalists as citizens and participants in the world around them.

Just Call Me Rae: The Story of Rae O. Weimer, Founder of the University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications

by Ann Weimer Moxley

Distributed on behalf of the University of Florida College of Journalism and CommunicationsRae O. Weimer founded the University of Florida’s first school of journalism, and within one year of his arrival in Gainesville, the school received accreditation. No longer would Florida’s students have to leave the state to pursue dreams of becoming journalists. Just Call Me Rae chronicles the life of the man who pioneered journalism education in Florida and built one of the most innovative journalism and communications programs in the country. Rae grew up in a small Midwestern town where he learned to be resourceful and hardworking, traits that would make him—along with his reputation—the prime candidate to lead UF’s small journalism department. Due to economic hardship, he dropped out of college in his final year, but he knew he was destined to be a newspaperman. He learned everything he could about the profession, taking any job that came his way. Between 1925 and 1940, Rae worked for eleven newspapers in six states, including the Akron Beacon Journal and Cleveland Press in Ohio and the Buffalo Times in New York. The culmination of his newspaper career was his role at the revolutionary and historic PM newspaper in New York City. At PM, Rae rubbed elbows with some of the greatest journalists and writers of his generation, including Dorothy Parker, Ernest Hemingway, Ted Geisel (Dr. Seuss), Max Lerner, I. F. “Izzy” Stone, Dashiell Hammett, and Pulitzer Prize-winner Edna Ferber. Rae’s reputation ran ahead of him to Florida, where the state’s newspapers were agitating for upgrading journalism education at UF. Rae might not have had the degrees that other candidates had, but he had the credentials—he was a seasoned newspaperman, a trained newspaper technician, and his years at PM had honed his teaching instinct. UF President J. Hillis Miller agreed to hire Rae, and so would begin the legend of the degreeless dean. Rae re-envisioned journalism at the University of Florida. With his leadership, what had been a three-person department that rarely exceeded twenty students grew into the School of Journalism. He expanded the school to include advertising and radio and television journalism in the curriculum, and by the 1960s UF's School of Journalism was the fastest growing journalism program in the country. In 1968, shortly after Rae retired, the School became the College of Journalism and Communications, and today it is still ranked among the nation’s top journalism programs, with students hired at news organizations across the country, including highly competitive newsrooms in New York, Washington, D.C., Chicago, and Los Angeles. With the communication skills they developed at the college, many pursue careers in public service, politics, law and public relations. This book is an eye-opening chronicle of Rae Weimer’s lasting legacy to journalism in the state of Florida.Distributed by University Press of Florida on behalf of the University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications

Just Listen: Discover the Secret to Getting Through to Absolutely Anyone

by Mark Goulston

Do you ever feel like you're talking to a brick wall? The first step in persuading anyone to do anything is getting them to hear you out. But whether the person is a cynical colleague, furious customer, or overwhelmed spouse, their emotional barriers may be blocking your message. And if you can't break through, you can't move forward. Just Listen has helped tens of thousands of people tear down walls and establish productive communication. In this landmark book, veteran psychiatrist and business coach Mark Goulston reveals simple, proven techniques for moving people from resistance to consensus, explaining how to: Listen effectively Make even a total stranger - perhaps a potential client - feel "felt" Shift an angry or aggressive person into a calmer, more receptive state Use empathy jolts to quickly bridge communication gaps Turn negative people into assets using the "Magic Paradox" Achieve buy-in, the linchpin of all negotiation, persuasion, and sales Barricades between people become barriers to success and happiness, so getting through is not just a fine art - it's a crucial skill. With Just Listen, readers learn how to transform the "impossible" and "unreachable" people in their lives into true allies, loyal customers, and lifelong friends.

Just Listen

by Thierry Groensteen

The first make-or-break step in persuading anyone to do any thing is getting them to hear you out. Whether the person is a harried colleague, a stressed-out client, or an insecure spouse, things will go from bad to worse if you can't break through emotional barricades. Drawing on his experience as a psychiatrist, business consultant, and coach, and backed by the latest scientific research, author Mark Goulston shares simple but power ful techniques readers can use to really get through to people--whether they're coworkers, friends, strangers, or enemies. Getting through is a fine art but a critical one. With the help of this groundbreaking book readers will be able to turn the "impossible" and "unreachable" people in their lives into allies, devoted customers, loyal colleagues, and lifetime friends.

Just Relationships: Living Out Social Justice as Mentor, Family, Friend, and Lover

by Douglas L. Kelley

Bringing a social justice lens to daily interpersonal relationships, Just Relationships offers a perspective on existing social science theory that demonstrates how our personal relationships should be grounded in fairness and justice. Douglas Kelley utilizes concepts from a variety of academic disciplines and helping professions to examine the barriers encountered in achieving balanced partnerships. This student-friendly book brings the important new perspective of social justice to courses focusing on interpersonal relationships and family relationships, supplementing traditional textbooks. This book presents key relationship theories in each chapter and then applies them from a social justice perspective; uses thought-provoking case studies and guiding questions to enhance student learning; examines a number of different types of interpersonal relationships including family, friends, lovers, and mentor-mentee relationships within a variety of socioeconomic and sociocultural contexts.

Just Relationships: Living Out Social Justice as Mentor, Family, Friend, and Lover

by Douglas L. Kelley

Bringing a social justice lens to daily interpersonal relationships, Just Relationships offers a perspective on existing social science theory that demonstrates how our personal relationships should be grounded in fairness and justice. Douglas Kelley utilizes concepts from a variety of academic disciplines and helping professions to examine the barriers encountered in achieving balanced partnerships. This student-friendly book brings the important new perspective of social justice to courses focusing on interpersonal relationships and family relationships, supplementing traditional textbooks. This book presents key relationship theories in each chapter and then applies them from a social justice perspective; uses thought-provoking case studies and guiding questions to enhance student learning; examines a number of different types of interpersonal relationships including family, friends, lovers, and mentor-mentee relationships within a variety of socioeconomic and sociocultural contexts.

Just Shut Up and Do It: 7 Steps to Conquer Your Goals

by Brian Tracy

What makes some people successful in life? In Just Shut Up and Do It, bestselling author and success expert Brian Tracy shares a simple, practical, proven seven-part method that will help you accomplish more in the next few months and years than most people accomplish in a lifetime. In its simplest terms, your ability to get started and keep going until you complete those things that are most important to you and to your company is the key to winning, to happiness, to a great reputation, and to success in life. There are no limits to what you can achieve.

Just the Facts: How "Objectivity" Came to Define American Journalism

by David T.Z. Mindich

Draws a history of journalism's most respected tenet—objectivityIf American journalism were a religion, as it has been called, then its supreme deity would be "objectivity." The high priests of the profession worship the concept, while the iconoclasts of advocacy journalism, new journalism, and cyberjournalism consider objectivity a golden calf. Meanwhile, a groundswell of tabloids and talk shows and the increasing infringement of market concerns make a renewed discussion of the validity, possibility, and aim of objectivity a crucial pursuit. Despite its position as the orbital sun of journalistic ethics, objectivity—until now—has had no historian. David T. Z. Mindich reaches back to the nineteenth century to recover the lost history and meaning of this central tenet of American journalism. His book draws on high profile cases, showing the degree to which journalism and its evolving commitment to objectivity altered–and in some cases limited—the public's understanding of events and issues. Mindich devotes each chapter to a particular component of this ethic–detachment, nonpartisanship, the inverted pyramid style, facticity, and balance. Through this combination of history and cultural criticism, Mindich provides a profound meditation on the structure, promise, and limits of objectivity in the age of cybermedia.

Just Writing Grammar: Punctuation and Style for the Legal Writer,Fourth Edition

by Anne Enquist

Adapted from the Legal Writing Handbook's highly praised Effective Writing and Correct Writing, Just Writing covers the basic principles of good legal writing, including style, grammar, punctuation, and other mechanics of writing. Its short length and focused content make it a perfect supplemental text for any legal writing course, providing tips, techniques, and helpful advice for every step of the process planning, drafting, revising, editing, and proofreading. Just Writing guides students to eloquence in concise legal prose and contrasts plain English with legalese. The text integrates writing for English-as-a-Second-Language students in its presentation. Other supportive features include a Glossary of Usage and practice exercises on the companion website to sharpen students skills.

Justice and the Media: Reconciling Fair Trials and A Free Press (Routledge Communication Series)

by Matthew D. Bunker

USE THIS FIRST PARAGRAPH ONLY FOR GENERAL CATALOGS... The First Amendment right of free speech is a fragile one. Its fragility is found no less in legal opinions than in other, less specialized forms of public discourse. Both its fragility and its sometimes surprising resiliency are reflected in this book. It provides an examination of how the U.S. Supreme Court has dealt with the problem of restrictions on media coverage of the criminal justice system, as well as how lower courts have interpreted the law created by the Supreme Court. The author explores the degree to which the Court has created a coherent body of law that protects free expression values while permitting reasonable government regulation, and examines the Supreme Court's jurisprudence concerning prior restraints, post-publication sanctions on the press, and their right of access to criminal proceedings. This is a study of the evolution of constitutional doctrine -- particularly when transported from the rarefied air of the Supreme Court to lower court judges who may not share the values of the jurists above them in the judicial hierarchy. The book's greatest strength lies in its thorough analysis and critique of how judges apply First Amendment doctrine to the complex problem of providing for both a "free press" and "fair trials." Much of the available literature on this topic focuses on legal doctrine, but with attention to the legal rules that emerge from the courts, rather than examining and critiquing the judicial techniques that produce those rules. Moreover, although a significant body of scholarship has explored Supreme Court doctrine, this work is one of the few that trace the influence of those doctrines through lower federal court decisions. The hope is to produce a reasonably accurate -- if partial -- picture of how intermediate appellate and trial courts use U.S. Supreme Court doctrine to decide First Amendment cases. Note: This book is necessarily influenced by the 'round-the-clock' press coverage of the recent O.J. Simpson trial. Although the Simpson case did not make new law, the trial and its outcome seem to be -- at this writing -- an inescapable part of how many people think about these issues. The simple truth, however, is that the Simpson case was an anomaly that has little relation to the everyday concerns of media coverage of the criminal justice system. While the venerable "parade of horribles" can be an effective strategy for the legal advocate, it is not always the ideal way to address larger concerns, particularly when fundamental rights are at stake.

Justifying War

by David Welch Jo Fox

A new assessment of the debates about Just War in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, from the imperial wars of the nineteenth century through the age of total war, the evolution of human rights discourse and international law, to proportionality during the Cold War and the redefinition of authority with the ascendancy of terror groups.

K-pop Dance: Fandoming Yourself on Social Media

by Chuyun Oh

This book is about K-pop dance and the evolution and presence of its dance fandom on social media. Based on five years of ethnographic fieldwork, interviews, choreography, and participation-observation with 40 amateur and professional K-pop dancers in New York, California, and Seoul, the book traces the evolution of K-pop dance from the 1980s to the 2020s and explains its distinctive feature called ‘gestural point choreography’ – front-driven, two-dimensional, decorative and charming movements of the upper body and face – as an example of what the author theorizes as ‘social media dance.’ It also explores K-pop cover dance as a form of intercultural performance, suggesting that, by imitating and idolizing K-pop dance, fans are eventually ‘fandoming’ themselves and their bodies. Presenting an ethnographic study of K-pop dance and its fandom, this book will be a valuable resource for students and scholars of Media Studies, Korean Studies, Performance Studies, and Dance.

Kalila wa Dimna: For Students of Arabic

by Munther Younes

Specifically designed for students of Arabic, this fully illustrated rendition of the Arabic literary classic enhances students’ reading, listening, speaking, and writing skills through the medium of these fun, engaging, and culturally relevant tales. The first part of this second edition follows the original order of the stories, with new vocabulary explained in footnotes throughout. In the second part, grammar explanations and a wealth of exercises provide ample opportunities for readers to improve their understanding of the stories and strengthen their command of Arabic grammar and Arabic writing. The audio material, containing the texts of the stories read by native speakers, is available to download free online to help develop the learner’s listening skills. Suitable for both class use and independent study, Kalila wa Dimna: for Students of Arabic is a must for all intermediate to advanced students wishing to enhance their language skills and discover one of the most popular pieces of Arabic literature ever written.

Kamikazes: Los mejores peores años de la Argentina

by Reynaldo Sietecase

El análisis de un tiempo cargado de virulencia y contradicciones, de logros y retrocesos. Una mirada inteligente sobre los años más vibrantes y controvertidos de la historia argentina. Un libro que van a valorar tanto los oficialistas lúcidos como los opositores honestos. Argentina 2003-2013, la década de los Kirchner: la pelea con los medios de comunicación, la relación con los sindicatos, los problemas con el transporte y la energía, el karma de los vicepresidentes, la relación con la oposición, La Cámpora, la recuperación de YPF y el aval a las empresas mineras, la lucha con las entidades del campo, el modelo económico, los juicios a represores, la inseguridad y la estrategia de la confrontación permanente. Ensayo periodístico, libro de historia, crónica de una década, el libro de Sietecase es más que cualquiera de esas clasificaciones.

Kann Wissenschaft witzig?: Wissenschaftskommunikation zwischen Kritik und Kabarett

by Marc-Denis Weitze Wolfgang Chr. Goede Wolfgang M. Heckl

"Kann Wissenschaft witzig?“ nimmt ein ebenso innovatives wie zukunftsträchtiges Element moderner Wissenschaftskommunikation unter die Lupe: Die Komik!Leserinnen und Leser werden durch anschaulich gehaltene akademische Theorie sowie spannende Hands-on- und Best Practice-Beispiele renommierter Praktiker und Kabarettisten geführt:· Was haben Schafskäse und Autoreifen gemeinsam?· Kann Lachen Mauern einreißen lassen?· Wie funktioniert „Die Anstalt“· Wie schafft Zauberkunst Wissen?· Gibt es Humor im Museum?· Kommt ein Dalmatiner an die Kasse· Drei Schritte zum Humor· Serviervorschlag für den Heiligen Geist· Diktatur der Dummheit· Und viel mehr!Das ist aber nicht alles nur lustig. Komik kann auch Kritik etwas von ihrer beißenden Schärfe nehmen, die Kritik für die Adressaten verdaulich, ja sogar schmackhaft machen.„Kann Wissenschaft witzig?“ navigiert zwischen Kritik und Kabarett und setzt sich mit Komik in verschiedenen Spielarten aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven auseinander. 22 Beiträge zeigen, wie sich die Ergebnisse von Wissenschaft, Forschung, Technologie auf neuen Wegen in die breite Öffentlichkeit tragen lassen. Sie demonstrieren insbesondere auch, wie Humor sich als kritisch-fragende Kraft einsetzen lässt – wertvoll für sämtliche Kommunikationsarten und hilfreich, damit sie in Zukunft gewitzter daherkommen.

Kathy Acker: and Other Conversations (The Last Interview Series)

by Kathy Acker

Kathy Acker was a punk-rock counter-cultural icon, and innovator of the literary underground. The interviews collected here span her amazing, uncompromising, and often misunderstood 30-year career.From Acker's earliest interviews--filled with playful, evasive, and counter-intuitive responses--to the last interview before her death where she reflects on the state of American literature, these interviews capture the writer at her funny and surprising best. Another highlight includes Acker's 1997 interview with the Spice Girls on the forces of pop and feminism (which reads as if it could have been conducted with a new generation of pop star in 2018).

Kedarnathji ane K. G. Mashruwala vacche no Patra-Samwad

by G. M. Nandurkar

ભારતવર્ષમાં સામાન્ય રીતે ગુરુશિષ્યસંબંધની જે કલ્પના છે, તે કરતાં નાથજી અને અમારી વચ્ચેનો ગુરુશિષ્યસંબંધ કાંઈક જુદા પ્રકારનો રહ્યો છે. એનું શ્રેય અમને છે, તે કરતાં પૂ. નાથજી અને પૂ. ગાંધીજીને વધારે છે. અમારી ઉછેરના સંસ્કારો તો સામાન્ય રીતે આપણા દેશના જિજ્ઞાસુઓમાં હોય છે તેવા જ હતા. અમારી ઉંમર ત્રીસ વર્ષથી ઓછી હતી. બુદ્ધિ પક્વ થયેલી નહોતી. જ્ઞાન, ભક્તિ, વૈરાગ્ય, વગેરેના અમારા સંસ્કારો જૂની સાંપ્રદાયિક ઘરેડના જ હતાં. એક બાજુથી જે બે જુદા સંપ્રદાયોમાં અમે ઊછર્યા હતા, તેમાં અમારી જુદી જુદી બુદ્ધિ મુજબ ધર્મ, જ્ઞાન અને મોક્ષની સંપૂર્ણ અથેતિ છે અને તેની તોલે કોઈ બીજા સંપ્રદાય, દર્શન, વગેરે આવી શકે નહીં, એવી દૃઢ શ્રદ્ધા હતી. બીજી બાજુથી ગુરુ વિના જ્ઞાન નહીં, જ્ઞાન વિના મોક્ષ નહીં—એ પણ એમારી ભાવના હતી. આથી સંપ્રદાયના ચોકઠામાં જ અમે ગુરુને શોધતા. ગૃહ, સંસાર, સમાજ, વગેરેને અમે સ્વાર્થના અને મિથ્યા, નાશવંત, સંબંધો માનતા; તેમાંથી નાસી છૂટવાની અમારી વૃત્તિ હતી. આ બધાની મનમાં ઘણી ગડમથલો ચાલતી હતી. તેટલામાં અમને પૂ. નાથની નવા રૂપે ઓળખાણ થઈ. ...અમને અનાયાસે ખબર પડી કે તેમણે હિમાલયમાં અનેક વર્ષો ગાળી, યોગ વગેરે સાધી ‘આત્મસાક્ષાત્કાર’ કર્યો છે. આ એમનો નવી દૃષ્ટિએ પરિચય થયો, અને અમે તેમને એક સિદ્ધ યોગી તથા બ્રહ્મનિષ્ઠ પુરુષ તરીકે વળગ્યા.

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