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Korea’s Platform Empire: An Emerging Power in the Global Platform Sphere (Routledge Research in Digital Media and Culture in Asia)
by Dal Yong Jin Seongcheol KimKorea’s Platform Empire explores the evolution of digital platforms in South Korea’s media sphere, and their global political, economic, cultural, and technological influence.With a focus on Korea in the context of the global platform revolution, the book takes a methodical look at the broader social implications and the impact on cultural production. The authors explore various facets of the media and cultural industries—looking beyond social media to news broadcasting and the music industry—and look at the policy and regulations behind this shifting technological advancement.This book will appeal to students and scholars working on media industries, digital media, platform studies, information and technology studies, Korean and East Asian media studies, and the creative and cultural industries.
Korrekt schreiben nach DIN 5008 für Dummies (Für Dummies)
by Uwe FreundMöchten Sie mit Ihren Texten und Schriftstücken gut ankommen? Eine Bewerbung oder ein Angebot mit formalen Fehlern werden schnell im ersten Durchgang aussortiert. Die Schreiber von fehlerhaften und altbackenen E-Mails werden oft auch fachlich für inkompetent gehalten. Dieses Buch richtet sich an alle, die im Beruf und privat jeweils korrekt und wirkungsvoll schreiben möchten oder müssen. Es zeigt Ihnen, welche Normen und Vorgaben es gibt, welche sinnvoll und hilfreich sind ? und wo sie gezielt von den Normen abweichen sollten.
Kotter on Accelerating Change
by John P. KotterThis collection offers the full digital editions of two seminal books by global leadership expert John P. Kotter: his international bestseller, Leading Change, and Accelerate, his award-winning framework for enabling companies to compete and win in a world of constant turbulence and disruption.Leading Change-now considered the change bible for leaders and managers worldwide-reveals why change is so difficult and lays out an actionable, eight-step process for implementing successful transformations. Cited by business leaders and influential organizations worldwide as the book to read when starting any type of change initiative, Accelerate (XLR8) vividly illustrates the five core principles underlying a new dual operating system, the eight accelerators that drive it, and how leaders must create a sense of urgency through role modeling. Perhaps most crucial, the book reveals how the best companies focus and align their people's energy around what Kotter calls the big opportunity.If you're a pioneer, a leader who knows that bold change is necessary to survive and thrive in an ever-changing world, these two books will set you on a path to accelerate into a better, more profitable future.Regarded by many as the authority on leadership and change, John P. Kotter is a New York Times bestselling author, award-winning business and management thought leader, business entrepreneur, inspirational speaker, and Harvard Business School professor. His ideas, books, speeches, and the company he founded in 2008, Kotter International, have helped mobilize people around the world to better lead organizations, and their own lives, in an era of increasingly rapid change. Kotter has authored nineteen books to date-twelve of them bestsellers. His books have reached millions and have been printed in over 150 foreign language editions.
Krazy: George Herriman, a Life in Black and White
by Michael TisserandIn the tradition of Schulz and Peanuts, an epic and revelatory biography of Krazy Kat creator George Herriman that explores the turbulent time and place from which he emerged—and the deep secret he explored through his art.The creator of the greatest comic strip in history finally gets his due—in an eye-opening biography that lays bare the truth about his art, his heritage, and his life on America’s color line. A native of nineteenth-century New Orleans, George Herriman came of age as an illustrator, journalist, and cartoonist in the boomtown of Los Angeles and the wild metropolis of New York. Appearing in the biggest newspapers of the early twentieth century—including those owned by William Randolph Hearst—Herriman’s Krazy Kat cartoons quickly propelled him to fame. Although fitfully popular with readers of the period, his work has been widely credited with elevating cartoons from daily amusements to anarchic art. Herriman used his work to explore the human condition, creating a modernist fantasia that was inspired by the landscapes he discovered in his travels—from chaotic urban life to the Beckett-like desert vistas of the Southwest. Yet underlying his own life—and often emerging from the contours of his very public art—was a very private secret: known as "the Greek" for his swarthy complexion and curly hair, Herriman was actually African American, born to a prominent Creole family that hid its racial identity in the dangerous days of Reconstruction. Drawing on exhaustive original research into Herriman’s family history, interviews with surviving friends and family, and deep analysis of the artist’s work and surviving written records, Michael Tisserand brings this little-understood figure to vivid life, paying homage to a visionary artist who helped shape modern culture.
Kreativität und Form
by Simon M. Wiedemann Rainer E. ZimmermannAusgehend von der Idee des Glasperlenspiels, die Hermann Hesse in seinem gleichnamigen Roman entwirft, haben die Autoren in diesem Band die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen eines solchen Spiels im Umgang mit Wissen ausgelotet. Sie zeigen neue Methoden für das Wissensmanagement auf und verbinden dafür Erkenntnisse verschiedener Wissenschaftsgebiete wie Logik, System- und Erkenntnistheorie sowie Semiotik, Kognition und Kommunikation. Das begleitende Computerprogramm unterstützt Leser beim Experimentieren mit Wissen.
Kremlin Media Wars: Censorship and Control Since the Invasion of Ukraine (Routledge Studies in Media, Communication, and Politics)
by Wendy Sloane Aleksandra RaspopinaThis unique volume brings together academics of Russian journalism and media with journalists and editors who reported or continue to report on the country, to explore and reflect on the changing landscape for journalists in Russia or covering Russia, and the increasing control exerted by the government on independent journalists.Combining rigorous academic research with reflective practitioner essays, the volume investigates the future of reporting in Russia and the implications for the future of the country. It offers an understanding of the experience of independent journalists and media outlets in Russia, as well as other individuals who experience censorship (academics, activists), and examines how the current situation in Russia and people’s experiences of censorship can inform both our theoretical understandings of censorship and information control, in the context of the twenty‑first‑century digital technologies and the policymaking both inside and outside of Russia.Offering important insight into what is happening within Russia’s borders, this volume will appeal to researchers and students of journalism, political science, international relations, propaganda and censorship, mass media, as well as journalists and policymakers.
Kundenzentriertes Markenmanagement: Effektive Markenführung entlang der Customer Experience Journey (essentials)
by Elke Theobald Mirjam JentschkeDieses essential beschreibt, wie sich Markenmanagement ändern muss, um einem durch die Digitalisierung geprägtem Kundenverständnis gerecht zu werden. Starre Konstrukte wie die Markenpositionierung, Markendifferenzierung oder Markenkonsistenz werden durch die Ausrichtung am Kunden, die Customer Experience und die Customer Centricity in Frage gestellt. Das Buch beantwortet die zentralen Fragestellungen des Zusammenspiels von Markenmanagement und Customer Experience Management und stützt sich dabei unter anderem auf eine aktuelle Umfrage unter Marketingentscheidern. Die Neuausrichtung des Markenmanagements, vom Persona-Ansatz über die Consumer Experience Journey bis hin zu organisatorischen Aspekten, wird umsetzungsorientiert dargestellt.
Künstliche Intelligenz und Marketing: Anwendung in der Anzeigenwerbung zur Werbeeffektivität und Akzeptanz (BestMasters)
by Philip SchäferBei der Werbeforschung in Bezug auf Anzeigenwerbung gibt es diverse Variablen, welche sich auf die Werbeeffektivität und Akzeptanz von Anzeigen auswirken und durch äußere Umstände beeinflusst werden können. Dabei untersucht dieser Band den Einfluss des Erstellungsprozesses einer Anzeigenwerbung, wobei die Anzeigen zu High- und Low-Involvement-Produkten zum einen durch eine künstliche Intelligenz und zum andern durch einen Marketingexperten erstellt wurden, auf dessen Werbeeffektivität und Akzeptanz beim Rezipienten. Methodisch wird dabei in einem Within-subjects-Design ein Online-Experiment zur Erhebung der Werbeeffektivität durchgeführt. Ein Between-subjects-Design wurde angewandt, um die Akzeptanz der Anzeigenwerbung zu überprüfen. Die Stichprobe bestand aus insgesamt 104 Versuchsteilnehmenden, die das durchgeführte Experiment vollkommen beendet haben. Die gefundenen empirischen Ergebnisse gehen im Wesentlichen einher mit den bisherigen Forschungen zu diesen Themen.
Kunststoffe für Ingenieure: Ein Überblick (essentials)
by Bernd SchröderFür die Auswahl geeigneter Kunststoffe ist es hilfreich, die physikalisch-technischen Eigenschaften der Materialien zu kennen. Entsprechend den Gruppen Duroplaste, Thermoplaste, Elastomere und Schäume werden die Eigenschaften aufgelistet und Anwendungsbereiche erläutert.
Kurdish Identity, Discourse, and New Media
by Jaffer SheyholislamiInformed by the interdisciplinary approach of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) and theories of identity, nation, and media, this study investigates the ways Kurds, the world's largest stateless nation, use satellite television and Internet to construct their identities. This book examines the complex interrelationships between ethno-national identities, discourses, and new media. Not only does this book offer the first study of discursive constructions of Kurdish identity in the new media,this book is also the first CDA-informed comparative study of the contents of the two media. The study pushes the boundaries of the growing area of studies of identity, nationalism and transnationalism, discourse studies, minority language, and digital media.
Kurukshetra May 2019
by Publication DivisionThis is a monthly magazine of Kurukshetra May 2019 of this year.
La Guida per gli Scrittori All'uso del Software di Riconoscimento Vocale: Come scrivere più rapidamente dettando per Windows e MAC
by Barbara WatkinsonSapevi che i software per la dettatura possono aiutarti a scrivere un libro fino a 3 volte più rapidamente? Vuoi riuscire a scrivere un romanzo in modo più rapido ed efficace? Se hai risposto di sì, allora questa pubblicazione fa al caso tuo! Questa guida è farcita di una miriade di strategie per dettare un romanzo comodamente dal tuo salotto e senza toccare la tastiera! Ecco gli argomenti trattati del libro: Come iniziare Come preparare una bozza Le migliori applicazioni per la scrittura vocale Come usare il software per la dettatura per pubblicare un romanzo e MOLTO ALTRO! Se vuoi imparare a scrivere un romanzo dettando, allora questo libro fa per te! --> Vai in cima alla pagina e clicca su aggiungi al carrello per acquistarlo subito Disclaimer: L'autore e/o il titolare o i titolari dei diritti non danno alcuna certezza, non fanno alcuna promessa e non forniscono alcuna garanzia sulla precisione, sulla completezza o sull'adeguatezza dei contenuti della presente opera e declinano espressamente la responsabilità per qualsiasi errore e omissione nel suo contenuto. Questo prodotto è destinato al solo utilizzo come riferimento.
La nació en portada: El debat de Catalunya i Espanya a la premsa
by Antoni BassasÉs Catalunya una nació? És Espanya plurinacional? Una invitació al debat des d'un periodisme rigorós. El 12 de setembre de 2019, el periodista Antoni Bassas va pronunciar una conferència al Círculo de Bellas Artes de Madrid amb motiu de la festa nacional de Catalunya, que va acabar amb una llarguíssima ovació dels presents i milers de reproduccions posteriors a YouTube. Bassas, una de les veus amb més credibilitat i influència en el panorama informatiu contemporani, hi va presentar una selecció de portades de la premsa de Barcelona i de Madrid dels darrers 40 anys, en un exercici de periodisme comparat que permetia percebre el canvi de tonalitats de la vida social i política a Catalunya i Espanya i que van de l'afirmació nacional catalana a través de l'Estatut d'Autonomia fins al col·lapse de la via estatutària que dona pas a la reclamació del dret a l'autodeterminació, el referèndum de l'1 d'octubre de 2017 i la condemna per sedició dels seus responsables polítics en sentència del Tribunal Suprem el 2019. Ja fa més de quaranta anys que es va aprovar la Constitució i la reivindicació nacional de Catalunya ha acabat per condicionar decisivament l'actuació de tots els actors de la vida institucional espanyola. I Bassas es pregunta: «Si, com repeteixen els mitjans espanyols, el Procés constitueix el desafiament més gran de la història recent d'Espanya i si Catalunya pot posar Espanya de panxa enlaire, no deu ser que no estem davant d'una comunitat autònoma més? I que la recepta no pot ser policies i jutges, sinó la negociació política i el referèndum pactat, com a Escòcia o al Quebec?».
La Pocha Nostra: A Handbook for the Rebel Artist in a Post-Democratic Society
by Guillermo Gómez-Peña Saúl García-LópezLa Pocha Nostra: A Handbook for the Rebel Artist in a Post-Democratic Society marks a transformation from its sister book, Exercises for Rebel Artists, into a pedagogical matrix suited for use as a performance handbook and conceptual tool for artists, activists, theorists, pedagogues, and trans-disciplinary border crossers of all stripes. Featuring a newly reworked outline of La Pocha Nostra's overall pedagogy, and how it has evolved in the time of Trump, cartel violence, and the politics of social media, this new handbook presents deeper explanations of the interdisciplinary pedagogical practices developed by the group that has been labeled "the most influential Latino/a performance troupe of the past ten years." Co-written by Guillermo Gómez-Peña in collaboration with La Pocha Nostra’s artistic co-director Saúl García-López and edited by Paloma Martinez-Cruz, this highly anticipated follow-up volume raises crucial questions in the new neo-nationalist era. Drawing on field experience from ten years of touring, the authors blend original methods with updated and revised exercises, providing new material for teachers, universities, radical artists, curators, producers, and students. This book features: Introductions by the authors and editor to Pocha Nostra practice in a post-democratic society. Theoretical, historical, poetic, and pedagogical contexts for the methodology. Suggestions for how to use the book in the classroom and many other scenarios. Detailed, hands-on exercises for using Pocha Nostra-inspired methods in workshops. A step-by-step guide to creating large-scale group performances. New, unpublished photos of the Pocha Nostra methods in practice. Additional texts by Reverend Billy and Savitri D., Dragonfly, Francesca Carol Rolla, VestAndPage, Micha Espinosa, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, Praba Pilar, L. M. Bogad, Anuradha Vikram, and Annie Sprinkle and Beth Stephens, among many others. The book is complemented by the new book Gómez-Peña Unplugged: Texts on Live Art, Social Practice and Imaginary Activism (2008–2019).
La Roches Einführung in den praktischen Journalismus
by Gabriele Hooffacker Klaus MeierWie wird man heute Journalist? Wo und in welchen Funktionen arbeiten Journalisten? Wie verändern die neuen Medien den Journalistenberuf? Wo kann man Journalismus lernen? Wie findet man Kontakt zu einer Redaktion? Wie recherchiert man eine Story? Kann der Journalist objektiv informieren? Wie schreibt man eine Nachricht? Was sind die Besonderheiten von Bericht, Reportage, Interview, analysierendem Beitrag und Feature sowie von Kommentar, Glosse und Rezension? Auf diese Fragen gibt die neu bearbeitete 20. Auflage erprobte und bewährte Antworten, aber auch Auskünfte über den neuesten Stand journalistischer Arbeitstechniken und Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten. Vor dem Hintergrund des digitalen Journalismus wurde das Kapitel zum Thema Recht völlig neu gefasst. Aufwändig recherchiert und überarbeitet wurden die Wege in den Journalismus, insbesondere die immer wichtiger werdenden Studiengänge an Hochschulen.
La traduction en citations: Florilège (Regards sur la traduction)
by Jean DelisleTraduire, ce n’est pas écrire » / « Traduire n’est rien d’autre qu’écrire » « On naît traducteur, on ne le devient pas » / « Le métier de traducteur, ça s’apprend » Qu’en pensent Victor Hugo, Madame de Sévigné, Octavio Paz ou Umberto Eco? Et qu’en disent les théoriciens de la traductologie, comme Antony Pym ou Sherry Simon? Les idées s’entrechoquent allègrement dans ce florilège de citations : autant d’auteurs et de traducteurs, autant de partis pris sur l’acte de traduire. La traduction en citations contient plus de 2700 aphorismes, définitions, éloges, épigrammes, jugements, témoignages ou traits d’esprit sur la traduction, les traducteurs et les interprètes. Ces citations ont été glanées chez plus de huit cent auteurs, de l’Antiquité à nos jours et sont classées sous une centaine de thèmes tels que Art ingrat, Belles infidèles, Éloge du traducteur, Humour, Limites de la traduction, Traduire au féminin ou Vieillissement des traductions. Ce petit bijou, agréable à lire et à relire, est un incontournable sur la table de chevet de tout traducteur et de tout lecteur curieux. Sourires en coin garantis.
La traduction raisonnée, 3e édition: Manuel d’initiation à la traduction professionnelle de l’anglais vers le français (Pédagogie de la traduction)
by Jean Delisle Marco A. FiolaCe manuel, dont la visée est essentiellement pratique, propose une méthode d’initiation à la traduction professionnelle, par opposition aux exercices de traduction axés sur l’acquisition d’une langue étrangère. Il répond aux exigences particulières de formation des futurs traducteurs de métier et s’adresse tout particulièrement, mais non exclusivement, aux étudiants des programmes universitaires de traduction. Son domaine est celui des textes pragmatiques généraux, formulés selon les normes de la langue écrite et en vue d’un apprentissage dans le sens anglais - français. Le manuel renferme 9 objectifs généraux d’apprentissage, 75 objectifs spécifques, 85 textes à traduire, 253 exercices d’application, un glossaire de 275 notions, une bibliographie de 410 titres et des milliers d’exemples de traduction.Published in French.
La traduction spécialisée: Une approche professionnelle à l'enseignement de la traduction
by Marco A. Fiola Federica ScarpaCet ouvrage présente les fondements théoriques et les principes méthodologiques de la traduction spécialisée en général, et plus particulièrement de la traduction spécialisée de l'anglais vers le français. Il s'ouvre sur une description des particularités des langues de spécialité portant sur une typologie des textes et une classification des genres textuels. Une étude comparative fait ressortir les similitudes et les différences qui marquent la langue de spécialité par rapport à la langue générale. L'ouvrage présente ensuite des stratégies à adopter dans la traduction d'un texte à partir de trois perspectives : les caractéristiques textuelles et rhétoriques du texte spécialisé, les aspects morphosyntaxiques de la langue de la spécialité et finalement, les aspects lexicaux et terminologiques du type textuel. Des chapitres entiers abordent les caractéristiques de la traduction de textes spécialisés, la notion d'équivalence, la méthodologie de la traduction spécialisée et le contrôle de la qualité des traductions. L'ouvrage se termine par un chapitre sur les débouchés qui s'offrent au langagier qui s'apprête à entreprendre une carrière de communicateur interlinguistique spécialisé.
La valeur des informations: Ressorts et contraintes du marché des idées
by Bertrand LabassePourquoi les messages qui nous plaisent nous plaisent-ils ? Derrière cette question simple se cache l’un des plus vieux problèmes théoriques de la communication, mais aussi l’un des plus importants dans le bouillonnement contemporain des contenus culturels, politiques, médiatiques et distractifs. Cette recherche s’attaque à ce défi sous un angle nouveau, au moyen d’une approche interdisciplinaire et expose de façon très stimulante les ressorts cognitifs et sociaux qui expliquent les logiques de production et de réception des multiples messages – triviaux ou érudits – en concurrence pour l’attention du public. La clarté de sa construction permettra à chacun de suivre pas à pas les étapes d’une quête captivante menée pendant plus de vingt ans sur des contextes discursifs aussi variés que le journalisme, la littérature ou la communication scientifique et médicale. Au fil d’un cheminement méthodique dont la rigueur n’exclut pas l’humour, on découvre comment des facteurs psychologiques et normatifs similaires, connus de longue date mais rarement rapprochés jusqu’à maintenant, s’exercent conjointement et comment ils contribuent globalement à façonner, pour le meilleur ou le pire, la société ultracommunicante dans laquelle nous vivons. Publié en français.
The Labor of Reinvention: Entrepreneurship in the New Chinese Digital Economy
by Lin ZhangFrom start-up founders in the Chinese equivalent of Silicon Valley to rural villages experiencing an e-commerce boom to middle-class women reselling luxury goods, the rise of internet-based entrepreneurship has affected every part of China. For many, reinventing oneself as an entrepreneur has appeared to be an appealing way to adapt to a changing economy and society. Yet in practice, digital entrepreneurship has also reinforced traditional Chinese ideas about state power, labor, gender, and identity.Lin Zhang explores how the everyday labor of entrepreneurial reinvention is remaking China amid changing geopolitical currents. She tells the stories of people from diverse class, gender, and age backgrounds across rural, urban, and transnational settings in rich detail, providing a multifaceted and ground-level view of the twenty-first-century Chinese economy. Zhang explores the surge in digital entrepreneurialism against the backdrop of global financial crises, the U.S.-China trade war, and the COVID-19 pandemic. She argues that the rise of internet-based industries and practices has simultaneously empowered and exploited digital entrepreneurs and laborers. Despite embracing high-tech innovation, state-led entrepreneurialization does not represent a radical break with the past. It has provided a means for implementing developmental goals while retaining the importance of the traditional family and generating new inequalities.Shedding new light on global capitalism and the digital economy by centering a non-Western perspective, The Labor of Reinvention vividly conveys how the contradictions of entrepreneurialism have played out in China.
Labour Policies, Language Use and the ‘New’ Economy: The Case of Adventure Tourism (Language and Globalization)
by Kellie GonçalvesThis book provides an in-depth analysis of language and tourist mobility within an adventure tourism context. It uses a critical and ethnographic approach, contributing to poststructuralist perspectives of social life that are currently undergoing considerable changes on social, political, cultural and linguistic levels. Drawing upon an array of data sources collected over five years on two continents, it examines and compares the way language and communication (e.g. speech, written texts, visual resources) are used within the production of place-making practices in two of the world’s top adventure tourism destinations: Interlaken, Switzerland and Queenstown, New Zealand. It centres on issues such as cross-cultural discourses, transcultural texts, and semiotic landscapes.
The Ladies' Book of Etiquette: A Manual of Politeness from a Gentler Time
by Florence Hartley"Politeness is goodness of heart put into daily practice," declares the author of this 1860 guide to good manners, adding, "there can be no true politeness without kindness." Florence Hartley's world of calling cards and horse-drawn carriages may seem remote, but her advice is ageless. Friendliness, courtesy, and regard for other people's feelings remain the basis of etiquette for gentlemen as well as ladies. After all, it's just as rude today to neglect guests or finish someone else's sentences as it was in the nineteenth century.This vintage manual abounds in tips for proper behavior in every situation, from hosting dinner parties ("See that no guest is left in silence from the want of attention") and taking public transportation ("Make room for others if you see that the opposite side is full") to choosing clothes ("Do not be too submissive to the dictates of fashion"). Historical context adds a flavorful charm to advice on conducting morning calls and engaging in proper ballroom etiquette. Between its fascinating glimpses of a bygone era and its enduringly sound, common-sense suggestions, this book offers a uniquely instructive guide for navigating life with grace and confidence.
Ladies Get Paid: The Ultimate Guide to Breaking Barriers, Owning Your Worth, and Taking Command of Your Career
by Claire WassermanFrom career coach and founder of the startup Ladies Get Paid—the eponymous organization leading the fight for equality in the workplace—comes an empowering guide to provide you with the tools to strategically navigate the workplace, achieve success, and become a true leader. Claire Wasserman has one goal for women: Rise up and get paid. As the founder of Ladies Get Paid, Claire has worked her entire adult life to promote gender equality in the workplace. If you&’re looking to navigate a promotion or break the glass ceiling, Ladies Get Paid is your essential toolkit for achieving success. Filled with straightforward advice and inspiring stories, Ladies Get Paid encourages self-advocacy and activism as a way to advance your career and make more money. Covering topics as crucial and varied as how to find the perfect mentor, how to negotiate a raise, and how to become a leader, Ladies Get Paid is a reminder that you are valuable—both as an individual woman and as part of the female community. And ultimately, it&’s about more than your wallet—it&’s about your worth.
The Lady Upstairs: Dorothy Schiff and the New York Post
by Marilyn NissensonThe Lady Upstairs is the dramatic story of Dorothy Schiff---liberal activist, society stalwart, and the most dynamic female newspaper publisher of her day. From 1939 until 1976 she owned and guided the New York Post, the oldest continuously published daily newspaper in the United States. Dolly, as she was called, made the Post one of the most dedicated supporters of New Deal liberalism in the country, while simultaneously maintaining its distinct personality as a chatty, parochial, New York tabloid. Unfazed by political or personal controversy, Schiff backed editorial writers like James Wechsler and Max Lerner and reporters like Murray Kempton and Pete Hamill. Under her guidance the Post broke the story of Richard Nixon's slush fund. It helped bring down such icons of the day as Joseph McCarthy, Walter Winchell, and Robert Moses. It supported the civil rights movement and opposed the Vietnam War. Although Dolly seldom appeared in the newsroom, she approved and commented on every major story and every minor column in the paper, until eventually selling it to Rupert Murdoch. Dolly's private life could have been a staple of the Post's society gossip columns. Endlessly flirtatious, she married four times and had extra-marital romances with, among others, Franklin Roosevelt and Max Beaverbrook. She was a friend of national politicians such as Adlai Stevenson, the Kennedys, Lyndon Johnson, and Nelson Rockefeller. Born into a staunchly Republican German-Jewish banking family, she used her inheritance to further causes of the political left. She used her charm and her social connections in the service of her paper, which was the center of her life. The Lady Upstairs is the portrait of a unique life and a crucial era in American history.
The Lady with the Borzoi: Blanche Knopf, Literary Tastemaker Extraordinaire
by Laura ClaridgeThe untold story of Blanche Knopf, the singular woman who helped define American literatureLeft off her company’s fifth anniversary tribute but described by Thomas Mann as “the soul of the firm,” Blanche Knopf began her career when she founded Alfred A. Knopf with her husband in 1915. With her finger on the pulse of a rapidly changing culture, Blanche quickly became a driving force behind the firm. A conduit to the literature of Langston Hughes and the Harlem Renaissance, Blanche also legitimized the hard-boiled detective fiction of writers such as Dashiell Hammett, James M. Cain, and Raymond Chandler; signed and nurtured literary authors like Willa Cather, Elizabeth Bowen, and Muriel Spark; acquired momentous works of journalism by John Hersey and William Shirer; and introduced American readers to Albert Camus, André Gide, and Simone de Beauvoir, giving these French writers the benefit of her consummate editorial taste. As Knopf celebrates its centennial, Laura Claridge looks back at the firm’s beginnings and the dynamic woman who helped to define American letters for the twentieth century. Drawing on a vast cache of papers, Claridge also captures Blanche’s “witty, loyal, and amusing” personality, and her charged yet oddly loving relationship with her husband. An intimate and often surprising biography, The Lady with the Borzoi is the story of an ambitious, seductive, and impossibly hardworking woman who was determined not to be overlooked or easily categorized.