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Approaches to the History of Written Culture: A World Inscribed (New Directions in Book History)

by Martyn Lyons Rita Marquilhas

This book investigates the history of writing as a cultural practice in a variety of contexts and periods. It analyses the rituals and practices determining intimate or 'ordinary' writing as well as bureaucratic and religious writing. From the inscribed images of 'pre-literate' societies, to the democratization of writing in the modern era, access to writing technology and its public and private uses are examined. In ten studies, presented by leading historians of scribal culture from seven countries, the book investigates the uses of writing in non-alphabetical as well as alphabetical script, in societies ranging from Native America and ancient Korea to modern Europe. The authors emphasise the material characteristics of writing, and in so doing they pose questions about the definition of writing itself. Drawing on expertise in various disciplines, they give an up-to-date account of the current state of knowledge in a field at the forefront of 'Book History'.

The Appropriations Law Answer Book: A Q&A Guide to Fiscal Law

by William G. Arnold CDFM-A, CCA

Avoid Violations of the Antideficiency Act!Antideficiency Act (ADA) violations within both the financial and audit communities are now at an all-time high. Violations often result from a lack of knowledge about what is and what is not permissible under the law. The Antideficiency Act Answer Book is an easy-to-understand question-and-answer tool that guides you through all the rules associated with the Antideficiency Act and helps you detect and report violations in a timely manner.• Covers all aspects of the Antideficiency Act, from its history to common violations, penalties for violation, and reporting requirements• Includes the tools you need to help avoid Antideficiency Act violations• Plus! Includes an analysis of all the ADA reports collected by the Government Accountability Office, summarized by agency, appropriation, amount, and type of violation.Buy both The Antideficiency Act Answer Book and The Prompt Payment Act Answer Book, save $10 at checkout by entering coupon code COMBO2.

Aprenda a hablar sin miedo: Claridad, seguridad y confianza para hablar en público

by Graham Davies

La comunicación es la clave para el éxito. Descubra el método para hablar con seguridad y convencer con sus presentaciones. Seguramente detesta realizar presentaciones. Y probablemente también detesta asistir a ellas. ¿Por qué? Porque la mayoría resultan largas, aburridas... y van acompañadas por el consabido PowerPoint. Tanto si se dirige a una sola persona sentada frente a usted como si habla ante un auditorio repleto, en el fondo lo que importa es lo que diga, y cómo lo diga. Aprenda a hablar sin miedo le enseña a comunicar con claridad y confianza, y a dejar huella en todas las situaciones en las que deba expresarse en público. Aprenderá un método único, en cinco pasos, y válido para todo tipo de exposiciones en el ámbito empresarial, desde presentaciones a gran escala hasta reuniones con un solo cliente. Reseñas:«No conozco a nadie que pueda ostentar el título de "coach de las presentaciones" con más méritos que Graham.»Daniel Finklestein, director ejecutivo, The Times «Tanto si es usted primer ministro como si es director ejecutivo, o alguien que necesita causar impacto en los demás, debe leer este libro, innovador y crítico, de Graham Davies.»Neil Sherlock, socio, KPMG «Sinceramente, este libro me irrita, porque me encantaría que Graham lo hubiera escrito hace veinte años. De haber sido así, quizá no habría tenido que pasarme innumerables horas torturado por inversores de banca que creen que "presentar" significa leer en voz alta todas las palabras que aparecen en sus diapositivas.»Richard Klein, director general, Bank of America Merrill Lynch «Nunca más volverá a cometer el delito de aburrir a su audiencia con interminables frases cortas.»Penny Philpot, vicepresidente, Worldwide Partner Services, Oracle «Graham Davies es un maestro del humor que demuestra que la mejor manera de exponer un asunto serio es contando un buen chiste.»Boris Johnson, Presidente de Reino Unido

Aprenda a hablar sin miedo

by Graham Davies

«No conozco a nadie que pueda ostentar el título de "coach de las presentaciones" con más méritos que Graham.»Daniel Finklestein, director ejecutivo, The Times«Tanto si es usted primer ministro como si es director ejecutivo, o alguien que necesita causar impacto en los demás, debe leer este libro, innovador y crítico, de Graham Davies.»Neil Sherlock, socio, KPMG«Sinceramente, este libro me irrita, porque me encantaría que Graham lo hubiera escrito hace veinte años. De haber sido así, quizá no habría tenido que pasarme innumerables horas torturado por inversores de banca que creen que "presentar" significa leer en voz alta todas las palabras que aparecen en sus diapositivas».Richard Klein, director general, Bank of America Merrill Lynch«Nunca más volverá a cometer el delito de aburrir a su audiencia con interminables frases cortas.»Penny Philpot, vicepresidente, Worldwide Partner Services, Oracle«Graham Davies es un maestro del humor que demuestra que la mejor manera de exponer un asunto serio es contando un buen chiste.»Boris Johnson, alcalde de Londres

Aprenda A Usar La Cámara Iphone 11 Pro Y Pro Max: Fotografía De Teléfono Inteligente Tomando Fotos Como Un Profesional Incluso Siendo Principiante

by James Nino

*****************Aprenda a usar la cámara del iPhone 11 Pro y Pro Max***************** La cámara del iPhone tiene tantas funciones y trucos ocultos que probablemente no conozca y solo un libro como este puede ayudarle a descubrir esas funciones ocultas. Si tiene un iPhone 11 Pro y quiere poder tomar fotos impresionantes con él, este libro es para usted. Las tres cámaras que sobresalen de la parte posterior del iPhone 11 Pro son increíbles, pero requerirán que domine la configuración de la cámara para poder usarla para capturar excelentes tomas, por lo que debería pedir este libro de inmediato porque le dirá cómo hacer precisamente eso. Muy a menudo, los manuales y la guía de usuario que acompañan a los dispositivos tienden a ser básicos al brindar los mejores trucos y consejos necesarios para obtener lo mejor de dichos dispositivos, por lo que este libro se escribió para ayudarlo a aprovechar al máximo la aplicación de la cámara del iPhone 11 Pro. En este libro aprenderá; • Cómo usar el iPhone 11 Pro para tomar selfies • El significado de slofie, QuickTake, Burst y cómo mejoran la fotografía de su iPhone • Por qué la configuración manual de la cámara puede mejorar la calidad de la imagen • Cómo acceder a algunas funciones de cámara ocultas que probablemente no esperaba que tuviera la cámara de un teléfono • Las diferentes funciones de las tres lentes y cómo debe usarlas • Por qué no debería utilizar el zoom digital y utilizar el zoom óptico en su lugar para sacar el máximo partido a sus fotografías. Este libro muestra muchas más funciones de las que esperaría encontrar en un teléfono y lo ayuda a utilizar mejor su iPhone 11 Pro la próxima vez que vaya de viaje, visite el aeropuerto, se vaya de vacaciones, capture momentos importantes y documente las diferentes etapas de la vida del niño.

The Arab Business Code

by Judith Hornok

The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries are some of the richest and most dynamic emerging markets in the world. But they are tough markets! International companies must think seriously if they want to do business there – the barriers can be numerous and difficult. But the opportunities are phenomenal and rewarding. The key to success is to plan and take the right steps. This book shows how to do this by decoding, using case studies, and suggesting relevant solutions. For Judith Hornok, it’s not about dry theories or mind games. Instead this book is based on numerous case studies drawn from the lives of well-known Arab and international business people. The reader can grasp the opportunities and avoid the pitfalls by knowing and understanding the Arab Business Code (ABC): "learning the A-B-Cs." This book offers a study with practical measures, a toolkit of easy-to-learn and simple-to-use techniques that pave the way for business success in the Gulf. Over fifteen years of research is boiled down into a clearly structured, compact book. Judith Hornok presents the insights of her studies by decoding the behavior of Arab business people in the Gulf using innovative techniques and new approaches, which can be easily implemented by the reader. For the first time Judith also presents her creations – the figures of The Seven Emotional Hinderers.

Arab Digital Journalism (Disruptions)

by Noha Mellor

Responding to urgent calls to de-westernise Media and Journalism Studies and shed light on local agency, this book examines digital journalistic practices in the Arab region, exploring how Arab journalists understand their roles and how digital technologies in Arab newsrooms are used to influence public opinion. Drawing on tens of articles penned by Arab media professionals and scholars, supplemented with informal conversations with journalists, this book reviews the historical development of digital journalism in the region and individual journalists’ perceptions of this development. While technology has provided a new platform for citizens and powerful agents to exchange views, this text examines how it has simultaneously allowed Arab states and authorities to conduct surveillance on journalists, curtail the rise of citizen journalism, and maintain offline hierarchal forms of political, economic, and cultural powers. Mellor also explores how digital technology serves to cement Western hegemony of the information world order, with Arab media organisations and audiences judged to be mere recipients, rather than producers, of such information. Arab Digital Journalism offers an important contribution to the emerging field of digital journalism in the Global South and is a valuable resource for students and researchers interested in media, journalism, communication, and development studies.

The Arabic Classroom: Context, Text and Learners

by Mbaye Lo

The Arabic Classroom is a multicontributor work for trainee and in-service teachers of Arabic as a foreign language. Collected here is recent scholarly work, and also critical writing from Arabic instructors, Arabists and language experts, to examine the status of the teaching and learning of Arabic in the modern classroom. The book stresses the inseparability of the parameters of contexts, texts and learners in the effective Arabic classroom and investigates their role in enhancing the experience of teaching and learning Arabic. The book also provides a regional perspective through global case studies and encourages Arabic experts to search for better models of instruction and best practices beyond the American experience.

Arabic-English-Arabic-English Translation: Issues and Strategies

by Ronak Husni Daniel L. Newman

Arabic-English-Arabic-English Translation: Issues and Strategies is an accessible coursebook for students and practitioners of Arabic-English-Arabic translation. Focusing on the key issues and topics affecting the field, it offers informed guidance on the most effective methods to deal with such problems, enabling users to develop deeper insights and enhance their translation skills. Key features include: A focus on Arabic-English translation in both directions, preparing students for the real-life experiences of practitioners in the field In-depth discussion of the core issues of phraseology, language variation and translation, legal translation and translation technology in Arabic and English translation Authentic sample texts in each chapter, taken from a variety of sources from across the Arabic-speaking world to provide snapshots of real-life language use Source texts followed by examples of possible translation strategies, with extensive commentaries, to showcase the best translation practices and methodologies A range of supporting exercises to enable students to practise their newly acquired knowledge and skills Inclusion of a wide range of themes covering both linguistic and genre issues, offering multidimensional perspectives and depth and breadth in learning List of recommended readings and resources for each of the topics under discussion Comprehensive glossary and bibliography at the back of the book. Lucid and practical in its approach, Arabic-English-Arabic-English Translation: Issues and Strategies will be an indispensable resource for intermediate to advanced students of Arabic. It will also be of great interest to professional translators working in Arabic-English-Arabic translation.

Arabic-English Thematic Lexicon

by Daniel L. Newman

The Arabic-English Thematic Lexicon is an invaluable resource for all learners of Arabic. It contains some 8,000 entries, arranged into themes, including flora and fauna, food and drink, the human body, health care, the family, housing, clothing, education, IT, sports, politics, economics and commerce, the law, media, language, geography, travel, religion, arts, science, and natural resources. Three appendices cover the names of Arab and selected non-Arab regions, countries and capitals, and international organizations. The entries in the Lexicon have been drawn from an extensive corpus of contemporary Standard Arabic vocabulary, based on authentic sources. In addition to verbs, nouns and adjectives, the Lexicon includes phrases and commonly used collocations, providing users with the necessary vocabulary in order to communicate effectively and confidently in both written and spoken standard Arabic. The Lexicon provides an indispensable complement to Arabic grammar instruction and also serves as a useful reference guide for all Arabic language users.

The Arabic Print Revolution

by Ami Ayalon

In a brief historic moment, printing presses, publishing ventures, a periodical press, circulation networks, and a mass readership came into being all at once in the Middle East, where none had previously existed, with ramifications in every sphere of the community's life. Among other outcomes, this significant change facilitated the cultural and literary movement known as the Arab 'nahda' ('awakening'). Ayalon's book offers both students and scholars a critical inquiry into the formative phase of that shift in Arab societies. This comprehensive analysis explores the advent of printing and publishing; the formation of mass readership; and the creation of distribution channels, the vital and often overlooked nexus linking the former two processes. It considers questions of cultural and religious tradition, social norms and relations, and concepts of education, offering a unique presentation of the emerging print culture in the Middle East.

Arabic Translation Across Discourses (Routledge Studies in Language and Identity)

by Said Faiq

A rare contribution to global translation as a ‘cross-cultural-open-concept’, Arabic Translation Across Discourses provides explorations of Arabic translation as an instance of transcultural and translingual encounters (transculguaging). This book examines the application and interrogation of discourses of translation in the translation of discourses (religion, literature, media, politics, technology, community, audiovisual, and automated systems of communication for translation). The contributors provide insights into the concerns and debates of Arabic translation as a tradition with local, yet global dimensions of translation and intercultural studies. This volume will be of great interest to students and researchers of all translation studies, but will also provide a rich source for those studying and researching history, geopolitics, intercultural studies, globalization, and allied disciplines.

The Architects of Toxic Politics in America: Venom and Vitriol

by Kenneth T. Walsh

The Architects of Toxic Politics in America: Venom and Vitriol explains the history of poison politics in America by profiling some of the key political “attack dogs” who have shaped the modern landscape.Comparing and contrasting the Trump and Biden presidencies with administrations of the past, the book explains the unique character of the current toxic political moment and the forces that have created it. The book also focuses quite extensively on “non-presidential” architects of toxic politics: other politicians, campaign strategists, activists, and media figures (and a few key figures that have fulfilled two or more of these roles). Drawing on his long career as a journalist specializing in presidential coverage, Kenneth T. Walsh argues that due to the complex, often conflicting nature of American government, the angriest, most decisive voices can command media, voter, and legislative attention and thereby maintain and consolidate power. This results in frustration, alienation, and cynicism—and ultimately, a diminishment of voter participation that can reinforce the vicious cycle and lead to electoral disaster.For anyone interested in politics, media, and the culture of “gotcha” journalism, this book will also be a valuable addition to undergraduate and graduate courses on politics, the presidency, political and media ethics, campaign history and government.

The Architectural and Technological Revolution of 5G

by José Luiz Frauendorf Érika Almeida de Souza

The book discusses the evolution of cellular technology, then focusing in on 5G and its architecture and what it means for current engineers. The book first focuses on 4G and how it changed the industry, allowing people to communicate by connecting devices to the internet. The authors detail the emergence of services and applications that have revolutionized communication and continue to impact the daily habits of majority of the world's population. The authors endeavor to tell this story by showing the path taken until the arrival of 5G, detailing how technological and architectural progress evolved in all these years. It is a technical book, but the authors take care to explain in detail each aspect related to technology in order to allow everyone interested in the subject to delve into this important topic.Presents a comprehensive explanation about 4G and 5G architecture, modulation and protocols;Includes a thorough explanation of modern antennas technology and O-RAN;Relevant to technology professionals and students interested in 5G, but with little background in telecommunications;The English translation of this book from its Portuguese original manuscript was done with the help of artificial intelligence (machine translation by the service provider A subsequent human revision of the content was done by the author.

Architectural Wireless Networks Solutions and Security Issues (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #196)

by Santosh Kumar Das Sourav Samanta Nilanjan Dey Bharat S. Patel Aboul Ella Hassanien

This book presents architectural solutions of wireless network and its variations. It basically deals with modeling, analysis, design and enhancement of different architectural parts of wireless network. The main aim of this book is to enhance the applications of wireless network by reducing and controlling its architectural issues. The book discusses efficiency and robustness of wireless network as a platform for communication and data transmission and also discusses some challenges and security issues such as limited hardware resources, unreliable communication, dynamic topology of some wireless networks, vulnerability and unsecure environment. This book is edited for users, academicians and researchers of wireless network. Broadly, topics include modeling of security enhancements, optimization model for network lifetime, modeling of aggregation systems and analyzing of troubleshooting techniques.

Architecture and Design for the Future Internet: 4WARD Project (Signals and Communication Technology)

by Luis M. Correia Klaus Wünstel Henrik Abramowicz Martin Johnsson

Architecture and Design for the Future Internet addresses the Networks of the Future and the Future Internet, focusing on networks aspects, offering both technical and non-technical perspectives. It presents the main findings of 4WARD (Architecture and Design for the Future Internet), a European Integrated Project within Framework Programme 7, which addressed this area from an innovative approach. Today's network architectures are stifling innovation, restricting it mostly to the application level, while the need for structural change is increasingly evident. The absence of adequate facilities to design, optimise and interoperate new networks currently forces a convergence to an architecture that is suboptimal for many applications and that cannot support innovations within itself, the Internet. 4WARD overcomes this impasse through a set of radical architectural approaches, built on a strong mobile and wireless background. The main topics addressed by the book are: the improved ability to design inter-operable and complementary families of network architectures; the enabled co-existence of multiple networks on common platforms through carrier-grade virtualisation for networking resources; the enhanced utility of networks by making them self-managing; the increased robustness and efficiency of networks by leveraging diversity; and the improved application support by a new information-centric paradigm in place of the old host-centric approach. These solutions embrace the full range of technologies, from fibre backbones to wireless and sensor networks.

Architecture and Governance for Communication Services

by Noël Crespi Emmanuel Bertin

Communication services are evolving at an unprecedented rate. No longer limited to interpersonal vocal communication, they now integrate functions such as address books, content sharing and messaging. The emergence of social networks – which may also include these features – is an important element of this transformation. Content services are becoming flagship services themselves, and are sometimes paired up with conversation services. The boundaries between different services are becoming less and less distinct. This book meets the need for a better understanding of communication services, and for a general framework of their description. A detailed overview on service architecture in the Telco, Web and IT worlds is presented, offering a roadmap with explanations on how to improve the architecture and governance of communication service architectures by exploiting the syntax and semantics that are common to different services is clearly outlined. This book also responds to recurring questions about service design, such as the functional scope of enablers or SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) services, the relevance of service composition to the user and collaboration between different services in a converged environment. Many concrete examples from telecoms service providers’ operations illustrate these concepts. Contents 1. Describing Service Architectures. 2. Convergence of Service. 3. Building an Architectural Framework for Telecom Services. 4. Modeling and Case Study. 5. Organizational and Software Applications. About the Authors Emmanuel Bertin is senior service architect at Orange Labs in France. He is the author of more than 40 research papers, and holds more than 10 patents in the area of communication services. Noël Crespi worked at Bouygues Telecom, France Telecom R&D, and then at Nortel Networks where he led the Telephony Programme. He is currently Professor and Head of the Service Architecture Laboratory at Institut Mines-Telecom, Telecom SudParis in France and is the author/co-author of more than 160 research papers and 140 contributions in standardization.

Arctic Voices: Resistance at the Tipping Point

by Subhankar Banerjee

A pristine environment of ecological richness and biodiversity. Home to generations of indigenous people for thousands of years. The location of vast quantities of oil, natural gas and coal. Largely uninhabited and long at the margins of global affairs, in the last decade Arctic Alaska has quickly become the most contested land in recent US history. World-renowned photographer, writer, and activist Subhankar Banerjee brings together first-person narratives from more than thirty prominent activists, writers, and researchers who address issues of climate change, resource war, and human rights with stunning urgency and groundbreaking research. From Gwich'in activist Sarah James's impassioned appeal, "We Are the Ones Who Have Everything to Lose," during the UN Climate Conference in Copenhagen in 2009 to an original piece by acclaimed historian Dan O'Neill about his recent trips to the Yukon Flats fish camps, Arctic Voices is a window into a remarkable region.Other contributors include Seth Kantner, Velma Wallis, Nick Jans, Debbie Miller, Andri Snaer Magnason, George Schaller, George Archibald, Cindy Shogan, and Peter Matthiessen.

Are We There Yet?: A Continuing History Of Lavender Woman: A Chicago Lesbian Newpaper 1971-1976

by Michal Brody

Serious yet entertaining history of an exciting lesbian era. Thought-provoking analysis and lively description.

Are You Somebody?: The Accidental Memoir of a Dublin Woman

by Nuala O'Faolain

"You don't want the book to end; it glows with compassion and you want more, more because you know this is a fine wine of a life, richer as it ages."—Frank McCourt, author of Angela's AshesOne of nine children born into a penniless North Dublin family, Nuala O'Faolain was saved from a harrowing childhood by her love of books and reading. Though she ultimately became one of Ireland's best-known columnists, her professional success did little to ease her loneliness and longing for a deep connection to the world. Are You Somebody? distills her experiences into a wisdom that can only come from an obstinate refusal to shrink from life.This commemorative edition of her landmark memoir celebrates O'Faolain's remarkable life and work with a new foreword from Frank McCourt as well as additional archival materials. Strikingly vivid and starkly emotional, Are You Somebody? is, like O'Faolain herself, a singular example of courage, honesty, and bold living.

Are You There God? It's Me, Margarita: More Cocktails with a Literary Twist (A Tequila Mockingbird Book)

by Tim Federle Lauren Mortimer

<p>Literature, puns, and alcohol collide in this clever follow-up to Tequila Mockingbird, the world's bestselling cocktail recipes book. <p>Tim Federle's Tequila Mockingbird has become one of the world's bestselling cocktail books and resonated with bartenders and book clubs everywhere. Now in this much anticipated follow-up, Are You There God? It's Me, Margarita, Federle has shaken up 49 all-new, all-delicious drink recipes paired with his trademark puns and clever commentary on more of history's most beloved books, as well as bar bites, drinking games, and whimsical illustrations throughout. <p>Cocktails include: Fifty Shades of Grey Goose, The Handmaid's Ale, Little Soused on the Prairie, Tender Is the Nightcap, A Room With Vermouth, Go Get a Scotch, Man; As I Lay Drinking, and much more!

Arguing: Exchanging Reasons Face to Face (Routledge Communication Series)

by Dale Hample

Arguing: Exchanging Reasons Face to Face describes the process and products of face-to-face argument. Author Dale Hample presents arguing as a type of interpersonal interaction, rather than as a kind of text or a feature of a public speech. He focuses primarily on argument production, and explores the rhetorical and philosophical traditions of arguing, keeping as the volume's main focus the integration of arguing into the literatures on message production, conflict management, and interpersonal communication.Distinctive in its approach, this volume offers:*a synthesis of empirical research on situational and individual differences in arguing;*an exploration of argument frames--perceptions and expectations about arguing;*an examination of the conversational and rational natures of argument products;*a psychological description of inventional processes; and*a full chapter on the emotional experience of arguing.This unique work is appropriate for scholars and graduate students in argumentation, discourse, persuasion, conflict management, interpersonal communication, organizational communication, and message production.

Arguing for a General Framework for Mass Media Scholarship

by Dr W. James Potter

"Arguing for a General Framework for Mass Media Scholarship challenges scholars and students to consider and reconsider what we know about media and how we think about media. As such, the book provides an important framework for thinking about knowledge—regardless of the discipline… The text provides all of the necessary tools to move the field forward in a way that will increase the rigor of the work being done and augment the overall profile of the discipline." –Dana Mastro, University of Arizona In this groundbreaking book, W. James Potter presents an innovative perspective to media scholars and students who are frustrated with the fragmentation of research findings across so many journals, books, and fields. Arguing for a General Framework for Mass Media Scholarship presents a clear plan for a more efficient way to build knowledge about the mass media so that it can be better organized and made more useful. Key Features Conducts an in-depth analysis of mass media scholarship's four major facets of effects, content, audiences, and organizations Presents a significant shift in conceptualizing media effects and ways research can be conducted to generate more useful knowledge about media influence Develops "narrative line" as a tool to guide analyses about how content decisions are made by producersSynthesizes a system of explanation about why audiences attend to certain messages and how individuals construct meaning from those messagesIncorporates an analysis of mass media organizations to provide greater context of understanding messages and their effects on individuals and macro units in society"The book will play an important role in providing structure to a broad, fragmented discipline. I believe it will, at the very least, create important dialogues about what we now know/understand about areas of mass media, and where we should move as a discipline… This book is clearly a 'call to arms' for mass media scholars to ratchet up the quality of research (and what we know), to see the interconnections within and among strands of scholarship, and to move forward in a more efficient, organized manner. Professor Potter should be commended for this." —Roger Cooper, Ohio University "This book is...that call to action that comes forward every few years, to wake us up and challenge our ways of doing things, not by being radical, but via synthesis... I've been waiting for several years for a book like this." —Sahara Byrne, Cornell University

Arguing for Our Lives

by Robert Jensen

We live in a time when public discourse is more skewed than ever by the propaganda that big money can buy, with trust in the leadership of elected officials at an all-time low. The "news" has degenerated into sensationalist sound bites, and the idea of debate has become a polarized shouting match that precludes any meaningful discussion.It's also a time of anxiety, as we're faced with economic and ecological crises on a global scale, with stakes that seem higher than ever before. In times like these, it's essential that we be able to think and communicate clearly.In this lively primer on critical thinking, Robert Jensen attacks the problems head on and delivers an accessible and engaging book that explains how we can work collectively to enrich our intellectual lives. Drawing on more than two decades of classroom experience and community organizing, Jensen shares strategies on how to challenge "conventional wisdom" in order to courageously confront the crises of our times and offers a framework for channeling our fears and frustrations into productive analysis that can inform constructive action.Jensen connects abstract ideas with the everyday political and spiritual struggles of ordinary people. Free of either academic or political jargon, this book is for anyone struggling to understand our world and contribute to making it a better place.Robert Jensen is a professor in the School of Journalism at the University of Texas at Austin and a founding board member of the Third Coast Activist Resource Center.

Arguing, Reasoning, and Thinking Well

by Robert Gass John Seiter

Arguing, Reasoning, and Thinking Well offers an engaging and accessible introduction to argumentation and critical thinking. With a pro-social focus, the volume encourages readers to value civility when engaged in arguing and reasoning. Authors Gass and Seiter, renowned for their friendly writing style, include real-world examples, hypothetical dialogues, and editorial cartoons to invite readers in. The text includes a full chapter devoted to the ethics of argument, as well as content on refutation and formal logic. It is designed for students in argumentation and critical thinking courses in communication, philosophy, and psychology departments, and is suitable for students and general education courses across the curriculum.

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