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Manifest Rationality: A Pragmatic Theory of Argument

by Ralph H. Johnson

This book works through some of the theoretical issues that have been accumulating in informal logic over the past 20 years. At the same time, it defines a core position in the theory of argument in which those issues can be further explored. The underlying concern that motivates this work is the health of practice of argumentation as an important cultural artifact. A further concern is for logic as a discipline. Argumentative and dialectical in nature, this book presupposes some awareness of the theory of argument in recent history, and some familiarity with the positions that have been advanced. It will be of interest to academics, researchers, and advanced undergraduate and graduate students in the disciplines of logic, rhetoric, linguistics, speech communication, English composition, and psychology.

Manipulating the Masses: Woodrow Wilson and the Birth of American Propaganda

by John Maxwell Hamilton

Winner of the Goldsmith Book Prize by the Harvard Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public PolicyManipulating the Masses tells the story of the enduring threat to American democracy that arose out of World War I: the establishment of pervasive, systematic propaganda as an instrument of the state. During the Great War, the federal government exercised unprecedented power to shape the views and attitudes of American citizens. Its agent for this was the Committee on Public Information (CPI), established by President Woodrow Wilson one week after the United States entered the war in April 1917.Driven by its fiery chief, George Creel, the CPI reached every crevice of the nation, every day, and extended widely abroad. It established the first national newspaper, made prepackaged news a quotidian aspect of governing, and pioneered the concept of public diplomacy. It spread the Wilson administration’s messages through articles, cartoons, books, and advertisements in newspapers and magazines; through feature films and volunteer Four Minute Men who spoke during intermission; through posters plastered on buildings and along highways; and through pamphlets distributed by the millions. It enlisted the nation’s leading progressive journalists, advertising executives, and artists. It harnessed American universities and their professors to create propaganda and add legitimacy to its mission.Even as Creel insisted that the CPI was a conduit for reliable, fact-based information, the office regularly sanitized news, distorted facts, and played on emotions. Creel extolled transparency but established front organizations. Overseas, the CPI secretly subsidized news organs and bribed journalists. At home, it challenged the loyalty of those who occasionally questioned its tactics. Working closely with federal intelligence agencies eager to sniff out subversives and stifle dissent, the CPI was an accomplice to the Wilson administration’s trampling of civil liberties.Until now, the full story of the CPI has never been told. John Maxwell Hamilton consulted over 150 archival collections in the United States and Europe to write this revealing history, which shows the shortcuts to open, honest debate that even well-meaning propagandists take to bend others to their views. Every element of contemporary government propaganda has antecedents in the CPI. It is the ideal vehicle for understanding the rise of propaganda, its methods of operation, and the threat it poses to democracy.

Manipulating the Message: How Powerful Forces Shape the News

by Cecil Rosner

Journalists hate the term fake news, but there’s a troubling reality: spin doctors routinely try to dupe them into reporting misleading and distorted stories.Check the news on any given day and here’s what you’ll find: Governments routinely lie. Companies inflate claims about their products and practices. Institutions release studies with misleading data meant to deceive. Police departments, infected by systemic racism, downplay crimes against Indigenous and racialized people.The public depends on the media to help them understand the world, but are journalists catching all the daily lies, omissions, and distortions? Shrinking newsrooms and an army of spin doctors mean journalists can get duped. Despite valiant efforts by a handful of investigative journalists, the truth is routinely left behind.Award-winning journalist Cecil Rosner insists there is something we can do about this. We can pressure news organizations to stop blindly regurgitating the firehose of press releases and focus instead on determining what is actually true. Rosner empowers readers by sharing his techniques for detecting misinformation and disinformation.

The Manipulators: Facebook, Google, Twitter, and Big Tech's War on Conservatives

by Peter J. Hasson

For better or for worse, Google and social media—&“Big Tech,&” collectively—have become the new public square. Unfortunately, this public square has a watchful referee standing behind them, ready and waiting to blow the whistle if they veer too far from the preferred narrative. Americans have given these companies enormous power to select the information they read, share and discuss with their neighbors and friends. We&’ve gotten so used to it, we forget to notice that Big Tech is sifting through the available information and narrowing—and prioritizing—our choices. What happens when that power is weaponized for political ends? Although Big Tech positioned itself initially as providing politically neutral platforms, the truth is that this is no longer the case—far from it. Daily Caller reporter Peter Hasson reveals in The Manipulators that Big Tech is using its huge financial and technological power to severely restrict access to conservative voices and ideas and to rig public debate in favor of America&’s political left wing. This happens in two ways: 1) By censoring and suppressing right-of-center voices and ideas, which restricts access to information that counters the progressive narrative 2) By purposefully amplifying left-wing voices and ideas, which creates the false impression that public consensus lines up with progressive orthodoxy.

Mano a Mano: Volume 1 – Básico (Mano a mano: português para falantes de espanhol)

by Ana Cecília Cossi Bizon Elizabeth Maria Fontão do Patrocínio Leandro Rodrigues Alves Diniz

Mano a Mano: Português para Falantes de Espanhol vem preencher uma importante lacuna no mercado editorial: a carência de livros didáticos que, considerando as necessidades específicas de falantes de espanhol, favoreçam um desenvolvimento mais rápido de sua proficiência em português. A coleção reúne uma série de características favoráveis à aprendizagem do português em diferentes contextos (ensino médio, universidades, cursos livres): Convida o(a) aluno(a) a desenvolver sua proficiência em português ao mesmo tempo que forma uma imagem multifacetada do Brasil, em diálogo com suas próprias construções culturais, desconstruindo discursos estabilizados e ampliando seus horizontes; Favorece o trânsito por múltiplas práticas de letramento, em que circulam diferentes gêneros discursivos, oferecendo oportunidades para que o(a) estudante aprimore suas capacidades de linguagem em contextos reais, ou próximos a situações autênticas de interação; Sensibiliza o(a) aluno(a) para diferentes variedades da língua portuguesa; Permite ao(à) estudante desenvolver suas capacidades léxico-gramaticais e fonético-fonológicas de maneira reflexiva e contextualizada, levando em consideração necessidades específicas de falantes de espanhol; Propõe tarefas semelhantes às encontradas no Certificado de Proficiência em Língua Portuguesa para Estrangeiros (Celpe-Bras), do Ministério da Educação brasileiro; É acompanhado por dois cadernos complementares integrados, com explicações detalhadas referentes a recursos léxico-gramaticais e fonético-fonológicos, além de uma série de atividades; Disponibiliza online os vídeos e áudios de tarefas de compreensão oral e de atividades de pronúncia. Preparado para o desenvolvimento de um curso de até 60 horas em contexto de imersão, ou 90 horas de não-imersão, Mano a Mano, Volume 1 – Básico permite levar falantes de espanhol (como língua materna ou estrangeira/adicional) que nunca tiveram contato significativo prévio com o português até o início do nível Intermediário do Celpe-Bras, do B1 do Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para as Línguas, ou do Intermediário Médio do American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages.

Mano a Mano: Volume 2 – Intermediário (Mano a mano: português para falantes de espanhol)

by Ana Cecília Cossi Bizon Elizabeth Maria Fontão do Patrocínio Leandro Rodrigues Alves Diniz

Mano a Mano: Português para Falantes de Espanhol vem preencher uma importante lacuna no mercado editorial: a carência de livros didáticos que, considerando as necessidades específicas de falantes de espanhol, favoreçam um desenvolvimento mais rápido de sua proficiência em português. A coleção reúne uma série de características favoráveis à aprendizagem do português em diferentes contextos (ensino médio, universidades, cursos livres): Convida o(a) aluno(a) a desenvolver sua proficiência em português ao mesmo tempo em que forma uma imagem multifacetada do Brasil, em diálogo com suas próprias construções culturais, desconstruindo discursos estabilizados e ampliando seus horizontes; Favorece o trânsito por múltiplas práticas de letramento, em que circulam diferentes gêneros discursivos, oferecendo oportunidades para que o(a) estudante aprimore suas capacidades de linguagem em contextos reais, ou próximos a situações autênticas de interação; Sensibiliza o(a) aluno(a) para diferentes variedades da língua portuguesa; Permite ao(à) estudante desenvolver suas capacidades léxico-gramaticais e fonético-fonológicas de maneira reflexiva e contextualizada, levando em consideração necessidades específicas de falantes de espanhol; Propõe tarefas semelhantes às encontradas no Certificado de Proficiência em Língua Portuguesa para Estrangeiros (Celpe-Bras), do Ministério da Educação brasileiro; É acompanhado por dois cadernos complementares integrados, com explicações detalhadas referentes a recursos léxico-gramaticais e fonético-fonológicos, além de uma série de atividades; Disponibiliza online os vídeos e áudios de tarefas de compreensão oral e de atividades de pronúncia. Preparado para o desenvolvimento de um curso de até 60 horas em contexto de imersão, ou 90 horas em contexto de não-imersão, Mano a Mano, Volume 2 – Intermediário permite levar falantes de espanhol (como língua materna ou estrangeira/adicional) do início do Intermediário Superior do Celpe-Bras, do início do B1 ao início do B2 do Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para as Línguas, ou do início do Intermediário Médio ao início do Avançado Médio na escala do American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages.

Manual de Achievers 5: Más de 100 claves inspiradoras para cumplir tu destino (Serie de mejores guías de Achievers #5)

by Ikechukwu Joseph

Manual de Achievers 5 Serie de mejores guías de Achievers El libro cinco es una continuación del libro uno, dos, tres, cuatro y contiene más de cien claves inspiradas y motivacionales y pepitas de éxito que lo ayudarán a cumplir su Destino y aprovechar su potencial. Es una llamada de atención para cualquiera que quiera sobresalir en la vida. Este libro le ayudará en las estrategias de resolución de problemas, para descubrir y aprovechar sus potenciales. Este manual, manual de negocios y resúmenes de éxito es una lectura obligada y excelente para aquellos que desean cumplir sus. Es para gente de negocios, triunfadores, innovadores, consejeros, entrenadores de vida, líderes, trabajadores, pastores, etc.

Manual de las Micro Expresiones: Hay información que el rostro no esconde

by Danilo H. Gomes

El MANUAL DE MICRO EXPRESIONES reúne brevemente las micro expresiones de 7 emociones básicas universales y 3 reacciones internas expresadas, en consecuencia, por el rostro humano. Acompaña imágenes detalladas para una mejor comprensión. Este libro puede usarse como un manual básico de lectura sobre micro expresiones y una guía para mejorar los estudios del lenguaje corporal.

Manual de periodismo: Edición actualizada

by Carlos Marín

33 años después de su primera edición, el Manual de periodismo de Carlos Marín conserva plena vigencia en este tiempo, vertiginoso y extraordinario, para acercarse a lo que Gabriel García Márquez llamó «el mejor oficio del mundo». Si el piso más reciente del edificio periodístico se amuebla de manera constante con novedades y términos tecnológicos, los cimientos, profundos, poderosos, continúan siendo los de siempre: el conocimiento de los géneros, las fuentes de información, las técnicas de redacción, las exigencias éticas, la actitud ante los personajes de la noticia. Producto de la experiencia y la reflexión, este Manual está escrito con un lenguaje didáctico y numerosos ejemplos, con definiciones y señalamientos tan actuales y enfáticos como el hecho de que ningún periodista del siglo XXI puede evadirse de las nuevas tecnologías y las redes sociales sin detrimento de su trabajo, como tampoco puede dejar atrás las herramientas y enseñanzas del periodismo clásico.

Manual del Buen Comunicador: Cómo llegar a la excelencia en el arte de comunicarse

by Danilo H. Gomes

¿No te sabes comunicar bien? ¿Deseas mejorar tu capacidad de persuasión y tus habilidades verbales? Encuentra lo que necesitas en esta obra. La raza humana es la única de entre las demás creaturas en el planeta Tierra que es capaz de comunicarse a través de un lenguaje verbal. A pesar de ser una habilidad presente en los seres humanos, la mayoría de ellos encuentran enorme dificultad en expresarse satisfactoriamente. El poder de las palabras es inmesurable, aún más si se utilizan de forma correcta. Velocidad, gestos, respiración, armado de frases, todo cuenta a la hora de comunicarse. Un buen comunicador logra sus objetivos utilizando sus capacidades ligadas al lenguaje. Este libro te ofrecerá ayuda para que evoluciones efectivamente en tus poderes de comunicación verbal y no verbal.

Manual For Managing Organizational Change, Without MBA

by Claudio Pardo Molina

This manual builds on a millennial heritage to apply strategy that has come down to us from ancient Asia. Because the recommendations provided by its author, Sun Tzu, do not lose validity despite being more than 2,500 years old. It is known that it inspired many historical figures such as Napoleon or Machiavelli, and even in the strategies of the Vietnam revolutionaries. But all these applications were in the context of the war. Instead, the adaptation I made focuses on change management for managers. Because this treatise provides wisdom, common sense recommendations. Because in my own experience of studying commercial engineering and even obtaining a MBA, I felt many times that I did not have the wisdom to apply an organizational change. I will give a concrete example of the adaptations that I will make in the next chapters. The art of war says "The best victory is to win without fighting", my adaptation to the theme of this manual being the following "The best organizational change is that it is achieved without demands, disassociations or a worsening of the organizational climate". Because when I speak of wisdom, I am actually speaking of common sense.

Manual of Business French (Manuals Of Business Ser.)

by Nathalie McAndrew Cazorla Stuart Williams

Manual of Business French is the most comprehensive, single-volume reference handbook for students and professionals using French. Designed for all users, no matter what level of language skill, this manual comprises five parts: * A 6000-word, two-way Glossary of the most useful business terms * A 100-page Written Communications section giving models of 50 letters, faxes and documents * An 80-page Spoken Situations section covering face-to-face and telephone situations * A short reference Grammar outlining the major grammar features of French * A short Business Facts section covering esential information of the country or countries where French is used Written by an experienced native and non-native speaker team, this unique volume is an essential, one-stop reference for all students and professionals studying or working in business and management where French is used.

Manual of Business German: A Comprehensive Language Guide (Manuals Of Business Ser.)

by Paul Hartley Gertrud Robins

Manual of Business German is the most comprehensive, single-volume reference handbook for students and professionals using foreign languages.Designed for all users, no matter what level of language skill, it comprises five parts:* A 6000-word, two-way Glossary of the most useful business terms* A 100-page Written Communications section giving models of 50 letters, faxes and documents* An 80-page Spoken Situations section covering face-to-face and telephone situations* A short Reference Grammar outlining the major grammar features of German * A short Business Facts section covering essential information of the country or countries where German is usedWritten by an experienced native and non-native speaker team, this unique volume is an essential, one-stop reference for all students and professionals studying or working in business and management where German is used.

Manual of Business Italian: A Comprehensive Language Guide (Manuals Of Business Ser.)

by Vincent Edwards Gianfranca Gessa Shepheard

Manual of Business Italian is the most comprehensive, single-volume reference handbook for students and professionals using Italian.Designed for all users, no matter what level of language skill, this manual comprises five parts: * A 6000-word, two-way Glossary of the most useful business terms * A 100-page Written Communications section giving models of 50 letters, faxes and documents * An 80-page Spoken Situations section covering face-to-face and telephone situations * A short Reference Grammar outlining the major grammar features of Italian * A short Business Facts section covering essential information of the country or countries where Italian is used Written by an experienced native and non-native speaker team, this unique volume is an essential, one-stop reference for all students and professionals studying or working in business and management where Italian is used

Manual of Business Spanish: A Comprehensive Language Guide (Manuals Of Business Ser.)

by Michael Gorman Maria-Luisa Henson

Manual of Business Spanish is the most comprehensive, single-volume reference handbook for students and professionals using Spanish.Designed for all users, no matter what level of language skill, it comprises five parts:* A 6000-word, two-way Glossary of the most useful business terms* A 100-page Written Communications section giving models of 50 letters, faxes and documents* An 80-page Spoken Situations section covering face-to-face and telephone situations* A short Reference Grammar outlining the major grammar features of Spanish* A short Business Facts section covering essential information of the country or countries where Spanish is usedWritten by an experienced native and non-native speaker team, this unique volume is an essential, one-stop reference for all students and professionals studying or working in business and management where Spanish is used.

Manual of Museum Exhibitions

by Barry Lord Maria Piacente

Drawing on years of experience and top-flight expertise, Barry Lord and Maria Piacente detail the exhibition process in a straightforward way that can be easily adapted by institutions of any size. They explore the exhibition development process in greater detail, providing the technical and practical methodologies museum professionals need today. They’ve added new features and expanded chapters on project management, financial planning and interactive multimedia while retaining the essential content related to interpretive planning, curatorship, and roles and responsibilities.

Manual prático de escrita em português: Developing Writing Skills in Portuguese (Developing Writing Skills)

by Javier Muñoz-Basols Yolanda Pérez Sinusía Marianne David Clélia F. Donovan

Manual prático de escrita em português/Developing Writing Skills in Portuguese provides intermediate- and advanced-level students with the necessary skills to become competent and confident writers in the Portuguese language. With a focus on writing as a craft, Manual prático de escrita em português offers a rich selection of original materials including narrative texts, expository essays, opinion pieces and newspaper articles. Each chapter covers a specific kind of writing and is designed to help tackle the material in small units. The book aids students in crafting clear, coherent and cohesive texts by means of guided practice and step-by-step activities. Suitable for use as a classroom text or as a self-study course, this book is ideal for students at level B2 – C2 of the Common European Framework for Languages or at Intermediate High – Advanced High on the ACTFL proficiency scales.

Manuale delle Microespressioni: Ci sono delle informazioni che il viso non può nascondere

by Danilo H. Gomes

Le microespressioni costituiscono un mistero per la stragrande maggioranza delle persone. Attraverso la lettura della gestualità del viso potremmo aiutare molte persone che nascondono la propria tristezza per orgoglio o per paura. Con un buon manuale a disposizione, la lettura dei volti diventa più semplice. MANUALE DELLE MICROESPRESSIONI riassume le microespressioni legate alle 7 emozioni universali di base e 3 reazioni di risposta interne che vengono espresse dal viso umano, accompagnate da immagini dettagliate per una migliore comprensione. Questo libro può essere utilizzato come manuale di base per la lettura delle microespressioni o una guida per approfondire lo studio del linguaggio del corpo. Aguzza la vista e svela i dettagli nascosti!

Manuel des microexpressions: Il y a des informations que le visage ne cache pas

by Danilo H. Gomes

Le MANUEL DES MICRO-EXPRESSIONS rassemble brièvement les micro expressions de 7 émotions universelles de base et 3 réactions internes exprimées, par conséquent, par le visage humain. Il est accompagné d'images détaillées pour une meilleure compréhension. Ce livre peut être utilisé comme un manuel de lecture de base sur les micro-expressions et un guide pour améliorer l'étude du langage corporel.

Manufacturing Consensus: Understanding Propaganda in the Era of Automation and Anonymity

by Samuel Woolley

An in-depth exploration of social media and emergent technology that details the inner workings of modern propaganda Until recently, propaganda was a top-down, elite-only system of communication control used largely by state actors. Samuel Woolley argues that social media has democratized today’s propaganda, allowing nearly anyone to launch a fairly sophisticated, computationally enhanced influence campaign. Woolley shows how social media, with its anonymity and capacity for automation, allows a wide variety of groups to build the illusion of popularity through computational tools (such as bots) and human-driven efforts (such as sockpuppets—real people assuming false identities online—and partisan influencers). They use these technologies and strategies to create a bandwagon effect by bringing the content into parallel discussions with other legitimate users, or to mold discontent for political purposes. Drawing on eight years of original international ethnographic research among the people who build, combat, and experience these propaganda campaigns, Woolley presents an extensive view of the evolution of computational propaganda, offers a glimpse into the future, and suggests pragmatic responses for policy makers, academics, technologists, and others.

Manufacturing Militarism: U.S. Government Propaganda in the War on Terror

by Christopher J. Coyne Abigail R. Hall

The U.S. government's prime enemy in the War on Terror is not a shadowy mastermind dispatching suicide bombers. It is the informed American citizen. With Manufacturing Militarism, Christopher J. Coyne and Abigail R. Hall detail how military propaganda has targeted Americans since 9/11. From the darkened cinema to the football field to the airport screening line, the U.S. government has purposefully inflated the actual threat of terrorism and the necessity of a proactive military response. This biased, incomplete, and misleading information contributes to a broader culture of fear and militarism that, far from keeping Americans safe, ultimately threatens the foundations of a free society. Applying a political economic approach to the incentives created by a democratic system with a massive national security state, Coyne and Hall delve into case studies from the War on Terror to show how propaganda operates in a democracy. As they vigilantly watch their carry-ons scanned at the airport despite nonexistent threats, or absorb glowing representations of the military from films, Americans are subject to propaganda that, Coyne and Hall argue, erodes government by citizen consent.

Manufacturing Modern Japanese Literature: Publishing, Prizes, and the Ascription of Literary Value

by Edward Mack

Emphasizing how modes of book production, promotion, and consumption shape ideas of literary value, Edward Mack examines the role of Japan's publishing industry in defining modern Japanese literature. In the late nineteenth century and early twentieth, as cultural and economic power consolidated in Tokyo, the city's literary and publishing elites came to dominate the dissemination and preservation of Japanese literature. As Mack explains, they conferred cultural value on particular works by creating prizes and multivolume anthologies that signaled literary merit. One such anthology, the Complete Works of Contemporary Japanese Literature (published between 1926 and 1931), provided many readers with their first experience of selected texts designated as modern Japanese literature. The low price of one yen per volume allowed the series to reach hundreds of thousands of readers. An early prize for modern Japanese literature, the annual Akutagawa Prize, first awarded in 1935, became the country's highest-profile literary award. Mack chronicles the history of book production and consumption in Japan, showing how advances in technology, the expansion of a market for literary commodities, and the development of an extensive reading community enabled phenomena such as the Complete Works of Contemporary Japanese Literature and the Akutagawa Prize to manufacture the very concept of modern Japanese literature.

Many a True Word

by Richard Anthony Baker

What are the top one hundred words we use the most? How should anchovy, chastisement and tryst be pronounced? How good are you at spelling the most commonly misspelt words and names? For the answers to these andquestions and much more, sit back and let Richard Anthony Baker take you on a journey through the English language.Marvel at the richness of what we derive from French and German; bristle at the words banned in the Daily Telegraph; laugh at the officialese of corporate writers; bone up on our use of language from William Shakespeare (and the Bible) in our day-to-day talk; absorb Richard's master classes on how to win at Scrabble with devastating ease and how to complete cryptic crosswords with impressive alacrity; and test your linguistic agility by trying to answer the five questions which Google puts to job applicants.

Many Voices, Many Worlds: Critical Perspectives on Community Media in India

by Faiz Ullah Anjali Monteiro K. P. Jayasankar

Community media has the potential for deepening democracy by creating spaces for people to raise and discuss their concerns. However, its practice in India tends to be based on top-down decision-making, which is the legacy of the Development Communication paradigms, thus ignoring the creative and transformative possibilities of marginalized community voices. The perspectives in this book, rooted in years of fieldwork experience, by scholars and practitioners of community media, both question and offer alternatives to the dominant paradigms. Many Voices, Many Worlds: Critical Perspectives on Community Media in India is a critical reflection on governance and policymaking, development, disability, knowledge and other social markers in the context of community media. Bringing together different modes of community media—such as video, radio, theatre, information and communication technologies (ICTs) and new media—into a productive conversation with each other, the book focuses on how communities through their communicative practices, negotiate the politics of caste, class, gender, and access to funding and technology.

Mapping Christian Rhetorics: Connecting Conversations, Charting New Territories (Routledge Studies in Rhetoric and Communication)

by Michael-John DePalma Jeffrey M. Ringer

The continued importance of Christian rhetorics in political, social, pedagogical, and civic affairs suggests that such rhetorics not only belong on the map of rhetorical studies, but are indeed essential to the geography of rhetorical studies in the twenty-first century. This collection argues that concerning ourselves with religious rhetorics in general and Christian rhetorics in particular tells us something about rhetoric itself—its boundaries, its characteristics, its functionings. In assembling original research on the intersections of rhetoric and Christianity from prominent and emerging scholars, Mapping Christian Rhetorics seeks to locate religion more centrally within the geography of rhetorical studies in the twenty-first century. It does so by acknowledging work on Christian rhetorics that has been overlooked or ignored; connecting domains of knowledge and research areas pertaining to Christian rhetorics that may remain disconnected or under connected; and charting new avenues of inquiry about Christian rhetorics that might invigorate theory-building, teaching, research, and civic engagement. In dividing the terrain of Christian rhetorics into four categories—theory, education, methodology, and civic engagement—Mapping Christian Rhetorics aims to foster connections among these areas of inquiry and spur future future collaboration between scholars of religious rhetoric in a range of research areas.

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