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The Marketplace of Attention: How Audiences Take Shape in a Digital Age (The\mit Press Ser.)

by James G. Webster

How do media find an audience when there is an endless supply of content but a limited supply of public attention?Feature films, television shows, homemade videos, tweets, blogs, and breaking news: digital media offer an always-accessible, apparently inexhaustible supply of entertainment and information. Although choices seems endless, public attention is not. How do digital media find the audiences they need in an era of infinite choice? In The Marketplace of Attention, James Webster explains how audiences take shape in the digital age.Webster describes the factors that create audiences, including the preferences and habits of media users, the role of social networks, the resources and strategies of media providers, and the growing impact of media measures—from ratings to user recommendations. He incorporates these factors into one comprehensive framework: the marketplace of attention. In doing so, he shows that the marketplace works in ways that belie our greatest hopes and fears about digital media.Some observers claim that digital media empower a new participatory culture; others fear that digital media encourage users to retreat to isolated enclaves. Webster shows that public attention is at once diverse and concentrated—that users move across a variety of outlets, producing high levels of audience overlap. So although audiences are fragmented in ways that would astonish midcentury broadcasting executives, Webster argues that this doesn't signal polarization. He questions whether our preferences are immune from media influence, and he describes how our encounters with media might change our tastes. In the digital era's marketplace of attention, Webster claims, we typically encounter ideas that cut across our predispositions. In the process, we will remake the marketplace of ideas and reshape the twenty-first century public sphere.

The Markets for News: Enduring Structures in the Age of Business Model Disruptions (Disruptions)

by Helle Sjøvaag

In the face of ongoing digitisation, The Markets for News examines how certain established economic features of the news industry have persisted and what makes them such stable frameworks for journalistic organisations. Drawing on an analysis of Scandinavian news industries, this text revises journalism’s economic foundations in the context of the algorithmically driven platform economy. Exploration of features such as journalism’s two-sided market model, the network effect of platforms, and chain ownership, leads to a discussion about how journalism faces disruption from the introduction of artificial intelligence in the production, dissemination, and sale of news. As journalism undergoes transformations due to revenue losses, this book recognises a return to certain enduring features of journalism’s organisational form, in particular the chain ownership form, that enables scale in adapting to platform logics and economics. This text serves as a basis for a theoretical discussion about strategic media management and critical political economy in the age of digital disruption. This is an insightful book for academics and researchers in the fields of journalism, media industries, media policy and, communication studies.

Markets of Dispossession: Ngos, Economic Development, and the State in Cairo

by Julia Elyachar

What happens when the market tries to help the poor? In many parts of the world today, neoliberal development programs are offering ordinary people the tools of free enterprise as the means to well-being and empowerment. Schemes to transform the poor into small-scale entrepreneurs promise them the benefits of the market and access to the rewards of globalization. Markets of Dispossession is a theoretically sophisticated and sobering account of the consequences of these initiatives. Julia Elyachar studied the efforts of bankers, social scientists, ngo members, development workers, and state officials to turn the craftsmen and unemployed youth of Cairo into the vanguard of a new market society based on microenterprise. She considers these efforts in relation to the alternative notions of economic success held by craftsmen in Cairo, in which short-term financial profit is not always highly valued. Through her careful ethnography of workshop life, Elyachar explains how the traditional market practices of craftsmen are among the most vibrant modes of market life in Egypt. Long condemned as backward, these existing market practices have been seized on by social scientists and development institutions as the raw materials for experiments in "free market" expansion. Elyachar argues that the new economic value accorded to the cultural resources and social networks of the poor has fueled a broader process leading to their economic, social, and cultural dispossession.

The Marvelous Clouds: Toward a Philosophy of Elemental Media

by John Durham Peters

When we speak of clouds these days, it is as likely that we mean data clouds or network clouds as cumulus or stratus. In their sharing of the term, both kinds of clouds reveal an essential truth: that the natural world and the technological world are not so distinct. In The Marvelous Clouds, John Durham Peters argues that though we often think of media as environments, the reverse is just as true--environments are media. Peters defines media expansively as elements that compose the human world. Drawing from ideas implicit in media philosophy, Peters argues that media are more than carriers of messages: they are the very infrastructures combining nature and culture that allow human life to thrive. Through an encyclopedic array of examples from the oceans to the skies, The Marvelous Clouds reveals the long prehistory of so-called new media. Digital media, Peters argues, are an extension of early practices tied to the establishment of civilization such as mastering fire, building calendars, reading the stars, creating language, and establishing religions. New media do not take us into uncharted waters, but rather confront us with the deepest and oldest questions of society and ecology: how to manage the relations people have with themselves, others, and the natural world. A wide-ranging meditation on the many means we have employed to cope with the struggles of existence--from navigation to farming, meteorology to Google--The Marvelous Clouds shows how media lie at the very heart of our interactions with the world around us. Peters's book will not only change how we think about media but provide a new appreciation for the day-to-day foundations of life on earth that we so often take for granted.

Marvelous Geometry: Narrative and Metafiction in Modern Fairy Tale

by Jessica Tiffin

Explores self-consciousness and metafictional awareness in modern fairy tale and its expression across literary fairy tale, popular fairy tale, and fairy-tale film.

A Marvelous Life: The Amazing Story of Stan Lee

by Danny Fingeroth

The definitive biography of the beloved—often controversial—co-creator of many legendary superheroes, A Marvelous Life: The Amazing Story of Stan Lee presents the origin of “Stan the Man,” who spun a storytelling web of comic book heroic adventures into a pop culture phenomenon: the Marvel Universe."[Fingeroth's] intimate yet balanced account, highlights Lee’s humanity, humor and even humility. But it doesn’t ignore how his canny self-promotion at times shortchanged his collaborators and constrained his own choices." —Wall Street JournalStan Lee was the most famous American comic book creator who ever lived.Thanks, especially, to his many cameos in Marvel movies and TV shows, Lee was—and even after his 2018 death, still is—the voice and face of comics and popular culture in general, and Marvel Comics in particular. How he got to that place is a story that has never been fully told—until now.With creative partners including Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko—with whom he had tempestuous relationships that rivaled any superhero battle—Lee created world-famous characters including Spider-Man, Iron Man, the X–Men, the Avengers, and the Hulk!But Lee’s career was haunted by conflict and controversy. Was he the most innovative creator to ever do comics? Was he a lucky no-talent whose only skill was taking credit for others’ work? Or was he something else altogether? Danny Fingeroth’s A Marvelous Life: The Amazing Story of Stan Leeattempts to answer some of those questions. It is the first comprehensive biography of this powerhouse of ideas who, with his invention of Marvel Comics, changed the world’s ideas of what a hero is and how a story should be told. With exclusive interviews with Lee himself, as well as with colleagues, relatives, friends—and detractors—Fingeroth makes a doubly remarkable case for Lee’s achievements, while not ignoring the controversies that dogged him his entire life—and even past his death. With unique access to Lee’s personal archives at the University of Wyoming, Fingeroth explores never-before-examined aspects of Lee’s life and career, and digs under the surface of what people thought they knew about him.Fingeroth, himself a longtime writer and editor at Marvel Comics, and now a lauded pop culture critic and historian, knew and worked with Stan Lee for over four decades. With his unique insights as a comics world insider, Fingeroth is able to put Lee’s life and work in a unique context that makes events and actions come to life as no other writer could. Despite F. Scott Fitzgerald’s famous warning that “There are no second acts in American lives,” Stan Lee created a second act for himself that changed everything for him, his family, his industry, and ultimately for all of popular culture. How he did it—and what it cost him—is a larger-than-life tale of a man who helped create the modern superhero mythology that has become a part of all our lives.

Mary Ann Shadd Cary: The Black Press and Protest in the Nineteenth Century

by Jane Rhodes

Mary Ann Shadd Cary was a courageous and outspoken nineteenth-century African American who used the press and public speaking to fight slavery and oppression in the United States and Canada. Part of the small free black elite who used their education and limited freedoms to fight for the end of slavery and racial oppression, Shadd Cary is best known as the first African American woman to publish and edit a newspaper in North America. But her importance does not stop there. She was an active participant in many of the social and political movements that influenced nineteenth century abolition, black emigration and nationalism, women's rights, and temperance. Mary Ann Shadd Cary: The Black Press and Protest in the Nineteenth Century explores her remarkable life and offers a window on the free black experience, emergent black nationalisms, African American gender ideologies, and the formation of a black public sphere. This new edition contains a new epilogue and new photographs.

Mary McGrory

by John Norris

A wildly entertaining biography of the trailblazing Washington columnist and the first woman to win the Pulitzer Prize for commentary Before there was Maureen Dowd or Gail Collins or Molly Ivins, there was Mary McGrory. She was a trailblazing columnist who achieved national syndication and reported from the front lines of American politics for five decades. From her first assignment reporting on the Army-McCarthy hearings to her Pulitzer-winning coverage of Watergate and controversial observations of President Bush after September 11, McGrory humanized the players on the great national stage while establishing herself as a uniquely influential voice. Behind the scenes she flirted, drank, cajoled, and jousted with the most important figures in American life, breaking all the rules in the journalism textbook. Her writing was admired and feared by such notables as Lyndon Johnson (who also tried to seduce her) and her friend Bobby Kennedy who observed, "Mary is so gentle--until she gets behind a typewriter." Her soirees, filled with Supreme Court justices, senators, interns, and copy boys alike, were legendary. As the red-hot center of the Beltway in a time when the newsrooms were dominated by men, McGrory makes for a powerfully engrossing subject. Laced with juicy gossip and McGrory's own acerbic wit, John Norris's colorful biography reads like an insider's view of latter-day American history--and one of its most enduring characters.

Más allá del sí: Un método para superar el autosabotaje y negociar con éxito

by Erica Ariel Fox

Negociar con eficacia es crucial para dirigir con inteligencia y ser feliz. Cómo dejar de ser su propio peor enemigo en las negociaciones y en la vida. Liderar y vivir implica estar negociando continuamente y emplear una estrategia con la que ambas partes salgan ganando. Sin embargo, tradicionalmente hemos soslayado el hecho de que las negociaciones que más impacto tienen en nuestra capacidad de liderar son las que mantenemos con nosotros mismos. ¿Qué significa «negociar con uno mismo»? Es lo que ocurre cuando usted quiere seguir trabajando pero al mismo tiempo desearía cumplir su promesa de cenar con la familia; o cuando una parte de usted quiere darle una nueva oportunidad a una relación, mientras la otra sabe a ciencia cierta que ha llegado el momento de decir adiós. Más allá del sí le ofrece una hoja de ruta para negociar con usted mismo, echar mano de la sabiduría innata que reside en su interior y aclarar sus ideas. Tanto si tiene problemas con un cliente complicado como si ha surgido una pequeña discrepancia con su cónyuge, cuando comprenda y domine lo que Erica Ariel Fox llama sus «negociadores internos», será capaz de superar rupturas y llegar a acuerdos, controlando a su peor enemigo: usted mismo Reseñas:«Erica Ariel Fox ha creado unas herramientas imaginativas y novedosas para ayudarle a controlar su mundo interior. Más allá del sí es la llave para una vida mejor.»Daniel Goleman, autor del best seller Inteligencia emocional «Erica Ariel Fox ha conseguido integrar de forma innovadora el cambio personal con herramientas prácticas para liderar y negociar. Su nuevo método tendrá un impacto tanto en el trabajo como en casa.»Deepak Chopra, autor de El alma del liderazgo «Sencillamente, Erica es una de las mejores maestras de liderazgo de nuestros tiempos. Su libro le cambiará la vida, como cambió la mía.»Nate Boaz, socio de McKinsey & Company

Más storytelling, menos ¿y a mi qué?: Descubre como comunicar tus ideas y contenidos para mantener el interés de tu audiencia

by Juan Luis R. Pons

comunicarte de forma clara y efectiva es más crucial que nunca Te ha pasado que alguien te cuenta algo y que lo único que te viene a la cabeza es: “¿Y A MÍ QUÉ?”. Bueno, no permitas que le suceda así a tu audiencia cuando comuniques tus ideas o contenidos. Lo que tú quieres es conectar a nivel emocional, que lo que digasles importe y que mantenga su atención. ¿Cuál es el secreto? Entender qué es ESO que responderá al “¿Y A MÍ QUÉ?” de la gente que te escucha. Los principios que encierra esta poderosa frase son la clave para no solo contar historias, sino enamorar a tu audiencia con ellas. Este libro te dará la confianza para estructurar y comunicar tus ideas y contenidos de forma clara, efectiva y memorable. Aprenderás cómo llevar tu storytelling al siguiente nivel, para que tus ideas impacten emocionalmente en quien más te importa. “Nunca había recibido un asesoramiento tan contundente y tan orientativo. Fue básico que estuviese Juan Luis al lado mío, incitándome a que me soltara, a que fuese yo al comunicar. Así como en su momento tuve entrenadores y directivos que me ayudaron en mi carrerao asesores en cuanto al tema de inversiones, Juan Luis me guio en esta faceta que era nueva para mí. Me apoyó mucho en estructurar lo que pensaba y traducirlo en palabras para convencer y conseguir algo importante. Gracias a eso no me resultó difícil; se me hizo hasta sencillo”.—HUGO SÁNCHEZ, el mejor jugador en la historia de México. “Fue increíble trabajar con Juan Luis. Fue muy puntual en las cosas que hay que tener presente [al hablar en público]: cómo ser contundente, qué tan larga debe ser cada oración y cómo dejar un mensaje preciso. Todos esos tips hicieron que mi mensaje fuera perfecto. Eso lo hace un gran profesional en su área: la comunicación de cualquier tipo, ya sea un video, una grabación, un documental o un libro”.—LORENA OCHOA, golfista número 1 del mundo por cuatro temporadas consecutivas. “Crecí muchísimo como conferencista al trabajar con Juan Luis. La diferencia fue radical. Sabe perfecto qué pregunta hacerte para indagar en eso quequieres comunicar y te entrena para que no pierdas la atención del público y que tu comunicación sea eficiente e interesante”. —OLIVIA PERALTA, empresaria, autora y presentadora de televisión. “Si quieresaprender sobre escucha activa, cómo elaborar preguntas profundas y cómo organizar la comunicación de tus ideas para que sea efectiva, no te puedes perder este libro”. —LEON KRAIG, exCEO Mars México y expresidente Mars Pet Care LatAm.

La masacre del Mozote (Colección Endebate #Volumen)

by Alma Guillermoprieto

Las crónicas extraordinarias de Alma Guillermoprieto sobre una de las mayores masacres cometidas en América Latina durante el siglo XX. Premio Princesa de Asturias de Comunicación y Humanidades 2018 Alma Guillermoprieto escribió entre 1981 y 1982 cinco artículos estremecedores sobre la masacre del Mozote, el episodio más sangriento perpetrado contra la población civil durante la guerra en El Salvador. El Batallón Atlacatl, tropa de élite anti guerrillera del ejército salvadoreño, asesinó a ochocientos hombres, mujeres y niños, bajo el auspicio de la Administración Reagan. Las legendarias crónicas que Guillermoprieto publicara en The Washington Post transitan entre cadáveres calcinados, senderos angostos y casas vacías, tratando de entender y explicar la violencia que sacudió a este país del maltrecho corazón de América. El periodista David Remnick dijo...«Magistral. América Latina ya tiene su Orwell.»

Masculinity and the Trials of Modern Fiction

by Marco Wan

How do lawyers, judges and jurors read novels? And what is at stake when literature and law confront each other in the courtroom? Nineteenth-century England and France are remembered for their active legal prosecution of literature, and this book examines the ways in which five novels were interpreted in the courtroom: Gustave Flaubert’s Madame Bovary, Paul Bonnetain’s Charlot s’amuse, Henry Vizetelly’s English translation of Émile Zola’s La Terre, Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray and Radclyffe Hall’s The Well of Loneliness. It argues that each of these novels attracted legal censure because they presented figures of sexual dissidence – the androgyne, the onanist or masturbator, the patricide, the homosexual and the lesbian – that called into question an increasingly fragile normative, middleclass masculinity. Offering close readings of the novels themselves, and of legal material from the proceedings, such as the trial transcripts and judicial opinions, the book addresses both the doctrinal dimensions of Victorian obscenity and censorship, as well as the reading practices at work in the courtroom. It situates the cases in their historical context, and highlights how each trial constitutes a scene of reading – an encounter between literature and the law – through which different forms of masculinity were shaped, bolstered or challenged.

Masetti: El periodista de la revolución

by Hernan Vaca Narvaja

La biografía de Jorge Ricardo Masetti, personaje fundante del periodismo latinoamericano, quien dedicó su vida a la causa revolucionaria y a la creación de un nuevo rol de la prensa en el continente. Masetti, además, fue el primer periodista argentino que entrevistó al Che Guevara en Sierra Maestra antes del triunfo de la Revolución cubana. En la famosa foto del Che, aquella de Korda que dio vuelta al mundo, había alguien más a quien la magia del revelado dejó a un costado: el argentino Jorge Ricardo Masetti. Fundador de Prensa Latina -la agencia de noticias cubana que llegó a pelearles el lugar a gigantes como la Associated Press y la United Press-, fue uno de los primeros en entrevistar a Fidel Castro y a Guevara cuando todavía combatían en Sierra Maestra. La aventura del periodismo fue un destino al que Masetti se entregó sin vacilaciones, con el mismo fervor con el que se incorporó a la causa revolucionaria, comandando el primer intento de guerrilla rural en la Argentina. Pero se ha perdido su rastro, y sus restos nunca fueron hallados en el monte salteño donde se instaló con sus camaradas de lucha. Tras entrevistar a muchos de los participantes de los hechos, consultar material inédito hasta ahora y revisar periódicos y publicaciones, Hernán Vaca Narvaja ha escrito un libro de aquellos que no se pueden dejar de leer. En su trabajo, la figura de Masetti se convierte en síntesis y símbolo de una época tan convulsionada como fascinante.


by Florian Mundhenke Fernando Ramos Arenas Thomas Wilke

Mashup hat sich als Begriff eingebürgert für auditiv, visuell, audiovisuell ,,vermischte" Neuarrangements, Collagen, Bricolagen in der Musik, in Videos, in Computerspielen, in der (aktuellen Medien-)Kunst, in der Architektur. Es handelt sich um eine Verbindung heterogener Elemente, die etwas (scheinbar) Neues hervorbringen. Im Internet verbinden Websites unterschiedliche Elemente (beispielsweise Musik, Video, Hyperlinks) mit unterschiedlichen Funktionen. Ausgangspunkt für diesen Band ist die These, dass es einerseits mediale und kulturelle Techniken gibt, die diese Form des Mischgenres erst ermöglichen. Andererseits muss berücksichtigt werden, dass die mediale Kompetenz der User exponentiell angestiegen ist und weiter ansteigt. Der Band geht unter anderem der Frage nach, inwieweit es sich bei Mashups um eine qualitativ neue Form der Aneignung und/oder nur eine produktive Auseinandersetzung mit medialen Angeboten handelt.

The Mass Audience: Rediscovering the Dominant Model (Routledge Communication Series)

by James Webster Patricia F. Phalen

In the early 20th century, a new and distinctive concept of the audience rose to prominence. The audience was seen as a mass -- a large collection of people mostly unknown to one another -- that was unified through exposure to media. This construct offered a pragmatic way to map audiences that was relevant to industry, government, and social theorists. In a relatively short period of time, it became the dominant model for studying the audience. Today, it is so pervasive that most people simply take it for granted. Recently, media scholars have reopened inquiry into the meaning of "audience." They question the utility of the mass audience concept, characterizing it as insensitive to differences among audience members inescapably bound up with discredited notions of mass society, or serving only a narrow set of industrial interests. The authors of this volume find that these assertions are often false and unwarranted either by the historical record or by contemporary industry practice. Instead, they argue for a rediscovery of the dominant model by summarizing and critiquing the very considerable body of literature on audience behavior, and by demonstrating different ways of analyzing mass audiences. Further, they provide a framework for understanding the future of the audience in the new media environment, and suggest how the concept of mass audience can illuminate research on media effects, cultural studies, and media policy.

Mass Communication: Living in a Media World

by Ralph E. Hanson

Transform your students into smart, savvy consumers of the media. Mass Communication: Living in a Media World (Ralph E. Hanson) provides students with comprehensive yet concise coverage of all aspects of mass media, along with insightful analysis, robust pedagogy, and fun, conversational writing. In every chapter of this bestselling text, students will explore the latest developments and current events that are rapidly changing the media landscape. This newly revised Sixth Edition is packed with contemporary examples, engaging infographics, and compelling stories about the ways mass media shape our lives. From start to finish, students will learn the media literacy principles and critical thinking skills they need to become savvy media consumers.

Mass Communication: Living in a Media World

by Ralph E. Hanson

Transform your students into smart, savvy consumers of the media. Mass Communication: Living in a Media World (Ralph E. Hanson) provides students with comprehensive yet concise coverage of all aspects of mass media, along with insightful analysis, robust pedagogy, and fun, conversational writing. In every chapter of this bestselling text, students will explore the latest developments and current events that are rapidly changing the media landscape. This newly revised Sixth Edition is packed with contemporary examples, engaging infographics, and compelling stories about the ways mass media shape our lives. From start to finish, students will learn the media literacy principles and critical thinking skills they need to become savvy media consumers.

Mass Communication: Living in a Media World

by Ralph E. Hanson

Transform your students into smart, savvy media consumers. A book that students find fun to read and instructors consider educationally valuable, Mass Communication: Living in a Media World provides the media literacy principles and critical thinking skills that students need to become self-aware media consumers. Known for his storytelling approach, bestselling author Ralph E. Hanson uses examples drawn from everyday life to explain the many dimensions of mass media that operate in our society. This newly revised Seventh Edition is packed with contemporary examples and compelling stories that illustrate the latest developments and recent events that are changing the face of media today.

Mass Communication: Living in a Media World

by Ralph E. Hanson

Transform your students into smart, savvy media consumers. A book that students find fun to read and instructors consider educationally valuable, Mass Communication: Living in a Media World provides the media literacy principles and critical thinking skills that students need to become self-aware media consumers. Known for his storytelling approach, bestselling author Ralph E. Hanson uses examples drawn from everyday life to explain the many dimensions of mass media that operate in our society. This newly revised Seventh Edition is packed with contemporary examples and compelling stories that illustrate the latest developments and recent events that are changing the face of media today.

Mass Communication: Living in a Media World

by Ralph E. Hanson

The best-selling Mass Communication: Living in a Media World presents a highly accessible introduction to mass communication that equips students with the critical thinking skills to become savvy media consumers. To help students better retain the material, author Ralph E. Hanson uses a storytelling approach that weaves in examples drawn from everyday life. Readers are encouraged to consider the media industry from the inside out and, in doing so, discover the many dimensions of mass communication that operate in our society. The thoroughly revised Eighth Edition highlights how social and digital media, video games, and the COVID-19 pandemic are changing the face of media. This title is accompanied by a complete teaching and learning package.

Mass Communication: Living in a Media World

by Ralph Hanson

The best-selling Mass Communication: Living in a Media World presents a highly accessible introduction to mass communication that equips students with the critical thinking skills to become savvy media consumers. To help students better retain the material, author Ralph E. Hanson uses a storytelling approach that weaves in examples drawn from everyday life. Readers are encouraged to consider the media industry from the inside out and, in doing so, discover the many dimensions of mass communication that operate in our society. The thoroughly revised Eighth Edition highlights how social and digital media, video games, and the COVID-19 pandemic are changing the face of media. This title is accompanied by a complete teaching and learning package.

Mass Communication In India: A Sociological Perspective

by J V Vilanilam

This book traces the progress of mass communications in India and the West from a historical and sociological perspective, from primitive to modern times. Placing his argument in the global context within which mass communication takes place, the author: - Emphasizes the distinction between communication and mass communication—the former being a two-way exchange and the latter mostly a one-way communication. - Discusses the relevance of mass communication for the largely illiterate population of India, with particular reference to the type of media content and the inadequacy of conventional schooling. - Discusses the rapid technological progress in the world in recent decades in the context of digitalization, computerization and media convergence, as well as the global nature of mass communication. - Highlights that almost half the world`s population remains untouched by the communications revolution even at the beginning of the 21st century. - Examines the potential of EDUSAT, the educational satellite launched recently, as a means to bring education and information to all sectors of the Indian population.

Mass Communication Theories: Explaining Origins, Processes, and Effects

by Margaret H. DeFleur Melvin L. DeFleur

Mass Communication Theories: Explaining Origins, Processes, and Effects explores mass communication theories within the social and cultural context that influenced their origins. An intimate examination of the lives and times of prominent mass communication theorists both past and present bring the subject to life for the reader.

Mass Communications Research Resources: An Annotated Guide (Routledge Communication Series)

by Christopher H. Sterling Susan M. Hill James K. Bracken

This reference book is designed as a road map for researchers who need to find specific information about American mass communication as expeditiously as possible. Taking a topical approach, it integrates publications and organizations into subject-focused chapters for easy user reference. The editors define mass communication to include print journalism and electronic media and the processes by which they communicate messages to their audiences. Included are newspaper, magazine, radio, television, cable, and newer electronic media industries. Within that definition, this volume offers an indexed inventory of more than 1,400 resources on most aspects of American mass communication history, technology, economics, content, audience research, policy, and regulation. The material featured represents the carefully considered judgment of three experts -- two of them librarians -- plus four contributors from different industry venues. The primary focus is on the domestic American print and electronic media industries. Although there is no claim to a complete census of all materials on print journalism and electronic media -- what is available is now too vast for any single guide -- the most important and useful items are here. The emphasis is on material published since 1980, though useful older resources are included as well. Each chapter is designed to stand alone, providing the most important and useful resources of a primary nature -- organizations and documents as well as secondary books and reports. In addition, online resources and internet citations are included where possible.

Mass Disruption

by John Stackhouse

Drawing on his thirty years in newspapers, the former editor-in-chief of The Globe and Mail examines the crisis of serious journalism in the digital era, and searches for ways the invaluable tradition can thrive in a radically changed future. John Stackhouse entered the newspaper business in a golden age: 1980s circulations were huge and wealthy companies lined up for the privilege of advertising in every city's best-read pages. Television and radio could never rival newspapers for hard news, analysis and opinion, and the papers' brand of serious journalism was considered a crucial part of life in a democratic country. Then came the Internet... After decades as a Globe journalist, foreign bureau chief and then editor of its Report on Business (not to mention former Scarborough delivery boy), he assumed one of the biggest jobs in Canadian journalism: The Globe and Mail's editor-in-chief. Beginning in 2009, he faced the unthinkable: the possible end of not just Canada's "national" newspaper, but the steep and steady financial decline of newspapers everywhere. A non-stop torrent of free digital content stole advertisers and devalued advertising space so quickly that newspapers struggled to finance the serious journalism that distinguished them in a world of Buzzfeed, Huffington Post, Yahoo and innumerable bloggers and citizen journalists. Meanwhile, ambitious online media aspired to the credibility of newspapers. The solution was clear, if the path to arriving at it was less so: the new school needed to meet the old school, and the future lay in undiscovered ground between them. Having led the Globe during this period of sudden and radical change, Stackhouse continues to champion the vital role of great reporting and analysis. Filled with stories from his three decades in the business, Mass Disruption tracks decisions good and bad, examines how some of the world's major newspapers--the Guardian, New York Times--are learning to cope, and lays out strategies for the future, of both newspapers and serious journalism, wherever it may live.From the Hardcover edition.

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