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Showing 9,676 through 9,700 of 17,266 results

McQuail’s Media and Mass Communication Theory

by Professor Denis McQuail Mark Deuze

Now in its seventh edition, this landmark text continues to define the field of media and mass communication research, offering a uniquely detailed, broad, and balanced guide. It maintains the narrative into the world of pervasive, ubiquitous, mobile, social and always-online media that we live in today. New to this edition: • Examples are now integrated within each chapter around politics and the public sphere, as popular culture and politics become more regularly intertwined. • An increased focus on conceptualizing &‘mass&’ media and communication and media theory in an age of big data, such as algorithmic culture, AI, platform economies, streaming, and mass self-communication. • Further discussion of what we want and expect of media and society in all chapters. • New and revised material, including a new chapter &“A Canon of Media Effects&”, bringing together Social-Cultural Effects & News, Public Opinion and Political Communication, helping the reader to rethink and reframe the whole idea of media effects and influence. A vitally important for all students of Media and Mass Communication in the 21st century.

McQuail’s Media and Mass Communication Theory

by Professor Denis McQuail Mark Deuze

Now in its seventh edition, this landmark text continues to define the field of media and mass communication research, offering a uniquely detailed, broad, and balanced guide. It maintains the narrative into the world of pervasive, ubiquitous, mobile, social and always-online media that we live in today. New to this edition: • Examples are now integrated within each chapter around politics and the public sphere, as popular culture and politics become more regularly intertwined. • An increased focus on conceptualizing &‘mass&’ media and communication and media theory in an age of big data, such as algorithmic culture, AI, platform economies, streaming, and mass self-communication. • Further discussion of what we want and expect of media and society in all chapters. • New and revised material, including a new chapter &“A Canon of Media Effects&”, bringing together Social-Cultural Effects & News, Public Opinion and Political Communication, helping the reader to rethink and reframe the whole idea of media effects and influence. A vitally important for all students of Media and Mass Communication in the 21st century.

¿Me explico?

by Terry Felber

El exitoso líder empresarial Terry Felber reaviva el interés en el arte perdido de la comunicación, compartiendo diez habilidades que todos pueden desarrollar para mejorar tanto sus relaciones personales como sus tratos comerciales.Las diez habilidades esenciales para una comunicación efectiva incluyen: El Arte del Lenguaje No Verbal, El Arte de Valorar a los Demás, El Arte de la Autenticidad, y el Arte de la Conversación Interna. Felber brinda a los lectores las herramientas para dominar todas las formas de comunicación, desde participar en una simple conversación hasta lograr un negocio. Para todos los interesados en la superación personal y la potenciación, este libro es un recurso vital.

¿Me hablas a mí?: La retórica desde Aristóteles hasta Obama

by Sam Leith

¿Qué tiene la retórica para estar en todas partes? Una historia y una guía del arte de la persuasión. La retórica está por todas partes. Cuando se hace una presentación ante un cliente importante, cuando un entrenador habla con sus jugadores en el descanso del partido, cuando se intenta convencer a los niños de que se coman la verdura. Hace que los gobiernos triunfen o caigan, que los delincuentes sean condenados o liberados y que hombres adultos y sensatos marchen decididos hacia las ametralladoras. La retórica es lo que convence y engatusa, inspira y embauca, entusiasma y engaña. Y no es solo el territorio de los políticos. ¿Qué ha hecho la retórica por nosotros? Para empezar, ha creado prácticamente toda la civilización occidental. ¿Qué es la democracia sino la idea de que el arte de la persuasión debe ocupar formalmente el centro del proceso político? ¿Qué es la ley sino una forma de otorgar a las palabras fuerza formal en el mundo y qué es un tribunal sino un lugar en el que el arte de la persuasión configura la sociedad civil? Y, en una sociedad en la que una persona o grupo ejerce el poder sobre los demás -es decir, cualquier sociedad- ¿cuál es el instrumento de dicho poder sino las palabras? Sam Leith explora el arte de la persuasión desde sus orígenes en Grecia hasta su apoteosis en el siglo XXI. Relata las historias de sus villanos y sus héroes, desde Hitler hasta Cicerón, pasando por Martin Luther King, Homer Simpson, Obama, Jennifer Lopez o Nixon; explica los mecanismos de los grandes discursos; y, lo que es más importante, nos descubre que la retórica es útil, aplicable... y que no hay que tenerle ningún miedo. La crítica ha dicho:«Inmensamente entretenido. ¿Me hablas a mí? es un libro alegre, erudito y en ocasiones muy divertido acerca de la retórica, pero también es un agudo yexcepcional análisis de cómo funciona la política.»The Literary Review «Además de las anécdotas, Leith proporciona una inspiradora guía para usar la técnica. Este es un libro atractivo y apasionado.»The Sunday Times «Uno de los encantos de este libro es la soltura con la que Leith aborda sus contenidos, desde los más elevados a los más básicos. Maneja importantes textos antiguos que en bruto pueden ser irritantes con un toque deliciosamente ligero, sin sacrificar la seriedad ni la delicadeza.»The Guardian «Sam Leith revive la poderosa disciplina de la retórica clásica. Ya no es terreno de sofistas muertos. Ha vuelto a ser heroica.»London Evening Standard «Leith hace gala de un grado formidable de descaro intelectual. La retórica ya no es un tema arrinconado para gente pasada de moda. Determina cómo vivimos hoy.»The Scotsman «Leith da una relevancia actual a una antigua práctica. Pese a serriguroso en su análisis de la retórica en la historia, Leith no es en absoluto un pedagogo aburrido. Lea este entretenido e instructivo libro y nunca volverá a confundir occultatio con occupatio.»The Times

Me lo tenía merecido: Una memoria

by Pepe Eliaschev

Uno de los periodistas más respetados de la Argentina se anima a mostrarsu intimidad, con una colección de viñetas sobre su infancia, losprimeros amores, el periodismo, la familia, el fútbol y otras pasiones. Pepe Eliaschev se anima a algo que muy pocos periodistas pueden hacerhoy en la Argentina: se para sobre el presente y mira hacia atrás supropia vida, sin ira ni indulgencia, y repasa los momentos clave,echando mano tanto a la emoción del relato íntimo como al punzante rigorpropio de las mejores armas del periodismo. Eliaschev confiesa que havivido y revela viñetas de aquellos días de niño judío en Buenos Aires,mimado por sabias abuelas #rusas#con exquisiteces culinariasinmemoriales; anécdotas de su paso como estudiante politizado por elNacional Buenos Aires; páginas de una adolescencia siempre bajo laimpronta de erotismos desbordantes; o los tempranos inicios comoaprendiz de periodista capaz de ver en los maestros virtudes y miserias.El Pepe adulto entra en escena con una mirada crítica y aguda hacia laviolencia política, que deriva en un exilio en el que armonizan, pese atodo, ausencias, pérdidas y construcciones vitales (una familia, unacarrera, una idea del mundo). Del hincha de Racing al corresponsal deguerra, de ser hijo a ser padre y abuelo, de días resplandecientes aotros realmente oscuros, un tránsito en el que va conformándose unEliaschev acaso secreto pero en inconfundible primera persona. Es decir,expuesto a través de los ya acreditados matices de su vozcaracterística, de esa voluntad permanente de aunar datos con conceptos,de una manera de decir que le da forma a este recorrido biográficoúnico.

The Me, Without: A Year Exploring Habit, Healing, and Happiness

by Jacqueline Raposo

A Main Selection of the One Spirit Book Club!"Raposo's engaging report on stripping life down will inspire readers looking for manageable tweaks to hectic living." — Publishers WeeklyAt the age of thirty-four, journalist Jacqueline Raposo finds herself sick, single, broke, and wandering in a fog. Despite decades of discipline, her chronic illness is getting worse. Despite hosting a radio show about dating, she hasn't been in love in years. And despite a successful writing career, she's deeply in debt. Weary of trying to solve her problems by adding things to her life, she attempts the opposite and subtracts some of her most constant habits — social media, shopping, sugar, and negative thoughts — for periods of thirty to ninety days over the course of one year.In this intimately curated search for self-improvement (a quest that readers can easily personalize for themselves), Raposo confesses to the sometimes violent and profound shifts in her social interactions, physical health, and sense of self-worth. With the input of doctors, psychologists, STEM experts, and other professionals, she offers fascinating insights into how and why our brains and bodies react as they do to our habits. She also sheds light on the impact of our everyday choices on our mental state. Part memoir, part case study, this book offers you an inspiring example of how to forge your own journey, expose your wounds, and help yourself heal. "No cheesy self-help here, The Me, Without is sharply written and massively relatable. Raposo packs a powerful message into an emotional and entertaining read." — Kaia Roman, author of The Joy Plan"Jacqueline is able to make me chuckle with one sentence and then have a deep introspective moment in the next. Her openness and honesty is truly amazing. If you have been looking to examine your relationship with the world, this is the book for you!" — Travis McElroy, host of the podcasts My Brother, My Brother, and Me and The Adventure Zone"So many of us live in terror of deprivation, whether it's tangible, edible, social, physical, financial, or emotional, because we are terrified of what we'll see when we're stripped bare. In Jacqueline Raposo's brave, rigorous, and vulnerable exploration of what it means to live without, the author uses periods of deliberate abstinence from habits to find new ways to engage with the world, determine what's been pinning her in place, and reveal the person she truly can be when she's freed of it all. It's essential reading for anyone on the cusp of making a major life change — or even a minor one." — Kat Kinsman, author of Hi, Anxiety

Mean Field Game and its Applications in Wireless Networks (Wireless Networks)

by Reginald A. Banez Lixin Li Chungang Yang Zhu Han

This book covers the basic theory of mean field game (MFG) and its applications in wireless networks. It starts with an overview of the current and future state-of-the-art in 5G and 6G wireless networks. Then, a tutorial is presented for MFG, mean-field-type game (MFTG), and prerequisite fields of study such as optimal control theory and differential games. This book also includes a literature survey of MFG-based research in wireless network technologies such as ultra-dense networks (UDNs), device-to-device (D2D) communications, internet-of-things (IoT), unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and mobile edge networks (MENs). Several applications of MFG and MFTG in UDNs, social networks, and multi-access edge computing networks (MECNs) are introduced as well.Applications of MFG covered in this book are divided in three parts. The first part covers three single-population MFG research works or case studies in UDNs including ultra-dense D2D networks, ultra-dense UAV networks, and dense-user MECNs. The second part centers on a multiple-population MFG (MPMFG) modeling of belief and opinion evolution in social networks. It focuses on a recently developed MPMFG framework and its application in analyzing the behavior of users in a multiple-population social network. Finally, the last part concentrates on an MFTG approach to computation offloading in MECN. The computation offloading algorithms are designed for energy- and time-efficient offloading of computation-intensive tasks in an MECN. This book targets advanced-level students, professors, researchers, scientists, and engineers in the fields of communications and networks. Industry managers and government employees working in these same fields will also find this book useful.

Meaning Making in Text

by Sonja Starc Carys Jones Arianna Maiorani

Meaning Making in Text extends the notion of text as a vehicle for ever-changing and complex forms of communication. Based on recent developments in Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL), it proposes a range of analytical tools for accessing a variety of discourses in different contexts. The book presents studies of linguistic and multimodal phenomena concerning English and minority European languages that, until now, have received very limited attention, and offers proposals for analysingtext in terms of their application to pedagogy. The contributors demonstrate the increasingly rich potential of SFL to provide a refreshingly powerful account of human nature and the ways it can be applied that go well beyond those to do with language itself.

Meanings & Co.: The Interdisciplinarity of Communication, Semiotics and Multimodality (Numanities - Arts and Humanities in Progress #6)

by Alin Olteanu Andrew Stables Dumitru Borţun

This book explores the interdisciplinarity of semiotics and communication studies, comprising both theoretical explorations and semiotic applications to communication with theoretical bearings. These disciplines have generally been understood as mutually implicit, but there still are many unexplored research avenues in this area, particularly on a conceptual level. The book offers broad insights into the epistemological relations between semiotics and other approaches to communication from perspectives such as sociology, philosophy of language and communication theory. As such, it sheds light on the communication of knowledge.Semiotics is currently enjoying increasing popularity within the humanities and social sciences. Understood as relational logic (Charles Peirce) or hermeneutics (structuralism and poststructuralism), semiotics fundamentally implies certain positions with regard to communication. Because of the generality and conceptual vagueness of semiosis and communication, how one elucidates the other is still an underexplored theme. With some pioneering studies of this relation, the books examines various fields, such as language, code, learning, embodiment, political communication, media, cinema, cuisine, multimodality and intertextuality.

Means of Escape: A War Correspondent's Memoir of Life and Death in Afghanistan, the Middle East, and Vietnam

by Philip Caputo

"A riveting memoir of years of living dangerously."—Kirkus ReviewsFor the countless readers who have admired Philip Caputo's classic memoir of Vietnam, A Rumor of War, here is his powerful recounting of his life and adventures, updated with a foreword that assesses the state of the world and the journalist's art. As a journalist, Caputo has covered many of the world's troubles, and in Means of Escape, he tells the reader in moving and clear-eyed prose how he made himself into a writer, traveler, and observer with the nerve to put himself at the center of the world's conflicts. As a young reporter he investigated the Mafia in Chicago, earning acclaim as well as threats against his safety. Later, he rode camels through the desert and enjoyed Bedouin hospitality, was kidnapped and held captive by Islamic extremists, and was targeted and hit by sniper fire in Beirut, with memories of Vietnam never far from the surface. And after it all, he went into Afghanistan. Caputo's goal has always been to bear witness to the crimes, ambitions, fears, ferocities, and hopes of humanity. With Means of Escape, he has done so.

Measure Up: Mastering Your Career Search Like a Boss

by Josh McAfee Trisha Garek Harp

A USA Today–bestselling job-hunting guide to finding lucrative prospects, building confidence, and knowing your value on the job marketplace.Measure Up teaches those in a career transition, or considering it, how to discover lucrative job prospects before anyone else. Readers will learn through a series of tools and exercises how to build their confidence and understand, appreciate, and “sell” their true value in the job marketplace.Measure Up shows how to create compelling and consistent messaging, resumes, and profiles that will attract the right leaders, peers, and hiring managers. Within, readers learn how to identify and leverage companies hiring leaders, influencers, and peers in their career search and how to leverage process and technology to connect and communicate. By the end of Measure Up, readers will be able to identify and qualify for potential opportunities and be able to show their value from communication, networking, interviewing to ultimately getting hired at the best career opportunity possible. Measure Up teaches those considering career transition how to discover lucrative job prospects before anybody else does and gives them the tools and exercises to build their confidence and help them understand, appreciate, and “sell” their true value in the job marketplace.

The Measurement of Information Integrity

by Michael Seadle

Arguing that there never was a time when politicians did not prevaricate and when some communities did not doubt conclusions that others considered to be facts, The Measurement of Information Integrity puts the post-truth era in context and offers measures for integrity in the modern world. Incorporating international examples from a range of disciplines, this book provides the reader with tools that will help them to evaluate public statements - especially ones involving the sciences and scholarship. It also provides intellectual tools to those who must assess potential violations of public or academic integrity. Many of these tools involve measurement mechanisms, ways of putting cases into context, and a recognition that few cases are simple black-and-white violations. Demonstrating that a binary approach to judging research integrity fails to recognize the complexity of the environment, Seadle highlights that even flawed discoveries may still contain value. Finally, the book reminds its reader that research integrity takes different forms in different disciplines and that each one needs separate consideration, even if the general principles remain the same for all. The Measurement of Information Integrity will help those who want to do research well, as well as those who must ascertain whether results have failed to meet the standards of the community. It will be of particular interest to researchers and students engaged in the study of library and information science.

Measuring Psychological Responses to Media Messages (Routledge Communication Series)

by Annie Lang

Characterized by its multi-level interdisciplinary character, communication has become a variable field -- one in which the level of analysis varies. This has had important ramifications for the study of communication because, to some extent, the questions one asks are determined by the methods one has available to answer them. As a result, communication research is characterized by the plethora of both qualitative and quantitative approaches used by its practitioners. These include survey and experimental methods, and content, historical, and rhetorical analyses. A variety of tools has been developed in cognitive psychology and psychophysiology which attempts to measure "thinking" without asking people how they do it. This book is devoted to exploring how these methods might be used to further knowledge about the process of communication. The methods chosen have all been used extensively in cognitive and experimental psychology. Each chapter in this book is designed to describe the history of the method being introduced, the theory behind it, how to go about using it, and how it has already been used to study some area of communication. The methods introduced here vary widely in terms of the amount of equipment and training needed to use them. Some require only theoretical knowledge and a paper and pencil; others require more elaborate hardware and software for implementation. These methods also vary widely in terms of what sorts of variables they can be used to measure. Some of them adapt quite readily to traditional communication variables like persuasion, attitude change, and knowledge; others are more applicable to process type variables such as attention, arousal, involvement, encoding, and retrieval.

Measuring Scholarly Impact

by Ying Ding Ronald Rousseau Dietmar Wolfram

This book is an authoritative handbook of current topics, technologies and methodological approaches that may be used for the study of scholarly impact. The included methods cover a range of fields such as statistical sciences, scientific visualization, network analysis, text mining, and information retrieval. The techniques and tools enable researchers to investigate metric phenomena and to assess scholarly impact in new ways. Each chapter offers an introduction to the selected topic and outlines how the topic, technology or methodological approach may be applied to metrics-related research. Comprehensive and up-to-date, Measuring Scholarly Impact: Methods and Practice is designed for researchers and scholars interested in informetrics, scientometrics, and text mining. The hands-on perspective is also beneficial to advanced-level students in fields from computer science and statistics to information science.

Measuring SIP Proxy Server Performance

by Rudra Dutta Sureshkumar V. Subramanian

Internet Protocol (IP) telephony is an alternative to the traditional Public Switched Telephone Networks (PSTN), and the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is quickly becoming a popular signaling protocol for VoIP-based applications. SIP is a peer-to-peer multimedia signaling protocol standardized by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), and it plays a vital role in providing IP telephony services through its use of the SIP Proxy Server (SPS), a software application that provides call routing services by parsing and forwarding all the incoming SIP packets in an IP telephony network. SIP Proxy Server Performance closely examines key aspects to the efficient design and implementation of SIP proxy server architecture. Together, a strong design and optimal implementation can enable significant enhancements to the performance characteristics of SPS. Since SPS performance can be characterized by the transaction states of each SIP session, the book analyzes an existing M/M/1-network performance model for SIP proxy servers in light of key performance benchmarks, such as the average response time for processing the SIP calls and the average number of SIP calls in the system. It also presents several other real-world industrial case studies to aid in further optimizations. This book is intended for researchers, practitioners and professionals interested in optimizing SIP proxy server performance. Professionals working on other VoIP solutions will also find the book valuable.

Mechanical Design for the Stage

by Alan Hendrickson

Scenic effects involving rotating turntables, tracking stage wagons, and the vertical movement of curtains and painted drops have become common in both Broadway and Regional theatre productions. The machines that drive these effects range from small pneumatic cylinders pushing loads of a few pounds an inch or two, to 40 horsepower winches running multi-ton scenery at speeds 6 feet per second or more. Usually this machinery is designed by theatre technicians specifically for a particular show's effect. Compared to general industry, this design process is short, often only a few days long, it is done by one person, design teams are rare, and it is done in the absence of reference material specifically addressing the issues involved. The main goal of this book is to remedy this last situation.Mechanical Design for the Stage will be a reference for you that will:* provide the basic engineering formulas needed to predict the forces, torques, speeds, and power required by a given move* give a technician a design process to follow which will direct their work from general concepts to specific detail as a design evolves, and* show many examples of traditional stage machinery designs.The book's emphasis will be on following standard engineering design and construction practices, and developing machines that are functional, efficient to build, easily maintained, and safe to use.

Mechanisms in Ancient Chinese Books with Illustrations

by Kuo-Hung Hsiao Hong-Sen Yan

This book presents a unique approach for studying mechanisms and machines with drawings that were depicted unclearly in ancient Chinese books. The historical, cultural and technical backgrounds of the mechanisms are explained, and various mechanisms described and illustrated in ancient books are introduced. By utilizing the idea for the conceptual design of modern mechanisms, all feasible designs of ancient mechanisms with uncertain members and joints that meet the technical standards of the subjects' time periods are synthesized systematically. Ancient Chinese crossbows (the original crossbow and repeating crossbows), textile mechanisms (silk-reeling mechanism, spinning mechanisms, and looms), and many other artisan's tool mechanisms are used as illustrated examples. Such an approach provides a logical method for the reconstruction designs of ancient mechanisms with uncertain structures. It also provides an innovative direction for researchers to further identify the original structures of mechanisms and machines with drawings in ancient literature. This book can be used as a textbook and/or supplemental reading material for courses related to history of ancient (Chinese) machinery and creative mechanism design for senior and graduate students.

Mechanisms of Language Acquisition: The 20th Annual Carnegie Mellon Symposium on Cognition (Carnegie Mellon Symposia on Cognition Series)

by Brian MacWhinney

First published in 1987. Three decades of intensive study of language development have led to an enormous accumulation of descriptive data. But there is still no over-arching theory of language development that can make orderly sense of this huge stockpile of observations. Grand structuralist theories such as those of Chomsky, Jakobson, and Piaget have kept researchers asking the right questions, but they seldom allow us to make detailed experimental predictions or to formulate detailed accounts. The papers collected in this volume attempt to address this gap between data and theory by formulating a series of mechanistic accounts of the acquisition of language.

Media Access: Social and Psychological Dimensions of New Technology Use (Routledge Communication Series)

by Erik P. Bucy John E. Newhagen

In Media Access: Social and Psychological Dimensions of New Technology Use, editors Erik P. Bucy and John E. Newhagen present the latest work, theoretical explorations, and original research findings on media access from a team of internationally renowned media and technology researchers. Chapters develop expanded definitions and conceptual understandings of access to stimulate further research, offer new perspectives on policy discussions, and facilitate media participation among those at risk of being left behind. Broadening our understanding of information technology use, this collection offers: *Novel perspectives--chapters demonstrate new methods of addressing persistent questions regarding motivation, cultural context, socioeconomic resources, technical knowledge, and psychological skills required for effectual use of information and communication technologies. *Conceptual integration--each chapter addresses a vital aspect of media access and summarizes pertinent findings, weaving together results to provide much-needed integration across communication and technology studies. *Multidisciplinary approaches--chapters represent a variety of conceptual and methodological approaches, deriving social explanations from large-scale survey data, psychological explanations from experimental data, and cultural explanations from depth interviews and ethnographic methods. *Shifting the policy and research agenda--this volume extends and redirects aspects of the digital divide debate while elaborating the "media access" approach to studying new technology use. Taken as a whole, Media Access reveals complications associated with full access to new communication technologies and proposes analytical frameworks that open new avenues of scholarly investigation and policy consideration. It is intended for scholars and graduate students in journalism, mass communication, telecommunications, media studies, information science, public policy, psychology, sociology, informatics, human-computer interaction, and other disciplines concerned with the issue of media access.

Media Access Control and Resource Allocation

by Jingjing Zhang Nirwan Ansari

This book focuses on various Passive optical networks (PONs) types, including currently deployed Ethernet PON (EPON) and Gigabit PON (GPON) as well as next generation WDM PON and OFDM PON. Also this book examines the integrated optical and wireless access networks. Concentrating on two issues in these networks: media access control (MAC) and resource allocation. These two problems can greatly affect performances of PONs such as network resource utilization and QoS of end users. Finally this book will discuss various solutions to address the MAC and resource allocation issues in various PON networks.

Media Across Borders: Localising TV, Film and Video Games (Routledge Advances in Internationalizing Media Studies)

by Iain Robert Smith Andrea Esser Miguel Á. Bernal-Merino

What happened when Sesame Street and Big Brother were adapted for African audiences? Or when video games Final Fantasy and Assassins’ Creed were localized for the Spanish market? Or when Sherlock Holmes was transformed into a talking dog for the Japanese animation Sherlock Hound? Bringing together leading international scholars working on localization in television, film and video games, Media Across Borders is a pioneering study of the myriad ways in which media content is adapted for different markets and across cultural borders. Contributors examine significant localization trends and practices such as: audiovisual translation and transcreation, dubbing and subtitling, international franchising, film remakes, TV format adaptation and video game localization. Drawing together insights from across the audiovisual sector, this volume provides a number of innovative models for interrogating the international flow of media. By paying specific attention to the diverse ways in which cultural products are adapted across markets, this collection offers important new perspectives and theoretical frameworks for studying localization processes in the audiovisual sector. For further resources, please see the Media Across Borders group website (, which hosts a ‘localization’bibliography; links to relevant companies, institutions and publications, as well as conference papers and workshop summaries.

Media Activism, Artivism and the Fight Against Marginalisation in the Global South: South-to-South Communication (Media and Communication Activism)

by Andrea Medrado Isabella Rega

This book analyses a South-to-South connection between media activists and artivists – artists who are activists – in the Global South. The authors, Andrea Medrado and Isabella Rega, emphasise the urgent need to engage in South-to-South dialogues in order to create more sustainable connections between Global South communities and as an essential step towards identifying and facing global problems, such as state repression, social inequality and climate crises. Medrado and Rega analyse the characteristics of this connection, identify its unique contributions to the study of media and social change and discuss its long-term sustainability. They do so by focusing on instances when media narratives in countries of different Global South(s) intertwine and transform each other; specifically, the exchanges between Latin America (Brazil) and Africa (Kenya). They explore how media activism and artivism can be used as tools for global movement building and to challenge colonial legacies. They also discuss how to connect people with varied skill sets in different Global South contexts, promoting South-to-South solidarity, in a cross-continental challenge to marginalisation. Crucial reading for students and scholars of media activism, social movements, global media and communication, development studies and international studies, as well as activists and social movement organisations.

Media Analysis Techniques

by Dr Berger Arthur A

In the Fifth Edition of Media Analysis Techniques, author Arthur Asa Berger provides students with a clearly written, user-friendly, and hands-on guide to media criticism. He empowers readers to make their own analyses of the media rather than just accepting the interpretations of others. The book first examines four techniques of media interpretation—semiotic theory, Marxist theory, psychoanalytic theory, and sociological theory—that Berger considers critical for creative people to acknowledge if they are to understand how their creations translate to the real world. Application chapters then link popular culture to these four theories. Written in an accessible style that demystifies complex concepts, the book also includes a comprehensive glossary, study guides, and the author’s own illustrations.

Media Analysis Techniques (Commtext Ser. #No. 10)

by Dr Berger Arthur A

In the Sixth Edition of Media Analysis Techniques, author Arthur Asa Berger once again provides students with a clearly written, user-friendly, hands-on guide to media criticism. The book empowers readers to make their own analyses of the media rather than just accept how others interpret the media. Media Analysis Techniques begins by examining four techniques of media interpretation - semiotic theory, Marxist theory, psychoanalytic theory, and sociological theory - that Berger considers critical for creative people to acknowledge if they are to understand how their creations translate to the real world. Application chapters then link popular culture to these four theories. Written in an accessible style that demystifies complex concepts, Media Analysis Techniques includes a glossary, study guides, and the author's own illustrations.

Media Analysis Techniques (Commtext Ser. #No. 10)

by Dr Berger Arthur A

In the Sixth Edition of Media Analysis Techniques, author Arthur Asa Berger once again provides students with a clearly written, user-friendly, hands-on guide to media criticism. The book empowers readers to make their own analyses of the media rather than just accept how others interpret the media. Media Analysis Techniques begins by examining four techniques of media interpretation - semiotic theory, Marxist theory, psychoanalytic theory, and sociological theory - that Berger considers critical for creative people to acknowledge if they are to understand how their creations translate to the real world. Application chapters then link popular culture to these four theories. Written in an accessible style that demystifies complex concepts, Media Analysis Techniques includes a glossary, study guides, and the author's own illustrations.

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