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掌握比特币-开始赚取比特币的指导: New Moon (Vampyre Ser.)
by Adidas Wilson 顺宏比特币是由名不副实的程序员或者一群程序员发明的一种加密货币和数字支付系统,名叫Satoshi Nakamoto。 它在2009年作为开源软件发布。 系统是点对点的,交易是直接在用户之间进行的,没有中间人。 这些交易由网络节点验证,并记录在称为区块链的公共分布式账本中。 由于该系统没有中央存储库或单个管理员,比特币被称为第一个分散数字货币。 比特币除了被创造为挖矿的奖励外,还可以在合法或黑市交换其他货币,产品和服务。 截至2015年2月,超过10万商户和供应商接受比特币作为付款。 根据剑桥大学2017年的研究报告,使用加密货币钱包的用户数量达到2.9-580万,其中大部分使用比特币。
Γκέιμινγκ και βιντεοπαιχνίδια: Μια διαδραστική απόδραση από τη βαρεμάρα... (Πώς να... #95)
by Όουεν ΤζόουνςΓιατί το γκέιμινγκ αρέσει στους ανθρώπους; Εκατομμύρια επαγγελματίες και ανήσυχοι γονείς αναρωτιούνται το ίδιο εδώ και τουλάχιστον πενήντα χρόνια. Έχουν γραφτεί πολλά για το γιατί το γκέιμινγκ κατέκτησε τη νεολαία της δεκαετίας του '70 και γιατί, τώρα, άνθρωποι όλων των ηλικιών αγαπούν να παίζουν. Οι πληροφορίες σε αυτό το ηλεκτρονικό βιβλίο σχετικά με τα διάφορα είδη βιντεοπαιχνιδιών, τα παιχνίδια σε υπολογιστή, τα αρκέιντ κ.ά. είναι οργανωμένες σε 16 κεφάλαια των 500-600 λέξεων περίπου το καθένα. Ως μπόνους, σου δίνω την άδεια να χρησιμοποιήσεις το περιεχόμενο στον δικό σου ιστότοπο ή στα δικά σου ιστολόγια και ενημερωτικά δελτία, αν και είναι καλύτερα να το ξαναγράψεις με δικά σου λόγια.
كتاب العشق الإلكتروني
by عبدالله علي الأسمريكم كانت رائعة تلك اللحظة التي قررت فيها قبل عقد من الزمن أن أدلف إلى مقهى للإنترنت في قلب مدينة الرياض لأول مرة في حياتي. رأيت عامل المقهى وقد ارتسمت على وجهه ابتسامة عريضة وهو يقودني إلى مربع صغير يحوي طاولة انتصب عليها جهاز حاسوبي ذي شاشة عريضة. بدا المكان معزولا من ثلاث جهات أما الجهة الرابعة والتي يتم من خلالها الدخول فكانت عبارة عن باب صغير ينغلق بمجرد الدخول. بعد أن استويت على المقعد هرع العامل إلى أيقونة المتصفح browser ليطمس منه سجل المستخدم السابق وذلك - على ما يبدو - لكي لا أ لقي نظرة على ما كان يفعله من جاء قبلي. لم تسعفني خبرتي إذ ذاك في تفسر مغزى ذلك التصرف
सोशल मीडिया मार्केटिंग
by अभिसार गोदारा Jonathan S. Walkerअनूदित पुस्तक की भाषा बहुत सरल एवं बोधगम्य है। हिंदी के पाठक निश्चय ही लाभान्वित होंगे। हिंदी में इस तरह की पुस्तक की बहुत कमी है। व्यवसायियों के लिए मार्गदर्शक पुस्तकें अधिकांशतः हिंदी में उपलब्ध नहीं होती हैं। हिंदी में इस पुस्तक के होने से हिंदी पाठक भी अपने व्यवसाय के लिए सोशल मीडिया के बेहतर उपयोग के बारे में जान सकेंगे।
Τέλεια γνώση του Bitcoin: Οδηγός κερδών στο Bitcoin για αρχάριους
by Adidas WilsonΤο Bitcoin είναι ένα κρυπτονόμισμα και σύστημα ψηφιακών πληρωμών που επινοήθηκε από κάποιον άγνωστο προγραμματιστή ή ομάδα προγραμματιστών, με το ψευδώνυμο Satoshi Nakamoto. Κυκλοφόρησε ως λογισμικό ανοικτού κώδικα το 2009. Το σύστημα στηρίζεται στη διομότιμη επικοινωνία, και οι συναλλαγές λαμβάνουν χώρα μεταξύ των χρηστών άμεσα, χωρίς μεσάζοντα. Οι συναλλαγές αυτές επαληθεύονται από δικτυακούς κόμβους, και καταγράφονται σε ένα δημόσιο κατανεμημένο καθολικό που ονομάζεται αλυσίδα συστοιχιών (blockchain). Επειδή το σύστημα λειτουργεί χωρίς κεντρικό αποθετήριο ή έναν μοναδικό διαχειριστή, το bitcoin χαρακτηρίζεται ως το πρώτο αποκεντρωμένο ψηφιακό νόμισμα. Παρότι έχει δημιουργηθεί ως αμοιβή για εξόρυξη, το bitcoin μπορεί να ανταλλαχθεί με άλλα νομίσματα, προϊόντα, και υπηρεσίες, είτε σε νόμιμες αγορές, είτε στη
The 1: Setting the Course for Innovation in Education
by Andrew P. MarcinekTechnology is more than just “Computer Class;” it is a literacy that must be threaded throughout the fabric of a school. In a 1:1 environment, you’re preparing students to be responsible citizens of the physical and digital worlds. But it’s easy to get overwhelmed with devices; you have to have a plan for technology that keeps learning at center stage. Here you’ll find a solid plan for designing a technology initiative that fuels student learning. Real-life examples, lessons, and interviews with stakeholders show you Why a 1:1 program is not only achievable but also beneficial and necessary How to choose the right devices The best ways to prepare teachers through professional development Best practices for instruction and personalization in a 1:1 environment It’s more essential than ever to integrate digital and information literacy into the fabric of our schools. This practical resource will get you started on the journey.
The 1: Setting the Course for Innovation in Education
by Andrew P. MarcinekTechnology is more than just “Computer Class;” it is a literacy that must be threaded throughout the fabric of a school. In a 1:1 environment, you’re preparing students to be responsible citizens of the physical and digital worlds. But it’s easy to get overwhelmed with devices; you have to have a plan for technology that keeps learning at center stage. Here you’ll find a solid plan for designing a technology initiative that fuels student learning. Real-life examples, lessons, and interviews with stakeholders show you Why a 1:1 program is not only achievable but also beneficial and necessary How to choose the right devices The best ways to prepare teachers through professional development Best practices for instruction and personalization in a 1:1 environment It’s more essential than ever to integrate digital and information literacy into the fabric of our schools. This practical resource will get you started on the journey.
1,001 CCNA Routing and Switching Practice Questions For Dummies (+ Free Online Practice)
by Glen E. ClarkeTest your CCNA skills as you prepare for the CCNA Routing and Switching examsTo achieve CCNA Routing and Switching certification, you'll need to demonstrate a solid understanding of IP data networks, LAN switching technologies, IP addressing and routing technologies, network device security, WAN technologies, and more. Now you can test the effectiveness of your study for the CCNA Routing and Switching exams. 1,001 CCNA Routing and Switching Practice Questions For Dummies covers all the core categories of the exams and helps you thoroughly prepare with 1,001 practice questions.Each chapter covers a single topic and opens with a quick summary of the type of questions you'll encounter, as well as what to watch out for during the test. Best of all, you'll receive a redeemable code to access all 1,001 practice questions online, free, for one year!Provides practice test questions for all three new Cisco CCNA Routing and Switching certification exams: ICND1 Exam 100-101, ICND2 Exam 200-101, and the CCNA Composite Exam 200-120Gives you 1,001 opportunities to test your preparation and knowledge of the topicsIncludes a redeemable code to access all 1,001 practice questions online, free, for one yearCovers core topics including operation of IP data networks, LAN switching technologies, IP addressing (IPv4/IPv6), IP routing technologies, IP services, network device security, troubleshooting, and WAN technologiesPractice, then practice some more with 1,001 CCNA Routing and Switching Practice Questions For Dummies.
10 Don'ts on Your Digital Devices: The Non-Techie's Survival Guide to Cyber Security and Privacy
by Daniel G. Bachrach Eric J. RzeszutIn nontechnical language and engaging style, 10 Don''ts on Your Digital Devices explains to non-techie users of PCs and handheld devices exactly what to do and what not to do to protect their digital data from security and privacy threats at home, at work, and on the road. These include chronic threats such as malware and phishing attacks and emerging threats that exploit cloudâe based storage and mobile apps. It''s a wonderful thing to be able to use any of your cloud-synced assortment of desktop, portable, mobile, and wearable computing devices to work from home, shop at work, pay in a store, do your banking from a coffee shop, submit your tax returns from the airport, or post your selfies from the Oscars. But with this new world of connectivity and convenience comes a host of new perils for the lazy, the greedy, the unwary, and the ignorant. The 10 Don''ts can''t do much for the lazy and the greedy, but they can save the unwary and the ignorant a world of trouble. 10 Don''ts employs personal anecdotes and major news stories to illustrate what can--and all too often does--happen when users are careless with their devices and data. Each chapter describes a common type of blunder (one of the 10 Don''ts), reveals how it opens a particular port of entry to predatory incursions and privacy invasions, and details all the unpleasant consequences that may come from doing a Don''t. The chapter then shows you how to diagnose and fix the resulting problems, how to undo or mitigate their costs, and how to protect against repetitions with specific software defenses and behavioral changes. Through ten vignettes told in accessible language and illustrated with helpful screenshots, 10 Don''ts teaches non-technical readers ten key lessons for protecting your digital security and privacy with the same care you reflexively give to your physical security and privacy, so that you don''t get phished, give up your password, get lost in the cloud, look for a free lunch, do secure things from insecure places, let the snoops in, be careless when going mobile, use dinosaurs, or forget the physical--in short, so that you don''t trust anyone over. . . anything. Non-techie readers are not unsophisticated readers. They spend much of their waking lives on their devices and are bombarded with and alarmed by news stories of unimaginably huge data breaches, unimaginably sophisticated "advanced persistent threat" activities by criminal organizations and hostile nation-states, and unimaginably intrusive clandestine mass electronic surveillance and data mining sweeps by corporations, data brokers, and the various intelligence and law enforcement arms of our own governments. The authors lift the veil on these shadowy realms, show how the little guy is affected, and what individuals can do to shield themselves from big predators and snoops. What you''ll learn After reading 10 Don''ts, you will understand how to: detect and report phishing scams choose better passwords and how to manage and safeguard all of them use cloudâe based storage services more safely shield your data from the prying eyes of government agencies, data brokers, corporations, and criminals steer through the risks of public wireless network, shared computers, and obsolete devices select and configure apps for your mobile devices without unknowingly compromising your privacy and security lock, safeguard, and erase your physical devices Who this book is for The primary target audience for 10 Don''ts is just about everybody--namely, non-techie individuals who routinely use computers, smartphones, and tablets in their daily lives but who are nagged by persistent worry that they are exposing themselves to personal insecurity, intrusive surveillance, and criminal violation. The secondary readerships for this book include employees of small businesses lacking dedicated IT specialists, whose owners want to give their workers a short and entertaining book to reduce the risk of business loss from unsafe practices; households with multigenerational users, ranging from incautious tee...
10 LED Projects for Geeks: Build Light-Up Costumes, Sci-Fi Gadgets, and Other Clever Inventions
by John Baichtal10 LED Projects for Geeks is a collection of interactive and customizable projects that all have the humble LED in common, but don’t write them off as basic! You’ll learn how to make challenging and imaginative gadgets like a magic wand that controls lights using hand gestures, a pen-sized controller for music synthesizers, a light strip that dances to the beat of music, and even an LED sash that flashes scrolling text you send from your phone.Every project includes photos, step-by-step directions, colorful circuit diagrams, and the complete code to bring the project to life. As you work your way through the book, you’ll pick up adaptable skills that will take your making abilities to the next level. You’ll learn how to:-Design versatile circuits for your own needs-Build and print a custom printed circuit board-Create flexible circuits which you can use to make any wearable you dream up-Turn analog signal into digital data your microcontroller can read-Use gesture recognition and wireless interaction for your own Internet of Things projects-Experiment with copper tape and create circuits with paper and foi-Build "smart" gadgets that make decisions with sensorsIf you want to experiment with LEDs and circuits, learn some new skills, and make cool things along the way, 10 LED Projects for Geeks is your first step.
10 mandamientos de ventas exitosas
by Rahul MookerjeeEn el invierno de 2007, me uní a una pequeña empresa nueva como gerente de ventas y "persona sénior". La compañía era una startup de rango. Tenían literalmente tres personas trabajando allí, incluyéndome a mí, y los otros dos eran los gerentes de recursos humanos y operaciones. La empresa matriz es una empresa de BPO bastante exitosa y ha estado en el negocio durante aproximadamente 8 años. Estaban buscando expandirse al desarrollo web y no tenían ni idea de cómo conseguir clientes, a pesar de... …tener un gerente de ventas MUY exitoso al mando en términos de operaciones de BPO. Ha estado allí desde el inicio de la empresa y probablemente todavía ESTÁ trabajando allí.
10 PRINT CHR$ (Software Studies)
by Nick Montfort John Bell Ian Bogost Patsy Baudoin Jeremy DouglassA single line of code offers a way to understand the cultural context of computing.This book takes a single line of code—the extremely concise BASIC program for the Commodore 64 inscribed in the title—and uses it as a lens through which to consider the phenomenon of creative computing and the way computer programs exist in culture. The authors of this collaboratively written book treat code not as merely functional but as a text—in the case of 10 PRINT, a text that appeared in many different printed sources—that yields a story about its making, its purpose, its assumptions, and more. They consider randomness and regularity in computing and art, the maze in culture, the popular BASIC programming language, and the highly influential Commodore 64 computer.
100 C++ Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
by Rich YontsLearn how to handle errors, inefficiencies, and outdated paradigms by exploring the most common mistakes you&’ll find in production C++ code.100 C++ Mistakes and How To Avoid Them reveals the problems you&’ll inevitably encounter as you write new C++ code and diagnose legacy applications, along with practical techniques you need to resolve them. Inside 100 C++ Mistakes and How To Avoid Them you&’ll learn how to: • Design solid classes • Minimize resource allocation/deallocation issues • Use new C++ features • Identify the differences between compile and runtime issues • Recognize C-style idioms that miss C++ functionality • Use exceptions well 100 C++ Mistakes and How To Avoid Them gives you practical insights and techniques to improve your C++ coding kung fu. Author Rich Yonts has been using C++ since its invention in the 1980s. This book distills that experience into practical, reusable advice on how C++ programmers at any skill level can improve their code. Unlike many C++ books that concentrate on language theory and toy exercises, this book is loaded with real examples from production codebases. About the technology Over ten billion lines of C++ code are running in production applications, and 98-developers find and fix mistakes in them every day. Even mission-critical applications have bugs, performance inefficiencies, and readability problems. This book will help you identify them in the code you&’re maintaining and avoid them in the code you&’re writing. About the book 100 C++ Mistakes and How To Avoid Them presents practical techniques to improve C++ code, from legacy applications to modern codebases that use C++ 11 and beyond. Author Rich Yonts provides a concrete example to illustrate each issue, along with a step-by-step walkthrough for improving readability, effectiveness, and performance. Along the way, you&’ll even learn how and where to replace outdated patterns and idioms with modern C++. What's inside • Design solid classes • Resource allocation/deallocation issues • Compile and runtime problems • Replace C-style idioms with proper C++ About the reader Covers C++ 98 through 23, with an emphasis on diagnosing and improving legacy code. About the author Rich Yonts is a Senior Software Engineer at Teradata and a long-time software engineer using C++, Java, and Python. He has held a number of technical and leadership roles during his many years at IBM and Sony. Table of Contents 1 C++: With great power comes great responsibility Part 1 2 Better modern C++: Classes and types 3 Better modern C++: General programming 4 Better modern C++: Additional topics Part 2 5 C idioms 6 Better premodern C++ Part 3 7 Establishing the class invariant 8 Maintaining the class invariant 9 Class operations 10 Exceptions and resources 11 Functions and coding 12 General coding
100 Go Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
by Teiva HarsanyiSpot errors in your Go code you didn&’t even know you were making and boost your productivity by avoiding common mistakes and pitfalls.100 Go Mistakes and How to Avoid Them shows you how to: Dodge the most common mistakes made by Go developers Structure and organize your Go application Handle data and control structures efficiently Deal with errors in an idiomatic manner Improve your concurrency skills Optimize your code Make your application production-ready and improve testing quality 100 Go Mistakes and How to Avoid Them puts a spotlight on common errors in Go code you might not even know you&’re making. You&’ll explore key areas of the language such as concurrency, testing, data structures, and more—and learn how to avoid and fix mistakes in your own projects. As you go, you&’ll navigate the tricky bits of handling JSON data and HTTP services, discover best practices for Go code organization, and learn how to use slices efficiently. About the technology Understanding mistakes is the best way to improve the quality of your code. This unique book examines 100 bugs and inefficiencies common to Go applications, along with tips and techniques to avoid making them in your own projects. About the book 100 Go Mistakes and How to Avoid Them shows you how to replace common programming problems in Go with idiomatic, expressive code. In it, you&’ll explore dozens of interesting examples and case studies as you learn to spot mistakes that might appear in your own applications. Expert author Teiva Harsanyi organizes the error avoidance techniques into convenient categories, ranging from types and strings to concurrency and testing. What's inside Identify and squash code-level bugs Avoid problems with application structure and design Perfect your data and control structures Optimize your code by eliminating inefficiencies About the reader For developers proficient with Go programming and syntax. About the author Teiva Harsanyi is a senior software engineer at Docker with experience in various domains, including safety-critical industries like air traffic management. Table of Contents 1 Go: Simple to learn but hard to master 2 Code and project organization 3 Data types 4 Control structures 5 Strings 6 Functions and methods 7 Error management 8 Concurrency: Foundations 9 Concurrency: Practice 10 The standard library 11 Testing 12 Optimizations
100 Java Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
by Tagir ValeevDodge the common mistakes that even senior developers make, take full advantage of static analysis tools, and deliver robust and error-free Java code.Whenever you make a mistake writing Java, it&’s almost guaranteed that someone else has made it before! In 100 Java Mistakes and How To Avoid Them you&’ll learn about the common and the not-so-common antipatterns, errors, and tricky bits that trip up almost every Java developer. Inside 100 Java Mistakes and How To Avoid Them you will learn how to: Write better Java programs Recognize common mistakes during programming Create fewer bugs and save time for debugging and testing Get help from static analyzers during programming Configure static analysis tools to reduce the number of false reports Extend static analysis tools with custom plugins Each Java mistake in this handy guide comes with an illustrative code sample, an explanation of why the mistake occurs, and an actionable &“ways to avoid this&” section to help you dodge the error. Plus, you&’ll benefit from useful static analysis sidebars that let you know when mistakes will—and won&’t—be spotted by static analysis tools. Foreword by Cay Horstmann. About the technology Minor bugs in development can become major problems in production. It&’s much better to spot and fix your mistakes before they get that far! This one-of-a-kind book shines a light on the most common Java slip-ups and shows you exactly how to avoid making them in the first place. About the book 100 Java Mistakes and How To Avoid Them highlights 100 Java coding errors—from beginner missteps to mistakes even Java experts don&’t know they&’re making. Each case includes clear examples to show you what to look for and concrete troubleshooting advice. You&’ll learn to use static analysis tools like IntelliJ IDEA and SonarLint to ensure you&’re consistently delivering exceptional Java, discover how unit tests and defensive coding can keep your code clean, and even learn to write your own bug-busting plugins. What's inside Recognize bugs and antipatterns during programming Highly-effective debugging and testing Get help from static analyzers About the reader For Java developers of all skill levels. About the author Tagir Valeev is a technical lead in JetBrains and a Java Champion. He designed and developed many code inspections for IntelliJ IDEA built-in static analyzer. The technical editor on this book was Jean-François Morin. Table of Contents 1 Managing code quality 2 Expressions 3 Program structure 4 Numbers 5 Common exceptions 6 Strings 7 Comparing objects 8 Collections and maps 9 Library methods 10 Unit testing A Static analysis annotations B Extending static analysis tools
The 100% Official Piggy Survival Manual: An AFK Book
by ScholasticFans will not want to miss the very first official guide to PIGGY! Full of tips, tricks, lore, and more, this guide has everything you need to survive!Make it out alive with the official Piggy Survival Manual! This handbook includes everything you need to survive in the terror-filled world of PIGGY! Uncover secrets, master every book and chapter, and learn all there is to know about the world and characters of PIGGY.
100 Practical Ways to Improve Customer Experience: Achieve End-to-End Customer Engagement in a Multichannel World
by Martin Newman Malcolm McDonaldVirtually all consumer-facing businesses talk about putting the customer first, but in reality, few deliver on this as effectively as they could. 100 Practical Ways to Improve Customer Experience walks readers through a wealth of practical tips, tools, guidelines and frameworks, for implementing customer-focused marketing strategies at every step of the customer journey. By ensuring that the customer remains the key focus, companies can identify areas in need of improvement and implement relevant steps throughout the value chain to transform their business. A unique blend of strategy and best practice, 100 Practical Ways to Improve Customer Experience has a particular focus on multi-channel industries such as retail, FMCG, travel, financial services, leisure, food and beverage, and automotive. These industries are all facing major disruption from trendsetting brands such as Uber, AirBnB and Amazon, and as such, now face more pressure than ever to adopt new practices and remain relevant in a continually competitive marketplace. Featuring case studies packed full of practical examples, this book is a unique and valuable resource for both senior industry professionals looking to transform their business and MBA students.
100 Questions and Answers to Help You Land Your Dream iOS Job: Or to Hire the Right Candidate!
by Enrique López MañasAre you an iOS developer, looking forward to your next career move? Or are you interviewing for positions at your company or start-up? Either way, "100 Questions and Answers to help you land your Dream iOS Job" has been thought for you. With 100 Questions and Answers categorized by seniority and with reviews from some of the top iOS engineers worldwide, this book will level up how you make interviews for your favorite platform.
100 sposobów na Excel 2007 PL. Tworzenie funkcjonalnych arkuszy
by David Hawley Raina HawleyWykorzystaj wszystkie mo?liwo?ci Excela, aby tworzy? funkcjonalne i efektowne arkuszeJak analizowa? dane i zarz?dza? nimi?Jak optymalnie wykorzystywa? tabele przestawne?Jak tworzy? spersonalizowane wykresy?Wi?kszo?? u?ytkowników Excela zna tylko drobn? cz??? dost?pnych w nim mo?liwo?ci. Istnieje jednak wiele metod pozwalaj?cych znacz?co poszerzy? wydajno?? tego programu i tworzy? efektowne arkusze kalkulacyjne bez potrzeby czasoch?onnego zdobywania wiedzy. Nowa wersja Excela umo?liwia chocia?by ?atwiejsze korzystanie z mechanizmu tabel przestawnych, formatowania warunkowego i nazw zakresów, podgl?du "na ?ywo", galerii predefiniowanych stylów oraz grafik SmartArt. Wszystko to sprawia, ?e ka?dy mo?e dzi? w swoich arkuszach u?ywa? bardziej skomplikowanych elementów wizualnych i graficznych.Obecnie, kiedy wszystko dzieje si? coraz szybciej, czas staje si? jedn? z najistotniejszych i po??danych warto?ci. Ksi??ka "100 sposobów na Excel 2007 PL. Tworzenie funkcjonalnych arkuszy" pozwala Ci w?a?nie zyska? na czasie - oferuje ponad sto gotowych metod tworzenia funkcjonalnych i efektownych arkuszy, szybkich i niezawodnych rozwi?za? skomplikowanych problemów. Warto tak?e wykorzysta? te metody do przeanalizowania oraz zastosowania niektórych mo?liwo?ci j?zyka Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) - dzi?ki temu b?dziesz móg? zaadaptowa? wszystkie zawarte tu propozycje do w?asnych potrzeb.Skoroszyty i arkuszeWbudowane mechanizmy do analizy danych i zarz?dzania nimiMetody tworzenia nazw i zakresów komórekTabele przestawneFormu?y i funkcjeWykresy i makraWspó?praca Excela z innymi aplikacjami pakietu OfficeWszystko, co chcia?by? widzie? o Excelu, aby natychmiast z niego skorzysta?. Poznaj ponad setk? sposobów skutecznego radzenia sobie z Excelem!
100 sposobów na Perl
by Damian Conway Curtis Ovid" PoeZbiór skutecznych rozwišza? dla programistów aplikacji internetowych Zwi?kszanie produktywno?ci pracy Tworzenie interfejsów u?ytkownika Wyszukiwanie i usuwanie b??dów Perl, od swojego zaistnienia na rynku, wyewoluowa? od prostego narz?dzia do przetwarzania tekstów i budowania raportów do formy zaawansowanego j?zyka programowania pozwalajšcego na tworzenie praktycznie ka?dej aplikacji dzia?ajšcej w sieci. Mimo do?? zaawansowanego "wieku", nie traci nic na popularno?ci. W sieci pojawiajš si? coraz nowsze wersje, a grono programistów korzystajšcych z Perla stale ro?nie. Spo?eczno?? u?ytkowników tego j?zyka skupiona wokó? portalu CPAN udost?pnia napisane przez siebie skrypty, wskutek czego z wieloma problemami programistycznymi mo?na sobie poradzi?, korzystajšc z gotowych rozwišza? lub si?gajšc do innych ?róde?. Dzi?ki ksiš?ce "100 sposobów na Perl" odkryjesz ma?o znane i mniej typowe zastosowania tego j?zyka. Czytajšc jš, dowiesz si?, w jaki sposób wykorzysta? Perl do ró?nych zada?. Nauczysz si? zwi?ksza? efektywno?? swojej pracy, tworzy? elementy interaktywne i przetwarza? pliki tekstowe w nietypowy sposób. Zapoznasz si? z odczytywaniem danych z baz i arkuszy kalkulacyjnych, pracš z modu?ami oraz programowaniem obiektowym. Znajdziesz tu tak?e informacje o testowaniu kodu, usuwaniu b??dów i optymalizowaniu wydajno?ci programów napisanych w Perlu. Korzystanie z biblioteki CPAN Automatyczne formatowanie kodu w edytorze Emacs Generowanie elementów graficznych Przetwarzanie arkuszy kalkulacyjnych Praca z bazami danych Tworzenie zestawu narz?dziowego modu?ów Korzystanie z obiektów Testowanie kodu ?ledzenie wykonywania programu
100 sposobów na SQL
by Andrew Cumming Gordon RussellZbiór praktycznych porad dla programistów i projektantów baz danych Jak obs?ugiwa? ró?ne typy danych? W jaki sposób optymalizowa? wydajno?? baz danych? Jak budowa? raporty za pomoc? j?zyka SQL? Jeste? programist?, któremu przypad?o w udziale opracowanie aplikacji bazodanowej? Szukasz sposobu na zoptymalizowanie dzia?ania zapyta? SQL? A mo?e zastanawiasz si?, w jaki sposób sprawnie zarz?dza? kontami u?ytkowników bazy danych? J?zyk SQL to pot??ne narz?dzie, którego opanowanie pozwoli Ci na sprawne poruszanie si? w g?szczu tabel ka?dej bazy danych. Za pomoc? odpowiednio sformu?owanych instrukcji mo?na manipulowa? danymi, zarz?dza? kontami u?ytkowników i generowa? raporty. Jednak, pomimo stosunkowo niewielkiej ilo?ci polece?, j?zyk SQL kryje w sobie wiele zawi?o?ci. Dzi?ki ksi??ce "100 sposobów na SQL" nie b?dziesz musia? odkrywa? ka?dej z nich samodzielnie. W ka?dym z rozdzia?ów znajdziesz praktyczne porady i sposoby rozwi?zywania typowych zada? programistycznych zwi?zanych z bazami danych i j?zykiem SQL. Poznasz podstawy j?zyka, dowiesz si?, w jaki sposób przetwarza? ró?ne typy danych i korzysta? z symboli zast?pczych. Nauczysz si? tworzy? aplikacje sieciowe, optymalizowa? wydajno?? tabel i zapyta? SQL oraz tworzy? raporty. Przeczytasz ponadto o administrowaniu serwerem bazy danych i udost?pnianiu tabel u?ytkownikom. Podstawowe elementy j?zyka SQL ??czenie tabel Przetwarzanie danych tekstowych Operacje na liczbach i datach Bazy danych w aplikacjach sieciowych Zapytania niezale?ne od tabel Maksymalizowanie wydajno?ci zapyta? Tworzenie raportów Administrowanie kontami u?ytkowników Udost?pnianie informacji Zosta? ekspertem w programowaniu baz danych!
100 SQL Server Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
by Peter CarterAll the mistakes you might make with SQL Server—and how to avoid them!100 SQL Server Mistakes and How to Avoid Them prepares you for the pitfalls database professionals often encounter—from administration to development, availability, and security. You'll learn to sidestep common errors that slow down your T-SQL code and ensure your SQL Server is installed and configured to handle anything your organization throws at it. Inside 100 SQL Server Mistakes and How to Avoid Them you'll learn to avoid: • Development errors when writing T-SQL • Installation and administration mistakes • Optimization missteps • Common pitfalls relating to high availability and disaster recovery (HA/DR) • Security oversights that can endanger your data 100 SQL Server Mistakes and How to Avoid Them doesn't focus on the "happy path"—instead, it covers all the errors and problems you might face as a SQL Server developer or administrator. Each chapter is filled with real-world issues drawn from author Peter A. Carter&’s two-decade-long career in SQL Server. Peter's seasoned advice helps dispel myths, debunk misconceptions, and set you on the right road. About the technology Perfecting a SQL Server system can be a complex balancing act. Why is T-SQL running so slowly? Is the right data available? Are we protected against data theft? What about that new server instance I need to administer? Even the most skilled SQL Server experts make mistakes that cost time and performance. This book can help you get it right the first time. About the book 100 SQL Server Mistakes and How to Avoid Them focuses exclusively on the errors that you might—and probably will—make as a SQL Server admin or developer. Real-world examples, code samples, and helpful diagrams make it easy to understand each issue and its solution. You&’ll learn how to write performant code, design efficient database schemas, implement error handling, work with complex data types, and much more, all in a friendly, common-sense problem/solution format. What's inside • T-SQL development • Installation, administration, and optimization • High availability and security About the reader Readers need to understand basic SQL Server concepts and SQL queries. Perfect for junior database admins, full-stack developers, and &“accidental&” DBAs. About the author Peter A. Carter is a SQL Server expert with experience developing, administering, and architecting data-tier applications and SQL Server platforms. Table of Contents 1 Introducing SQL Server 2 Development standards 3 Data types 4 Database design 5 T-SQL development 6 SSIS development 7 Error handling, testing, source control, and deployment 8 SQL Server installation 9 Instance and database management 10 Optimization 11 Indexes 12 Backups 13 Availability 14 Security
100 Things We've Lost to the Internet
by Pamela PaulThe acclaimed editor of The New York Times Book Review takes readers on a nostalgic tour of the pre-Internet age, offering powerful insights into both the profound and the seemingly trivial things we've lost.Remember all those ingrained habits, cherished ideas, beloved objects, and stubborn preferences from the pre-Internet age? They&’re gone.To some of those things we can say good riddance. But many we miss terribly. Whatever our emotional response to this departed realm, we are faced with the fact that nearly every aspect of modern life now takes place in filtered, isolated corners of cyberspace—a space that has slowly subsumed our physical habitats, replacing or transforming the office, our local library, a favorite bar, the movie theater, and the coffee shop where people met one another&’s gaze from across the room. Even as we&’ve gained the ability to gather without leaving our house, many of the fundamentally human experiences that have sustained us have disappeared.In one hundred glimpses of that pre-Internet world, Pamela Paul, editor of The New York Times Book Review, presents a captivating record, enlivened with illustrations, of the world before cyberspace—from voicemails to blind dates to punctuation to civility. There are the small losses: postcards, the blessings of an adolescence largely spared of documentation, the Rolodex, and the genuine surprises at high school reunions. But there are larger repercussions, too: weaker memories, the inability to entertain oneself, and the utter demolition of privacy.100 Things We&’ve Lost to the Internet is at once an evocative swan song for a disappearing era and, perhaps, a guide to reclaiming just a little bit more of the world IRL.
1001 Incredible Things to Do on the Internet
by Ken LeebowFrom the bestselling self-published series "300 Incredible Things to Do On the Internet" comes a comprehensive guide to quality sites on the Web. Cartoons throughout.
1001 Video Games You Must Play Before You Die: You Must Play Before You Die (1001)
by Tony MottIn fewer than fifty years videogames have become one of the most popular forms of entertainment, but which are the best games, the ones you must play? This action packed book presents the best videogames from around the world - from 80's classic Donkey Kong to Doom, Frogger and Final Fantasy. Covering everything from old favourites to those breaking new ground, these are the games that should not be missed.Video game expert Tony Mott presents 1001 of the best video games from around the world and on all formats, from primitive pioneering consoles like Atari's VCS to modern-day home entertainment platforms such as Sony's PlayStation 3. 1001 VIDEO GAMES defines arcade experiences that first turned video gaming into a worldwide phenomenon such as Space Invaders, Asteroids, and Pac-Man - games that made the likes of Atari, Sinclair and Commadore household names. It also includes the games that have taken the console era by storm from Nintendo Wii to Sony Playstation and beyond - games of the modern era that have become cultural reference points in their own right including multi-million selling series such as Halo, Grand Theft Auto and Resident Evil.For aficionados this is a keepsake - charting the highlights of the past fifty years giving them key information for games they must play. For those just discovering the appeal of gaming this extensive volume will provide everything they need to ensure they don't miss out on the games that revolutionized this overwhelmingly popular medium.