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Cloud Security and Privacy: An Enterprise Perspective on Risks and Compliance (Theory in Practice)
by Tim Mather Subra Kumaraswamy Shahed LatifYou may regard cloud computing as an ideal way for your company to control IT costs, but do you know how private and secure this service really is? Not many people do. With Cloud Security and Privacy, you'll learn what's at stake when you trust your data to the cloud, and what you can do to keep your virtual infrastructure and web applications secure. Ideal for IT staffers, information security and privacy practitioners, business managers, service providers, and investors alike, this book offers you sound advice from three well-known authorities in the tech security world. You'll learn detailed information on cloud computing security that-until now-has been sorely lacking.Review the current state of data security and storage in the cloud, including confidentiality, integrity, and availabilityLearn about the identity and access management (IAM) practice for authentication, authorization, and auditing of the users accessing cloud servicesDiscover which security management frameworks and standards are relevant for the cloudUnderstand the privacy aspects you need to consider in the cloud, including how they compare with traditional computing modelsLearn the importance of audit and compliance functions within the cloud, and the various standards and frameworks to considerExamine security delivered as a service-a different facet of cloud security
Cloud Security Automation: Get to grips with automating your cloud security on AWS and OpenStack
by Prashant PriyamSecure public and private cloud workloads with this comprehensive learning guide.Key Features Take your cloud security functions to the next level by automation Learn to automate your security functions on AWS and OpenStack Practical approach towards securing your workloads efficientlyBook DescriptionSecurity issues are still a major concern forall IT organizations. For many enterprises,the move to cloud computing has raisedconcerns for security, but when applicationsare architected with focus on security,cloud platforms can be made just as secureas on-premises platforms. Cloud instancescan be kept secure by employing securityautomation that helps make your data meetyour organization's security policy.This book starts with the basics of whycloud security is important and howautomation can be the most effective wayof controlling cloud security. You willthen delve deeper into the AWS cloudenvironment and its security servicesby dealing with security functions suchas Identity and Access Managementand will also learn how these servicescan be automated. Moving forward,you will come across aspects suchas cloud storage and data security, automatingcloud deployments, and so on. Then,you'll work with OpenStack security modulesand learn how private cloud securityfunctions can be automated for bettertime- and cost-effectiveness. Toward the endof the book, you will gain an understandingof the security compliance requirementsfor your Cloud.By the end of this book, you will havehands-on experience of automating yourcloud security and governance.What you will learn Define security for public and privatecloud services Address the security concerns ofyour cloud Understand Identity and AccessManagement Get acquainted with cloud storageand network security Improve and optimize publicand private cloud security Automate cloud security Understand the security compliancerequirements of your cloudWho this book is forThis book is targeted at DevOps Engineers, Security professionals, or any stakeholders responsible for securing cloud workloads. Prior experience with AWS or OpenStack will be an advantage.
Cloud Security For Dummies
by Ted CoombsEmbrace the cloud and kick hackers to the curb with this accessible guide on cloud security Cloud technology has changed the way we approach technology. It’s also given rise to a new set of security challenges caused by bad actors who seek to exploit vulnerabilities in a digital infrastructure. You can put the kibosh on these hackers and their dirty deeds by hardening the walls that protect your data. Using the practical techniques discussed in Cloud Security For Dummies, you’ll mitigate the risk of a data breach by building security into your network from the bottom-up. Learn how to set your security policies to balance ease-of-use and data protection and work with tools provided by vendors trusted around the world. This book offers step-by-step demonstrations of how to: Establish effective security protocols for your cloud application, network, and infrastructure Manage and use the security tools provided by different cloud vendors Deliver security audits that reveal hidden flaws in your security setup and ensure compliance with regulatory frameworks As firms around the world continue to expand their use of cloud technology, the cloud is becoming a bigger and bigger part of our lives. You can help safeguard this critical component of modern IT architecture with the straightforward strategies and hands-on techniques discussed in this book.
Cloud Security Handbook: Find out how to effectively secure cloud environments using AWS, Azure, and GCP
by Eyal EstrinA comprehensive reference guide to securing the basic building blocks of cloud services, with actual examples for leveraging Azure, AWS, and GCP built-in services and capabilitiesKey FeaturesDiscover practical techniques for implementing cloud securityLearn how to secure your data and core cloud infrastructure to suit your business needsImplement encryption, detect cloud threats and misconfiguration, and achieve compliance in the cloudBook DescriptionSecuring resources in the cloud is challenging, given that each provider has different mechanisms and processes. Cloud Security Handbook helps you to understand how to embed security best practices in each of the infrastructure building blocks that exist in public clouds.This book will enable information security and cloud engineers to recognize the risks involved in public cloud and find out how to implement security controls as they design, build, and maintain environments in the cloud. You'll begin by learning about the shared responsibility model, cloud service models, and cloud deployment models, before getting to grips with the fundamentals of compute, storage, networking, identity management, encryption, and more. Next, you'll explore common threats and discover how to stay in compliance in cloud environments. As you make progress, you'll implement security in small-scale cloud environments through to production-ready large-scale environments, including hybrid clouds and multi-cloud environments. This book not only focuses on cloud services in general, but it also provides actual examples for using AWS, Azure, and GCP built-in services and capabilities.By the end of this cloud security book, you'll have gained a solid understanding of how to implement security in cloud environments effectively.What you will learnSecure compute, storage, and networking services in the cloudGet to grips with identity management in the cloudAudit and monitor cloud services from a security point of viewIdentify common threats and implement encryption solutions in cloud servicesMaintain security and compliance in the cloudImplement security in hybrid and multi-cloud environmentsDesign and maintain security in a large-scale cloud environmentWho this book is forThis book is for IT or information security personnel taking their first steps in the public cloud or migrating existing environments to the cloud. Cloud engineers, cloud architects, or cloud security professionals maintaining production environments in the cloud will also benefit from this book. Prior experience of deploying virtual machines, using storage services, and networking will help you to get the most out of this book.
Cloud-Service-Zertifizierung: Ein Rahmenwerk und Kriterienkatalog zur Zertifizierung von Cloud-Services
by Sebastian Lins Stephan Schneider Ali SunyaevDieses Buch liefert ein Rahmenwerk zur Zertifizierung von Services in der Cloud. Herzstück dabei ist ein umfangreicher Kriterienkatalog zum Assessment von Cloud-Services, der im Forschungsprojekt „Value4Cloud“ , gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie, entwickelt wurde. Cloud-Service-Anwender werden bei der Bewertung, dem Vergleich und der Auswahl von Services unterstützt. Das Buch eignet sich auch für Cloud-Service-Anbieter zum Self-Assessment und zur Verbesserung der eigenen Services.
Cloud-Service-Zertifizierung: Ein Rahmenwerk und Kriterienkatalog zur Zertifizierung von Cloud-Services
by Stephan Schneider Ali SunyaevDie Auslagerung von Services in die Cloud ist mit Risiken verbunden. Dieses Buch liefert ein Rahmenwerk zur Zertifizierung von Services in der Cloud. Herzstück dabei ist ein umfangreicher Kriterienkatalog zum Assessment von Cloud-Services. Dabei wendet sich das Buch an Cloud-Service-Anwender und unterstützt bei der Bewertung, dem Vergleich und der Auswahl von Angeboten. Gerade in kritischen Bereichen wie Sicherheit, Verfügbarkeit und Vertragsfragen unterstützt der Katalog bei der Definition von eigenen Anforderungen. Das Buch eignet sich jedoch auch für Cloud-Service-Anbieter, die es zum Self-Assessment und zur Verbesserung der eigenen Services nutzen können. Das Buch fasst eines der Ergebnisse des dreijährigen Forschungsprojekts ,,Value4Cloud" zusammen, das im Rahmen des Technologieprogramms ,,Trusted Cloud" vom Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie gefördert wurde. Es liefert mit 219 Zertifizierungskriterien und einem Zertifizierungsrahmenwerk einen wichtigen Beitrag zum Assessment von Cloud-Services und der Verbesserung von Cloud-Service-Zertifizierungen.
Cloud Surfing: A New Way to Think About Risk, Innovation, Scale and Success
by Thomas M. KoulopoulosWhen people hear "the Cloud," they think of cloud computing and salesforce.com, just a sliver of what the Cloud is today. The Cloud has grown: it represents the consummate disruptor to structure; a pervasive social and economic network that will soon connect and define more of the world than any other political, social, or economic organization. The Cloud is the first megatrend of the twenty-first century, one that will shape the way we will address virtually every challenge we face for at least the next 100 years. It is where we will all live, work, and play in the coming decades. The Cloud is where your kids go to dive into online play. It's where you meet and make friends in social networks. It's where companies find the next big idea. It's where political campaigns are won and lost. Cloud Surfing is the groundbreaking book that will explain how to access the full value of the Cloud and how to embrace its possibilities.
Cloud Systems in Supply Chains
by Alan Brown Jerry Fishenden Mark ThompsonCloud Systems in Supply Chains explores the risks that could face supply chain firms if their implementation of cloud systems is not carefully managed or if not appropriately selected and supported. This volume aids supply chain firms in ensuring that their cloud system activities are positioned to assist and sustain their competitive advantages.
Cloud Technologies: An Overview of Cloud Computing Technologies for Managers
by Roger McHaneyContains a variety of cloud computing technologies and explores how the cloud can enhance business operations Cloud Technologies offers an accessible guide to cloud-based systems and clearly explains how these technologies have changed the way organizations approach and implement their computing infrastructure. The author—a noted expert on the topic—includes an overview of cloud computing and addresses business-related considerations such as service level agreements, elasticity, security, audits, and practical implementation issues. In addition, the book covers important topics such as automation, infrastructure as code, DevOps, orchestration, and edge computing. Cloud computing fundamentally changes the way organizations think about and implement IT infrastructure. Any manager without a firm grasp of basic cloud concepts is at a huge disadvantage in the modern world. Written for all levels of managers working in IT and other areas, the book explores cost savings and enhanced capabilities, as well as identifies different models for implementing cloud technologies and tackling cloud business concerns. This important book: Demonstrates a variety of cloud computing technologies and ways the cloud can enhance business operations Addresses data security concerns in cloud computing relevant to corporate data owners Shows ways the cloud can save money for a business Offers a companion website hosting PowerPoint slides Written for managers in the fields of business, IT and cloud computing, Cloud Technologies describes cloud computing concepts and related strategies and operations in accessible language.
Cloud Technologies and Services: Theoretical Concepts and Practical Applications (Textbooks in Telecommunication Engineering)
by M. Scott KingsleyThis textbook provides a thorough yet compact review of cloud technologies. It offers easy to understand explanations of the technical concepts underlying cloud services, platforms, and applications offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and the Google Cloud Platform (GCP). It presents cloud concepts at a depth that can be understood and applied by both technical and non-technical readers. Once that is accomplished the learner can then easily move toward more advanced topics. Or, they can use the knowledge gained from this book to obtain industry certifications and be competitive in this exciting industry. Reader learning is enhanced with quizzes and exam questions and hands-on labs throughout the book with PowerPoint slides, instructor guide and additional labs online. All the tools needed for advancement to the level of cloud architect are found in this book. The author has verified the success of this approach in his own academic environment with much success. He teaches Cloud Engineering and Advanced Cloud Engineering at Southern Methodist University. Both courses were developed in partnership with the AWS Academy, the education arm of the Amazon Web Services cloud platform. Using this methodology his students routinely take and pass cloud certification exams and obtain lucrative employment positions in the rapidly expanding cloud industry.
The Cloud-to-Thing Continuum: Opportunities and Challenges in Cloud, Fog and Edge Computing (Palgrave Studies in Digital Business & Enabling Technologies)
by Theo Lynn John G. Mooney Brian Lee Patricia Takako EndoThe Internet of Things offers massive societal and economic opportunities while at the same time significant challenges, not least the delivery and management of the technical infrastructure underpinning it, the deluge of data generated from it, ensuring privacy and security, and capturing value from it.This Open Access Pivot explores these challenges, presenting the state of the art and future directions for research but also frameworks for making sense of this complex area. This book provides a variety of perspectives on how technology innovations such as fog, edge and dew computing, 5G networks, and distributed intelligence are making us rethink conventional cloud computing to support the Internet of Things. Much of this book focuses on technical aspects of the Internet of Things, however, clear methodologies for mapping the business value of the Internet of Things are still missing. We provide a value mapping framework for the Internet of Things to address this gap. While there is much hype about theInternet of Things, we have yet to reach the tipping point. As such, this book provides a timely entrée for higher education educators, researchers and students, industry and policy makers on the technologies that promise to reshape how society interacts and operates.
Cloud-Transformation: Wie die Public Cloud Unternehmen verändert
by Roland Frank Gregor Schumacher Andreas TammIn diesem Buch lernen Sie, wie die Public Cloud die Kostenstrukturen von digitalen Geschäftsmodellen und damit bestehende Märkte signifikant verändert. Die Zusammenhänge zwischen den verwendeten Cloud-Architekturen, der Organisation des Unternehmens und den dadurch möglichen Preis- und Geschäftsmodellen werden übersichtlich und für den Einsatz im eigenen Unternehmen nutzbar aufbereitet.Die Autoren erläutern, wie der Reihe nach immer mehr Märkte zu digitalen Märkten werden und welche Rolle die Grenzkosten dabei spielen. Sie beschreiben, wie die cloudbasierte IT die klassische IT disruptiert. Dadurch können kleine Teams mit geringen Investitionen weltweit skalierende Geschäftsmodelle zu Null-Grenzkosten aufbauen. Die wirtschaftlichen Effekte werden anhand konkreter Beispiele nachvollziehbar dargestellt. Zusätzlich erhalten technische Laien einen Überblick, welche Faktoren für die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit ihrer digitalen Geschäftsmodelle besonders wichtig sind und wie Manager diese beeinflussen können. Zum Abschluss gibt das Buch Praktikern einen konkreten Leitfaden an die Hand, wie die Cloud-Transformation im Unternehmen durchgeführt werden kann. Das Buch richtet sich vor allem an Führungskräfte und Mitarbeiter in den Fachbereichen und der IT, die die Cloud-Transformation in ihren Unternehmen vorantreiben möchten.
Cloud Transformation: The Public Cloud Is Changing Businesses
by Roland Frank Gregor Schumacher Andreas TammIn this book you will learn how the public cloud is significantly changing the cost structures of digital business models and thus existing markets. The relationships between the cloud architectures used, the organization of the company and the price and business models that are possible as a result are shown clearly and so that they can be used in your own company. The authors explain how, one after the other, more and more markets are becoming digital markets and what role marginal costs play in this. They describe how cloud-based IT is disrupting classic IT. This enables small teams to build scalable business models worldwide at zero marginal costs with little investment. The economic effects are clearly illustrated using specific examples. In addition, technical laypeople get an overview of which factors are particularly important for the competitiveness of their digital business models and how managers can influence them. Finally, the book gives practitioners specific guidelines on how the cloud transformation can be carried out in their company. The book is aimed primarily at executives and employees in the specialist departments and IT who want to drive the cloud transformation in their companies. This book is a translation of the original German 1st edition, Cloud-Transformation by Roland Frank, Gregor Schumacher and Andreas Tamm published by Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH, part of Springer Nature in 2019. The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence (machine translation by the service DeepL.com). A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content.
Cloud VR: Technology and Application
by Huaping Xiong Dawei Li Kun Huang Mu Xu Yin Huang Lingling Xu Jianfei Lai Shengjun QianBased on the technical accumulation and practice of Huawei iLab in the Cloud VR field, this book systematically describes the advantages of Cloud VR technologies; technical requirements on clouds, networks, and terminals as well as solution implementation; Cloud VR experience evaluation baselines and methods; and current business practices. Cloud VR introduces cloud computing and cloud rendering to VR services. With fast and stable networks, cloud-based display output and audio output are coded, compressed, and transmitted to user terminals, implementing cloud-based VR service content and content rendering. Cloud VR has stringent requirements on bandwidth and latency, making it a proficient application for 5G and gigabit home broadband networks in the era of "dual G". As the first advocate of Cloud VR, Huawei iLab developed the first prototype of the Cloud VR technical solution, initiated the industry’s first Cloud VR industry cooperation plan – VR OpenLab with partners – and incubated the world’s first Cloud VR commercial project with China Mobile Fujian. Cloud VR: Technology and Application is the first official publication of Huawei iLab’s research and practice achievements. It systematically and thoroughly introduces the Cloud VR concept, solution architecture, key technologies, and business practices and is of great value in academic and social applications. This book is easy to understand, practical, and suitable for VR vendors, VR technology enthusiasts, carriers, network vendors, cloud service providers, universities, and other enterprises and scientific research institutes.
Cloud Watching
by George Smolinski Hugo MartinsOrganizar e armazenar informações sempre foi uma precupação da humanidade desde os tempos antigos e continuará sendo, pois é inerente a natureza humana. Com o advento do Armazenamento Virtual, a forma como lidamos em manter tais informações seguras e organizadas mudou incrivelmente, tornando-se fundamental adaptar-se a esta nova era da tecnologia. E para entender e usar esta tecnologia é que, com grande satisfação, tive o prazer de colaborar na publicação, em português, do livro do Dr. George Smolinski. Sua simplicidade, e a sua efetividade, em elucidar as características e utilização dos principais serviços disponíveis atualmente, faz desta obra ter uma importância singular no meio de tantos outros materias disponíveis.
Cloud Without Compromise: Hybrid Cloud for the Enterprise
by Paul Zikopoulos Christopher Bienko Chris Backer Chris Konarski Sai VennamMany companies claim to have "gone to the cloud," yet returns from their efforts are meager or worse. Why? Because they've defined cloud as a destination, not a capability. Using cloud as a single-vendor, one-stop destination is fiction; in practice, today's organizations use a mosaic of capabilities across several vendors. Your cloud strategy needs to follow a hybrid multicloud model, one that delivers cloud's value at destinations you choose.This practical guide provides business leaders and C-level executives with guidance and insights across a wide range of cloud-related topics, such as distributed cloud, microservices, and other open source solutions for strengthening operations. You'll apply in-the-field best practices and lessons learned as you define your hybrid cloud strategy and drive your company's transformation strategy.Learn cloud fundamentals and patterns, including basic concepts and historyGet a framework for cloud acumen phases to value-plot your cloud futureKnow which questions to ask a cloud provider before you signDiscover potential pitfalls for everything from the true cost of a cloud solution to adopting open source the right way
Cloudera Administration Handbook
by Rohit MenonAn easy-to-follow Apache Hadoop administrator's guide filled with practical screenshots and explanations for each step and configuration. This book is great for administrators interested in setting up and managing a large Hadoop cluster. If you are an administrator, or want to be an administrator, and you are ready to build and maintain a production-level cluster running CDH5, then this book is for you.
Cloudera Impala
by John RussellLearn about Cloudera Impala--an open source project that's opening up the Apache Hadoop software stack to a wide audience of database analysts, users, and developers. The Impala massively parallel processing (MPP) engine makes SQL queries of Hadoop data simple enough to be accessible to analysts familiar with SQL and to users of business intelligence tools--and it’s fast enough to be used for interactive exploration and experimentation.
Cloudmoney: Cash, Cards, Crypto, and the War for Our Wallets
by Brett ScottThe reach of Corporations into our lives via cards and apps has never been greater; many of us rarely use cash these days. But what we’re told is a natural and inevitable move is actually the work of powerful interests. And the great battle of our time is the battle for ownership of the digital footprints that make up our lives.In Cloudmoney, Brett Scott tells an urgent and revelatory story about how the fusion of Big Finance and Big Tech requires “cloudmoney”—digital money underpinned by the banking sector—to replace physical cash. He dives beneath the surface of the global financial system to uncover a long-established lobbying infrastructure: an alliance of partners waging a covert war on cash. He explains the technical, political, and cultural differences between our various forms of money and shows how the cash system has been under attack for decades, as banking and tech companies promote a cashless society under the banner of progress.Cloudmoney takes us to the front lines of a war for our wallets that is also about our freedom, from marketing strategies against cash to the weaponization of COVID-19 to push fintech platforms, and from there to the rise of the cryptocurrency rebels and fringe groups pushing back. It asks the most pressing questions:Who benefits from a cashless society and who gets left behind?Is the end of cash the end of true privacy?And is our cloudmoney future closer than we think it is?
Cloudmoney: Efectivo, tarjetas, criptomonedas y la lucha por nuestras carteras
by Brett Scott¿Quién se beneficia de una sociedad sin efectivo? ¿Es el fin del dinero físico el fin de la verdadera privacidad? ¿El monopolio de las criptomonedas está más cerca de lo que pensamos? Hoy en día, muchos de nosotros apenas utilizamos dinero en efectivo y lo pagamos casi todo con tarjetas de crédito o aplicaciones del móvil. Es decir, con dinero digital. Sin embargo, lo que a todos nos parece cómodo, natural e inevitable resulta ser, fundamentalmente, el producto de poderosos intereses y manipulaciones. Cloudmoney es la enloquecedora crónica de este cambio de paradigma. Brett Scott ha buceado bajo la superficie del sistema financiero global para mostrarnos cómo las altas finanzas y las grandes compañías tecnológicas se han aliado con el objetivo de remplazar el dinero físico por el dinero digital, supuestamente en pro de una escurridiza visión de progreso, y cómo ese proceso no es más que una guerra encubierta por nuestros bolsillos y, en última instancia, por nuestra libertad. ¿Es de verdad preferible una sociedad sin efectivo, o supone el fin del dinero físico el fin de la verdadera privacidad? Ese futuro sin metálico, ¿está más cerca de lo que pensamos o aún hay tiempo para cambiar el rumbo? Un libro fundamental para entender qué es el dinero, en qué puede llegar a convertirse y cómo podemos salvarnos de las garras de las poderosas fintech. La crítica ha dicho:«Un texto maravillosamente revolucionario».Yanis Varoufakis «Te han llenado la cabeza con falsedades y confusión sobre el dinero. Este libro sobresaliente te ayudará a entender cómo ha sucedido, quién se beneficia de nuestra ignorancia financiera colectiva y cuál es la mejor manera de contratacar».Raj Patel, autor de Obesos y famélicos «En un libro que es a la vez irreverente, contundente y entretenido, Brett Scott hace añicos los mitos convencionales sobre el dinero en efectivo, el dinero digital y las criptomonedas».Stephanie Kelton, autora de El mito del déficit «Cloudmoney es un libro brillante, fascinante y totalmente accesible: una guía pionera y política de la red de finanzas globales en rápida evolución. Combinando la visión antropológica con la perspicacia financiera de un experto en elsector, Brett Scott expone una visión a largo plazo de cómo la tecnología y las finanzas se están fusionando rápidamente para potenciar el capitalismo corporativo».Kate Raworth, autora de Economía rosquilla «Con este maravilloso, lúcido e importante libro, Brett Scott apunta alto. Compra un ejemplar y asegúrate de pagar en efectivo».Nicholas Shaxson, autor de Las islas del tesoro «Una importante reflexión sobre el nuevo mundo de las finanzas».Lionel Barber, The Financial Times «La carrera hacia una sociedad sin efectivo no tiene nada que ver con la comodidad. Se trata de poder. Brett Scott se desmarca del relato oficial con esta inteligente crítica al dinero digital y al auge de los imperios de la tecnología financiera, al tiempo que ofrece una convincente visión alternativa. No te pierdas este libro».Jason Hickel, autor de Less is More
by Joe WeinmanThe ultimate guide to assessing and exploiting the customer value and revenue potential of the CloudA new business model is sweeping the world--the Cloud. And, as with any new technology, there is a great deal of fear, uncertainty, and doubt surrounding cloud computing. Cloudonomics radically upends the conventional wisdom, clearly explains the underlying principles and illustrates through understandable examples how Cloud computing can create compelling value--whether you are a customer, a provider, a strategist, or an investor. Cloudonomics covers everything you need to consider for the delivery of business solutions, opportunities, and customer satisfaction through the Cloud, so you can understand it--and put it to work for your business. Cloudonomics also delivers insight into when to avoid the cloud, and why.Quantifies how customers, users, and cloud providers can collaborate to create win-winsReveals how to use the Laws of Cloudonomics to define strategy and guide implementationExplains the probable evolution of cloud businesses and ecosystemsDemolishes the conventional wisdom on cloud usage, IT spend, community clouds, and the enterprise-provider cloud balanceWhether you're ready for it or not, Cloud computing is here to stay. Cloudonomics provides deep insights into the business value of the Cloud for executives, practitioners, and strategists in virtually any industry--not just technology executives but also those in the marketing, operations, economics, venture capital, and financial fields.
CLR via C#
by Jeffrey RichterDig deep and master the intricacies of the common language runtime (CLR) and the .NET Framework 4.0. Written by a highly regarded programming expert and consultant to the Microsoft® .NET team, this guide is ideal for developers building any kind of application-including Microsoft® ASP.NET, Windows® Forms, Microsoft® SQL Server®, Web services, and console applications. You'll get hands-on instruction and extensive C# code samples to help you tackle the tough topics and develop high-performance applications.
CLR via C#, Fourth Edition
by Jeffrey Richter<p>Your essential guide to developing applications with the common language runtime (CLR) and Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5, with examples in Microsoft Visual C# 2012.</p>
Club College
by Andrew S RosenClub College is a chapter excerpt from Change.edu coming out October 18, 2011.On college campuses nationwide, luxury and learning go hand-in-hand, keeping the price tag for higher education out of reach for many Americans. Education innovator, and chairman and CEO of Kaplan, Inc., Andrew S. Rosen examines today's resort-style campus, providing inspiring solutions for stopping the spending spirals and making college affordable for all. Despite the financial crunch, many American universities have become surprisingly lavish over the past decade, providing state-of-the-art recreation facilities, bistro-style dining, spectacular residence halls that rival fine hotels, and "free" amenities such as Kindles, not to mention multi-million-dollar stadiums and coaches' salaries starting in the high six figures. Showcasing these extraordinary campuses, "Club College" captures the new economic models of higher education, which often divert funds from academics to gain a competitive edge in attracting an elite group of students. On this fascinating tour, Andrew S. Rosen proposes bold new alternatives that focus our nation's dollars on learning.Poised to spark a dialogue about our nation's higher education system, "Club College" makes the classroom the centerpiece of college once again, opening doors to careers for a broad range of talented individuals--arguably our greatest economic asset.
The Cluetrain Manifesto: The End of Business as Usual
by Fredrick Levine Christopher Locke David Searls David WeinbergerThe book provides a contrast in business and brand promotions from conventional methods to the internet age, where the conversations of connectedness have changed both the business we do, and the way its done.