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Showing 10,851 through 10,875 of 59,184 results

Combustion Optimization Based on Computational Intelligence (Advanced Topics in Science and Technology in China)

by Hao Zhou Kefa Cen

This book presents the latest findings on the subject of combustion optimization based on computational intelligence. It covers a broad range of topics, including the modeling of coal combustion characteristics based on artificial neural networks and support vector machines. It also describes the optimization of combustion parameters using genetic algorithms or ant colony algorithms, an online coal optimization system, etc. Accordingly, the book offers a unique guide for researchers in the areas of combustion optimization, NOx emission control, energy and power engineering, and chemical engineering.

Comdex Business Accounting

by Vikas Gupta

The book is a combination of two popular applications in their latest version, MS Excel 2010 and Tally.ERP 9. These two applications are widely used across small as well as large business houses and accounting firms. Vikas Gupta has devised the book for upcoming professionals looking for career opportunity in the field of finance and accounts management as well as for professionals who want to upgrade their skills by learning new versions of applications used in the field of business accounting.The book covers MS Excel 2010 and Tally.ERP 9 applications in an easy to understand language supported by ample screenshots and real life scenarios. The book helps you to master business accounting with the help of MS Excel 2010 and Tally.ERP 9 applications.

Comdex® Computer Course Kit: Windows 7 with Office 2010

by Vikas Gupta

The book covers all new features and programs of Windows, such as Internet Explorer, Outlook, etc. The book does not end here; after mastering Windows 7, the book introduces you to Microsoft Office 2010 and helps you in preparing professional letters, personal accounting sheets, presentations, databases and composing emails. Inside the Book: Computer Fundamentals Windows 7 Microsoft Word 2010 Microsoft Excel 2010 Microsoft Access 2010 Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 Microsoft Outlook 2010 The unique Tutor CD provided along with this book is a true add-on. While other books rely on theory and long explanations, the tutor CD accompanying this book helps you build skills on the software you have learned while reading the book.

Comdex Multimedia and Animation

by Vikas Gupta

Comdex Multimedia And Animation Course Kit Author: Vikas Gupta

Comdex .NET 4.0 Programming Course Kit

by Vikas Gupta

The book is an all-new approach to programming with VB 2010 and C# 2010 for Web and Window-based applications. These two applications are widely used by those aspiring students who wish to build their career in the field of .NET programming. This book is for upcoming professionals looking for career opportunity in the field of .NET programming as well as for professionals who want to upgrade their skills by learning new versions of applications used in the field of .NET programming. The book covers VB 2010, C# 2010, and ASP.NET 4.0 applications in an easy-to-understand language supported by ample screenshots and real life Scenarios. The content of the book goes in adequate detail covering all the aspects of .NET programming.

Come annullare l’iscrizione ad Amazon Prime o cancellare il periodo di prova gratuito: La guida per disdire il tuo abbonamento o la tua prova ad Amazon Prime Video in meno di un minuto!

by Dan Gaines

Questo manuale ti insegnerà a cancellare il tuo abbonamento o il tuo periodo di prova ad Amazon Prime Video in meno di un minuto! - Passi dettagliati e facili da seguire - Risparmia tempo per decifrare la procedura da solo - Risparmia tempo, senza bisogno di trascorrere ore a contattare il supporto Amazon - Cancella l’iscrizione in un attimo, senza problemi Clicca il pulsante “Acquista ora” per accedere subito al libro. Disclaimer L’autore e/o i proprietari dei diritti non rilasciano alcuna pretesa, promessa o garanzia circa l’accuratezza, la completezza o l’adeguatezza del contenuto di questo libro, e declinano espressamente la responsabilità per errori e omissioni nei contenuti all’interno. Questo prodotto è solo per uso di riferimento.

Come avviare un’attività online

by Sephora Black Roberto Coppola

Un libro imperdibile! Non c'è mai stato momento migliore di quello attuale per avviare un'attività online. Ma c'è una differenza tra farlo e farlo bene. Con questo libro imparerai a: - presentare il tuo prodotto - reclamizzare online - comunicare con i tuoi clienti. e molto altro...

Come Creare, Promuovere e Vendere Ebook - A Costo Zero

by Jason Matthews Giuseppe Chiodi

Tutto per gli scrittori che vendono ebook. L'editoria elettronica (o e-publishing) consente agli autori indipendenti di trattenere il grosso dei diritti. Scoprite i modi migliori per: *usare i social media -- costruire una presenza online *formattare e caricare su Amazon, Narcissus, Smashwords, Barnes & Noble, Apple, Google e altri *convertire documenti in qualsiasi formato (epub, mobi, pdf e altri) *vendere libri online *creare un sito web funzionale *creare un fantastico blog *ideare copertine per ebook *scalare le classifiche col SEO (search engine optimization) su Google-Bing *vendere ebook con PayPal dai vostri stessi siti automaticamente *creare libri cartacei *usare le PR (pubbliche relazioni) per generare traffico *e molto altro Ricco di informazioni, esempi, con oltre 250 link a siti e software per realizzare i vostri obiettivi sui rivenditori e sui vostri siti web. Adatto ai principianti e utile agli esperti a cui farebbero comodo delle indicazioni in più. Come dieci libri in uno, la sola e unica fonte di cui avrete bisogno per avere successo.

Come creare un sito web gratis: e un blog gratis

by Jason Matthews Enrico Antonio Mion

Desiderate avere un sito web tutto vostro o imparare a come fare un blog? E che ne pensate di crearlo gratuitamente e senza costi mensili? La realtà è che grazie a piattaforme come Wordpress e Blogger tutti possono facilmente creare un sito web e un blog, persino se non si sa nulla di web design. Non c'è alcun bisogno di imparare i codici di programmazione del linguaggio HTML perché grazie a interfacce grafiche WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get, quello che vedi è quello che ottieni) si tratta di un gioco da ragazzi. Questo libro è stato scritto in modo che tutti lo possano leggere: da chi è alle prime armi con il computer agli utenti più esperti, i quali beneficeranno di consigli supplementari. Con questa guida imparerete a: Creare siti web gratuiti; Creare blog gratuiti; Personalizzare i vostri widget; Vendere con i pulsanti Paga adesso di PayPal; Aumentare il traffico web con Facebook, Twitter, YouTube e Google Plus; Massimizzare la SEO (Search Engine Optimization, ottimizzazione per i motori di ricerca); Ottenere un posizionamento favorevole nelle ricerche Google/Bing; Pubblicare articoli e comunicati stampa; Creare e arricchire una mailing list personale; ...e molto altro ancora. Inoltre è facile, divertente e si sfruttano strumenti del tutto gratuiti. Vi assicuro che risparmierete tempo, soldi e fatica. È arrivata l'ora di stabilire la vostra presenza online e di creare il vostro sito web! Tra i diversi temi troviamo: Wordpress, Blogger, il web design, i siti web gratuiti, le piattaforme per la creazione di siti web gratuiti (sitebuilder), come creare e mantenere un blog e un sito web, la SEO, Google, Yola e Webs.

Come Disdire Il Tuo Abbonamento a Netflix Online: Questa guida ti insegnerà a disdire l'abbonamento o la prova Netflix in meno di un minuto!

by Dan Gaines

-Passaggi dettagliati e facili da seguire -Risparmia tempo per capirlo da solo -Risparmia tempo senza dover passare ore a contattare l'assistenza -Annulla in pochissimo tempo senza problemi Fai clic sul pulsante "Acquista ora" per accedervi immediatamente! Disclaimer: Questo autore e/o il proprietario dei diritti non fanno rivendicazioni, promesse o garanzie in merito all'accuratezza, completezza o adeguatezza dei contenuti di questo libro e declinano espressamente la responsabilità per errori e omissioni nei contenuti all'interno. Questo prodotto è destinato al solo utilizzo come riferimento. Genere: COMPUTER / Hardware / Generale Genere secondario: COMPUTER / Hardware / Hardware di rete Lingua: Italiana Parole chiave: netflix, disdici, come fare, passaggi, prezzo, offerta, iscrizione, account, abbonamento, annuale, addebito, contatto, supporto, app, online Conteggio parole: 3000 Link libri: Amazon

Come fare soldi con le opzioni binarie

by José Manuel Moreira Batista

Un sistema completo facile da utilizzare per un trading di successo. Chi non vuole fare soldi con le opzioni binarie? Se state cercando di fare soldi con le opzioni binarie questo libro fa per voi. Insegna un metodo facile da seguire completo per negoziare le opzioni binarie. Questo metodo si basa su idea semplice ma ancora efficace: quello che ha funzionato in passato molto probabilmente non funzionerà in futuro. Il libro inizia con lo spiegare il perchè fare soldi con le opzioni binarie sia più difficile di quanto i broker ci facciano credere. Introduce nozioni base sulle opzioni binarie e rivela strategie a tempo facili da comprendere e da applicare sia per i principianti che per i veterani del trading. Vengono indicati due sistemi di gestione del denaro e i trader più esperti troveranno un capitolo dedicato alle strategie più sofisticate. L'autore del libro ha più di 25 anni di esperienza nel trading, ha ricoperto ruoli in diverse aziende, insegnato a dei corsi di finanza, contabilità ed edilizia. I suoi libri si basano su dei risultati e i suoi corsi uniscono l'esperienza con ciò che sembra base teorica con pratica compiuta, conoscenze semplici da seguire i quali portano benifici immediati a lettori e studenti.

Come guadagnare con la stampa 3D: la nuova rivoluzione digitale

by Adidas Wilson

Poiché la stampa 3D sta diventando popolare, molte persone stanno guadagnando una fortuna e stanno diventando grandi nel settore. Tale risultato potrebbe non essere un gioco da ragazzi, ma cercare modi per ottenere una svolta è di gran lunga l'unico modo per arrivarci e realizzare ciò che altri hanno concettualizzato in mezzi per fare soldi. Se hai sempre avuto interesse per la stampa 3D e vuoi guadagnare con questa tecnologia, è giunto il momento di lavorare in modo intelligente per vincere le sfide future. I modelli 3D stampabili possono essere creati con un pacchetto CAD (Computer Aided Design), tramite uno scanner 3D o con una semplice fotocamera digitale e un software di fotogrammetria. I modelli stampati in 3D creati con CAD determinano una riduzione degli errori e possono essere corretti prima della stampa, consentendo la verifica nel design dell'oggetto prima che venga stampato. Diversi progetti e aziende stanno compiendo sforzi per sviluppare stampanti 3D convenienti per l'uso desktop da casa. Gran parte di questo lavoro è stato guidato e mirato a comunità fai-da-te / creatori / appassionati / early adopter, con legami aggiuntivi con le comunità accademiche e hacker. La stampa tridimensionale rende tanto economico creare singoli articoli quanto produrne migliaia e quindi mina le economie di scala. Potrebbe avere un impatto profondo sul mondo come l'avvento della fabbrica... Proprio come nessuno avrebbe potuto prevedere l'impatto della macchina a vapore nel 1750 - o della macchina da stampa nel 1450, o del transistor nel 1950 - esso è impossibile prevedere l'impatto a lungo termine della stampa 3D. Ma la tecnologia sta arrivando ed è probabile che sconvolgerà ogni campo che tocca.

Come pubblicare un eBook senza impazzire. E che qualcuno lo legga

by Riccardo Cassetta Alejandro Aguayo

Manuale con trucchi e dritte per pubblicare un eBook e promuoverlo. Con le dritte esclusive degli autori dei libri più venduti su Amazon come Enrique Laso, Blanca Miosi, Bruno Nievas, Roberto López-Herrero, Gabri Ródenas e altri

Come Sbloccare Fire TV & TV Stick: La Guida Completa

by Rob Stiegelman

Come sbloccare Fire TV & TV Stick: la guida completa Una volta effettuato il jailbreak e aver installato Kodi sui vostri dispositivi Fire TV, avrete finalmente accesso a qualsiasi serie TV, musica o film desideriate. Contenuti del libro: Tutto ciò che c’è da sapere di Kodi su Firestick Come installare Kodi & come effettuare il jailbreaking della Firestick TV – valido per tutti i dispositivi Risoluzione problemi Godetevi l’accesso a film, musica, serie TV, Apps e molto altro! --> Cliccate “aggiungi al carrello” per comprare immediatamente questo libro Disclaimer: L'autore o il proprietario dei diritti non sostengono ne fanno promesse o garanzie sull’esattezza, esaustività o adeguatezza dei contenuti del libro e negano responsabilità per qualsiasi errore e omissione contenuta nel libro. Questo prodotto è inteso esclusivamente come materiale di riferimento personale.

Come Scrivere un eBook in un Mese: Passaggi e Consigli per Concentrarsi, Motivarsi ed Essere Creativi

by Beautrice Norfolk

Vuoi scrivere un libro senza fatica e impiegando poco tempo? Che aspetti? Scopri subito strategie e consigli che autori e autrici di best seller utilizzano per scrivere i propri capolavori! Leggendo, imparerai a: - Scrivere un Libro in Un Mese o Meno! - Scrivere le Scene Iniziali. - Impostare una Scena. - Sviluppare una Struttura. - Creare Idee. - Mantenere la Concentrazione. >>> Clicca qui per acquistare immediatamente!

A Comedian and an Activist Walk into a Bar: The Serious Role of Comedy in Social Justice (Communication for Social Justice Activism #1)

by Caty Borum Chattoo Lauren Feldman

Comedy is a powerful contemporary source of influence and information. In the still-evolving digital era, the opportunity to consume and share comedy has never been as available. And yet, despite its vast cultural imprint, comedy is a little-understood vehicle for serious public engagement in urgent social justice issues – even though humor offers frames of hope and optimism that can encourage participation in social problems. Moreover, in the midst of a merger of entertainment and news in the contemporary information ecology, and a decline in perceptions of trust in government and traditional media institutions, comedy may be a unique force for change in pressing social justice challenges. Comedians who say something serious about the world while they make us laugh are capable of mobilizing the masses, focusing a critical lens on injustices, and injecting hope and optimism into seemingly hopeless problems. By combining communication and social justice frameworks with contemporary comedy examples, authors Caty Borum Chattoo and Lauren Feldman show us how comedy can help to serve as a vehicle of change. Through rich case studies, audience research, and interviews with comedians and social justice leaders and strategists, A Comedian and an Activist Walk Into a Bar: The Serious Role of Comedy in Social Justice explains how comedy – both in the entertainment marketplace and as cultural strategy – can engage audiences with issues such as global poverty, climate change, immigration, and sexual assault, and how activists work with comedy to reach and empower publics in the networked, participatory digital media age.

Comedy, Cameos, and Campaign Communication: Leveraging Entertainment Media to Win Elections and Advance Policy (Routledge Studies in Media, Communication, and Politics)

by Jason Turcotte

This book provides a thorough foundation for understanding the shift from political campaigning via legacy news media to campaigning through entertainment media. Public discourse that would once transpire on the newsprint of opinion pages or behind a news anchor’s desk and teleprompter is now happening through talk shows and sitcoms, celebrity partnerships and influencer accounts, memes and streams, video games, branded merchandise, and social media. Here, Turcotte explores how media consumption habits have reshaped contemporary campaign norms and shifted strategies for seeking public office and advancing policy goals. He shows how candidates are incorporating entertainment media in their strategic campaigns, moving beyond satirical programs to demonstrate a multi-pronged approach to campaign communication in the entertainment environment. With a compelling introduction to these campaign shifts and an examination of tangible applications, this text is suitable for scholars as well as students in both political science and mass communication courses, particularly courses in political communication and strategic communication.

Comedy for Animators

by Jonathan Lyons

While comedy writers are responsible for creating clever scripts, comedic animators have a much more complicated problem to solve: What makes a physical character funny? Comedy for Animators breaks down the answer by exploring the techniques of those who have used their bodies to make others laugh. Drawing from traditions such as commedia dell'arte, pantomime, Vaudeville, the circus, and silent and modern film, animators will learn not only to create funny characters, but also how to execute gags, create a comic climate, and use environment as a character. Whether you're creating a comic villain or a bumbling sidekick, this is the one and only guide you need to get your audience laughing! Explanation of comedic archetypes and devices will both inspire and inform your creative choices Exploration of various modes of storytelling allows you to give the right context for your story and characters Tips for creating worlds, scenarios, and casts for your characters to flourish in Companion website includes example videos and further resources to expand your skillset--check it out at! Jonathan Lyons delivers simple, fun, illustrated lessons that teach readers to apply the principles of history's greatest physical comedians to their animated characters. This isn't stand-up comedy--it's the falling down and jumping around sort!

Comercio de productos básicos con mayor probabilidad

by Carley Garner

Este libro, y más específicamente la Sección 1, pondrá a los lectores al día sobre la mecánica, las verdades y las oportunidades que ofrece el mercado de productos básicos, al tiempo que ofrece algunos consejos para cambiar las probabilidades de éxito favorablemente. Si después de leer este párrafo, se siente inclinado a dejar el libro para buscar literatura sobre el comercio de acciones, le puedo asegurar que la especulación activa en cualquier campo conlleva grandes riesgos. Sin embargo, el comercio de productos básicos llega con ventajas únicas que potencialmente superan las oportunidades presentadas por casi todas las demás clases de activos.

Comet for Data Science: Enhance your ability to manage and optimize the life cycle of your data science project

by Angelica Lo Duca Gideon Mendels

Gain the key knowledge and skills required to manage data science projects using CometKey FeaturesDiscover techniques to build, monitor, and optimize your data science projectsMove from prototyping to production using Comet and DevOps toolsGet to grips with the Comet experimentation platformBook DescriptionThis book provides concepts and practical use cases which can be used to quickly build, monitor, and optimize data science projects. Using Comet, you will learn how to manage almost every step of the data science process from data collection through to creating, deploying, and monitoring a machine learning model.The book starts by explaining the features of Comet, along with exploratory data analysis and model evaluation in Comet. You'll see how Comet gives you the freedom to choose from a selection of programming languages, depending on which is best suited to your needs. Next, you will focus on workspaces, projects, experiments, and models. You will also learn how to build a narrative from your data, using the features provided by Comet. Later, you will review the basic concepts behind DevOps and how to extend the GitLab DevOps platform with Comet, further enhancing your ability to deploy your data science projects. Finally, you will cover various use cases of Comet in machine learning, NLP, deep learning, and time series analysis, gaining hands-on experience with some of the most interesting and valuable data science techniques available.By the end of this book, you will be able to confidently build data science pipelines according to bespoke specifications and manage them through Comet.What you will learnPrepare for your project with the right dataUnderstand the purposes of different machine learning algorithmsGet up and running with Comet to manage and monitor your pipelinesUnderstand how Comet works and how to get the most out of itSee how you can use Comet for machine learningDiscover how to integrate Comet with GitLabWork with Comet for NLP, deep learning, and time series analysisWho this book is forThis book is for anyone who has programming experience, and wants to learn how to manage and optimize a complete data science lifecycle using Comet and other DevOps platforms. Although an understanding of basic data science concepts and programming concepts is needed, no prior knowledge of Comet and DevOps is required.

Comfort and Perception in Architecture (SpringerBriefs in Architectural Design and Technology)

by J. Alstan Jakubiec

This book discusses the design of comfortable buildings and shows that design perception and, as a result, comfort should be an intentional feature of architectural design. Modern buildings are often sealed boxes without operable windows or daylighting design. However, contemporary designers increasingly find themselves faced with the task of creating spaces that are comfortable in terms of thermal and visual aspects.

The Comic Book Story of Video Games: The Incredible History of the Electronic Gaming Revolution (Comic Book Story of)

by Jonathan Hennessey

A complete, illustrated history of video games--highlighting the machines, games, and people who have made gaming a worldwide, billion-dollar industry/artform--told in a graphic novel format. Author Jonathan Hennessey and illustrator Jack McGowan present the first full-color, chronological origin story for this hugely successful, omnipresent artform and business. Hennessey provides readers with everything they need to know about video games--from their early beginnings during World War II to the emergence of arcade games in the 1970s to the rise of Nintendo to today's app-based games like Angry Birds and Pokemon Go. Hennessey and McGowan also analyze the evolution of gaming as an artform and its impact on society. Each chapter features spotlights on major players in the development of games and gaming that contains everything that gamers and non-gamers alike need to understand and appreciate this incredible phenomenon.

Comics and Videogames: From Hybrid Medialities to Transmedia Expansions (Routledge Advances in Game Studies)

by Andreas Rauscher

This book offers the first comprehensive study of the many interfaces shaping the relationship between comics and videogames. It combines in-depth conceptual reflection with a rich selection of paradigmatic case studies from contemporary media culture. The editors have gathered a distinguished group of international scholars working at the interstices of comics studies and game studies to explore two interrelated areas of inquiry: The first part of the book focuses on hybrid medialities and experimental aesthetics "between" comics and videogames; the second part zooms in on how comics and videogames function as transmedia expansions within an increasingly convergent and participatory media culture. The individual chapters address synergies and intersections between comics and videogames via a diverse set of case studies ranging from independent and experimental projects via popular franchises from the corporate worlds of DC and Marvel to the more playful forms of media mix prominent in Japan. Offering an innovative intervention into a number of salient issues in current media culture, Comics and Videogames will be of interest to scholars and students of comics studies, game studies, popular culture studies, transmedia studies, and visual culture studies.

Comics for Film, Games, and Animation: Using Comics to Construct Your Transmedia Storyworld

by Tyler Weaver

In recent years, a new market of convergence culture has developed. In this new market, one story, idea, concept, or product can be produced, distributed, appreciated, and understood by customers in a variety of different media. We are at the tipping point of this new convergence culture, and comics is a key area affected by this emerging model. In Comics for Film, Games, and Animation Tyler Weaver teaches you how to integrate comics storytelling into your own work by exploring their past, present, and future. You will explore the creation of the unique mythologies that have endured for more than seventy years, and dig into the nitty gritty of their creation, from pacing and scripting issues to collaboration. Finally, you'll gain a love and appreciation of the medium of comics, so much so that you won't be able to wait to bring that medium into your story toolbox.

The Coming Robot Revolution

by Adi Marom Yoseph Bar-Cohen David Hanson

This book discusses the emergence of humanlike robots into our everyday world. It covers the trends, possibilities, and concerns we will all feel with their emergence. Robots will walk, talk, and look ever more like people, and with the speed at which new technologies develop, this may happen very soon. Robots will be in homes, in space, in workplaces, in hospitals--everywhere. Their capabilities will soon surpass what has been usually considered science fiction. In what directions will the technology be taking us, and how will the presence of these robots challenge our identity? This book explores the fascinating implications of robot technology while alerting of its possibly disturbing flipside.

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