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Como hacer, mercadear y vender ebooks - todo gratis

by Jason Matthews Maria Jimenez

Todo para los escritores que venden ebooks. La edición electrónica habilita a los autores independientes para retener la mayor parte de las regalías. Descubra la mejor manera para: Usar las redes sociales - construir una plataforma en línea de autor Formatear y subir documentos para Amazon, Smashwords, Barnes & Noble, Apple, Google y otros. Convertir documentos a cualquier formato (epub, mobi, pdf y muchos más) Vender libros en línea Crear un sitio web Hacer un blog Diseñar cubiertas para libros electrónicos Crecer con SEO (search engine optimization) en Google-Bing Vender libros con Paypal en su propio sitio -en piloto automático- Hacer libros impresos Usar las relaciones públicas para conseguir tráfico a su sitio. Y mucho más. Lleno de información, ejemplos, más de 250 vínculos a sitios y software que le permitirán lograr sus objetivos con los canales de distribución y sus sitios web. Suficientemente simple para los principiantes y relevante para los expertos, quienes puede utilizar la orientación adicional. Es como tener diez libros en uno solo, la única fuente con todo lo que usted necesita para ser exitoso.

Cómo hacer tu propia página web gratis: y tu blog gratis

by Jason Matthews Miguel Segura

¿Quieres tener tu propia página web o aprender a cómo hacer un blog? ¿Qué te parece un creador de webs gratuito sin ningún coste mensual? Tú lo puedes hacer, es fácil para cualquiera crear una página web y empezar a publicar en tu blog con proveedores como Wordpress y Blogger, incluso si no sabes nada de diseño web. No hace falta aprender HTML porque es muy fácil con la edición WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) (lo que ves es lo que obtienes). Este libro está escrito para que cualquiera pueda entenderlo, desde el principiante hasta los usuarios avanzados, que se beneficiarán de consejos extra. Con esta guía aprenderás a: * crear páginas web gratis * crear blogs gratis * personalizar tus widgets * vender con botones de PayPal * dirigir tráfico con Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google Plus * maximizar SEO (optimización de motores de búsqueda) * subir en los rankings de Google-Bing * enviar artículos y comunicados de prensa * hacer crecer una lista de contactos de correo electrónico * y mucho más Además, es divertido y se saca lo máximo de herramientas totalmente gratuitas con la garantía de ahorrarte tiempo, dinero y esfuerzo. Hoy es el día para dar el gran salto para tener tu presencia en Internet y crear tu propia página web. Los temas incuyen: Wordpress, Blogger, diseño web, página web gratis, creador de páginas web gratis, crear una página web, blogging, crear una página web, cómo publicar un blog, SEO, Google, Yola, Webs

Cómo liberar a Roku

by Jonathan Gates

Descripción del libro Es una guía paso a paso del cómo ejecutar Kodi en todos los aparatos Roku Si no es una de las mejores características de los aparatos Roku es que puedes ejecutar Kodi en ellos. Esto te permitirá tener acceso a cualuier contenido que quieras tales como shows de TV, Música, y Películas .

Como Publicar Um Ebook Sem Dar Em Maluco. E Que Alguém O Leia

by Alejandro Aguayo Catarina Lopes

Guia prático, passo a passo, sobre como publicar um livro electrónico, sem dramas e sem os erros típicos de principiante. Oferece truques, recursos, programas e, principalmente, a experiência de muitos autores indie que triunfam hoje em dia com os seus eBooks, como Blanca Miosi, Bruno Nievas, Enrique Laso, Gabri Ródenas, Lidia Herbada, Roberto López-Herrero, Largo Javariega, entre outros.

Cómo triunfar en el mundo digital

by Lina Cáceres

Los secretos y consejos de la mánager de Calle y Poché, Pautips, Sebastián Villalobos y muchos más. Muchos se preguntan quiénes están detrás del éxito de los creadores de contenido más populares de los últimos tiempos, como Calle & Poché, Sebastián Villalobos, Juan Pablo Jaramillo, Mario Ruiz y Xime Ponch. Uno de ellos es Lina Cáceres, cofundadora del departamento digital de la agencia de representación de talentos más importante de la región, LatinWE, quien ha convertido a sus creadores digitales en celebridades multiplataforma. ¿Cuál es el secreto? ¿Cuáles son las estrategias para ampliar sus audiencias, generar contenidos de calidad y ser la imagen de grandes marcas? ¿Cuáles son las bases para entender el entorno digital hoy y durante los próximos años? Este libro responde todos los interrogantes necesarios para entender y conocer las últimas tendencias y el futuro de un sector líder en el mundo de los negocios del entretenimiento.

Como usar a Apple TV 4K: Um guia de uso para a Apple TV com o Controle Remoto Siri

by Adidas Wilson

Quando se ouve falar em Apple TV, as pessoas pensam automaticamente que estão comprando um aparelho de televisão. Mas não é isso. A Apple TV é, na verdade, um aparelho usado para streaming, parecido com o Fire, da Amazon ou com o Roku. É uma caixinha preta de quase quatro centímetros de altura, e quase dez centímetros de largura, e usa uma plataforma similar à do iPad e iPhone. É possível fazer o download de uma lista de aplicativos e jogos, algo que vai além das plataformas comuns de streaming como Hulu, Netflix e Amazon, por exemplo. A Apple TV é centrada em vários aplicativos, e ainda é capaz de transmitir vários seriados e filmes diretamente na sua HDTV, mas essa é só a ponta do iceberg de todos os usos que essa caixinha disponibiliza. Com essa caixa você pode assistir e ouvir podcasts, jogar seus jogos favoritos, ouvir a sua playlist de academia, e muito mais. Mas é importante mencionar que para aproveitar todos os benefícios que esta caixa está pronta para proporcionar, é preciso instalar os aplicativos. Alguns dos aplicativos são gratuitos, outros são pagos. Pense dessa forma; a Apple TV pode transformar a sua televisão em uma TV Smart. Você pode alugar seus filmes favoritos ou assistir à coleção da sua conta do iTunes. Você também pode assistir filmes e seriados nos aplicativos como Netflix e Hulu Plus; e ouvir música dos aplicativos Pandora e Apple Music. A lista de coisas que a Apple TV pode fazer por você é interminável. A Apple TV 4K foi feita com alguns dos processadores mais rápidos que existem, os mesmos do iPad Pro. A caixa da Apple TV foi projetada para ser tão potente quanto a maioria dos laptops que usamos. Ela também tem processadores gráficos velozes que foram projetados para transformar a caixinha preta em um console de videogame. Nada parece ser melhor do que isso. A Apple realmente deu uma nova cara à nova geração, mas isso não significa que você deva jogar o seu modelo antigo fora, é a mesma cois

Comp TIA A+ Guide to Software: Managing, Maintaining, and Troubleshooting

by Jean Andrews Joy Dark Jill West

This step-by-step, highly visual text provides a comprehensive introduction to managing and maintaining computer hardware and software. Written by best-selling author and educator Jean Andrews, A+ Guide to Software, Ninth Edition closely integrates the CompTIA A+ Exam objectives to prepare students for the 220-902 certification exam. The new Ninth Edition also features extensive updates to reflect current technology, techniques, and industry standards in the dynamic, fast-paced field of PC repair and information technology. Each chapter covers both core concepts and advanced topics, organizing material to facilitate practical application and encourage students to learn by doing. The new edition features more coverage of security, virtualization, new coverage of cloud computing, Linux and Mac OS, and increased emphasis on mobile devices. Supported by a wide range of supplemental resources to enhance learning with Lab Manuals, CourseNotes, online labs and the optional MindTap that includes labs, certification test prep and interactive exercises and activities, this proven text offers students an ideal way to prepare for success as a professional IT support technician.

Compact and Fast Machine Learning Accelerator for IoT Devices (Computer Architecture and Design Methodologies)

by Hantao Huang Hao Yu

This book presents the latest techniques for machine learning based data analytics on IoT edge devices. A comprehensive literature review on neural network compression and machine learning accelerator is presented from both algorithm level optimization and hardware architecture optimization. Coverage focuses on shallow and deep neural network with real applications on smart buildings. The authors also discuss hardware architecture design with coverage focusing on both CMOS based computing systems and the new emerging Resistive Random-Access Memory (RRAM) based systems. Detailed case studies such as indoor positioning, energy management and intrusion detection are also presented for smart buildings.

Compact Data Structures

by Gonzalo Navarro

Compact data structures help represent data in reduced space while allowing it to be queried, navigated, and operated in compressed form. They are essential tools for efficiently handling massive amounts of data by exploiting the memory hierarchy. They also reduce the resources needed in distributed deployments and make better use of the limited memory in low-end devices. The field has developed rapidly, reaching a level of maturity that allows practitioners and researchers in application areas to benefit from the use of compact data structures. This first comprehensive book on the topic focuses on the structures that are most relevant for practical use. Readers will learn how the structures work, how to choose the right ones for their application scenario, and how to implement them. Researchers and students in the area will find in the book a definitive guide to the state of the art in compact data structures.

Compact Extended Linear Programming Models (EURO Advanced Tutorials on Operational Research)

by Giuseppe Lancia Paolo Serafini

This book provides a handy, unified introduction to the theory of compact extended formulations of exponential-size integer linear programming (ILP) models. Compact extended formulations are equally powerful, but polynomially-sized, models whose solutions do not require the implementation of separation and pricing procedures. The book is written in a general, didactic, form first developing the background theoretical concepts (polyhedra, projections, linear and integer programming) and then delving into the various techniques for compact extended reformulations. The techniques are illustrated through a wealth of examples touching on many application areas, such as classical combinatorial optimization, network design, timetabling, scheduling, routing, computational biology and bioinformatics. The book is intended for graduate or PhD students - either as an advanced course on selected topics or within a more general course on ILP and Mathematical Programming - as well as for practitioners and software engineers in industry looking at techniques for developing optimization models for their specific problems.

Compact Models and Measurement Techniques for High-Speed Interconnects (SpringerBriefs in Electrical and Computer Engineering)

by Rohit Sharma Tapas Chakravarty

Compact Models and Measurement Techniques for High-Speed Interconnects provides detailed analysis of issues related to high-speed interconnects from the perspective of modeling approaches and measurement techniques. Particular focus is laid on the unified approach (variational method combined with the transverse transmission line technique) to develop efficient compact models for planar interconnects. This book will give a qualitative summary of the various reported modeling techniques and approaches and will help researchers and graduate students with deeper insights into interconnect models in particular and interconnect in general. Time domain and frequency domain measurement techniques and simulation methodology are also explained in this book.

Compact Numerical Methods for Computers: Linear Algebra and Function Minimisation

by John C. Nash

This second edition of Compact Numerical Methods for Computers presents reliable yet compact algorithms for computational problems. As in the previous edition, the author considers specific mathematical problems of wide applicability, develops approaches to a solution and the consequent algorithm, and provides the program steps. He emphasizes usefu

Compact Representations for the Design of Quantum Logic (SpringerBriefs in Physics)

by Robert Wille Philipp Niemann

This book discusses modern approaches and challenges of computer-aided design (CAD) of quantum circuits with a view to providing compact representations of quantum functionality. Focusing on the issue of quantum functionality, it presents Quantum Multiple-Valued Decision Diagrams (QMDDs - a means of compactly and efficiently representing and manipulating quantum logic. For future quantum computers, going well beyond the size of present-day prototypes, the manual design of quantum circuits that realize a given (quantum) functionality on these devices is no longer an option. In order to keep up with the technological advances, methods need to be provided which, similar to the design and synthesis of conventional circuits, automatically generate a circuit description of the desired functionality. To this end, an efficient representation of the desired quantum functionality is of the essence. While straightforward representations are restricted due to their (exponentially) large matrix descriptions and other decision diagram-like structures for quantum logic suffer from not comprehensively supporting typical characteristics, QMDDs employ a decomposition scheme that more naturally models quantum systems. As a result, QMDDs explicitly support quantum-mechanical effects like phase shifts and are able to take more advantage of corresponding redundancies, thereby allowing a very compact representation of relevant quantum functionality composed of dozens of qubits. This provides the basis for the development of sophisticated design methods as shown for quantum circuit synthesis and verification.

A Companion to Digital Art

by Christiane Paul

Reflecting the dynamic creativity of its subject, this definitive guide spans the evolution, aesthetics, and practice of today s digital art, combining fresh, emerging perspectives with the nuanced insights of leading theorists. Showcases the critical and theoretical approaches in this fast-moving discipline Explores the history and evolution of digital art; its aesthetics and politics; as well as its often turbulent relationships with established institutions Provides a platform for the most influential voices shaping the current discourse surrounding digital art, combining fresh, emerging perspectives with the nuanced insights of leading theorists Tackles digital art s primary practical challenges how to present, document, and preserve pieces that could be erased forever by rapidly accelerating technological obsolescence Up-to-date, forward-looking, and critically reflective, this authoritative new collection is informed throughout by a deep appreciation of the technical intricacies of digital art

A Companion to Digital Humanities

by Susan Schreibman Ray Siemens John Unsworth

This Companion offers overview of the emerging field of humanities computing. Major sections focus on the experience of particular disciplines in applying computational methods to research problems; the basic principles of humanities computing and archiving.

Comparable Corpora and Computer-assisted Translation

by Estelle Maryline Delpech

Computer-assisted translation (CAT) has always used translation memories, which require the translator to have a corpus of previous translations that the CAT software can use to generate bilingual lexicons. This can be problematic when the translator does not have such a corpus, for instance, when the text belongs to an emerging field. To solve this issue, CAT research has looked into the leveraging of comparable corpora, i.e. a set of texts, in two or more languages, which deal with the same topic but are not translations of one another. This work had two primary objectives. The first is to assess the input of lexicons extracted from comparable corpora in the context of a specialized human translation task. The second objective is to identify bilingual-lexicon-extraction methods which best match the translators’ needs, determining the current limits of these techniques and suggesting improvements. The author focuses, in particular, on the identification of fertile translations, the management of multiple morphological structures, and the ranking of candidate translations. The experiments are carried out on two language pairs (English–French and English–German) and on specialized texts dealing with breast cancer. This research puts significant emphasis on applicability – methodological choices are guided by the needs of the final users. This book is organized in two parts: the first part presents the applicative and scientific context of the research, and the second part is given over to efforts to improve compositional translation. The research work presented in this book received the PhD Thesis award 2014 from the French association for natural language processing (ATALA).

Comparative Analysis of Deterministic and Nondeterministic Decision Trees (Intelligent Systems Reference Library #179)

by Mikhail Moshkov

This book compares four parameters of problems in arbitrary information systems: complexity of problem representation and complexity of deterministic, nondeterministic, and strongly nondeterministic decision trees for problem solving. Deterministic decision trees are widely used as classifiers, as a means of knowledge representation, and as algorithms. Nondeterministic (strongly nondeterministic) decision trees can be interpreted as systems of true decision rules that cover all objects (objects from one decision class). This book develops tools for the study of decision trees, including bounds on complexity and algorithms for construction of decision trees for decision tables with many-valued decisions. It considers two approaches to the investigation of decision trees for problems in information systems: local, when decision trees can use only attributes from the problem representation; and global, when decision trees can use arbitrary attributes from the information system. For both approaches, it describes all possible types of relationships among the four parameters considered and discusses the algorithmic problems related to decision tree optimization. The results presented are useful for researchers who apply decision trees and rules to algorithm design and to data analysis, especially those working in rough set theory, test theory and logical analysis of data. This book can also be used as the basis for graduate courses.

Comparative Analysis of ICT in Education Between China and Central and Eastern European Countries (Lecture Notes in Educational Technology)

by Dejian Liu Ronghuai Huang Bojan Lalic Haijun Zeng Nikola Zivlak

This book presents the status quo of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Education, with a focus on China and the 17 Central and Eastern European Countries (CEECs), including Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia (the “17+1” cooperation mechanism, as an incubator for pragmatic trans-regions cooperation platform, created by China and the 17 CEECs). With recent advances in ICT in China and the CEECs, it has assumed increasingly important roles in education, including the improvement of the quality of teaching and learning, as well as the promotion of equity in education. The significant contribution of ICT in education is an enabler to achieving the goals of the “17+1 cooperation” mechanism between China and the CEECs, which has attracted considerable attention worldwide, given fresh impetus to cooperation between the two parties, and opened a new chapter in China-CEEC cooperation.The contributors, all of whom hail from these 18 countries, describe the state-of-the-art of ICT in education in their respective country, and focus on three major aspects, namely: the country profile, general status of education development, and ICT in education. In turn, leading experts in educational informatization research compare the situations in different countries. Taken together, the papers offer valuable insights for policymakers and educators on how to integrate ICT into educational processes, and on inter-regional cooperation with regard to ICT in education.

Comparative Design of Structures: Concepts and Methodologies

by Zhen Huang Shaopei Lin

This book presents comparative design as an approach to the conceptual design of structures. Primarily focusing on reasonable structural performance, sustainable development and architectural aesthetics, it features detailed studies of structural performance through the composition and de-composition of these elements for a variety of structures, such as high-rise buildings, long-span crossings and spatial structures. The latter part of the book addresses the theoretical basis and practical implementation of knowledge engineering in structural design, and a case-based fuzzy reasoning method is introduced to illustrate the concept and method of intelligent design. The book is intended for civil engineers, structural designers and architects, as well as senior undergraduate and graduate students in civil engineering and architecture. Lin Shaopei and Huang Zhen are both Professors at the Department of Civil Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China.

Comparative E-Government: Comparative Studies (Integrated Series in Information Systems #25)

by Christopher G. Reddick

Comparative E-Government examines the impact of information and communication technology (ICT) on governments throughout the world. It focuses on the adoption of e-government both by comparing different countries, and by focusing on individual countries and the success and challenges that they have faced. With 32 chapters from leading e-government scholars and practitioners from around the world, there is representation of developing and developed countries and their different stages of e-government adoption. Part I compares the adoption of e-government in two or more countries. The purpose of these chapters is to discern the development of e-government by comparing different counties and their individual experiences. Part II provides a more in-depth focus on case studies of e-government adoption in select countries. Part III, the last part of the book, examines emerging innovations and technologies in the adoption of e-government in different countries. Some of the emerging technologies are the new social media movement, the development of e-participation, interoperability, and geographic information systems (GIS).

Comparative Efficiency in Data Envelopment Analysis Based on Ratio Analysis (Studies in Big Data #138)

by Farhad Hosseinzadeh Lotfi Tofigh Allahviranloo Witold Pedrycz Mohammad Reza Mozaffari Javad Gerami

The combination of DEA and ratio analysis is introduced as a suitable field for evaluating the performance of DMUs. In this regard, DEA-R is also proposed as a hybrid technique for calculating efficiency, ranking DMUs, and finding efficient faces. Therefore, the relationship between DEA and DEA-R provides a suitable field for researchers in the field of evaluating the performance of DMUs. The audience of this book is not limited to researchers in mathematics fields, but experts and students in industrial engineering and management fields also benefit from the topics of this book.

Comparative Genomics: 16th International Conference, RECOMB-CG 2018, Magog-Orford, QC, Canada, October 9-12, 2018, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #11183)

by Mathieu Blanchette Aïda Ouangraoua

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Comparative Genomics, RECOMB-CG 2018, held in Magog-Orford, QC, Canada, in October 2018.The 18 full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 29 submissions. The papers cover topics such as: genome rearrangements; genome sequencing; applied comparative genomics; reconciliation and coalescence; and phylogenetics.

Comparative Genomics: 15th International Workshop, RECOMB CG 2017, Barcelona, Spain, October 4-6, 2017, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #10562)

by Joao Meidanis Luay Nakhleh

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 15th International Workshop Comparative Genomics, RECOMB-CG 2017, held in Barcelona, Spain, in October 2017. The 16 full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 32 submissions. The papers report original research in all areas of Comparative Genomics.

Comparative Genomics: 21st International Conference, RECOMB-CG 2024, Boston, MA, USA, April 27–28, 2024, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14616)

by Celine Scornavacca Maribel Hernández-Rosales

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Comparative Genomics, RECOMB-CG 2024, which was held in Boston, MA, USA, during April 27–28, 2024. The 13 full papers presented in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 21 submissions. The papers are divided into the following topical sections: phylogenetic networks; homology and phylogenetic reconstruction; tools for evolution reconstruction; genome rearrangements; and genome evolution.

Comparative Information Technology: Languages, Societies and the Internet (Globalisation, Comparative Education and Policy Research #4)

by Joseph Zajda Donna Gibbs

This volume offers a critique of the nexus between ICT and its impact on society, individuals and educational institutions. One of the most significant dimensions of globalisation has been the rapid development of information and communications technologies (ICTs). Our lives have been changed by ICTs in numerous ways and the implications for education are enormous. The ICTs have transformed the linguistic, cognitive and visual dimensions of human communication, as well as our perceptions of the self, and social identity in the global culture. They have facilitated the development of new dimensions of digital literacy, such as blogging and sms messaging. In this sense, cyberlanguage continues to evolve by borrowing and adapting familiar words, coining new expressions, and embracing particular styles. The book provides directions in education and policy research, relevant to transformational educational reforms in the 21st century.

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Showing 11,026 through 11,050 of 59,175 results