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Complexity in Information Systems Development: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Information Systems Development (Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation #22)

by Michael Lang Christoph Schneider Chris Barry Henry Linger Jerzy Gołuchowski Małgorzata Pańkowska

This volume is a collection of papers on emerging concepts, approaches and ideas in information systems research. It examines theoretical and methodological issues related to both information systems development in general and the complexity of information systems as socio-technical systems. The book draws on invited papers selected from the proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD) held in Katowice, Poland, August 24 - 26, 2016. The invited conference papers were revised and expanded and present research that is focused on context, creativity, and cognition in information systems development. These issues are significant as they provide the basis for organizations to identify new markets, support innovative technology deployment, and enable mobile applications to detect, sense, interpret, and respond to the environment.

Compliance: EXCERPT from Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 Inside Out

by Tony Redmond

This content is a direct excerpt of Chapter 11 from the book Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 Inside Out: Mailbox & High Availability. This concise ebook is offered independently of the larger book for those seeking specific, focused information on compliance management and support in Exchange Server 2013. Directly excerpts Chapter 11 from the book Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 Inside Out: Mailbox & High Availability Offered as concise, standalone content for Exchange professionals looking for narrowly focused reference or specific problem-solving information on compliance issues and features Written by award-winning author Tony Redmond, MVP for Exchange Server

Compliance by Design

by Chong Ee

A must have book for anyone who is looking to develop awareness and deeper insight into IT controls, strategies and techniques to solve compliance challenges!What does 'compliance' mean to you? Is it a burden, a box-ticking exercise, or a way to avoid the penalties of non-compliance? Or do you see the opportunities it presents for your business? In Compliance by Design, Chong Ee will show you how your organisation can benefit from becoming compliant with the relevant national and international standards. You will discover how integrating controls into your processes will improve your security, increase your productivity, save you time and money, and increase your profits. Drawing on personal experience and using up-to-date, practical examples, the book considers the elements and principles of controls, and offers strategies to put them in place. It will show you how to:implement changes that will improve your processes allay fears and overcome resistance from your stakeholders integrate controls into your everyday processes achieve synergy from interconnected processes assess your priorities and handle conflicting objectives analyse and manage risks establish a system of controls that is right for your business manage your technology to make it work for you. Moving away from traditional effortsTraditional efforts in attaining or sustaining IT compliance employ an outside-looking-in approach, characterised by capturing varied compliance requirements and/or frameworks and applying these within the organisation. This book advocates an inside-looking-out approach, emphasising fundamental ideas of good control design as the basis for developing effective and sustainable IT compliance strategies. Tools and techniquesIntended to arm you with the tools and techniques to put in place the right system of internal controls, the focus is on IT controls, but with plenty of references to business and entity controls, too.

Compliance for Green IT: A Pocket Guide

by Alan Calder

Rising levels of CO2 in the atmosphere are leading to a gradual rise in the temperature of the earth. With the signature of the Kyoto Protocol in 1997, many countries committed themselves to lowering their emissions of greenhouse gases in order to reduce the speed at which climate change is happening. Many organisations are now responding to the issue of climate change by improving their energy efficiency. Public opinion and customer expectations are also encouraging companies to adopt green initiatives. IT represents an important element of your organisation's environmental policy, not only as regards carbon emissions but also in terms of waste disposal. This pocket guide is intended to provide company directors and executives with a brief guide to the regulatory requirements that are driven by the Green Agenda. It offers you an overview of the key legislative initiatives and environmental standards, and includes an examination of carbon trading schemes.

Compliance-Industrial Complex: The Operating System of a Pre-Crime Society

by Tereza Østbø Kuldova

This is the first book to examine the growth and phenomenon of a securitized and criminalized compliance society which relies increasingly on intelligence-led and predictive technologies to control future risks, crimes, and security threats. It articulates the emergence of a ‘compliance-industrial complex’ that synthesizes regulatory capitalism and surveillance capitalism to impose new regimes of power and control, as well as new forms of subjectivity subservient to the ‘operating system’ of a pre-crime society. Looking at compliance beyond frameworks of business management, corporate governance, law, and accounting, it looks as it as a social phenomenon, instrumental in the pluralization and privatization of policing, where the private intelligence, private security, and big tech companies are being concentrated at the very core of compliance, and hence, governance of the social. The critical book draws on transversal, rather than interdisciplinary, approaches and integrates disparate perspectives, inspired by works in critical criminology, critical algorithm studies, critical management studies, as well as social anthropology and philosophy.

Compliance Management in Financial Industries: A Model-based Business Process and Reporting Perspective (SpringerBriefs in Information Systems)

by Mathias Eggert

Since the peak of the world financial crisis in 2008, compliance management has gained more and more interest from practice and research. In particular the financial service industry is strongly regulated and has to follow specific laws, standards and guidelines. Considering the steadily increasing number of legal requirements in the design of information systems is a challenge to financial service providers. This book investigates the challenges of compliance management in financial industries and provides solutions for a compliant design of information models. From a business process perspective, an approach is presented that enables the automatic checking of business process models. From a supervisory reporting perspective a modeling technique is presented that allows for modeling regulatory data warehouse requirements as well as its analysis. Besides these two perspectives the author provides insights into the perceived relationship of Information Systems and Law.

Component-Based Software Engineering: Methods and Metrics

by Umesh Kumar Tiwari Santosh Kumar

This book focuses on a specialized branch of the vast domain of software engineering: component-based software engineering (CBSE). Component-Based Software Engineering: Methods and Metrics enhances the basic understanding of components by defining categories, characteristics, repository, interaction, complexity, and composition. It divides the research domain of CBSE into three major sub-domains: (1) reusability issues, (2) interaction and integration issues, and (3) testing and reliability issues. This book covers the state-of-the-art literature survey of at least 20 years in the domain of reusability, interaction and integration complexities, and testing and reliability issues of component-based software engineering. The aim of this book is not only to review and analyze the previous works conducted by eminent researchers, academicians, and organizations in the context of CBSE, but also suggests innovative, efficient, and better solutions. A rigorous and critical survey of traditional and advanced paradigms of software engineering is provided in the book. Features: In-interactions and Out-Interactions both are covered to assess the complexity. In the context of CBSE both white-box and black-box testing methods and their metrics are described. This work covers reliability estimation using reusability which is an innovative method. Case studies and real-life software examples are used to explore the problems and their solutions. Students, research scholars, software developers, and software designers or individuals interested in software engineering, especially in component-based software engineering, can refer to this book to understand the concepts from scratch. These measures and metrics can be used to estimate the software before the actual coding commences.

Component-Based Systems: Estimating Efforts Using Soft Computing Techniques

by Kirti Seth Ashish Seth Aprna Tripathi

Businesses today are faced with a highly competitive market and fast-changing technologies. In order to meet demanding customers’ needs, they rely on high quality software. A new field of study, soft computing techniques, is needed to estimate the efforts invested in component-based software. Component-Based Systems: Estimating Efforts Using Soft Computing Techniques is an important resource that uses computer-based models for estimating efforts of software. It provides an overview of component-based software engineering, while addressing uncertainty involved in effort estimation and expert opinions. This book will also instruct the reader how to develop mathematical models. This book is an excellent source of information for students and researchers to learn soft computing models, their applications in software management, and will help software developers, managers, and those in the industry to apply soft computing techniques to estimate efforts.

Component- Oriented Development and Assembly: Paradigm, Principles, and Practice using Java (Infosys Press)

by Piram Manickam S. Sangeetha S. V. Subrahmanya

This book supplies comprehensive coverage of the principles, practice, and paradigm of component-oriented development and assembly. The first part provides the conceptual foundation for component-oriented software. Part II focuses on the various standard Java component models and describes how to develop a component-oriented system using these component models. Part III covers the various aspects of the component-oriented development paradigm. The text focuses on component oriented software development from a technical concepts perspective, designer's perspective, programmer's perspective, and manager's perspective.

Componential Analysis of Kinship Terminology

by Vladimir Pericliev

This book presents the first computer program automating the task of componential analysis of kinship vocabularies. The book examines the program in relation to two basic problems: the commonly occurring inconsistency of componential models; and the huge number of alternative componential models.

Components and Services for IoT Platforms: Paving the Way for IoT Standards

by Michael Hübner Nikolaos Voros Georgios Keramidas

This book serves as a single-source reference to the state-of-the-art in Internet of Things (IoT) platforms, services, tools, programming languages, and applications. In particular, the authors focus on IoT-related requirements such as low-power, time-to-market, connectivity, reliability, interoperability, security, and privacy. Authors discuss the question of whether we need new IoT standardization bodies or initiatives, toward a fully connected, cyber-physical world. Coverage includes the research outcomes of several, current European projects related to IoT platforms, services, APIs, tools, and applications.

Composability, Comprehensibility and Correctness of Working Software: 8th Summer School, CEFP 2019, Budapest, Hungary, June 17–21, 2019, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #11950)

by Zoltán Porkoláb Viktória Zsók

This book constitutes the revised selected papers of the 8th Summer School, CEFP 2019, held in Budapest, Hungary, during June 2019.The 7 full papers and the 4 short papers included in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected. The lectures cover various programming subjects with a focus on composability, comprehensibility, and correctness of working software.

Composable Enterprise: Gamechanger für Organisation, Digitalisierung und Unternehmenssoftware

by August-Wilhelm Scheer

Der Nutzen der Digitalisierung liegt nicht im Einsatz neuer Technologien für bestehende Prozesse, sondern in organisatorischen Änderungen und neuen Geschäftsmodellen. Das Buch stellt das Composable Enterprise als Leitbild für eine erfolgreiche digitale Transformation und damit verbundene Kostenreduktionen und Umsatzsteigerungen heraus. Was bedeutet das? Ein Composable Enterprise ist dezentral prozessorientiert organisiert. Dadurch kann das Unternehmen schnell auf neue Situationen reagieren, Prozesse und Geschäftsmodelle entwickeln oder verändern. Die Informationssysteme basieren auf Plattformarchitekturen. Ein Paradigmenwechsel zu monolithischen Anwendungen.Branchenkonzepte für Industrie, Consulting und Hochschulen zeigen, wie Organisation und Anwendungsarchitekturen im Composable Enterprise ineinandergreifen.Der Leser erhält Inspiration, Fundament und einen Kompass für die digitale Transformation eines Unternehmens zum Composable Enterprise.

The Composable Enterprise: A Gamechanger for Organisations, Digitisation and Business Software

by August-Wilhelm Scheer

The benefits of digitalisation do not lie in the use of new technologies for existing processes, but in organisational changes and new business models. The book highlights the composable enterprise as the guiding principle for successful digital transformation and associated cost reductions and revenue increases. What does it mean? A composable enterprise is organised in a decentralised process-oriented way. This allows the enterprise to react quickly to new situations, develop or change processes and business models. The information systems are based on platform architectures. A paradigm shift to monolithic applications.Sector concepts for industry, consulting and universities show how organisation and application architectures interlock in the composable enterprise.The reader receives inspiration, a foundation and a compass for the digital transformation of a company to the composable enterprise.

A Composer's Guide to Game Music (The\mit Press Ser.)

by Winifred Phillips

A comprehensive, practical guide to composing video game music, from acquiring the necessary skills to finding work in the field.Music in video games is often a sophisticated, complex composition that serves to engage the player, set the pace of play, and aid interactivity. Composers of video game music must master an array of specialized skills not taught in the conservatory, including the creation of linear loops, music chunks for horizontal resequencing, and compositional fragments for use within a generative framework. In A Composer's Guide to Game Music, Winifred Phillips—herself an award-winning composer of video game music—provides a comprehensive, practical guide that leads an aspiring video game composer from acquiring the necessary creative skills to understanding the function of music in games to finding work in the field.Musicians and composers may be drawn to game music composition because the game industry is a multibillion-dollar, employment-generating economic powerhouse, but, Phillips writes, the most important qualification for a musician who wants to become a game music composer is a love of video games. Phillips offers detailed coverage of essential topics, including musicianship and composition experience; immersion; musical themes; music and game genres; workflow; working with a development team; linear music; interactive music, both rendered and generative; audio technology, from mixers and preamps to software; and running a business.A Composer's Guide to Game Music offers indispensable guidance for musicians and composers who want to deploy their creativity in a dynamic and growing industry, protect their musical identities while working in a highly technical field, and create great music within the constraints of a new medium.

A Composer's Guide to Game Music

by Winifred Phillips

Music in video games is often a sophisticated, complex composition that serves toengage the player, set the pace of play, and aid interactivity. Composers of video game music mustmaster an array of specialized skills not taught in the conservatory, including the creation oflinear loops, music chunks for horizontal resequencing, and compositional fragments for use within agenerative framework. In A Composer's Guide to Game Music, Winifred Phillips --herself an award-winning composer of video game music -- provides a comprehensive, practical guidethat leads an aspiring video game composer from acquiring the necessary creative skills tounderstanding the function of music in games to finding work in the field. Musicians and composersmay be drawn to game music composition because the game industry is a multibillion-dollar,employment-generating economic powerhouse, but, Phillips writes, the most important qualificationfor a musician who wants to become a game music composer is a love of video games. Phillips offersdetailed coverage of essential topics, including musicianship and composition experience; immersion;musical themes; music and game genres; workflow; working with a development team; linear music;interactive music, both rendered and generative; audio technology, from mixers and preamps tosoftware; and running a business. A Composer's Guide to Game Music offersindispensable guidance for musicians and composers who want to deploy their creativity in a dynamicand growing industry, protect their musical identities while working in a highly technical field,and create great music within the constraints of a new medium.

Composing Audiovisually: Perspectives on audiovisual practices and relationships (Sound Design)

by Louise Harris

What does the Coen Brothers’ Barton Fink have in common with Norman McLaren’s Synchromy? Or with audiovisual sculpture? Or contemporary music video? Composing Audiovisually interrogates how the relationship between the audiovisual media in these works, and our interaction with them, might allow us to develop mechanisms for talking about and understanding our experience of audiovisual media across a broad range of modes. Presenting close readings of audiovisual artefacts, conversations with artists, consideration of contemporary pedagogy and a detailed conceptual and theoretical framework that considers the nature of contemporary audiovisual experience, this book attempts to address gaps in our discourse on audiovisual modes, and offer possible starting points for future, genuinely transdisciplinary thinking in the field.

Composing Fisher Kernels from Deep Neural Models: A Practitioner's Approach (SpringerBriefs in Computer Science)

by Sarah Ahmed Tayyaba Azim

This book shows machine learning enthusiasts and practitioners how to get the best of both worlds by deriving Fisher kernels from deep learning models. In addition, the book shares insight on how to store and retrieve large-dimensional Fisher vectors using feature selection and compression techniques. Feature selection and feature compression are two of the most popular off-the-shelf methods for reducing data’s high-dimensional memory footprint and thus making it suitable for large-scale visual retrieval and classification. Kernel methods long remained the de facto standard for solving large-scale object classification tasks using low-level features, until the revival of deep models in 2006. Later, they made a comeback with improved Fisher vectors in 2010. However, their supremacy was always challenged by various versions of deep models, now considered to be the state of the art for solving various machine learning and computer vision tasks. Although the two research paradigms differ significantly, the excellent performance of Fisher kernels on the Image Net large-scale object classification dataset has caught the attention of numerous kernel practitioners, and many have drawn parallels between the two frameworks for improving the empirical performance on benchmark classification tasks. Exploring concrete examples on different data sets, the book compares the computational and statistical aspects of different dimensionality reduction approaches and identifies metrics to show which approach is superior to the other for Fisher vector encodings. It also provides references to some of the most useful resources that could provide practitioners and machine learning enthusiasts a quick start for learning and implementing a variety of deep learning models and kernel functions.

Composing Music for Games: The Art, Technology and Business of Video Game Scoring

by Chance Thomas

Composing Music for Games is a guidebook for launching and maintaining a successful career as a video game composer. It offers a pragmatic approach to learning, intensified through challenging project assignments and simulations. Author Chance Thomas begins with the foundation of scoring principles applicable to all media, and then progresses serially through core methodologies specific to video game music. This book offers a powerful blend of aesthetic, technique, technology and business, which are all necessary components for a successful career as a video game composer.

Composite Sampling: A Novel Method to Accomplish Observational Economy in Environmental Studies (Environmental and Ecological Statistics #4)

by Sharad D. Gore Ganapati P. Patil Charles Taillie

Sampling consists of selection, acquisition, and quantification of a part of the population. While selection and acquisition apply to physical sampling units of the population, quantification pertains only to the variable of interest, which is a particular characteristic of the sampling units. A sampling procedure is expected to provide a sample that is representative with respect to some specified criteria. Composite sampling, under idealized conditions, incurs no loss of information for estimating the population means. But an important limitation to the method has been the loss of information on individual sample values, such as, the extremely large value. In many of the situations where individual sample values are of interest or concern, composite sampling methods can be suitably modified to retrieve the information on individual sample values that may be lost due to compositing. This book presents statistical solutions to issues that arise in the context of applications of composite sampling.

Composition Digital Field Guide

by Alan Hess

The go-with-you guide for creating strong compositions every time you take a photo Composition requires purposeful placement of elements within the frame, including backgrounds, foregrounds, main subjects, and much more. It can take years to acquire strong compositional skills. That's where Composition Digital Field Guide comes in. Packed with full-color photos, this handy guide teaches you how to bring together photographic elements to produce photos that are unique, creative, and memorable. Addresses the skills required to master the art of good composition when taking digital photos Walks you through framing your images carefully, which is the first key step in capturing a strong photograph Features hundreds of stunning and inspiring full-color photos of people, wildlife, and landscapes Includes the newest feature of the Digital Field Guide series: a removable color checker card to help ensure true color in your photographs It will be difficult to keep your composition while reading the invaluable advice in Composition Digital Field Guide!

Composition for the 21st ½ century, Vol 1: Image-making for Animation

by Thomas Paul Thesen

Composition for the 21st ½ century: Image-Making for Animation focuses on composition and its technical and artistic application in animation, illustration, games, and films. It covers all aspects of design and discusses in detail their artistic applicability and impact on image and narrative. Emphasis is placed on the ability of each aspect to support and affect the narrative. Additional case studies explain the successful use of these concepts in films and animation. This book is geared toward students; however, it is also reader-friendly for professionals. Composition for the 21st ½ century: Image-Making for Animation’s goal is to comprehend composition as an artistic tool and as a significant part of the professional image-making process. Key Features: Teaches the complexity of composition in image-making. Closes the gap between praxis and theory in animation. Explains how to produce images that support the narrative in their visuals. Discusses the need for artistic reasoning in image-making. Presents case studies that assist the reader in understanding the process as they progress through this book. Author Bio: For more than twenty years, Thomas Paul Thesen’s career has been about learning and understanding the complexities of art, animation, and image-making, both in still illustration, drawing, and photography, and in the moving image. He has worked in the industry as a character animator and visual development artist for companies such as Pixar, DreamWorks, and Sprite Animation Studios. He has also taught for many years at universities across Asia, the USA, and the UK.

Composition for the 21st ½ century, Vol 2: Characters in Animation

by Thomas Paul Thesen

Composition for the 21st ½ century: Characters in Animation focuses on characters and their application in animation, illustration, games, and films. It covers various technical aspects of character design and their artistic applicability. This book analyzes in detail the purpose of these character design features and provides examples of their impact. Emphasis is placed on each aspect and how it affects and is affected by the narrative. Additionally, complex case studies that assist in explaining the successful use of these concepts in films and animation are included. This book is geared toward students; however, it is also reader-friendly for professionals. Composition for the 21st ½ century: Characters in Animation’s goal is to comprehend composition as an artistic tool and as a significant part of the professional character design process. Key Features: Teaches the complexity of composition in the professional character design process. Closes the gap between praxis and theory in character design. Explains how to produce believable characters that express their narrative in the visuals. Discusses the need for artistic reasoning in character design. Presents case studies to assist readers in understanding the process as they progress through this book. Author Bio: For more than twenty years, Thomas Paul Thesen’s career has been about learning and understanding the complexities of art, animation, and image-making, both in still illustration, drawing, and photography and in the moving image. He has worked in the industry as a character animator and visual development artist for companies such as Pixar, DreamWorks, and Sprite Animation Studios. He has also taught for many years at universities across Asia, the USA, and the UK.

Composition in Convergence: The Impact of New Media on Writing Assessment

by Diane Penrod

Composition in Convergence: The Impact of New Media on Writing Assessment considers how technological forms--such as computers and online courses--transform the assessment of writing, in addition to text classroom activity. Much has been written on how technology has affected writing, but assessment has had little attention. In this book, author Diane Penrod examines how, on the one hand, computer technology and interactive material create a disruption of conventional literacy practices (reading, writing, interpreting, and critique), while, on the other hand, the influence of computers allows teachers to propose and develop new models for thinking and writing to engage students in real-world settings.This text is intended for scholars and educators in writing and composition, educational assessment, writing and technology, computers and composition, and electronic literacy. In addition, it is appropriate for graduate students planning to teach and assess electronic writing or teach in online environments.

Comprehending the Complexity of Countries: The Way Ahead

by Hans Kuijper

This book argues for computer-aided collaborative country research based on the science of complex and dynamic systems. It provides an in-depth discussion of systems and computer science, concluding that proper understanding of a country is only possible if a genuinely interdisciplinary and truly international approach is taken; one that is based on complexity science and supported by computer science. Country studies should be carefully designed and collaboratively carried out, and a new generation of country students should pay more attention to the fast growing potential of digitized and electronically connected libraries. In this frenzied age of globalization, foreign policy makers may – to the benefit of a better world – profit from the radically new country studies pleaded for in the book. Its author emphasizes that reductionism and holism are not antagonistic but complementary, arguing that parts are always parts of a whole and a whole has always parts.

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