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Computer Forensics: Evidence Collection and Management
by Robert C. NewmanComputer Forensics: Evidence Collection and Management examines cyber-crime, E-commerce, and Internet activities that could be used to exploit the Internet, computers, and electronic devices. The book focuses on the numerous vulnerabilities and threats that are inherent on the Internet and networking environments and presents techniques and suggestions for corporate security personnel, investigators, and forensic examiners to successfully identify, retrieve, and protect valuable forensic evidence for litigation and prosecution. The book is divided into two major parts for easy reference. The first part explores various crimes, laws, policies, forensic tools, and the information needed to understand the underlying concepts of computer forensic investigations. The second part presents information relating to crime scene investigations and management, disk and file structure, laboratory construction and functions, and legal testimony. Separate chapters focus on investigations involving computer systems, e-mail, and wireless devices. Presenting information patterned after technical, legal, and managerial classes held by computer forensic professionals from Cyber Crime Summits held at Kennesaw State University in 2005 and 2006, this book is an invaluable resource for thosewho want to be both efficient and effective when conducting an investigation.
Computer Forensics: Secrets and Solutions (Second Edition)
by Aaron Philipp David Cowen Chris Davis"Provides the right mix of practical how-to knowledge in a straightforward, informative fashion that ties it all the complex pieces together with real-world case studies. . . . Delivers the most valuable insight on the market. The authors cut to the chase of what people must understand to effectively perform computer forensic investigations. " --Brian H. Karney, COO, AccessData Corporation The latest strategies for investigating cyber-crime Identify and investigate computer criminals of all stripes with help from this fully updated. real-world resource. Hacking Exposed Computer Forensics, Second Edition explains how to construct a high-tech forensic lab, collect prosecutable evidence, discover e-mail and system file clues, track wireless activity, and recover obscured documents. Learn how to re-create an attacker's footsteps, communicate with counsel, prepare court-ready reports, and work through legal and organizational challenges. Case studies straight from today's headlines cover IP theft, mortgage fraud, employee misconduct, securities fraud, embezzlement, organized crime, and consumer fraud cases. Effectively uncover, capture, and prepare evidence for investigation Store and process collected data in a highly secure digital forensic lab Restore deleted documents, partitions, user activities, and file systems Analyze evidence gathered from Windows, Linux, and Macintosh systems Use the latest Web and client-based e-mail tools to extract relevant artifacts Overcome the hacker's anti-forensic, encryption, and obscurity techniques Unlock clues stored in cell phones, PDAs, and Windows Mobile devices Prepare legal documents that will hold up to judicial and defense scrutiny
Computer Forensics and Cyber Crime: an Introduction (Third Edition
by Marjie T. BritzThe leading introduction to computer crime and forensicsis now fully updated to reflect today's newest attacks, laws, and investigatory best practices. Packed with new case studies, examples, and statistics, Computer Forensics and Cyber Crime, Third Edition adds up-to-the-minute coverage of smartphones, cloud computing, GPS, Mac OS X, Linux, Stuxnet, cyberbullying, cyberterrorism, search and seizure, online gambling, and much more. Covers all forms of modern and traditional computer crime, defines all relevant terms, and explains all technical and legal concepts in plain English, so students can succeed even if they have no technical, legal, or investigatory background.
Computer Forensics For Dummies
by Reynaldo Anzaldua Linda VoloninoUncover a digital trail of e-evidence by using the helpful, easy-to-understand information in Computer Forensics For Dummies! Professional and armchair investigators alike can learn the basics of computer forensics, from digging out electronic evidence to solving the case. You won't need a computer science degree to master e-discovery. Find and filter data in mobile devices, e-mail, and other Web-based technologies.You'll learn all about e-mail and Web-based forensics, mobile forensics, passwords and encryption, and other e-evidence found through VoIP, voicemail, legacy mainframes, and databases. You'll discover how to use the latest forensic software, tools, and equipment to find the answers that you're looking for in record time. When you understand how data is stored, encrypted, and recovered, you'll be able to protect your personal privacy as well. By the time you finish reading this book, you'll know how to:Prepare for and conduct computer forensics investigationsFind and filter dataProtect personal privacyTransfer evidence without contaminating itAnticipate legal loopholes and opponents' methodsHandle passwords and encrypted dataWork with the courts and win the casePlus, Computer Forensics for Dummies includes lists of things that everyone interested in computer forensics should know, do, and build. Discover how to get qualified for a career in computer forensics, what to do to be a great investigator and expert witness, and how to build a forensics lab or toolkit.Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
Computer Forensics JumpStart
by Michael G. SolomonEssential reading for launching a career in computer forensics Internet crime is on the rise, catapulting the need for computer forensics specialists. This new edition presents you with a completely updated overview of the basic skills that are required as a computer forensics professional. The author team of technology security veterans introduces the latest software and tools that exist and they review the available certifications in this growing segment of IT that can help take your career to a new level. A variety of real-world practices take you behind the scenes to look at the root causes of security attacks and provides you with a unique perspective as you launch a career in this fast-growing field. Explores the profession of computer forensics, which is more in demand than ever due to the rise of Internet crime Details the ways to conduct a computer forensics investigation Highlights tips and techniques for finding hidden data, capturing images, documenting your case, and presenting evidence in court as an expert witness Walks you through identifying, collecting, and preserving computer evidence Explains how to understand encryption and examine encryption files Computer Forensics JumpStart is the resource you need to launch a career in computer forensics.
Computer Forensics with FTK
by Fernando CarboneThis tutorial contains detailed instructions with useful integrated examples that help you understand the main features of FTK and how you can use it to analyze evidence. This book has clear and concise guidance in an easily accessible format. This tutorial-based guide is great for you if you want to conduct digital investigations with an integrated platform. Whether you are new to Computer Forensics or have some experience, this book will help you get started with FTK so you can analyze evidence effectively and efficiently. If you are a law enforcement official, corporate security, or IT professional who needs to evaluate the evidentiary value of digital evidence, then this book is ideal for you.
Computer-Forensik Hacks
by Lorenz Kuhlee Victor VölzowComputer-Forensik Hacks ist eine Sammlung von Methoden, Tipps und Tricks - kurz: Hacks - aus allen Bereichen der Computer-Forensik. Die Autoren, die bei der Polizei Forensiker ausbilden, haben praktische Lösungen für echte Problemstellungen aus dem Computer-Forensik-Alltag in kleine, bekömmliche Portionen gepackt, die direkt angewendet werden können. Zu jeder praktischen Lösung gibt es auch das notwendige Hintergrundwissen mit auf den Weg, das benötigt wird, um sowohl das Problem wie auch den Lösungsansatz nachvollziehen zu können. Nicht nur für Forensiker Nicht nur Forensiker müssen heutzutage wissen, wie sie den Zustand eines Computersystems sichern können, damit dies bei späteren Gerichtsverhandlungen juristisch wasserdicht ist. Auch für Systemadministratoren aus der freien Wirtschaft gehört mittlerweile ein computer-forsensisches Grundwissen zum Arbeitsalltag. Und auch Rechtsanwälte benötigen immer wieder Wissen darüber, was bei einer Datensicherung beachtet werden muss. 100 spannende Hacks rund um das Thema Computer-Forensik Computer-Forensik Hacks beginnt mit Hacks zur Vorbereitung und Datensicherung, gefolgt von Tipps und Tricks zu Dateisystemen. Der Hauptteil dreht sich um Datenwiederherstellung und das Analysieren der unterschiedlichsten digitalen Spuren, bevor Kapitel zu den Themen Hacking und Virtualisierung folgen. Alle Hacks arbeiten mit Open-Source- oder freier Software Die Hacks in diesem Buch benutzen grundsätzlich kostenlose Software, also Open-Source- oder Freeware Software. Bei wenigen Lösungen verweisen die Autoren aber auch auf Software, die für die Privatnutzung kostenlos, für gewerbliche oder behördliche Nutzung jedoch kostenpflichtig ist. Die beschriebenen Programme laufen durchgängig auf den Betriebssystemen Microsoft Windows oder Linux.
Computer Fraud Casebook: The Bytes that Bite
by Joseph T. WellsThis one-of-a-kind collection consists of actual cases written by fraud examiners out in the field. These cases were hand selected from hundreds of submissions and together form a comprehensive picture of the many types of computer fraud how they are investigated, across industries and throughout the world. Topics included are email fraud, on-line auction fraud, security breaches, counterfeiting, and others.
The Computer from A to Z
by Bobbie KalmanComputer language and "byte-sized" facts are introduced and explained in this easy-to-read book that children will enjoy. Full-color photos of children working with computers highlight such subjects as e-mail, hardware, the internet, and virtual reality.
Computer Fundamentals And HTML - Calicut University
by Muhammed Anees. V"Computer Fundamentals and HTML" authored by Muhammed Anees. V, a distinguished faculty member at the Department of Computer Science, Cochin University of Science and Technology, stands as a comprehensive guide published by The Calicut University Central Co-Operative Stores Ltd in 2022. Tailored for students enrolled in diverse BSc courses, this book aligns seamlessly with the curriculum set by the esteemed University of Calicut. Its content spans two significant domains: the foundational aspects of computing, covering hardware, software, computer organization, number systems, Boolean algebra, problem-solving methodologies, and algorithms; and a detailed exploration of HTML, encompassing the rudiments of web design, an overview of HTML5, advanced HTML concepts, and CSS. By prioritizing simplicity, clarity, and conciseness, the book adeptly elucidates intricate concepts, supplemented by practical applications and examples. Notably, it diligently references its information sources and encourages constructive feedback from its readers, fostering an environment conducive to continuous improvement and enhanced learning experiences.
Computer für Senioren für Dummies (Für Dummies)
by Nancy C. MuirWie bringe ich den Computer zum Arbeiten? Was sind eigentlich Apps? Ist das Internet sicher? Nancy Muir erklärt Ihnen, wie ein Computer funktioniert und wie Sie Drucker & Co. zum Laufen bringen. Sie erläutert auch die Grundlagen von Windows 11. Bald wissen Sie, wie Sie sicher im Internet surfen, online Kontakte pflegen, in der Cloud arbeiten, Apps kaufen und vieles mehr.
Computer Games: Fourth Workshop on Computer Games, CGW 2015, and the Fourth Workshop on General Intelligence in Game-Playing Agents, GIGA 2015, Held in Conjunction with the 24th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI 2015, Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 26-27, 2015, Revised Selected Papers (Communications in Computer and Information Science #614)
by Tristan Cazenave Mark H.M. Winands Stefan Edelkamp Stephan Schiffel Michael Thielscher Julian TogeliusThis book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Fourth Computer Games Workshop, CGW 2015, and the Fourth Workshop on General Intelligence in Game-Playing Agents, GIGA 2015, held in conjunction with the 24th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI 2015, Buenos Aires, Argentina, in July 2015. The 12 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 27 submissions. The papers address all aspects of artificial intelligence and computer game playing. They discuss topics such as Monte-Carlo methods; heuristic search; board games; card games; video games; perfect and imperfect information games; puzzles and single player games; multi-player games; combinatorial game theory; applications; computational creativity; computational game theory; evaluation and analysis; game design; knowledge representation; machine learning; multi-agent systems; opponent modeling; planning; reasoning; search.
Computer Games: 5th Workshop on Computer Games, CGW 2016, and 5th Workshop on General Intelligence in Game-Playing Agents, GIGA 2016, Held in Conjunction with the 25th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI 2016, New York, USA, July 9-10, 2016, Revised Selected Papers (Communications in Computer and Information Science #705)
by Tristan Cazenave Mark H.M. Winands Stefan Edelkamp Stephan Schiffel Michael Thielscher Julian TogeliusThis book contains the papers of the 6th Computers and Games Conference (CG 2008)held in Beijing, China. The conference took place from September 29 th to October 1, 2008 in conjunction with the 13 International Computer Games th Championship and the 16 World Computer Chess Championship. The Computers and Games conference series is a major international forum for researchers and developers interested in all aspects of arti?cial intelligence and computer game playing. The Beijing conference was de?nitively charact- ized by fresh ideas for a large variety of games. Earlier conferences took place in Tsukuba, Japan (1998), Hamamatsu, Japan (2000), Edmonton, Canada, (2002), Ramat-Gan, Israel (2004), and Turin, Italy (2006). The Programme Committee (PC) received 40 submissions. Each paper was initiallysenttoatleasttworeferees. Ifcon?ictingviewsonapaperwerereported, itwassenttoanadditionalreferee. Outofthe40submissions, onewaswithdrawn before the ?nal decisions weremade. With the help of many referees (listed after the preface), the PC accepted 24 papers for presentation at the conference and publication in these proceedings. Theabove-mentionedsetof24paperscoversawiderangeofcomputergames. Twelve of the games are played in practice by human players, viz. , Go, We- ern Chess, Chinese Chess (Xiangqi), Japanese Chess (Shogi), Amazons, Chinese Checkers, Hearts, Hex, Lines of Action, Othello, Siguo, and Spades. Moreover, there was onepuzzle, viz. , SameGame, andtwo theoreticalgames, viz. , Synch- nized Domineering and multi-player Can t Stop. Thepapersdealwithmanydi?erentresearchtopicsincludingcognition, c- binatorial game theory, search, knowledge representation, and optimization. We hope that the readerswill enjoy the researche?orts of the authors. Below we provide a brief outline of the 24 contributions, in the order in which they are printed in the book
Computer Games: Workshop on Computer Games, CGW 2013, Held in Conjunction with the 23rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI 2013, Beijing, China, August 3, 2013, Revised Selected Papers (Communications in Computer and Information Science #408)
by Tristan Cazenave Mark H.M. Winands Hiroyuki IidaThis book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Computer Games Workshop, CGW 2013, held in Beijing, China, in August 2013, in conjunction with the Twenty-third International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI 2013. The 9 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 15 submissions. The papers cover a wide range of topics related to computer games. They discuss six games that are played by humans in practice: Chess, Domineering, Chinese Checkers, Go, Goofspiel, and Tzaar. Moreover, there are papers about the Sliding Tile Puzzle, an application, namely, Cooperative Path-Finding Problems, and on general game playing.
Computer Games
by Tristan Cazenave Abdallah Saffidine Mark H.M. WinandsThis book constitutes revised selected papers from the 6th Workshop on Computer Games, CGW 2017, held in conjunction with the 26th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI 2017, in Melbourne, Australia, in August 2017. The 12 full papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 18 submissions. They cover a wide range of topics related to computer games; discussing six abstract games: Chinese Checkers, Chinese Dark Chess, Hex, Othello, Poker, and SameGame.
Computer Games: 7th Workshop, CGW 2018, Held in Conjunction with the 27th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI 2018, Stockholm, Sweden, July 13, 2018, Revised Selected Papers (Communications in Computer and Information Science #1017)
by Tristan Cazenave Abdallah Saffidine Nathan SturtevantThis book constitutes revised selected papers from the 7th Workshop on Computer Games, CGW 2018, held in conjunction with the 27th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI 2018 in Stockholm, Sweden, in July 2018.The 8 full papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 15 submissions. They cover a wide range of topics related to video games; general game playing.- machine learning and Monte Carlo tree search.
Computer Games And Language Learning
by Mark PetersonA comprehensive and accessible overview for language educators, researchers, and students, this book examines the relationship between technological innovation and development in the field of computer-assisted language learning, exploring relevant theories and providing practical evidence about the use of computer games in language learning.
Computer Games and New Media Cultures: A Handbook of Digital Games Studies
by Alexander Unger Johannes FrommeDigital gaming is today a significant economic phenomenon as well as being an intrinsic part of a convergent media culture in postmodern societies. Its ubiquity, as well as the sheer volume of hours young people spend gaming, should make it ripe for urgent academic enquiry, yet the subject was a research backwater until the turn of the millennium. Even today, as tens of millions of young people spend their waking hours manipulating avatars and gaming characters on computer screens, the subject is still treated with scepticism in some academic circles. This handbook aims to reflect the relevance and value of studying digital games, now the subject of a growing number of studies, surveys, conferences and publications. As an overview of the current state of research into digital gaming, the 42 papers included in this handbook focus on the social and cultural relevance of gaming. In doing so, they provide an alternative perspective to one-dimensional studies of gaming, whose agendas do not include cultural factors. The contributions, which range from theoretical approaches to empirical studies, cover various topics including analyses of games themselves, the player-game interaction, and the social context of gaming. In addition, the educational aspects of games and gaming are treated in a discrete section. With material on non-commercial gaming trends such as 'modding', and a multinational group of authors from eleven nations, the handbook is a vital publication demonstrating that new media cultures are far more complex and diverse than commonly assumed in a debate dominated by concerns over violent content.
Computer Games and Software Engineering (Chapman & Hall/CRC Innovations in Software Engineering and Software Development Series)
by Kendra M. L. Cooper Walt ScacchiComputer games represent a significant software application domain for innovative research in software engineering techniques and technologies. Game developers, whether focusing on entertainment-market opportunities or game-based applications in non-entertainment domains, thus share a common interest with software engineers and developers on how to
Computer Games and Technical Communication: Critical Methods and Applications at the Intersection (Routledge Studies in Technical Communication, Rhetoric, and Culture)
by Jennifer deWinter Ryan M. MoellerTaking as its point of departure the fundamental observation that games are both technical and symbolic, this collection investigates the multiple intersections between the study of computer games and the discipline of technical and professional writing. Divided into five parts, Computer Games and Technical Communication engages with questions related to workplace communities and gamic simulations; industry documentation; manuals, gameplay, and ethics; training, testing, and number crunching; and the work of games and gamifying work. In that computer games rely on a complex combination of written, verbal, visual, algorithmic, audio, and kinesthetic means to convey information, technical and professional writing scholars are uniquely poised to investigate the intersection between the technical and symbolic aspects of the computer game complex. The contributors to this volume bring to bear the analytic tools of the field to interpret the roles of communication, production, and consumption in this increasingly ubiquitous technical and symbolic medium.
Computer Games for Learning: An Evidence-Based Approach (The\mit Press Ser.)
by Richard E. MayerA comprehensive and up-to-date investigation of what research shows about the educational value of computer games for learning. Many strong claims are made for the educational value of computer games, but there is a need for systematic examination of the research evidence that might support such claims. This book fills that need by providing, a comprehensive and up-to-date investigation of what research shows about learning with computer games. Computer Games for Learning describes three genres of game research: the value-added approach, which compares the learning outcomes of students who learn with a base version of a game to those of students who learn with the base version plus an additional feature; the cognitive consequences approach, which compares learning outcomes of students who play an off-the-shelf computer game for extended periods to those of students who do not; and the media comparative approach, which compares the learning outcomes of students who learn material by playing a game to those of students who learn the same material using conventional media. After introductory chapters that describe the rationale and goals of learning game research as well as the relevance of cognitive science to learning with games, the book offers examples of research in all three genres conducted by the author and his colleagues at the University of California, Santa Barbara; meta-analyses of published research; and suggestions for future research in the field. The book is essential reading for researchers and students of educational games, instructional designers, learning-game developers, and anyone who wants to know what the research has to say about the educational effectiveness of computer games.
Computer Graphics: From Pixels to Programmable Graphics Hardware (Chapman And Hall/crc Computer Graphics, Geometric Modeling, And Animation Ser. #3)
by Alexey Boreskov Evgeniy ShikinComplete Coverage of the Current Practice of Computer GraphicsComputer Graphics: From Pixels to Programmable Graphics Hardware explores all major areas of modern computer graphics, starting from basic mathematics and algorithms and concluding with OpenGL and real-time graphics. It gives students a firm foundation in today's high-performance graphic
Computer Graphics: Theory and Practice
by null Jonas Gomes null Luiz Velho null Mario Costa SousaComputer Graphics: Theory and Practice provides a complete and integrated introduction to this area. The book only requires basic knowledge of calculus and linear algebra, making it an accessible introductory text for students. It focuses on conceptual aspects of computer graphics, covering fundamental mathematical theories and models and the inher
Computer Graphics and CAD
by C.S. Verma Rajesh Purohit Koyel Datta Gupta Harsha VermaThis book discusses the fundamental concepts shaping modern design and visualization definition through Computer Graphics and the intricacies of CAD modelling practices.From 3D object representation to surface modelling and solid techniques, subsequent chapters offer a comprehensive exploration of advanced topics essential for geometric modelling. With a focus on industry applications and practical examples, readers acquire the skills needed to navigate the complexities of animation systems and finite element analysis, ensuring a holistic understanding of CAD and Computer Graphics. Whether you're a novice or seasoned professional, this guide provides a rich blend of theory and practice, accompanied by a wealth of solved and unsolved problems for hands-on learning.Print edition not for sale in South Asia (India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan or Bhutan)
Computer Graphics for Java Programmers
by Leen Ammeraal Kang ZhangThis third edition covers fundamental concepts in creating and manipulating 2D and 3D graphical objects, including topics from classic graphics algorithms to color and shading models. It maintains the style of the two previous editions, teaching each graphics topic in a sequence of concepts, mathematics, algorithms, optimization techniques, and Java coding. Completely revised and updated according to years of classroom teaching, the third edition of this highly popular textbook contains a large number of ready-to-run Java programs and an algorithm animation and demonstration open-source software also in Java. It includes exercises and examples making it ideal for classroom use or self-study, and provides a perfect foundation for programming computer graphics using Java. Undergraduate and graduate students majoring specifically in computer science, computer engineering, electronic engineering, information systems, and related disciplines will use this textbook for their courses. Professionals and industrial practitioners who wish to learn and explore basic computer graphics techniques will also find this book a valuable resource.