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Computers Helping People with Special Needs: 17th International Conference, ICCHP 2020, Lecco, Italy, September 9–11, 2020, Proceedings, Part II (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #12377)
by Roberto Manduchi Klaus Miesenberger Mario Covarrubias Rodriguez Petr PeňázThe two-volume set LNCS 12376 and 12377 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs, ICCHP 2020, held in Lecco, Italy, in September 2020. The conference was held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The 104 papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 206 submissions. Included also are 13 introductions. The papers are organized in the following topical sections: Part I: user centred design and user participation in inclusive R&D; artificial intelligence, accessible and assistive technologies; XR accessibility – learning from the past, addressing real user needs and the technical architecture for inclusive immersive environments; serious and fun games; large-scale web accessibility observatories; accessible and inclusive digital publishing; AT and accessibility for blind and low vision users; Art Karshmer lectures in access to mathematics, science and engineering; tactile graphics and models for blind people and recognition of shapes by touch; and environmental sensing technologies for visual impairment Part II: accessibility of non-verbal communication: making spatial information accessible to people with disabilities; cognitive disabilities and accessibility – pushing the boundaries of inclusion using digital technologies and accessible eLearning environments; ICT to support inclusive education – universal learning design (ULD); hearing systems and accessories for people with hearing loss; mobile health and mobile rehabilitation for people with disabilities: current state, challenges and opportunities; innovation and implementation in the area of independent mobility through digital technologies; how to improve interaction with a text input system; human movement analysis for the design and evaluation of interactive systems and assistive devices; and service and care provision in assistive environments 12 chapters are available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via link.springer.com.
Computers Helping People with Special Needs: 16th International Conference, ICCHP 2018, Linz, Austria, July 11-13, 2018, Proceedings, Part II (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #10897)
by Klaus Miesenberger Georgios KouroupetroglouThe two-volume set LNCS 10896 and 10897 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs, ICCHP 2018, held in Linz, Austria, in July2018.The 101 revised full papers and 78 short papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 356 submissions. The papers are organized in the following topical sections: Web accessibility in the connected world; accessibility and usability of mobile platforms for people with disabilities and elderly persons: design, development and engineering; accessible system/information/document design; accessible e-learning - e-learning for accessibility/AT; personalized access to TV, film, theatre, and music; digital games accessibility; accessibility and usability of self-service terminals, technologies and systems; universal learning design; motor and mobility disabilities: AT, HCI, care; empowerment of people with cognitive disabilities using digital technologies; augmented and alternative communication (AAC), supported speech; Art Karshmer lectures in access to mathematics, science and engineering; environmental sensing technologies for visual impairment; 3D printing in the domain of assistive technologies (AT) and do it yourselves (DIY) AT; tactile graphics and models for blind people and recognition of shapes by touch; access to artworks and its mediation by and for visually impaired people; digital navigation for people with visual impairments; low vision and blindness: human computer interaction; future perspectives for ageing well: AAL tools, products, services; mobile healthcare and m-health apps for people with disabilities; and service and information provision.
Computers Helping People with Special Needs: 16th International Conference, ICCHP 2018, Linz, Austria, July 11-13, 2018, Proceedings, Part I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #10896)
by Klaus Miesenberger Georgios KouroupetroglouThe two-volume set LNCS 10896 and 10897 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs, ICCHP 2018, held in Linz, Austria, in July2018.The 101 revised full papers and 78 short papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 356 submissions. The papers are organized in the following topical sections: Web accessibility in the connected world; accessibility and usability of mobile platforms for people with disabilities and elderly persons: design, development and engineering; accessible system/information/document design; accessible e-learning - e-learning for accessibility/AT; personalized access to TV, film, theatre, and music; digital games accessibility; accessibility and usability of self-service terminals, technologies and systems; universal learning design; motor and mobility disabilities: AT, HCI, care; empowerment of people with cognitive disabilities using digital technologies; augmented and alternative communication (AAC), supported speech; Art Karshmer lectures in access to mathematics, science and engineering; environmental sensing technologies for visual impairment; 3D printing in the domain of assistive technologies (AT) and do it yourselves (DIY) AT; tactile graphics and models for blind people and recognition of shapes by touch; access to artworks and its mediation by and for visually impaired people; digital navigation for people with visual impairments; low vision and blindness: human computer interaction; future perspectives for aging well: AAL tools, products, devices; mobile healthcare and m-health apps for people with disabilities; and service and information provision.
Computers Helping People with Special Needs: 18th International Conference, ICCHP-AAATE 2022, Lecco, Italy, July 11–15, 2022, Proceedings, Part I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #13341)
by Klaus Miesenberger Georgios Kouroupetroglou Katerina Mavrou Roberto Manduchi Mario Covarrubias Rodriguez Petr PenázThe two-volume set LNCS 13341 and 13342 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Joint International Conference on Digital Inclusion, Assistive Technology, and Accessibility, ICCHP-AAATE 2022. The conference was held in Lecco, Italy, in July 2022.The 112 papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 285 submissions. Included also are 18 introductions. The papers are organized in the following topical sections: Part I: Art Karshmer Lectures in Access to Mathematics, Science and Engineering; Digital Solutions for Inclusive Mobility: solutions and accessible maps for indoor and outdoor mobility; implementation and innovation in the area of independent mobility through digital technologies; haptic and digital access to art and artefacts; accessibility of co-located meetings; interactions for text input and alternative pointing; cognitive disabilities and accessibility; augmentative and alternative communication (AAC): emerging trends, opportunities and innovations; language accessibility for the deaf and hard-of-hearing. Part II: Digital accessibility: readability and understandability; serious and fun games; internet of things: services and applications for people with disabilities and elderly persons; technologies for inclusion and participation at work and everyday activities; robotic and virtual reality technologies for children with disabilities and older adults; development, evaluation and assessment of assistive technologies; ICT to support inclusive education – universal learning design (ULD); design for assistive technologies and rehabilitation; assistive technologies and inclusion for older people.
Computers Helping People with Special Needs: 19th International Conference, ICCHP 2024, Linz, Austria, July 8–12, 2024, Proceedings, Part II (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14751)
by Klaus Miesenberger Petr Peňáz Makoto KobayashiThe two-volume set LNCS 14750 and 14751 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs, ICCHP 2024, which took place in Linz, Austria, during July 8-12, 2024. The 104 full papers included in the proceedings were carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 266 submission. They were organized in topical sections as follows: Part I: Software, Web and document accessibility; making entertainment content more inclusive; art Karshmer lectures in access to mathemtaics, science and engineering; tactile graphics and 3D models for blind people and shape recognition by touch; new methods for creating accessible material in higher education; ICT to support inclusive education - universal learning design (ULD); blind and low vision: orientation and mobility; blindness, low vision: new approaches to perception and ICT mediation; Part II: Accessibility for the deaf and hard-of-hearing; interaction techniques for motor disabled users; augmentative and alternative communication innovations in products and services, cognitive disabilities, assistive technologies and accessibility; dyslexia, reading/writing disorders: assistive technology and accessibility; accessible, smart, and integrated healthcare systems for elderly and disabled people; assistive technologies and inclusion for older people; advanced technologies for innovating inclusing and participation in labour, education, and everyday life; disability, inclusion, service provision, policy and legislation.
Computers Helping People with Special Needs: 19th International Conference, ICCHP 2024, Linz, Austria, July 8–12, 2024, Proceedings, Part I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14750)
by Klaus Miesenberger Petr Peňáz Makoto KobayashiThe two-volume set LNCS 14750 and 14751 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs, ICCHP 2024, which took place in Linz, Austria, during July 8-12, 2024. The 104 full papers included in the proceedings were carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 266 submission. They were organized in topical sections as follows: Part I: Software, Web and document accessibility; making entertainment content more inclusive; art Karshmer lectures in access to mathemtaics, science and engineering; tactile graphics and 3D models for blind people and shape recognition by touch; new methods for creating accessible material in higher education; ICT to support inclusive education - universal learning design (ULD); blind and low vision: orientation and mobility; blindness, low vision: new approaches to perception and ICT mediation; Part II: Accessibility for the deaf and hard-of-hearing; interaction techniques for motor disabled users; augmentative and alternative communication innovations in products and services, cognitive disabilities, assistive technologies and accessibility; dyslexia, reading/writing disorders: assistive technology and accessibility; accessible, smart, and integrated healthcare systems for elderly and disabled people; assistive technologies and inclusion for older people; advanced technologies for innovating inclusing and participation in labour, education, and everyday life; disability, inclusion, service provision, policy and legislation.
Computers in Business: K204
by Kelley School of Business FacultyFaculty at Indiana University's world-renowned Kelley School of Business present this essential introductory guide to the role of computers and other information technologies in business. Like the text for its sister course, K201, Computers in Business: K204 highlights include instruction and applied practice in two of the most widely used commercial software packages: Microsoft Access and Microsoft Excel. This volume, however, presents even more challenging applications and projects for honors students. Students learn, via hands-on examples, many of the powerful tools contained in these two platforms, with emphasis on how to analyze real business problems to help make important decisions.
Computers In The Information Society
by Nathan WeinbergThis book examines the unfolding cultural and organizational impact of computers on human society. Through this analysis, it discusses the role of information technology in people's lives, interdependence between the society and its computer creations, and expectations in the information society.
by Katie WilsonKeep pace with the constant technological changes you face every day as a library technician Computers in Libraries examines the impact of integrated library management systems, digital resources, and the Internet on the functions and operations of library technicians and assistants. The book provides a practical understanding of library system software, networks, online information and access, portals, open URL linking, and the fusion of digital and print collections. Each chapter opens with definitions of the most commonly used terms and closes with review questions for classroom use, making it equally valuable as a textbook and as a professional resource for updating work skills. The roles of library technicians and assistants have changed dramatically in the past twenty years as computers have transformed every area of day-to-day library operations. And nowhere have those changes been more obvious than when dealing with online data that hasn’t undergone the same quality control and selection processes traditionally used with library resources. As ordering and cataloging processes have been streamlined, and reference and research services have been turned into twenty-four hour help centers, Computers in Libraries is a practical guide to keeping pace with the changes you faceevery day, in every aspect of your work. Computers in Libraries examines: how computers work Internet protocols and applications integrated management system structure and administration acquisitions financial management online cataloging standards circulation parameters and policies course reserves serials control the Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) resource sharing standards searching online databases creating online content digital libraries and electronic publishing bibliographic standards and practices Computers in Libraries is an important resource for library professionals striving to stay a step ahead in their field and for students who will need to be up to speed on the technological aspects of library work.
Computers in Mathematics (Lecture Notes In Pure And Applied Mathematics Ser. #Vol. 113)
by V. ChudnovskyTalks from the International Conference on Computers and Mathematics held July 29-Aug. 1, 1986, Stanford U. Some are focused on the past and future roles of computers as a research tool in such areas as number theory, analysis, special functions, combinatorics, algebraic geometry, topology, physics,
Computers in Swedish Society: Documenting Early Use and Trends (History of Computing)
by Per LundinThis book reviews the shift in the historiography of computing from inventors and innovations to a user-perspective, and examines how the relevant sources can be created, collected, preserved, and disseminated. The text describes and evaluates a project in Sweden that documented the stories of around 700 people. The book also provides a critical discussion on the interpretation of oral evidence, presenting three case studies on how this evidence can inform us about the interaction of computing with large-scale transformations in economies, cultures, and societies. Features: describes a historiography aimed at addressing the question of how computing shaped and transformed Swedish society between 1950 and 1980; presents a user-centered perspective on the history of computing, after explaining the benefits of such an approach; examines the documentation of users, describing novel and innovative documentation methods; discusses the pros and cons of collaborative projects between academia and industry.
Computers in the Composition Classroom: A Critical Sourcebook
by Michelle Sidler Richard Morris Elizabeth Simpson SmithA textbook for composition teachers, examining technology and literature in a digital environment
Computers in the Delivery of Special Education and Related Services: Developing Collaborative and Individualized Learning Environments
by null Louis J KrugerUse computer technology to complement and strengthen your special education program!This book provides practical information, case examples, theory, and a critical summary of applied research about how computer technology can be used to support and improve special education and related services. With Computers in the Delivery of Special Education and Related Services, you'll learn how technology can be used to facilitate an individualized and collaborative approach to learning. Topics of discussion include innovative instruction, consultation, family collaboration, curriculum-based assessment, and professional development.Computers in the Delivery of Special Education and Related Services is a valuable resource in which special services providers can find ways to use computers to enhance individualized instruction and the problem-solving skills of their students, as well as avenues of professional collaboration and support.Computers in the Delivery of Special Education and Related Services presents thoughtful discussions that examine: how computer software can be used in the assessment of students' progress within specific curricula how students can use the Internet to discuss class projects with experts in a process known as "telementoring" how software can help a school-based consultation team through specific aspects of the problem-solving process, including data collection, intervention selection, team decision documentation, and follow-up ways to use the Internet to create new types of learning communities for students and professionals, extending Vygotsky's notion of "zone of proximal development" (ZPD) to the community level the advantages and disadvantages of using email with the intention of complementing and strengthening face-to-face collaboration the aspects of home computer use that address a student's special needs the importance of understanding the family's values, expectations, and cultural background Computers in the Delivery of Special Education and Related Services reflects the editors’hope that creative applications of technology will soon transcend the nagging stereotypes of computers (they isolate students, they're too difficult to use, that they lack the flexibility to treat people as individuals). Then computers will be viewed as partners in the process of special education--machines that enhance current practices and open new vistas for learning and education.
Computers (Kaleidoscope)
by Darcy LockmanExplains the different parts of a computer and how they work.
Computers Made Easy: From Dummy to Geek
by James BernsteinA Foundation in Computers and Software That's Easy to Understand <p><p>Computers Made Easy is designed to take your overall computer skills from a beginner to the next level, and beyond. This book will give you a top level understanding of how to use your PC without a needing a background in computers. This easy to use, step by step guide will help you navigate your way to becoming proficient with computers, operating systems (Windows 10 & 11), hardware and software.
Computers, People, and Thought: From Data Mining to Evolutionary Robotics
by Malachy EatonIn this book the author discusses synergies between computers and thought, related to the field of Artificial Intelligence; between people and thought, leading to questions of consciousness and our existence as humans; and between computers and people, leading to the recent remarkable advances in the field of humanoid robots. He then looks toward the implications of intelligent 'conscious' humanoid robots with superior intellects, able to operate in our human environments. After presenting the basic engineering components and supporting logic of computer systems, and giving an overview of the contributions of pioneering scientists in the domains of computing, logic, and robotics, in the core of the book the author examines the meaning of thought and intelligence in the context of specific tasks and successful AI approaches. In the final part of the book he introduces related societal and ethical implications.The book will be a useful accompanying text in courses on artificial intelligence, robotics, intelligent systems, games, and evolutionary computing. It will also be valuable for general readers and historians of technology.
Computers, Privacy and Data Protection: An Element Of Choice
by Paul De Hert Yves Poullet Serge Gutwirth Ronald LeenesThis timely interdisciplinary work on current developments in ICT and privacy/data protection, coincides as it does with the rethinking of the Data Protection Directive, the contentious debates on data sharing with the USA (SWIFT, PNR) and the judicial and political resistance against data retention. The authors of the contributions focus on particular and pertinent issues from the perspective of their different disciplines which range from the legal through sociology, surveillance studies and technology assessment, to computer sciences. Such issues include cutting-edge developments in the field of cloud computing, ambient intelligence and PETs; data retention, PNR-agreements, property in personal data and the right to personal identity; electronic road tolling, HIV-related information, criminal records and teenager's online conduct, to name but a few.
Computers, Software Engineering, and Digital Devices (The Electrical Engineering Handbook)
by Richard C. DorfIn two editions spanning more than a decade, The Electrical Engineering Handbook stands as the definitive reference to the multidisciplinary field of electrical engineering. Our knowledge continues to grow, and so does the Handbook. For the third edition, it has expanded into a set of six books carefully focused on a specialized area or field of study. Each book represents a concise yet definitive collection of key concepts, models, and equations in its respective domain, thoughtfully gathered for convenient access.Computers, Software Engineering, and Digital Devices examines digital and logical devices, displays, testing, software, and computers, presenting the fundamental concepts needed to ensure a thorough understanding of each field. It treats the emerging fields of programmable logic, hardware description languages, and parallel computing in detail. Each article includes defining terms, references, and sources of further information.Encompassing the work of the world's foremost experts in their respective specialties, Computers, Software Engineering, and Digital Devices features the latest developments, the broadest scope of coverage, and new material on secure electronic commerce and parallel computing.
Computers Supported Education: 9th International Conference, CSEDU 2017, Porto, Portugal, April 21-23, 2017, Revised Selected Papers (Communications in Computer and Information Science #865)
by Paula Escudeiro Gennaro Costagliola Susan Zvacek James Uhomoibhi Bruce M. McLarenThis book constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, CSEDU 2017, held in Porto, Portugal, in April 2017. The 22 revised full papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 179 submissions. The papers deal with the following topics: new educational environments, best practices and case studies of innovative technology-based learning strategies, institutional policies on computer-supported education including open and distance education.
Computers Supported Education: 8th International Conference, CSEDU 2016, Rome, Italy, April 21-23, 2016, Revised Selected Papers (Communications in Computer and Information Science #739)
by Susan Zvacek James Uhomoibhi Gennaro Costagliola Bruce M. MclarenThis book constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, CSEDU 2016, held in Rome, Italy, in April 2016. The 29 revised full papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 164 submissions. The papers deal with the following topics: new educational environments, best practices and case studies of innovative technology-based learning strategies, institutional policies on computer-supported education including open and distance education.
Computerspiele im Diskurs: Aggression, Amokläufe und Sucht
by Tobias C. Breiner Luca D. KolibiusDieses Fachbuch ist eine umfassende Abhandlung zur Debatte um die negativen Auswirkungen von Computerspielen: Aggressionen, Amokläufe und Sucht. Die kontroverse Debatte zur Beziehung zwischen Computerspielen und Aggression wird hier auf Grundlage neuster wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse aufgearbeitet. Darüber hinaus inspirierte die Aufnahme in die aktuellste Version des Klassifikationssystems DSM für Internet Gaming Disorder (Computerspielsucht) eine Vielzahl wissenschaftlicher Veröffentlichungen, welche hier übersichtlich zusammengetragen werden. In diesem Buch finden Sie die Antworten auf folgende Fragen: Welche Symptome machen eine Computerspielabhängigkeit aus und welche Therapiemöglichkeiten gibt es?Geht Computerspielsucht mit Veränderungen im Gehirn und der Persönlichkeit einher?Gibt es eine kausale Beziehung zwischen Computerspielen einerseits und Aggressivität und Amokläufen andererseits? Die Autoren kommen dabei nach Sichtung der Studienlage zu überraschenden Erkenntnissen. Dieses Buch unterstützt Psychologen, Psychotherapeuten, Psychiater, Pädagogen, Therapeuten, Lehrkräfte und Eltern die Welt der Computerspiele zu navigieren.
Computing: A Concise History (The MIT Press Essential Knowledge series)
by Paul E. CeruzziA compact and accessible history, from punch cards and calculators to UNIVAC and ENIAC, the personal computer, Silicon Valley, and the Internet.The history of computing could be told as the story of hardware and software, or the story of the Internet, or the story of “smart” hand-held devices, with subplots involving IBM, Microsoft, Apple, Facebook, and Twitter. In this concise and accessible account of the invention and development of digital technology, computer historian Paul Ceruzzi offers a broader and more useful perspective. He identifies four major threads that run throughout all of computing's technological development: digitization—the coding of information, computation, and control in binary form, ones and zeros; the convergence of multiple streams of techniques, devices, and machines, yielding more than the sum of their parts; the steady advance of electronic technology, as characterized famously by “Moore's Law”; and the human-machine interface.Ceruzzi guides us through computing history, telling how a Bell Labs mathematician coined the word “digital” in 1942 (to describe a high-speed method of calculating used in anti-aircraft devices), and recounting the development of the punch card (for use in the 1890 U.S. Census). He describes the ENIAC, built for scientific and military applications; the UNIVAC, the first general purpose computer; and ARPANET, the Internet's precursor. Ceruzzi's account traces the world-changing evolution of the computer from a room-size ensemble of machinery to a “minicomputer” to a desktop computer to a pocket-sized smart phone. He describes the development of the silicon chip, which could store ever-increasing amounts of data and enabled ever-decreasing device size. He visits that hotbed of innovation, Silicon Valley, and brings the story up to the present with the Internet, the World Wide Web, and social networking.
by Paul E. CeruzziThe history of computing could be told as the story of hardware and software, or the story of the Internet, or the story of "smart" hand-held devices, with subplots involving IBM, Microsoft, Apple, Facebook, and Twitter. In this concise and accessible account of the invention and development of digital technology, computer historian Paul Ceruzzi offers a broader and more useful perspective. He identifies four major threads that run throughout all of computing's technological development: digitization--the coding of information, computation, and control in binary form, ones and zeros; the convergence of multiple streams of techniques, devices, and machines, yielding more than the sum of their parts; the steady advance of electronic technology, as characterized famously by "Moore's Law"; and the human-machine interface. Ceruzzi guides us through computing history, telling how a Bell Labs mathematician coined the word "digital" in 1942 (to describe a high-speed method of calculating used in anti-aircraft devices), and recounting the development of the punch card (for use in the 1890 U. S. Census). He describes the ENIAC, built for scientific and military applications; the UNIVAC, the first general purpose computer; and ARPANET, the Internet's precursor. Ceruzzi's account traces the world-changing evolution of the computer from a room-size ensemble of machinery to a "minicomputer" to a desktop computer to a pocket-sized smart phone. He describes the development of the silicon chip, which could store ever-increasing amounts of data and enabled ever-decreasing device size. He visits that hotbed of innovation, Silicon Valley, and brings the story up to the present with the Internet, the World Wide Web, and social networking.
Computing: A Historical and Technical Perspective
by Yoshihide Igarashi Tom Altman Mariko Funada Barbara KamiyamaExploring a vast array of topics related to computation, Computing: A Historical and Technical Perspective covers the historical and technical foundation of ancient and modern-day computing. The book starts with the earliest references to counting by humans, introduces various number systems, and discusses mathematics in early civilizations. It gui
Computing Algorithms with Applications in Engineering: Proceedings of ICCAEEE 2019 (Algorithms for Intelligent Systems)
by Nishchal K. Verma V. P. Singh V. K. Giri R. K. PatelThis book collects high-quality research papers presented at the International Conference on Computing Applications in Electrical & Electronics Engineering, held at Rajkiya Engineering College, Sonbhadra, India, on August 30–31, 2019. It provides novel contributions in computational intelligence, together with valuable reference material for future research. The topics covered include: big data analytics, IoT and smart infrastructures, machine learning, artificial intelligence and deep learning, crowd sourcing and social intelligence, natural language processing, business intelligence, high-performance computing, wireless, mobile and green communications, ad-hoc, sensor and mesh networks, SDN and network virtualization, cognitive systems, swarm intelligence, human–computer interaction, network and information security, intelligent control, soft computing, networked control systems, renewable energy sources and technologies, biomedical signal processing, pattern recognition and object tracking, and sensor devices and applications.