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Constraint Management in Manufacturing: Optimising the Supply Chain
by Ted HutchinFocusing on making money out of the supply chain, this book describes how to successfully manage manufacturing companies in today's global context. The text explores how constraint management, with roots in the Theory of Constraints, produces wealth through the development of manufacturers' strengths. Constraint Management in Manufacturing:
Constraint Networks: Targeting Simplicity for Techniques and Algorithms (Wiley-iste Ser.)
by Christophe LecoutreA major challenge in constraint programming is to develop efficient generic approaches to solve instances of the constraint satisfaction problem (CSP). With this aim in mind, this book provides an accessible synthesis of the author's research and work in this area, divided into four main topics: representation, inference, search, and learning. The results obtained and reproduced in this book have a wide applicability, regardless of the nature of the problem or the constraints involved, making it an extremely user-friendly resource for those involved in this field.
Constraint Programming and Decision Making: Theory and Applications (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control #100)
by Vladik Kreinovich Martine CeberioThis book describes new algorithms and ideas for making effective decisions under constraints, including applications in control engineering, manufacturing (how to optimally determine the production level), econometrics (how to better predict stock market behavior), and environmental science and geosciences (how to combine data of different types). It also describes general algorithms and ideas that can be used in other application areas. The book presents extended versions of selected papers from the annual International Workshops on Constraint Programming and Decision Making (CoProd'XX) from 2013 to 2016. These workshops, held in the US (El Paso, Texas) and in Europe (W#65533;rzburg, Germany, and Uppsala, Sweden), have attracted researchers and practitioners from all over the world. It is of interest to practitioners who benefit from the new techniques, to researchers who want to extend the ideas from these papers to new application areas and/or further improve the corresponding algorithms, and to graduate students who want to learn more - in short, to anyone who wants to make more effective decisions under constraints.
Constraint Solving and Planning with Picat (SpringerBriefs in Intelligent Systems #0)
by Neng-Fa Zhou Håkan Kjellerstrand Jonathan FruhmanThis book introduces a new logic-based multi-paradigm programming language that integrates logic programming, functional programming, dynamic programming with tabling, and scripting, for use in solving combinatorial search problems, including CP, SAT, and MIP (mixed integer programming) based solver modules, and a module for planning that is implemented using tabling. The book is useful for undergraduate and graduate students, researchers, and practitioners.
Constraints Meet Concurrency (Atlantis Studies in Computing #5)
by Jacopo MauroThis book describes the benefits that emerge when the fields of constraint programming and concurrency meet. On the one hand, constraints can be used in concurrency theory to increase the conciseness and the expressive power of concurrent languages from a pragmatic point of view. On the other hand, problems modeled by using constraints can be solved faster and more efficiently using a concurrent system. Both directions are explored providing two separate lines of development. Firstly the expressive power of a concurrent language is studied, namely Constraint Handling Rules, that supports constraints as a primitive construct. The features of this language which make it Turing powerful are shown. Then a framework is proposed to solve constraint problems that is intended to be deployed on a concurrent system. For the development of this framework the concurrent language Jolie following the Service Oriented paradigm is used. Based on this experience, an extension to Service Oriented Languages is also proposed in order to overcome some of their limitations and to improve the development of concurrent applications.
La construcción de la esperanza
by Ignacio MunyoReflexiones sobre las fortalezas y mejoras para el Uruguay del futuro. La esperanza es una combinación entre la realidad y un objetivo deseado. La realidad de Uruguay en la actual coyuntura global y regional nos permite ser optimistas. El objetivo deseado surge del análisis de nuestras posibilidades, de nuestras fortalezas y mejoras necesarias, con base en evidencia y no en prejuicios. Sueño despierto con ese objetivo. Ha sido clave paraello haber mirado de cerca varios casos de países que lograron elevados niveles de bienestar económico sustentable desde el punto de vista social y ambiental. También ha sido clave conversar con muchas personas, con una multiplicidad devisiones, que impulsan las más diversas corrientes de opiniónen Uruguay. Este libro, que pretende ser un conjunto ordenado de reflexiones procesadas a lo largo de muchos años, busca contribuir a la construcción colectiva de la esperanza, que creo que necesita Uruguay para cumplir con su destino ineludible: ser un gran país, moderno, desarrollado, de primera línea eintegrado al mundo. Mirar más alto se puede, y se debe. La esperanza se construye. Primero, internamente, luego, públicamente, para que sea la semilla de un sueño colectivo.
Construct 2 Game Development by Example
by John BuraThis book uses practical examples to teach readers, and imparts the key skills and techniques of working in Construct 2 through building complete game projects. This book is for complete beginners who have always wanted to learn how to make games and have never tried. It is the perfect introduction to game development, design, and production.
Construct Game Development Beginner’s Guide
by Daven BigelowThis is a beginner's guide with plenty of screenshots and step-by-step instructions. Through three sample games, the reader will learn about practically creating games with Construct. If you have thought of making a game of your own, this book is for you. All you need to know is that you can and how to operate a computer!
Construct, Merge, Solve & Adapt: A Hybrid Metaheuristic for Combinatorial Optimization (Computational Intelligence Methods and Applications)
by Christian BlumThis book describes a general hybrid metaheuristic for combinatorial optimization labeled Construct, Merge, Solve & Adapt (CMSA). The general idea of standard CMSA is the following one. At each iteration, a number of valid solutions to the tackled problem instance are generated in a probabilistic way. Hereby, each of these solutions is composed of a set of solution components. The components found in the generated solutions are then added to an initially empty sub-instance. Next, an exact solver is applied in order to compute the best solution of the sub-instance, which is then used to update the sub-instance provided as input for the next iteration. In this way, the power of exact solvers can be exploited for solving problem instances much too large for a standalone application of the solver. Important research lines on CMSA from recent years are covered in this book. After an introductory chapter about standard CMSA, subsequent chapters cover a self-adaptive CMSA variant as well as a variant equipped with a learning component for improving the quality of the generated solutions over time. Furthermore, on outlining the advantages of using set-covering-based integer linear programming models for sub-instance solving, the author shows how to apply CMSA to problems naturally modelled by non-binary integer linear programming models. The book concludes with a chapter on topics such as the development of a problem-agnostic CMSA and the relation between large neighborhood search and CMSA. Combinatorial optimization problems used in the book as test cases include the minimum dominating set problem, the variable-sized bin packing problem, and an electric vehicle routing problem. The book will be valuable and is intended for researchers, professionals and graduate students working in a wide range of fields, such as combinatorial optimization, algorithmics, metaheuristics, mathematical modeling, evolutionary computing, operations research, artificial intelligence, or statistics.
Constructed Truths: Truth and Knowledge in a Post-truth World
by Thomas ZoglauerIn a world in which more and more fake news is being spread, it is becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish truth from lies, knowledge from opinion. Disinformation campaigns are not only perceived as a political problem, but the fake news debate is also about fundamental philosophical questions: What is truth? How can we recognize it? Is there such a thing as objective facts or is everything socially constructed? This book explains how echo chambers and alternative worldviews emerge, it blames post-factual thinking for the current truth crisis, and it shows how we can escape the threat of truth relativism.
Constructing Accessible Web Sites
by Paul Bohman Jim Thatcher Cynthia Waddell Shawn Henry Sarah Swierenga Mark Urban Michael BurksA guide to the whys and hows of creating web accessible websites.
Constructing an Online Professional Learning Network for School Unity and Student Achievement
by Dr Robin C. Thompson Laurie C. Kitchie Mr Robert J. GagnonAdvance your professional learning community into the digital age What if you had a school-based online forum for sharing lesson plans, student work, or a new curriculum? You can! The authors explain how they created an online professional learning network and provide all the tools needed to construct an online network to fit your school’s needs. Benefits include: Enhanced communication among teachers, administrators, and the community Easy access to professional development for many more participants Implementation of best practices and instructional strategies for improved teacher performance Increased understanding of and commitment to reaching educational goals
Constructing Online Work-Based Learning Placements: Approaches to Pedagogy, Design, Planning and Implementation
by Lisa TaylorConstructing Online Work-Based Learning Placements offers a step-by-step approach to understanding and applying the principles of design and delivery in online work-based learning (WBL) placements for students. A crucial component of employability strategies for higher education students, WBL placements are increasingly in need of adaptation to respond to today’s rapidly expanding online work environments. This evidence-based book explores the emergent properties and additional value that online WBL placements provide to student learning and employability prospects, focusing on effective pedagogy, design, planning and implementation. The book also presents the Peer Enhanced e-Placement (PEEP), a pioneering, positively evaluated and award-winning online WBL placement model that is underpinned by pedagogical research and theory. The PEEP has been adapted and adopted by numerous higher education teams organising online WBL placements, and the case example included in these pages will guide readers through their own implementation and collaborations.
Constructing Reality: The "Operationalization" of Bateson’s Conjecture on Cognition (SpringerBriefs in Psychology)
by Piero MellaThis brief presents an overview of Gregory Bateson’s Constructivist method of Cognition. Bateson proposes a theory of cognition that is based on the abstract notion of difference that the mind distinguishes and perceives and represents information that constitutes and separates how different states are ordered, grouped, and classified. Bateson, however, does not clearly indicate how a cognitive system can develop a knowledge of reality from the perception of these differences. This book seeks to offer a scientific approach to Constructivism. Using Bateson’s hypothesis, chapters discuss how our mind distinguishes and elaborates differences, allowing us to form perceptions of objects, and how these objects can be described and compared. Chapters also discuss how from differences, it is possible to construct concepts or ideas of how these can be defined and how to derive from these differences the meanings of the signs used for the structuring of languages. The brief offers a coherent structure of propositions that form an interpretative theory of the modus operandi of the human mind, which will be useful not only in shedding light on our cognitive processes, but also in laying the formal groundwork for artificial intelligence. Constructing Reality is a must-have resource for researchers and students of the cognitive sciences, as well as education sciences, and researchers and scholars of artificial intelligence, learning theory, and intelligent automata programming.
Constructing Regional Smart Education Ecosystems in China (Lecture Notes in Educational Technology)
by Haijun Zeng Zhisheng Li Jiong Guo Zhuo ZhangThis book enriches the understanding of regional smart education in China and promotes sharing of smart education case studies in China and abroad. It presents 46 case studies selected from a total of 644 case studies collected nationwide in China. These selected case studies focus on regional construction, research findings, and solutions. The case studies on regional construction mainly focus on the sustainable development mechanism of regional smart education. The research findings case studies showcase research results produced by research teams and individuals, which involve theories, models, technologies, practical investigations, or international comparisons related to smart education. Lastly, the solution case studies are technical solutions provided by enterprises for the development of smart education, which include application scenarios, methods, and effects in regions or schools around smart educational equipment, platforms, networks, tools, resources, or integrated solutions.
Construction Audit: Building a Solid Foundation (ISSN)
by Denise CicchellaConstruction Audit is becoming more and more prevalent, and organizations are appreciating its importance. Learning the basics of construction auditing can provide valuable knowledge and skills for professionals and students in the construction industry, offering insights into financial management, risk mitigation, compliance and overall project oversight.This book is not just for auditors, however. It could be used by project managers, integrity monitors, construction managers and anyone else who wants to understand the elements that go into creating a successful project. Legal teams involved in contracting and overpayment recovery will also benefit.This book: Walks you through all phases of construction, starting with project inception. It will guide the reader through all the processes and the risks in each of these. Will guide the reader through the many challenges they will face throughout the life of the project. This book provides real-life solutions to common problems in construction. Introduces project management techniques; while not concentrating on a special methodology, the book builds on project management fundamentals. Understanding this will help enable the reader to talk to project managers more effectively. Defines the components of a successful project and gives the reader the tools needed to ensure these components. Uses real-life examples of control breakdowns, errors or fraud. Will help readers build an audit strategy and plan by understanding risks and effective controls that can be implemented to mitigate risk. Whether tackling your first project or your 21st project, this book will help you think outside the box and understand the finite processes and pieces of your project. There is always room for something new, new perspectives or improvement, and this book will help you find it.
Construction Estimating Using Excel (Third Edition)
by Steven PetersonConstruction Estimating with Excel, 3/e, introduces readers to the fundamental principles of estimating using drawing sets, real-world exercises, and examples. The book moves step-by-step through the estimating process, discussing the art of estimating, the quantity takeoff, how to put costs to the estimate, and how to finalize the bid. As students progress through the text they are shown how Microsoft Excel can be used to improve the estimating process. Because it introduces spreadsheets as a way of increasing estimating productivity and accuracy, the book can help both beginning and experienced estimators improve their skills. <p><p> The Third Edition gives students a broader understanding of construction estimating with a new chapter discussing the role that estimating plays in different project delivery methods and in the design process and how to use data from RSMeans. To bring the book up to date, the material and equipment costs and labor rates have been updated to reflect current costs, and the discussion of Excel (including the figures) is based on Excel 2016. Additionally, content throughout the book has been updated to align to ACCE and ABET student learning outcomes
The Construction Industry in the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Proceedings of 11th Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) Postgraduate Research Conference
by Clinton Aigbavboa Wellington ThwalaThis book gathers papers from the 11th Construction Industry Development Board (cidb) Postgraduate Research Conference, held on 28–30 July 2019 in Johannesburg, South Africa. The conference provided an essential forum for reviewing and generating knowledge on Construction 4.0 and, consequently, highlighted processes and practices that allow us to deliver and operate built environment assets more effectively and efficiently by focusing on physical-to-digital and digital-to-physical transformation. The event addressed three broad themes: Industrial production (prefabrication, 3-D printing and assembly, offsite and advanced manufacturing);Cyber-physical systems (actuators, sensors, IoT, robots and cobots for repetitive and dangerous tasks, and drones for mapping, progress monitoring, safety and quality inspections, lifting, moving and positioning); and Technologies (digital ecosystems, digital platforms, BIM, video and laser scanning, AI and cloud computing, big data and data analytics, reality capture, blockchain, simulation, virtual and augmented reality, data standards and interoperability, and vertical and horizontal integration). Given its scope, the book will be of interest to all construction industry and architectural professionals who want to learn about cutting-edge technologies applied to construction
Construction Management JumpStart Second Edition
by Barbara J. JacksonLaunch your career in construction management with this one-of-a-kind book The construction management industry is expected to increase employment by 16 percent over the next decade. This second edition of a bestselling introduction to construction management walks you through each stage of the construction management process. Written from the constructor's perspective, this book will familiarize you with all the construction management fundamentals and how Building Information Modeling (BIM) is impacting the construction management profession. Covers interoperability of technology advances in the construction industry Explains how BIM is challenging the traditional approach to project delivery and how this affects the constructor's role Elaborates each stage of the design and construction process and the tasks associated with each of them Shows step-by-step how to estimate project costs, administer contracts, manage job site and construction operations, plan and schedule a project, monitor project performance, manage project quality and safety, and assess project risks Provides review questions at the end of each chapter to help enforce understanding The tried-and-true project management principles presented in this book will help ensure you a successful start to your career.
Construction of Fundamental Data Structures for Strings (SpringerBriefs in Computer Science)
by Felipe A. Louza Simon Gog Guilherme P. TellesThis books reviews recent theoretical and practical advances on suffix sorting and introduces algorithmic solutions to problems of wide interest for the construction of fundamental data structures that operate efficiently on strings namely, constructing the suffix array, the longest common prefix (LCP) array, the document array and the Lyndon array. These data structures are the cornerstone of many algorithmic solutions in Bioiformatics, Information Retrieval and Data Compression. This book introduces the relevant problem areas, their importance, the notation and related algorithms and then presents the algorithmic solutions for indexing data structure constructions.This book is intended for graduate students, researchers and practitioners from Computer Science and Bioinformatics with a strong interest in algorithmic aspects.
Construction, Operation and Maintenance of Network System(Junior Level)
by Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.This open access book follows the development rules of network technical talents, simultaneously placing its focus on the transfer of network knowledge, the accumulation of network skills, and the improvement of professionalism. Through the complete process from the elaboration of the theories of network technology to the analysis of application scenarios then to the design and implementation of case projects, readers are enabled to accumulate project experience and eventually acquire knowledge and cultivate their ability so as to lay a solid foundation for adapting to their future positions. This book comprises six chapters, which include “General Operation Safety of Network System,” “Cabling Project,” “Hardware Installation of Network System,” “Basic Knowledge of Network System,” “Basic Operation of Network System,” and “Basic Operation and Maintenance of Network System.” This book can be used for teaching and training for the vocational skills certification of network system construction, operation, and maintenance in the pilot work of Huawei’s “1+X” Certification System, and it is also suitable as a textbook for application-oriented universities, vocational colleges, and technical colleges. In the meantime, it can also serve as a reference book for technicians engaged in network technology development, network management and maintenance, and network system integration. As the world’s leading ICT (information and communications technology) infrastructure and intelligent terminal provider, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. has covered many fields such as data communication, security, wireless, storage, cloud computing, intelligent computing, and artificial intelligence. Taking Huawei network equipment (routers, switches, wireless controllers, and wireless access points) as the platform, and based on network engineering projects, this book organizes all the contents according to the actual needs of the industry.
Construction Program Management (Best Practices in Portfolio, Program, and Project Management)
by Joseph DelaneyAlthough the construction industry is one of the largest enterprises in the United States, widely accepted management principles, such as those contained in PMI's Standard for Program Management are still not widely implemented. This book explores how an improved understanding of these principles could boost construction program success rates. It outlines a process-based approach to construction program management that leverages structure to bring order to what can otherwise feel like an overwhelming challenge. The book includes case studies that illustrate the proper implementation of the steps outlined in the book.
Construction Robots: Elementary Technologies and Single-Task Construction Robots ( Cambridge handbooks in construction robotics vol. #3)
by Thomas Bock Thomas LinnerLearn how Single-Task Construction Robots (STCRs) can improve productivity in the construction industry with this cross-disciplinary text. This third volume in the Cambridge Handbooks in Construction Robotics series discusses the STCRs employed on construction sites since the development of the approach in the 1980s, presents current applications, and highlights upcoming trends in the construction automation and robotics field. Two hundred different types of STCR are presented, from the simplest models comprising simple manipulators and mobile platforms, to those utilizing more sophisticated technologies such as aerial robotics, swarm robotics, exoskeletons, additive manufacturing technologies, self-assembling building structures, and humanoid robotics. Real-world case studies demonstrate the different application scenarios for each approach, and highlight the key implementation and management issues. With an easy-to-follow structure, and including hundreds of color illustrations, it provides an excellent toolkit for professional engineers, researchers, and students. Provides a new interpretation of architecture and construction as a manufacturing industry that deals with product rather than with buildings - from building 'construction' to building 'production' Follows a cross-disciplinary approach that relates traditional architectural and construction knowledge the with latest knowledge from manufacturing, automation and robot technology Oriented towards technology application, using real-world case studies to show application scenarios for each presented approach or technology
Construction Supply Chain Economics (Spon Research)
by Kerry LondonThis is the first comprehensive investigation of the industrial sourcing and procurement practices throughout sixty-eight construction industry supply channels across seven major commodity sectors at all levels. London presents real-world case studies to combine theory and practice to describe the economic structural and behavioural characteristics of sectors integral to the construction industry performance. Construction Supply Chain Economics details 'everyday' experiences and procurement decisions made by people in firms in the industry related to projects as they seek out other firms to work with during the tendering stage. London creates a language that enables us to classify and understand behaviour and recognise the impact of our decisions on firms and projects within the industry. Construction Supply Chain Economics introduces a new model for mapping the construction sector of particular interest to construction management and economic researchers and to procurement decision makers, including policymakers and clients, as well as industry practitioners, such as contractors, consultants and materials suppliers.
The Construction Technology Handbook
by Hugh SeatonTired of new software that doesn’t seem to work in the field? Ready to get your teams up to speed and productive with the latest tools? The Construction Technology Handbook takes a ground up, no jargon look at technology in the construction industry. From clear, quickly grasped explanations of how popular software actually works to how companies both large and small can efficiently try out and onboard new tools, this book unlocks new ways for construction field teams, firm owners, managers, leaders, and employees to do business. You’ll learn about: Simple frameworks for making sense of all the new options cropping up How software and data work and how they work together to make your job easier and safer What artificial intelligence really is and how it can help real companies today Tools that are just over the horizon that will, one day, make your job just a little bit easier New and practical resources to help you incorporate an attitude of innovation and technology adoption into your workplace Perfect for general contractors and subcontractors, The Construction Technology Handbook also belongs on the bookshelves of construction technology vendors and construction workers who want to better understand the needs of the construction industry and the inner workings of construction technology, respectively.