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Showing 13,251 through 13,275 of 58,455 results

Coronavirus News, Markets and AI: The COVID-19 Diaries

by Pankaj Sharma

Coronavirus News, Markets and AI explores the analysis of unstructured data from coronavirus related news and the underlying sentiment during its real-time impact on the world and on global financial markets, in particular. In an age where information, both real and fake, travels in the blink of an eye and significantly alters market sentiment daily, this book is a blow by blow account of economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The volume: Details how AI driven machines capture, analyse and score relevant on-ground news sentiment to analyse the dynamics of market sentiment, how markets react to good or bad news across ‘short term’ and ‘long term’; Investigates what have been the most prevalent news sentiment during the pandemic, and its linkages to crude oil prices, high profile cases, impact of local news, and even the impact of Trump’s policies; Discusses the impact on what people think and discuss, how the COVID-19 crisis differs from the Global Financial Crisis of 2008, the unprecedented disruptions in supply chains and our daily lives; Showcases how easy accessibility to big data methods, cloud computing, and computational methods and the universal applicability of these tool to any topic can help analyse extract the related news sentiment in allied fields. Accessible, nuanced and insightful, this book will be invaluable for business professionals, bankers, media professionals, traders, investors, and investment consultants. It will also be of great interest to scholars and researchers of economics, commerce, science and technology studies, computer science, media and culture studies, public policy and digital humanities.

Corpora and Language Education

by Lynne Flowerdew

Corpora and Language Education provides a comprehensive overview of the field and includes a discussion of the historical and conceptual background of corpus linguistics. The five main approaches to corpus linguistics are critically reviewed. Quotations, definitions and key concepts are included in the main text to highlight important issues and competing voices. The author illustrates how corpus linguistics has been applied in various research fields, e. g. business and health care contexts, forensic linguistics, literary stylistics, translation studies, second language acquisition, lexicography and testing. The application of corpus linguistics techniques to pedagogy is also discussed. Ten exemplary case studies illustrating 'best practices' research are outlined and commented on. The volume also provides a comprehensive list of key print and online resources.

Corpora and Translation Education: Advances and Challenges (New Frontiers in Translation Studies)

by Jun Pan Sara Laviosa

This edited book covers a range of topics related to the use of corpora in translation education, including their standing in corpus-based translation studies, their relationship with machine learning and post-editing, recent advances in learner corpora development and the integration of corpora into translation pedagogy.The book draws the reader into the latest debate on the potential benefits and challenges of using corpora in translation education, as well as serving as practical guidance on how to incorporate corpora into their teaching practice.The book is of particular interest to translation educators, researchers, and postgraduate students who are interested in exploring theoretical underpinnings as well as new ways of teaching and learning translation.

Corporate Audiobooks: Hörspiele, Features & Co. in der Unternehmenskommunikation (

by Dietmar Pokoyski Stefanie Pütz

Die Kopfhörer auf den Ohren so vieler Menschen belegen es: Audio-Medien sind aus unserem Alltag nicht mehr wegzudenken. Auch Unternehmen haben längst den Nutzen des Audio-Kanals für ihre Corporate Identity erkannt. Audio-Branding und Podcasts sind unverzichtbare Elemente einer zeitgemäßen Unternehmenskommunikation geworden. Doch eines ist auffällig: Während das Hörbuch im Consumer-Bereich einen regelrechten Boom erlebt, werden narrative und dokumentarische Audio-Formate in Unternehmen nur selten eingesetzt. Dabei bergen Hörspiele und Features ein besonders hohes Potenzial als Instrument der Mitarbeiter- und Kundenbindung. "Corporate Audiobooks" widmet sich ausführlich diesem bislang unterschätzten Medium. Erstmals bietet ein deutschsprachiges Buch einen Überblick über Geschichte, Methoden und Nutzen narrativer und dokumentarischer Audio-Formate im Kontext der internen und externen Unternehmenskommunikation - ob als attraktiv gestaltete CD und/oder als Audio-Clip fürs Inter- und Intranet.

Corporate Blogging For Dummies

by Douglas Karr Chantelle Flannery

Establish a successful corporate blog to reach your customers Corporate blogs require careful planning and attention to legal and corporate policies in order for them to be productive and effective. This fun, friendly, and practical guide walks you through using blogging as a first line of communication to customers and explains how to protect your company and employees through privacy, disclosure, and moderation policies. Blogging guru Douglas Karr demonstrates how blogs are an ideal way to offer a conversational and approachable relationship with customers. You'll discover how to prepare, execute, establish, and promote a corporate blogging strategy so that you can reap the rewards that corporate blogging offers. Shares best practices of corporate blogging, including tricks of the trade, what works, and traps to avoid Walks you through preparing a corporate blog, establishing a strategy, promoting that blog, and measuring its success Reviews the legalities involved with a corporate blog, such as disclaimers, terms of service, comment policies, libel and defamation, and more Features examples of successful blogging programs throughout the book Corporate Blogging For Dummies shows you how to establish a corporate blog in a safe, friendly, and successful manner.

Corporate Cybersecurity: Identifying Risks and the Bug Bounty Program

by John Jackson

An insider’s guide showing companies how to spot and remedy vulnerabilities in their security programs A bug bounty program is offered by organizations for people to receive recognition and compensation for reporting bugs, especially those pertaining to security exploits and vulnerabilities. Corporate Cybersecurity gives cyber and application security engineers (who may have little or no experience with a bounty program) a hands-on guide for creating or managing an effective bug bounty program. Written by a cyber security expert, the book is filled with the information, guidelines, and tools that engineers can adopt to sharpen their skills and become knowledgeable in researching, configuring, and managing bug bounty programs. This book addresses the technical aspect of tooling and managing a bug bounty program and discusses common issues that engineers may run into on a daily basis. The author includes information on the often-overlooked communication and follow-through approaches of effective management. Corporate Cybersecurity provides a much-needed resource on how companies identify and solve weaknesses in their security program. This important book: Contains a much-needed guide aimed at cyber and application security engineers Presents a unique defensive guide for understanding and resolving security vulnerabilities Encourages research, configuring, and managing programs from the corporate perspective Topics covered include bug bounty overview; program set-up; vulnerability reports and disclosure; development and application Security Collaboration; understanding safe harbor and SLA Written for professionals working in the application and cyber security arena, Corporate Cybersecurity offers a comprehensive resource for building and maintaining an effective bug bounty program.

Corporate Data Quality: Voraussetzung erfolgreicher Geschäftsmodelle

by Boris Otto Hubert Österle

Daten sind die strategische Ressource des 21. Jahrhunderts. Es findet kein Gesch#65533;ftsprozess, keine Kommunikation zwischen Gesch#65533;ftspartnern, keine Wertsch#65533;pfung statt, ohne dass die involvierten Personen, Maschinen und IT-Systeme Daten nutzen, erzeugen oder ver#65533;ndern. Trends wie die Digitalisierung, Industrie 4. 0 und Social Media tragen ebenfalls dazu bei, dass Datenmanagement zu einer Kernkompetenz f#65533;r erfolgreiche Unternehmen dieser Zeit geworden ist. Damit Daten ihren ganzen Wert entfalten k#65533;nnen, m#65533;ssen sie stets in angemessener Qualit#65533;t zur Verf#65533;gung stehen. Dies gilt besonders f#65533;r Stammdaten, die zentralen Gesch#65533;ftsobjekte eines Unternehmens. Dieses Buch zeigt einen ganzheitlichen Ansatz zum qualit#65533;tsbewussten Management von Stammdaten auf und richtet sich damit sowohl an Praktiker als auch an die Wissenschaft. Das ,,Framework f#65533;r Stammdatenqualit#65533;tsmanagement" wurde im Rahmen des ,,Competence Center Corporate Data Quality" der Universit#65533;t St. Gallen seit dem Jahr 2006 gemeinsam mit Unternehmen aus unterschiedlichen Industrien in zahlreichen praktischen Anwendungen entwickelt und verbessert. Neben den theoretischen Grundlagen r#65533;umt das Buch der praktischen Sicht mit 10 Fallstudien gro#65533;en Raum ein, die erfolgreich durchgef#65533;hrte Datenqualit#65533;tsprojekte praxisnah aufbereiten. Schlie#65533;lich f#65533;hrt das Buch noch Methoden und Werkzeuge f#65533;r das Datenqualit#65533;tsmanagement auf, die (Stamm-)datenmanager bei Projekten im eigenen betrieblichen Umfeld unterst#65533;tzen k#65533;nnen.

Corporate Defense and the Value Preservation Imperative: Bulletproof Your Corporate Defense Program (Security, Audit and Leadership Series #8)

by Sean Lyons

This is the first book to finally address the umbrella term corporate defense, and to explain how an integrated corporate defense program can help an organization address both value creation and preservation. The book explores the value preservation imperative, which represents an organization’s obligation to implement a comprehensive corporate defense program in order to deliver long-term sustainable value to its stakeholders. For the first time the reader is provided with a complete picture of how corporate defense operates all the way from the boardroom to the front-lines, and vice versa. It provides comprehensive guidance on how to implement a robust corporate defense program by addressing this challenge from strategic, tactical, and operational perspectives. This arrangement provides readers with a holistic view of corporate defense and incorporates the management of the eight critical corporate defense components. It includes how an organization needs to integrate its governance, risk, compliance, intelligence, security, resilience, controls and assurance activities within its corporate defense program. The book addresses the corporate defense requirement from various perspectives and helps readers to understand the critical interconnections and inter-dependencies which exist at strategic, tactical, and operational levels. It facilitates the reader in comprehending the importance of appropriately prioritizing corporate defense at a strategic level, while also educating the reader in the importance of managing corporate defense at a tactical level, and executing corporate defense activities at an operational level. Finally the book looks at the business case for implementing a robust corporate defense program and the value proposition of introducing a truly world class approach to addressing the value preservation imperative. Cut and paste this link ( to learn more about a corporate defense program and how the book will help you implement one in your organization.

Corporate Digital Responsibility im digitalen Marketing: Herausforderungen, Strategien und Best Practices für Digital Marketer (essentials)

by Benjamin Desche

Das Zauberwort für alle digitalen Marketingpraktiken heißt Effizienz! Effizienzsteigerung bedeutet immer die Vermeidung und Reduzierung des genutzten Datenvolumens und hat damit eine Senkung des Energieverbrauchs in Rechenzentren und auf Endgeräten zur Folge. Die Ansätze zur Optimierung sind vielfältig und reichen von der Planung über die Umsetzung bis hin zur Evaluation. Nachhaltiges Handeln ist nicht nur ein Gebot ökologischer und sozialer Verantwortung, sondern bietet auch Vorteile im Hinblick auf Regulierungskonformität, Kosteneffizienz und Marktposition – gerade im digitalen Umfeld, in dem der Ressourcenverbrauch im Fokus steht. Verantwortungsvoll digital werben heißt: durchdacht, präzise und klimabewusst handeln.

Corporate Diversity Communication Strategy: An Insight into American MNCs’ Online Communities and Social Media Engagement

by Roxana D. Maiorescu-Murphy

This book analyzes the brand communities of major American multinationals across three industries: finance, tech, and consumer goods. It assesses how companies communicate their diversity approaches on social media (Twitter) and studies the ensuing perceptions of online users. By comparing more innovative sectors (tech and consumer goods) with a less innovative industry (finance), the author examines differences in the way brands approach and communicate about diversity in online settings. The results of the study lead to the development of a theoretical framework with practical applications for business communication academics and professionals alike.

Corporate Politics for IT Managers: How to get Streetwise (Computer Weekly Professional Ser.)

by Robina Chatham Keith Patching

'Corporate Politics for IT Managers: How to get Streetwise' addresses some of the most persistent problems faced by IT managers which undermine their power and influence in their organisations and which prevents them obtaining seat on the board of directors.It deals directly with the IT stereotype and offers advice on how to survive and then thrive despite the odds being stacked against the IT manager. Divided into four parts, 'How the IT Manager Gets Streetwise' begins by placing the IT stereotype in context, and proceeds to challenge the IT persons' habitual behaviours of the past, and present ways of rethinking IT services, before concluding with how managers can become "streetwise" in today's organisations.There are many books on the market telling IT managers how to construct IT and IS strategies, and even more on how to 'run' an IT department or function. However, few deal with the politics in organisations.'Corporate Politics for IT Managers: How to get Streetwise' equips IT managers with the necessary skills to cope successfully in the political arenas of the boardrooms in today's businesses.

Corporate Risk Management: A Case Study on Risk Evaluation (Springer Texts in Business and Economics)

by Dietmar Ernst Joachim Häcker

In times of crisis, risk management is more important than ever. In addition, companies are obliged to identify, quantify and aggregate risks as part of a risk management system. Legal and auditing standards have set the framework for doing so. This book uses a case study to show ‘step by step’ how risks can be analyzed and quantified with the help of Microsoft Excel. The book begins with the graphical representation of risks and the calculation of risk parameters such as the value at risk. It subsequently aggregates different risks into an overall risk using Monte Carlo simulation. Hedging risks is also explained, and how non-hedgeable risks can be integrated into a business plan. The assessment of extreme risks is also addressed, as is the modeling of volatilities. The book is aimed at students of business administration with a focus on finance.

Corporate Security in the Asia-Pacific Region: Crisis, Crime, Fraud, and Misconduct

by Christopher J. Cubbage CPP David J. Brooks PhD

As corporations and governments become more litigious and risk averse, international risk management becomes more complex. Corporate Security in the Asia-Pacific Region: Crisis, Crime, Fraud, and Misconduct examines real cases of corporate crisis, crime, fraud, and other misconduct that corporate security professionals need to be aware of to effect

Corporate Semantic Web: Wie semantische Anwendungen in Unternehmen Nutzen stiften (

by Börteçin Ege Bernhard Humm Anatol Reibold

Corporate Semantic Web - hierbei geht es um semantische Anwendungen, deren Einsatz für Kunden und Mitarbeiter von Unternehmen konkret Nutzen stiftet. Die Autoren, namhafte Experten aus Industrie und Wissenschaft, berichten über ihre Erfahrungen bei der Entwicklung solcher Anwendungen. Sie gehen auf Software-Architektur, Methodik, Linked Open Data Sets, Lizenzfragen und Technologieauswahl ein und präsentieren auch eine Marktstudie. Vorgestellt werden Anwendungen für die Branchen Telekommunikation, Logistik, verarbeitende Industrie, Energie, Medizin, Tourismus, Bibliotheks- und Verlagswesen sowie Kultur. Der Leser erhält so einen umfassenden Überblick über die Einsatzbereiche des Semantic Web sowie konkrete Umsetzungshinweise für eigene Vorhaben.

A Corpus-Based Study of Projection in English from the Systemic Functional Perspective (The M.A.K. Halliday Library Functional Linguistics Series)

by Man Guo Qingshun He

This book presents a comprehensive study on the phenomenon of projection in English language, drawing upon Halliday’s systemic functional linguistics (SFL) model. It aims to clarify the grammatical status of projecting and projected clauses and explore their synchronic distribution features as well as diachronic evolution patterns. This book provides insights into the understanding of the grammatical status of projection-related clauses. Furthermore, the uncovering of historical evolution trends contributes to the literature on grammatical metaphor in SFL. From a practical standpoint, the empirical investigations into the relationship between projection and text technicality provide important implications for English teaching pedagogy and discourse analysis.

Corpus Linguistics in Chinese Contexts (New Language Learning and Teaching Environments)

by Simon Smith Bin Zou Michael Hoey

Rapid advances in computing have enabled the integration of corpora into language teaching and learning, yet in China corpus methods have not yet been widely adopted. Corpus Linguistics in Chinese Contexts aims to advance the state of the art in the use of corpora in applied linguistics and contribute to the expertise in corpus use in China.

Correct-by-Construction System on Chip Design

by Parthasarathi Roop Samik Basu Roopak Sinha

This book describes an approach for designing Systems-on-Chip such that the system meets precise mathematical requirements. The methodologies presented enable embedded systems designers to reuse intellectual property (IP) blocks from existing designs in an efficient, reliable manner, automatically generating correct SoCs from multiple, possibly mismatching, components.

Correct Software in Web Applications and Web Services (Texts & Monographs in Symbolic Computation)

by Klaus-Dieter Schewe Bernhard Thalheim Andreas Prinz Bruno Buchberger

The papers in this volume aim at obtaining a common understanding of the challenging research questions in web applications comprising web information systems, web services, and web interoperability; obtaining a common understanding of verification needs in web applications; achieving a common understanding of the available rigorous approaches to system development, and the cases in which they have succeeded; identifying how rigorous software engineering methods can be exploited to develop suitable web applications; and at developing a European-scale research agenda combining theory, methods and tools that would lead to suitable web applications with the potential to implement systems for computation in the public domain.

Correction Formulae for the Stress Distribution in Round Tensile Specimens at Neck Presence (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)

by Andreas Öchsner Magdalena Gromada Gennady Mishuris

The monograph deals with methods to determine mechanical properties and evaluate the flow curve of ductile materials from the tensile test. It presents classical hypotheses concerning the onset of neck creation as well as the state of the art in determining the mechanical properties from the tensile test, with emphasis on the consequences of the neck formation. It revises derivations of formulae for the stress distribution in the minimal cross-section of the axisymmetrical specimen in the classical approaches proposed by Bridgman, Davidenkov / Spiridonova and Siebel as well as in the less famous formulae derived by Szczepinski and Malinin / Petrosjan. The revision is completed with solutions evaluated by the authors. In the monograph, the simplifying assumptions utilised in the classical approaches were carefully verified by numerical simulations accompanied by theoretical analysis. Errors imposed in the evaluation of the average axial stress acting on the minimal cross-section as a result of every particular simplification are estimated. The accuracy of all formulae to evaluate the flow curve is discussed. The significance of a high accurate determination can be seen in the context of numerical simulation (e.g. finite element computations), where the total error and accuracy is partly based on the accuracy of the material input.

The Correctness-by-Construction Approach to Programming

by Bruce W. Watson Derrick G. Kourie

The focus of this book is on bridging the gap between two extreme methods for developing software. On the one hand, there are texts and approaches that are so formal that they scare off all but the most dedicated theoretical computer scientists. On the other, there are some who believe that any measure of formality is a waste of time, resulting in software that is developed by following gut feelings and intuitions. Kourie and Watson advocate an approach known as "correctness-by-construction," a technique to derive algorithms that relies on formal theory, but that requires such theory to be deployed in a very systematic and pragmatic way. First they provide the key theoretical background (like first-order predicate logic or refinement laws) that is needed to understand and apply the method. They then detail a series of graded examples ranging from binary search to lattice cover graph construction and finite automata minimization in order to show how it can be applied to increasingly complex algorithmic problems. The principal purpose of this book is to change the way software developers approach their task at programming-in-the-small level, with a view to improving code quality. Thus it coheres with both the IEEE's Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK) recommendations, which identifies themes covered in this book as part of the software engineer's arsenal of tools and methods, and with the goals of the Software Engineering Method and Theory (SEMAT) initiative, which aims to "refound software engineering based on a solid theory."

Correlation in Engineering and the Applied Sciences: Applications in R (Synthesis Lectures on Mathematics & Statistics)

by Rajan Chattamvelli

This book focuses on correlation coefficients and its applications in applied science fields. The book begins by describing the historical development and various types of correlations. Rank correlation methods including Pearson’s, Spearman’s, and Kendall’s correlation are discussed at length. The book also discusses sampling distribution of correlation coefficients and applications of correlations in various fields. The book presents novel topics such as (i) a quick analytical method to approximate Pearson's correlation, (ii) single-variable correlation, (iii) fractional co-skewness and co-kurtosis, and (iv) the fallacy on correlation between the sample mean and sample variance. This book is ideal for courses on mathematical statistics, engineering statistics, and exploratory data analysis and is primarily aimed at upper-undergraduate and graduate level students. The book is also useful for researchers and professionals in various fields who are interested in data analysis.

Correlation of Modelled Atmospheric Deposition of Cadmium, Mercury and Lead with the Measured Enrichment of these Elements in Moss

by Stefan Nickel Winfried Schröder Ilia Ilyin Oleg Travnikov

The book provides a unique analysis of current air pollution in Germany by correlating results from chemical transport modelling and accumulation monitoring by moss.Results of most recent modelling of atmospheric concentration and deposition of the metal elements Cd, Hg and Pb are compared with the results of technical measurements and bioindication with mosses. These modelling results with status 2020 have a higher spatial resolution of 0.1° x 0.1° than the modelling results valid up to then (50 km x 50 km). This leads to partly slightly higher correlations between the findings of the modelling and those of the moss monitoring. In this study, descriptive and correlation-statistical parameters are calculated, results and recommendations drawn described. A statistically adequately deepened analysis and evaluation of the highresolution modelling results requires additional methodological tools, which are outlined in summary. It is particularly important to link the exposure data from modelling, technical measurements and the findings from moss monitoring with information on the receptors, the ecosystem types. This is the only way to ensure that the results of the present project contribute to a more differentiated assessment of the impacts on ecosystems from atmospheric heavy metal deposition than has been the case to date, thus enabling a targeted further development of risk assessments for German

Corruption, Fraud, Organized Crime, and the Shadow Economy (Advances in Police Theory and Practice)

by Peter C. Kratcoski Maximilian Edelbacher Bojan Dobovšek

Fueled by corruption, fraud, and organized crime, the shadow economy also known as the informal, black market, illegal, or underground economy is currently on the rise worldwide. Corruption, Fraud, Organized Crime, and the Shadow Economy addresses shadow economies and the players involved by examining various aspects of criminal law and prosecution

Corruption Networks: Concepts and Applications (Understanding Complex Systems)

by Oscar M. Granados José R. Nicolás-Carlock

This book aims to gather the insight of leading experts on corruption and anti-corruption studies working at the scientific frontier of this phenomenon using the multidisciplinary tools of data and network science, in order to present current theoretical, empirical, and operational efforts being performed in order to curb this problem. The research results strengthen the importance of evidence-based approaches in the fight against corruption in all its forms, and foster the discussion about the best ways to convert the obtained knowledge into public policy.The contributed chapters provide comprehensive and multidisciplinary approaches to handle the non-trivial structural and dynamical aspects that characterize the modern social, economic, political and technological systems where corruption takes place.This book will serve a broad multi-disciplinary audience from natural to social scientists, applied mathematicians, including law and policymakers.

CORS Essentials

by Rajesh Gunasundaram Randall Goya

Web developers have been limited by the Same Origin Policy and often wish they could spread their application across different domains. You know JavaScript and AJAX, and have run up against the Same Domain Policy, which is limiting your applications.

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