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Contemporary Issues in Exploratory Data Mining in the Behavioral Sciences: Contemporary Issues In Exploratory Data Mining In The Behavioral Sciences (Quantitative Methodology Series)
by John J. McArdle Gilbert RitschardThis book reviews the latest techniques in exploratory data mining (EDM) for the analysis of data in the social and behavioral sciences to help researchers assess the predictive value of different combinations of variables in large data sets. Methodological findings and conceptual models that explain reliable EDM techniques for predicting and understanding various risk mechanisms are integrated throughout. Numerous examples illustrate the use of these techniques in practice. Contributors provide insight through hands-on experiences with their own use of EDM techniques in various settings. Readers are also introduced to the most popular EDM software programs. A related website at http://mephisto.unige.ch/pub/edm-book-supplement/offers color versions of the book’s figures, a supplemental paper to chapter 3, and R commands for some chapters. The results of EDM analyses can be perilous – they are often taken as predictions with little regard for cross-validating the results. This carelessness can be catastrophic in terms of money lost or patients misdiagnosed. This book addresses these concerns and advocates for the development of checks and balances for EDM analyses. Both the promises and the perils of EDM are addressed. Editors McArdle and Ritschard taught the "Exploratory Data Mining" Advanced Training Institute of the American Psychological Association (APA). All contributors are top researchers from the US and Europe. Organized into two parts--methodology and applications, the techniques covered include decision, regression, and SEM tree models, growth mixture modeling, and time based categorical sequential analysis. Some of the applications of EDM (and the corresponding data) explored include: selection to college based on risky prior academic profiles the decline of cognitive abilities in older persons global perceptions of stress in adulthood predicting mortality from demographics and cognitive abilities risk factors during pregnancy and the impact on neonatal development Intended as a reference for researchers, methodologists, and advanced students in the social and behavioral sciences including psychology, sociology, business, econometrics, and medicine, interested in learning to apply the latest exploratory data mining techniques. Prerequisites include a basic class in statistics.
Contemporary Issues in Group Decision and Negotiation: 21st International Conference on Group Decision and Negotiation, GDN 2021, Toronto, ON, Canada, June 6–10, 2021, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing #420)
by Danielle Costa Morais Liping Fang Masahide HoritaThis book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Group Decision and Negotiation, GDN 2021, which was planned to be held in Toronto, ON, Canada, during June 6–10, 2021. The conference was held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic.The field of Group Decision and Negotiation focuses on decision processes with at least two participants and a common goal but conflicting individual goals. Research areas of Group Decision and Negotiation include electronic negotiations, experiments, the role of emotions in group decision and negotiations, preference elicitation and decision support for group decisions and negotiations, and conflict resolution principles. The 12 full papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 74 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows: pandemic responses; preference modeling for group decision and negotiation; conflict resolution; and collaborative decision making processes.
Contemporary Issues in Industry 5.0: Towards an AI Integrated Society (Technology, Work and Globalization)
by Päivi Aaltonen Emil Kurvinen‘Industry 5.0’ was first described in 2020 by the European Commission to describe the next wave of technologies, including Virtual Simulation and Automated Robots, to impact businesses and individuals. It recognizes how these technologies can no more be counted as purely ‘future tech’, but as realities that will begin to impact society as a whole. This open access book describes this new world as ’Society 5.0’ and explores the real impact of AI-enabled business on society. Beginning with a brief history of AI, the current terms, and its conceptual components, visualisation, data, and algorithms, this book then presents a collection of studies from leading scholars in the field of AI and Digital Business. The first section focuses on the immediate challenges and strategic changes that will be required for businesses to successfully adapt to this new reality. The second focuses on the opportunities of AI to businesses and society. And the final section includes chapters on the future and the possibilities and challenges that lie beyond Industry 5.0. It will be of great interest to scholars and students of innovation strategy and digital business, as well as all those engaged in research around cutting-edge technologies and their impact on society.
Contemporary Issues in Social Media Marketing
by Subir Bandyopadhyay Bikramjit RishiContemporary Issues in Social Media Marketing provides the most cutting-edge findings in social media marketing, through original chapters from a range of the world’s leading specialists in the area. This second edition has been fully updated with new features such as discussion questions, global case studies and examples, and material reflecting the key trends in the field, including: The growth in user-generated content. The growing influence of AI in content creation, including virtual influencers. The development and utilization of social media analytics. The use of social media as the primary search engine. The relationship between social media and the customer experience of the brand. Highly regarded for its breadth of topics, range of perspectives and research-based approach, this text is perfect recommended reading for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students studying Digital and Social Media Marketing, Contemporary Issues in Marketing and Strategic Marketing. It will also be valuable reading for academics in the field and reflective practitioners.
Contemporary Issues in Social Media Marketing: An International Perspective
by Bikramjit Rishi Subir BandyopadhyayIn a short time span, social media has transformed communication, as well as the way consumers buy, live and utilize products and services. Understanding the perspectives of both consumers and marketers can help organizations to design, develop and implement better social media marketing strategies. However, academic research on social media marketing has not kept pace with the practical applications and this has led to a critical void in social media literature. This new text expertly bridges that void. Contemporary Issues in Social Media provides the most cutting edge findings in social media marketing, through original chapters from a range of the world’s leading specialists in the area. Topics include: • The consumer journey in a social media world • Social media and customer relationship management (CRM) • Social media marketing goals and objectives • Social media and recruitment • Microblogging strategy And many more. The book is ideal for students of social media marketing, social media marketing professionals, researchers and academicians who are interested in knowing more about social media marketing. The book will also become a reference resource for those organizations which want to use social media marketing for their brands.
Contemporary Methods for Speech Parameterization (SpringerBriefs in Speech Technology)
by Todor GanchevContemporary Methods for Speech Parameterization offers a general view of short-time cepstrum-based speech parameterization and provides a common ground for further in-depth studies on the subject. Specifically, it offers a comprehensive description, comparative analysis, and empirical performance evaluation of eleven contemporary speech parameterization methods, which compute short-time cepstrum-based speech features. Among these are five discrete wavelet packet transform (DWPT)-based, six discrete Fourier transform (DFT)-based speech features and some of their variants which have been used on the speech recognition, speaker recognition, and other related speech processing tasks. The main similarities and differences in their computation are discussed and empirical results from performance evaluation in common experimental conditions are presented. The recognition accuracy obtained on the monophone recognition, continuous speech recognition and speaker recognition tasks is contrasted against the one obtained for the well-known and widely used Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC). It is shown that many of these methods lead to speech features that do offer competitive performance on a certain speech processing setup when compared to the venerable MFCC. The last does not target the promotion of certain speech features but instead aims to enhance the common understanding about the advantages and disadvantages of the various speech parameterization techniques available today and to provide the basis for selection of an appropriate speech parameterization in each particular case.
Contemporary Performance and Political Economy: Oikonomia as a New Ethico-Political Paradigm (Routledge Advances in Theatre & Performance Studies)
by null Katerina ParamanaContemporary Performance and Political Economy examines haunting concepts, relations, and artworks that demand our attention. Under capitalism, political and ethical considerations are subordinated to economic ones, and this subordination creates ghost worlds. Performance works, however, can offer insights into alternative politico-economic models. In this major contribution to the fields of contemporary performance and political economy, Katerina Paramana proposes that the investigation of performance works as economies can make the insights performance works offer visible. She positions the examination in relation to contemporary critiques of capitalism, neo-feudalism, and their by-products, and proposes and develops the notion of "oikonomia" as a means to theorize artworks which, through their house (oikos) rules (nomoi), propose ethico-political challenges to the economies in which they are embedded. For this, Paramana looks at politically positioned performance works created and presented in Cuba, Europe, Mexico, the UK, and the US. Her interest is in the politics, ethics, and effects of these works’ "house rules", and the insights they offer to the reconceptualization of political economy. Ultimately, this book aims to transform our understanding of economy’s purpose. It contributes to the development of a new ethico-political paradigm upon which a reconceptualization of political economy can be based. This inspiring study seeks to keep the fire for change alive by demonstrating that political economies, much like performances, are experiments that can be changed.This work will be of great interest to students and scholars in performance studies, theatre, visual cultures, politics, cultural studies, dance, and visual arts, and critical theorists.
Contemporary Research: Models, Methodologies, and Measures in Distributed Team Cognition
by Michael D. McNeese; Eduardo Salas; Mica R. EndsleyThe objective of Contemporary Research: Models, Methodologies, and Measures in Distributed Team Cognition is to advance knowledge in terms of real-world interactions among information, people, and technologies through explorations and discovery embedded within the research topics covered. Each chapter provides insight, comprehension, and differing yet cogent perspectives to topics relevant within distributed team cognition. Experts present their use of models and frameworks, different approaches to studying distributed team cognition, and new types of measures and indications of successful outcomes. The research topics presented span the continuum of interdisciplinary philosophies, ideas, and concepts that underline research investigation. Features Articulates distributed team cognition principles/constructs within studies, models, methods, and measures Utilizes experimental studies and models as cases to explore new analytical techniques and tools Provides team situation awareness measurement, mental model assessment, conceptual recurrence analysis, quantitative model evaluation, and unobtrusive measures Transforms analytical output from tools/models as a basis for design in collaborative technologies Generates an interdisciplinary approach using multiple methods of inquiry
Contemporary Research and Perspectives on Early Childhood Mathematics Education (ICME-13 Monographs)
by Iliada Elia Joanne Mulligan Ann Anderson Anna Baccaglini-Frank Christiane BenzThis book brings together a collection of research-based papers on current issues in early childhood mathematics education that were presented in the Topic Study Group 1 (TSG 1) at the 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME-13), held at the University of Hamburg in 2016. It will help readers understand a range of key issues that early childhood mathematics educators encounter today. Research on early childhood mathematics education has grown in recent years, due in part to the well-documented, positive relation between children’s early mathematical knowledge and their later mathematics learning, and to the considerable emphasis many countries are now placing on preschool education. The book addresses a number of central questions, including: What is mathematical structural development and how can we promote it in early childhood? How can multimodality and embodiment contribute to early mathematics learning and to acquiring a better understanding of young children’s mathematical development? How can children’s informal mathematics-related experiences affect instruction and children’s learning in different mathematics content areas? What is the role of tools, including technology and picture books, in supporting early mathematics learning? What are the challenges in early childhood mathematics education for teachers’ education and professional development?
Contemporary Technologies in Education: Maximizing Student Engagement, Motivation, and Learning
by A. G. Rud Olusola O. AdesopeThis edited volume provides a critical discussion of theoretical, methodological, and practical developments of contemporary forms of educational technologies. Specifically, the book discusses the use of contemporary technologies such as the Flipped Classroom (FC), Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), Social Media, Serious Educational Games (SEG), Wikis, innovative learning software tools, and learning analytic approach for making sense of big data. While some of these contemporary educational technologies have been touted as panaceas, researchers and developers have been faced with enormous challenges in enhancing the use of these technologies to arouse student attention and improve persistent motivation, engagement, and learning. Hence, the book examines how contemporary technologies can engender student motivation and result in improved engagement and learning. Each chapter also discusses the road ahead and where appropriate, uses the current trend to predict future affordances of technologies.
Contending Approaches to the Political Economy of Taiwan (Taiwan In The Modern World Ser.)
by Susan Greenhalgh Edwin A. WincklerThis work compares IT parks in China, India, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, and Hawaii, in search of strategies that policy makers can employ to reduce the Global Digital Divide, advance distributional equity, and soften some of the negative effects of economic globalization.
Content (The MIT Press Essential Knowledge series)
by Kate EichhornA concise introduction to content and the content industry, from the early internet to the Instagram egg.From the time we roll out of bed to check overnight updates to our last posts, likes, and views of the previous day, we're consuming and producing content. But what does the term &“content&” even mean? When did it become ubiquitous? And at what cost? In this volume in the MIT Press Essential Knowledge series, Kate Eichhorn offers a concise introduction to content and the content industry, examining the far-reaching effects content has on culture, politics, and labor in a digital age. Eichhorn traces the evolution of our current understanding of content from the early internet to the current social mediaverse. The quintessential example of content, she says, is the Instagram egg—an image that imparted no information or knowledge and circulated simply for the sake of circulation. Eichhorn explores what differentiates user-generated content from content produced by compensated (although often undercompensated) workers; examines how fields from art and literature to journalism and politics have weathered the rise of the content industry; and investigates the increasing importance of artists&’ &“content capital&”—the ability of artists, writers, and performers to produce content not about their work but about their status as artists.
Content and Copywriting: The Complete Toolkit for Strategic Marketing
by Margo BermanLearn to create powerful, strategic copy for multiple channels, platforms, and storytelling templates Today, just writing strong content or catchy copy isn’t enough. You must also know how to create gripping messages and interactive engagement. Content and Copywriting: The Complete Toolkit for Strategic Marketing is your one-stop resource to sharpen your skills and explore innovative methods to reach your audience. This comprehensive real-world guide helps you create content for any device and consumer touchpoint by seamlessly integrating social media writing and advertising copywriting. As an award-winning copywriter, producer/director, and professor, Margo Berman explains conceptual strategies and writing techniques to develop dynamic copy for a wide range of traditional and emerging media. This step-by-step approach offers specific instructions for writing websites, blogs, social media, direct mail, product packaging, viral marketing, radio, television, and videos. This work also analyzes immersive, experiential, augmented, mixed, and virtual reality content, then presents tips to maximize results. This updated and expanded second edition contains dozens of new TV and radio storyboards and scripts, charts and infographics, templates and writing tips, exercises and examples, terminology lists, plus over 100 new images of innovative marketing campaigns. It also covers shareable content, digital storytelling, headline and slogan techniques, and interactive experiences. In addition, there is a valuable section with skill-building resources, references, and suggested readings. Featuring an extensive collection of innovative visual examples, content writing templates, and teaching and learning resources, Content and Copywriting: The Complete Toolkit for Strategic Marketing is the ideal textbook for undergraduate courses in advertising, communications, public relations, and integrated marketing, and an invaluable reference for graduate students and professionals alike.
Content - The Atomic Particle of Marketing: The Definitive Guide to Content Marketing Strategy
by Rebecca LiebDISTINGUISHED FAVOURITE: NYC Big Book Awards 2017Content, in all its forms, is the single most critical element of any marketing campaign. Finding a successful equilibrium between content marketing and content strategy is difficult, but essential. Content - The Atomic Particle of Marketing goes beyond superficial descriptions of how to produce engaging social media content to offer the results of many years of deep quantitative research, and hours of interviews with senior marketers at some of the world's leading brands. Written by a recognized industry thought leader, Content - The Atomic Particle of Marketing explores how content functions in the broader framework of all marketing, as well as organizational concerns and IT decision making. It demonstrates the value content brings not only to "owned" media initiatives, such as a company website or blog, but also the essential role content plays in all other marketing initiatives, from social media to advertising to offline channels. It will enable readers to make the organizational, staffing, tools and process decisions necessary to get content up and running across divisions and organizational silos. Deeply researched and insightful, Content - The Atomic Particle of Marketing is, quite simply, the definitive research-based guide to content marketing.
Content-Based Image Classification: Efficient Machine Learning Using Robust Feature Extraction Techniques
by Rik DasContent-Based Image Classification: Efficient Machine Learning Using Robust Feature Extraction Techniques is a comprehensive guide to research with invaluable image data. Social Science Research Network has revealed that 65% of people are visual learners. Research data provided by Hyerle (2000) has clearly shown 90% of information in the human brain is visual. Thus, it is no wonder that visual information processing in the brain is 60,000 times faster than text-based information (3M Corporation, 2001). Recently, we have witnessed a significant surge in conversing with images due to the popularity of social networking platforms. The other reason for embracing usage of image data is the mass availability of high-resolution cellphone cameras. Wide usage of image data in diversified application areas including medical science, media, sports, remote sensing, and so on, has spurred the need for further research in optimizing archival, maintenance, and retrieval of appropriate image content to leverage data-driven decision-making. This book demonstrates several techniques of image processing to represent image data in a desired format for information identification. It discusses the application of machine learning and deep learning for identifying and categorizing appropriate image data helpful in designing automated decision support systems. The book offers comprehensive coverage of the most essential topics, including: Image feature extraction with novel handcrafted techniques (traditional feature extraction) Image feature extraction with automated techniques (representation learning with CNNs) Significance of fusion-based approaches in enhancing classification accuracy MATLAB® codes for implementing the techniques Use of the Open Access data mining tool WEKA for multiple tasks The book is intended for budding researchers, technocrats, engineering students, and machine learning/deep learning enthusiasts who are willing to start their computer vision journey with content-based image recognition. The readers will get a clear picture of the essentials for transforming the image data into valuable means for insight generation. Readers will learn coding techniques necessary to propose novel mechanisms and disruptive approaches. The WEKA guide provided is beneficial for those uncomfortable coding for machine learning algorithms. The WEKA tool assists the learner in implementing machine learning algorithms with the click of a button. Thus, this book will be a stepping-stone for your machine learning journey. Please visit the author's website for any further guidance at https://www.rikdas.com/
Content-Based Image Retrieval: Ideas, Influences, and Current Trends
by Vipin TyagiThe book describes several techniques used to bridge the semantic gap and reflects on recent advancements in content-based image retrieval (CBIR). It presents insights into and the theoretical foundation of various essential concepts related to image searches, together with examples of natural and texture image types. The book discusses key challenges and research topics in the context of image retrieval, and provides descriptions of various image databases used in research studies. The area of image retrieval, and especially content-based image retrieval (CBIR), is a very exciting one, both for research and for commercial applications. The book explains the low-level features that can be extracted from an image (such as color, texture, shape) and several techniques used to successfully bridge the semantic gap in image retrieval, making it a valuable resource for students and researchers interested in the area of CBIR alike.
Content-Centric Networks: An Overview, Applications and Research Challenges (SpringerBriefs in Electrical and Computer Engineering #0)
by Syed Hassan Ahmed Safdar Hussain Bouk Dongkyun KimThis book introduces Content-Centric Networking (CCN), a networking paradigm that provides a simple and effective solution to the challenging demands of future wired and wireless communications. It provides an overview of the recent developments in the area of future internet technologies, bringing together the advancements that have been made in Information-Centric Networking (ICN) in general, with a focus on CCN. It begins with an introduction to the basics of CCN is followed by an overview of the current internet paradigm and its challenges. Next, an application perspective has been included, where the authors encompass the selected applications for CCN with recent refereed research and developments. These applications include Internet of Things (IoT), Smart Grid, Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANETs), and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). The book is a useful reference source for practising researchers, and can be used as supporting material for undergraduate and graduate level courses in computer science and electrical engineering.
Content Curation: How to Avoid Information Overload (Corwin Connected Educators Series)
by Steven W. AndersonSavvy internet consumption starts right here! Teachers and students are constantly inundated with information, yet lack the organizational skill necessary to effectively utilize it. From Twitter hashtags to online communities, this handy guide will help you to find, store, and share the best information and resources found on the web today—and teach your students to do the same. Real-world tips, tools, in-depth examples and lesson plans help you systematically: Understand the curation process Find, collect, and share reliable web-based information Build students’ information literacy skills Help students research and organize problem-based learning projects Use cutting-edge curation tools like Evernote, Diigo, and Pocket The Corwin Connected Educators series is your key to unlocking the greatest resource available to all educators: other educators. Being a Connected Educator is more than a set of actions: it’s a belief in the potential of technology to fuel lifelong learning. "Speaking from his own experience and perspectives as a learner, teacher, and educational leader, Steven Anderson brings clarity to a process that can be difficult and overwhelming. Steven offers tried and tested strategies and tools for evaluating, organizing, and sharing the vast amount of online content educators and students have at their fingertips. If you′re drowning in digital content, this book is your life jacket. " —Jayme Linton, Assistant Professor of Education Lenoir-Rhyne University, Hickory, NC
Content Curation: How to Avoid Information Overload (Corwin Connected Educators Series)
by Steven W. AndersonSavvy internet consumption starts right here! Teachers and students are constantly inundated with information, yet lack the organizational skill necessary to effectively utilize it. From Twitter hashtags to online communities, this handy guide will help you to find, store, and share the best information and resources found on the web today—and teach your students to do the same. Real-world tips, tools, in-depth examples and lesson plans help you systematically: Understand the curation process Find, collect, and share reliable web-based information Build students’ information literacy skills Help students research and organize problem-based learning projects Use cutting-edge curation tools like Evernote, Diigo, and Pocket The Corwin Connected Educators series is your key to unlocking the greatest resource available to all educators: other educators. Being a Connected Educator is more than a set of actions: it’s a belief in the potential of technology to fuel lifelong learning. "Speaking from his own experience and perspectives as a learner, teacher, and educational leader, Steven Anderson brings clarity to a process that can be difficult and overwhelming. Steven offers tried and tested strategies and tools for evaluating, organizing, and sharing the vast amount of online content educators and students have at their fingertips. If you′re drowning in digital content, this book is your life jacket. " —Jayme Linton, Assistant Professor of Education Lenoir-Rhyne University, Hickory, NC
Content Delivery Networks: Fundamentals, Design, and Evolution
by Dom RobinsonThe definitive guide to developing robust content delivery networks This book examines the real-world engineering challenges of developing robust content delivery networks (CDNs) and provides the tools required to overcome those challenges and to ensure high-quality content delivery that fully satisfies operators’ and consumers' commercial objectives. It is informed by the author’s two decades of experience building and delivering large, mission-critical live video, webcasts, and radio streaming, online and over private IP networks. Following an overview of the field, the book cuts to the chase with in-depth discussions—laced with good-natured humor—of a wide range of design considerations for different network topologies. It begins with a description of the author's own requirement filtration processes. From there it moves on to initial sketches, through considerations of stakeholder roles and responsibilities, to the complex challenges of managing change in established teams. Agile versus waterfall considerations within large blue chip companies, security, commercial models, and value chain alignment are explored in detail. Featured throughout the book are numerous "what if" scenarios that help provide a clear picture of the wide spectrum of practical contexts for which readers may be tasked with building and implementing a CDN. In addition, the book: Discusses delivery of live, catch-up, scheduled on-demand, TVOD and SVOD Offers insights into the decisions that can to be made when architecting a content distribution system over IP-based networks Covers CDN topologies, including Edge-Caching, Streaming-Splitting, Pure-Play, Operator, Satellite, and Hybrid Examines computer hosting and orchestration for dedicated appliances and virtualization Includes real-world cases covering everything from IETF, regulatory considerations, and policy formation, to coding, hardware vendors, and network operators Considers the future of CDN technologies and the market forces driving its evolution Written by a back-room engineer for back-room engineers, Content Delivery Networks gets readers up to speed on the real-world challenges they can face as well as tried-and-true strategies for addressing those challenges in order to ensure the delivery of the high-quality content delivery networks that clients demand and users expect.
Content Distribution for Mobile Internet: A Cloud-based Approach
by Yunhao Liu Zhenhua Li Yafei Dai Guihai ChenThis book investigates the cloud-based techniques of content distribution mainly for mobile Internet. It starts with hot topics such as cellular traffic optimization and video content delivery. By integrating the cloud scheme, it further tackles issues of traffic-saving, energy-efficient, high-speed, and delay-tolerant content delivery with regard to mobile Internet. It covers both theoretical algorithms and their real-world system implementations. In particular, various well-known cloud platforms such as Baidu Traffic Guard, Tencent QQXuanfeng, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, and Dropbox are elaborated respectively in the book. Lastly, it includes an educational and experimental cloud computing platform allowing public access, which benefits researchers, practitioners, and developers in the field of cloud computing/storage and mobile Internet. Throughout the book there are helpful and practical tips on setting up cloud systems that readers can easily follow.
Content Distribution for Mobile Internet: A Cloud-based Approach
by Zhenhua Li Yafei Dai Guihai Chen Yunhao LiuContent distribution, i.e., distributing digital content from one node to another node or multiple nodes, is the most fundamental function of the Internet. Since Amazon’s launch of EC2 in 2006 and Apple’s release of the iPhone in 2007, Internet content distribution has shown a strong trend toward polarization. On the one hand, considerable investments have been made in creating heavyweight, integrated data centers (“heavy-cloud”) all over the world, in order to achieve economies of scale and high flexibility/efficiency of content distribution. On the other hand, end-user devices (“light-end”) have become increasingly lightweight, mobile and heterogeneous, creating new demands concerning traffic usage, energy consumption, bandwidth, latency, reliability, and/or the security of content distribution. Based on comprehensive real-world measurements at scale, we observe that existing content distribution techniques often perform poorly under the abovementioned new circumstances. Motivated by the trend of “heavy-cloud vs. light-end,” this book is dedicated to uncovering the root causes of today’s mobile networking problems and designing innovative cloud-based solutions to practically address such problems. Our work has produced not only academic papers published in prestigious conference proceedings like SIGCOMM, NSDI, MobiCom and MobiSys, but also concrete effects on industrial systems such as Xiaomi Mobile, MIUI OS, Tencent App Store, Baidu PhoneGuard, and WiFi.com. A series of practical takeaways and easy-to-follow testimonials are provided to researchers and practitioners working in mobile networking and cloud computing. In addition, we have released as much code and data used in our research as possible to benefit the community.
Content Everywhere: Strategy and Structure for Future-ready Content
by Sara Wachter-BoettcherCare about content? Better copy isn't enough. As devices and channels multiply--and as users expect to relate, share, and shift information quickly--we need content that can go more places, more easily. Content Everywhere will help you stop creating fixed, single-purpose content and start making it more future-ready, flexible, reusable, manageable, and meaningful wherever it needs to go.
Content gekonnt: Strategie, Organisation, Umsetzung, ROI-Messung und Fallbeispiele aus der Praxis
by Matthias WesselmannIn diesem Praxishandbuch berichten Content-Marketing-Experten über Erfahrungen, Lernkurven und Erfolgsfaktoren – leicht verständlich, anregend und mit aktuellen Fallbeispielen illustriert.Dass der Kunde König ist, galt zwar schon immer, wurde im Marketing in der Vergangenheit aber nur selten befolgt. Unternehmen nutzten die Kommunikationskanäle zur Selbstdarstellung und achteten oft nicht darauf, ob sich ihre Kunden überhaupt dafür interessierten. Dieses Modell funktioniert im Zeitalter des Informationsüberangebots nicht mehr. Nun ist Marketing mit umgekehrter Stoßrichtung notwendig – aus Push- wird Pull-Kommunikation. Um relevant und erfolgreich zu sein, müssen Inhalte von potentiellen Kunden gesucht, gefunden und wertgeschätzt werden sowie eine dem Unternehmensziel förderliche Aktion auslösen. Das stellt völlig neue Anforderungen an die Organisation der Marketing-Arbeit und die Orchestrierung der Kommunikation. Der Job wird inhaltlich und strukturell anspruchsvoller. Zugleich ist in der Unternehmensführung ein neues Verständnis dafür erforderlich, was Marketingkommunikation zum Unternehmenserfolg beiträgt und welche Konsequenzen daraus intern folgen.Mit Beiträgen von Dr. Sepita Ansari Pir Seraei, Szyzygy PerformanceDr. Marc Calmbach, SINUS-InstitutChristian Clawien, fischerAppeltDr. James Edwards, SINUS-InstitutDr. Sabine Fischer, idea economyPhD Tim Gohmann, Behavioral Science LabChristian Goy ,Behavioral Science LabAnne Griep, fischerAppeltOle Grönwoldt, Ole Grönwoldt Spatial DesignDr. Angela Harre, University of Applied Sciences EuropeMarkus Hartmann, Pricing für AgenturenSarah Helm, Coca-ColaDr. Rolf Illenberger, VRdirectIngo Kahnt Temel Kahyaoglu, The Group of Analysts Lena Kapp, eologyDr. Christian Kortmann, fischerAppeltLeif Lewinski, fischerAppeltCarmela Melone, The Group of AnalystsKatrin Menne, MerckJanine Michel, AccorHotels DeutschlandSibylle Milka-Böhm, AccorHotels DeutschlandJulia Niebergall, Universität MünsterHeiko Packwitz, Lufthansa Industry SolutionsDietrich Pflüger, fischerAppeltDirk U. Proff, blueforte Isabel Rehmer, fischerAppeltCarl-Jochen Reinhard, Fork Unstable MediaProf. Dr. Ulrike Röttger, Westfälische Wilhelms Universität MünsterHeiko Scherer, clapp mobile Arne-Kristian Schulz, blueforteMario Strack, eologyPaul Taggart, FORK Unstable MediaLeif Ullmann, nwtnPatricia Unfried, eology Dr. Pascal Volz, fischerAppeltAnne Wahl, AccorHotels DeutschlandMatthias Wesselmann, fischerAppelt
Content is Currency: Developing Powerful Content For Web And Mobile
by Jon WuebbenIn the digital age, content is no longer confined to the written page. It is spread across web and mobile, taking the form of podcasts, webinars, widgets, and blog posts. Powerful content tells the story of your product or business, but it means nothing if it's not written well, optimized for search and social media, and properly marketed. In Content is Currency content strategist Jon Wuebben explains the fine art of content development by utilizing the latest Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Social Media Marketing (SMM) techniques, and provides you with the tools and strategies you need to get your online content noticed.