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Crystal Reports 10 For Dummies

by Allen G. Taylor

Wouldyoureadinformationpresentedlikethis?No. It's just not natural. Sometimes presentation is almost as important as content. When you create a report, the goal is to provide information for readers in a format they can readily understand.Crystal Reports 10 For Dummies, the latest version of the most popular report writer in the world, shows you how to create simple or sophisticated reports, turning data into interactive, actionable reports that convey what's happening in your business. You can progress cover-to-cover or use the index to find out how to:Give your reports more pizzazz by using the correct fonts, color, drop shadows, graphic elements, and moreIntegrate elements from multiple, non-database sourcesGroup sort, total result sets, cross-tab reports, and add formulas, charts, or mapsPrint reportsUse customized Business Views gleaned from the same information to provide each reader with information he or she needs to know without spilling all the beans, sales figures, marketing information, or whateverPresent multi-dimensional data in OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) cubesGet ideas from sample reports on the companion Web siteWritten by Allen G. Taylor, nationally known lecturer, teacher, and author of over 20 books, including Database Development for Dummies, Crystal Reports 10 For Dummies makes it crystal clear how to:Store your information securely in Crystal RepositoryUse Crystal Analysis 10 to display OLAP data so you and your report's readers can analyze the information in an online environmentUse Crystal Enterprise to put Crystal Reports online for viewing by hundreds or thousands of people in your organizationWhether you want to dazzle your company's CEO and shareholders, motivate the sales force, or simply share database information cogently, with Crystal Reports 10 For Dummies you not only make your point, you an impression. When your reports look professional, you look professional.

Crystal Reports 2008 For Dummies

by Allen G. Taylor

A report is only useful if those who receive it understand what it means. Knowing how to use Crystal Reports gives you the edge in producing reports from your database that really are crystal clear. Crystal Reports 2008 For Dummies is a quick and easy guide to get you going with the latest version of this bestselling report-writing software. In fact, it's so popular that previous editions have made it a bestseller too. Crystal Reports 2008 For Dummies gives you just what you should know to produce the reports you'll need most often, including how to: Pull specific information from your database, sort and group it, and find the details you need Use dynamic or cascading prompts Troubleshoot and print reports and save time with templates View reports on your LAN Write formulas to retrieve specific information Create and update OLAP reports Format reports, control page breaks, and even add graphics or Flash files Enhance your reports with charts and maps Use Crystal Reports in the enterprise There's also a companion Web site with sample reports from the book and links to sites with more related information. With Crystal Reports 2008 For Dummies by your side, you'll soon be able to create reports from simple to spectacular, whenever the need arises.

Crystal Xcelsius For Dummies

by Michael Alexander

As the fastest growing dashboarding solution on the market, Xcelsius is an intuitive stand-alone Windows application that enables Excel users to transform the contents of an ordinary Excel spreadsheet into an engaging, interactive Flash-based dashboard Offers step-by-step instruction on the wide array of functionality that Xcelsius has to offer so that readers can complete mini-dashboards of increasing complexity with each chapter Addresses how to prepare Excel spreadsheets for use with Xcelsius dashboards and then use basic components of Xcelsius (charts, buttons, labels) Shows ways to add advanced functionality to dashboards (gauges, sliders, maps) and create interactive business calculators with Xcelsius Discusses integrating Xcelsius reports into PowerPoint slides, Web pages, and e-mail

The CS Detective: An Algorithmic Tale of Crime, Conspiracy, and Computation

by Jeremy Kubica

Meet Frank Runtime. Disgraced ex-detective. Hard-boiled private eye. Search expert.When a robbery hits police headquarters, it’s up to Frank Runtime and his extensive search skills to catch the culprits. In this detective story, you’ll learn how to use algorithmic tools to solve the case. Runtime scours smugglers’ boats with binary search, tails spies with a search tree, escapes a prison with depth-first search, and picks locks with priority queues. Joined by know-it-all rookie Officer Notation and inept tag-along Socks, he follows a series of leads in a best-first search that unravels a deep conspiracy. Each chapter introduces a thrilling twist matched with a new algorithmic concept, ending with a technical recap.Perfect for computer science students and amateur sleuths alike, The CS Detective adds an entertaining twist to learning algorithms.Follow Frank’s mission and learn:–The algorithms behind best-first and depth-first search, iterative deepening, parallelizing, binary search, and more–Basic computational concepts like strings, arrays, stacks, and queues–How to adapt search algorithms to unusual data structures–The most efficient algorithms to use in a given situation, and when to apply common-sense heuristic methods

Cscl: Theory and Practice of An Emerging Paradigm

by Timothy Koschmann

This book, about a newly emerging area of research in instructional technology, has as its title the acronym "CSCL." Initially, CSCL was chosen as an acronym for Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning. However, some would argue that "collaborative" is often not a descriptive term for what learners do in instructional settings; further, as the field develops, the technology used to support collaboration may not always involve computers, at least not in the direct ways they have been used to support instruction in the past. To avoid getting bogged down in this terminological debate, this book uses CSCL as a designation in its own right, leaving open to interpretation precisely what words it stands for. The authors talk a great deal about the theory underlying their work. In part, this is because that is what they were asked to do, but it is also an indication of the state of the field. In an established paradigm in which the theories and methods are well agreed upon, such discussion is less central. CSCL, however, has not yet reached the stage of "normal" science. There is much to be worked out yet. This book is offered with the hope that it will help to define a direction for future work in this field. The chapters appear in alphabetical order (except for the introductory chapter and the afterword) -- not for lack of a better way to organize the chapters, but rather because the organizational possibilities are too numerous and this order does not privilege one over another. By not imposing a topical organizing structure on this collection, it is hoped that readers will feel freer to explore the chapters in a way that best suits their needs. COPY FOR BIND-CARD CD-ROM info ................................. There is an accompanying CD-Rom for this proceedings that will become available September 1998. Purchasers of the proceedings may obtain a copy of this CD-ROM at no cost by contacting Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. phone: (201) 236-9500 toll-free: 1-800-9-BOOKS-9 (1-800-926-6579) 9am-5pm EST fax: (201) 236-0072 e-mail: Web site: address: 10 Industrial Avenue, Mahwah, NJ 07430-2262 The CD-ROM was funded through a grant from the National Science Foundation.

Cscl 2: Carrying Forward the Conversation

by Timothy Koschmann Rogers Hall Naomi Miyake

CSCL 2: Carrying Forward the Conversation is a thorough and up-to-date survey of recent developments in Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, one of the fastest growing areas of research in the learning sciences. A follow-up to CSCL: Theory and Practice of an Emerging Paradigm (1996), this volume both documents how the field has grown and fosters a meaningful discussion of how the research program might be advanced in substantive ways. Recognizing the long-standing traditions of CSCL work in Europe and Japan, the editors sought to broaden and expand the conversation both geographically and topically. The 45 participating authors represent a range of disciplinary backgrounds, including anthropology, communication studies, computer science, education, psychology, and philosophy, and offer international perspectives on the field. For each chapter, the goal was not only to show how it connects to past and future work in CSCL, but also how it contributes to the interests of other research communities. Toward this end, the volume features a "conversational structure" consisting of target chapters, invited commentaries, and author responses. The commentaries on each chapter were solicited from a diverse collection of writers, including prominent scholars in anthropology of education, social studies of science, CSCW, argumentation, activity theory, language and social interaction, ecological psychology, and other areas. The volume is divided into three sections: *Part I explores four case studies of technology transfer involving CSILE, one of the most prominent CSCL projects. *Part II focuses on empirical studies of learning in collaborative settings. *Part III describes novel CSCL technologies and the theories underlying their design. Historically, there has been a certain amount of controversy as to what the second "C" in CSCL should represent. The conventional meaning is "collaborative" but there are many C-words that can be seen as relevant. With the publication of this volume, "conversational" might be added to the list and, in this spirit, the book might be viewed as an invitation to join a conversation in progress and to carry it forward.

The Csound Book: Perspectives in Software Synthesis, Sound Design, Signal Processing and Programming

by Richard Boulanger

Written by the world's leading educators, programmers, sound designers, and composers, this comprehensive guide covers both the basics of Csound and the theoretical and musical concepts necessary to use the program effectively.

CSR Racing 2 Hacks del Juego, Apk, Tips para descargar la Guía no Oficial

by Emmanuel Castro Hernández Joshua Abbott

CSR Racing 2 es la continuación de CSR Racing, y finalmente ha llegado. Lanzado por Zynga y Natural Motion. Aunque parece el mismo que la primera versión (carreras de arranques, mejorando tu propio coche y comprando otros) es, de hecho, diferente. Así que estamos aquí para ayudarte mientras te damos trampas, tips y trucos por escrito, ¡especialmente para este juego! Sólo recuerda, no uses esos tips en la vida real. ¡te meterías en problemas!

CSR und Digitalisierung: Der digitale Wandel als Chance und Herausforderung für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft (Management-Reihe Corporate Social Responsibility)

by Alexandra Hildebrandt Werner Landhäußer

Dieses Buch ist ein Kaleidoskop unserer Gesellschaft und Zeit. Es besch#65533;ftigt sich mit Herausforderungen, Chancen und Risiken der gr#65533;#65533;ten Transformation der Geschichte: der Digitalisierung. Vorgestellt werden bahnbrechende neue Methoden zur nachhaltigen Steuerung der digitalen Transformation, neue Denkstile sowie neue Formen interdisziplin#65533;rer Zusammenarbeit - etwa mit Geistes-, Sozial- und Naturwissenschaftlern, #65533;konomen, Informatikern, Psychologen, Philosophen und Vertretern der Kreativwirtschaft. Sie zeigen, dass Digitalisierung weder gef#65533;rchtet noch verehrt werden muss, denn es geht vor allem darum, ihre Rolle zu verstehen, um sie nachhaltig zu gestalten.

CSR und Digitalisierung: Der digitale Wandel als Chance und Herausforderung für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft (Management-Reihe Corporate Social Responsibility)

by Alexandra Hildebrandt Werner Landhäußer

In der 2. Auflage des Buches "CSR und Digitalisierung" werden zwei Jahrhundertthemen zusammengeführt, die die wichtigsten Fragen unserer Zeit bündelnWie können wir ökologisch und sozial verantwortlich wirtschaften?Welche Rolle kann und soll die Digitalisierung dabei spielen? Die Digitalagenda ist die erste Strategie in Europa, die Digitalisierung und Umweltschutz konsequent miteinander verbindetDas vorliegende Buch ist allerdings auch eine Erweiterung der hier angesprochenen Themen, denn viele der vorgeschlagenen Maßnahmen basieren auf „weichen“ Instrumenten. Gezeigt wird u. a., welche aktuellen Maßnahmen und Methoden zur nachhaltigen Steuerung der digitalen Transformation die besten Unternehmen und Organisationen einsetzen, aber auch, dass es heute neue Denkstile sowie neue Formen interdisziplinärer Zusammenarbeit braucht. Digitalisierung muss weder gefürchtet noch verehrt werden, denn es geht vor allem darum, ihre Rolle zu verstehen, um sie nachhaltig zu gestalten. Finden Sie Beiträge unter anderem von:Franz Alt, Wolfgang Schäuble, Judith Gerlach, Timotheus Höttges, Olaf Koch, Henning Kagermannm, Christian Seifert, Manuel Neukirchner, Jutta Rump

CSS: The Missing Manual

by David Sawyer Mcfarland

Cascading Style Sheets can turn humdrum websites into highly-functional, professional-looking destinations, but many designers merely treat CSS as window-dressing to spruce up their site's appearance. You can tap into the real power of this tool with CSS: The Missing Manual. This second edition combines crystal-clear explanations, real-world examples, and dozens of step-by-step tutorials to show you how to design sites with CSS that work consistently across browsers. Witty and entertaining, this second edition gives you up-to-the-minute pro techniques. You'll learn how to: Create HTML that's simpler, uses less code, is search-engine friendly, and works well with CSS Style text by changing fonts, colors, font sizes, and adding borders Turn simple HTML links into complex and attractive navigation bars -- complete with rollover effects Create effective photo galleries and special effects, including drop shadows Get up to speed on CSS 3 properties that work in the latest browser versions Build complex layouts using CSS, including multi-column designs Style web pages for printing With CSS: The Missing Manual, Second Edition, you'll find all-new online tutorial pages, expanded CSS 3 coverage, and broad support for Firebox, Safari, and other major web browsers, including Internet Explorer 8. Learn how to use CSS effectively to build new websites, or refurbish old sites that are due for an upgrade.

CSS: The Missing Manual

by David Sawyer Mcfarland

Web site design has grown up. Unlike the old days, when designers cobbled togetherchunky HTML, bandwidth-hogging graphics, and a prayer to make their sites look good,Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) now lets your inner designer come out and play. But CSSisn't just a tool to pretty up your site; it's a reliable method for handling allkinds of presentation--from fonts and colors to page layout. CSS: The MissingManual clearly explains this powerful design language and how you can use it tobuild sparklingly new Web sites or refurbish old sites that are ready for an upgrade.Like their counterparts in print page-layout programs, style sheets allowdesigners to apply typographic styles, graphic enhancements, and precise layoutinstructions to elements on a Web page. Unfortunately, due to CSS's complexity andthe many challenges of building pages that work in all Web browsers, most Web authorstreat CSS as a kind of window-dressing to spruce up the appearance of their sites.Integrating CSS with a site's underlying HTML is hard work, and often frustratinglycomplicated. As a result many of the most powerful features of CSS are left untapped.With this book, beginners and Web-building veterans alike can learn how to navigatethe ins-and-outs of CSS and take complete control over their Web pages'appearance.Author David McFarland (the bestselling author of O'Reilly's Dreamweaver: TheMissing Manual) combines crystal-clear explanations, real-world examples, a dashof humor, and dozens of step-by-step tutorials to show you ways to design sites withCSS that work consistently across browsers. You'll learn how to:Create HTML that's simpler, uses less code, is search-engine friendly, andworks well with CSSStyle text by changing fonts, colors, font sizes, and adding bordersTurn simple HTML links into complex and attractive navigation bars-completewith CSS-only rollover effects that add interactivity to your Web pagesStyle images to create effective photo galleries and special effects likeCSS-based drop shadowsMake HTML forms look great without a lot of messy HTMLOvercome the most hair-pulling browser bugs so your Web pages work consistentlyfrom browser to browserCreate complex layouts using CSS, including multi-column designs that don'trequire using old techniques like HTML tablesStyle Web pages for printingUnlike competing books, this Missing Manual doesn't assume that everyone in theworld only surfs the Web with Microsoft's Internet Explorer; our book providessupport for all major Web browsers and is one of the first books to thoroughlydocument the newly expanded CSS support in IE7, currently in beta release.Want to learn how to turn humdrum Web sites into destinations that will captureviewers and keep them longer? Pick up CSS: The Missing Manual and learn thereal magic of this tool.

CSS: The Missing Manual (Missing Manual Ser.)

by David Sawyer Mcfarland

CSS lets you create professional-looking websites, but learning its finer points can be tricky—even for seasoned web developers. This fully updated edition provides the most modern and effective tips, tricks, and tutorial-based instruction on CSS available today. Learn how to use new tools such as Flexbox and Sass to build web pages that look great and run fast on any desktop or mobile device. Ideal for casual and experienced designers alike.The important stuff you need to know:Start with the basics. Write CSS-friendly HTML, including the HTML5 tags recognized by today’s browsers.Design for mobile devices. Create web pages that look great when visitors use them on the go.Make your pages work for you. Add animations that capture the imagination, and forms that get the job done.Take control of page layouts. Use professional design techniques such as floats and positioning.Make your layouts more flexible. Design websites with Flexbox that adjust to different devices and screen sizes.Work more efficiently. Write less CSS code and work with smaller files, using Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets (Sass).

CSS: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition

by Eric Meyer

CSS: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition , provides you with a comprehensive guide to CSS implementation, along with a thorough review of all aspects of CSS 2.1. Updated to cover Internet Explorer 7, Microsoft's vastly improved browser, this new edition includes content on positioning, lists and generated content, table layout, user interface, paged media, and more. Simply put, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a way to separate a document's structure from its presentation. The benefits of this can be quite profound: CSS allows a much richer document appearance than HTML and also saves time -- you can create or change the appearance of an entire document in just one place; and its compact file size makes web pages load quickly. CSS: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition , provides you with a comprehensive guide to CSS implementation, along with a thorough review of all aspects of CSS 2.1. Updated to cover Internet Explorer 7, Microsoft's vastly improved browser, this new edition includes content on positioning, lists and generated content, table layout, user interface, paged media, and more. Author Eric Meyer tackles the subject with passion, exploring in detail each individual CSS property and how it interacts with other properties. You'll not only learn how to avoid common mistakes in interpretation, you also will benefit from the depth and breadth of his experience and his clear and honest style. This is the complete sourcebook on CSS. The 3rd edition contains: Updates to reflect changes in the latest draft version of CSS 2.1 Browser notes updated to reflect changes between IE6 and IE7 Advanced selectors supported in IE7 and other major browsers included A new round of technical edits by a fresh set of editors Clarifications and corrected errata, including updated URLs of referenced online resources

CSS: The Definitive Guide

by Eric A. Meyer

CSS: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition, provides you with a comprehensive guide to CSS implementation, along with a thorough review of all aspects of CSS 2.1. Updated to cover Internet Explorer 7, Microsoft's vastly improved browser, this new edition includes content on positioning, lists and generated content, table layout, user interface, paged media, and more.Simply put, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a way to separate a document's structure from its presentation. The benefits of this can be quite profound: CSS allows a much richer document appearance than HTML and also saves time -- you can create or change the appearance of an entire document in just one place; and its compact file size makes web pages load quickly.CSS: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition, provides you with a comprehensive guide to CSS implementation, along with a thorough review of all aspects of CSS 2.1. Updated to cover Internet Explorer 7, Microsoft's vastly improved browser, this new edition includes content on positioning, lists and generated content, table layout, user interface, paged media, and more. Author Eric Meyer tackles the subject with passion, exploring in detail each individual CSS property and how it interacts with other properties. You'll not only learn how to avoid common mistakes in interpretation, you also will benefit from the depth and breadth of his experience and his clear and honest style. This is the complete sourcebook on CSS.The 3rd edition contains: Updates to reflect changes in the latest draft version of CSS 2.1 Browser notes updated to reflect changes between IE6 and IE7 Advanced selectors supported in IE7 and other major browsers included A new round of technical edits by a fresh set of editors Clarifications and corrected errata, including updated URLs of referenced online resources

CSS: Visual Presentation for the Web

by Eric A. Meyer Estelle Weyl

If you’re a web designer or app developer interested in sophisticated page styling, improved accessibility, and saving time and effort, this book is for you. This revised edition provides a comprehensive guide to CSS implementation, along with a thorough review of the latest CSS specifications.CSS is a constantly evolving language for describing the presentation of web content on screen, printers, speech synthesizers, screen readers, and chat windows. It is used by all browsers on all screen sizes on all types of IoT devices, including phones, computers, video games, televisions, watches, kiosks, and auto consoles. Authors Eric Meyer and Estelle Weyl show you how to improve user experience, speed development, avoid potential bugs, and add life and depth to your applications through layout, transitions and animations, borders, backgrounds, text properties, and many other tools and techniques.This guide covers:Selectors, specificity, and the cascadeValues, units, fonts, and text propertiesPadding, borders, outlines, and marginsColors, backgrounds, and gradientsFloats and positioning tricksFlexible box layoutThe new Grid layout system2D and 3D transforms, transitions, and animationFilters, blending, clipping, and maskingMedia and feature queries

CSS and Documents

by Eric A. Meyer

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a powerful tool that transforms the presentation of a document or a collection of documents, and it's spread to nearly every corner of the Web--as well as many non-web environments. In this free introduction to Cascade Style Sheets, you'll learn how CSS makes it possible for you to completely change the way document elements are presented by a user agent. You'll discover the origins of this specification and how CSS styles work with HTML. Learn how you can choose style sheets based on the features of a given media type, including desktop screens, web-enabled phones, digital projectors, TVs, Braille devices, print documents, and even various audio renderings of a document. CSS and Documents is an excerpt from the forthcoming 4th edition of CSS: The Definitive Guide.

CSS Cookbook

by Christopher Schmitt

As the industry standard method for enriching the presentation of HTML-based web pages, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) allow you to give web pages more structure and a more sophisticated look. But first, you have to get past CSS theory and resolve real-world problems. For those all-too-common dilemmas that crop up with each project, CSS Cookbook provides hundreds of practical examples with CSS code recipes that you can use immediately to format your web pages. Arranged in a quick-lookup format for easy reference, the second edition has been updated to explain the unique behavior of the latest browsers: Microsoft's IE 7 and Mozilla's Firefox 1.5. Also, the book has been expanded to cover the interaction of CSS and images and now includes more recipes for beginning CSS users. The explanation that accompanies each recipe enables you to customize the formatting for your specific needs. With topics that range from basic web typography and page layout to techniques for formatting lists, forms, and tables, this book is a must-have companion, regardless of your experience with Cascading Style Sheets.

CSS Cookbook: Quick Solutions to Common CSS Problems (Animal Guide)

by Christopher Schmitt

What people are saying about CSS Cookbook "Christopher's fantastic cookbook will give you solutions to pretty much all of the CSS problems you'll come up against in your day-to-day web design work, saving you bags of time and frustration. This guy is one of the industry's brightest minds -- he really knows his stuff." --Chris Mills, Opera SoftwareLearn how to solve the real problems you face with CSS. This cookbook offers hundreds of practical examples for using CSS to format your web pages, and includes code samples you can use right away. You'll find exactly what you need, from the basics to complex hacks and workarounds. Each recipe explains how to customize a solution to meet your needs, and each chapter features a sample design that showcases the topics discussed. You'll learn about the behavior of the latest browsers-including IE 8, Firefox 3, Safari 4, and Google Chrome-and how you can resolve differences in the ways they display your web pages. Arranged in a convenient format for quick reference, this third edition is a valuable companion for anyone working with CSS. Learn the basics, such as the CSS rule structure Work with web typography and page layout Create effects for images and other page elements Learn techniques for configuring lists, forms, and tables Design effective web navigation and create custom links Get creative by combining CSS with JavaScript Learn useful troubleshooting techniques Explore features of HTML5 and CSS3

CSS Floating

by Eric A. Meyer

While flowing text around images is certainly nothing new, with CSS you can float any element, from images to paragraphs to lists. In this practical guide, author Eric Meyer reveals some interesting--and surprising--ways to use CSS floats in your web design, including the latest capability to flow content past non-rectangular float shapes.Short and sweet, this book is an excerpt from the upcoming fourth edition of CSS: The Definitive Guide. When you purchase either the print or the ebook edition of CSS Floating, you'll receive a discount on the entire Definitive Guide once it's released. Why wait? Learn how to bring life to your web pages now.Learn the characteristics of floated elements, and CSS rules for using themBe aware of certain rule exceptions when applying floats to your design, including the use of negative marginsUse the clear property to prevent floats from affecting elements in the next section of the documentCreate floating boxes in non-rectangular shapes, including rounded corners, circles, ellipses, and even polygonsDefine float shapes with transparent or opaque images

CSS Fonts: Web Typography Possibilities

by Eric A. Meyer

From custom fonts to ad-hoc font families you assemble out of a variety of individual faces, CSS 3 gives you more typographic options than ever before. This concise guide shows you how to use CSS properties to gain a fine-grained and wide-ranging influence over how you display fonts on the Web. Short and sweet, this book is an excerpt from the upcoming fourth edition of CSS: The Definitive Guide. When you purchase either the print or the ebook edition of Fonts, you'll receive a discount on the entire Definitive Guide once it's released. Why wait? Learn how to choose and manipulate fonts right away. Specify font families and their generic alternatives Use @font-face to specify customized downloadable fonts Size your fonts with absolute or relative scales, percentages, or length units Understand the difference between italic and oblique styles Learn how to specify or suppress a font's kerning data and other font features Synthesize your own variants for fonts that lack bold or italic text

CSS Framework Alternatives: Explore Five Lightweight Alternatives To Bootstrap And Foundation With Project Examples

by Aravind Shenoy Anirudh Prabhu

Learn how to use lightweight CSS framework alternatives to build intuitive websites. This book presents five project examples that use Skeleton, Miligram, UI Kit, Material Design Lite and Susy. This no-nonsense introduction will help you understand the concept of designing interactive websites using these frameworks with ease. Each framework is demonstrated through a practical project in an easy-to-understand manner. Web design is streamlined nowadays thanks to CSS frameworks and, although Bootstrap and Foundation rule the roost with web design, you don't need an exhaustive framework like these for smaller websites.You'll get a glimpse into additional front-end frameworks which basically are pre-prepared packages containing structure of files and folders of HTML and CSS documents (some with JavaScript functions) that help designers and developers build interactive and immersive websites. What You'll LearnDelve deeper into the world of CSS designs Create interactive and immersive webpages with UI Kit, Material Design Life, and SusyBuild a landing webpage with Skeleton Design a product page for a Secure VPN product with Milligram Who This Book Is ForReaders who are familiar with basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and experienced web designers who aren’t familiar with frameworks other than Bootstrap or Foundation.

CSS Frameworks: The Ultimate Guide (The Ultimate Guide)

by Sufyan bin Uzayr

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a programming language that integrates all relevant information related to the display of a web page. CSS defines the style and format of a web page or page, including layout, colors, fonts, & (the space around each element), and more. Together with HTML and JavaScript, CSS forms the basis of the functioning of the Internet. CSS Frameworks: The Ultimate Guide discusses the fundamental concepts of CSS that will help developers and coders do more with CSS Frameworks. This book is for anyone who wants to create a website and write optimized and well-structured code in CSS. It follows a hands-on approach and offers practical lessons and tutorials related to CSS Frameworks. Features: • Provides a detailed focus on CSS programming • Introduces CSS Frameworks using real-world industry concepts • Discusses optimization and maintenance of code in CSS Frameworks This book is a valuable resource for developers already familiar with HTML, and who have an understanding of JavaScript. After finishing this book, anyone will quickly build their website with absolute ease.

CSS Grid Layout: 5 Practical Projects

by Craig Buckler Ilya Bodrov-Krukowski Giulio Mainardi Ahmed Bouchefra Diego Souza

CSS has grown from a language for formatting documents into a robust language for designing web applications. Its syntax is easy to learn, making CSS a great entry point for those new to programming. Indeed, it's often the second language that developers learn, right behind HTML. One of CSS's new features is the Grid Layout Module, which enables complex layout designs that previously would have been very difficult to achieve. In this book, we'll examine five projects that use grid layout. It contains: Redesigning a Site to Use CSS Grid Layout by Ilya BodrovRedesigning a Card-based Tumblr Layout with CSS Grid by Giulio MainardiEasy and Responsive Modern CSS Grid Layout by Ahmed BouchefraProgressively Enhanced CSS Layouts from Floats to Flexbox to Grid by Diogo SouzaMake Forms Great with CSS Grid by Craig Buckler This book is suitable for developers with some CSS experience.

CSS in Depth

by Keith Grant

SummaryCSS in Depth exposes you to a world of CSS techniques that range from clever to mind-blowing. This instantly useful book is packed with creative examples and powerful best practices that will sharpen your technical skills and inspire your sense of design.Foreword by Chris Coyier, Cofounder of CodePen.Dig even deeper into the secrets of CSS with our video course CSS in Depth in Motion, available exclusively at (​in-motion)!Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.About the TechnologySome websites really pop. They look great, they're visually consistent, and they feel interactive and responsive. You can bet their developers knew CSS in depth. CSS specifies everything from the structural layout of page elements to their individual look and feel. True masters know the patterns of CSS development, the techniques to implement them, and the subtle touches that result in beautiful typography, fluid transitions, and balanced graphics. Join them!About the BookCSS in Depth exposes you to a world of CSS techniques that range from clever to mind-blowing. This instantly useful book is packed with creative examples and powerful best practices that will sharpen your technical skills and inspire your sense of design. You'll gain new insights into familiar features like floats and units, and experiment with emerging ideas like responsive design and pattern libraries. Bottom line: this book will make you a better web designer and your apps will look fantastic!What's InsideAvoid common CSS pitfallsMaster misunderstood conceptsUse flexbox and grid layoutResponsive designs for any deviceCode for reuse and maintainabilityAbout the ReaderWritten for web developers who know the basics of CSS and HTML.About the AuthorKeith J. Grant is a senior web developer who builds and maintains web applications and websites, including The New York Stock Exchange site.Table of ContentsPART 1 - REVIEWING THE FUNDAMENTALSCascade, specificity, and inheritance Working with relative units Mastering the box model PART 2 - MASTERING LAYOUTMaking sense of floats Flexbox Grid layout Positioning and stacking contexts Responsive design PART 3 - CSS AT SCALE Modular CSS Pattern libraries PART 4 - ADVANCED TOPICSBackgrounds, shadows, and blend modes Contrast, color, and spacing Typography Transitions Transforms Animations

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