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CSS in Depth, Second Edition

by Keith J. Grant

To create web designs that delight, entertain, and impress your users, you need to know CSS in depth!Getting good—really good—at CSS means learning everything that CSS is capable of. This totally revised new edition of CSS in Depth expands your CSS skills with the patterns, layouts, and methods you need to deliver truly beautiful front ends. In CSS in Depth, Second Edition you will learn how to: • Create a web page with layout methods • Develop essential website components, like dropdown menus and dialog boxes • Make your website fully responsive across devices • Organize your CSS for easy future maintenance • Implement designer mockups with attention to detail • Use animations to guide user focus • Avoid common CSS pitfalls The more you know about CSS, the more confident you&’ll be at tackling any tricky website design! CSS in Depth has given thousands of web developers the tools and the inspiration to make sites that really pop. This second edition is packed with the latest best practices, new CSS language features, and essential advice on how to organize and maintain your CSS codebase. Foreword by Chris Coyier. About the technology To deliver truly beautiful frontends, you need to know CSS inside and out. And as CSS grows and matures, even experienced CSS developers will find a whole new set of skills to catch up on! This guide will help you discover everything that CSS is capable of—from the must-knows and brand-new features to the hidden insights you won&’t find anywhere else! About the book CSS in Depth, Second Edition, deep dives into the CSS techniques used by the world&’s most skilled web developers. Inside, you&’ll learn how to build and organize a modular CSS codebase that&’s easy to understand, maintain, and reuse. This new edition is fully revised to cover the CSS standard&’s latest additions, including cascade layers, logical properties, new color functions, subgrid, and container queries. What's inside • Vertical centering, margin collapsing, and positioning • Dropdown menus and modal dialog boxes • Animations to guide user focus • Avoiding common CSS pitfalls About the reader Written for web developers who know the basics of CSS and HTML. About the author Keith J. Grant is a Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat, where he works on front-end code for the Ansible Controller web application using JavaScript and CSS. The technical editor on this book was Chris Chinchilla. Table of Contents PART 1 1 Cascade, specificity, and inheritance 2 Working with relative units 3 Document flow and the box model PART 2 4 Flexbox 5 Grid layout 6 Positioning and stacking contexts 7 Responsive design PART 3 8 Cascade layers and nesting 9 Modular CSS and scope 10 Container queries PART 4 11 Color and contrast 12 Typography and spacing 13 Gradients, shadows, and blend modes 14 Masks, shapes, and clipping PART 5 15 Transitions 16 Transforms 17 Animations APPENDIXES A Selectors reference B Preprocessors

CSS. Kaskadowe arkusze stylów. Przewodnik encyklopedyczny. Wydanie III

by Eric A. Meyer​jpg" width="60" height="74" border="0" hspace="3" vspace="3" align="right" />Autorem ksi??ki jest Eric A. Meyer, guru CSS, jeden z najbardziej cenionych specjalistów w dziedzinie projektowania stron WWW. Odkrywa granice mo?liwo?ci zastosowania CSS-a. Wyst?puje na wielu konferencjach po?wi?conych standardom internetowym, zastosowaniu CSS oraz projektowaniu witryn. Kompendium wiedzy o kaskadowych arkuszach stylów Opis struktury arkusza stylów Sposoby definiowania charakterystyk czcionek Tworzenie efektownych interfejsów u?ytkownika Pozycjonowanie elementów Kaskadowe arkusze stylów (CSS), to technologia, która zrewolucjonizowa?a proces tworzenia witryn internetowych. Projektanci stron WWW dostali do r?ki pot??ne narz?dzie pozwalaj?ce na definiowanie wygl?du tekstu, tabel, ramek, ??czy i innych elementów dokumentu za pomoc? prostych parametrów zamieszczonych w odr?bnym pliku lub wydzielonym miejscu kodu strony. Dzi?ki arkuszom stylów mo?liwe jest ca?kowite rozdzielenie procesu edycji tre?ci strony od okre?lania jej aspektów typograficznych i kolorystycznych, co niezwykle u?atwia dostosowanie serwisu WWW do przegl?dania na ró?nych urz?dzeniach -- monitorach komputerów, wy?wietlaczach telefonów komórkowych i terminali Blackberry. Ksi??ka "CSS. Kaskadowe arkusze stylów. Przewodnik encyklopedyczny. Wydanie III" to kompleksowe ?ród?o informacji o wszystkich aspektach stosowania kaskadowych arkuszy stylów zgodnie z najnowszymi specyfikacjami konsorcjum W3C -- CSS2 oraz CSS2.1. Czytaj?c j?, dowiesz si?, jak definiowa? style dla tekstu, formatowa? tabele i tworzy? funkcjonalne interfejsy u?ytkownika. Poznasz ró?nice pomi?dzy elementami p?ywaj?cymi i pozycjonowanymi, zasady stosowania jednostek miar w definicjach stylów oraz metody przystosowywania tre?ci i uk?adu strony do druku czy odczytywania przez oprogramowanie u?atwiaj?ce korzystanie z sieci osobom niepe?nosprawnym. Znajdziesz tu tak?e informacje o tym, które elementy specyfikacji CSS s? obs?ugiwane przez przegl?darki obecne dzi? na rynku. ??czenie stylów z dokumentami XHTML Stosowanie selektorów Struktura definicji stylów Jednostki miary stosowane w definicjach stylów Korzystanie z ró?nych krojów czcionek Formatowanie tekstu Marginesy i obramowania Kolory Pozycjonowanie elementów Korzystanie z tabel Definiowanie stylów dla mediów nieekranowych Wykorzystaj do?wiadczenie Erica Meyera i poznaj wszystkie aspekty stosowania CSS.

CSS Kochbuch

by Christopher Schmitt Joergen Lang

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) bieten unendliche Möglichkeiten, das Design einer Website gezielt und individuell zu gestalten. Mit CSS3 sind noch einmal viele Features hinzugekommen, auf die viele Designer schon lange gewartet haben: ob Schattenwürfe, abgerundete Ecken oder die Einbindung von Webfonts - ein genauer Blick auf die neuen Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten lohnt sich. Diese dritte Auflage des CSS Kochbuchs wurde grundlegend überarbeitet, aktualisiert und erweitert. In mehr als 200 Rezepten finden Sie Antworten auf gängige bis vertrackte Problemstellungen, denen Webdesigner immer wieder begegnen. CSS-Grundlagen: Der erste Teil des Buchs beschäftigt sich mit grundlegenden CSS-Techniken. Hier erfahren Sie Wissenswertes über die Auswahl und Gestaltung von Seitenelementen und erhalten Tipps rund um die Typografie fürs Web. Natürlich wird auch der Umgang mit Bildern behandelt. Fortgeschrittenere Techniken: Erfahren Sie, wie Sie Formulare, Tabellen und Listen gestalten und ins Layout Ihrer Seite einbetten. Lernen Sie, wie Sie Links und Navigationen optimal gestalten und Effekte wie Rollover, aufklappbare Menüs oder Tooltips mit CSS erzeugen. Seitenlayout und Design: Mit CSS lassen sich ein-, zwei und mehrspaltige Layouts umsetzen, die Sie wahlweise mit festen oder flexiblen Breiten versehen können. Dank der CSS3-Media Queries können Sie nun auch einfach feststellen, ob mit einem Desktop-Rechner, Smartphone oder Tablet auf Ihre Site zugegriffen wird und deren Ausgabe genau für das entsprechende Gerät optimieren. CSS 2.1 und CSS3: CSS3 ist noch relativ jung und wird nicht von allen Browsern gleich gut unterstützt. Dem trägt das Kochbuch Rechnung, indem CSS3-basierte Lösungen angeboten werden, wenn die Browserunterstützung schon sehr breit ist. Alle anderen Rezepte des Buchs basieren auf CSS 2.1.

CSS Master

by Tiffany B Brown

CSS Master is tailor-made for the web designer or front-end devleoper who's really serious about taking their skills to the next level. Discover how to keep ahead of the game by adhering to best practice and employing the most effective, cutting-edge CSS techniques. Now thoroughly updated in its second edition, this book covers how to: Organize your CSS to create the most efficient and most maintainable codeEmploy advanced approaches to achieve complex layouts: flexbox, grid layouts, multi-column, and moreUse next-level effects: transitions, transforms, filters, animations, and moreCombine CSS and SVG to create seriously powerful visualsUse efficient debugging techniquesAnd much more!

CSS Mastery: Advanced Web Standards Solutions (Friends Of Ed Ser.)

by Andy Budd Emil Björklund

This book is your indispensable guide to cutting-edge CSS development--all you need to work your way up to CSS professional. While CSS is a relatively simple technology to learn, it is a difficult one to master. When you first start developing sites using CSS, you will come across all kinds of infuriating browser bugs and inconsistencies. It sometimes feels like there are a million and one different techniques to master, spread across a bewildering array of websites. The range of possibilities seems endless and makes for a steep and daunting learning curve. By bringing all of the latest tips, tricks, and techniques together in one handy reference, this book demystifies the secrets of CSS and makes the journey to CSS mastery as simple and painless as possible. While most books concentrate on basic skills, this one is different, assuming that you already know the basics and why you should be using CSS in your work, and concentrating mainly on advanced techniques. It begins with a brief recap of CSS fundamentals such as the importance of meaningful markup, how to structure and maintain your code, and how the CSS layout model really works. With the basics out of the way, each subsequent chapter details a particular aspect of CSS-based design. Through a series of easy-to-follow tutorials, you will learn practical CSS techniques you can immediately start using in your daily work. Browser inconsistencies are the thorn in most CSS developers' sides, so we have dedicated two whole chapters to CSS hacks, filters, and bug fixing, as well as looking at image replacement; professional link, form, and list styling; pure CSS layouts; and much more. All of these techniques are then put into practice in two beautifully designed case studies, written by two of the world's best CSS designers, Simon Collison and Cameron Moll.

CSS. Nieoficjalny podr?cznik

by David Sawyer Mcfarland

Wszystko o projektowaniu stron internetowych przy u?yciu CSS Jak przygotowa? atrakcyjn? stron? internetow?? Jak szybko zmieni? styl witryny? Jak zapewni? poprawn? obs?ug? stylów CSS we wszystkich przegl?darkach? Obecnie w internecie coraz wi?ksze znaczenie ma forma. Witryny musz? swoim wygl?dem sprawia?, ?e chce si? na nich pozosta? -- w przeciwnym wypadku u?ytkownicy wybior? jedn? spo?ród niezliczonych konkurencyjnych stron. Doskona?ym narz?dziem do nadawania atrakcyjnego i spójnego stylu witrynom s? arkusze CSS, które pozwalaj? dowolnie definiowa? wszystkie elementy stron internetowych i b?yskawicznie zmienia? ich wygl?d. S? przy tym ?atwe do nauczenia si? oraz stosowania i pozwalaj? na uzyskiwanie ciekawych efektów wizualnych. "CSS. Nieoficjalny podr?cznik" to wszechstronny przegl?d mo?liwo?ci i zastosowa? tej technologii. Dzi?ki tej ksi??ce dowiesz si?, jak przygotowa? poprawny arkusz stylów i do??czy? go do strony, oraz poznasz sposoby formatowania elementów kodu HTML. Nauczysz si? projektowa? profesjonalne i wygodne w u?yciu strony WWW oraz menu do nawigacji po witrynach. Przeczytasz tak?e o tym, jak przygotowywa? strony do wydruku, zapewnia? poprawne wy?wietlanie stylów we wszystkich przegl?darkach i dba? o wiele innych szczegó?ów, które zapewni? Twoim witrynom wiernych u?ytkowników. Pisanie kodu HTML pod k?tem stylów CSS Budowa stylów i arkuszy CSS Dziedziczenie i kaskadowo?? stylów Do??czanie stylów CSS do stron WWW Formatowanie elementów stron WWW Tworzenie atrakcyjnych menu Zarz?dzanie uk?adem stron za pomoc? stylów CSS Przygotowywanie stron do wydruku Obs?uga stylów CSS w ró?nych przegl?darkach Wykorzystaj pe?ni? mo?liwo?ci CSS i spraw, ?e u?ytkownicy zakochaj? si? w Twoich witrynach od pierwszego wejrzenia.

CSS Pocket Reference

by Eric A. Meyer

When you're working with CSS and need a quick answer, CSS Pocket Reference delivers. This handy, concise book provides all of the essential information you need to implement CSS on the fly. Ideal for intermediate to advanced web designers and developers, the 4th edition is revised and updated for CSS3, the latest version of the Cascading Style Sheet specification. Along with a complete alphabetical reference to CSS3 selectors and properties, you'll also find a short introduction to the key concepts of CSS. Based on Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide, this reference is an easy-to-use cheatsheet of the CSS specifications you need for any task at hand. This book helps you: Quickly find and adapt the style elements you need Learn how CSS3 features complement and extend your CSS practices Discover new value types and new CSS selectors Implement drop shadows, multiple backgrounds, rounded corners, and border images Get new information about transforms and transitions

CSS Pocket Reference: Visual Presentation for the Web (5th Edition) (Pocket Reference (o'reilly) Ser.)

by Eric A. Meyer

When you’re working with CSS and need an answer now, this concise yet comprehensive quick reference provides the essential information you need. Revised and updated for CSS3, this fifth edition is ideal for intermediate to advanced web designers and developers.You’ll find a short introduction to the key concepts of CSS and alphabetical summaries of CSS selectors and properties. You’ll also discover information on new properties, including grid, flexbox, clipping, masking, and compositing.Quickly find the information you needExplore CSS concepts, values, selectors and queries, and propertiesLearn how new features complement and extend your CSS practicesDiscover new properties including animations, grid, flexbox, masking, filtering, and compositing in this new edition

CSS Pocket Reference, 3rd Edition

by Eric Meyer

They say that good things come in small packages, and it's certainly true for this edition of CSS Pocket Reference . Completely revised and updated to reflect the latest Cascading Style Sheet specifications in CSS 2.1, this indispensable little book covers the most essential information that web designers and developers need to implement CSS effectively across all browsers. Inside, you'll find: A short introduction to the key concepts of CSS A complete alphabetical reference to all CSS 2.1 selectors and properties A chart displaying detailed information about CSS support for every style element and its cross-browser compatibility This reference neatly condenses the details of its top-selling companion volume, Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide into one easy-to-use cheat-sheet that delivers all the CSS details you need to complete the task at hand. Whenever you're stuck and need an answer quickly -- or if you just want to be sure you're applying CSS correctly -- this edition of the CSS Pocket Reference is the book you'll want by your keyboard or, conveniently, in your back pocket.

CSS Pocket Reference, 3rd Edition

by Eric A. Meyer

<p>The third edition of the <em>CSS Pocket Reference</em> has been completely revised and updated to reflect the latest Cascading Style Sheet specifications in CSS 2.1. This indispensable little reference covers the most essential information that web designers and developers need to implement CSS effectively, and includes a chart displaying detailed information about CSS support for every style element across all browsers.</p>

CSS Quick Syntax Reference Guide

by Mikael Olsson

The CSS Quick Syntax Reference is a 150-page syntax reference to the Cascading Style Sheet specification and style sheet language. It presents the essentials of CSS in a well-organized format that can be used as a handy reference. You won't find any technical jargon, bloated samples, drawn out history lessons or witty stories in this book. What you will find is a CSS reference that is concise, to the point, and highly accessible. The book is packed with useful information and is a must-have for any CSS programmer or Web developer. In the CSS Quick Syntax Reference, you will find: A concise reference to CSS Short, simple, and focused code examples for presentation semantics A well laid out table of contents and a comprehensive index allowing easy review

CSS Secrets

by Lea Verou

In this practical guide, CSS expert Lea Verou provides 47 undocumented techniques and tips to help intermediate-to advanced CSS developers devise elegant solutions to a wide range of everyday web design problems.Rather than focus on design, CSS Secrets shows you how to solve problems with code. You'll learn how to apply Lea's analytical approach to practically every CSS problem you face to attain DRY, maintainable, flexible, lightweight, and standards-compliant results.Inspired by her popular talks at over 60 international web development conferences, Lea Verou provides a wealth of information for topics including:Backgrounds and BordersShapesVisual EffectsTypographyUser ExperienceStructure and LayoutTransitions and Animations

CSS Text: Styling Your Words

by Eric A. Meyer

As a web designer, you probably spend more time working with text than any other element. With this concise guide, you'll learn CSS3 properties for changing the appearance of text without altering the font face--including horizontal and vertical alignment, text transformation, word and letter spacing, text wrapping, and the direction of text flow. This book is an excerpt from the upcoming fourth edition of CSS: The Definitive Guide. When you purchase either the print or the ebook edition of CSS Text, you'll receive a discount on the entire Definitive Guide once it's released. Why wait, when you can start manipulating text on your pages right away? Use properties for indenting and aligning lines of text Control the leading between lines of text beyond the font's size Change the amount of space between words and individual characters Add underlines, overlines, strike-throughs, shadows, and other effects Instruct browsers to prioritize speed, legibility, or geometric precision when rendering text Learn how and when to suppress automatic hyphenation Determine the direction that text flows, including left-to-right and top-to-bottom

CSS: Tools & Skills

by Craig Buckler Ahmed Bouchefra Tiffany B Brown

CSS has grown from a language for formatting documents into a robust language for designing web applications. Its syntax is easy to learn, making CSS a great entry point for those new to programming. Indeed, it's often the second language that developers learn, right behind HTML. As CSS's feature set and abilities have grown, so has its depth. This book contains a selection fo articles that look at essential CSS tools and skills for front-end developers today. It contains: How to Use Gulp.js to Automate Your CSS Tasks by Craig BucklerCSS Optimization Tools for Boosting PWA Performance by Ahmed BouchefraCSS Debugging and Optimization: Code Quality Tools by Tiffany B. BrownCSS Debugging and Optimization: Developer Tools by Tiffany B. BrownCSS Debugging and Optimization: Minification with CSSO by Tiffany B. BrownHow to Create Printer-friendly Pages with CSS by Craig Buckler

The CSS3 Anthology: Take Your Sites to New Heights

by Rachel Andrew

The CSS Anthology: 101 Essential Tips, Tricks & Hacks is a compilation of best-practice solutions to the most challenging CSS problems. The fourth edition of this best-selling book has been completely revised and updated to cover newer techniques enabled by CSS3 and HTML5, and more recent trends in web design, such as responsive design. It is the most complete question-and-answer book on CSS available, with over 100 tutorials that show readers how to gain more control over the appearance of their web pages, create sophisticated web page navigation controls, and design for alternative browsing devices, including phones and screen readers. The CSS code used to create each of the components is available for download and guaranteed to be simple, efficient and cross-browser compatible.

CSS3 For Dummies

by John Paul Mueller

Get the most out of the new features in CSS3Cascading Style Sheets (CSS3) boasts many new features that designers love. Things like better mobility, cleaner code, less maintenance, and basic interactivity without JavaScript are just a few. Get thoroughly up to speed on CSS3 with CSS3 For Dummies. Whether you're a web developer or designer with a lot or very little experience in HTML and CSS, or just want assistance applying it to multiple browser and mobile apps, this book delivers. Explore in depth how CSS3 effects and transforms work and how to use them for animation and interactivity. Explains CSS3 in detail for web developers and designers who may or may not know HTML, CSS, or tools like DreamweaverInstructs how to define and apply CSS3 effects and transforms that work in multiple browsersCovers how to animate CSS3 effects and transforms with CSS and basic JavaScriptProvides detailed information and helpful examples, in the friendly, non-intimidating, For Dummies styleStart putting the great new features of CSS3 to work on your next project with CSS3 For Dummies.

CSS3 Foundations

by Ian Lunn

Master innovative and eye-catching website design with the exciting new Treehouse Series of booksTurn plain words and images into stunning websites with CSS3 and this beautiful, full-color guide. Taking web designers beyond the constraints of prebuilt themes and simple site-building tools, this new Treehouse book combines practicality with inspiration to show you how to create fully customized, modern websites that make viewers stop and stay.The exciting new Treehouse Series of books is authored by Treehouse experts and packed with innovative design ideas and practical skill-building. If you're a web developer, web designer, hobbyist, or career-changer, every book in this practical new series should be on your bookshelf.Part of the new Treehouse Series of books, teaching you effective and compelling website development and design, helping you build practical skills Provides career-worthy information from Treehouse industry pros and trainers Explains the basics of cascading style sheets (CSS), such as how to structure with CSS, use CSS syntax, how to manipulate text, and visual formatting Also covers the box model, how to animate page elements, cross-browser compatibility, and moreLeverage pages of dazzling website design ideas and expert instruction with a new Treehouse Series book.

CSS3. Nieoficjalny podr?cznik. Wydanie III

by David Sawyer McFarland

Kaskadowe arkusze stylów (ang. Cascading Style Sheets, CSS) odmieni?y ?wiat stron internetowych. Pozwoli?y oddzieli? tre?? strony od jej wygl?du. Od tej chwili ?ycie projektantów sta?o si? zdecydowanie prostsze. Praca nad zmian? wygl?du strony przesta?y przyprawia? o zawrót g?owy, a szybkie przygotowanie kilku wersji na konkretne urz?dzenia sta?o si? realne. Ostatnia wersja CSS3 wprowadza kolejne nowo?ci, które zapewni? optymalne wykorzystanie potencja?u stron WWW.Ta ksi??ka nale?y do cenionej serii „Nieoficjalny podr?cznik”. W trakcie lektury dowiesz si?, jak przygotowa? poprawny arkusz stylów i do??czy? go do strony. Poznasz najlepsze techniki formatowania konkretnych elementów kodu HTML. Ponadto przekonasz si?, ?e mo?na szybko i wygodnie zaprojektowa? profesjonaln? stron? WWW. Znajdziesz tu równie? opis nowo?ci HTML-a w wersji 5 oraz nauczysz si? korzysta? z innych czcionek ni? Arial czy Verdana. Dzi?ki CSS3 wiele operacji, które do tej pory sprawia?y k?opoty lub wymaga?y korzystania z elementów graficznych, uda Ci si? wykona? za pomoc? zaledwie paru linijek kodu. Zaokr?glone rogi, obracanie elementów, gradienty to tylko niektóre z nich. Ksi??ka ta jest obowi?zkow? lektur? dla ka?dego projektanta i webmastera chc?cego by? na bie??co z nowinkami ze ?wiata stron WWW.Poznaj sekrety CSS3!Formatowanie stronWykorzystanie niestandardowych czcionekObracanie elementówAnimacje​ Najlepszy przewodnik po CSS3 dla webmasterów!

CSS3 Pushing the Limits

by Stephen Greig

Push CSS3 and your design skills to the limit--and beyond!Representing an evolutionary leap forward for CSS, CSS3 is chock-full of new capabilities that dramatically expand the boundaries of what a styling language can do. But many of those new features remain undocumented, making it difficult to learn what they are and how to use them to create the sophisticated sites and web apps clients demand and users have grown to expect.Until now.This book introduces you to all of CSS3's new and advanced features, and, with the help of dozens of real-world examples and live demos, it shows how to use those features to design dazzling, fully-responsive sites and web apps. Among other things, you'll learn how to:* Use advanced selectors and an array of powerful new text tools* Create adaptable background images, decorative borders, and complex patterns* Create amazing effects with 2D and 3D transforms, transitions, and keyframe-based animations* Take advantage of new layout tools to solve an array of advanced layout challenges--fast* Vastly simplify responsive site design using media queries and new layout modules* Create abstract and scalable shapes and icons with pseudo-elements * Leverage preprocessors and use CSS like a programming language within a stylesheet context Don't pass up this opportunity to go beyond the basics and learn what CSS3 can really do!

CSS3 Quick Syntax Reference: A Pocket Guide to the Cascading Style Sheets Language

by Mikael Olsson

The CSS3 Quick Syntax Reference is a 150-page syntax reference to the Cascading Style Sheets language. It presents the essentials of CSS3 in a well-organized format that can be used as a handy reference. You won’t find any technical jargon, bloated samples, drawn-out history lessons or witty stories in this book. What you will find is a CSS reference that is concise, to the point, and highly accessible. The book is packed with useful information and is a must-have for any CSS programmer or web developer.What You Will LearnUse the various selectors available in CSS3Leverage various other CSS propertiesDesign and build web UIs using color, text, spacing, fonts, background, and moreWork with lists, tables, and media in CSS3Employ CSS3 best practices Who This Book Is ForExperienced programmers and web developers new to CSS3 or even new to CSS in general.

CSS3 Solutions: Essential Techniques for CSS3 Developers

by Marco Casario Anselm Bradford Jonathan Reid Nathalie Wormser Dan Saltzman Francesco Improta Aaron Congleton

CSS3 brings a mass of changes, additions, and improvements to CSS across a range of new modules. Web designers and developers now have a whole host of new techniques up their sleeves, from working with colors and fonts accurately, to using media queries to ensure correct styling across a multitude of devices. But all of these new technologies bring more tags to learn and more avenues for things to go wrong. CSS3 Solutions provides a collection of solutions to all of the most common CSS3 problems. Every solution contains sample code that is production-ready and can be applied to any project. What you'll learn Real-world solutions for everyday CSS3 development, saving hours of frustration. Problems covered include: Developing across multiple devices Design patterns for user experience and mobile Working with the CSS box model Who this book is for Web developers and designers seeking practical advice on making CSS3 work. Table of Contents CSS Basics CSS Selectors Font, Text and Color CSS Typography Tables and Lists CSS Box Model CSS Positioning and Layouts Multidevice Development Transitions and Transformations Multimedia and Accessibility UX Patterns Mobile UX Patterns

Cuba’s Digital Revolution: Citizen Innovation and State Policy (Reframing Media, Technology, and Culture in Latin/o America)

by Ted A. Henken and Sara Garcia Santamaria

A wide-ranging examination of the ways digital technologies are impacting Cuba’s Revolutionary project The triumph of the Cuban Revolution gave the Communist Party a monopoly over both politics and the mass media. However, with the subsequent global proliferation of new information and communication technologies, Cuban citizens have become active participants in the worldwide digital revolution. While the Cuban internet has long been characterized by censorship, high costs, slow speeds, and limited access, this volume argues that since 2013, technological developments have allowed for a fundamental reconfiguration of the cultural, economic, social, and political spheres of the Revolutionary project.The essays in this volume cover various transformations within this new digital revolution, examining both government-enabled paid public web access and creative workarounds that Cubans have designed to independently produce, distribute, and access digital content. Contributors trace how media ventures, entrepreneurship, online marketing, journalism, and cultural e-zines have been developing on the island alongside global technological and geopolitical changes.As Cuba continues to expand internet access and as citizens challenge state policies on the speed, breadth, and freedom of that access, Cuba’s Digital Revolution provides a fascinating example of the impact of technology in authoritarian states and transitional democracies. While the streets of Cuba may still belong to Castro’s Revolution, this volume argues that it is still unclear to whom Cuban cyberspace belongs. Contributors: Larry Press | Edel Lima Sarmiento | Olga Khrustaleva | Alexei Padilla Herrera | Eloy Viera Cañive | Marie Laure Geoffray | Ted A. Henken | Sara Garcia Santamaria | Anne Natvig | Carlos Manuel Rodríguez Arechavaleta | Mireya Márquez-Ramírez, Ph.D.| Abel Somohano Fernández | Rebecca Ogden | Jennifer Cearns | Walfrido Dorta | Paloma DuongA volume in the series Reframing Media, Technology, and Culture in Latin/o America, edited by Héctor Fernández L’Hoeste and Juan Carlos RodríguezPublication of the paperback edition made possible by a Sustaining the Humanities through the American Rescue Plan grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Cubic Fields with Geometry (CMS Books in Mathematics)

by Samuel A. Hambleton Hugh C. Williams

The objective of this book is to provide tools for solving problems which involve cubic number fields. Many such problems can be considered geometrically; both in terms of the geometry of numbers and geometry of the associated cubic Diophantine equations that are similar in many ways to the Pell equation. With over 50 geometric diagrams, this book includes illustrations of many of these topics. The book may be thought of as a companion reference for those students of algebraic number theory who wish to find more examples, a collection of recent research results on cubic fields, an easy-to-understand source for learning about Voronoi’s unit algorithm and several classical results which are still relevant to the field, and a book which helps bridge a gap in understanding connections between algebraic geometry and number theory.The exposition includes numerous discussions on calculating with cubic fields including simple continued fractions of cubic irrational numbers, arithmetic using integer matrices, ideal class group computations, lattices over cubic fields, construction of cubic fields with a given discriminant, the search for elements of norm 1 of a cubic field with rational parametrization, and Voronoi's algorithm for finding a system of fundamental units. Throughout, the discussions are framed in terms of a binary cubic form that may be used to describe a given cubic field. This unifies the chapters of this book despite the diversity of their number theoretic topics.

Cuckoo Malware Analysis

by Digit Oktavianto Iqbal Muhardianto

This book is a step-by-step, practical tutorial for analyzing and detecting malware and performing digital investigations. This book features clear and concise guidance in an easily accessible format.Cuckoo Malware Analysis is great for anyone who wants to analyze malware through programming, networking, disassembling, forensics, and virtualization. Whether you are new to malware analysis or have some experience, this book will help you get started with Cuckoo Sandbox so you can start analysing malware effectively and efficiently.

Cuckoo Search and Firefly Algorithm: Theory and Applications (Studies in Computational Intelligence #516)

by Xin-She Yang

Nature-inspired algorithms such as cuckoo search and firefly algorithm have become popular and widely used in recent years in many applications. These algorithms are flexible, efficient and easy to implement. New progress has been made in the last few years, and it is timely to summarize the latest developments of cuckoo search and firefly algorithm and their diverse applications. This book will review both theoretical studies and applications with detailed algorithm analysis, implementation and case studies so that readers can benefit most from this book. Application topics are contributed by many leading experts in the field. Topics include cuckoo search, firefly algorithm, algorithm analysis, feature selection, image processing, travelling salesman problem, neural network, GPU optimization, scheduling, queuing, multi-objective manufacturing optimization, semantic web service, shape optimization, and others. This book can serve as an ideal reference for both graduates and researchers in computer science, evolutionary computing, machine learning, computational intelligence, and optimization, as well as engineers in business intelligence, knowledge management and information technology.

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