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Showing 13,901 through 13,925 of 58,411 results

Current Problems of Applied Mathematics and Computer Systems: CPAMCS 2023 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #1044)

by Anatoly Alikhanov Andrei Tchernykh Mikhail Babenko Irina Samoylenko

This book is based on the best papers accepted for presentation during the International Conference on Current Problems of Applied Mathematics and Computer Systems (APAMCS-2023). The book includes research materials on mathematical problems and solutions in the field of scientific computing, artificial intelligence, data analysis and modular computing. The scope of numerical methods in scientific computing presents original research, including mathematical models and software implementations, related to the following topics: numerical methods in scientific computing; solving optimization problems; methods for approximating functions, etc. The studies in data analysis and modular computing include contributions in the field of deep learning, neural networks, mathematical statistics, machine learning methods, residue number system and artificial intelligence. In addition, some articles focus on mathematical modeling of nonlinear physical phenomena. Finally, the book gives insights into the fundamental problems in mathematics education. The book intends for readership specializing in the field of scientific computing, parallel computing, computer technology, machine learning, information security and mathematical education

Current Research of the Human Interface Society: A Special Issue of the international Journal of Human-computer Interaction

by Osamu Katai

This special issue is the first opportunity to introduce the research activities of the Human Interface Society. The first article gives a microworld approach to identify design requirements for better situation awareness. Next, a focus on evaluation of organizational structure in emergency situations from the communication viewpoints is examined,

Current State of Art in Artificial Intelligence and Ubiquitous Cities

by Rita Yi Man Li Kwong Wing Chau Daniel Chi Wing Ho

This book covers artificial intelligence and ubiquitous cities. It discusses the applications of the relevant tools in bringing revolutionary new lives to mankind. It showcases various applications of artificial intelligence in benefiting human society. For example, AI classification shortens the human time required for classifying court cases; humanoid robots help us perform heavy-duty jobs like humans, connect all the smart home devices, and take care of the kids and the elderly. It also presents the application of AutoML to predict housing prices.

Current State of Open Educational Resources in the “Belt and Road” Countries (Lecture Notes in Educational Technology)

by Yuan Gao Rob Koper Ronghuai Huang Dejian Liu Ahmed Tlili

This book presents the current state of Open Educational Resources (OER) within the countries covered by the China's Belt and Road Initiative. The authors describe eight aspects of OER development in their countries: infrastructure, policy, resources, open license, curriculum and teaching methodology, outcome, stakeholders and impact. This book also conducts a comparative study between those countries to identify the OER gaps in the Belt and Road countries. It then offers valuable insights and recommendations for several stakeholders, including policy makers and educators, wishing to integrate open educational resources into educational processes, as well as for those involved in inter-regional open educational resources cooperation.

Current Trends and Open Problems in Computational Mechanics

by Fadi Aldakheel Blaž Hudobivnik Meisam Soleimani Henning Wessels Christian Weißenfels Michele Marino

This Festschrift is dedicated to Professor Dr.-Ing. habil. Peter Wriggers on the occasion of his 70th birthday. Thanks to his high dedication to research, over the years Peter Wriggers has built an international network with renowned experts in the field of computational mechanics. This is proven by the large number of contributions from friends and collaborators as well as former PhD students from all over the world. The diversity of Peter Wriggers network is mirrored by the range of topics that are covered by this book. To name only a few, these include contact mechanics, finite & virtual element technologies, micromechanics, multiscale approaches, fracture mechanics, isogeometric analysis, stochastic methods, meshfree and particle methods. Applications of numerical simulation to specific problems, e.g. Biomechanics and Additive Manufacturing is also covered. The volume intends to present an overview of the state of the art and current trends in computational mechanics for academia and industry.

Current Trends in Biomedical Engineering and Bioimages Analysis: Proceedings of the 21st Polish Conference on Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #1033)

by Józef Korbicz Roman Maniewski Krzysztof Patan Marek Kowal

This book gathers 30 papers presented at the 21st PCBBE, which was hosted by the University of Zielona Góra, Poland, and offered a valuable forum for exchanging ideas and presenting the latest developments in all areas of biomedical engineering. Biocybernetics and biomedical engineering are currently considered one of the most promising ways to improve health care and, consequently, the quality of life. Innovative technical solutions can better meet physicians’ needs and stimulate the development of medical diagnostics and therapy. We are currently witnessing a profound change in the role of medicine, which is becoming ubiquitous in everyday life thanks to technological advances. Further, the development of civilization manifests itself in efforts to unlock the secrets of the human body, and to mimic biological systems in engineering. The biannual Polish Conference on Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering (PCBBE) has been held for nearly four decades and has attracted scientists and professionals in the fields of engineering, medicine, physics, and computer science. Gathering the outcomes of this conference, the book introduces the reader to recent developments and achievements in biocybernetics and biomedical engineering.

Current Trends in Semantic Web Technologies: Theory and Practice (Studies in Computational Intelligence #815)

by Giner Alor-Hernández José Luis Sánchez-Cervantes Alejandro Rodríguez-González Rafael Valencia-García

This book presents innovative and high-quality research regarding the implementation of Semantic Web technologies for knowledge representation and developing intelligent applications in various domains. Semantic Web technologies have inspired many people to create innovative technologies and applications for knowledge representation, Semantic Searches, NLP and Social Networks. The goal of this book is to collect and consolidate novel and high-quality research contributions on Semantic Web technologies and their theoretical and practical application to a range of different domains. In addition to researchers, the book offers a valuable resource for PhD students, master and undergraduate students in IT-related fields such as Computer Science and Information Systems.

Current Trends in Web Engineering: ICWE 2022 International Workshops, BECS, SWEET and WALS, Bari, Italy, July 5-8, 2022, Revised Selected Papers (Communications in Computer and Information Science Series #1668)

by Giuseppe Agapito Anna Bernasconi Cinzia Cappiello Hasan Ali Khattak InYoung Ko

<p>This volume constitutes the papers of several workshops which were held in conjunction with the ICWE 2022 International Workshops, BECS, SWEET and WALS, held in Bari, Italy, July 5–8, 2022. The 14 revised full papers and 1 short paper presented in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 25 submissions.<p> <p>ICWE 2022 presents the following three workshops:<p> <p>Second International Workshop on Big Data driven Edge Cloud Services (BECS 2022)<p> <p>First International Workshop on the Semantic WEb of Everything (SWEET 2022)<p> <p>First International Workshop on Web Applications for Life Sciences (WALS 2022)<p>

Current Trends in Web Engineering: ICWE 2019 International Workshops, DSKG, KDWEB, MATWEP, Daejeon, South Korea, June 11, 2019, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #11609)

by Marco Brambilla Cinzia Cappiello Siew Hock Ow

This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-workshop proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Web Engineering, ICWE 2019, held in Daejeon, South Korea, in June 2019. The 11 revised full papers were selected from 25 submissions. The workshops complement the main conference and explore new trends on core topics of Web engineering and provide an open discussion space combining solid theory work with practical on-the-field experience. The workshop committee accepted three workshops for publication in this volume: 5th International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery on the Web (KDWEB 2019), Second International Workshop on Maturity of Web Engineering Practices (MATWEP 2019), International Workshop on Data Science and Knowledge Graph (DSKG 2019).

Current Trends in Web Engineering: ICWE 2023 International Workshops: BECS, SWEET, WALS, Alicante, Spain, June 6–9, 2023, Revised Selected Papers (Communications in Computer and Information Science #1898)

by Sven Casteleyn Tommi Mikkonen Alberto García Simón In-Young Ko Giuseppe Loseto

This volume constitutes the papers of several workshops which were held in conjunction with the International Conference on Web Engineering, ICWE 2023, held in Alicante, Spain, in June 6–9, 2023.The 10 revised full papers and 2 short papers presented in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 23 submissions. They stem from the following workshops:Third International Workshop on Big Data Driven Edge Cloud Services (BECS 2023) Second International Workshop on the Semantic Web of Everything (SWEET 2023) Second International Workshop on Web Applications for Life Sciences (WALS2023)

Current Trends in Web Engineering: Icwe 2012 International Workshops Mdwe, Composableweb, Were, Qwe, And Doctoral Consortium, Berlin, Germany, July 2012, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes In Computer Science / Information Systems And Applications, Incl. Internet/web, And Hci Ser. #7703)

by Irene Garrigós Manuel Wimmer

This book constitutes the refereed thoroughly refereed post-workshop proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Web Engineering, ICWE 2017, held in Rome, Italy, in June 2017.The 24 revised full papers were selected from 34 submissions. The workshops complement the main conference, and explore new trends on core topics of Web engineering. The workshop committee accepted five workshops of which the following four contributed papers to this volume: - 2nd International Workshop on Liquid Multi-Device Software and 1st International Workshop on Engineering the Web of Things - International Workshop on The Practice Of The Open Web (practi-O-web 2017) - 3rd International Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Informal Text (NLPIT 2017)- 3rd International Workshop on Mining the Social Web (SoWeMine 2017).

Current Trends in Web Engineering: ICWE 2020 International Workshops, KDWEB, Sem4Tra, and WoT4H, Helsinki, Finland, June 9–12, 2020, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #12451)

by In-Young Ko Juan Manuel Murillo Petri Vuorimaa

This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-workshop proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Web Engineering, ICWE 2020, held in Helsinki, Finland, in June 2020.*The 4 revised full 4 revised short papers were selected from 10 submissions. The workshops complement the main conference and explore new trends on core topics of Web engineering and provide an open discussion space combining solid theory work with practical on-the-field experience. The workshop committee accepted three workshops for publication in this volume: 1st International Workshop on the Web of Things for Humans (WoT4H 2020), 2nd Semantics and the Web for Transport workshop (Sem4Tra 2020), and 6th International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery on the Web (KDWEB 2020). *The conference was held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Current Trends in Web Engineering: ICWE 2016 International Workshops, DUI, TELERISE, SoWeMine, and Liquid Web, Lugano, Switzerland, June 6-9, 2016. Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #9881)

by Cesare Pautasso Sven Casteleyn Peter Dolog

This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-workshop proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Web Engineering, ICWE 2016, held in Lugano, Switzerland, in June 2016. The 15 revised full papers together with 5 short papers were selected form 37 submissions. The workshops complement the main conference, and provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to discuss emerging topics. As a result, the workshop committee accepted six workshops, of which the following four contributed papers to this volume: 2nd International Workshop on TEchnical and LEgal aspects of data pRIvacy and SEcurity (TELERISE 2016) 2nd International Workshop on Mining the Social Web (SoWeMine 2016) 1st International Workshop on Liquid Multi-Device Software for the Web (LiquidWS 2016) 5th Workshop on Distributed User Interfaces: Distributing Interactions (DUI 2016)

Current Trends in Web Engineering: ICWE 2018 International Workshops, MATWEP, EnWot, KD-WEB, WEOD, TourismKG, Cáceres, Spain, June 5, 2018, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #11153)

by Cesare Pautasso Fernando Sánchez-Figueroa Kari Systä Juan Manuel Murillo Rodríguez

This book constitutes the refereed thoroughly refereed post-workshop proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Web Engineering, ICWE 2018, held in Cáceres, Spain, in June 2018. The 18 revised full papers were selected from 40 submissions. The workshops complement the main conference and explore new trends on core topics of Web engineering and provide an open discussion space combining solid theory work with practical on-the-field experience. The workshop committee accepted five workshops for publication in this volume: First International Workshop on Maturity of Web Engineering Practices (MATWEP 2018), Second International Workshop on Engineering theWeb of Things (EnWoT 2018), Fourth International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery on the Web (KDWEB 2018), International Workshop on Engineering Open Data (WEOD 2018), First International Workshop on Knowledge Graphs on Travel and Tourism (TourismKG 2018).

Current Trends on Knowledge-Based Systems (Intelligent Systems Reference Library #120)

by Giner Alor-Hernández Rafael Valencia-García

This book presents innovative and high-quality research on the implementation of conceptual frameworks, strategies, techniques, methodologies, informatics platforms and models for developing advanced knowledge-based systems and their application in different fields, including Agriculture, Education, Automotive, Electrical Industry, Business Services, Food Manufacturing, Energy Services, Medicine and others. Knowledge-based technologies employ artificial intelligence methods to heuristically address problems that cannot be solved by means of formal techniques. These technologies draw on standard and novel approaches from various disciplines within Computer Science, including Knowledge Engineering, Natural Language Processing, Decision Support Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Databases, Software Engineering, etc. As a combination of different fields of Artificial Intelligence, the area of Knowledge-Based Systems applies knowledge representation, case-based reasoning, neural networks, Semantic Web and TICs used in different domains. The book offers a valuable resource for PhD students, Master’s and undergraduate students of Information Technology (IT)-related degrees such as Computer Science, Information Systems and Electronic Engineering.

Curriculum for Wales: Progress in Computing for 11-14 years

by Gareth Evans Lorne Pearcey George Rouse

Confidently deliver Computing for the new Curriculum for Wales and develop students' ICT skills with the interactive, accessible, and flexible Progress in Computing: Boost eBook.Reboot your Computing classroom with this all-in-one textbook, informed by the new curriculum progression steps, that will inspire you to deliver creative Computing lessons with confidence.Boost knowledge and skills in bite-sized chunks: every double-page spread contains a lesson's worth of targeted content and activitiesChallenge students to think creatively about what they are learning and how it can be applied in the real worldEmpower and encourage students to think take charge of their own progression, with regular knowledge check-ins and activitiesPrepare for the new curriculum with informed coverage of the Computing What Matters statement: 'Computation is the foundation for our digital world'

Curriculum for Wales: Progress in Computing for 11-14 years

by Gareth Evans Lorne Pearcey George Rouse

Confidently deliver Computing for the new Curriculum for Wales and develop students' ICT skills with the interactive, accessible, and flexible Progress in Computing: Boost eBook.Reboot your Computing classroom with this all-in-one textbook, informed by the new curriculum progression steps, that will inspire you to deliver creative Computing lessons with confidence.Boost knowledge and skills in bite-sized chunks: every double-page spread contains a lesson's worth of targeted content and activitiesChallenge students to think creatively about what they are learning and how it can be applied in the real worldEmpower and encourage students to think take charge of their own progression, with regular knowledge check-ins and activitiesPrepare for the new curriculum with informed coverage of the Computing What Matters statement: 'Computation is the foundation for our digital world'

Curriculum models for the 21st century: Using Learning Technologies in Higher Education

by Dirk Ifenthaler Maree Gosper

Changing student profiles and the increasing availability of mainstream and specialized learning technologies are stretching the traditional face-to-face models of teaching and learning in higher education. Institutions, too, are facing far-reaching systemic changes which are placing strains on existing resources and physical infrastructure and calling into question traditional ways of teaching through lectures and tutorials. And, with an ever-increasing scrutiny on teaching and teachers' accountability for positive educational outcomes, the call for closer attention to learning, teaching and, most especially, to the design and delivery of the curriculum is given increasing relevance and importance. Research provides strong evidence of the potential for technologies to facilitate not only cognition and learning but also to become integral components in the redesign of current curriculum models. Some Universities and individual academics have moved along this pathway, developing new and innovative curriculum, blending pedagogies and technologies to suit their circumstances. Yet, there are others, unsure of the possibilities, the opportunities and constraints in these changing times. Curriculum Models for the 21st Century gives insights into how teaching and learning can be done differently. The focus is on a whole of curriculum approach, looking at theoretical models and examples of practice which capitalize on the potential of technologies to deliver variations and alternatives to the more traditional lecture-based model of University teaching.

Curriculum Planning with Design Language: Building Elegant Courses and Units

by Ken Badley

Curriculum Planning with Design Language provides a streamlined, adaptable framework for using visual design terminology to conceptualize instructional design objectives, processes, and strategies. Drawing from instructional design theory, pattern language theory, and aesthetics, these ten course and unit design principles help educators break down and clarify their broader planning tasks and concerns. Written in clear, direct prose and rich with intuitive examples, this book showcases insights leading to effective curriculum design that will speak equally to pre-service and experienced educators.

Curriculum, Plans, and Processes in Instructional Design: International Perspectives

by Norbert M. Seel Sanne Dijkstra

Curriculum, Plans, and Processes in Instructional Design: International Perspectives presents perspectives on the relationship between curriculum research and instructional design, as well as new developments in the use of information and communication technology. In their introductory chapter, the editors provide an overview of the volume and introduce the discussions found in three sections: *The chapters in Part I (Theoretical Foundations and Innovations) describe and discuss new theoretical and innovative approaches to instructional design that integrate curriculum development with information and communication technologies. *Part II (Curriculum Development, Instructional Design, and Information Technology) focuses on curriculum development and its impact on models of instructional design. *Part III (Information and Communication Technology and Instructional Design) addresses the challenge of advancing information and communication technologies for instructional planning and curriculum development. Prominent researchers and practitioners from instructional design, as well as the learning sciences--from both the U.S. and around the world--have contributed to this volume. This volume is a valuable resource for graduate students, scholars, and researchers in the fields of instructional design and educational technology, as well as for those who wish to develop expertise in training in industrial, military, public and academic organizations.

Curse of the Sand Witches: Redstone Junior High #5 (Redstone Junior High #5)

by Cara J. Stevens

When word gets out that Redstone Junior High is a hot spot for hostile mobs, enrollment goes up and chaos is the new normal. To get away from all the stress, Pixel, Sky, Uma, and Violet find themselves sneaking off through a secret mine tunnel to a beach-filled paradise they discovered. Little do they know that they are trespassing on the territory of two very angry witches: Grindel and Agatha. The witches watch them from the shadows and vow to reclaim their beach by any means necessary. What starts out as mischievous tricks and upside-down spells escalates to a vengeful plan to take over the entire school. Survival skills have become the new academic focus at the school. As the kids learn to farm, build invisible shelters, and battle horrible beasts, bizarre things begin happening all around them and they must use their newfound skills to survive. Armed only with an unreliable book of enchantment and what they’ve learned so far at Redstone Junior High, they must work together to escape killer cave spiders, a skeleton ambush, and a fierce army of golems. Will they figure out why the beach feels haunted, uncover the secret of the sand witches, and discover why the principal is acting so crazy, or will Grindel and Agatha take over the school and enslave the students forever?

Curse of the Swamp Monster: An Unofficial Graphic Novel for Minecrafters (The Glitch Force #2)

by Megan Miller

The second book in the all-new Glitch Force series for Minecrafters!The Glitch Force: Three kids interested in Minecraft. There&’s Duncan, a genius redstoner, Miranda, a sharpshooter with encyclopedic knowledge of Minecraft, and Zed, an expert builder with a prankster heart. Oh, and Duncan happens to a genius at repurposing his scientist mother's quantum electronic gizmos. When he happens to find a quantum glitch in the Minecraft programming code, it creates an opening for the three kids to visit Minecraft worlds FOR REAL. The problem is, the glitch technology isn't quite stable yet, and dangerous anomalies in their new world threaten their ability to return home. They will have to repair each world before they have any chance of returning to reality. There&’s rumor of a major anomaly in a swamp in Sector Z-D71508, and the Glitch Force must investigate. Everything looks normal, until nighttime, when a bubbling green ooze begins to seep from the swamp, infecting everything it touches. But Miranda, Zed, and Duncan&’s efforts to contain it only make the problem worse—The green slime solidifies and mutates into an enormous hostile mob that engulfs everything in its path. But is this green swamp monster the real enemy? A frog tornado, a pack of hissing feral cats, and a hidden trove of deadly potions suggest that the anomaly is more complicated than they imagined.

A Cursed Place: A page-turning thriller of the dark world of cyber surveillance (William Carver Novels)

by Peter Hanington

Reporter William Carver comes up against Big Tech's manipulation and suppression of truth from the mines of Chile to the turbulent streets of Hong Kong.Knowledge is power. And they know everything.The tech company Public Square believes in 'doing well by doing good'. It's built a multi-billion dollar business on this philosophy and by getting to know what people want. They know a lot. But who else can access all that information and what are they planning to do with it?Reporter William Carver is an analogue man in a digital world. He isn't the most tech-savvy reporter, he's definitely old school, but he needs to learn fast - the people he cares most about are in harm's way.From the Chilean mines where they dig for raw materials that enable the tech revolution, to the streets of Hong Kong where anti-government protesters are fighting against the Chinese State, to the shiny research laboratories of Silicon Valley where personal data is being mined everyday - A Cursed Place is a gripping thriller set against the global forces that shape our times.(P) 2021 Hodder & Stoughton

A Cursed Place: A page-turning thriller of the dark world of cyber surveillance (William Carver Novels)

by Peter Hanington

*ONE OF 40 BOOKS FOR SUMMER* 'gripping'- iNews'A panoramic thriller ...chockful of vivid characters.' - THE SUNDAY TIMES'An intriguing, timely and unsettling new thriller' - SAM BOURNE'Exhilarating and beautiful' - AMOL RAJAN'Catapults you from first word to last... pacy, sinister and timely read.' - ALAN JUDD'Another page-turner from a writer who can take you into gripping worlds, real and virtual.' MISHAL HUSAIN 'A terrific thriller - vivid, quick-witted and dynamic, crackling with energy, dread and rage as it crosses continents and digs down into the human heart.' - NICCI GERRARD 'The dark world of private cyber-surveillance crackles off the page - full of jeopardy and suspense.' - ALLAN LITTLE 'A vividly written thriller of ruthless tech entrepreneurs exploiting their surveillance powers and morally compromised journalists feeling their way in the dark towards the truth.' - RORY CELLAN-JONES'Carver is a marvellous creation.' - MIKE RIPLEY, SHOTS MAGKNOWLEDGE IS POWER. AND THEY KNOW EVERYTHING.The tech company Public Square believes in 'doing well by doing good'. It's built a multi-billion dollar business on this philosophy and by getting to know what people want. They know a lot. But who else can access all that information and what are they planning to do with it?Reporter William Carver is an analogue man in a digital world. He isn't the most tech-savvy reporter, he's definitely old school, but he needs to learn fast - the people he cares most about are in harm's way.From the Chilean mines where they dig for raw materials that enable the tech revolution, to the streets of Hong Kong where anti-government protesters are fighting against the Chinese State, to the shiny research laboratories of Silicon Valley where personal data is being mined everyday - A Cursed Place is a gripping thriller set against the global forces that shape our times.'A true page turner - highly recommended'. TORTOISE

Cursive Script Text Recognition in Natural Scene Images: Arabic Text Complexities

by Saad Bin Ahmed Muhammad Imran Razzak Rubiyah Yusof

This book offers a broad and structured overview of the state-of-the-art methods that could be applied for context-dependent languages like Arabic. It also provides guidelines on how to deal with Arabic scene data that appeared in an uncontrolled environment impacted by different font size, font styles, image resolution, and opacity of text. Being an intrinsic script, Arabic and Arabic-like languages attract attention from research community. There are a number of challenges associated with the detection and recognition of Arabic text from natural images. This book discusses these challenges and open problems and also provides insights into the complexities and issues that researchers encounter in the context of Arabic or Arabic-like text recognition in natural and document images. It sheds light on fundamental questions, such as a) How the complexity of Arabic as a cursive scripts can be demonstrated b) What the structure of Arabic text is and how to consider the features from a given text and c) What guidelines should be followed to address the context learning ability of classifiers existing in machine learning.

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