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Czujniki dla pocz?tkuj?cych. Poznaj otaczaj?cy Ci? ?wiat za pomoc? elektroniki, Arduino i Raspberry Pi

by Kimmo Karvinen Tero Karvinen

Zdob?d? informacje na temat ?wiata zewn?trznego!Arduino oraz Raspberry Pi to p?ytki, które sprawi?y, ?e ?wiat elektroniki sta? si? dost?pny dla wszystkich. Z ich pomoc? ka?dy amator mo?e sprawnie zrealizowa? projekt, o którym marzy? od zawsze. Fantastyczne mo?liwo?ci oraz ?atwo??, z jak? mo?na je wykorzysta?, przyczyni?y si? do ich ogromnej popularno?ci. Je?eli jednak chcesz zbudowa? bardziej wyrafinowany uk?ad, b?dziesz potrzebowa? informacji o ?wiecie zewn?trznym. Dostarcz? Ci ich czujniki!Je?eli chcesz zorientowa? si?, jak szeroki wachlarz czujników dost?pny jest dla Raspberry Pi oraz Arduino, trafi?e? na doskona?? ksi??k?. Znajdziesz w niej bogato ilustrowane opisy zastosowania przeró?nych sensorów. Pomiar obrotu, jasno?ci ?wiat?a, temperatury oraz odleg?o?ci to tylko niektóre z opcji. Z kolejnych rozdzia?ów dowiesz si?, jak wykorzysta? przycisk monostabilny oraz zbudowa? urz?dzenie regulowane czujnikiem podczerwieni. Ksi??ka ta jest znakomitym ?ród?em informacji dla pasjonatów chc?cych tworzy? zaawansowane projekty z u?yciem dost?pnych na rynku czujników.Dzi?ki tej ksi??ce: wykorzystasz czujnik temperatury zareagujesz na zmiany w o?wietleniu zastosujesz czujnik FlexiForce stworzysz jeszcze bardziej zaawansowany uk?ad elektroniczny​Zbuduj wymarzony uk?ad, reaguj?cy na dane ze ?rodowiska zewn?trznego!

D Cookbook

by Adam D. Ruppe

In Detail D is a modern programming language that uses the familiar C family syntax while offering advanced modeling capabilities, safety guarantees, programmer productivity, and high efficiency. It helps you to get the most out of your hardware and your programmers simultaneously, saving both development and deployment costs. This practical guide will walk you through getting the work done with D, from writing your first program to writing advanced autogenerated objects, with notes based on real-world experiences telling you about potential pitfalls and how to avoid them. You'll use some of the third-party libraries available for D to get code working fast, including access to database engines, image processing, and more. Approach A recipe-packed reference guide filled with practical tasks that are concisely explained to develop and broaden the user's abilities with the D programming language. Who this book is for If you are an experienced programmer who is looking to explore a language that offers plenty of advantages over more established programming languages, this is the book for you. We assume that you are already familiar with general programming language basics, but you do not need to be a proficient user of D.

D-Passage: The Digital Way

by Minh-ha T. Trinh

D-Passage is a unique book by the world-renowned filmmaker, artist, and critical theorist Trinh T. Minh-ha. Taking as grounding forces her feature film Night Passage and installation L'Autre marche (The Other Walk), both co-created with Jean-Paul Bourdier, she discusses the impact of new technology on cinema culture and explores its effects on creative practice. Less a medium than a "way," the digital is here featured in its mobile, transformative passages. Trinh's reflections shed light on several of her major themes: temporality; transitions; transcultural encounters; ways of seeing and knowing; and the implications of the media used, the artistic practices engaged in, and the representations created. In D-Passage, form and structure, rhythm and movement, and language and imagery are inseparable. The book integrates essays, artistic statements, in-depth conversations, the script of Night Passage, movie stills, photos, and sketches.

D Web Development

by Kai Nacke

Leverage the power of D and the vibe.d framework to develop web applications that are incredibly fast About This Book * Utilize the elegant vibe.d framework to build web applications easily and REST backends with the D programming language * Learn about all components of vibe.d to enhance your web development with D * A hands-on guide to the vibe.d framework; from static web pages to template-based, interactive and localized web applications with database access and REST backends Who This Book Is For Whether you are new to the world of D, or already have developed applications in D, or if you want to leverage the power of D for web development, then this book is ideal for you. Basic knowledge of core web technologies like HTML 5 is helpful but not required. This book explains the difficult details to speed your web development. What You Will Learn * Create amazingly fast web applications with D * Use Diet templates to easily create a web user interface * Utilize the web framework for interactive applications with input validation and internationalization * Access a database to provide persistent storage for your application * Extend your application with a REST interface and access other applications via REST * Understand vibe.d's fiber-based approach to asynchronous I/O and use it for integration of existing components * Create GUI applications with vibe.d In Detail D is a programming language with C-like syntax and static typing. The vibe.d framework builds on powerful D concepts like template meta-programming and compile-time function execution to provide an easy-to-use environment for web applications. The combination of a feature-rich web programming framework with a language compiling to native code solves two common issues in web development today: it accelerates your development and it results in fast, native web applications. Learning the vibe.d framework before you start your application will help you to choose the right features to reach your goal. This book guides you through all aspects of web development with D and the vibe.d framework. Covering the popular operating systems today, this guide starts with the setup of your development system. From the first Hello World-style application you will move on to building static web pages with templates. The concise treatment of web forms will give you all the details about form handling and web security. Using the abstractions of the web framework you will learn how to easily validate user input. Next, you will add database access to your application, providing persistent storage for your data. Building on this foundation, you will expose your component and integrate other components via REST. Learning about the internals of vibe.d you will be able to use low-level techniques such as raw TCP access. The vibe.d concepts can also be used for GUI clients, which is the next topic that you will learn. vibe.d is supported by an active community, which adds new functionality. This comprehensive guide concludes with an overview of the most useful vibe.d extensions and where to find them. It also shows you how to integrate these extensions in your application. The concepts are always illustrated with source code, giving you an insight into how to apply them in your application. Style and approach A tutorial-style guide to develop web applications with D and the vibe.d framework. Each topic is explained in detail and illustrated with source code, providing you with hands-on assistance for your application.

D2C – Direkte Kundenbeziehungen statt Plattformabhängigkeit: Wie Direct-to-Consumer-Geschäftsmodelle funktionieren können

by Jan-Paul Lüdtke Michael Fretschner

Dieses Buch zeigt kompakt auf, warum es für Unternehmen jeder Größe unumgänglich geworden ist, direkte Beziehungen zu ihren Kunden aufzubauen – nicht zuletzt, weil Plattformen wie Amazon, Google und Meta den Zugang zu Konsumenten oligopolisiert haben. Mit der richtigen Direct-to-Consumer-Strategie (D2C) und einer strukturierten Herangehensweise kann jedes Unternehmen im direkten Kundengeschäft erfolgreich sein, und so wertvolle und nachhaltige Beziehungen zu seiner Zielgruppe aufbauen. Die Autoren führen in die Hintergründe, Strategien und Prozesse ein und beschreiben, wie Unternehmen D2C-Geschäftsmodelle zielführend aufbauen können. Sie erläutern das wichtige Zusammenspiel von Kundenbeziehungen und -daten und geben konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen, welche Hausaufgaben Unternehmen erledigen müssen, um langfristig unabhängig von großen Plattformen zu werden.

D3 for the Impatient: Interactive Graphics for Programmers and Scientists

by Philipp K. Janert

If you’re in a hurry to learn D3.js, the leading JavaScript library for web-based graphics and visualization, this book is for you. Written for technically savvy readers with a background in programming or data science, the book moves quickly, emphasizing unifying concepts and patterns. Anticipating common difficulties, author Philipp K. Janert teaches you how to apply D3 to your own problems.Assuming only a general programming background, but no previous experience with contemporary web development, this book explains supporting technologies such as SVG, HTML5, CSS, and the DOM as needed, making it a convenient one-stop resource for a technical audience.Understand D3 selections, the library’s fundamental organizing principleLearn how to create data-driven documents with data bindingCreate animated graphs and interactive user interfacesDraw figures with curves, shapes, and colorsUse the built-in facilities for heatmaps, tree graphs, and networksSimplify your work by writing your own reusable components

D3.js 4.x Data Visualization - Third Edition

by Swizec Teller �ndrew Rininsland

Create and publish your own interactive and compelling data visualizations with D3.js 4.x About This Book • Build interactive and rich graphics and visualization using JavaScript`s powerful library D3.js • Learn D3 from the ground up, using the all-new version 4 of the library • Gain insight into producing high-quality, extensible charts and visualizations using best practices such as writing testable, extensible code and strong typing Who This Book Is For This book is for web developers, interactive news developers, data scientists, and anyone interested in representing data through interactive visualizations on the Web with D3. Some basic knowledge of JavaScript is expected, but no prior experience with data visualization or D3 is required to follow this book. What You Will Learn • Map data to visual elements using D3's scales • Draw SVG elements using D3's shape generators • Transform data using D3's collection methods • Use D3's various layout patterns to quickly generate various common types of chart • Write modern JavaScript using ES2017 and Babel • Explore the basics of unit testing D3 visualizations using Mocha and Chai • Write and deploy a simple Node.js web service to render charts via HTML Canvas • Understand what makes a good data visualization and how to use the tools at your disposal to create accurate charts In Detail Want to get started with impressive interactive visualizations and implement them in your daily tasks? This book offers the perfect solution-D3.js. It has emerged as the most popular tool for data visualization. This book will teach you how to implement the features of the latest version of D3 while writing JavaScript using the newest tools and technique You will start by setting up the D3 environment and making your first basic bar chart. You will then build stunning SVG and Canvas-based data visualizations while writing testable, extensible code,as accurate and informative as it is visually stimulating. Step-by-step examples walk you through creating, integrating, and debugging different types of visualization and will have you building basic visualizations (such as bar, line, and scatter graphs) in no time. By the end of this book, you will have mastered the techniques necessary to successfully visualize data and will be ready to use D3 to transform any data into an engaging and sophisticated visualization. Style and approach This book follows a tutorial-based approach in teaching the world's most powerful data visualization library, D3.

D3.js By Example

by Michael Heydt

Create attractive web-based data visualizations using the amazing JavaScript library D3.js About This Book * Learn to use the facilities provided by D3.js to create data-driven visualizations * Explore the concepts of D3.js through examples that enable you to quickly create visualizations including charts, network diagrams, and maps * Get practical examples of visualizations using real-world data sets that show you how to use D3.js to visualize and interact with information to glean its underlying meaning Who This Book Is For Whether you are new to data and data visualization, a seasoned data scientist, or a computer graphics specialist, this book will provide you with the skills you need to create web-based and interactive data visualizations. This book assumes some knowledge of coding and in particular, experience coding in JavaScript. What You Will Learn * Install and use D3.js to create HTML elements within the document * Use development tools such as JSBIN and Chrome Developer Tools to create D3.js applications * Retrieve JSON data and use D3.js selections and data binding to create visual elements from data * Create and style graphical elements such as circles, ellipses, rectangles, lines, paths, and text using SVG * Turn your data into bar and scatter charts, and add margins, axes, labels, and legends * Use D3.js generators to perform the magic of creating complex visualizations from data * Add interactivity to your visualizations, including tool-tips, sorting, hover-to-highlight, and grouping and dragging of visuals In Detail This book will take you through all the concepts of D3.js starting with the most basic ones and progressively building on them in each chapter to expand your knowledge of D3.js. Starting with obtaining D3.js and creating simple data bindings to non-graphical HTML elements, you will then master the creation of graphical elements from data. You'll discover how to combine those elements into simple visualizations such as bar, line, and scatter charts, as well as more elaborate visualizations such as network diagrams, Sankey diagrams, maps, and choreopleths. Using practical examples provided, you will quickly get to grips with the features of D3.js and use this learning to create your own spectacular data visualizations with D3.js. Style and approach This book uses a practical, step-by-step approach that builds iteratively, starting with the basic concepts right through to mastery of the technology. Each concept is demonstrated using code examples that are interactively available online (and can also be run locally), and each chapter builds upon the concepts covered in the previous chapter,with succinct explanations of what the code does and how it fits into the bigger picture.

D3.js in Action: Data visualization with JavaScript

by Elijah Meeks

SummaryD3.js in Action, Second Edition is completely revised and updated for D3 v4 and ES6. It's a practical tutorial for creating interactive graphics and data-driven applications using D3. Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.About the TechnologyVisualizing complex data is hard. Visualizing complex data on the web is darn near impossible without D3.js. D3 is a JavaScript library that provides a simple but powerful data visualization API over HTML, CSS, and SVG. Start with a structure, dataset, or algorithm; mix in D3; and you can programmatically generate static, animated, or interactive images that scale to any screen or browser. It's easy, and after a little practice, you'll be blown away by how beautiful your results can be!About the BookD3.js in Action, Second Edition is a completely updated revision of Manning's bestselling guide to data visualization with D3. You'll explore dozens of real-world examples, including force and network diagrams, workflow illustrations, geospatial constructions, and more. Along the way, you'll pick up best practices for building interactive graphics, animations, and live data representations. You'll also step through a fully interactive application created with D3 and React. What's InsideUpdated for D3 v4 and ES6Reusable layouts and componentsGeospatial data visualizationsMixed-mode renderingAbout the ReaderSuitable for web developers with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript skills. No specialized data science skills required.About the AuthorElijah Meeks is a senior data visualization engineer at Netflix.Table of ContentsPART 1 - D3.JS FUNDAMENTALSAn introduction to D3.js Information visualization data flow Data-driven design and interaction Chart components Layouts PART 2 - COMPLEX DATA VISUALIZATIONHierarchical visualization Network visualization Geospatial information visualization PART 3 - ADVANCED TECHNIQUES Interactive applications with React and D3 Writing layouts and components Mixed mode rendering

D3.js in Action, Third Edition (In Action)

by Elijah Meeks

Create stunning web-based data visualizations with D3.js.This totally-revised new edition of D3.js in Action guides you from simple charts to powerful interactive graphics. Chapter-by-chapter you&’ll assemble an impressive portfolio of visualizations—including intricate networks, maps, and even a complete customized visualization layout. Plus, you'll learn best practices for building interactive graphics, animations, and integrating your work into frontend development frameworks like React and Svelte. In D3.js in Action, Third Edition you will learn how to: Set up a local development environment for D3 Include D3 in web development projects, including Node-based web apps Select and append DOM elements Size and position elements on screen Assemble components and layouts into creative data visualizations D3.js in Action, Third Edition has been extensively revised for D3.js version 7, and modern best practices for web visualizations. Its brand new chapters dive into interactive visualizations, cover responsiveness for dataviz, and show you how you can improve accessibility. Foreword by Andy Kirk. About the technology With D3.js, you can create sophisticated infographics, charts, and interactive data visualizations using standard frontend tools like JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Granting D3 its VIS Test of Time award, the IEEE credited this powerful library for bringing data visualization to the mainstream. You&’ll be blown away by how beautiful your results can be! About the book D3.js in Action, Third Edition is a roadmap for creating brilliant and beautiful visualizations with D3.js. Like a gentle mentor, it guides you from basic charts all the way to advanced interactive visualizations like networks and maps. You&’ll learn to build graphics, create animations, and set up mobile-friendly responsiveness. Each chapter contains a complete data visualization project to put your new skills into action. What's inside Fully revised for D3.js v7 Includes 12 complete projects Create data visualizations with SVG and canvas Combine D3 with React, Svelte, and Angular About the reader For web developers with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript skills. About the author Elijah Meeks was a data visualization pioneer at Stanford and the first Senior Data Visualization Engineer at Netflix. Anne-Marie Dufour is a Data Visualization Engineer. The technical editor on this book was Jon Borgman. Table of Contents PART 1 1 An introduction to D3.js 2 Manipulating the DOM 3 Working with data 4 Drawing lines, curves, and arcs 5 Pie and stack layouts 6 Visualizing distributions PART 2 7 Interactive visualizations 8 Integrating D3 in a frontend framework 9 Responsive visualizations 10 Accessible visualizations PART 3 11 Hierarchical visualizations 12 Network visualizations 13 Geospatial information visualizations PART 4 14 Creating a custom visualization 15 Rendering visualizations with Canvas Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Appendix E

D3.js Quick Start Guide: Create amazing, interactive visualizations in the browser with JavaScript

by Matthew Huntington

This book will help you build interactive graphs that are viewable in any web browser using JavaScript, D3.js, and SVG. You will learn how to make a scatter plot, a bar graph, a pie chart, a force directed graph, and a map.Key FeaturesTakes you through the most common graphs you'll needAdd interactivity to your visualizationsEasy to follow buildsBook DescriptionD3.js is a JavaScript library that allows you to create graphs and data visualizations in the browser with HTML, SVG, and CSS. This book will take you from the basics of D3.js, so that you can create your own interactive visualizations, to creating the most common graphs that you will encounter as a developer, scientist, statistician, or data scientist.The book begins with an overview of SVG, the basis for creating two-dimensional graphics in the browser. Once the reader has a firm understanding of SVG, we will tackle the basics of how to use D3.js to connect data to our SVG elements. We will start with a scatter plot that maps run data to circles on a graph, and expand our scatter plot to make it interactive. You will see how you can easily allow the users of your graph to create, edit, and delete run data by simply dragging and clicking the graph. Next, we will explore creating a bar graph, using external data from a mock API.After that, we will explore animations and motion with a bar graph, and use various physics-based forces to create a force-directed graph. Finally, we will look at how to use GeoJSON data to create a map.What you will learnBuild a scatter plotBuild a bar graphBuild a pie chartBuild a force-directed graphBuild a mapBuild interactivity into your graphsWho this book is forThis book is for web developers, interactive news developers, data scientists, and anyone interested in representing data through interactive visualizations on the Web with D3. Some basic knowledge of JavaScript is expected, but no prior experience with data visualization or D3 is required to follow this book.

Dad Jokes: The very best of @DadSaysJokes

by Dad Says Jokes

From the most-followed dad jokes page on Instagram, @dadsaysjokes, comes a collection of hilariously cheesy jokes that will leave your friends and family laughing and groaning in equal measure.This is the perfect gift for dads who want to expand their repertoire and anyone who fancies reminiscing about a childhood full of these no-nonsense 'bad' puns.Here are a couple of tasters:Q: Why do cows have hooves instead of feet?A: Because they lactose.Q: Are you today's date?A: Cuz you're 10/10.

Dad Jokes: The perfect gift from the Instagram sensation @DadSaysJokes

by Dad Says Jokes

THE NEW BOOK IN THE BESTSELLING SERIESThe most followed dad jokes page on Instagram, @DadSaysJokes, returns with another collection of hilariously cringe-inducing gags for you to share with friends and family.@DadSaysJokes is a community-run Dad jokes network on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, with over 3 million followers, inspired by the daily jokes of author Kit Chilvers' dad, Andrew. Every day, followers submit their jokes and the team picks their favourites - or Dad just drops in his own zinger! Kit, a young social networking influencer, started his career at the tender age of 14 when he created his original platform, Football.Newz. He has since added another nine platforms, including @PubityPets and monster meme page @Pubity with its 25 million followers. This is his third book.I TOLD MY WIFE SHE SHOULD EMBRACE HER MISTAKES.SHE GAVE ME A HUG.

Dad Jokes: The very best of @DadSaysJokes

by Dad Says Jokes

From the most-followed dad jokes page on Instagram, @dadsaysjokes, comes a collection of hilariously cheesy jokes that will leave your friends and family laughing and groaning in equal measure.This is the perfect gift for dads who want to expand their repertoire and anyone who fancies reminiscing about a childhood full of these no-nonsense 'bad' puns.Here are a couple of tasters:Q: Why do cows have hooves instead of feet?A: Because they lactose.Q: Are you today's date?A: Cuz you're 10/10.

Dad Jokes: The newest collection from the Instagram sensation @DadSaysJokes (Dad Jokes #7)

by Dad Says Jokes

The must-have joke collection from the Instagram sensation @DadSaysJokesQ: How can you tell a pig is hot? A: It's bacon. The iconic Instagram page @DadSaysJokes returns with a fresh batch of dad jokes to share with your nearest and dearest. Packed with jokes so bad that they're good, Dad Jokes: The Funniest Yet is the perfect gift for every occasion. @DadSaysJokes is a community-run Dad jokes network on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, with more than 8 million followers, inspired by the daily jokes of author Kit Chilvers' dad, Andrew. Every day, followers submit their jokes and the team picks their favourites - or Dad just drops in his own zinger! Kit, a young social networking influencer, started his career at the tender age of 14 when he created his original platform, Football.Newz. He has since added another fourteen platforms, including @PubityPets and monster meme Instagram page @Pubity with over 40 million followers. This is his seventh book.

Dad Jokes: The newest collection from the Instagram sensation @DadSaysJokes (Dad Jokes #7)

by Dad Says Jokes

The must-have joke collection from the Instagram sensation @DadSaysJokesQ: How can you tell a pig is hot? A: It's bacon. The iconic Instagram page @DadSaysJokes returns with a fresh batch of dad jokes to share with your nearest and dearest. Packed with jokes so bad that they're good, Dad Jokes: The Funniest Yet is the perfect gift for every occasion. @DadSaysJokes is a community-run Dad jokes network on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, with more than 8 million followers, inspired by the daily jokes of author Kit Chilvers' dad, Andrew. Every day, followers submit their jokes and the team picks their favourites - or Dad just drops in his own zinger! Kit, a young social networking influencer, started his career at the tender age of 14 when he created his original platform, Football.Newz. He has since added another fourteen platforms, including @PubityPets and monster meme Instagram page @Pubity with over 40 million followers. This is his seventh book.

Dad Jokes: The perfect gift from the Instagram sensation @DadSaysJokes

by Dad Says Jokes

THE NEW BOOK IN THE BESTSELLING SERIESThe most followed dad jokes page on Instagram, @DadSaysJokes, returns with another collection of hilariously cringe-inducing gags for you to share with friends and family.@DadSaysJokes is a community-run Dad jokes network on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, with over 3 million followers, inspired by the daily jokes of author Kit Chilvers' dad, Andrew. Every day, followers submit their jokes and the team picks their favourites - or Dad just drops in his own zinger! Kit, a young social networking influencer, started his career at the tender age of 14 when he created his original platform, Football.Newz. He has since added another nine platforms, including @PubityPets and monster meme page @Pubity with its 25 million followers. This is his third book.I TOLD MY WIFE SHE SHOULD EMBRACE HER MISTAKES.SHE GAVE ME A HUG.

Dad Jokes: The Laugh-out-loud edition: THE NEW COLLECTION FROM THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLERS (Dad Jokes #6)

by Dad Says Jokes

The iconic Instagram page @DadSaysJokes returns with a fresh batch of dad jokes to share with your nearest and dearest. With cringeworthy gags for every occasion, Dad Jokes: The Laugh-out-loud Edition is the perfect gift for Father's Day, birthdays, Christmastime and beyond. @DadSaysJokes is a community-run Dad jokes network on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, with over 5.5 million followers, inspired by the daily jokes of author Kit Chilvers' dad, Andrew. Every day, followers submit their jokes and the team picks their favourites - or Dad just drops in his own zinger! Kit, a young social networking influencer, started his career at the tender age of 14 when he created his original platform, Football.Newz. He has since added another fourteen platforms, including @PubityPets and monster meme Instagram page @Pubity with over 31 million followers. This is his fifth book.

Dad Jokes: The Laugh-out-loud edition: THE NEW COLLECTION FROM THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLERS (Dad Jokes #6)

by Dad Says Jokes

The iconic Instagram page @DadSaysJokes returns with a fresh batch of dad jokes to share with your nearest and dearest. With cringeworthy gags for every occasion, Dad Jokes: The Laugh-out-loud Edition is the perfect gift for Father's Day, birthdays, Christmastime and beyond. @DadSaysJokes is a community-run Dad jokes network on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, with over 5.5 million followers, inspired by the daily jokes of author Kit Chilvers' dad, Andrew. Every day, followers submit their jokes and the team picks their favourites - or Dad just drops in his own zinger! Kit, a young social networking influencer, started his career at the tender age of 14 when he created his original platform, Football.Newz. He has since added another fourteen platforms, including @PubityPets and monster meme Instagram page @Pubity with over 31 million followers. This is his fifth book.

Dad Jokes: The Priceless Edition (Dad Jokes #5)

by Dad Says Jokes

THE NEW COLLECTION FROM THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLERS @DADSAYSJOKESQ: What do cars spread on their toast?A: Traffic jam.The hit Instagram page @DadSaysJokes returns with an all-new batch of hilarious dad jokes to share with friends and family. Back by popular demand, with hundreds of gags for every occasion, Dad Jokes: The Priceless Edition is the perfect gift for Father's Day, birthdays, Christmastime and beyond.@DadSaysJokes is a community-run Dad jokes network on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, with over 5 million followers, inspired by the daily jokes of author Kit Chilvers' dad, Andrew. Every day, followers submit their jokes and the team picks their favourites - or Dad just drops in his own zinger! Kit, a young social networking influencer, started his career at the tender age of 14 when he created his original platform, Football.Newz. He has since added another fourteen platforms, including @PubityPets and monster meme Instagram page @Pubity with its 31 million followers. This is his fifth book.

Dad Jokes: The Priceless Edition (Dad Jokes #5)

by Dad Says Jokes

THE NEW COLLECTION FROM THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLERS @DADSAYSJOKESQ: What do cars spread on their toast?A: Traffic jam.The hit Instagram page @DadSaysJokes returns with an all-new batch of hilarious dad jokes to share with friends and family. Back by popular demand, with hundreds of gags for every occasion, Dad Jokes: The Priceless Edition is the perfect gift for Father's Day, birthdays, Christmastime and beyond.@DadSaysJokes is a community-run Dad jokes network on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, with over 5 million followers, inspired by the daily jokes of author Kit Chilvers' dad, Andrew. Every day, followers submit their jokes and the team picks their favourites - or Dad just drops in his own zinger! Kit, a young social networking influencer, started his career at the tender age of 14 when he created his original platform, Football.Newz. He has since added another fourteen platforms, including @PubityPets and monster meme Instagram page @Pubity with its 31 million followers. This is his fifth book.


by Daniel Suarez

EXPERIENCE THE NEW WORLD ORDER. It controls almost everything in our modern world, from remote entry on our cars and the flight controls of our airplanes to the movements of the entire world economy. Thousands of simple and autonomous computer programs, or daemons, make our networked world possible, running constantly in the background of our lives. Daemons traffic e-mail. Daemons transfer money. Daemons monitor power grids. These daemons are pervasive and, for the most part, benign. But the same can't always be said for the people who design them. Matthew Sobol was a legendary computer game designer-- the billionaire architect behind half a dozen popular online games. His premature death depressed millions of gamers around the world. But Sobol's fans aren't the only ones to note his passing. When his obituary is posted online, a previously dormant daemon activates, initiating a chain of events that may unravel the fabric of the hyperefficient, interconnected world Sobol left behind. With Sobol's secrets buried along with him, and as new layers of his daemon are unleashed at every turn, it's up to an unlikely alliance to decipher his intricate plans and wrest the world from the grasp of a nameless, faceless enemy--or learn to live in a society in which we are no longer in control.

DAFX: Digital Audio Effects

by Udo Zölzer

The rapid development in various fields of Digital Audio Effects, or DAFX, has led to new algorithms and this second edition of the popular book, DAFX: Digital Audio Effects has been updated throughout to reflect progress in the field. It maintains a unique approach to DAFX with a lecture-style introduction into the basics of effect processing. Each effect description begins with the presentation of the physical and acoustical phenomena, an explanation of the signal processing techniques to achieve the effect, followed by a discussion of musical applications and the control of effect parameters. Topics covered include: filters and delays, modulators and demodulators, nonlinear processing, spatial effects, time-segment processing, time-frequency processing, source-filter processing, spectral processing, time and frequency warping musical signals. Updates to the second edition include: Three completely new chapters devoted to the major research areas of: Virtual Analog Effects, Automatic Mixing and Sound Source Separation, authored by leading researchers in the field . Improved presentation of the basic concepts and explanation of the related technology. Extended coverage of the MATLABTM scripts which demonstrate the implementation of the basic concepts into software programs. Companion website ( which serves as the download source for MATLABTM scripts, will be updated to reflect the new material in the book. Discussing DAFX from both an introductory and advanced level, the book systematically introduces the reader to digital signal processing concepts, how they can be applied to sound and their use in musical effects. This makes the book suitable for a range of professionals including those working in audio engineering, as well as researchers and engineers involved in the area of digital signal processing along with students on multimedia related courses.

The Daily Show Presidential Twitter Library

by Trevor Noah

As seen on The Daily Show, an illustrated portrait of the Donald J. Trump Twitter account, with analysis and 'scholarly' commentary from the writers of The Daily Show and an introduction by Trevor Noah.In June 2017, just steps from Trump Tower in midtown Manhattan, The Daily Show with Trevor Noah opened The Donald J. Trump Presidential Twitter Library, a 4,000-square-foot museum space that gave the 45th president and his amazing Twitter legacy the respect they deserve. In the single weekend it was open to the public, the Library pop-up drew 7,500 visitors and had to turn away countless others.But the Presidential Twitter Library experience should not be limited to the elite coastal few. Not fair! All citizens, even the Mexican ones, should have the chance to see Donald Trump's tweets in their rightful context - organized and commented on in the fearless, hilarious, insightful voice of The Daily Show.This one-of-a-kind exhibition catalogue presents the Library's complete contents, including:The Masterpieces: In-depth critical appreciations of history's most important Trump tweets, from 'Very Stable Genius' to 'Covfefe' to 'Trump Tower Taco Bowl/I Love Hispanics!'The Greatest Battles: @realDonaldTrump's brutal Twitter campaigns against fellow Republicans, Diet Coke, women generally, and Kristen Stewart specificallySad! A Retrospective: a compendium of the many people, events and twists of fate that apparently made Donald Trump feel this human emotionTrumpstradamus: DJT's amazing 140-character predictions-none of which came true!The Hall of Nicknames: the greatest of Trump's monikers, from 'Lyin' Ted' to 'Low I.Q. Crazy Mika', accompanied by original caricature artworkTrump vs. Trump: You're going to want to sit for this one. Donald Trump has sometimes been known to contradict himself.Always the Best: the greatest boasts of the greatest boaster of all time, ever!Comprising hundreds of Trump tweets, and featuring a foreword by Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Jon Meacham, and even a place for readers to add their own future Trump tweet highlights - because he is making new Twitter history literally every day - The Donald J. Trump Presidential Twitter Library is a unique portrait of an artist whose masterworks will be studied by historians, grammarians, and mental health professionals for years to come.

The DAM Book: Digital Asset Management for Photographers (O'reilly Ser.)

by Peter Krogh

One of the main concerns for digital photographers today is asset management: how to file, find, protect, and re-use their photos. The best solutions can be found in The DAM Book, our bestselling guide to managing digital images efficiently and effectively. Anyone who shoots, scans, or stores digital photographs is practicing digital asset management (DAM), but few people do it in a way that makes sense. In this second edition, photographer Peter Krogh -- the leading expert on DAM -- provides new tools and techniques to help professionals, amateurs, and students: Understand the image file lifecycle: from shooting to editing, output, and permanent storage Learn new ways to use metadata and key words to track photo files Create a digital archive and name files clearly Determine a strategy for backing up and validating image data Learn a catalog workflow strategy, using Adobe Bridge, Camera Raw, Adobe Lightroom, Microsoft Expression Media, and Photoshop CS4 together Migrate images from one file format to another, from one storage medium to another, and from film to digital Learn how to copyright images To identify and protect your images in the marketplace, having a solid asset management system is essential. The DAM Book offers the best approach.

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