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Cybersecurity in Morocco (SpringerBriefs in Cybersecurity)
by Yassine Maleh Youness MalehThis SpringerBrief contains eight chapters and presents an overview of the evolution of the Moroccan Cybersecurity Strategy. It also draws attention to the development of cybersecurity in Morocco and to ensure national security in the context of the current and developing information confrontation in the international community. However, it cannot promise to provide an in-depth examination. The issue of cybersecurity is simply too wide-ranging for our purposes. This acknowledgment is meant to encourage more detailed research into the broader topics covered in this brief to better inform current approaches to national cybersecurity performance evaluation.This SpringerBrief targets researchers interested in exploring and understanding Morocco and its efforts in implementing its national cybersecurity strategy. This brief is also a relevant reference for diplomats, executives, CISOs, cybersecurity professionals and engineers working in this related field.
Cybersecurity in Nigeria: A Case Study of Surveillance and Prevention of Digital Crime (SpringerBriefs in Cybersecurity)
by Aamo IorliamThis book reviews the use of digital surveillance for detecting, investigating and interpreting fraud associated with critical cyberinfrastructures in Nigeria, as it is well known that the country’s cyberspace and cyberinfrastructures are very porous, leaving too much room for cyber-attackers to freely operate. In 2017, there were 3,500 successful cyber-attacks on Nigerian cyberspace, which led to the country losing an estimated 450 million dollars. These cybercrimes are hampering Nigeria’s digital economy, and also help to explain why many Nigerians remain skeptical about Internet marketing and online transactions. If sensitive conversations using digital devices are not well monitored, Nigeria will be vulnerable to cyber-warfare, and its digital economy, military intelligence, and related sensitive industries will also suffer. The Nigerian Army Cyber Warfare Command was established in 2018 in order to combat terrorism, banditry, and other attacks by criminal groups in Nigeria. However, there remains an urgent need to produce digital surveillance software to help law enforcement agencies in Nigeria to detect and prevent these digitally facilitated crimes. The monitoring of Nigeria’s cyberspace and cyberinfrastructure has become imperative, given that the rate of criminal activities using technology has increased tremendously. In this regard, digital surveillance includes both passive forensic investigations (where an attack has already occurred) and active forensic investigations (real-time investigations that track attackers). In addition to reviewing the latest mobile device forensics, this book covers natural laws (Benford’s Law and Zipf’s Law) for network traffic analysis, mobile forensic tools, and digital surveillance software (e.g., A-BOT). It offers valuable insights into how digital surveillance software can be used to detect and prevent digitally facilitated crimes in Nigeria, and highlights the benefits of adopting digital surveillance software in Nigeria and other countries facing the same issues.
Cybersecurity in Organisationen: Cyberangriffe in Österreich und Maßnahmen zu ihrer Bekämpfung und zur Prävention (essentials)
by Helmut SillerDieses Buch bietet einen Einstieg in die verschiedenen Formen, Ausprägungen und Folgen von Cybercrime und erläutert, wie Organisationen dieser Bedrohung begegnen können. Der Schutz vor Cybercrime in österreichischen Organisationen liegt in erster Linie in der Verantwortung der Unternehmensführung und der Mitarbeitenden. Professionelle Cyberprävention und Risikomanagement 2.0 werden zur Existenzfrage in jeder Organisation. Das Knowhow der IT wird im Cybercrime-Labyrinth damit (weiter) aufgewertet. Ziel von Organisationen muss sein, Awareness dafür zu schaffen und laufend zu aktualisieren sowie sich um Cyberresilienz zu bemühen. Hierfür bietet dieses essential eine grundlegende Hilfestellung.
Cybersecurity in Smart Homes: Architectures, Solutions and Technologies
by Rida KhatounSmart homes use Internet-connected devices, artificial intelligence, protocols and numerous technologies to enable people to remotely monitor their home, as well as manage various systems within it via the Internet using a smartphone or a computer. A smart home is programmed to act autonomously to improve comfort levels, save energy and potentially ensure safety; the result is a better way of life. Innovative solutions continue to be developed by researchers and engineers and thus smart home technologies are constantly evolving. By the same token, cybercrime is also becoming more prevalent. Indeed, a smart home system is made up of connected devices that cybercriminals can infiltrate to access private information, commit cyber vandalism or infect devices using botnets. This book addresses cyber attacks such as sniffing, port scanning, address spoofing, session hijacking, ransomware and denial of service. It presents, analyzes and discusses the various aspects of cybersecurity as well as solutions proposed by the research community to counter the risks. Cybersecurity in Smart Homes is intended for people who wish to understand the architectures, protocols and different technologies used in smart homes.
Cybersecurity in Switzerland (SpringerBriefs in Cybersecurity)
by Myriam Dunn CaveltyGives the reader a detailed account of how cyber-security in Switzerland has evolved over the years, using official documents and a considerable amount of inside knowledge. It focuses on key ideas, institutional arrangements, on the publication of strategy papers, and importantly, on processes leading up to these strategy documents. The peculiarities of the Swiss political system, which influence the way cyber-security can be designed and practiced in Switzerland are considered, as well as the bigger, global influences and driving factors that shaped the Swiss approach to cyber-security. It shows that throughout the years, the most important influence on the Swiss policy-approach was the international level, or rather the developments of a cyber-security policy in other states. Even though many of the basic ideas about information-sharing and public-private partnerships were influenced by (amongst others) the US approach to critical infrastructure protection, the peculiarities of the Swiss political system has led to a particular "Swiss solution", which is based on the federalist structures and subsidiary principles, characterized by stability and resilience to external shocks in the form of cyber-incidents. Cybersecurity in Switzerland will be a stimulating read for anybody interested in cyber-security policy, including students, researchers, analysts and policy makers. It contains not only specific material on an interesting case, but also a wealth of background information on different variations of cyber-security, as well as on information-sharing and public-private partnerships.
Cybersecurity in the Age of Smart Societies: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Global Security, Safety and Sustainability, London, September 2022 (Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications)
by Hamid JahankhaniThis book provides an opportunity for researchers, scientists, government officials, strategist and operators and maintainers of large, complex and advanced systems and infrastructure to update their knowledge with the state of best practice in the challenging domains whilst networking with the leading representatives, researchers and solution providers. The ongoing pandemic has created a new level of threats which presents new challenges around privacy, data protection, malicious application, unprotected networks or networks with basic protection that are being used as a gateway to larger infrastructure with complicated architecture, and unintentional misuse such as those associated with algorithmic bias. All these have increased the number of attack vectors that can be used to attack such networks. Drawing on 13 years of successful events on information security, digital forensics and cyber-crime, the 14th ICGS3-22 conference aims to provide attendees with an information-packed agenda with representatives from across the industry and the globe. The challenges of complexity, rapid pace of change and risk/opportunity issues associated with modern products, systems, special events and infrastructures. In an era of unprecedented volatile, political and economic environment across the world, computer-based systems face ever more increasing challenges, disputes and responsibilities, and whilst the Internet has created a global platform for the exchange of ideas, goods and services, it has also created boundless opportunities for cyber-crime. This volume presents new materials and contribute to knowledge through the technological advances that are being made across artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, blockchain and quantum computing. These technologies driven by a digital revolution are expected to be disruptive and provide major digital transformation in the way societies operate today. As result, although these advances provide social and economic benefits, but, also, provide new challenges that security industry need to raise their game to combat them.
Cybersecurity in the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Kenneth OkereaforAs the 2020 global lockdown became a universal strategy to control the COVID-19 pandemic, social distancing triggered a massive reliance on online and cyberspace alternatives and switched the world to the digital economy. Despite their effectiveness for remote work and online interactions, cyberspace alternatives ignited several Cybersecurity challenges. Malicious hackers capitalized on global anxiety and launched cyberattacks against unsuspecting victims. Internet fraudsters exploited human and system vulnerabilities and impacted data integrity, privacy, and digital behaviour. Cybersecurity in the COVID-19 Pandemic demystifies Cybersecurity concepts using real-world cybercrime incidents from the pandemic to illustrate how threat actors perpetrated computer fraud against valuable information assets particularly healthcare, financial, commercial, travel, academic, and social networking data. The book simplifies the socio-technical aspects of Cybersecurity and draws valuable lessons from the impacts COVID-19 cyberattacks exerted on computer networks, online portals, and databases. The book also predicts the fusion of Cybersecurity into Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analytics, the two emerging domains that will potentially dominate and redefine post-pandemic Cybersecurity research and innovations between 2021 and 2025. The book’s primary audience is individual and corporate cyberspace consumers across all professions intending to update their Cybersecurity knowledge for detecting, preventing, responding to, and recovering from computer crimes. Cybersecurity in the COVID-19 Pandemic is ideal for information officers, data managers, business and risk administrators, technology scholars, Cybersecurity experts and researchers, and information technology practitioners. Readers will draw lessons for protecting their digital assets from email phishing fraud, social engineering scams, malware campaigns, and website hijacks.
Cybersecurity in the European Union: Resilience And Adaptability In Governance Policy (New Security Challenges)
by George ChristouCybercrime affects over 1 million people worldwide a day, and cyber attacks on public institutions and businesses are increasing. This book interrogates the European Union's evolving cybersecurity policies and strategy and argues that while progress is being made, much remains to be done to ensure a secure and resilient cyberspace in the future.
Cybersecurity in the Transportation Industry
by Noor Zaman Jhanjhi Imdad Ali ShahThis book offers crucial solutions and insights on how transportation companies can enhance their cybersecurity management and protect their corporate reputation and revenue from the increasing risk of cyberattacks. The movement of people and goods from one location to another has always been essential to human development and survival. People are now exploring new methods of carrying goods. Transportation infrastructure is critical to the growth of a global community that is more united and connected. The presented cybersecurity framework is an example of a risk-based method for managing cybersecurity risk. An organisation can find opportunities to strengthen and explain its management of cybersecurity risk by using its existing procedures and leveraging the framework. The framework can provide a foundation for businesses that do not currently have a formal cybersecurity program. However, there is a strong temptation to give in when a transportation company is facing a loss of millions of dollars and the disruption of the worldwide supply chain. Automobile production, sales, trucking, and shipping are high-value industries for transportation enterprises. Scammers know that these corporations stand to lose much more in terms of corporate revenue and reputation than even the highest ransom demands, making them appealing targets for their schemes. This book will address the increasing risk of cyberattacks and offer solutions and insight on the safety and security of passengers, cargo, and transportation infrastructure to enhance the security concepts of communication systems and the dynamic vendor ecosystem.
Cybersecurity Investments: Decision Support Under Economic Aspects (Progress in IS)
by Stefan BeisselThis book offersreaders essential orientation on cybersecurity safeguards, and first andforemost helps them find the right balance between financial expenditures andrisk mitigation. This is achieved by pursuing a multi-disciplinary approach thatcombines well-founded methods from economics and the computer sciences. Established decision making techniques are embedded into a walk-through for thecomplete lifecycle of cybersecurity investments. Insights into the economic aspectof the costs and benefits of cybersecurity are supplemented by established andinnovative economic indicators. Readers will find practical tools and techniquesto support reasonable decision making in cybersecurity investments. Further,they will be equipped to encourage a common understanding using economicaspects, and to provide cost transparency for the senior management.
Cybersecurity Issues in Emerging Technologies
by Leandros Maglaras and Ioanna KantzavelouThe threat landscape is evolving with tremendous speed. We are facing an extremely fast-growing attack surface with a diversity of attack vectors, a clear asymmetry between attackers and defenders, billions of connected IoT devices, mostly reactive detection and mitigation approaches, and finally big data challenges. The clear asymmetry of attacks and the enormous amount of data are additional arguments to make it necessary to rethink cybersecurity approaches in terms of reducing the attack surface, to make the attack surface dynamic, to automate the detection, risk assessment, and mitigation, and to investigate the prediction and prevention of attacks with the utilization of emerging technologies like blockchain, artificial intelligence and machine learning. This book contains eleven chapters dealing with different Cybersecurity Issues in Emerging Technologies. The issues that are discussed and analyzed include smart connected cars, unmanned ships, 5G/6G connectivity, blockchain, agile incident response, hardware assisted security, ransomware attacks, hybrid threats and cyber skills gap. Both theoretical analysis and experimental evaluation of state-of-the-art techniques are presented and discussed. Prospective readers can be benefitted in understanding the future implications of novel technologies and proposed security solutions and techniques. Graduate and postgraduate students, research scholars, academics, cybersecurity professionals, and business leaders will find this book useful, which is planned to enlighten both beginners and experienced readers.
Cybersecurity Law
by Jeff KosseffA definitive guide to cybersecurity law Expanding on the author’s experience as a cybersecurity lawyer and law professor, Cybersecurity Law is the definitive guide to cybersecurity law, with an in-depth analysis of U.S. and international laws that apply to data security, data breaches, sensitive information safeguarding, law enforcement surveillance, cybercriminal combat, privacy, and many other cybersecurity issues. Written in an accessible manner, the book provides real-world examples and case studies to help readers understand the practical applications of the presented material. The book begins by outlining the legal requirements for data security, which synthesizes the Federal Trade Commission’s cybersecurity cases in order to provide the background of the FTC’s views on data security. The book also examines data security requirements imposed by a growing number of state legislatures and private litigation arising from data breaches. Anti-hacking laws, such as the federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, Economic Espionage Act, and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, and how companies are able to fight cybercriminals while ensuring compliance with the U.S. Constitution and statutes are discussed thoroughly. Featuring an overview of the laws that allow coordination between the public and private sectors as well as the tools that regulators have developed to allow a limited amount of collaboration, this book also: • Addresses current U.S. and international laws, regulations, and court opinions that define the field of cybersecurity including the security of sensitive information, such as financial data and health information • Discusses the cybersecurity requirements of the largest U.S. trading partners in Europe, Asia, and Latin America, and specifically addresses how these requirements are similar to (and differ from) those in the U.S. • Provides a compilation of many of the most important cybersecurity statutes and regulations • Emphasizes the compliance obligations of companies with in-depth analysis of crucial U.S. and international laws that apply to cybersecurity issues • Examines government surveillance laws and privacy laws that affect cybersecurity as well as each of the data breach notification laws in 47 states and the District of Columbia • Includes numerous case studies and examples throughout to aid in classroom use and to help readers better understand the presented material • Supplemented with a companion website that features in-class discussion questions and timely and recent updates on recent legislative developments as well as information on interesting cases on relevant and significant topics Cybersecurity Law is appropriate as a textbook for undergraduate and graduate-level courses in cybersecurity, cybersecurity law, cyber operations, management-oriented information technology (IT), and computer science. This book is also an ideal reference for lawyers, IT professionals, government personnel, business managers, IT management personnel, auditors, and cybersecurity insurance providers. JEFF KOSSEFF is Assistant Professor of Cybersecurity Law at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. He frequently speaks and writes about cybersecurity and was a journalist covering technology and politics at The Oregonian, a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize, and a recipient of the George Polk Award for national reporting.
Cybersecurity Law
by Jeff KosseffThe second edition of the definitive guide to cybersecurity law, updated to reflect recent legal developments The revised and updated second edition of Cybersecurity Law offers an authoritative guide to the key statutes, regulations, and court rulings that pertain to cybersecurity. Written by an experienced cybersecurity lawyer and law professor, the second edition includes new and expanded information that reflects the latest changes in laws and regulations. The book includes material on recent FTC data security consent decrees and data breach litigation. Topics covered reflect new laws, regulations, and court decisions that address financial sector cybersecurity, the law of war as applied to cyberspace, and recently updated guidance for public companies’ disclosure of cybersecurity risks. This important guide: Provides a new appendix, with 15 edited opinions covering a wide range of cybersecurity-related topics, for students learning via the caselaw method Includes new sections that cover topics such as: compelled access to encrypted devices, New York’s financial services cybersecurity regulations, South Carolina’s insurance sector cybersecurity law, the Internet of Things, bug bounty programs, the vulnerability equities process, international enforcement of computer hacking laws, the California Consumer Privacy Act, and the European Union’s Network and Information Security Directive Contains a new chapter on the critical topic of law of cyberwar Presents a comprehensive guide written by a noted expert on the topic Offers a companion Instructor-only website that features discussion questions for each chapter and suggested exam questions for each chapter Written for students and professionals of cybersecurity, cyber operations, management-oriented information technology (IT), and computer science, Cybersecurity Law, Second Edition is the up-to-date guide that covers the basic principles and the most recent information on cybersecurity laws and regulations. JEFF KOSSEFF is Assistant Professor of Cybersecurity Law at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. He was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize, and a recipient of the George Polk Award for national reporting.
Cybersecurity Law
by Jeff KosseffCYBERSECURITY LAW Learn to protect your clients with this definitive guide to cybersecurity law in this fully-updated third edition Cybersecurity is an essential facet of modern society, and as a result, the application of security measures that ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data is crucial. Cybersecurity can be used to protect assets of all kinds, including data, desktops, servers, buildings, and most importantly, humans. Understanding the ins and outs of the legal rules governing this important field is vital for any lawyer or other professionals looking to protect these interests. The thoroughly revised and updated Cybersecurity Law offers an authoritative guide to the key statutes, regulations, and court rulings that pertain to cybersecurity, reflecting the latest legal developments on the subject. This comprehensive text deals with all aspects of cybersecurity law, from data security and enforcement actions to anti-hacking laws, from surveillance and privacy laws to national and international cybersecurity law. New material in this latest edition includes many expanded sections, such as the addition of more recent FTC data security consent decrees, including Zoom, SkyMed, and InfoTrax. Readers of the third edition of Cybersecurity Law will also find: An all-new chapter focused on laws related to ransomware and the latest attacks that compromise the availability of data and systems New and updated sections on new data security laws in New York and Alabama, President Biden’s cybersecurity executive order, the Supreme Court’s first opinion interpreting the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, American Bar Association guidance on law firm cybersecurity, Internet of Things cybersecurity laws and guidance, the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification, the NIST Privacy Framework, and more New cases that feature the latest findings in the constantly evolving cybersecurity law space An article by the author of this textbook, assessing the major gaps in U.S. cybersecurity law A companion website for instructors that features expanded case studies, discussion questions by chapter, and exam questions by chapter Cybersecurity Law is an ideal textbook for undergraduate and graduate level courses in cybersecurity, cyber operations, management-oriented information technology (IT), and computer science. It is also a useful reference for IT professionals, government personnel, business managers, auditors, cybersecurity insurance agents, and academics in these fields, as well as academic and corporate libraries that support these professions.
Cybersecurity, Law, and Economics: The Case of India (Routledge Studies in the Modern World Economy)
by Gagandeep Kaur Narendra N. Dalei Sushanta Kumar Mahapatra Vinay KandpalThis book examines the intersection between cybersecurity and the law and economy of India and offers a course of action in designing efficacious policies against emerging cybercrimes in the country.It reviews the boom in infrastructure growth in India and the security challenges this presents to the domestic economy and legal system. The contributors conducted a risk assessment of the potential economic impacts and security vulnerabilities, as well as identified the current regulatory and legal gaps regarding cryptocurrency, ecommerce, and digital banking. The book also considers the subject of data localization and sovereignty, and the challenges of establishing an indigenous data architecture. By discussing the economic impact of cybersecurity and incorporating recommendations from scholars, activists, academics, young legal intellectuals, and professionals in the field, the chapters propose new measures and protections for lawmakers and policymakers to adopt.This book will interest researchers and students of cybersecurity, law and economics, international relations, and Indian policymakers.
Cybersecurity Leadership Demystified: A comprehensive guide to becoming a world-class modern cybersecurity leader and global CISO
by Dr. Erdal Ozkaya Melih AbdulhayogluGain useful insights into cybersecurity leadership in a modern-day organization with the help of use casesKey FeaturesDiscover tips and expert advice from the leading CISO and author of many cybersecurity booksBecome well-versed with a CISO's day-to-day responsibilities and learn how to perform them with easeUnderstand real-world challenges faced by a CISO and find out the best way to solve themBook DescriptionThe chief information security officer (CISO) is responsible for an organization's information and data security. The CISO's role is challenging as it demands a solid technical foundation as well as effective communication skills. This book is for busy cybersecurity leaders and executives looking to gain deep insights into the domains important for becoming a competent cybersecurity leader.The book begins by introducing you to the CISO's role, where you'll learn key definitions, explore the responsibilities involved, and understand how you can become an efficient CISO. You'll then be taken through end-to-end security operations and compliance standards to help you get to grips with the security landscape. In order to be a good leader, you'll need a good team. This book guides you in building your dream team by familiarizing you with HR management, documentation, and stakeholder onboarding. Despite taking all that care, you might still fall prey to cyber attacks; this book will show you how to quickly respond to an incident to help your organization minimize losses, decrease vulnerabilities, and rebuild services and processes. Finally, you'll explore other key CISO skills that'll help you communicate at both senior and operational levels.By the end of this book, you'll have gained a complete understanding of the CISO's role and be ready to advance your career.What you will learnUnderstand the key requirements to become a successful CISOExplore the cybersecurity landscape and get to grips with end-to-end security operationsAssimilate compliance standards, governance, and security frameworksFind out how to hire the right talent and manage hiring procedures and budgetDocument the approaches and processes for HR, compliance, and related domainsFamiliarize yourself with incident response, disaster recovery, and business continuityGet the hang of tasks and skills other than hardcore security operationsWho this book is forThis book is for aspiring as well as existing CISOs. This book will also help cybersecurity leaders and security professionals understand leadership in this domain and motivate them to become leaders. A clear understanding of cybersecurity posture and a few years of experience as a cybersecurity professional will help you to get the most out of this book.
Cybersecurity Leadership for Healthcare Organizations and Institutions of Higher Education (River Publishers Series in Digital Security and Forensics)
by null Bradley Fowler null Bruce G. ChaundyHealthcare organizations and institutions of higher education have become prime targets of increased cyberattacks. This book explores current cybersecurity trends and effective software applications, AI, and decision-making processes to combat cyberattacks. It emphasizes the importance of compliance, provides downloadable digital forensics software, and examines the psychology of organizational practice for effective cybersecurity leadership.Since the year 2000, research consistently reports devasting results of ransomware and malware attacks impacting healthcare and higher education. These attacks are crippling the ability for these organizations to effectively protect their information systems, information technology, and cloud-based environments. Despite the global dissemination of knowledge, healthcare and higher education organizations continue wrestling to define strategies and methods to secure their information assets, understand methods of assessing qualified practitioners to fill the alarming number of opened positions to help improve how cybersecurity leadership is deployed, as well as improve workplace usage of technology tools without exposing these organizations to more severe and catastrophic cyber incidents.This practical book supports the reader with downloadable digital forensics software, teaches how to utilize this software, as well as correctly securing this software as a key method to improve usage and deployment of these software applications for effective cybersecurity leadership. Furthermore, readers will understand the psychology of industrial organizational practice as it correlates with cybersecurity leadership. This is required to improve management of workplace conflict, which often impedes personnel’s ability to comply with cybersecurity law and policy, domestically and internationally.
Cybersecurity Lessons from CoVID-19
by Robert SladeUsing the SARS-CoV-2/CoVID-19 pandemic as a giant case study, and following the structure of the domains of information security, this book looks at what the crisis teaches us about security. It points out specific security fundamentals where social, medical, or business responses to the crisis failed or needed to make specific use of those concepts. For the most part, these lessons are simply reminders of factors that get neglected during times of non-crisis. The lessons particularly point out the importance of planning and resilience in systems and business. Those studying cybersecurity and its preventive measures and applications, as well as those involved in risk management studies and assessments, will all benefit greatly from the book. Robert Slade has had an extensive and prolific career in management, security, and telecommunications research, analysis, and consultancy. He has served as an educator visiting universities and delivering lecturers and seminars.
Cybersecurity Lexicon
by Luis AyalaThis book offers easy-to-understand definitions of cybersecurity technical terminology and hacker jargon related to automated control systems common to buildings, utilities, and industry, and explains the threats and vulnerabilities of critical infrastructure. Although written primarily for building designers and maintenance personnel, much of the terminology applies to cyber-physical attacks in general. Buildings today are automated because the systems are complicated so we depend on the building controls system (BCS) to operate the equipment. We also depend on a computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) to keep a record of what was repaired and to schedule required maintenance. SCADA, BCS, and CMMS can all be hacked. The Cybersecurity Lexicon puts cyber jargon related to building controls all in one place. The book is a handy desk reference for professionals interested in preventing cyber-physical attacks against their facilities in the real world. Discussion of cybers-physical attacks on automated control systems is clouded by a lack of standard definitions and a general misunderstanding about how bad actors can actually employ cyber technology as a weapon in the real world. The book provides: Concepts related to cyber-physical attacks and building hacks are listed alphabetically with text easily searchable by key phrase. Definitions of technical terms related to equipment controls common to industry, utilities, and buildings--much of the terminology also applies to cybersecurity in general. What you'll learn Readers will be able to quickly find cybersecurity-physical attack concepts and get a simple explanation of the meaning. Many of the most common types of cybersecurity-attacks are explained so readers can quickly assess the threat to their facilities in real time. The definition of as facilities, engineering, and cybersecurity acronyms. Who this book is for Architects, Engineers, Building Managers, Students, Researchers and Consultants interested in cybersecurity-attacks against facilities in the real world. Also for IT professionals getting involved in cybersecurity responsibilities.
Cybersecurity Management in Education Technologies: Risks and Countermeasures for Advancements in E-learning
by Abd El-Latif, Ahmed A.This book explores the intersection of cybersecurity and education technologies, providing practical solutions, detection techniques, and mitigation strategies to ensure a secure and protected learning environment in the face of evolving cyber threats. With a wide range of contributors covering topics from immersive learning to phishing detection, this book is a valuable resource for professionals, researchers, educators, students, and policymakers interested in the future of cybersecurity in education. Features: • Offers both theoretical foundations and practical guidance for fostering a secure and protected environment for educational advancements in the digital age. • Addresses the need for cybersecurity in education in the context of worldwide changes in education sources and advancements in technology. • Highlights the significance of integrating cybersecurity into educational practices and protecting sensitive information to ensure students’ performance prediction systems are not misused. • Covers a wide range of topics including immersive learning, cybersecurity education, and malware detection, making it a valuable resource for professionals, researchers, educators, students, and policymakers.
Cybersecurity Management System: Anforderungen – Aufbau – Ziele – Prozesse (essentials)
by Thomas LiedtkeDas Essential bietet eine umfassende Anleitung zur Implementierung eines Cybersecurity Management Systems (CSMS) in der Automobilindustrie. Es erklärt die notwendigen Prozesse gemäß UNECE-Regulierung 155 und ISO/SAE 21434, um Fahrzeuge vor Cyberangriffen zu schützen. Es werden detaillierte Einblicke in Cybersecurity Engineering, CSMS-Policy und die kontinuierliche Überwachung durch ein Vehicle Security Operation Center gegeben. Praxisnahe Beispiele zeigen, wie diese Anforderungen erfolgreich umgesetzt und Audits bestanden werden können. Ideal für alle, die ein CSMS aufbauen, betreiben oder optimieren möchten.
The Cybersecurity Manager's Guide: The Art Of Building Your Security Program
by Todd BarnumIf you're a cybersecurity professional, then you know how it often seems that no one cares about (or understands) information security. InfoSec professionals frequently struggle to integrate security into their companies' processes. Many are at odds with their organizations. Most are under-resourced. There must be a better way. This essential manager's guide offers a new approach to building and maintaining an information security program that's both effective and easy to follow.Author and longtime chief information security officer (CISO) Todd Barnum upends the assumptions security professionals take for granted. CISOs, chief security officers, chief information officers, and IT security professionals will learn a simple seven-step process for building a new program or improving a current one.Build better relationships across the organizationAlign your role with your company's values, culture, and tolerance for information lossLay the groundwork for your security programCreate a communications program to share your team's contributions and educate your coworkersTransition security functions and responsibilities to other teamsOrganize and build an effective InfoSec teamMeasure your company's ability to recognize and report security policy violations and phishing emails
Cybersecurity of Digital Service Chains: Challenges, Methodologies, and Tools (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #13300)
by Joanna Kołodziej Matteo Repetto Armend DuzhaThis open access book presents the main scientific results from the H2020 GUARD project. The GUARD project aims at filling the current technological gap between software management paradigms and cybersecurity models, the latter still lacking orchestration and agility to effectively address the dynamicity of the former. This book provides a comprehensive review of the main concepts, architectures, algorithms, and non-technical aspects developed during three years of investigation; the description of the Smart Mobility use case developed at the end of the project gives a practical example of how the GUARD platform and related technologies can be deployed in practical scenarios. We expect the book to be interesting for the broad group of researchers, engineers, and professionals daily experiencing the inadequacy of outdated cybersecurity models for modern computing environments and cyber-physical systems.
Cybersecurity of Discrete Event Systems: From Smart Attacks to Resilient Defence
by Rong SuThis book describes analysis and control against smart cyberattacks in discrete event systems (DES). This is the first technical DES book to provide a thorough introduction to smart cyberattacks on supervisory control systems modelled by regular languages or finite-state automata and possible resilient defence methods against smart cyberattacks."Smart attacks" cannot be detected by the supervisor until an irreversible process toward ensured damage occurs. An attack may be conducted either in the observation channel (i.e., the supervisor’s input of the supervisor) or in the command channel (i.e., the supervisor’s output) or both simultaneously. Therefore, defence strategies against these attacks are urgently needed. Rong Su provides a comprehensive overview of the latest theories and includes empirical examples to illustrate concepts and methods. By centering on what information is available and how such information is used, the readers are provided with methods to evaluate the cyber vulnerability of a given system and design a resilient supervisor against relevant smart attacks. This book comprises two sections. Firstly, Su introduces the required concepts and techniques related to DES and supervisory control. Then he introduces different types of smart attacks that intercept and manipulate information in sensor and command channels in a standard closed-loop control system. Secondly, he presents resilient defence strategies against relevant types of attacks.By focusing on a conceptual introduction and systematic analysis, this book provides a solid theoretical foundation for future exploration by researchers and graduate students who are interested in cybersecurity research, not necessarily limited to those in the DES community. To illustrate the practical relevance of this research, realistic examples are used throughout this book. Readers are recommended to have a background in formal language theory.
Cybersecurity Operations and Fusion Centers: A Comprehensive Guide to SOC and TIC Strategy (Security, Audit and Leadership Series)
by Kevin Lynn McLaughlinCybersecurity Operations and Fusion Centers: A Comprehensive Guide to SOC and TIC Strategy by Dr. Kevin Lynn McLaughlin is a must-have resource for anyone involved in the establishment and operation of a Cybersecurity Operations and Fusion Center (SOFC). Think of a combination cybersecurity SOC and cybersecurity Threat Intelligence Center (TIC). In this book, Dr. McLaughlin, who is a well-respected cybersecurity expert, provides a comprehensive guide to the critical importance of having an SOFC and the various options available to organizations to either build one from scratch or purchase a ready-made solution. The author takes the reader through the crucial steps of designing an SOFC model, offering expert advice on selecting the right partner, allocating resources, and building a strong and effective team. The book also provides an in-depth exploration of the design and implementation of the SOFC infrastructure and toolset, including the use of virtual tools, the physical security of the SOFC, and the impact of COVID-19 on remote workforce operations. A bit of gamification is described in the book as a way to motivate and maintain teams of high-performing and well-trained cybersecurity professionals. The day-to-day operations of an SOFC are also thoroughly examined, including the monitoring and detection process, security operations (SecOps), and incident response and remediation. The book highlights the significance of effective reporting in driving improvements in an organization’s security posture. With its comprehensive analysis of all aspects of the SOFC, from team building to incident response, this book is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to establish and operate a successful SOFC. Whether you are a security analyst, senior analyst, or executive, this book will provide you with the necessary insights and strategies to ensure maximum performance and long-term success for your SOFC. By having this book as your guide, you can rest assured that you have the knowledge and skills necessary to protect an organization’s data, assets, and operations.