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Domina Las Apps: Una Guía para Principiantes para Comenzar a Ganar Dinero con Apps

by Adidas Wilson

Las teconlogías de la comunicación avanzan constatemente para adaptarse a los tiempos. Las apps de mensajes son algo enorme ahora. Han superdo completamente a las redes sociales al convertirse en nuestra forma primaria de comunicación. Cuando la mayoría de los empresarios inician, les gusta leer artículos sobre "cómo arrasar con tu primer app," "contruyendo la app de mil millones de dólares" y muchos libros relcionados a este tema. Están pegados a este lado de la historia y cegados al otro. A fin de tener tu propia historia de éxito, debes descubrir por qué otras apps fallan. La dolorosa verdad es que hay más app fallidas que apps exitosas.

Dominando a Realidade Virtual: Como Começar a Ganhar Dinheiro Com a Realidade Virtual

by Gabriel Thomé Adidas Wilson

As pessoas têm esperado por anos para que a RV pegue de vez e só têm encontrado frustração—até agora. Muitos indícios apontam um futuro glorioso para a RV, mas os investidores devem se informar de muitas coisas antes de partirem pra cima; tais como quais são os riscos, o tamanho do mercado, porquê dessa estratégia ser usada a longo prazo e quem são os agentes decisivos.

Dominando El Apple Watch Series 3.4.2

by Adidas Wilson

En esta guía usted aprenderá a configurar todas las opciones de su Apple Watch, desde lo más simple como poner la hora correcta, hasta opciones más avanzadas, como medir frecuencia del ritmo cardíaco a través de dispositivos externos.

Dominando el bitcoin: Una guía para principiantes para comenzar a ganar dinero con el Bitcoin

by Adidas Wilson

El Bitcoin puede parecer complicado si está tratando de entender el concepto detrás de toda la idea de las transacciones de divisas en línea. Sin embargo, las cosas pueden parecer difíciles solo si no sabes qué buscar y qué se necesita para las transacciones de bitcoin que pueden no aparecer en la mayoría de las otras transacciones convencionales. Si tiene problemas tratando de entender todos los concepto, no se preocupe, aquí explicamos algunos de los conceptos básicos. A pesar de que la idea del bitcoin se basa en transacciones en línea, puede verse desde una perspectiva de transacciones físicas para comprenderlo mejor. Mírelo de esta manera: Usted está compartiendo algo con alguien que bien podría ser dinero, fruta, libros o lo que quieras. En el momento de la transacción están los dos solos. No es necesario involucrar a otra persona para que sea testigo, ni preocuparse sobre la verificación de la transferencia de propiedad. El estado de la propiedad cambia permanentemente de una persona a otra y el segundo propietario puede transferir la propiedad a un tercer propietario. Pues el bitcoin opera de manera similar. Adidas Wilson - Facebook

Dominando el iPad de Apple: iOS 12

by Adidas Wilson

Está bien sentirse abrumado luego de comprar un iPad, es una sensación bastante común debido a todo lo que tienes que aprender a hacer con tu nuevo dispositivo. Sin embargo, eso no debería intimidarte, en poco tiempo te convertirás en un pro usándolo. Las siguientes indicaciones te ayudarán a empezar. Lo esencial para cualquier dispositivo es descargar la última actualización de software, si es algo que su sistema permite. Las actualizaciones eliminan los molestos errores o bugs, mantienen tu dispositivo trabajando con fluidez y ahorran la duración de la batería, haciendo que tu iPad funcione con mayor eficiencia. No hay conocimiento de algún virus que afecte a los iPads, además de que Apple hace una revisión de todas sus aplicaciones, lo que hace muy extraña la aparición de algún software malicioso o malware. A pesar de todo, el malware puede afectar cualquier dispositivo y las actualizaciones de software incrementan la seguridad de tu equipo. Apple ha presentado la nueva versión de iOS, el iOS 12. La versión estará disponible tanto para iPads como para iPhones de forma gratuita a partir de finales de 2018. Más adelante encontrarás algunas de las mejores características que experimentarás con la nueva versión. Apple confirmó que va a duplicar el rendimiento para aumentar la velocidad y la capacidad de respuesta en los iPads y iPhones.

Dominando el Podcasting: Cómo iniciar, hacer crecer y monetizar tu podcast

by Adidas Wilson

Un podcast es, básicamente, algo parecido a una radio online. La única diferencia es que presenta ciertas ventajas, como la posibilidad de escucharlo cuando lo desees en lugar de tener que hacerlo en un determinado día u horario. Si bien los podcasts se parecen a los programas de entrevistas de la radio, son al mismo tiempo muy diferentes, como sucede con los videos de YouTube y la televisión. Un podcast se describe mejor como una serie de episodios almacenados en archivos de audio, del mismo tipo de los que usas para escuchar música en tu smartphone o en tu computadora . Al igual que cualquier otro programa de entrevistas de radio o televisión, un podcast generalmente trata sobre una categoría en particular: puede ser juegos, terror, entretenimiento, deportes, política, etc. En cada episodio, se aborda un tema de esa categoría. Puedes optar por suscribirte al podcast (generalmente es gratuito) o escuchar un tema en especial. Pod Saves America es un podcast muy popular que aborda las noticias políticas en forma progresiva. Los anfitriones son Daniel Pfeiffer, Jon Lovett, Tommy Vietor y Jon Favreau. Suelen invitar a expertos para que compartan sus opiniones. Los episodios se centran principalmente en cuestiones políticas como ser la reforma fiscal o la asistencia sanitaria. Otro podcast es The Critical Role.

Dominando O Apple Watch: Apple Watch Séries 3-4.2

by Adidas Wilson

O Apple Watch estreou em 2015 e em três anos se tornou o melhor smartwatch do mercado. O seu design bonito e arrojado também o ajudaram a ser um produto de sucesso. Suas atualizações incluíram GPS e resistência à água no Apple Watch Series 2 e conectividade celular integrada no Apple Watch Series 3.

Dominando o Podcasting

by Adidas Wilson

Basicamente, um podcast é como uma forma online de rádio. A única diferença é que você tem certas vantagens em um podcast, como a capacidade de ouvir quando quiser, em vez de em um determinado horário ou dia. Embora os podcasts sejam um pouco como os talk shows de rádio, eles são, ao mesmo tempo, muito diferentes  - como vídeos do YouTube e televisão. Um podcast é melhor descrito como uma série de episódios armazenados em arquivos de áudio, do mesmo tipo que você usa para músicas em seu smartphone ou laptop. Assim como qualquer outro programa de entrevistas de rádio ou televisão, um podcast geralmente é baseado em um tema - pense em jogos, horror, entretenimento, esportes, política etc. A cada episódio, um assunto desse tema é abordado. Você pode optar por assinar o podcast (normalmente gratuito) ou ouvir um assunto específico. Um podcast popular nos EUA é  o Pod Salva a América (Pod Saves America). que aborda as notícias políticas progressivamente. No Brasil, podemos citar o Ideias (da Gazeta do Povo), com diferentes apresentadores, dentre eles o conhecido jornalista Alexandre Garcia. Os anfitriões são Daniel Pfeiffer, Jon Lovett, Tommy Vietor e Jon Favreau. Eles, frequentemente, convidam especialistas como convidados para dar suas opiniões. Os episódios se concentram principalmente em questões políticas, como reforma tributária ou assistência médica. Outro podcast americano é o Papel Crítico (Critical Role) .

Dominar Apple TV 4K: Guía de usuario definitiva para Apple TV con Siri

by Adidas Wilson

Cuando usted escucha hablar de Apple TV inmediatamente piensa que lo que usted está comprando es una TV Real. Pero no es el caso. La Apple TV es un dispositivo que usted utilizará realmente para que le transmita algo y que es parecido al Fire de Amazon o al Roku. Es una pequeña caja negra de alrededor de una pulgada y media de alto, y sólo un poco menos que cuatro pulgadas, que funciona en una plataforma muy similar al iPad y los populares iPhones. Usted puede descargar una lista de apps y además juegos más allá de la transmisión standard de video que usted podría obtener desde Hulu, Netflix y Amazon por solamente nombrar algunos. La Apple TV ha sido centrada en varias apps, y todavía es capaz de transmitir múltiples shows de TV, y películas directamente en su HDTV, pero esto es solamente la punta del iceberg de las características con las que esta caja ha sido fabricada. La caja le permite a usted ver y transmitir podcasts, jugar a su juego favorito, transmitir su lista de ejercicios, y mucho más. Pero lo que es importante notar, para disfrutar de todos estos beneficios con los que esta caja está lista para proveerle es que todo dependerá de las apps que usted haya instalado. Algunas de las apps que usted utilizará son gratis, y algunas le costarán. Piénselo de esta manera; la Apple TV es capaz de transformar a su TV en una Smart TV. Incluso puede rentar sus películas favoritas o solamente transmitir su colección desde su cuenta de iTunes. Además puede transmitir shows de películas desde apps como Hulu Plus o Netflix; transmitir su música desde las apps de Pandora o Apple Music. Quiero decir que la lista es interminable en aquello que la Apple TV puede hacer por usted. La Apple TV 4K ha sido diseñada con algunos de los procesadores más rápidos que usted pueda encontrar, los mismos que alimentan al iPad Pro. La caja de Apple TV ha sido hecho para ser tan poderosa como la mayoría de las laptops que utilizamos. Además posee un procesador g

Dominar el podcasting para principiantes: Cómo iniciar un negocio de podcasting rentable desde casa

by Shasha Taylor

¿Quieres comenzar un podcast como si fueras un profesional y nos sabes por dónde comenzar? ¿Quieres monetizar tu podcast, pero no sabes cómo hacerlo? Entonces, este libro está especialmente diseñado para ti, creado por alguien que una vez estuvo en tus zapatos, pero superó las dificultades para convertirse en una podcaster de éxito. ¿Te preguntas cómo proyectar tu voz, nombre y contenidos al mundo entero y conseguir dinero? Crear un podcast es un sueño hecho realidad. No importa tu tipo de empresa o tu contenido, hay una especialidad para ti y mas ahora que el podcast tiene más de 5 millones de oyentes tan solo en EE. UU. y aumenta cada día. Sabemos que alguna vez has oído algo de los podcast, pero no lo sabes todo. No te preocupes, cuenta con nosotros. ¿No sabes cómo conseguir grandes equipos para conseguirlo? No le des más vueltas. Hemos comprimido en este libro toda la información para que aprendas a producir podcasts baratos entre las cuatro paredes de tu habitación sin tener que comprar grandes herramientas y equipos. Sí, ¡es así de simple! Debes crear tu canal y una comunidad de oyentes a través de la producción de contenidos curados y te devolverán su apoyo, donaciones y promociones. ¿No sabes cómo curar esos contenidos? Este libro te ayuda y acompaña en cada fase desde preparar el equipo para grabar, editar, crear conexiones y ¡al final las fases de producción y postproducción! ¡Esto es el podcasting hecho realidad solo para ti!

Dominar la SEO: La guía de usuario definitiva para la optimización de motores de búsqueda

by Adidas Wilson

Como verá pronto, los motores de búsqueda son una de las principales formas en que los usuarios de Internet encontrarán un sitio web. Por eso, es probable que un sitio bien posicionado en las listas de los motores de búsqueda experimente un aumento dramático en el tráfico que recibe. Aunque todo el mundo quiere estar bien posicionado en los listados, lamentablemente hay muchos sitios donde no aparecen o aparecen mal en los rankings de los motores de búsqueda. Esto se debe a que no han considerado exactamente cómo funciona un motor de búsqueda. Olvidan que presentarse a los motores de búsqueda es solamente una parte de la ecuación en la intención de que su sitio obtenga una buena clasificación en los motores de búsqueda. Por lo tanto, es importante que prepare su sitio mediante la optimización de motores de búsqueda.

Domino 7 Lotus Notes Application Development

by Dick Mccarrick Tim Speed

Established Notes/Domino industry experts teach you how to harness the powerful new features available in Lotus Notes/Domino version 7 to develop robust business applications. Developers who work with Lotus technologies, and need to get to grips with the new developer features provided in version 7.

Don't Click on the Blue E!

by Scott Granneman

For anyone who has grown disenchanted with Microsoft's Internet Explorer web browser, Don't Click on the Blue E! offers help. It gives non-technical users a convenient roadmap for switching to a better web browser--Firefox. As the only book that covers the switch to Firefox, this how-to guide is a must for all those who want to browse faster, more securely, and more efficiently.

Don’t Force It, Solve It!: How To Design Meaningful and Efficient Design Processes

by George Kalmpourtzis

"Knowing various frameworks and methodologies is crucial.… This book takes you one step further by transforming individuals or teams into adaptable problem-solving powerhouses." George Ketsiakidis, Design Researcher, Shanghai Jiao Tong University "George is a master of design process thinking, and it comes out in every word of his writing." Ryan Gerber, Founder, Quest Labs It’s not how much time we spend on design that impacts product and service success: it’s whether that time has been spent on solving the right problems. The field of design, with a greater focus on user-centered design, steadily acquires a central position on the work of product design teams. From large corporate environments to startups, multidisciplinary teams of developers, designers, project managers, and product managers need to find ways to understand each other’s needs, overcome obstacles, communicate efficiently, and perform, creating products that satisfy their users’ needs. In an era when the main differentiating factor between products are the teams that created them, George Kalmpourtzis’ Don’t Force It, Solve It!: How To Design Meaningful and Efficient Design Processes is the perfect roadmap for navigating the twisting paths of project management and user-centered design. KEY FEATURES: • This book aims at helping software teams work more efficiently by setting up their own design processes. • For organizations, this book helps decode the design processes, allowing them to deliver experiences that address the real problems of their audiences. • This book offers a combination of theory and practice that will help its readers understand how to design efficient processes and apply this knowledge in their own work. • This book includes many insights in the form of colorful doodles. George Kalmpourtzis is an award-winning User Experience & Learning Experience Consultant and Game Designer. Finding himself between the fields of educational technology, design, and game studies, he has been founder, C-level stakeholder, director, and board member of several design studios, startups, and consulting agencies.

Don't Get Burned on eBay: How to Avoid Scams and Escape Bad Deals

by Shauna Wright

Lots of books tell you how to buy and sell on eBay. But what if something goes horribly awry? Do you have to chalk it up to a "lesson learned," lick your wounds and move on? Not a chance. Don't Get Burned on eBay offers relevant lessons based on real-life stories posted on eBay's Answer Center. With sharp, witty rhetoric, veteran eBay user Shauna Wright (co-founder of the popular web site ), shows eBay veterans and newcomers alike how to avoid those nasty scenarios, and how to pull themselves out of the muck if they've already fallen in. Six entertaining (and hair-raising) chapters cover real problems that people have encountered with bidding, payment, shipping, packaging, dealing with other eBayers, and coping with the eBay system. This book is for anyone who's ever used eBay, because even veteran buyers and sellers often don't know the intricacies of eBay's and PayPal's rules. Don't Get Burned on eBay will leave you well-informed and better protected from potential pitfalls. The book's extensive glossary and numerous in-depth sidebars also make the book useful to people who haven't yet taken the plunge into eBay.

Don't Make Me Think: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability 2nd Edition

by Steve Krug

Since Don't Make Me Think was first published in 2000, hundreds of thousands of Web designers and developers have relied on usability guru Steve Krug's guide to help them understand the principles of intuitive navigation and information design. Witty, commonsensical, and eminently practical, it's one of the best-loved and most recommended books on the subject. Now Steve returns with fresh perspective to reexamine the principles that made Don't Make Me Think a classic-with updated examples and a new chapter on mobile usability. And it's still short, profusely illustrated. . . and best of all-fun to read. If you've read it before, you'll rediscover what made Don't Make Me Think so essential to Web designers and developers around the world. If you've never read it, you'll see why so many people have said it should be required reading for anyone working on Web sites.

Don't Make Me Think: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability (2nd edition)

by Steve Krug

Web-usability expert Steve Krug updates his classic guide to designing intuitive navigation for the ideal user experience.

Don't Read the Comments

by Eric Smith

Divya Sharma is a queen. Or she is when she’s playing Reclaim the Sun, the year’s hottest online game. <P><P>Divya—better known as popular streaming gamer D1V—regularly leads her #AngstArmada on quests through the game’s vast and gorgeous virtual universe. But for Divya, this is more than just a game. Out in the real world, she’s trading her rising-star status for sponsorships to help her struggling single mom pay the rent. <P><P>Gaming is basically Aaron Jericho’s entire life. Much to his mother’s frustration, Aaron has zero interest in becoming a doctor like her, and spends his free time writing games for a local developer. At least he can escape into Reclaim the Sun—and with a trillion worlds to explore, disappearing should be easy. But to his surprise, he somehow ends up on the same remote planet as celebrity gamer D1V. <P><P>At home, Divya and Aaron grapple with their problems alone, but in the game, they have each other to face infinite new worlds…and the growing legion of trolls populating them. Soon the virtual harassment seeps into reality when a group called the Vox Populi begin launching real-world doxxing campaigns, threatening Aaron’s dreams and Divya’s actual life. The online trolls think they can drive her out of the game, but everything and everyone Divya cares about is on the line…And she isn’t going down without a fight.

Don't Share Your Address Online (Internet Dos & Don'ts)

by Shannon Miller

It is smart to be safe online by keeping facts about yourself private. This book will tell you how.

Don't Share Your Phone Number Online (Internet Dos & Don'ts)

by Shannon Miller

Keeping your phone number private is important to online safety. Readers will learn why they should not tell strangers their phone number and how to respond if they are asked for it.

Don't Talk to Strangers Online (Internet Dos & Don'ts)

by Shannon Miller

This book briefs you on online safety and warns against talking to strangers online.

Don't Teach Coding: Until You Read This Book

by Lindsey D. Handley Stephen R. Foster

The definitive resource for understanding what coding is, designed for educators and parents Even though the vast majority of teachers, parents, and students understand the importance of computer science in the 21st century, many struggle to find appropriate educational resources. Don't Teach Coding: Until You Read This Book fills a gap in current knowledge by explaining exactly what coding is and addressing why and how to teach the subject. Providing a historically grounded, philosophically sensitive description of computer coding, this book helps readers understand the best practices for teaching computer science to their students and their children. The authors, experts in teaching computer sciences to students of all ages, offer practical insights on whether coding is a field for everyone, as opposed to a field reserved for specialists. This innovative book provides an overview of recent scientific research on how the brain learns coding, and features practical exercises that strengthen coding skills. Clear, straightforward chapters discuss a broad range of questions using principles of computer science, such as why we should teach students to code and is coding a science, engineering, technology, mathematics, or language? Helping readers understand the principles and issues of coding education, this book: Helps those with no previous background in computer science education understand the questions and debates within the field Explores the history of computer science education and its influence on the present Views teaching practices through a computational lens Addresses why many schools fail to teach computer science adequately Explains contemporary issues in computer science such as the language wars and trends that equate coding with essential life skills like reading and writing Don't Teach Coding: Until You Read This Book is a valuable resource for K-12 educators in computer science education and parents wishing to understand the field to help chart their children’s education path.

Doom: Scarydarkfast

by Dan Pinchbeck

In December 1993, gaming changed forever. id Software's seminal shooter DOOM was released, and it shook the foundations of the medium. Daniel Pinchbeck brings together the complete story of DOOM for the first time. This book takes a look at the early days of first-person gaming and the video game studio system. It discusses the prototypes and the groundbreaking technology that drove the game forward and offers a detailed analysis of gameplay and level design. Pinchbeck also examines DOOM's contributions to wider gaming culture, such as online multiplay and the modding community, and the first-person gaming genre, focusing on DOOM's status as a foundational title and the development of the genre since 1993. Pinchbeck draws extensively from primary data: from the game itself, from the massive fan culture surrounding the title, and from interviews with the developers who made it. This book is not only the definitive work on DOOM but a snapshot of a period of gaming history, a manifesto for a development ethos, and a celebration of game culture at its best.

The Doomsday Calculation: How an Equation that Predicts the Future Is Transforming Everything We Know About Life and the Universe

by William Poundstone

From the author of Are You Smart Enough to Work at Google?, a fascinating look at how an equation that foretells the future is transforming everything we know about life, business, and the universe.In the 18th century, the British minister and mathematician Thomas Bayes devised a theorem that allowed him to assign probabilities to events that had never happened before. It languished in obscurity for centuries until computers came along and made it easy to crunch the numbers. Now, as the foundation of big data, Bayes' formula has become a linchpin of the digital economy.But here's where things get really interesting: Bayes' theorem can also be used to lay odds on the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence; on whether we live in a Matrix-like counterfeit of reality; on the "many worlds" interpretation of quantum theory being correct; and on the biggest question of all: how long will humanity survive?The Doomsday Calculation tells how Silicon Valley's profitable formula became a controversial pivot of contemporary thought. Drawing on interviews with thought leaders around the globe, it's the story of a group of intellectual mavericks who are challenging what we thought we knew about our place in the universe. The Doomsday Calculation is compelling reading for anyone interested in our culture and its future.

The Door Stood Open: An evaluation of the Open University younger students pilot scheme (Routledge Revivals)

by Alan Woodley Naomi McIntosh

First published in 1980 The Door Stood Open deals with an early demand upon open university policy. It deals with important themes like context of the younger students pilot scheme; demand for open university places among the younger age group; motivational factors and potential study problems; the impact of open university study on the younger students; students who withdrew from the open university; younger students who could not attend full-time courses and how the younger students fared. In an age when distance learning is becoming a norm, this book serves as an important historical document for educationists and policy makers.

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