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Dynamics of Information Systems: 7th International Conference, DIS 2024, Kalamata, Greece, June 2–7, 2024, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14661)

by Hossein Moosaei Ilias Kotsireas Panos M. Pardalos

This post conference LNCS volume constitutes the proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Dynamics of Information Systems, DIS 2024, in Kalamata, Greece, took place in June 2024. The 19 full papers together included in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 40 submissions. The conference presents topics such as information systems, optimization, operations research, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.

Dynamics of Information Systems

by Chrysafis Vogiatzis Jose L. Walteros Panos M. Pardalos

The contributions of this volume stem from the "Fifth International Conference on the Dynamics of Information Systems" held in Gainesville, FL in February 2013, and discuss state-of the-art techniques in handling problems and solutions in the broad field of information systems. Dynamics of Information Systems: Computational and Mathematical Challenges presents diverse aspects of modern information systems with an emphasis on interconnected network systems and related topics, such as signal and message reconstruction, network connectivity, stochastic network analysis, cyber and computer security, community and cohesive structures in complex networks. Information systems are a vital part of modern societies. They are essential to our daily actions, including social networking, business and bank transactions, as well as sensor communications. The rapid increase in these capabilities has enabled us with more powerful systems, readily available to sense, control, disperse, and analyze information.

The Dynamics of International Information Systems

by Hans Lehmann

With this new monograph, Hans Lehmann demonstrates the efficacy of using the Grounded Theory method to study the factors that lead to success - or failure - in the creation and ongoing management of the international information systems (IIS) within global enterprises. He presents three cases of large transnational companies he worked with in this study and describes in detail the steps in the analysis of findings and the incremental conceptualization that finally result in a substantive theory of IIS. There is also a companion website that contains a full set of analysis notes to add a further level of detail. Grounded Theory was developed in the social sciences as a means of recording, analyzing, understanding and then fully explaining what was happening within a given social situation - so that theories could be developed that were firmly grounded in those circumstantial facts. The method is very well-suited to solving information systems problems in any enterprise setting, let alone in those situations peculiar to multi-national enterprises.

Dynamics Of Mediatization

by Olivier Driessens Göran Bolin Andreas Hepp Stig Hjarvard

This volume sheds light on the underlying dynamics of mediatization, disentangling the actual unfolding of mediatization processes. The wide adoption and deep embedding of digital media and technology brings new questions to mediatization studies: how can we grasp this 'deep mediatization'? In which way should we develop existing approaches of mediatization to analyse such dynamics? What are the consequences of this for theorising and empirically studying mediatization? By using these questions as a starting point, this book presents an innovative and original collection that is dedicated to both the underlying dynamics of mediatization and recent dynamics related to digital media.

The Dynamics of Political Communication: Media and Politics in a Digital Age

by Richard M. Perloff

What impact do news and political advertising have on us? How do candidates use media to persuade us as voters? Are we informed adequately about political issues? Do twenty-first-century political communications measure up to democratic ideals? The Dynamics of Political Communication: Media and Politics in a Digital Age, Second Edition explores these issues and guides us through current political communication theories and beliefs by detailing the fluid landscape of political communication and offering us an engaging introduction to the field and a thorough tour of the discipline. Author Richard Perloff examines essential concepts in this arena, such as agenda-setting, agenda-building, framing, political socialization, and issues of bias that are part of campaign news. Designed to provide an understanding and appreciation of the principles involved in political communication along with methods of research and hypothesis-testing, each chapter includes materials that challenge us by encouraging reflection on controversial matters. Inside this Second Edition you’ll find: Expanded discussion of conceptual problems, communication complexities, and key issues in the field. New examples, concepts, and studies reflecting current political communication scholarship. The integration of technology throughout the text, reflecting its pervasive role in the political spectrum. Accompanied by an updated companion website with resources for students and instructors, The Dynamics of Political Communication prepares you to survey the political landscape with a more critical eye, and encourages a greater understanding of the challenges and occurrences presented in this constantly evolving field.

The Dynamics of Political Communication: Media and Politics in a Digital Age

by Richard M. Perloff

The third edition of The Dynamics of Political Communication continues its comprehensive coverage of communication and politics, focusing on problematic issues that bear on the functioning of democracy in an age of partisanship, social media, and political leadership that questions media’s legitimacy. The book covers the intersections between politics and communication, calling on related social science disciplines as well as normative political philosophy. This new edition is thoroughly updated and includes a survey of the contemporary political communication environment, unpacking fake news, presidential communication, hostile media bias, concerns about the waning of democracy, partisan polarization, political advertising and marketing, the relationship between social media and the news media, and the 2020 election, all the while drawing on leading new scholarship in these areas. It's ideally suited for upper-level undergraduate and graduate political communication courses in communication, journalism, and political science programs. This edition again features online resources with links to examples of political communication in action, such as videos, news articles, tweets, and press releases. For instructors, an instructor’s manual, lecture slides, and test questions are also provided. Access the support material at

The Dynamics of Technology for Social Change: Lessons Learned from the Field

by Jonathan Peizer

Topics include: Sector dependencies, collaboration dynamics, information and communication technology challenges; nonprofit capacity issues and promising approaches; balancing the profit and value motive; implementation strategies; marketing and promotion strategies.

Dynamics of the Axially Moving Orthotropic Web

by Krzysztof Marynowski

A material continuum moving axially at high speed can be met in numerous different technical applications. These comprise band saws, web papers during manufacturing, processing and printing processes, textile bands during manufacturing and processing, pipes transporting fluids, transmission belts as well as flat objects moving at high speeds in space. In all these so varied technical applications, the maximum transport speed or the transportation speed is aimed at in order to increase efficiency and optimize investment and performance costs of sometimes very expensive and complex machines and installations. The dynamic behavior of axially moving systems very often hinders from reaching these aims. The book is devoted to dynamics of axially moving material objects of low flexural stiffness that are referred to as webs. Webs are moving at high speed, for example, in paper production the paper webs are transported with longitudinal speeds of up to 3000 m/min. Above the critical speed one can expect various dynamical instabilities mainly of divergent and flutter type. The up-to-date state of investigations conducted in the field of the axially moving system dynamics is presented in the beginning of the book. Special attention is paid on nonlinear dynamic investigations of translating systems. In the next chapters various mathematical models that can be employed in dynamic investigations of such objects and the results of analysis of the dynamic behavior of the axially moving orthotropic material web are presented. To make tracing the dynamic considerations easier, a paper web is the main object of investigations in the book.

The Dynamics of the Innovation Divide between China and Europe: National and Regional Dimensions (Routledge Studies in the Economics of Innovation)

by Arkadiusz Michał Kowalski

This book examines the problem of the innovation divide in the world economy, and convergence in innovation performance between leaders and followers, analysed through the prism of Chinese experiences, and explored from an European Union (EU) perspective. The rationale for research conducted in this book is an observation of a significant change in the geography of world innovation, reflected in the emergence of innovation hubs in developing countries and in the shift of manufacturing activity, including high and medium-high technology industries, to emerging economies, mainly China. The book analyses the factors of Chinese innovation success in recent decades, such as: China’s science, technology and innovation policy, increased R&D expenditures, human capital development and the development of clusters and highly specialized industries. It also focuses on the challenges for developed European economies, which are being at risk of losing their knowledge-related sources of competitive advantage. It also offers recommendations for future policy actions. The book’s analysis goes beyond a cross-country comparison, taking into account a regional perspective. The reason for this regional dimension is the increasingly recognized importance of proximity in stimulating innovation processes, and an observed strong geographical polarization of innovation activity at specific regions seen in the emergence of clusters, particularly visible in China. The monograph will provide an up-to-date reference for academics and students across a variety of disciplines. It will be of particular interest to researchers in the area of innovation and practitioners doing business in China, as well as policymakers at international, national and regional levels involved in designing and implementing innovation policy.

Dynamics On and Of Complex Networks

by Animesh Mukherjee Andreas Deutsch Niloy Ganguly

This self-contained book systematically explores the statistical dynamics on and of complex networks having relevance across a large number of scientific disciplines. The theories related to complex networks are increasingly being used by researchers for their usefulness in harnessing the most difficult problems of a particular discipline. The book is a collection of surveys and cutting-edge research contributions exploring the interdisciplinary relationship of dynamics on and of complex networks. Topics covered include complex networks found in nature--genetic pathways, ecological networks, linguistic systems, and social systems--as well as man-made systems such as the World Wide Web and peer-to-peer networks. The contributed chapters in this volume are intended to promote cross-fertilization in several research areas, and will be valuable to newcomers in the field, experienced researchers, practitioners, and graduate students interested in systems exhibiting an underlying complex network structure in disciplines such as computer science, biology, statistical physics, nonlinear dynamics, linguistics, and the social sciences.

Dynamics On and Of Complex Networks, Volume 2: Applications to Time-Varying Dynamical Systems

by Bivas Mitra Niloy Ganguly Fernando Peruani Animesh Mukherjee Monojit Choudhury

This self-contained book systematically explores the statistical dynamics on and of complex networks with a special focus on time-varying networks. In the constantly changing modern world, there is an urgent need to understand problems related to systems that dynamically evolve in either structure or function, or both. This work is an attempt to address such problems in the framework of complex networks. Dynamics on and of Complex Networks, Volume 2: Applications to Time-Varying Dynamical Systems is a collection of surveys and cutting-edge research contributions exploring key issues, challenges, and characteristics of dynamical networks that emerge in various complex systems. Toward this goal, the work is thematically organized into three main sections with the primary thrust on time-varying networks: Part I studies social dynamics; Part II focuses on community identification; and Part III illustrates diffusion processes. The contributed chapters in this volume are intended to promote cross-fertilization in several research areas and will be valuable to newcomers in the field, experienced researchers, practitioners, and graduate students interested in pursuing research in dynamical networks with applications to computer science, statistical physics, nonlinear dynamics, linguistics, and the social sciences. This volume follows Dynamics On and Of Complex Networks: Applications to Biology, Computer Science, and the Social Sciences (2009), ISBN 978-0-8176-4750-6.

Dynamics, Uncertainty and Reasoning: The Second Chinese Conference on Logic and Argumentation (Logic in Asia: Studia Logica Library)

by Beishui Liao Thomas Ågotnes Yi N. Wang

This volume collects selected papers presented at the Second Chinese Conference on Logic and Argumentation in 2018 held in Hangzhou, China. The papers presented reflect recent advances in logic and argumentation, as well as the connections between the two, and also include invited papers contributed by leading experts in these fields. The book covers a wide variety of topics related to dynamics, uncertainty and reasoning. It continues discussions on the interplay between logic and argumentation which has a long history from Aristotle’s ancient logic to very recent formal argumentation in AI.

Dynamische Disposition

by Timm Gudehus

Die dynamische Disposition ermöglicht marktgerechte Lieferzeiten und kostenoptimale Lieferfähigkeit, sie verhindert überhöhte oder unzureichende Bestände. In dem Buch werden Strategien, Algorithmen und Verfahren der dynamischen Auftrags-, Bestands- und Fertigungsdisposition allgemein verständlich beschrieben und anhand von Beispielen demonstriert. Mithilfe des Regelwerks kann die dynamische Disposition in allen Branchen organisiert und implementiert werden. Die erweiterte 3. Auflage zeigt Potenziale für Serviceverbesserung und Kosteneinsparung auf.

Dynamism: The Values That Drive Innovation, Job Satisfaction, and Economic Growth

by Edmund S. Phelps Raicho Bojilov Hian Teck Hoon Gylfi Zoega

Nobel Laureate Edmund Phelps and an international group of economists argue that economic health depends on the widespread presence of certain values, in particular individualism and self-expression. Nobel Laureate Edmund Phelps has long argued that the high level of innovation in the lead nations of the West was never a result of scientific discoveries plus entrepreneurship, as Schumpeter thought. Rather, modern values—particularly the individualism, vitalism, and self-expression prevailing among the people—fueled the dynamism needed for widespread, indigenous innovation. Yet finding links between nations’ values and their dynamism was a daunting task. Now, in Dynamism, Phelps and a trio of coauthors take it on. Phelps, Raicho Bojilov, Hian Teck Hoon, and Gylfi Zoega find evidence that differences in nations’ values matter—and quite a lot. It is no accident that the most innovative countries in the West were rich in values fueling dynamism. Nor is it an accident that economic dynamism in the United States, Britain, and France has suffered as state-centered and communitarian values have moved to the fore. The authors lay out their argument in three parts. In the first two, they extract from productivity data time series on indigenous innovation, then test the thesis on the link between values and innovation to find which values are positively and which are negatively linked. In the third part, they consider the effects of robots on innovation and wages, arguing that, even though many workers may be replaced rather than helped by robots, the long-term effects may be better than we have feared. Itself a significant display of creativity and innovation, Dynamism will stand as a key statement of the cultural preconditions for a healthy society and rewarding work.

DynamoDB Applied Design Patterns

by Prabhakaran Kuppusamy Uchit Vyas

If you are an intermediate to advanced DynamoDB developer looking to learn the best practices associated with efficient data modeling, this book is for you.

DynamoDB Cookbook

by Tanmay Deshpande

Over 90 hands-on recipes to design Internet scalable web and mobile applications with Amazon DynamoDB About This Book * Construct top-notch mobile and web applications with the Internet scalable NoSQL database and host it on cloud * Integrate your applications with other AWS services like AWS EMR, AWS S3, AWS Redshift, and AWS CloudSearch etc. in order to achieve a one-stop application stack * Step-by-step implementation guide that provides real-world use with hands-on recipes Who This Book Is For This book is intended for those who have a basic understanding of AWS services and want to take their knowledge to the next level by getting their hands dirty with coding recipes in DynamoDB. What You Will Learn * Design DynamoDB tables to achieve high read and write throughput * Discover best practices like caching, exponential back-offs and auto-retries, storing large items in AWS S3, storing compressed data etc. * Effectively use DynamoDB Local in order to make your development smooth and cost effective * Implement cost effective best practices to reduce the burden of DynamoDB charges * Create and maintain secondary indexes to support improved data access * Integrate various other AWS services like AWS EMR, AWS CloudSearch, AWS Pipeline etc. with DynamoDB In Detail AWS DynamoDB is an excellent example of a production-ready NoSQL database. In recent years, DynamoDB has been able to attract many customers because of its features like high-availability, reliability and infinite scalability. DynamoDB can be easily integrated with massive data crunching tools like Hadoop /EMR, which is an essential part of this data-driven world and hence it is widely accepted. The cost and time-efficient design makes DynamoDB stand out amongst its peers. The design of DynamoDB is so neat and clean that it has inspired many NoSQL databases to simply follow it. This book will get your hands on some engineering best practices DynamoDB engineers use, which can be used in your day-to-day life to build robust and scalable applications. You will start by operating with DynamoDB tables and learn to manipulate items and manage indexes. You will also discover how to easily integrate applications with other AWS services like EMR, S3, CloudSearch, RedShift etc. A couple of chapters talk in detail about how to use DynamoDB as a backend database and hosting it on AWS ElasticBean. This book will also focus on security measures of DynamoDB as well by providing techniques on data encryption, masking etc. By the end of the book you'll be adroit in designing web and mobile applications using DynamoDB and host it on cloud. Style and approach An easy-to-follow guide, full of real-world examples, which takes you through the world of DynamoDB following a step-by-step, problem-solution based approach.

Dyslexia and Information and Communications Technology: A Guide for Teachers and Parents

by Anita Keates

Effective use of ICT can enhance many dyslexic pupils' access to the curriculum, but it has to be used appropriately. This book will be useful to all teachers, teaching assistants, SENCOs and parents who are keen to have practical advice on how to help a child in this way. Full of strategies and suggestions that are based on the author's extensive classroom experience, this accessible book is suitable for the ICT novice and more advanced user alike. The book has been fully updated to guide the user through the maze of hardware and software currently available, identifying those most suitable for different Key Stages and curriculum subjects as well as providing ICT solutions to the problems of assessing and screening for dyslexia.

E-Business and Telecommunications: International Joint Conference, ICETE 2013, Reykjavik, Iceland, July 29-31, 2013, Revised Selected Papers (Communications in Computer and Information Science #456)

by Mohammad S. Obaidat and Joaquim Filipe

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 10th International Joint Conference on E-Business and Telecommunications, ICETE 2013, held in Reykjavik, Iceland, in July 2013. ICETE is a joint international conference integrating four major areas of knowledge that are divided into six corresponding conferences: International Conference on Data Communication Networking, DCNET; International Conference on E-Business, ICE-B; International Conference on Optical Communication Systems, OPTICS; International Conference on Security and Cryptography, SECRYPT; International Conference on Wireless Information Systems, WINSYS; and International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia, SIGMAP. The 24 full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 341 submissions. The papers cover the following key areas of e-business and telecommunications: data communication networking, e-business, optical communication systems, security and cryptography, signal processing and multimedia applications, wireless information networks and systems.

E-Business and Telecommunications: 15th International Joint Conference, ICETE 2018, Porto, Portugal, July 26–28, 2018, Revised Selected Papers (Communications in Computer and Information Science #1118)

by Mohammad S. Obaidat

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on E-Business and Telecommunications, ICETE 2018, held in Porto, Portugal, in July 2018.ICETE is a joint international conference integrating four major areas of knowledge that are divided into six corresponding conferences: International Conference on Data Communication Networking, DCNET; International Conference on E-Business, ICE-B; International Conference on Optical Communication Systems, OPTICS; International Conference on Security and Cryptography, SECRYPT; International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia, SIGMAP; International Conference on Wireless Information Systems, WINSYS. The 11 full papers presented in the volume were carefully reviewed and selected from the 201 submissions. The papers cover the following key areas of information and communication technologies: data communication networking, e-business, optical communication systems, security and cryptography, signal processing and multimedia applications, and wireless networks and mobile systems.

E-Business and Telecommunications: 16th International Conference, ICETE 2019, Prague, Czech Republic, July 26–28, 2019, Revised Selected Papers (Communications in Computer and Information Science #1247)

by Mohammad S. Obaidat

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on E-Business and Telecommunications, ICETE 2019, held in Prague, Czech Republic, in July 2019.ICETE is a joint international conference integrating four major areas of knowledge that are divided into six corresponding conferences: International Conference on Data Communication Networking, DCNET; International Conference on E-Business, ICE-B; International Conference on Optical Communication Systems, OPTICS; International Conference on Security and Cryptography, SECRYPT; International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia, SIGMAP; International Conference on Wireless Information Systems, WINSYS. The 11 full papers presented in the volume were carefully reviewed and selected from the 166 submissions. The papers cover the following key areas of data communication networking, e-business, security and cryptography, signal processing and multimedia applications.

E-Business and Telecommunications: 17th International Conference on E-Business and Telecommunications, ICETE 2020, Online Event, July 8–10, 2020, Revised Selected Papers (Communications in Computer and Information Science #1484)

by Mohammad S. Obaidat Jalel Ben-Othman

The present book includes extended and revised versions of a set of selected papers presented at the 17th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications, ICETE 2020, held as an online web-based event (due to the COVID-19 pandemic) in July 2020.ICETE 2020 is a joint conference aimed at bringing together researchers, engineers and practitioners interested in information and communication technologies, including data communication networking, e-business, optical communication systems, security and cryptography, signal processing and multimedia applications, and wireless networks and mobile systems.The 10 full papers included in the volume were carefully selected from the 30 submissions accepted to participate in the conference.

E-Business and Telecommunications: 14th International Joint Conference, ICETE 2017, Madrid, Spain, July 24-26, 2017, Revised Selected Paper (Communications in Computer and Information Science #990)

by Mohammad S. Obaidat Enrique Cabello

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on E-Business and Telecommunications, ICETE 2017, held in Madrid, Spain, in July 2017. ICETE is a joint international conference integrating four major areas of knowledge that are divided into six corresponding conferences: International Conference on Data Communication Networking, DCNET; International Conference on E-Business, ICE-B; International Conference on Optical Communication Systems, OPTICS; International Conference on Security and Cryptography, SECRYPT; International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia, SIGMAP; International Conference on Wireless Information Systems, WINSYS. The 17 full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 195 submissions. The papers cover the following key areas of information and communication technologies, including data communication and networking, e-business and telecommunications: data communication networking; e-business; optical communication systems; security and cryptography; signal processing and multimedia applications; wireless networks and mobile systems.

E-Business and Telecommunications

by Mohammad S. Obaidat Pascal Lorenz

This bookconstitutes the refereed proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conferenceon E-Business and Telecommunications, ICETE 2015, held in Colmar, France, inJuly 2015. ICETE is a joint international conference integrating four majorareas of knowledge that are divided into six corresponding conferences:International Conference on Data Communication Networking, DCNET; InternationalConference on E-Business, ICE-B; International Conference on OpticalCommunication Systems, OPTICS; International Conference on Security andCryptography, SECRYPT; International Conference on Wireless InformationSystems, WINSYS; and International Conference on Signal Processing andMultimedia, SIGMAP. The 23 fullpapers presented together with an invited paper in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 218 submissions. Thepapers cover the following key areas of e-business and telecommunications: datacommunication networking; e-business; optical communication systems; securityand cryptography; signal processing and multimedia applications; wirelessinformation networks and systems.

E-Business and Telecommunications: 18th International Conference, ICETE 2021, Virtual Event, July 6–9, 2021, Revised Selected Papers (Communications in Computer and Information Science #1795)

by Pierangela Samarati Marten Van Sinderen Sabrina De Capitani di Vimercati Fons Wijnhoven

The present book includes extended and revised versions of a set of selected papers presented at the 18th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications, ICETE 2021, held as an online web-based event (due to the COVID-19 pandemic) in July 2021.The 17 full papers included in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 197 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows: e-Business and security and cryptography.

E-Business and Telecommunications: 19th International Conference, ICSBT 2022, Lisbon, Portugal, July 14–16, 2022, and 19th International Conference, SECRYPT 2022, Lisbon, Portugal, July 11-13, 2022, Revised Selected Papers (Communications in Computer and Information Science #1849)

by Marten Van Sinderen Fons Wijnhoven Slimane Hammoudi Pierangela Samarati Sabrina De Capitani di Vimercati

This book includes extended and revised versions of a set of selected papers presented at the 19th International Conference on Smart Business Technologies, ICSBT 2022, Lisbon, Portugal, July 14–16, 2022, and 19th International Conference on Security and Cryptography, SECRYPT 2022, Lisbon, Portugal, July 11-13, 2022.The 7 full papers included in the volume were carefully selected from the 143 submissions accepted to participate in the conference. The papers present reciting research on e-Business technology and its current applications; and all aspects of security and privacy.

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Showing 18,826 through 18,850 of 59,476 results