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Showing 18,951 through 18,975 of 59,464 results

E-Sportler Werden für Dummies Junior (Für Dummies)

by Philip Brulke Marc Helbig

In diesem Buch erfährst du, wie aus "Daddeln" und "Zocken" professioneller E-Sport wird: Welches Spiel, welcher Titel passt zu dir? Wie und wann solltest du trainieren? Wie gehst du mit Niederlagen um? Was kannst du aus Fehlern lernen? Außerdem erfährst du, dass es neben dem Job als Spieler noch weitere Berufe im E-Sport gibt und wie du dich auf diese vorbereiten kannst. Und auch wenn du den E-Sport nicht als Profi betreiben und auch nicht in diesem Bereich arbeiten willst, wirst du beim Spielen einfach besser werden. Denn auch Hobbysportler wollen doch gewinnen, oder? Bestens geeignet für Kinder und Jugendliche ab 10 Jahren.

E-Sports-Management: Eine Einführung in die digitale Welt des Sports

by Anna Löchner Eva Lindner

Das Thema E-Sports ist ein Phänomen des digitalen Zeitalters und hat sich mittlerweile zum Gesellschaftsphänomen des 21. Jahrhunderts entwickelt. Früher noch als Nischenmarkt belächelt, dominieren Video- und Onlinespiele mittlerweile die internationale Unterhaltungsbranche und E-Sports-Events füllen heute Stadien und locken Millionen von Menschen vor den Live-Stream. Mit Preisgeldern in Millionenhöhe, einem steigenden Interesse von Sponsoren und Investoren und einer zunehmenden Spieleranzahl hat sich der E-Sport zu einem gewaltigen Ökosystem mit einer Vielzahl von Stakeholdern entwickelt.Das vorliegende Herausgeberwerk beschäftigt sich mit einzelnen Bereichen des E-Sports-Managements und zeigt verschiedene Facetten auf. Durch die Verbindung von Wissenschaft und Praxis erhalten Stakeholder der E-Sports-Branche einen Überblick über die aktuellen Themen und Herausforderungen im E-Sports-Ökosystem.

E-Technologies: 7th International Conference, MCETECH 2017, Ottawa, ON, Canada, May 17-19, 2017, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing #289)

by Esma Aïmeur, Umar Ruhi and Michael Weiss

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 7th International Conference on E-Technologies, MCETECH 2017, held in Ottawa, ON, Canada, in May 2017. This year’s conference drew special attention to the ever-increasing role of the Internet of Things (IoT); and the contributions span a variety of application domains such as e-Commerce, e-Health, e-Learning, and e-Justice, comprising research from models and architectures, methodology proposals, prototype implementations, and empirical validation of theoretical models. The 19 papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 48 submissions. They were organized in topical sections named: pervasive computing and smart applications; security, privacy and trust; process modeling and adaptation; data analytics and machine learning; and e-health and e-commerce.

E-tivities: The Key to Active Online Learning

by Gilly Salmon

The world of learning and teaching is at a watershed; confronted by challenges to previous educational models. One learning future lies in impactful, purposeful, active online activities, or ‘e-tivities’, that keep learners engaged, motivated, and participating. Grounded in the author’s action research, E-tivities, 2nd Edition assuredly illustrates how technologies shape and enhance learning and teaching journeys. In this highly practical book, Gilly Salmon maintains her exceptional reputation, delivering another powerful guide for academics, teaching professionals, trainers, designers and developers in all disciplines. This popular text has been comprehensively updated; addressing key technological changes since 2002, offering fresh case studies and ‘Carpe Diem’ - a unique approach to learning design workshops. Readers will find E-tivities, 2nd Edition a wonderful resource on its own or as a companion to the author’s bestselling e-Moderating, 3rd Edition. Find e-tivities on the web at or connect at

E-topia: Urban Life, Jim--But Not As We Know It

by William J. Mitchell

The global digital network is not just a delivery system for email, Web pages, and digital television. It is a whole new urban infrastructure--one that will change the forms of our cities as dramatically as railroads, highways, electric power supply, and telephone networks did in the past. Picking up where his best-selling City of Bits left off, Mitchell argues that we must extend the definitions of architecture and urban design to encompass virtual places as well as physical ones, and interconnection by means of telecommunication links as well as by pedestrian circulation and mechanized transportation systems. He proposes strategies for the creation of cities that not only will be sustainable but will make economic, social, and cultural sense in an electronically interconnected and global world. The new settlement patterns of the twenty-first century will be characterized by live/work dwellings, 24-hour pedestrian-scale neighborhoods rich in social relationships, and vigorous local community life, complemented by far-flung configurations of electronic meeting places and decentralized production, marketing, and distribution systems. Neither digiphile nor digiphobe, Mitchell advocates the creation of e-topias--cities that work smarter, not harder.

E-Voting and Identity

by Rolf Haenni Reto E. Koenig Douglas Wikström

This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed conference proceedings of the 5th International Conference on E-Voting and Identity, VoteID 2015, held in Bern, Switzerland, in September 2015. The 10 revised full papers presented, including one keynote and three invited talks, were carefully selected from 26 submissions. The papers deal with real-world electronic systems; advanced voting protocols; document analysis, machine-checked reasoning, e-voting system in court.

EAI 3rd International Conference on Smart Technologies and Innovation Management: MTYMEX 2024 (EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing)

by Hamed Taherdoost Yousef Farhaoui Seyed Reza Shahamiri Tuan-Vinh Le Mitra Madanchian Mukesh Prasad

This book presents the proceedings of 4th EAI International Conference on Smart Technology (MTYMEX), which took place March 28-29, 2024, Vancouver, B.C., Canada. MTYMEX is an international conference aimed at demonstrating the potential of new applications for the Internet in the future. The authors offer perspectives on research on smart technologies in society, including the results of research projects on virtual reality, block chain, artificial intelligence, and smart cities. The book offers examples of applications with smart technologies in different knowledge areas. The conference brings together the academic, research and private sectors working on applications and smart devices for e-health and smart cities.

EAI International Conference on Big Data Innovation for Sustainable Cognitive Computing: BDCC 2018 (EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing)

by Anandakumar Haldorai Arulmurugan Ramu Sudha Mohanram Chow Chee Onn

This proceeding features papers discussing big data innovation for sustainable cognitive computing. The papers feature detail on cognitive computing and its self-learning systems that use data mining, pattern recognition and natural language processing (NLP) to mirror the way the human brain works. This international conference focuses on cognitive computing technologies, from knowledge representation techniques and natural language processing algorithms to dynamic learning approaches. Topics covered include Data Science for Cognitive Analysis, Real-Time Ubiquitous Data Science, Platform for Privacy Preserving Data Science, and Internet-Based Cognitive Platform. The EAI International Conference on Big Data Innovation for Sustainable Cognitive Computing (BDCC 2018), took place on 13 – 15 December 2018 in Coimbatore, India.

EAI International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Generative AI (EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing)

by Debnath Bhattacharyya Rajib Ghosh

The book presents the proceedings of the EAI International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Generative AI (ICCIGAI 2024), which took place March 8-9, 2024, in Guntur, India. The book explores the exciting and rapidly evolving field of artificial intelligence, with a specific focus on computational intelligence and generative models. The conference introduces cutting-edge techniques and methodologies that enable machines to simulate human-like intelligence and creativity. Readers can find a comprehensive overview of state-of-the-art AI methods, including neural networks, evolutionary algorithms, deep learning, and generative adversarial networks (GANs). The conference explores real-world applications in a range of areas, including computer vision, natural language processing, and the creation of original content.

EAI International Conference on Technology, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Education: TIE'2017 (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #532)

by Angelica Reyes-Munoz Ping Zheng David Crawford Victor Callaghan

This book presents the proceedings of the 1st EAI International Conference on Technology, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Education (TIE 2017), which took place at Canterbury Christ Church University on September 11-12, 2017. The central theme of the conference is creativity and innovation, especially in relation to technology, business, education, social and political needs that make modern society flourish. The proceedings feature papers from a cross-disciplinary audience that explore the process of creativity and innovation. The goal is that the various disciplines can learn from each other and see how they might benefit from the cross-fertilization of practices.

EAI International Conference on Technology, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Education: TIE'2018 (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #532)

by Ping Zheng Vic Callaghan David Crawford Tiina Kymäläinen Angelica Reyes-Munoz

This book presents the proceedings of the 2nd EAI International Conference on Technology, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Education (TIE' 2018), which took place at Ravensbourne University London, London, UK, on September 4, 2018. The central theme of the conference is emerging technologies in relation to business, education, social and political needs that make modern society flourish. The proceedings feature papers from a cross-disciplinary audience that explore the process of creativity and innovation. The goal is that the various disciplines can learn from each other and see how they might benefit from the cross-fertilization of practices.

The Early-Career Professional’s Guide to Generative AI: Opportunities and Challenges for an AI-Enabled Workforce

by Jonas Bjerg

The world stands at a pivotal moment due to the emergence of Generative AI, specifically ChatGPT. This groundbreaking technology has provoked and impressed almost every industry globally, evoking every emotion from awe to anxiety. Many are apprehensive about the future, fearing job losses due to rapid artificial intelligence (AI advancements). But if history has taught us anything, progress, while challenging, often paves the way for broader opportunities and growth. This book explains in depth the core building blocks that make up the current landscape of transformer and language models and, more broadly speaking, AI as a whole. We have seen how the internet and the mobile revolution changed our world. Is AI following a similar trajectory? Are we on the verge of something even more transformative? This book strives to provide a complete picture of the challenges and opportunities and the implications for our shared futures. In subsequent chapters, the book will discuss language models in depth. These are not just algorithms; they represent a nexus of linguistics, cognitive science, and cutting-edge technology. You’ll trace AI’s unexpected and exhilarating evolution, observing how it has grown from a mere concept to a force reshaping entire industries. Finally, you’ll consider the rise of AI in the context of advancements. While ChatGPT has gained significant attention for certain applications, it’s essential to recognize that its capabilities extend far beyond what’s immediately evident. Artificial Intelligence, represented by models like ChatGPT, is not a static field. It’s dynamic and ever-evolving, and its potential applications are broadening each day. Technology is not, by any means, limited to chatbots or translation use cases. This book captures this vast and ever-expanding horizon of possibilities. What You Will Learn How large language models came to be, and how they work What ethical AI design looks like The role of regulation in artificial intelligence Why you should not be afraid of losing your job Who This Book is For Working professionals and students in any field

The Early Computer Industry

by Anthony Gandy

Uses case studies to explore why large scale electronics failed to win a leadership position in the early computer industry and why IBM, a firm with a heritage in the business machines industry, succeeded. The cases cover both the US and the UK industry focusing on electronics giants GE, RCA, English Electric, EMI and Ferranti.

Early Computing in Britain: Ferranti Ltd. and Government Funding, 1948 — 1958 (History of Computing)

by Simon Lavington

This unique book presents the story of the pioneering manufacturing company Ferranti Ltd. – producer of the first commercially-available computers – and of the nine end-user organisations who purchased these machines with government help in the period 1951 to 1957. The text presents personal reminiscences from many of the diverse engineers, programmers and marketing staff who contributed to this important episode in the emergence of modern computers, further illustrated by numerous historical photographs. Considerable technical details are also supplied in the appendices.Topics and features: provides the historical background to the Ferranti Mark I, including the contributions of von Neumann and Turing, and the prototype known as The Baby; describes the transfer of technologies from academia to industry and the establishment of Ferranti’s computer production resources; reviews Ferranti’s efforts to adapt their computers for sale to business and commercial markets, and to introduce competitive new products; covers the use of early Ferranti computers for defence applications in different government establishments in the UK, including GCHQ Cheltenham; discusses the installation and applications of Ferranti computers at universities in the UK, Canada, and Italy; presents the story of the purchase of a Ferranti Mark I* machine by the Amsterdam Laboratories of the Shell company; details the use of Ferranti Mark I* computers in the UK’s aerospace industry and compares this with the American scene; relates the saga of Ferranti’s journey from its initial success as the first and largest British computer manufacturer to its decline and eventual bankruptcy.This highly readable text/reference will greatly appeal to professionals interested in the practical development of early computers, as well as to specialists in computer history seeking technical material not readily available elsewhere. The educated general reader will also find much to enjoy in the photographs and personal anecdotes that provide an accessible insight into the early days of computing.

Early Detection of Mental Health Disorders by Social Media Monitoring: The First Five Years of the eRisk Project (Studies in Computational Intelligence #1018)

by Fabio Crestani David E. Losada Javier Parapar

eRisk stands for Early Risk Prediction on the Internet. It is concerned with the exploration of techniques for the early detection of mental health disorders which manifest in the way people write and communicate on the internet, in particular in user generated content (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, or other social media).Early detection technologies can be employed in several different areas but particularly in those related to health and safety. For instance, early alerts could be sent when the writing of a teenager starts showing increasing signs of depression, or when a social media user starts showing suicidal inclinations, or again when a potential offender starts publishing antisocial threats on a blog, forum or social network. eRisk has been the pioneer of a new interdisciplinary area of research that is potentially applicable to a wide variety of situations, problems and personal profiles.This book presents the best results of the first five years of the eRisk project which started in 2017 and developed into one of the most successful track of CLEF, the Conference and Lab of the Evaluation Forum.

Early Learning in the Digital Age: Digital Pedagogy And Early Childhood

by Ioanna Palaiologou Colette Gray

Digital practices are forging ahead in leaps and bounds. Examining digital practices in early childhood education, this book seeks to inform the discussion on how digital technologies are best integrated into play-based pedagogy, and demonstrates effective practices that enhance children’s learning and development. With a range of international contributors, perspectives, and case studies, the fusion of play and portable technology is explored through contemporary research.

Early Learning in the Digital Age: Digital Pedagogy And Early Childhood

by Ioanna Palaiologou Colette Gray

Digital practices are forging ahead in leaps and bounds. Examining digital practices in early childhood education, this book seeks to inform the discussion on how digital technologies are best integrated into play-based pedagogy, and demonstrates effective practices that enhance children’s learning and development. With a range of international contributors, perspectives, and case studies, the fusion of play and portable technology is explored through contemporary research.

Early Software Reliability Prediction: A Fuzzy Logic Approach

by Ajeet Kumar Pandey Neeraj Kumar Goyal

The development of software system with acceptable level of reliability and quality within available time frame and budget becomes a challenging objective. This objective could be achieved to some extent through early prediction of number of faults present in the software, which reduces the cost of development as it provides an opportunity to make early corrections during development process. The book presents an early software reliability prediction model that will help to grow the reliability of the software systems by monitoring it in each development phase, i.e. from requirement phase to testing phase. Different approaches are discussed in this book to tackle this challenging issue. An important approach presented in this book is a model to classify the modules into two categories (a) fault-prone and (b) not fault-prone. The methods presented in this book for assessing expected number of faults present in the software, assessing expected number of faults present at the end of each phase and classification of software modules in fault-prone or no fault-prone category are easy to understand, develop and use for any practitioner. The practitioners are expected to gain more information about their development process and product reliability, which can help to optimize the resources used.

Early Warning Mechanisms for Online Learning Behaviors Driven by Educational Big Data

by Xiaona Xia Wanxue Qi

The book aims to design and construct early warning mechanisms based on the dynamic temporal tracking technology for online learning behaviors, driven by educational big data.By studying a massive amount of learning behavior instances generated in various interactive learning environments worldwide, the book explores the continuous sequences of correlated learning behaviors and characteristics. From various angles, the authors have devised a series of early warning measures that could effectively solve multiple issues in learning behaviors driven by educational big data. Additionally, the book predicts patterns and identifies risks by analyzing the temporal sequences of the entire learning process. While presenting a range of theoretical achievements and technical solutions to improve and design new online learning mode, it also provides relevant technical ideas and methodologies for research on similar problems.The book will attract scholars and students working on learning analytics and educational big data worldwide.

Earmarked for Collision: A Highly Biased Tour of Collage Animation (ISSN)

by Chris Robinson

Collage art and film date back to the early 20th century (the earliest collages have roots in 12th-century Japan). It was rooted in the age of consumerism where artists addressed an array of political and social issues by creating a carefully crafted collision of pre-existing images and sounds to generate new meanings and commentaries on the surrounding world.Collage has also pushed the boundaries of animation, by incorporating other artistic forms (e.g., photography, live action, experimental cinema, literature, found sound) while exploring an array of social, cultural and political issues.In Earmarked for Collision, award-winning writer Chris Robinson (The Animation Pimp, Mad Eyed Misfits, Unsung Heroes of Animation) takes us on a tour of the history of collage animation, cataloguing the collage works of notable artists like Larry Jordan, Harry Smith, Stan Vanderbeek, Terry Gilliam, Janie Geiser, Martha Colburn, Lewis Klahr, Run Wrake, Lei Lei, Kelly Sears, Jodie Mack, and many, many others.

Earn a Million Plus: The Little Known High-Income Occupation of Media Buyer

by Bruce Cran

An engaging and brilliant masterclass on becoming a highly paid e-commerce Media Buyer.

Earth at Risk in the 21st Century: With a Foreword by Lourdes Arizpe Schlosser and a Preface by Hans Günter Brauch (Pioneers in Arts, Humanities, Science, Engineering, Practice #18)

by Úrsula Oswald Spring

Earth at Risk in the 21st Century offers critical interdisciplinary reflections on peace, security, gender relations, migration and the environment, all of which are threatened by climate change, with women and children affected most. Deep-rooted gender discrimination is also a result of the destructive exploitation of natural resources and the pollution of soils, water, biota and air. In the Anthropocene, the management of human society and global resources has become unsustainable and has created multiple conflicts by increasing survival threats primarily for poor people in the Global South. Alternative approaches to peace and security, focusing from bottom-up on an engendered peace with sustainability, may help society and the environment to be managed in the highly fragile natural conditions of a ‘hothouse Earth’. Thus, the book explores systemic alternatives based on indigenous wisdom, gift economy and the economy of solidarity, in which an alternative cosmovision fosters mutual care between humankind and nature.• Special analysis of risks to the survival of humankind in the 21st century.• Interdisciplinary studies on peace, security, gender and environment related to global environmental and climate change.• Critical reflections on gender relations, peace, security, migration and the environment• Systematic analysis of food, water, health, energy security and its nexus.• Alternative proposals from the Global South with indigenous wisdom for saving Mother Earth.

Earth Observation Open Science and Innovation (ISSI Scientific Report Series #15)

by Pierre-Philippe Mathieu Christoph Aubrecht

This book is published open access under a CC BY 4. 0 license. Over the past decades, rapid developments in digital and sensing technologies, such as the Cloud, Web and Internet of Things, have dramatically changed the way we live and work. The digital transformation is revolutionizing our ability to monitor our planet and transforming the way we access, process and exploit Earth Observation data from satellites. This book reviews these megatrends and their implications for the Earth Observation community as well as the wider data economy. It provides insight into new paradigms of Open Science and Innovation applied to space data, which are characterized by openness, access to large volume of complex data, wide availability of new community tools, new techniques for big data analytics such as Artificial Intelligence, unprecedented level of computing power, and new types of collaboration among researchers, innovators, entrepreneurs and citizen scientists. In addition, this book aims to provide readers with some reflections on the future of Earth Observation, highlighting through a series of use cases not just the new opportunities created by the New Space revolution, but also the new challenges that must be addressed in order to make the most of the large volume of complex and diverse data delivered by the new generation of satellites.

Earth System Modelling - Volume 1

by Reinhard Budich Kamal Puri René Redler

Collected articles in this series are dedicated to the development and use of software for earth system modelling and aims at bridging the gap between IT solutions and climate science. The particular topic covered in this volume addresses the usefulness of coupling infrastructures and data management, strategies and tools for pre- and post-processing, and coupling software and strategies in regional and global coupled climate models. This first part in the series of 6 books sets the scene for the following volumes.

Earth System Modelling - Volume 4

by Reinhard Budich René Redler V. Balaji

Collected articles in this series are dedicated to the development and use of software for earth system modelling and aims at bridging the gap between IT solutions and climate science. The particular topic covered in this volume addresses the issue of data input/output and post-processing in the context of Earth system modeling, with an emphasis on parallel I/O, storage management and analysis subsystems for very large scale data requirements.

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