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eBay For Seniors For Dummies
by Marsha CollierExpert advice helps seniors find bargains and make money on eBayeBay is a great place to help seniors find bargains or supplement their income by selling items. This book offers the basics on buying or selling on eBay with confidence in a format that's ideal for the senior audience, including a larger print format than traditional For Dummies books.Author Marsha Collier is the undisputed authority on eBay. Her advice has helped millions of eBay users navigate the popular shopping and selling site. This book explains how toGet your computer ready to use eBayGo to the eBay site, sign up, and browseSpot good deals, buy items, and pay safelySet up your own saleTake pictures of your merchandise and get them onlineReceive payment and ship itemsUnderstand eBay's fees and ruleseBay can be fun and profitable. This book makes it easy to get started!
eBay Hacks
by David A. KarpWhatever you call it--an online auction house, the world's largest flea market, or a vast social experiment--no metaphor completely describes the huge trading community that is eBay. Underneath it all, eBay is also a computer program and a complex socio-economic system, requiring experience, finesse, and the right tools to master. eBay Hacks, 2nd Edition has been completely revised and updated to make use of an array of new tools and features, as well as to reflect the changes in the eBay API, eBay's policies, and general practices of its increasingly sophisticated users. In all, the new edition of eBay Hacks sports 30 brand-new hacks plus dozens of hacks that have been expanded, deepened, or otherwise completely rewritten. eBay Hacks shows you how to become a more efficient buyer and seller with clever tricks and shortcuts that will surprise even the most experienced eBayers. The book's wide range of topics covers all aspects of using eBay, such as advanced searching techniques, sniping tools, selling strategies, photography tips, and even research techniques for PowerSellers. But eBay Hacks doesn't just cover the basics; you'll learn how to write scripts to automate tedious tasks, take better photos, and tap into the eBay API to develop your own custom tools. Unlike any other book, eBay Hacks, 2nd Edition also provides insight into the social aspects of the eBay community, with diplomatic tools to help to get what you want with the least hassle and risk of negative feedback. This bestseller supplies you with the tools you need to master eBay, whether as a buyer or seller, casual surfer or serious collector, novice or seasoned expert. With this guide, you will become a savvy power user who trades smarter and safer, makes more money, enjoys successes, and has fun doing it.
eBay Hacks
by David A. KarpWant to know how best to use eBay? Whether you're a newcomer or longtime user, eBay Hacks will teach you to become efficient as both a buyer and seller. You'll find a wide range of topics, from monitoring the bidding process, getting refunds, and fixing photos so that sale items look their best, to in-depth tips for running a business on eBay and writing scripts that automate some of the most tedious tasks. That's just the nuts and bolts. The book also gives you an inside look into the unique eBay community, where millions of people gather online to buy and sell. Author David Karp--an eBay user himself, with years of experience--teaches you how to work within this community to maximize your success. eBay Hacks includes four powerful sections: "Hacks for All" covers eBay's diplomacy and feedback system, describing how you can maintain a good feedback profile and use it to inspire trust in others. "Hacks for Buyers" shows you how to focus your searches to find auctions before anyone else--including ways to create an automated search robot. Then, learn how bidding works in the real world, using eBay's proxy bidding system to improve your win rate while spending less money. "Hacks for Sellers" teaches strategies for competitive selling, like promoting your items without spending extra money and protecting yourself from deadbeat buyers. Learn how to run a fulltime business on eBay by streamlining the listing process, communications and checkout. "Hacks for Developers" delves into eBay's API, an interface for writing programs that do the work that most users have to do by hand through a web browser. With eBay Hacks , you'll be more than a buyer or seller. You will become a savvy power user who knows the smart way to save time, save money, and dramatically improve auction success.
eBay Hacks, 2nd Edition
by David KarpWhatever you call it--an online auction house, the world's largest flea market, or a vast social experiment--no metaphor completely describes the huge trading community that is eBay. Underneath it all, eBay is also a computer program and a complex socio-economic system, requiring experience, finesse, and the right tools to master. eBay Hacks, 2nd Edition has been completely revised and updated to make use of an array of new tools and features, as well as to reflect the changes in the eBay API, eBay's policies, and general practices of its increasingly sophisticated users. In all, the new edition of eBay Hacks sports 30 brand-new hacks plus dozens of hacks that have been expanded, deepened, or otherwise completely rewritten. eBay Hacks shows you how to become a more efficient buyer and seller with clever tricks and shortcuts that will surprise even the most experienced eBayers. The book's wide range of topics covers all aspects of using eBay, such as advanced searching techniques, sniping tools, selling strategies, photography tips, and even research techniques for PowerSellers. But eBay Hacks doesn't just cover the basics; you'll learn how to write scripts to automate tedious tasks, take better photos, and tap into the eBay API to develop your own custom tools. Unlike any other book, eBay Hacks, 2nd Edition also provides insight into the social aspects of the eBay community, with diplomatic tools to help to get what you want with the least hassle and risk of negative feedback. This bestseller supplies you with the tools you need to master eBay, whether as a buyer or seller, casual surfer or serious collector, novice or seasoned expert. With this guide, you will become a savvy power user who trades smarter and safer, makes more money, enjoys successes, and has fun doing it.
eBay Hacks, 2nd Edition
by David A. KarpWhatever you call it--an online auction house, the world's largest flea market, or a vast social experiment--no metaphor completely describes the huge trading community that is eBay. Underneath it all, eBay is also a computer program and a complex socio-economic system, requiring experience, finesse, and the right tools to master. eBay Hacks , 2nd Edition has been completely revised and updated to make use of an array of new tools and features, as well as to reflect the changes in the eBay API, eBay's policies, and general practices of its increasingly sophisticated users. In all, the new edition of eBay Hacks sports 30 brand-new hacks plus dozens of hacks that have been expanded, deepened, or otherwise completely rewritten. eBay Hacks shows you how to become a more efficient buyer and seller with clever tricks and shortcuts that will surprise even the most experienced eBayers. The book's wide range of topics covers all aspects of using eBay, such as advanced searching techniques, sniping tools, selling strategies, photography tips, and even research techniques for PowerSellers. But eBay Hacks doesn't just cover the basics; you'll learn how to write scripts to automate tedious tasks, take better photos, and tap into the eBay API to develop your own custom tools. Unlike no other book, eBay Hacks , 2nd Edition also provides insight into the social aspects of the eBay community, with diplomatic tools to help to get what you want with the least hassle and risk of negative feedback. This bestseller supplies you with the tools you need to master eBay, whether as a buyer or seller, casual surfer or serious collector, novice or seasoned expert. With this guide, you will become a savvy power user who trades smarter and safer, makes more money, enjoys successes, and has fun doing it.
eBay Hacks, 2nd Edition
by David A. KarpWhatever you call it--an online auction house, the world's largest flea market, or a vast social experiment--no metaphor completely describes the huge trading community that is eBay. Underneath it all, eBay is also a computer program and a complex socio-economic system, requiring experience, finesse, and the right tools to master. eBay Hacks , 2nd Edition has been completely revised and updated to make use of an array of new tools and features, as well as to reflect the changes in the eBay API, eBay's policies, and general practices of its increasingly sophisticated users. In all, the new edition of eBay Hacks sports 30 brand-new hacks plus dozens of hacks that have been expanded, deepened, or otherwise completely rewritten. eBay Hacks shows you how to become a more efficient buyer and seller with clever tricks and shortcuts that will surprise even the most experienced eBayers. The book's wide range of topics covers all aspects of using eBay, such as advanced searching techniques, sniping tools, selling strategies, photography tips, and even research techniques for PowerSellers. But eBay Hacks doesn't just cover the basics; you'll learn how to write scripts to automate tedious tasks, take better photos, and tap into the eBay API to develop your own custom tools. Unlike any other book, eBay Hacks , 2nd Edition also provides insight into the social aspects of the eBay community, with diplomatic tools to help to get what you want with the least hassle and risk of negative feedback. This bestseller supplies you with the tools you need to master eBay, whether as a buyer or seller, casual surfer or serious collector, novice or seasoned expert. With this guide, you will become a savvy power user who trades smarter and safer, makes more money, enjoys successes, and has fun doing it.
Ebay Inventory the Smart Way: How to Find Great Sources and Manage Your Merchandise to Maximize Profits on the World's #1 Auction Site
by Joseph T. Sinclair Jeremy HanksCorresponding to the ongoing trend of making money using eBay, this book focuses on inventory sources and suggests tips for deciding on and finding products, cost-effectiveness, inventory management software, supplier-retailer relationships, shipping methods including drop shipping, consignment, and various sources for finding products such as trade markets and organizations, manufacturers, wholesalers, inventory services, closeouts, directories, picking, local sources, arts and crafts, packaging, special products, and using eBay itself. Also discussed are scams, foreign goods, and pawnshops. No bibliography is provided. Sinclair is author of all of the books in the "eBay the Smart Way" series; Hanks is cofounder and CEO of a drop shipper in the online product sourcing industry. Annotation ©2006 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
Ebay, El Negocio De 100.000 $ Consigue Beneficios De Locura Vendiendo En Ebay Y Amazon
by Braun Schweiger Irune Hidalgo¿Estás preparado para ganar dinero online? eBay, el Negocio de 100.000$ es tu entrada para vender en eBay y Amazon. Se estima que actualmente más de medio millón de personas se ganan la vida vendiendo en eBay y Amazon. Tú también puedes. Se trata de empezar e ir haciendo crecer tu negocio. No sabes nada de eBay ni Amazon, no te preocupes. eBay, el Negocio de 100.000$ te ayuda a decidir qué vender, cómo vender y cómo obtener el mayor beneficio posible. Si alguna vez has querido iniciar un negocio propio, la venta online es el mejor modo de empezar. 1. Puedes empezar con una inversión mínima. La mayoría de los vendedores empiezan vendiendo artículos que tienen por su casa. 2. Puedes empezar desde casa, a media jornada mientras continúas con tu trabajo a jornada completa. 3. No hay unas horas establecidas. Si eres un padre o una madre que se queda en casa, puedes vender cuando los niños están en el colegio o después de que vayan a la cama por la noche. 4. Es una ventaja si ya tienes el equipo necesario para empezar. Puedes publicar artículos desde tu portátil, tu teléfono móvil o tablet. Compra un equipo mejor cuando tus ventas aumenten. ¿No estás seguro de qué vender o cómo conseguir productos? No sufras. También lo incluimos aquí. Descubre una larga lista de artículos que seguramente tengas por tu casa para empezar a vender. Explora lugares en los que adquirir inventario localmente, mercadillos, venta de bienes e incluso tiendas minoristas. Los artículos rentables están a tu alrededor. Sólo necesitas saber qué buscar. No sabes nada de vender en eBay ni en Amazon. No hay problema. eBay, el Negocio de 100.000$ explica cómo vender en eBay y Amazon. Aprende todo lo que necesitas saber para empezar y crecer con un negocio online de éxito. Léelo esta mañana Publica tu primer artículo esta tarde Gana dinero mañana
Ebay Rescue Profit Maker
by Kevin W. BoydPump up your profits on eBay®! When many eBay® sellers run out of items to sell, they often head straight to the outlet malls looking for super sales, or go to trade shows, or shop online liquidation sites looking for larger quantities of items, sometimes purchasing pallets of product. Only then do they discover their problem: the items they just purchased are selling on eBay® for less than what they paid! Now they no longer have to repeat this pattern with costly hit-or-miss results. In this guide, an eBay® PowerSeller shares the proprietary product selection and evaluation methodology he has developed based on seven years of professional eBay® selling, instructing, and consulting. In eBay® Rescue Profit Maker, readers learn how to:• Determine what to sell • Determine the reputable product suppliers • Create enticing listings and use advanced listing techniques • &“Spy&” on their competition • Provide superior customer service • Expand and improve their customer base
Ebay Scatenato Guida Per Il Principiante Che Vuole Fare Soldi Su Ebay
by Nick Vulich Luisa Agnese Dalla FontanaHai mai pensato di vendere su eBay ma non sapevi d ache parte cominciare. eBay scatenato è la tua guida personale per fare soldi su eBay, seguendo i consigli dell'autore, che negli ultimi 13 anni ha completato oltre 29.000 transazioni su eBay e ti guiderà passo passo insegnandoti a vendere.Guardati intorno: puoi cominciare a vendere quello che hai in casa e non usi più.Questo libro ti insegnerà adecidere che cosa vendere.Aprire un account su eBayAprire un conto PayPalFare la tua prima inserzione.28 trucchi e spunti per aumentare le venditeEffettuare le spedizioni nel migliore dei modiStabilire il prezzo dei tuoi articoliIl servizio al consumatore nello stile di eBayRicorda che oltre 450.000 persone si guadagnano da vivere vendendo su eBay e milioni se ne avvalgono per integrare gli introiti e potersi permettere un'auto nuova o una vacanza da sogno. Puoi farlo anche tu! Per cominciare ti basterà meno di un'ora. Non aspettare un minuto di più! Ordina la tua copia di questo libro ORA!!!
Ebu$iness: 7 Steps To Get Your Small Business Online... And Making Money Now!
by Paul WallbankIs your business website a money pit? A source of frustration? A time-waster? Does your business even have an online presence? It's time to get your website working for you and making money. The web and social media have become the new shopfronts where customers, staff and suppliers look to find people to do business with. eBu$iness will help anyone who wants to set up and maintain a professional web presence by showing you how to: register an effective domain name set up your own free or cheap website use social media to your advantage optimise your website so that search engines and customers can find you take advantage of free local listing services and much more. Whether you already have a website or you're just starting out, eBu$iness gives you the tools and know-how to save time and money, and will help you to grow your business and make a profit.
eBusiness & eCommerce
by Andreas Meier Henrik StormerIm Mittelpunkt des Fachbuchs stehen die Glieder der digitalen Wertschöpfungskette - jedem einzelnen ist ein eigenes Kapitel gewidmet. Neben Geschäftsmodellen und Business Webs werden digitale Beschaffungs- und Marketingprozesse behandelt, Verhandlungsprozesse, Sicherheitsfragen sowie das Lieferanten- und Kundenbeziehungsmanagement. Anwendungsbeispiele und eine durchgehende Fallstudie illustrieren die Vorgehensweisen. Für die 3. Auflage wurden Methoden und Techniken des Web 2.0 (Social Web) und des Web 3.0 (Semantic Web) eingearbeitet.
ECDL Module 2: ECDL - the European PC standard (European Computer Driving Licence #2)
by David Penfold••••••••• Preface This book is intended to help you successfully complete the test for Module 2 of the European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL). However before we start working through the actual content of the guide you may find it useful to know a little bit more about the ECDL in general and where this particular Module fits into the overall framework. What Is The ECDL? The European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) is a European-wide qualification that enables people to demonstrate their competence in computer skills. It certifies the candidate's knowledge and competence in personal computer usage at a basic level and is based upon a single agreed syllabus. This syllabus covers a range of specific knowledge areas and skill sets, which are broken down into seven modules. Each of the modules must be passed before the ECDL certificate can be awarded, though they may be taken in any order but must be completed within a three year period. Testing of candidates is at audited testing centres, and successful completion of the test will demonstrate the holder's basic knowledge and competence in using a personal computer and common computer applications. The implementation of the ECDL in the UK is being managed by the British Computer Society. It is growing at a tremendous rate and is set to become the most widely recognised qualification in the field of work-related computer use.
ECG Signal Processing, Classification and Interpretation
by Adam Gacek Witold PedryczThe book shows how the various paradigms of computational intelligence, employed either singly or in combination, can produce an effective structure for obtaining often vital information from ECG signals. The text is self-contained, addressing concepts, methodology, algorithms, and case studies and applications, providing the reader with the necessary background augmented with step-by-step explanation of the more advanced concepts. It is structured in three parts: Part I covers the fundamental ideas of computational intelligence together with the relevant principles of data acquisition, morphology and use in diagnosis; Part II deals with techniques and models of computational intelligence that are suitable for signal processing; and Part III details ECG system-diagnostic interpretation and knowledge acquisition architectures. Illustrative material includes: brief numerical experiments; detailed schemes, exercises and more advanced problems.
Echo Dot 3.ª generación manual de usuario: El manual de instrucciones completo de Amazon Echo Dot 3.ª generación con Alexa para principiantes
by Paul O. Garten¿Qué tal vivir a cuerpo de rey, tan solo haciendo solicitudes, sentándote y viendo cómo se llevan a cabo al pie de la letra? Entonces, ¡no te lo pienses más! Ese es el trabajo de Alexa y lo hace como nadie. Lo que Alexa puede hacer depende de cómo la entiendas y, especialmente, cómo entiendes su lenguaje. Sí, Alexa no solo entiende las palabras, sino que comprende una serie de códigos que no se corresponden exactamente con cómo hablamos en nuestro día a día. El libro trata detalles que van desde operar con Amazon Echo Dot (3.ª generación) hasta la manipulación del dispositivo, como, por ejemplo, Entrenamiento de voz con Alexa. Entender los estados del anillo de luz. Conectar el Echo Dot a Internet. Emparejar el altavoz/stereo con Bluetooth Cambiar la palabra de activación. Configurar el Echo Dot en diferentes localizaciones dentro de tu hogar. Configurar alarmas y temporizadores, hora y fecha. Gestionar email y SMS. Skills, Rutinas y Blueprints de Alexa. Llamadas de voz/vídeo con Alexa. Controlar tu TV con Alexa. Hacer que Alexa lea un ebook de Kindle por ti. Vincular tu Calendario. Comprar con Alexa. Eliminar grabaciones de voz del historial de Alexa. Construir un Hogar digital con Alexa. Protocolos IFTTT con Alexa. Jugar con Alexa. Alexa para Niños. Resolver problemas comunes con tu Amazon Echo Dot y Alexa. Y mucho más. Sí, hay más de 100 comandos de voz y más de 100 perlas de Alexa esperándote dentro de tu dispositivo Echo Dot (3.ª generación). No tienes que gastar cientos de euros para tener un asistente personal avanzado como Alexa. Invirtiendo poco tiempo para configurar tu Echo Dot (3.ª generación), conseguirás muchas funcionalidades para tu hogar y hará tu vida más fácil e interesante.
Echo Quick Start Guide: Build lightweight and high-performance web apps with Echo
by J. Ben HusonEcho is a leading framework for creating web applications with the Go language. This book will show you how to develop scalable real-world web apps, RESTful services, and backend systems with Echo. Key FeaturesThe easiest way to learn how to build web apps with EchoBuild a full working projectFor Go developers with only basic web development knowledge requiredBook DescriptionEcho is a leading framework for creating web applications with the Go language. This book will show you how to develop scalable real-world web apps, RESTful services, and backend systems with Echo. After a thorough understanding of the basics, you'll be introduced to all the concepts for a building real-world web system with Echo. You will start with the the Go HTTP standard library, and setting up your work environment. You will move on to Echo handlers, group routing, data binding, and middleware processing. After that, you will learn how to test your Go application and use templates. By the end of this book you will be able to build your very own high performance apps using Echo.A Quick Start Guide is a focussed, shorter title which provides a faster paced introduction to a technology. They are for people who don’t need all the detail at this point in their learning curve. The presentation has been streamlined to concentrate on the things you really need to know, rather than everything.What you will learnKey design considerations for high performance Echo applicationsHow Echo handles routingHow context is managed through the lifetime of the request and response pipelineDecrease complexity of your apps by developing middleware functionsInteract with the request through request data bindingsInteract with the response through response data renderings within the frameworkUse Echo's logging and error handling facilitiesRender Go templates within Echo to allow for server side rendering of contentWho this book is forYou will need to know the basics of the Go language, and the general concepts of web development.
Echtzeitsimulation in der Produktionsautomatisierung: Beiträge zu Virtueller Inbetriebnahme, Digitalem Engineering und Digitalen Zwillingen
by Alexander Verl Sascha Röck Christian ScheifeleDieses Open Access Buch befasst sich in 22 Kapiteln von 41 Autoren aus Wissenschaft und Praxis mit einer Sammlung unabhängiger Beiträge, die den heutigen Stand der Forschung und Technik im Bereich der Echtzeitsimulation von Maschinen und Anlagen aufzeigen. Neben Forschungsergebnissen wird der erfolgreiche Transfer in die Praxis anhand ausgewählter Beispiele vorgestellt. Das Sammelwerk umfasst das Themenspektrum von der Echtzeitsimulation für die Virtuelle Inbetriebnahme über deren Einsatz in der Entwicklungs- und Betriebsphase bis hin zur Nutzung von Simulationsmodellen in Steuerungsfunktionen.
Echtzeitsysteme: Grundlagen der Planung
by Dieter ZöbelOhne unmittelbar in Erscheinung zu treten, steuern Echtzeitsysteme heute Produktionsanlagen, assistieren beim Autofahren oder sichern die Qualität der Sprachübertragung in weltweiten Netzen. Sie greifen in technische Prozesse ein, um sie zum richtigen Zeitpunkt zu den richtigen Aktionen zu bewegen. Das Lehrbuch beschreibt Echtzeitsysteme aus der Sicht der Informatik mit dem Schwerpunkt Real-time Scheduling. Es richtet sich an Studierende der Informatik und Wirtschaftsinformatik. Zahlreiche Aufgaben mit Lösungen helfen, den Stoff zu vertiefen.
Eclipse: Programming Java Applications
by Steve HolznerJava programmers know how finicky Java can be to work with. An omitted semi-colon or the slightest typo will cause the Java command-line compiler to spew pages of annoying error messages across your screen. And it doesn't fix them--that's up to you: fix them, compile again, and hope that nothing goes wrong this time.Eclipse, the popular Java integrated development environment (IDE) provides an elegant and powerful remedy for this common, frustrating scenario. It doesn't just catch your errors before you compile, it also suggests solutions. All you need to do is point and click. And it's free--what could be better? Still, if you're like most programmers, mastering a new technology--no matter how productive it will make you in the long run--is going to take a chunk out of your productivity now. You want to get up to speed quickly without sacrificing efficiency.O'Reilly's new guide to the technology, Eclipse, provides exactly what you're looking for: a fast-track approach to mastery of Eclipse. This insightful, hands-on book delivers clear and concise coverage, with no fluff, that gets down to business immediately. The book is tightly focused, covering all aspects of Eclipse: the menus, preferences, views, perspectives, editors, team and debugging techniques, and how they're used every day by thousands of developers. Development of practical skills is emphasized with dozens of examples presented throughout the book.From cover-to-cover, the book is pure Eclipse, covering hundreds of techniques beginning with the most basic Java development through creating your own plug-in editors for the Eclipse environment. Some of the topics you'll learn about include:Using Eclipse to develop Java codeTesting and debuggingWorking in teams using CVSBuilding Eclipse projects using AntThe Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT)Web developmentDeveloping Struts applications with EclipseFrom basics to advanced topics, Eclipse takes you through the fundamentals of Eclipse and more. You may be an Eclipse novice when you pick up the book, but you'll be a pro by the time you've finished.
Eclipse 4 Plug-in Development by Example Beginner's Guide
by Dr Alex BlewittA Beginner's Guide following the "by Example" approach. There will be 5-8 major examples that will be used in the book to develop advanced plugins with the Eclipse IDE.This book is for Java developers who are familiar with Eclipse as a Java IDE and are interested in learning how to develop plug-ins for Eclipse. No prior knowledge of Eclipse plug-in development or OSGi is necessary, although you are expected to know how to create, run, and debug Java programs in Eclipse.
Eclipse Cookbook
by Steve HolznerYou've probably heard the buzz about Eclipse, the powerful open source platform that gives Java developers a new way to approach development projects. It's like a shiny new car--no longer content to just admire Eclipse, you're now itching to get in and drive. Eclipse is to Java developers what Visual Studio is to .NET developers--it's an integrated development environment (IDE) that combines a code editor, compiler, debugger, text editor, graphical user interface (GUI) builder, and other components into a single, user-friendly application. It provides a solid foundation that enables Java developers to construct and run integrated software-development tools for web development, application design, modeling, performance, testing, and much more. As with any extensive programming tool, however, there's a lot to learn. And there s no better guy than well-known Java expert Steve Holzner to teach you. An award-winning and best-selling author who has been writing about Java topics since the language first appeared, Holzner delivers just the kind of targeted, practical, everyday knowledge you need to hone your mastery of Eclipse. Perfect as a companion to an Eclipse programming tutorial (such as Holzner's own Eclipse , O'Reilly, April 2004) or an ideal stand-alone for all those developers who either don't want or don't need the tutorial approach, the Eclipse Cookbook contains task-oriented recipes for more than 800 situations you may encounter while using this new Java platform--from deploying a web application automatically to reverse engineering compiled code, from re-naming all references to a class across multiple packages to initializing the SWT JNI libraries. Each recipe in the ever-popular and utterly practical problem-solution-discussion format for O'Reilly cookbooks contains a clear and thorough description of the problem, a brief but complete discussion of a solution, and in-action examples illustrating that solution. The Eclipse Cookbook will satiate Java programmers at all levels who are ready to go beyond tutorials--far beyond writing plug-ins and extensions--and actually use the powerful and convenient Eclipse day to day.
Eclipse IDE Pocket Guide: Using the Full-Featured IDE
by Ed BurnetteEclipse is the world's most popular IDE for Java development. And although there are plenty of large tomes that cover all the nooks and crannies of Eclipse, what you really need is a quick, handy guide to the features that are used over and over again in Java programming. You need answers to basic questions such as: Where was that menu? What does that command do again? And how can I set my classpath on a per-project basis?This practical pocket guide gets you up to speed quickly with Eclipse. It covers basic concepts, including Views and editors, as well as features that are not commonly understood, such as Perspectives and Launch Configurations. You'll learn how to write and debug your Java code--and how to integrate that code with tools such as Ant and JUnit. You'll also get a toolbox full of tips and tricks to handle common--and sometimes unexpected--tasks that you'll run across in your Java development cycle.Additionally, the Eclipse IDE Pocket Guide has a thorough appendix detailing all of Eclipse's important views, menus, and commands.The Eclipse IDE Pocket Guide is just the resource you need for using Eclipse, whether it's on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Put it in your back pocket, or just throw it in your backpack. With this guide in hand, you're ready to tackle the Eclipse programming environment.
The Eclipse of the Utopias of Labor (Forms of Living)
by null Anson RabinbachThe Eclipse of the Utopias of Labor traces the shift from the eighteenth-century concept of man as machine to the late twentieth-century notion of digital organisms. Step by step—from Jacques de Vaucanson and his Digesting Duck, through Karl Marx’s Capital, Hermann von Helmholtz’s social thermodynamics, Albert Speer’s Beauty of Labor program in Nazi Germany, and on to the post-Fordist workplace, Rabinbach shows how society, the body, and labor utopias dreamt up future societies and worked to bring them about. This masterful follow-up to The Human Motor, Rabinbach’s brilliant study of the European science of work, bridges intellectual history, labor history, and the history of the body. It shows the intellectual and policy reasons as to how a utopia of the body as motor won wide acceptance and moved beyond the “man as machine” model before tracing its steep decline after 1945—and along with it the eclipse of the great hopes that a more efficient workplace could provide the basis of a new, more socially satisfactory society.
Eclipse Plug-in Development: Beginner's Guide - Second Edition
by Dr Alex BlewittDevelop skills to build powerful plug-ins with Eclipse IDE through examples About This Book * Create useful plug-ins to make Eclipse work for you * Learn how to migrate Eclipse 3.x plug-ins to Eclipse 4.x * From automation to testing, find out how to get your IDE performing at an impressive standard Who This Book Is For This book is for Java developers familiar with Eclipse who need more from the IDE. This book will sharpen your confidence and make you a more productive developer with a tool that supports rather than limits you. What You Will Learn * Create plug-ins for Eclipse 4.x * Test plug-ins automatically with JUnit * Display tree and table information in views * Upgrade Eclipse 3.x plug-ins to Eclipse 4.x * Find out how to build user interfaces from SWT and JFace * Run tasks in the background and update the user interface asynchronously * Automate builds of plug-ins and features * Automate user interface tests with SWTBot In Detail Eclipse is used by everyone from indie devs to NASA engineers. Its popularity is underpinned by its impressive plug-in ecosystem, which allows it to be extended to meet the needs of whoever is using it. This book shows you how to take full advantage of the Eclipse IDE by building your own useful plug-ins from start to finish. Taking you through the complete process of plug-in development, from packaging to automated testing and deployment, this book is a direct route to quicker, cleaner Java development. It may be for beginners, but we're confident that you'll develop new skills quickly. Pretty soon you'll feel like an expert, in complete control of your IDE. Don't let Eclipse define you - extend it with the plug-ins you need today for smarter, happier, and more effective development. Style and approach Packed with plenty of examples so you're never stuck, or never left simply reading instructions, this book encourages you to get started immediately. This book is for developers who want to develop, not just learn.
Eclipse TEA Revealed: Building Plug-ins and Creating Extensions for Eclipse
by Markus DuftDiscover the open source Eclipse Tasking Engine Advanced (TEA) project in this compact to-the-point book. It covers how to automate tasks using TEA and focuses on simplifying and aiding the creation of extensions for the Eclipse IDE in a way which makes them accessible both from the IDE’s UI and in a headless fashion from the command line.Additionally, Eclipse TEA Revealed explores the library of pre-built components included with TEA, mostly in the area of rich client platform (RCP)-based Java application development, for building projects, updating sites, dealing with target platforms, and more. After reading and using this book, you'll be up to speed on the fundamentals of Eclipse TEA and ready to use it for more productive Java-based application builds and developments.What You Will LearnView TEA’s internal architecture Work with TEA’s APIs Write TEA componentsUse the pre-built TEA componentsSet up headless environments using TEAWho This Book Is ForReaders should be Java developers interested in extending the Eclipse IDE and/or setting up headless environments based on Eclipse.