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ES6 for Humans

by Deepak Grover Hanu Prateek Kunduru

Learn ES6 best practices for code optimization and organization and walk through practical, common examples of how to implement complete components of your applications. While this book covers the basic concepts of modern JavaScript, it primarily focuses on the new syntax, data-types, functionalities, and everything else that's new in ES6, the latest standard of JavaScript. You'll examine how to use ES6 in functional programming and explore the new more modular and object-oriented approach to JavaScript. This book will help you sharpen and upgrade your JavaScript language skills so you to easily explore modern ES6 based frameworks or libraries such as ReactJS, ReactNative, Angular4 and Vue. js. ES6 for Humans is a complete guide to writing ES6 and will enable you to start taking advantage of this exciting new version of JavaScript. What You'll Learn Use all the new features added to JavaScript Compare ES5 and ES6 in varied situations Refresh your core JavaScript fundamentals Understand the modular and object-oriented approach to JavaScript Who this Book Is For Any Javascript developer who wants to fully understand and dive into the new features of ES6/ES2015. Developers with some background in programming, preferably in JavaScript. A basic understanding of coding concepts and exposure to object-oriented programming is expected.

ESB. Magistrala us?ug korporacyjnych

by David A Chappell

Integracja systemów dla praktyków!Integracja systemów oraz zapewnienie komunikacji mi?dzy ró?nymi ich komponentami to ogromne wyzwanie. Podczas tworzenia w?asnych rozwi?za? prawdopodobnie natkniesz si? na dziesi?tki problemów. Dlatego warto rozwa?y? mo?liwo?? wykorzystania sprawdzonych narz?dzi. Nale?y do nich magistrala ESB (skrót od ang. Enterprise Service Bus). Magistrala taka zapewnia inteligentne zarz?dzanie ruchem, transformacj? danych, przesy?anie komunikatów i nie tylko. Brzmi obiecuj?co? Przekonaj si? sam!Si?gnij po t? ksi??k? i poznaj interesuj?ce strategie wykorzystania ESB. Na pocz?tku znajdziesz podstawy — w?a?ciwo?ci magistrali, jej histori? oraz formaty wymiany komunikatów. Z kolejnych rozdzia?ów dowiesz si?, jak skutecznie integrowa? us?ugi, wywo?ywa? komunikaty oraz korzysta? z niestandardowych adapterów. Ponadto skupisz si? na aspektach zwi?zanych z bezpiecze?stwem magistrali oraz jej konfiguracj?. Nauczysz si? równie? radzi? sobie w przypadku wyst?pienia problemów z przepustowo?ci? magistrali oraz opó?nieniami transferu. Ksi??ka ta jest unikaln? pozycj?, po?wi?con? interesuj?cym zagadnieniom zwi?zanym z magistral? ESB. Jest to Twoja lektura obowi?zkowa!Dzi?ki tej ksi??ce: poznasz mo?liwo?ci magistrali ESB skonfigurujesz j? i wykorzystasz jej potencja? rozwi??esz typowe problemy zintegrujesz ró?ne systemy — niezale?nie od tego, czy to .NET czy Java!Poznaj zaawansowane techniki integracji systemów!

Escape from the Nether: An Unofficial Minecrafters Time Travel Adventure, Book 4 (An Unofficial Minecrafters Time Travel A #1)

by Winter Morgan

Brett and his friends are running low on ingredients to craft potions and take a trip to the Nether. While gathering Nether Wart and Soul Sand from a fortress, they hear a noise in a room. They enter the room and see a hole in the wall and hear cries coming from the other side. They crawl through the hole to help the unknown person, but wind up in another time period in the Nether. They have to help someone from the future get home. Using their skills from future time travel adventures, they must help this stranger get home. Will they survive the Nether? Will they get this person home? And should they trust this person who tells them stories about what the world will be like a hundred years in the future?

Escape Velocity: Cyberculture at the End of the Century

by Mark Dery

An Unforgettable Journey into the Dark Heart of the Information Age In Escape Velocity Mark Dery takes is on an electrifying tour of the high-tech subcultures that both celebrate and critique our wired world: would-be cyborgs who believe the body is obsolete and dream of downloading their minds into computers, cyber-hippies who boost their brainpower with smart drugs and mind machines, on-line swingers seeking cybersex on electronic bulletin boards, techno-primitives who sport biomechanical tattoos of computer circuitry; and cyberpunk roboticists whose Mad Max contraptions duel to the death before howling crowds. Timely, trenchant, and provocative, Escape Velocity is the first truly critical inquiry into cyberculture-essential reading for everyone interested in computer culture and the shape of things to come.

Escaping the Build Trap: How Effective Product Management Creates Real Value

by Melissa Perri

To stay competitive in today’s market, organizations need to adopt a culture of customer-centric practices that focus on outcomes rather than outputs. Companies that live and die by outputs often fall into the "build trap," cranking out features to meet their schedule rather than the customer’s needs.In this book, Melissa Perri explains how laying the foundation for great product management can help companies solve real customer problems while achieving business goals. By understanding how to communicate and collaborate within a company structure, you can create a product culture that benefits both the business and the customer. You’ll learn product management principles that can be applied to any organization, big or small.In five parts, this book explores:Why organizations ship features rather than cultivate the value those features representHow to set up a product organization that scalesHow product strategy connects a company’s vision and economic outcomes back to the product activitiesHow to identify and pursue the right opportunities for producing value through an iterative product frameworkHow to build a culture focused on successful outcomes over outputs

Escaping the Rabbit Hole: How to Debunk Conspiracy Theories Using Facts, Logic, and Respect

by West Mick

The Earth is flat, the World Trade Center collapse was a controlled demolition, planes are spraying poison to control the weather, and actors faked the Sandy Hook massacre…. All these claims are bunk: falsehoods, mistakes, and in some cases, outright lies. But many people passionately believe one or more of these conspiracy theories. They consume countless books and videos, join like-minded online communities, try to convert those around them, and even, on occasion, alienate their own friends and family. Why is this, and how can you help people, especially those closest to you, break free from the downward spiral of conspiracy thinking? In Escaping the Rabbit Hole, author Mick West shares over a decade’s worth of knowledge and experience investigating and debunking false conspiracy theories through his forum,, and sets forth a practical guide to helping friends and loved ones recognize these theories for what they really are. Perhaps counter-intuitively, the most successful approaches to helping individuals escape a rabbit hole aren’t comprised of simply explaining why they are wrong; rather, West’s tried-and-tested approach emphasizes clear communication based on mutual respect, honesty, openness, and patience. West puts his debunking techniques and best practices to the test with four of the most popular false conspiracy theories today (Chemtrails, 9/11 Controlled Demolition, False Flags, and Flat Earth) — providing road maps to help you to understand your friend and help them escape the rabbit hole. These are accompanied by real-life case studies of individuals who, with help, were able to break free from conspiracism. With sections on:the wide spectrum of conspiracy theories avoiding the “shill” label psychological factors and other complications(and concluding with) a look at the future of debunking, Mick West has put forth a conclusive, well-researched, practical reference on why people fall down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole and how you can help them escape.

Escaping the Rabbit Hole: How to Debunk Conspiracy Theories Using Facts, Logic, and Respect (Revised and Updated - Includes Information about 2020 Election Fraud, The Coronavirus Pandemic, The Rise of QAnon, and UFOs)

by Mick West

Revised and updated for the first time in 2023—Now includes strategies for debunking conspiracies regarding the coronavirus pandemic, election fraud, QAnon, UFOs, and more. The Earth is flat, the World Trade Center collapse was a controlled demolition, planes are spraying poison to control the weather, and actors faked the Sandy Hook massacre. All these claims are bunk: falsehoods, mistakes, and in some cases, outright lies. But many people passionately believe one or more of these conspiracy theories. They consume countless books and videos, join like-minded online communities, try to convert those around them, and even, on occasion, alienate their own friends and family. Why is this, and how can you help people, especially those closest to you, break free from the downward spiral of conspiracy thinking? In Escaping the Rabbit Hole, author Mick West shares over a decade&’s worth of knowledge and experience investigating and debunking false conspiracy theories through his forum,, and sets forth a practical guide to helping friends and loved ones recognize these theories for what they really are. Perhaps counter-intuitively, the most successful approaches to helping individuals escape a rabbit hole aren&’t comprised of simply explaining why they are wrong; rather, West&’s tried-and-tested approach emphasizes clear communication based on mutual respect, honesty, openness, and patience. West puts his debunking techniques and best practices to the test with the most popular false conspiracy theories today (Chemtrails, The Coronavirus Pandemic, 9/11 Controlled Demolition, Election Fraud, False Flags, Flat Earth, The Rising of QAnon, and UFOs)—providing road maps to help you to understand your friend and help them escape the rabbit hole. These are accompanied by real-life case studies of individuals who, with help, were able to break free from conspiracism. With sections on: the wide spectrum of conspiracy theoriesavoiding the &“shill&” labelpsychological factors and other complications(and concluding with) a look at the future of debunking Mick West has put forth a conclusive, well-researched, practical reference on why people fall down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole and how you can help them escape.

La escuela de WordPress de 5 días: cómo convertirse en un diseñador de sitios web de WordPress en 5 días o menos

by Cyrus M. Jackson

¿Le encantaría aprender cómo configurar (fácilmente), diseñar (profesionalmente) y asegurar (adecuadamente) los sitios de WordPress que matan (incluso si no tiene conocimientos previos de codificación o temas técnicos)? Entonces, ¡la "Escuela de WordPress de 5 días" es la guía más autorizada que necesitarás! Ya no es una novedad que WordPress es la mejor plataforma de blogs del planeta y el sistema de administración de contenido más popular que puede encontrar hoy en día, que controla el 52% de los sitios web en Internet (según Technorati) que habla sobre el volumen de su eficiencia y sus increíbles funciones. No es de extrañar que los sitios web autorizados en Internet (como CNN, New York Times, HuffingtonPost, Mashable ...) estén basados ​​en la plataforma WordPress. WordPress es la bomba: ¿quieres quedarte fuera? Cyrus Jackson, un diseñador profesional de WordPress, lo lleva de la mano sobre cómo dominar la plataforma de WordPress de manera efectiva: desde la configuración, hasta el diseño, la seguridad ... de una manera de ladrillo a ladrillo con abundantes ilustraciones, capturas de pantalla. , gráficos y pautas paso a paso para brindarle el mapa de ruta necesario sobre cómo configurar su sitio web de WordPress de manera profesional para una audiencia web. Y sí: el libro puede convertirte en un diseñador profesional de WordPress en 5 días, incluso si este es tu primer intento de iniciar una plataforma en línea. ¡En serio! Estos son los temas que se tratan en este libro asombroso, fácil de leer, asombroso y para principiantes: Una explicación detallada de la plataforma de WordPress. Entendiendo el panel de WordPress Configuración de su sitio web de WordPress auto-alojado Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre alojamiento web y registro de dominios. Los mejores servidores web que son fiables y asequibles. Consejos importantes a seguir al elegir un aloj

eService-Learning: Creating Experiential Learning and Civic Engagement Through Online and Hybrid Courses

by Jean Strait Katherine J. Nordyke

This book serves as an introduction to using online teaching technologies and hybrid forms of teaching for experiential learning and civic engagement. Service-learning has kept pace neither with the rapid growth in e-learning in all its forms nor with the reality that an increasing number of students are learning online without exposure to the benefits of this powerful pedagogy.Eservice-learning (electronic service-learning) combines service-learning and on-line learning and enables the delivery of the instruction and/or the service to occur partially or fully online. Eservice-learning allows students anywhere, regardless of geography, physical constraints, work schedule, or other access limitations, to experience service-learning. It reciprocally also equips online learning with a powerful tool for engaging students.In eservice-learning, the core components of service, learning, and reflection may take a different form due to the online medium—for example, reflection often occurs through discussion board interactions, journals, wikis, or blogs in an eservice-learning course. Moreover, the service, though still community-based, creates a world of opportunities to connect students with communities across the globe—as well as at their very own doorstep.This book introduces the reader to the four emerging types of eservice-learning, from Extreme EService-Learning (XE-SL) classes where 100% of the instruction and 100% of the service occur online, to three distinct forms of hybrid where either the service or the instruction are delivered wholly on-line – with students, for instance, providing online products for far-away community partners – or in which both are delivered on-site and online. It considers the instructional potential of common mobile technologies – phones, tablets and mobile reading devices. The authors also address potential limitations, such as technology challenges, difficulties sustaining three-way communication among the instructor, community partner, and students, and added workload.The book includes research studies on effectiveness as well as examples of practice such drafting grants for a community partner, an informational technology class building online communities for an autism group, and an online education class providing virtual mentoring to at-risk students in New Orleans from across the country.

ESL Models and their Application

by Brian Bailey Grant Martin

This book arises from experience the authors have gained from years of work as industry practitioners in the field of Electronic System Level design (ESL). At the heart of all things related to Electronic Design Automation (EDA), the core issue is one of models: what are the models used for, what should the models contain, and how should they be written and distributed. Issues such as interoperability and tool transportability become central factors that may decide which ones are successful and those that cannot get sufficient traction in the industry to survive. Through a set of real examples taken from recent industry experience, this book will distill the state of the art in terms of System-Level Design models and provide practical guidance to readers that can be put into use. This book is an invaluable tool that will aid readers in their own designs, reduce risk in development projects, expand the scope of design projects, and improve developmental processes and project planning.

ESP32 Formats and Communication: Application of Communication Protocols with ESP32 Microcontroller (Maker Innovations Series)

by Neil Cameron

Although Wi-Fi communication is incorporated in many internet-based applications, knowledge of alternative communication protocols is vital for optimal project development with a microcontroller, such as the ESP32. This book focuses on communication protocols for the ESP32 microcontroller with illustrative projects ranging from a Bluetooth Low Energy beacon communicating with your smart wristwatch to Long Range (LoRa) communication between microsatellites circling 550km above the Earth and an ESP32 microcontroller in your home. Just as there are different communication protocols, there are different ESP32 microcontroller formats. You’ll examine the features of several ESP32 microcontroller formats, which enable the optimal combination of communication protocol and ESP32 format to achieve the requirements of a project. Several of the communication protocols and ESP32 formats have only been available in the last few months or years, making the book very relevant. Each chapter focuses on a communication protocol and is stand-alone, so they can be read without having to start from the beginning of the book. The chapters are loosely grouped into short- and long-range communication, image management for transmission to a webpage or a remote LCD screen, and the required apps and IoT techniques for remote control of an ESP32-CAM robot vehicle. The advantages of each communication protocol correspond to different project types. What You'll Learn Study the MESH communication protocol and the ESP-NOW protocol with communication between ESP32 microcontrollers without a Wi-Fi connectionReview email communication projects with an ESP32 and generation of quick response codes to instruct an ESP32 to control a connected device.Look at the ESP32-CAM module built around a 2M-pixel camera for streaming images with the WebSocket protocol to a remote ESP32Control an ESP32-CAM robot car through remote communication over the internet with image streaming to an Android tablet or mobile phone.Who This Book Is For

ESP8266 Home Automation Projects

by Catalin Batrinu

Unleash the power of the ESP8266 and build a complete home automation system with it. About This Book • Harness the power of the ESP8266 Wi-Fi chip to build an effective Home Automation System • Learn about the various ESP8266 modules • Configuring the ESP8266 and making interesting home automation projects • A step-by-step guide on the ESP8266 chip and how to convert your home into a smart home. Who This Book Is For This book is targeted at people who want to build connected and inexpensive home automation projects using the ESP8266 Wi-Fi chip, and to completely automate their homes. A basic understanding of the board would be an added advantage What You Will Learn • Get, compile, install, and configure an MQTT server • Use the Wi-Fi connectivity feature to control appliances remotely • Control several home appliances using the ESP8266 Wi-Fi chip • Control and monitor your home from the cloud using ESP8266 modules • Stream real-time data from the ESP8266 to a server over WebSockets • Create an Android mobile application for your project In Detail The ESP8266 is a low-cost yet powerful Wi-Fi chip that is becoming more popular at an alarming rate, and people have adopted it to create interesting projects. With this book, you will learn to create and program home automation projects using the ESP8266 Wi-Fi chip. You will learn how to build a thermostat to measure and adjust the temperature accordingly and how to build a security system using the ESP8266. Furthermore, you will design a complete home automation system from sensor to your own cloud. You will touch base on data monitoring, controlling appliances, and security aspects. By the end of the book, you will understand how to completely control and monitor your home from the cloud and from a mobile application. You will be familiar with the capabilities of the ESP8266 and will have successfully designed a complete ready-to-sell home automated system. Style and approach A practical book that will cover independent home automation projects.

ESP8266 Internet of Things Cookbook

by Marco Schwartz

Exploring the low cost WiFi module About This Book • Leverage the ESP8266's on-board processing and storage capability • Get hand- on experience of working on the ESP8266 Arduino Core and its various libraries • A practical and enticing recipe-based book that will teach you how to make your environment smart using the ESP8266 Who This Book Is For This book is targeted at IOT enthusiasts who are well versed with electronics concepts and have a very basic familiarity with the ESP8266. Some experience with programming will be an advantage. What You Will Learn • Measure data from a digital temperature and humidity sensor using the ESP8266 • Explore advanced ESP8266 functionalities • Control devices from anywhere in the world using MicroPython • Troubleshoot issues with cloud data monitoring • Tweet data from the Arduino board • Build a cloud-connected power-switch with the ESP8266 • Create an ESP8266 robot controlled from the cloud In Detail The ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module is a self contained System on Chip (SOC) with an integrated TCP/IP protocol stack and can give any microcontroller access to your Wi-Fi network. It is capable of either hosting an application or offloading all Wi-Fi networking functions from another application processor. This book contains practical recipes that will help you master all ESP8266 functionalities. You will start by configuring and customizing the chip in line with your requirements. Then you will focus on core topics such as on-board processing, sensors, GPIOs, programming, networking, integration with external components, and so on. We will also teach you how to leverage Arduino using the ESP8266 and you'll learn about its libraries, file system, OTA updates, and so on. The book also provide recipes on web servers, testing, connecting with the cloud, and troubleshooting techniques. Programming aspects include MicroPython and how to leverage it to get started with the ESP8266. Towards the end, we will use these concepts and create an interesting project (IOT). By the end of the book, readers will be proficient enough to use the ESP8266 board efficiently. Style and approach This recipe-based book will teach you to build projects using the ESP8266.

ESP8266 Robotics Projects

by Pradeeka Seneviratne

Build simple yet amazing robotics projects using ESP8266 About This Book • Get familiar with ESP8266 and its features. • Build Wi-FI controlled robots using ESP8266 • A project based book that will use the ESP8266 board and some of its popular variations to build robots. Who This Book Is For This book is targeted at enthusiasts who are interested in developing low-cost robotics projects using ESP8266. A basic knowledge of programming will be useful but everything you need to know is are covered in the book. What You Will Learn • Build a basic robot with the original ESP8266, Arduino UNO, and a motor driver board. • Make a Mini Round Robot with ESP8266 HUZZAH • Modify your Mini Round Robot by integrating encoders with motors • Use the Zumo chassis kit to build a line-following robot by connecting line sensors • Control your Romi Robot with Wiimote • Build a Mini Robot Rover chassis with a gripper and control it through Wi-Fi • Make a robot that can take pictures In Detail The ESP8266 Wi-Fi module is a self-contained SOC with an integrated TCP/IP protocol stack and can give any microcontroller access to your Wi-Fi network. It has a powerful processing and storage capability and also supports application hosting and Wi-Fi networking. This book is all about robotics projects based on the original ESP8266 microcontroller board and some variants of ESP8266 boards. It starts by showing all the necessary things that you need to build your development environment with basic hardware and software components. The book uses the original ESP8266 board and some variants such as the Adafruit HUZZAH ESP8266 and the Adafruit Feather HUZZAH ESP8266 . You will learn how to use different type of chassis kits, motors, motor drivers, power supplies, distribution boards, sensors, and actuators to build robotics projects that can be controlled via Wi-Fi. In addition, you will learn how to use line sensors, the ArduiCam, Wii Remote, wheel encoders, and the Gripper kit to build more specialized robots. By the end of this book, you will have built a Wi-Fi control robot using ESP8266. Style and approach A project-based guide that will help you build exciting robotics using ESP8266.

Esports and the Media: Challenges and Expectations in a Multi-Screen Society (Routledge Focus on Digital Media and Culture)

by Angel Torres-Toukoumidis

This book takes a multidisciplinary approach to the question of esports and their role in society. A diverse group of authors tackle the impact of esports and the ways in which it has grown within the entertainment industry around the world. Chapters offer a coherent response to the following questions: What role do esports play in the entertainment industry? What communication skills can be learned through esports? What do the media gain from broadcasting esports? What is the relationship between social networks and esports? What are the main marketing strategies used in esports? What effect does communicative globalization have on the development of esports? What is the relationship between merchandising and esports? What do communication experts think about esports? Offering clear insights into this rapidly developing area, this volume will be of great interest to scholars, students, and anyone working in game studies, new media, leisure, sport studies, communication studies, transmedia literacy, and digital culture.

Esports For Dummies

by Phill Alexander

Discover the path to the big leagues It's time to prove all those people who said “video games are a waste of time” wrong. Esports has rewarded top gamers with prize money, glory, and even college scholarships. Want to get in on the action? This book puts you on the path to get your share of the growing world of esports. It helps you figure out the gear you need to be competitive, the games that drive esports, how to break into competitive play, and how to use online platforms to get attention. Written by the esports program director at the first Division I university to field an esports team, this book defines and demystifies the complex world of competitive video gaming. Get the gear for your first esports battles Gain recognition for your skills online or in tournaments Discover the path to earning scholarships in esports Build your online identity Get the insider tips you need to make your name in the esports universe.

Esports in the Asia-Pacific: Ecosystem, Communities, and Identities (Palgrave Series in Asia and Pacific Studies)

by Filippo Gilardi Paul Martin

This is an edited book that fills a gap in knowledge by providing a comprehensive view of esports practice from the Asia and Pacific region. The volume looks at the development of esports through the interconnections between institutions, industries, players, and society, across the Asia-Pacific. Over the last two decades, the Asia-Pacific region has been central to the growth and development of esports. The value of this book lies in its ability to provide a view of esport from countries that are currently underrepresented in the literature such as Vietnam, Malaysia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Philippines and Australia while still integrating chapters looking at more well-researched countries such as China, Korea, and Japan. Through its diverse case studies, the book serves as a resource for scholars and educators worldwide who seek diverse examples with which to improve understanding of the esports phenomenon and the inclusiveness of media and communication curricula. chapters “Introduction to Esports in the Asia-Pacific” and “Conclusions to Esports in the Asia–Pacific” are available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via

eSports is Business: Management in the World of Competitive Gaming

by Tobias M. Scholz

The global phenomenon of eSports has experienced exponential growth in recent years, gaining interest from the media, sports and technology industries. Being born digital, global and agile, competitive gaming appeals to a young and emerging audience, and therefore the management of businesses within the eSports industry requires a unique strategy. Presenting a short history of the industry and an overview of its various stakeholders, the author explores how important governing principles have emerged to culminate in a business model network. An insightful read for scholars researching innovation, eBusiness and strategy, this book takes a pioneering approach and examines potential implications for the future of eSports.

Essays on Financial Analytics: Applications and Methods (Lecture Notes in Operations Research)

by Pascal Alphonse Karima Bouaiss Pascal Grandin Constantin Zopounidis

This book covers recent research advances, methods and techniques, applications and projects in financial analytics, with a focus on the effects of the health crisis on banking activities and financial engineering. It explores the latest developments in banking regulation, banking and financial systems, financial engineering, and corporate finance in order to provide financial analytics that assess financial stability and sustainability. Written for researchers and practitioners alike, the book is intended to promote stimulating scientific exchanges, ideas and experiences in the field of financial analytics for economics and management.

Essays on the Visualisation of Legal Informatics (Law, Governance and Technology Series #54)

by Vytautas Cyras Friedrich Lachmayer

Both legal scholars and computer scientists will be curious to know how the gap between law and computing can be bridged. The law, and also jurisprudence, is based on language, and is mainly textual. Every syntactic system has its semantic range, and so does language, which in law achieves a high degree of professional precision. The use of visualisations is a syntactic supplement and opens up a new understanding of legal forms. This understanding was reinforced by the paradigm shift from textual law to legal informatics, in which visual formal notations are decisive. The authors have been dealing with visualisation approaches for a long time and summarise them here for discussion. In this book, a multiphase transformation from the legal domain to computer code is explored. The authors consider law enforcement by computer. The target view is that legal machines are legal actors that are capable of triggering institutional facts. In the visualisation of statutory law, an approach called Structural Legal Visualisation is presented. Specifically, the visualisation of legal meaning is linked with tertium comparationis, the third part of the comparison. In a legal documentation system, representing one legal source with multiple documents is viewed as a granularity problem. The authors propose to supplement legislative documents ex ante with explicit logic-oriented information in the form of a mini thesaurus. In contrast to so-called strong relations such as synonymy, antonymy and hypernymy/hyponymy, one should consider weak relations: (1) dialectical relations, a term of dialectical antithesis; (2) context relations; and (3) metaphorical relations, which means the use of metaphors for terms. The chapters trace topics such as the distinction between knowledge visualisation and knowledge representation, the visualisation of Hans Kelsen’s Pure Theory of Law, the separation of law and legal science, legal subsumption, legal relations, legal machines, encapsulation, compliance, transparency, standard cases and hard cases.

The "Essence" of Network Security: An End-to-End Panorama (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #163)

by Mohuya Chakraborty Moutushi Singh Valentina E. Balas Indraneel Mukhopadhyay

This edited book provides an optimal portrayal of the principles and applications related to network security. The book is thematically divided into five segments: Part A describes the introductory issues related to network security with some concepts of cutting-edge technologies; Part B builds from there and exposes the readers to the digital, cloud and IoT forensics; Part C presents readers with blockchain and cryptography techniques; Part D deals with the role of AI and machine learning in the context of network security. And lastly, Part E is written on different security networking methodologies. This is a great book on network security, which has lucid and well-planned chapters. All the latest security technologies are thoroughly explained with upcoming research issues. Details on Internet architecture, security needs, encryption, cryptography along with the usages of machine learning and artificial intelligence for network security are presented in a single cover. The broad-ranging text/reference comprehensively surveys network security concepts, methods, and practices and covers network security policies and goals in an integrated manner. It is an essential security resource for practitioners in networks and professionals who develop and maintain secure computer networks.

The Essence of Photography

by Bruce Barnbaum

There is a lot more to photography than simply picking up a camera, pointing it toward something, and tripping the shutter. Achieving a great photograph requires thought and preparation, an understanding of the photographic process, and a firm grasp of how light and composition affect a photo. There must be personal involvement and personal expression. There must be experimentation, with the recognition that only a small percentage of experiments end successfully.In this book, best-selling author and world-renowned photographer and teacher Bruce Barnbaum explores these seldom-discussed issues by drawing upon his personal experiences and observations from more than 40 years of photographing and teaching. In addition to photographs, Bruce also uses painting, music, and writing, as well as the sciences and even business, to provide pertinent examples of creative thinking. These examples serve as stepping-stones that will lead you to your own heightened ability to see and be creative.Creativity is a topic that is almost wholly ignored in formal education because most instructors think that it cannot be taught or learned. To the contrary, Bruce has proven that photographic seeing and creativity can be taught, learned, and improved. This book expands on the ideas that are central to Bruce's method of teaching photography, which he has used in workshops for the past 41 years.Included in the book are in-depth discussions on the following topics:Defining your own unique rhythm and approach as a photographerHow to translate the scene in front of you to the final photographThe differences and similarities between how an amateur and a professional approach photographyThe differences between realism and abstraction, and the possibilities and limitations of eachLearning to expand your own seeing and creativity through classes, workshops, and associating with other photographersWhy the rules of composition should be ignoredHow to follow your passionWhen to listen to the critics and when to ignore themThe book is richly illustrated with over 90 photographs taken by Bruce as well as other photographers.Seeing and creativity are difficult to teach, but not impossible. This very different, perhaps groundbreaking book is sure to inspire photographers of all skill levels-from beginners to seasoned professionals-to think deeply about the issues involved in creating successful photographs.

The Essence of Software: Why Concepts Matter for Great Design

by Daniel Jackson

A revolutionary concept-based approach to thinking about, designing, and interacting with softwareAs our dependence on technology increases, the design of software matters more than ever before. Why then is so much software flawed? Why hasn’t there been a systematic and scalable way to create software that is easy to use, robust, and secure?Examining these issues in depth, The Essence of Software introduces a theory of software design that gives new answers to old questions. Daniel Jackson explains that a software system should be viewed as a collection of interacting concepts, breaking the functionality into manageable parts and providing a new framework for thinking about design. Through this radical and original perspective, Jackson lays out a practical and coherent path, accessible to anyone—from strategist and marketer to UX designer, architect, or programmer—for making software that is empowering, dependable, and a delight to use.Jackson explores every aspect of concepts—what they are and aren’t, how to identify them, how to define them, and more—and offers prescriptive principles and practical tips that can be applied cost-effectively in a wide range of domains. He applies these ideas to contemporary software designs, drawing examples from leading software manufacturers such as Adobe, Apple, Dropbox, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Twitter, and others. Jackson shows how concepts let designers preserve and reuse design knowledge, rather than starting from scratch in every project.An argument against the status quo and a guide to improvement for both working designers and novices to the field, The Essence of Software brings a fresh approach to software and its creation.

Essential ActionScript 2.0

by Colin Moock

In Essential ActionScript 2.0 , bestselling author Colin Moock covers everything you'll need to know about the new ActionScript language and its methodologies. Experienced Flash developers and programmers coming from other languages will enjoy the sheer depth of Moocks's coverage. Novice programmers will appreciate the frequent, low-jargon explanations that are often glossed over by advanced programming books. Essential ActionScript 2.0 is the one book every ActionScript coder must own.

Essential ActionScript 3.0: ActionScript 3.0 Programming Fundamentals

by Colin Moock

ActionScript 3.0 is a huge upgrade to Flash's programming language. The enhancements to ActionScript's performance, feature set, ease of use, cleanliness, and sophistication are considerable. Essential ActionScript 3.0 focuses on the core language and object-oriented programming, along with the Flash Player API.Essential ActionScript has become the #1 resource for the Flash and ActionScript development community, and the reason is the author, Colin Moock. Many people even refer to it simply as "The Colin Moock book." And for good reason: No one is better at turning ActionScript inside out, learning its nuances and capabilities, and then explaining everything in such an accessible way. Colin Moock is not just a talented programmer and technologist; he's also a gifted teacher. Essential ActionScript 3.0 is a radically overhauled update to Essential ActionScript 2.0. True to its roots, the book once again focuses on the core language and object-oriented programming, but also adds a deep look at the centerpiece of Flash Player's new API: display programming. Enjoy hundreds of brand new pages covering exciting new language features, such as the DOM-based event architecture, E4X, and namespaces--all brimming with real-world sample code. The ActionScript 3.0 revolution is here, and Essential ActionScript 3.0's steady hand is waiting to guide you through it. Adobe Developer Library is a co-publishing partnership between O'Reilly Media and Adobe Systems, Inc. and is designed to produce the number one information resources for developers who use Adobe technologies. Created in 2006, the Adobe Developer Library is the official source for comprehensive learning solutions to help developers create expressive and interactive web applications that can reach virtually anyone on any platform. With top-notch books and innovative online resources covering the latest in rich Internet application development, the Adobe Developer Library offers expert training and in-depth resources, straight from the source.

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