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The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: From Hands-on Practice to Policy-making (The International Library of Ethics, Law and Technology #25)

by Eike-Henner W. Kluge

This book provides an ethical analysis of the ethical issues that arise in the design, nature and use of AIs as they are currently used in the delivery and planning of healthcare by hands-on healthcare professionals, institutional administrators and social policy makers. It suggests that while these issues overlap, they have distinct aspects in the respective domains. Among other things, it distinguishing between AIs as expert systems as they are currently constituted and AIs as based in quantum computers or as constituted of bio-printed material, indicates how this is evolving and outlines the ethically relevant issues that would then arise.

Ethics of Big Data: Balancing Risk and Innovation

by Kord Davis

What are your organization’s policies for generating and using huge datasets full of personal information? This book examines ethical questions raised by the big data phenomenon, and explains why enterprises need to reconsider business decisions concerning privacy and identity. Authors Kord Davis and Doug Patterson provide methods and techniques to help your business engage in a transparent and productive ethical inquiry into your current data practices.Both individuals and organizations have legitimate interests in understanding how data is handled. Your use of data can directly affect brand quality and revenue—as Target, Apple, Netflix, and dozens of other companies have discovered. With this book, you’ll learn how to align your actions with explicit company values and preserve the trust of customers, partners, and stakeholders.Review your data-handling practices and examine whether they reflect core organizational valuesExpress coherent and consistent positions on your organization’s use of big dataDefine tactical plans to close gaps between values and practices—and discover how to maintain alignment as conditions change over timeMaintain a balance between the benefits of innovation and the risks of unintended consequences

The Ethics of Computer Games

by Miguel Sicart

Why computer games can be ethical, how players use their ethical values in gameplay, and the implications for game design. Despite the emergence of computer games as a dominant cultural industry (and the accompanying emergence of computer games as the subject of scholarly research), we know little or nothing about the ethics of computer games. Considerations of the morality of computer games seldom go beyond intermittent portrayals of them in the mass media as training devices for teenage serial killers. In this first scholarly exploration of the subject, Miguel Sicart addresses broader issues about the ethics of games, the ethics of playing the games, and the ethical responsibilities of game designers. He argues that computer games are ethical objects, that computer game players are ethical agents, and that the ethics of computer games should be seen as a complex network of responsibilities and moral duties. Players should not be considered passive amoral creatures; they reflect, relate, and create with ethical minds. The games they play are ethical systems, with rules that create gameworlds with values at play. Drawing on concepts from philosophy and game studies, Sicart proposes a framework for analyzing the ethics of computer games as both designed objects and player experiences. After presenting his core theoretical arguments and offering a general theory for understanding computer game ethics, Sicart offers case studies examining single-player games (using Bioshock as an example), multiplayer games (illustrated by Defcon), and online gameworlds (illustrated by World of Warcraft) from an ethical perspective. He explores issues raised by unethical content in computer games and its possible effect on players and offers a synthesis of design theory and ethics that could be used as both analytical tool and inspiration in the creation of ethical gameplay.

The Ethics of Cybersecurity (The International Library of Ethics, Law and Technology #21)

by Markus Christen Bert Gordijn Michele Loi

This open access book provides the first comprehensive collection of papers that provide an integrative view on cybersecurity. It discusses theories, problems and solutions on the relevant ethical issues involved. This work is sorely needed in a world where cybersecurity has become indispensable to protect trust and confidence in the digital infrastructure whilst respecting fundamental values like equality, fairness, freedom, or privacy. The book has a strong practical focus as it includes case studies outlining ethical issues in cybersecurity and presenting guidelines and other measures to tackle those issues. It is thus not only relevant for academics but also for practitioners in cybersecurity such as providers of security software, governmental CERTs or Chief Security Officers in companies.

Ethics of Data and Analytics: Concepts and Cases

by Kirsten Martin

The ethics of data and analytics, in many ways, is no different than any endeavor to find the "right" answer. When a business chooses a supplier, funds a new product, or hires an employee, managers are making decisions with moral implications. The decisions in business, like all decisions, have a moral component in that people can benefit or be harmed, rules are followed or broken, people are treated fairly or not, and rights are enabled or diminished. However, data analytics introduces wrinkles or moral hurdles in how to think about ethics. Questions of accountability, privacy, surveillance, bias, and power stretch standard tools to examine whether a decision is good, ethical, or just. Dealing with these questions requires different frameworks to understand what is wrong and what could be better. Ethics of Data and Analytics: Concepts and Cases does not search for a new, different answer or to ban all technology in favor of human decision-making. The text takes a more skeptical, ironic approach to current answers and concepts while identifying and having solidarity with others. Applying this to the endeavor to understand the ethics of data and analytics, the text emphasizes finding multiple ethical approaches as ways to engage with current problems to find better solutions rather than prioritizing one set of concepts or theories. The book works through cases to understand those marginalized by data analytics programs as well as those empowered by them. Three themes run throughout the book. First, data analytics programs are value-laden in that technologies create moral consequences, reinforce or undercut ethical principles, and enable or diminish rights and dignity. This places an additional focus on the role of developers in their incorporation of values in the design of data analytics programs. Second, design is critical. In the majority of the cases examined, the purpose is to improve the design and development of data analytics programs. Third, data analytics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning are about power. The discussion of power—who has it, who gets to keep it, and who is marginalized—weaves throughout the chapters, theories, and cases. In discussing ethical frameworks, the text focuses on critical theories that question power structures and default assumptions and seek to emancipate the marginalized.

Ethics of Driving Automation: Artificial Agency and Human Values (Studies in Applied Philosophy, Epistemology and Rational Ethics #65)

by Fabio Fossa

This book offers a systematic and thorough philosophical analysis of the ways in which driving automation crosses path with ethical values. Upon introducing the different forms of driving automation and examining their relation to human autonomy, it provides readers with in-depth reflections on safety, privacy, moral judgment, control, responsibility, sustainability, and other ethical issues. Driving is undoubtedly a moral activity as a human act. Transferring it to artificial agents such as connected and automated vehicles necessarily raises many philosophical questions. When driving is automated, what happens to its ethical dimensions? Could artificial agents accomplish ethical objectives on our behalf, take moral decisions in our place, and drive us into a more ethical transportation future? In doing so, would they be “moral” as we are or in a way that is similar to, but also remarkably different from, our own? And what role is yet to be played by human responsibility and commitment? The book addresses these questions with the aim of stimulating an interdisciplinary dialogue between different stakeholders. They include automotive engineers, computer scientists, and moral philosophers, as well as industry representatives, policymakers, regulators, transportation experts, and the general public. Indeed, connected and automated vehicles will not take the high road for us . We must drive them there.

Ethics of Information and Communication Technologies (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)

by Adriano Fabris

This book discusses key ethical and deontological problems concerning the use of the most common information and communication devices. It focuses on the challenges of the new environments we now find ourselves in thanks to these technologies, and the issues arising from the newly established relationship between the virtual sphere and the real world. Each aspect is analysed by starting from a very specific example or a case study presenting a dilemma that can only be resolved by making a reasoned ethical choice. Rather than thematically addressing only one of the many aspects mentioned above (for example, computer ethics or social network ethics), the book presents a comprehensive introduction to, and a co-ordinated overview of, the various deontological and ethical issues regarding the spread of the most common information and communication technologies.

Ethics of Medical AI (The International Library of Ethics, Law and Technology #24)

by Giovanni Rubeis

This is the first book to provide a coherent overview over the ethical implications of AI-related technologies in medicine. It explores how these technologies transform practices, relationships, and environments in the clinical field. It provides an introduction into ethical issues such as data security and privacy protection, bias and algorithmic fairness, trust and transparency, challenges to the doctor-patient relationship, and new perspectives for informed consent. The book focuses on the transformative impact that technology is having on medicine, and discusses several strategies for dealing with the resulting challenges. It also introduces innovative methods of ethics research for addressing existing desiderata and future challenges. This book is written to inform health care professionals, policy-makers, and researchers in medicine, health sciences, nursing science, social sciences, and ethics, but may also function as a primary textbook for graduate as wellas undergraduate university courses.

Ethics of the Algorithm: Digital Humanities and Holocaust Memory

by Todd Presner

How computational methods can expand how we see, read, and listen to Holocaust testimonyThe Holocaust is one of the most documented—and now digitized—events in human history. Institutions and archives hold hundreds of thousands of hours of audio and video testimony, composed of more than a billion words in dozens of languages, with millions of pieces of descriptive metadata. It would take several lifetimes to engage with these testimonies one at a time. Computational methods could be used to analyze an entire archive—but what are the ethical implications of &“listening&” to Holocaust testimonies by means of an algorithm? In this book, Todd Presner explores how the digital humanities can provide both new insights and humanizing perspectives for Holocaust memory and history.Presner suggests that it is possible to develop an &“ethics of the algorithm&” that mediates between the ethical demands of listening to individual testimonies and the interpretative possibilities of computational methods. He delves into thousands of testimonies and witness accounts, focusing on the analysis of trauma, language, voice, genre, and the archive itself. Tracing the affordances of digital tools that range from early, proto-computational approaches to more recent uses of automatic speech recognition and natural language processing, Presner introduces readers to what may be the ultimate expression of these methods: AI-driven testimonies that use machine learning to process responses to questions, offering a user experience that seems to replicate an actual conversation with a Holocaust survivor.With Ethics of the Algorithm, Presner presents a digital humanities argument for how big data models and computational methods can be used to preserve and perpetuate cultural memory.

The Ethics of Virtual and Augmented Reality: Building Worlds (Routledge Research in Applied Ethics)

by Erick Jose Ramirez

This book offers new ways of thinking about and assessing the impact of virtual reality on its users. It argues that we must go beyond traditional psychological concepts of VR "presence" to better understand the many varieties of virtual experiences. The author provides compelling evidence that VR simulations are capable of producing "virtually real" experiences in people. He also provides a framework for understanding when and how simulations induce virtually real experiences. From these insights, the book shows that virtually real experiences are responsible for several unaddressed ethical issues in VR research and design. Experimental philosophers, moral psychologists, and institutional review boards must become sensitive to the ethical issues involved between designing "realistic" virtual dilemmas, for good data collection, and avoiding virtually real trauma. Ethicists and game designers must do more to ensure that their simulations don’t inculcate harmful character traits. Virtually real experiences, the author claims, can make virtual relationships meaningful, productive, and conducive to welfare but they can also be used to systematically mislead and manipulate users about the nature of their experiences. The Ethics of Virtual and Augmented Reality will appeal to philosophers working in applied ethics, philosophy of technology, and aesthetics, as well as researchers and students interested in game studies and game design.

Ethik künstlicher Intelligenz: Eine Topographie zur praktischen Orientierung (essentials)

by Michael Funk

Künstliche Intelligenz ist zum vielschichtigen Gegenstand ethischer Debatten geworden. Ob Richtlinien fairer Digitalisierung und vertrauenswürdiger Algorithmen, Gestaltung nachhaltiger Geschäftsmodelle, informatische Grundbildung in Schulen oder Existenzfragen freiheitlich-demokratischer Gesellschaften – KI-Ethik steht vor komplexen Herausforderungen. Grundsätzlicher Klärungsbedarf entsteht durch die verschiedenen Zugänge, Interessen und Begrifflichkeiten, die aufeinandertreffen. Vorliegendes essential präsentiert auf zugängliche Weise wissenschaftliches Überblickswissen zur KI-Ethik. Als praktische Orientierungshilfe im komplexen Terrain dient eine thematische Topographie, einschließlich zentraler Begriffe. Zusammenhänge zwischen Industrie 5.0, Regulierung, Post- und Transhumanismus, selbstfahrenden Autos, moralischen Maschinen, nachhaltiger Digitalisierung oder dem Anthropozän werden mit Blick auf KI-Ethik systematisch sichtbar gemacht.

Ethnomethodological Conversation Analysis in Motion: Emerging Methods and New Technologies

by Pentti Haddington, Tiina Eilittä, Antti Kamunen, Laura Kohonen-Aho, Tuire Oittinen, Iira Rautiainen and Anna Vatanen

This volume discusses current and emerging trends in Ethnomethodological Conversation Analysis (EMCA). Focusing on step-by-step procedures of talk and interaction in real time, EMCA explores how people – through locally-produced, public, and common-sensical practices – accomplish activities together and thereby make sense and create social order as part of their everyday lives. The volume is divided into four parts, and it provides a timely methodological contribution by exploring new questions, settings, and recording technologies in EMCA for the study of social interaction. It addresses the methodical diversity in EMCA, including current practices as well as those testing its boundaries, and paves way for the development of future interaction research. At the same time, the book offers readers a glimpse into the ways in which human and non-human participants operate with each other and make sense of the world around them. The authors represent diverse fields of research, such as language studies, sociology, social psychology, human-computer interaction, and cognitive science. Ultimately, the book is a conversation opener that invites critical and constructive dialogue on how EMCA’s methodology and toolbox could be developed for the purpose of acquiring richer perspectives on endogenous social action. This is key reading for researchers and advanced students on a range of courses on conversation analysis, language in interaction, discourse studies, multimodality and more.

The Ethos of Digital Environments: Technology, Literary Theory and Philosophy (Perspectives on the Non-Human in Literature and Culture)

by Susanna Lindberg

While self-driving cars and autonomous weapon systems have received a great deal of attention in media and research, the general requirements of ethical life in today’s digitalizing reality have not been made sufficiently visible and evaluable. This collection of articles from both distinguished and emerging authors working at the intersections of philosophy, literary theory, media, and technology does not intend to fix new moral rules. Instead, the volume explores the ethos of digital environments, asking how we can orient ourselves in them and inviting us to renewed moral reflection in the face of dilemmas they entail. The authors show how contemporary digital technologies model our perception, narration as well as our conceptions of truth, and investigate the ethical, moral, and juridical consequences of making public and societal infrastructures computational. They argue that we must make the structures of the digital environments visible and learn to care for them.

ETL with Azure Cookbook

by Christian Cote Matija Lah

This book is for data warehouse architects, ETL developers, and anyone who wants to build scalable ETL applications in Azure. It is also relevant for those looking to extend their existing on-premises ETL applications to use big data and a variety of Azure services. If you want to migrate your existing on-premises solutions to the Azure cloud platform, you’ll find this book useful. Familiarity with SQL Server services is necessary.

eTrust: Forming Relationships in the Online World

by Chris Snijders Coye Cheshire Karen S. Cook Vincent Buskens

There is one thing that moves online consumers to click “add to cart,” that allows sellers to accept certain forms of online payment, and that makes online product reviews meaningful: trust. Without trust, online interactions can’t advance. But how is trust among strangers established on the Internet? What role does reputation play in the formation of online trust? In eTrust, editors Karen Cook, Chris Snijders, Vincent Buskens, and Coye Cheshire explore the unmapped territory where trust, reputation, and online relationships intersect, with major implications for online commerce and social networking. eTrust uses experimental studies and field research to examine how trust in anonymous online exchanges can create or diminish cooperation between people. The first part of the volume looks at how feedback affects online auctions using trust experiments. Gary Bolton and Axel Ockenfels find that the availability of feedback leads to more trust among one-time buyers, while Davide Barrera and Vincent Buskens demonstrate that, in investment transactions, the buyer’s own experience guides decision making about future transactions with sellers. The field studies in Part II of the book examine the degree to which reputation facilitates trust in online exchanges. Andreas Diekmann, Ben Jann, and David Wyder identify a “reputation premium” in mobile phone auctions, which not only drives future transactions between buyers and sellers but also payment modes and starting bids. Chris Snijders and Jeroen Weesie shift focus to the market for online programmers, where tough competition among programmers allows buyers to shop around. The book’s third section reveals how the quality and quantity of available information influences actual marketplace participants. Sonja Utz finds that even when unforeseen accidents hinder transactions—lost packages, computer crashes—the seller is still less likely to overcome repercussions from the negative feedback of dissatisfied buyers. So much of our lives are becoming enmeshed with the Internet, where ordinary social cues and reputational networks that support trust in the real world simply don’t apply. eTrust breaks new ground by articulating the conditions under which trust can evolve and grow online, providing both theoretical and practical insights for anyone interested in how online relationships influence our decisions. A Volume in the Russell Sage Foundation Series on Trust

Etsy Excellence: The Simple Guide to Creating a Thriving Etsy Business

by Tycho Press

The Ambitious Crafter's Guide to a Profitable Etsy Shop More than a marketplace, Etsy is a community—and being an active, informed member can lead to lucrative results. This book provides actionable steps to help shop owners engage the Etsy community in authentic ways that attract buyers and generate sales. The best Etsy shops stand out among the sea of sellers and a draw loyal customer base, but how they've done it isn't—and shouldn't be—a secret. In these pages, top Etsy sellers share the tools that have helped them, the changes they made that yielded positive results, and their best advice for achieving and sustaining a successful Etsy shop. Beyond sellers' words of wisdom, this book offers a roadmap all Etsy sellers can follow in order to: - Choose keywords and tags to drive traffic to your Etsy shop - Photograph your products for maximum appeal - Create a unique Etsy shop that stands out - Write winning product descriptions - Price your goods appropriately - Market your products effectively on social media platforms - Maintain lasting relationships with your Etsy customers - Diversify your Etsy product offerings

Etudes for ClojureScript

by J. David Eisenberg

A short composition that provides practice material for a particular musical skill is called an étude. In this hands-on book, you’ll find more than 30 études to help you practice ClojureScript skills for specific programming areas, ranging from functions and variables to asynchronous processing. Each of these small projects includes a description of a program that you will compose (write) in ClojureScript.Though not as difficult as their musical counterparts, these programming études will help you stretch beyond the material and examples that you find in most ClojureScript books or online references. One chapter features études for an open-ended project that will help you put together what you’ve learned. Solutions to each étude are revealed in the appendix.Programming areas include:Working with functions and variables with def and letInteracting with JavaScript and web pages, using several librariesLists, vectors, and higher-order map, filter, and reduce functionsData mapping with ClojureScriptUsing different ClojureScript libraries to program with ReactAdding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing rational and complex numbers with defprotocol and defrecordAsynchronous processing with core.async

The EU AI Act: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

by Paul Voigt Nils Hullen

The AI Act of the European Union regulates the development and use of AI comprehensively and for all sectors. Companies, as well as NGOs and public authorities, are subject to obligations under the new European regulation, even if they are located outside of the EU. Readers of this handbook are introduced to the EU AI Act in an easy-to-read Q&A-style. The book addresses all relevant questions and provides guidance on how to deal with the obligations for providers, deployers and other stakeholders of the AI ecosystem, enabling compliance with the requirements of the AI Act: What is ‘Artificial Intelligence’ in terms of the EU AI Act? Which AI systems and operators are in scope? What general requirements apply to AI systems and general-purpose AI models? Which AI practices are prohibited? How does the risk-based approach of the AI Act work? How do GDPR and AI Act interact? What technical standards can be implemented to comply with the AI Act? Which fines apply in case of infringements? The book will address these questions and many more in order to facilitate the application and implementation of the EU AI Act for stakeholders of all shapes and sizes.

EU Annex 11 Guide to Computer Validation Compliance for the Worldwide Health Agency GMP

by Orlando Lopez

Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) ensures medicinal products are produced consistently and controlled to the quality standards appropriate for their intended use and as required by product specifications or marketing authorization. Annex 11 details the European Medicines Agency (EMA) GMP requirements for computer systems.The purpose of Annex 11 is

The EU Artificial Intelligence Act: Regulating Subliminal AI Systems (Routledge Research in the Law of Emerging Technologies)

by Rostam J. Neuwirth

AI in combination with other innovative technologies promises to bring unprecedented opportunities to all aspects of life. These technologies, however, hold great dangers, especially for the manipulation of the human mind, which have given rise to serious ethical concerns. Apart from some sectoral regulatory efforts to address these concerns, no regulatory framework for AI has yet been adopted though in 2021 the European Commission of the EU published a draft Act on Artificial Intelligence and UNESCO followed suit with a Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence. The book contextualises the future regulation of AI, specifically addressing the regulatory challenges relating to the planned prohibition of the use of AI systems that deploy subliminal techniques. The convergence of AI with various related technologies, such as brain–computer interfaces, functional magnetic resonance imaging, robotics and big data, already allows for "mind reading" or "dream hacking" through brain spyware, as well as other practices that intrude on cognition and the right to freedom of thought. Future innovations will enhance the possibilities for manipulating thoughts and behaviour, and they threaten to cause serious harm to individuals as well as to society as a whole. The issue of subliminal perception and the ability to deceive and manipulate the mind below the threshold of awareness causes severe difficulties for law and democracy and raises important questions for the future of society. This book shows how cognitive, technological, and legal questions are intrinsically interwoven, and aims to stimulate an urgently needed transdisciplinary and transnational debate between students, academics, practitioners, policymakers and citizens interested not only in the law but also in disciplines including computer science, neuroscience, sociology, political science, marketing and psychology.

EU Competition Law, the Consumer Interest and Data Protection

by Federico Ferretti

The legitimacy or illegitimacy of information exchanges between competitors remains a topical debate with regard to EU competition law and policy. This book reexamines the issue in the retail financial services sector, focusing on the peculiar problems that it poses for EU market integration, consumer policy and protection and the intersection with fundamental rights. It analyzes and reflects on the relevant case law and guidelines offered by the corresponding European authorities, providing a critique of the current approach and advancing the proposition that information markets themselves need attention, in addition to the markets that they serve. The book also advances new perspectives on cases in which consumers' personal information is involved in the exchange, recognizing the inevitable interaction between EU competition law, the interests and protection of consumers and personal data protection. It suggests that the status quo under competition law is unsatisfactorily short sighted and that the EU should take a holistic approach (including information markets) to the analysis of competition law, reflecting consumer protection and fundamental rights aspects in the assessment.

EU-Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO)

by Paul Voigt Axel von dem Bussche

Dieses Praktikerhandbuch enthält Hinweise zur praktischen Umsetzung der EU-Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO) sowie eine systematische Analyse der neuen Vorschriften. Das Handbuch widmet sich unter anderem den organisatorischen und materiellen Datenschutzanforderungen, den Rechten der betroffenen Personen, der Rolle der Aufsichtsbehörden, der Rechtsdurchsetzung und den Bußgeldern nach der Verordnung, sowie nationalen Besonderheiten. Das deutsche Datenschutz-Anpassungs- und Umsetzungsgesetz EU (DSAnpUG-EU) wurde bereits umfassend berücksichtigt. Zusätzlich gewährt das Handbuch einen kompakten Überblick zu den Konsequenzen der Neuregelung für ausgewählte Verarbeitungssituationen mit hoher Praxisrelevanz, wie Cloud Computing, Big Data und Internet of Things. Die im Jahr 2016 verabschiedete DSGVO tritt im Mai 2018 in Kraft. Sie sieht zahlreiche neue bzw. verstärkte Datenschutzpflichten sowie eine deutliche Erhöhung der Bußgelder (auf bis zu 20 Mio. Euro) vor. Nicht nur in der Europäischen Union ansässige Unternehmen werden daher ihre Datenschutz-Compliance auf den Prüfstand stellen müssen; aufgrund des weiten, grenzüberschreitenden Anwendungsbereichs der Verordnung wird ihr Inkrafttreten Auswirkungen auf zahlreiche Unternehmen weltweit haben.

EU-Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO): Praktikerhandbuch

by Paul Voigt Axel von dem Bussche

Dieses Praktikerhandbuch gibt einen praxisnahen Überblick über die Vorgaben der DSGVO und das deutsche Datenschutzrecht. Das Handbuch widmet sich unter anderem den organisatorischen und materiellen Datenschutzanforderungen, den Rechten der betroffenen Personen, der Rolle der Aufsichtsbehörden, den Schadensersatzanspüchen und den Bußgeldern nach der Verordnung, sowie deutschen nationalen Besonderheiten. Es enthält zahlreiche Praxishinweise und Anwendungsbeispiele sowie eine kompakte Übersicht zu den datenschutzrechtlichen Vorgaben für ausgewählte Verarbeitungssituationen mit hoher Praxisrelevanz, wie Cloud Computing, Big Data und Künstliche Intelligenz. Das Handbuch wurde für die zweite Auflage vollständig überarbeitet und berücksichtigt umfangreich neue datenschutzrechtliche Rechtsprechung und Behördenstellungnahmen.

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): A Practical Guide

by Paul Voigt Axel von dem Bussche

Six years have passed since the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) entered into force. With its numerous data protection obligations and the threat of high fines, companies had to change their approach to data protection. It has been an ongoing challenge for companies to keep up with the constant changes deriving from a plethora of new decisions by courts and supervisory authorities. The 2nd Edition of this book provides a practical overview of the requirements of the GDPR. Examples, tables, and checklists showcase the requirements of the GDPR, whilst also giving practical tips to tackle the regulatory challenges. The handbook examines the GDPR’s scope of application, the organisational and material requirements of the GDPR, the rights of data subjects, the role of the supervisory authorities, and enforcement and fines. The book has been completely revised for the second edition and takes extensive account of new data protection case law and regulatory guidelines.

EU Internet Law

by Tatiana-Eleni Synodinou Philippe Jougleux Christiana Markou Thalia Prastitou

This book provides an overview of recent and future legal developments concerning the digital era, to examine the extent to which law has or will further evolve in order to adapt to its new digitalized context. More specifically it focuses on some of the most important legal issues found in areas directly connected with the Internet, such as intellectual property, data protection, consumer law, criminal law and cybercrime, media law and, lastly, the enforcement and application of law. By adopting this horizontal approach, it highlights - on the basis of analysis and commentary of recent and future EU legislation as well as of the latest CJEU and ECtHR case law - the numerous challenges faced by law in this new digital era. This book is of great interest to academics, students, researchers, practitioners and policymakers specializing in Internet law, data protection, intellectual property, consumer law, media law and cybercrime as well as to judges dealing with the application and enforcement of Internet law in practice.

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