- Table View
- List View
Excel 2007 for Biological and Life Sciences Statistics
by Meghan Quirk Thomas J Quirk Howard HortonThis is the first book to show the capabilities of Microsoft Excel to teach biological and life sciences statistics effectively. It is a step-by-step exercise-driven guide for students and practitioners who need to master Excel to solve practical science problems. If understanding statistics isn't your strongest suit, you are not especially mathematically-inclined, or if you are wary of computers, this is the right book for you. Excel, a widely available computer program for students and managers, is also an effective teaching and learning tool for quantitative analyses in science courses. Its powerful computational ability and graphical functions make learning statistics much easier than in years past. However, Excel 2007 for Biological and Life Sciences Statistics: A Guide to Solving Practical Problems is the first book to capitalize on these improvements by teaching students and managers how to apply Excel to statistical techniques necessary in their courses and work. Each chapter explains statistical formulas and directs the reader to use Excel commands to solve specific, easy-to-understand science problems. Practice problems are provided at the end of each chapter with their solutions in an appendix. Separately, there is a full Practice Test (with answers in an Appendix) that allows readers to test what they have learned.
Excel 2007 For Dummies (For Dummies Computers Ser.)
by Greg HarveyOne look at Excel 2007, with its new Office Button, Quick Access toolbar, and Ribbon, and you realize you’re not in Kansas anymore. Well, have no fear— Excel 2007 for Dummies is here! If you’ve never worked with a computer spreadsheet, or if you’ve had some experience with earlier versions of Excel but need help transitioning, here you’ll find everything you need to create, edit, format, and print your own worksheets (without sacrificing your sanity!). Excel 2007 for Dummies covers all the fundamental techniques, concentrating on only the easiest, most user-friendly ways to get things done. You’ll discover how to: Rearrange, delete and insert new information Keep track of and organize data in a single worksheet Transfer data between the sheets of different workbooks Create a chart using the data in a worksheet Add hyperlinks and graphics to worksheets And more! Plus, in keeping with Excel 2007’s more graphical and colorful look, Excel 2007 for Dummies has taken on some color of its own, with full-color plates in the mid-section of the book illustrating exactly what you’ll see on your screen. Whether you read it from cover to cover or skip to the sections that answer your specific questions, the simple guidance in this book will have you excelling at home or in the office no time.
Excel 2007 for Educational and Psychological Statistics
by Thomas J QuirkThis is the first book to show the capabilities of Microsoft Excel to teach educational and psychological statistics effectively. It is a step-by-step exercise-driven guide for students and practitioners who need to master Excel to solve practical problems using statistics. If understanding statistics isn't your strongest suit, you are not especially mathematically-inclined, or if you are wary of computers, this is the right book for you. Excel, a widely available computer program for students and practitioners, is also an effective teaching and learning tool for quantitative analyses in courses in education and psychology. Its powerful computational ability and graphical functions make learning statistics much easier than in years past. However, Excel 2007 for Educational and Psychological Statistics: A Guide to Solving Practical Problems is the first book to capitalize on these improvements by teaching students and managers how to apply Excel to statistical techniques necessary in their courses and work. Each chapter explains statistical formulas and directs the reader to use Excel commands to solve specific, easy-to-understand statistics problems. Practice problems are provided at the end of each chapter with their solutions in an appendix. Separately, there is a full Practice Test (with answers in an Appendix) that allows readers to test what they have learned.
Excel 2007 for Social Science Statistics
by Thomas J QuirkThis is the first book to show the capabilities of Microsoft Excel to teach social science statistics effectively. It is a step-by-step exercise-driven guide for students and practitioners who need to master Excel to solve practical problems. If understanding statistics isn’t your strongest suit, you are not especially mathematically-inclined, or if you are wary of computers, this is the right book for you. <P> Excel, a widely available computer program for students and managers, is also an effective teaching and learning tool for quantitative analyses in social science courses. Its powerful computational ability and graphical functions make learning statistics much easier than in years past. However, Excel 2007 for Social Science Statistics: A Guide to Solving Practical Problems is the first book to capitalize on these improvements by teaching students and managers how to apply Excel to statistical techniques necessary in their courses and work.<P><P> Each chapter explains statistical formulas and directs the reader to use Excel commands to solve specific, easy-to-understand problems. Practice problems are provided at the end of each chapter with their solutions in an appendix. Separately, there is a full Practice Test (with answers in an Appendix) that allows readers to test what they have learned.
Excel 2007 for Starters: The Missing Manual (Missing Manual)
by Matthew MacDonaldFast-paced and easy to use, this new book teaches you the basics of Excel 2007 so you can start using the program right away. This concise guide shows readers how to work with Excel's most useful features and its completely redesigned interface. With clear explanations, step-by-step instructions, lots of illustrations, and plenty of timesaving advice, Excel 2007 for Starters: The Missing Manual will quickly teach you to: Build spreadsheetsAdd and format informationPrint reportsCreate charts and graphicsUse basic formulas and functionsand moreThe new Excel is radically different from previous versions. Over the years, Excel has grown in power, sophistication and capability, but its once-simple toolbar has been packed with so many features that not even the pros could find them all. For Excel 2007, Microsoft redesigned the user interface completely, adding a tabbed toolbar that makes every feature easy to locate. Unfortunately, Microsoft's documentation is as scant as ever, so even if you find the features you need, you still may not know what to do with them. But with this book, you can breeze through the new user interface and its timesaving features in no time. Excel 2007 for Starters: The Missing Manual is the perfect primer for small businesses with no techie to turn to, as well as those who want to organize household and office information.
Excel 2007 PivotTables and PivotCharts
by Paul McfedriesWelcome to the only guidebook series that takes a visual approach to professional-level computer topics. Open the book and you'll discover step-by-step screen shots that demonstrate over 130 key techniques for working with PivotTables and PivotCharts, including: Building PivotTables from Excel ranges Customizing PivotTable field lists Converting PivotTables to regular data Grouping numeric, text, or date/time values Developing various summary calculations Turning a PivotTable into a PivotChart Displaying data tables with a PivotChart Creating an OLAP cube data source Exporting Access(r) PivotTable(r) forms to Excel Using Microsoft Query with PivotTables EXTRA Apply It "Apply It" and "Extra" sidebars highlight useful tips High-resolution screen shots demonstrate each task Succinct explanations walk you through step by step Two-page lessons break big topics into bite-sized modules
Excel 2007 PL. Leksykon kieszonkowy. Wydanie II
by Curt FryePodr?czne kompendium wiedzy dla u?ytkowników ExcelaExcel nale?y do grupy tych aplikacji, których u?ytkownicy wykorzystuj? niewielk? cz??? mo?liwo?ci, nie zdaj?c sobie sprawy, jak ogromny potencja? narz?dzia pozostaje jeszcze nieodkryty. Program kojarzy si? z grupowaniem danych, tworzeniem zestawie? i wykresów, wystawianiem faktur i rachunków. Jednak Excel to znacznie wi?cej. Ogrom jego mo?liwo?ci powinno odkrywa? si? z grub? ksi?g? zawieraj?c? opisy narz?dzi oferowanych przez t? aplikacj?, ale w codziennej pracy opas?e tomiska okazuj? si? kompletnie niepraktyczne W takich sytuacjach nieocenion? pomoc? staj? si? podr?czne zestawienia najwa?niejszych wiadomo?ci.Ksi??ka "Excel 2007 PL. Leksykon kieszonkowy. Wydanie II" to w?a?nie takie zestawienie. Zebrano w niej najistotniejsze dla u?ytkownika informacje dotycz?ce najnowszej wersji Excela, nosz?cej oznaczenie 2007. Czytaj?c j?, poznasz nowy interfejs u?ytkownika, budow? dokumentów Excela i narz?dzia autokorekty. Nauczysz si? wprowadza? dane, formatowa? je i wykorzystywa? do oblicze?. Skorzystasz z przydatnych funkcji i formu?, stworzysz wykresy i prawid?owo wydrukujesz arkusz na drukarce. Przeczytasz tak?e o tabelach przestawnych, sterowaniu sposobem wy?wietlania danych i publikowaniu arkuszy w sieci.Interfejs u?ytkownikaPasek narz?dziStruktura dokumentu ExcelaPraca z plikamiDrukowanieWprowadzanie i formatowanie danychFormu?y i funkcjeWykresyTabele przestawnePracuj efektywniej. Korzystaj z praktycznych porad zebranych w jednej, por?cznej ksi??ce.
Excel 2007 PL. Nieoficjalny podr?cznik
by Matthew MacDonaldKompletny podr?cznik dla u?ytkowników Excela -- odpowiedzi na wszystkie pytania w jednym miejscu Chcesz dowiedzie? si?, do czego s?u?š setki podstawowych i zaawansowanych funkcji Excela? Chcesz pozna? przydatne sztuczki znacznie przyspieszajšce prac?? Chcesz nauczy? si? wykonywa? z?o?one operacje na danych? Excel od wielu lat wyznacza standardy w dziedzinie arkuszy kalkulacyjnych i jest zdecydowanie najpopularniejszym produktem tego typu. Tak te? jest w przypadku najnowszej wersji, Excel 2007, która udost?pnia przebudowany i wygodniejszy interfejs, efektywniejsze wykresy czy nowe narz?dzia do zarzšdzania danymi. Jednak pomimo wielu wyda? program ten nie doczeka? si? kompletnego podr?cznika u?ytkownika, który opisywa?by zarówno jego podstawowe, jak i zaawansowane funkcje oraz umo?liwia? wykorzystanie pe?ni jego mo?liwo?ci. "Excel 2007. Nieoficjalny podr?cznik" ma wype?nia? luk? w obszarze wszechstronnych omówie? tego popularnego programu. Dzi?ki tej ksiš?ce krok po kroku poznasz zmieniony interfejs i nowe funkcje Excela 2007, a tak?e zaczniesz sprawnie porusza? si? w tej aplikacji. Dowiesz si?, jak efektywnie zarzšdza? informacjami, formatowa? komórki czy wykonywa? obliczenia o ró?nym poziomie z?o?ono?ci. Zobaczysz, jak tworzy? atrakcyjne i przejrzyste wykresy oraz stosowa? zaawansowane techniki analizy danych. Nauczysz si? tak?e wielu praktycznych sztuczek, które w znacznym stopniu przyspieszajš wykonywanie operacji w Excelu 2007. Przeglšd interfejsu Excela 2007 Zarzšdzanie danymi, arkuszami i skoroszytami Formatowanie komórek Wykonywanie oblicze? matematycznych i finansowych Manipulowanie datami, czasem i tekstem Tworzenie i poprawianie z?o?onych formu? Zaawansowana obs?uga i analiza danych Tworzenie szablonów i korzystanie z nich Generowanie efektownych wykresów Wspó?praca z bazami danych i innymi programami Programowanie w Excelu Poznaj mo?liwo?ci Excela 2007 i wygodnie zarzšdzaj informacjami zarówno w biurze, jak i w domu.
Excel 2007 Pocket Guide: A Quick Reference to Common Tasks
by Curtis D. FryeMoving to Excel 2007 is not a routine upgrade. Microsoft's radical redesign of the application's user interface has led to confusion among many who people who have relied on Excel for years. Our new edition of the Excel 2007 Pocket Guide has been written from the ground up to help newcomers and longtime users alike find their way around without getting lost.With this book in hand, you'll be able to find your favorite Excel tools quickly. It's packed with information to guide beginners through the basics of creating spreadsheets and entering data, while providing advanced users with information on formulas, pivot tables, and more. Inside, you'll find:A visual guide to the new "Ribbon" interface that helps users find familiar toolsA section designed to give beginners enough information to dive right in and start creating rich Excel workbooks immediatelyQuick answers about how to perform specific tasks in Excel, such as working with files, editing data, formatting, summarizing and displaying dataConvenient techniques for connecting data across worksheets and projectsHelp for moving from the basics of spreadsheet construction to more advanced featuresThis edition also includes an extensive reference on commonly used formulas, which reveal at a glance the many possibilities Excel 2007 provides for easy calculation. Tasks in the book are presented as answers to "How do I..." questions -- such as "How do I change the formatting of part of a cell's contents?" -- followed by concise instructions for performing the task. You'll learn ways to customize Excel to fit your needs, and how to share workbooks and collaborate with others. And much more.Don't let Excel 2007 baffle you. Pick up this convenient pocket guide and learn to navigate this redesigned application with ease.
Excel 2007 Pocket Guide, 2nd Edition
by Curt FryeMoving to Excel 2007 is not a routine upgrade. Microsoft's radical redesign of the application's user interface has led to confusion among many who people who have relied on Excel for years. Our new edition of the Excel 2007 Pocket Guide is packed with information to guide beginners through the basics of creating spreadsheets and entering data, while providing advanced users with information on formulas, pivot tables, and more.
Excel 2007 Pocket Guide, 2nd Edition
by Curtis FryeMoving to Excel 2007 is not a routine upgrade. Microsoft's radical redesign of the application's user interface has led to confusion among many who people who have relied on Excel for years. Our new edition of the Excel 2007 Pocket Guide has been written from the ground up to help newcomers and longtime users alike find their way around without getting lost. With this book in hand, you'll be able to find your favorite Excel tools quickly. It's packed with information to guide beginners through the basics of creating spreadsheets and entering data, while providing advanced users with information on formulas, pivot tables, and more. Inside, you'll find: A visual guide to the new "Ribbon" interface that helps users find familiar tools A section designed to give beginners enough information to dive right in and start creating rich Excel workbooks immediately Quick answers about how to perform specific tasks in Excel, such as working with files, editing data, formatting, summarizing and displaying data Convenient techniques for connecting data across worksheets and projects Help for moving from the basics of spreadsheet construction to more advanced features This edition also includes an extensive reference on commonly used formulas, which reveal at a glance the many possibilities Excel 2007 provides for easy calculation. Tasks in the book are presented as answers to "How do I..." questions -- such as "How do I change the formatting of part of a cell's contents?" -- followed by concise instructions for performing the task. You'll learn ways to customize Excel to fit your needs, and how to share workbooks and collaborate with others. And much more. Don't let Excel 2007 baffle you. Pick up this convenient pocket guide and learn to navigate this redesigned application with ease.
Excel 2007 Power Programming with VBA (Mr. Spreadsheet's Bookshelf #2)
by John WalkenbachThis book is a single reference that’s indispensable for Excel beginners, intermediate users, power users, and would-be power users everywhere Fully updated for the new release, this latest edition provides comprehensive, soup-to-nuts coverage, delivering over 900 pages of Excel tips, tricks, and techniques readers won’t find anywhere else John Walkenbach, aka "Mr. Spreadsheet," is one of the world’s leading authorities on Excel Thoroughly updated to cover the revamped Excel interface, new file formats, enhanced interactivity with other Office applications, and upgraded collaboration features Includes a valuable CD-ROM with templates and worksheets from the book Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
Excel© 2007 VBA Programmer's Reference
by John GreenThis book is aimed squarely at Excel users who want to harness the power of the VBA language in their Excel applications. At all times, the VBA language is presented in the context of Excel, not just as a general application programming language. The Primer has been written for those who are new to VBA programming and the Excel object model. It introduces the VBA language and the features of the language that are common to all VBA applications. It explains the relationship between collections, objects, properties, methods, and events and shows how to relate these concepts to Excel through its object model. It also shows how to use the Visual Basic Editor and its multitude of tools, including how to obtain help. The middle section of the book takes the key objects in Excel and shows, through many practical examples, how to go about working with those objects. The techniques presented have been developed through the exchange of ideas of many talented Excel VBA programmers over many years and show the best way to gain access to workbooks, worksheets, charts, ranges, and so on. The emphasis is on efficiency--that is, how to write code that is readable and easy to maintain and that runs at maximum speed. In addition, the chapters devoted to accessing external databases detail techniques for accessing data in a range of formats. The final four chapters of the book address the following advanced issues: linking Excel to the Internet, writing code for international compatibility, programming the Visual Basic Editor, and how to use the functions in the Win32 API (Windows 32-bit Application Programming Interface).
Excel 2007 VBA Programming For Dummies
by John Walkenbach Jan Karel PieterseStep-by-step instructions for creating VBA macrosHarness the power of VBA and create custom Excel applicationsMake Excel 2007 work for you! This clear, nonintimidating guide shows you how to use VBA to create Excel apps that look and work the way you want. Packed with plenty of sample programs, it explains how to work with range objects, control program flow, develop custom dialog boxes, create custom toolbars and menus, and much more.Discover how toGrasp essential programming conceptsUse the Visual Basic EditorNavigate the new Excel user interfaceCommunicate with your usersDeal with errors and bugs
Excel 2010: The Missing Manual (The\missing Manual Ser.)
by Matthew MacDonaldExcel, the world's most popular spreadsheet program, has the muscle to analyze heaps of data. Beyond basic number-crunching, Excel 2010 has many impressive features that are hard to find, much less master -- especially from online help pages. This Missing Manual clearly explains how everything works with a unique and witty style to help you learn quickly.Navigate with ease. Master Excel's tabbed toolbar and its new backstage viewPerform a variety of calculations. Write formulas for rounding numbers, calculating mortgage payments, and moreOrganize your data. Search, sort, and filter huge amounts of informationIllustrate trends. Bring your data to life with charts and graphics -- including miniature charts called SparklinesExamine your data. Summarize information and find hidden patterns with pivot tables and slicersShare your spreadsheets. Use the Excel Web App to collaborate with colleagues onlineRescue lost data. Restore old versions of data and find spreadsheets you forgot to save
Excel 2010 All-in-One For Dummies
by By Greg HarveyA comprehensive, up-to-date, user-friendly guide to Excel 2010 Excel is the standard for spreadsheet applications and is used worldwide, but it's not always user-friendly. That makes it a perfect For Dummies topic, and this handy all-in-one guide covers all the essentials, the new features, how to analyze data with Excel, and much more. Eight minibooks address Excel basics, worksheet design, formulas and functions, worksheet collaboration and review, charts and graphics, data management, data analysis, and Excel and VBA. Excel is the leading spreadsheet/data analysis software and is used throughout the world; the newest revision includes upgraded tools and a redesigned interface For Dummies books are the bestselling guides to Excel, with more than three million copies sold Excel 2010 All-in-One For Dummies covers the changes in the newest version as well as familiar tasks, such as creating and editing worksheets, setting up formulas, and performing statistical functions Eight self-contained minibooks cover the basics, worksheet design, formulas and functions, worksheet collaboration, presenting data in charts and graphics, data management, data analysis, and creating macros with VBA. Newcomers to Excel as well as veterans who just want to learn the latest version will find Excel 2010 All-in-One For Dummies has everything they need to know.
Excel 2010 Basic Student Manual, First Look Edition
by Axzo PressExcel 2010 Basic Student Manual First Look Edition
Excel 2010 Bible: Excel 2010 Bible, Access 2010 Bible, Powerpoint 2010 Bible, Word 2010 Bible (Bible #593)
by John WalkenbachA comprehensive reference to the newest version of the world’s most popular spreadsheet application: Excel 2010 John Walkenbach's name is synonymous with excellence in computer books that decipher complex technical topics. Known as "Mr. Spreadsheet," Walkenbach shows you how to maximize the power of all the new features of Excel 2010. An authoritative reference, this perennial bestseller proves itself indispensable no matter your level of skill, from Excel beginners and intermediate users to power users and potential power users everywhere. Fully updated for the new release, this latest edition provides comprehensive, soup-to-nuts coverage, delivering over 900 pages of Excel tips, tricks, and techniques you won’t find anywhere else. Excel guru and bestselling author John Walkenbach ("Mr. Spreadsheet") guides you through every aspect of Excel Delivers essential coverage of all the newest features of Excel 2010 Presents material in a clear, concise, logical format that is ideal for all levels of Excel experience Includes a CD that contains all the templates and worksheets used in the book plus John Walkenbach's award-winning Power Utility Pak Excel 2010 Bible serves as an excellent resource on all things Excel! Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
Excel 2010 Bible
by John WalkenbachA comprehensive reference to the newest version of the world's most popular spreadsheet application: Excel 2010 John Walkenbach's name is synonymous with excellence in computer books that decipher complex technical topics. Known as "Mr. Spreadsheet," Walkenbach shows you how to maximize the power of all the new features of Excel 2010. An authoritative reference, this perennial bestseller proves itself indispensable no matter your level of skill, from Excel beginners and intermediate users to power users and potential power users everywhere. Fully updated for the new release, this latest edition provides comprehensive, soup-to-nuts coverage, delivering over 900 pages of Excel tips, tricks, and techniques you won't find anywhere else. Excel guru and bestselling author John Walkenbach ("Mr. Spreadsheet") guides you through every aspect of Excel Delivers essential coverage of all the newest features of Excel 2010 Presents material in a clear, concise, logical format that is ideal for all levels of Excel experience Includes a CD that contains all the templates and worksheets used in the book plus John Walkenbach's award-winning Power Utility Pak Excel 2010 Bible serves as an excellent resource on all things Excel! Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
Excel 2010 Financials Cookbook
by Andre OdnohaThe Cookbook format means each technique is explained with step-by-step instructions, and you can jump straight to the techniques you need. You won't need to read this book from start to finish in order to get value out of it.This book is for anybody who wants to use Excel to manage their revenues, budgets, and other financials. It's especially suitable for small businesses that already use Excel and want to get more from it.
Excel 2010 for Biological and Life Sciences Statistics
by Thomas J Quirk Meghan Quirk Howard HortonThis is the first book to show the capabilities of Microsoft Excel to teach biological and life sciences statistics effectively. It is a step-by-step exercise-driven guide for students and practitioners who need to master Excel to solve practical science problems. If understanding statistics isn't your strongest suit, you are not especially mathematically-inclined, or if you are wary of computers, this is the right book for you. Excel, a widely available computer program for students and managers, is also an effective teaching and learning tool for quantitative analyses in science courses. Its powerful computational ability and graphical functions make learning statistics much easier than in years past. However, Excel 2010 for Biological and Life Sciences Statistics: A Guide to Solving Practical Problems is the first book to capitalize on these improvements by teaching students and managers how to apply Excel to statistical techniques necessary in their courses and work. Each chapter explains statistical formulas and directs the reader to use Excel commands to solve specific, easy-to-understand science problems. Practice problems are provided at the end of each chapter with their solutions in an appendix. Separately, there is a full Practice Test (with answers in an Appendix) that allows readers to test what they have learned.
Excel 2010 for Business Statistics
by Thomas J QuirkThis is the first book to show the capabilities of Microsoft Excel to teach business statistics effectively. It is a step-by-step exercise-driven guide for students and practitioners who need to master Excel to solve practical business problems. If understanding statistics isn't your strongest suit, you are not especially mathematically-inclined, or if you are wary of computers, this is the right book for you. Excel, a widely available computer program for students and managers, is also an effective teaching and learning tool for quantitative analyses in business courses. Its powerful computational ability and graphical functions make learning statistics much easier than in years past. However, Excel 2010 for Business Statistics: A Guide to Solving Practical Business Problems is the first book to capitalize on these improvements by teaching students and managers how to apply Excel to statistical techniques necessary in their courses and work. Each chapter explains statistical formulas and directs the reader to use Excel commands to solve specific, easy-to-understand business problems. Practice problems are provided at the end of each chapter with their solutions in an appendix. Separately, there is a full Practice Test (with answers in an Appendix) that allows readers to test what they have learned.
Excel 2010 For Dummies
by Greg HarveyThe bestselling Excel book on the market, updated for Excel 2010 As the world's leading spreadsheet application, Excel has a huge user base. The release of Office 2010 brings major changes to Excel, so Excel For Dummies comes to the rescue once more! In the friendly and non-threatening For Dummies style, this popular guide shows beginners how to get up and running with Excel and helps more experienced users get comfortable with new features. Excel is the number one spreadsheet application worldwide, and Excel For Dummies is the number one guide to using it With the major changes in Microsoft Office 2010, Excel has new features and a new interface design; users need help to get up to speed The book includes everything you need to know to perform basic Excel 2010 tasks Covers creating and editing worksheets and charts, formatting cells, entering formulas, inserting graphs, designing database forms, and adding database records Also covers printing, adding hyperlinks to worksheets, saving worksheets as Web pages, adding existing worksheet data to an existing Web page, and much more Whether you're new to Excel or just need to understand the 2010 version, Excel 2010 For Dummies provides what you need to know.
Excel 2010 For Dummies
by Greg HarveyCrunch numbers, create spreadsheets, and get up to speed on Excel 2010! This friendly book gets you started with the basics of Excel 2010, such as creating a spreadsheet from scratch, selecting commands from the Ribbon, customizing the Quick Access toolbar, creating simple formulas, moving and copying data with drag and drop, using the AutoCorrect and AutoFill features, and more. Navigate effectively — see how the Ribbon interface and the Backstage View give you access to all the tools you need for every task Be a mover and a shaker — move and copy data with cut, copy, and paste or drag and drop Summing up — total columns and rows of numbers with the AutoSum button Making it pretty — format data tables, adjust column widths and row heights, hide columns and rows, and format with Styles or the Format Painter Safety net — save your work and recover spreadsheets after a computer crash Open the book and find: What's new in Excel 2010 How to surf an Excel 2010 worksheet and workbook Instructions for entering data in a worksheet Tips for keeping your data secure How to enter and edit formulas with built-in functions Tips for undoing or deleting data entry mistakes Learn to: Get comfortable with Excel 2010 and Backstage View Create and edit spreadsheets Format cells, create formulas, and fix data entry errors Copy, cut, move, paste, or delete data
Excel 2010 For Dummies
by Greg HarveyThe bestselling Excel book on the market, updated for Excel 2010 As the world's leading spreadsheet application, Excel has a huge user base. The release of Office 2010 brings major changes to Excel, so Excel For Dummies comes to the rescue once more! In the friendly and non-threatening For Dummies style, this popular guide shows beginners how to get up and running with Excel and helps more experienced users get comfortable with new features. Excel is the number one spreadsheet application worldwide, and Excel For Dummies is the number one guide to using it With the major changes in Microsoft Office 2010, Excel has new features and a new interface design; users need help to get up to speed The book includes everything you need to know to perform basic Excel 2010 tasks Covers creating and editing worksheets and charts, formatting cells, entering formulas, inserting graphs, designing database forms, and adding database records Also covers printing, adding hyperlinks to worksheets, saving worksheets as Web pages, adding existing worksheet data to an existing Web page, and much more Whether you're new to Excel or just need to understand the 2010 version, Excel 2010 For Dummies provides what you need to know.