- Table View
- List View
Excel Datenanalyse für Dummies (Für Dummies)
by Stephen L. Nelson E. C. NelsonSie haben manchmal den Eindruck, Sie ertrinken in Daten? Kennen Sie schon die großartigen Datenanalysewerkzeuge von Excel? Stephen L. Nelson und Elizabeth C. Nelson zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie zu Ihren Daten PivotTables und PivotCharts erstellen, welche Excel-Funktionen zu Statistik und Finanzwesen es gibt und wie Sie Excel mit Daten aus externen Datenbanken nutzen. Erfahren Sie endlich, was all die vermeintlich todlangweiligen Zahlen wirklich zu bedeuten haben. Mit diesem Buch können Sie die Verarbeitung der Daten Excel überlassen und Ihre Zeit wieder für echte Einsichten und Entscheidungen nutzen.
Excel for Starters: The Missing Manual
by Matthew MacdonaldFor PC users who need a quick way to get up to speed on Microsoft Excel, our smart new Missing Manual demystifies spreadsheets and explains how to create them painlessly. The book focuses on the program's most common and useful features, guiding readers through them with clear explanations, step-by-step instructions, lots of illustrations, and friendly, time-saving advice. Like its siblings in the Missing Manual series, the book crackles with a fine sense of humour and refreshing objectivity about its subject. It's a perfect primer for readers who want to organize household and office information with Excel, and small businesses with no techie to turn to.
Excel Formeln und Funktionen für Dummies: Bringen Sie Excel In Form, Damit Ihre Tabellen Funktionieren (Für Dummies)
by Ken BluttmanIn Excel 2016 gibt es mehr als 400 Funktionen, von ABRUNDEN bis ZZR. Aber welche der vielen Funktionen erleichtert Ihnen Ihre Arbeit? Wie setzen Sie die Funktionen richtig ein? Wie lautet die Syntax? Dieses Buch stellt Excel-Einsteigern die 150 nützlichsten Excel-Funktionen ausführlich vor. Der richtige Gebrauch wird anhand von Alltagsbeispielen deutlich. Hier sind nur drei: Löschen Sie überflüssige und unschöne Leerzeichen in Ihren Tabellen, analysieren Sie die Leistungsverteilung in einer Schulklasse (oder einem Verkaufsteam), vergleichen Sie Kredite mit unterschiedlichen Laufzeiten und ermitteln Sie mit ZZR die Anzahl der Zahlungsperioden bei einer vorgegebenen Rückzahlungsrate.
Excel Formeln und Funktionen für Dummies: Bringen Sie Excel In Form, Damit Ihre Tabellen Funktionieren (Für Dummies)
by Ken BluttmanIn Excel 2019 gibt es mehr als 400 Funktionen. Aber welche der vielen Funktionen erleichtert Ihnen Ihre Arbeit? Wie setzen Sie die Funktionen richtig ein? Wie lautet die Syntax? Dieses Buch stellt Excel-Einsteigern die 150 nützlichsten Excel-Funktionen ausführlich vor. Sie lernen, wie Sie Formeln richtig für Statistiken einsetzen, Prognosen erstellen und Wahrscheinlichkeiten berechnen und vieles mehr. Einige Funktionen erleichtern den Alltag mit Excel und lassen Sie schneller erreichen, was Sie eigentlich wollen. Der richtige Gebrauch der Funktionen wird Ihnen anhand von Beispielen verdeutlicht.
Excel Formulas and Functions For Dummies, 2nd Edition
by Ken Bluttman Peter AitkenPut the power of Excel formulas and functions to work for you! Excel is a complex program. Mastering the use of formulas and functions lets you use Excel to compute useful day-to-day information, such as calculating the true cost of credit card purchases or comparing 15-year and 30-year mortgage costs. This fun and friendly book demystifies Excel's built-in functions so you can put them to work. You'll find step-by-step instructions on 150 of Excel's most useful functions, how they work within formulas, and how to use them to make your life easier. See how to use 150 of Excel's most useful functions, with real-world examples showing how each function is used within a formula Learn to calculate the costs of leasing versus buying a car, compute classroom grades, create an amortization table, or evaluate investment performance Fully updated for Excel 2010, but the principles will work with earlier versions of Excel as well Includes essential coverage of an additional 85 functions In the ever-popular, non-threatening For Dummies style, Excel Formulas and Functions For Dummies, 2nd Edition makes Excel's power accessible to you.
Excel Formulas & Functions For Dummies
by Ken BluttmanGrab these Excel formulas and functions to make your life easier! Are you intimidated by major financial choices, like which loan to get or how to grow your savings? Don′t worry we all are! But Excel Formulas & Functions For Dummies, 4th Edition can take some of the pain out of the data organization and analysis processes. This step-by-step reference sheds light on Microsoft Excel′s 150 most useful functions, and offers detailed instructions on how to implement them. Additionally, each function is illustrated by helpful, real-world examples that show how they are used within a larger formula. To take your knowledge of Excel′s functions a step further, 85 specialized functions are described in abbreviated form so you can use Excel to better support your decision-making process when securing a mortgage, buying a car, computing classroom grades, evaluating investment performance, and more. Functions are predefined formulas that you can use to make data analysis a bit easier within the Microsoft Excel framework. Functions use specific values, called arguments, to calculate a variety of things, from simple sums and averages to more complicated loan payments. Explore the 150 most useful functions that help Microsoft Excel make your life easier Access real-world examples of how functions fit into larger formulas Discover 85 specialized functions, which are described in abbreviated form and take your knowledge of Excel to the next level Understand how Microsoft Excel can help you make key decisions, such as whether to go with a 15-year or 30-year mortgage Excel Formulas & Functions For Dummies, 4th Edition brings order to chaotic data and helps you make decisions with confidence!
Excel Formulas & Functions For Dummies
by Ken BluttmanThere are more than 400 built-in functions in Excel 2019, from AGGREGATE to Z.TEST. The question is which ones will make your work easier? How and why should you use a particular function in your formulas? Excel Formulas and Functions For Dummies offers thorough but easy-to-read coverage of powerful Excel functions. <p><p> With this book, you’ll learn to apply the power of Excel functions and formulas to make your work and other tasks easier. Compare 15-year vs. 30-year mortgage terms, choose between leasing or buying a car, compute classroom grades, create an amortization table, evaluate investment performance, calculate the real cost of credit card purchases, or forecast college expenses and savings. All of this and more is possible when you master functions and formulas in Excel. Although it covers the latest software version, Excel 2019, the techniques and functions described in this book can be used on any version of Excel.
Excel Formulas & Functions For Dummies
by Ken BluttmanUnlock the power of Excel with a step-by-step roadmap to its formulas and functions There's a Swiss Army knife in your digital toolbox that can multiply your productivity and make you the smartest guy or gal in almost any room. It's called Microsoft Excel. If you're like most people, you've barely scratched the surface of what this powerful tool's hundreds of built-in functions can do. But with a little help from Excel Formulas & Functions For Dummies, you'll soon be organizing, analyzing, and interpreting data like a pro. For those who don't know the difference between a spreadsheet and a bedsheet, the book gets you up to speed with formula and function basics first. But you can also skip ahead to the fancy stuff and learn about working with probabilities, significance tests, and lookup functions. This easy-to-use Excel formulas and functions survival guide shows you how to: Work with financial functions like PMT, PPMT, NPER, RATE, and PV Calculate mean, median, mode, standard deviation, and many more statistical functions Troubleshoot formulas for common errors and validate your data to avoid mistakes Work with dates, times, logic operators, conditions, and basic and advanced mathematical functions You don't need a degree in data science or advanced mathematics to take advantage of the full functionality and flexibility of Microsoft Excel. Let Excel Formulas & Functions For Dummies show you how to transform this unassuming program into the most useful tool in your toolbox.
Excel für technische Berufe: Beispiele, Tipps und Tricks aus der Praxis
by Harald NahrstedtEs werden alle Methoden in Excel beschrieben, die keiner Programmierung bedürfen. Anhand von Praxisbeispielen aus vielen Bereichen der Technik z. B. Elektronik oder technische Chemie wird der effektive Einsatz der Methoden unter Excel beschrieben. Dieses Arbeitsbuch ist eine Ergänzung zum bestehenden Buch Excel + VBA desselben Autors.
Excel Hacks: Tips & Tools for Streamlining Your Spreadsheets
by David Hawley Raina HawleyMillions of users create and share Excel spreadsheets every day, but few go deeply enough to learn the techniques that will make their work much easier. There are many ways to take advantage of Excel's advanced capabilities without spending hours on advanced study. Excel Hacks provides more than 130 hacks -- clever tools, tips and techniques -- that will leapfrog your work beyond the ordinary.Now expanded to include Excel 2007, this resourceful, roll-up-your-sleeves guide gives you little known "backdoor" tricks for several Excel versions using different platforms and external applications. Think of this book as a toolbox. When a need arises or a problem occurs, you can simply use the right tool for the job. Hacks are grouped into chapters so you can find what you need quickly, including ways to:Reduce workbook and worksheet frustration -- manage how users interact with worksheets, find and highlight information, and deal with debris and corruption.Analyze and manage data -- extend and automate these features, moving beyond the limited tasks they were designed to perform.Hack names -- learn not only how to name cells and ranges, but also how to create names that adapt to the data in your spreadsheet.Get the most out of PivotTables -- avoid the problems that make them frustrating and learn how to extend them.Create customized charts -- tweak and combine Excel's built-in charting capabilities.Hack formulas and functions -- subjects range from moving formulas around to dealing with datatype issues to improving recalculation time.Make the most of macros -- including ways to manage them and use them to extend other features.Use the enhanced capabilities of Microsoft Office 2007 to combine Excel with Word, Access, and Outlook.You can either browse through the book or read it from cover to cover, studying the procedures and scripts to learn more about Excel. However you use it, Excel Hacks will help you increase productivity and give you hours of "hacking" enjoyment along the way.
Excel Hacks: 100 Industrial Strength Tips and Tools
by David Hawley Raina HawleyIf you think that getting creative with Excel means the underhanded tweaking of numbers, think again. Excel Hacks shows even the most experienced users how to do things with Excel they might never have thought of doing--and lets them have a little fun while they're at it.Microsoft Excel is not just the dominant spreadsheet in the world; it's also one of the most popular applications ever created. Its success lies not only in its power and flexibility, but also in its streamlined, familiar interface that casually conceals its considerable capabilities. You don't need to know everything that Excel can do in order to use it effectively, but if you're like the millions of Excel power users looking to improve productivity, then Excel Hacks will show you a wide variety of Excel tasks you can put to use, most of which are off the beaten path.With this book, Excel power users can bring a hacker's creative approach to both common and uncommon Excel topics--"hackers" in this sense being those who like to tinker with technology to improve it. The "100 Industrial Strength Tips and Tools" in Excel Hacks include little known "backdoor" adjustments for everything from reducing workbook and worksheet frustration to hacking built-in features such as pivot tables, charts, formulas and functions, and even the macro language.This resourceful roll-up-your-sleeves guide is for intermediate to advanced Excel users eager to explore new ways to make Excel do things--from data analysis to worksheet management to import/export--that you never thought possible. Excel Hacks will help you increase productivity with Excel and give you hours of "hacking" enjoyment along the way.
Excel Hacks, 2nd Edition
by David Hawley Raina HawleyMillions of users create and share Excel spreadsheets every day, but few go deeply enough to learn the techniques that will make their work much easier. There are many ways to take advantage of Excel's advanced capabilities without spending hours on advanced study. Excel Hacks provides more than 130 hacks -- clever tools, tips and techniques -- that will leapfrog your work beyond the ordinary. Now expanded to include Excel 2007, this resourceful, roll-up-your-sleeves guide gives you little known "backdoor" tricks for several Excel versions using different platforms and external applications. Think of this book as a toolbox. When a need arises or a problem occurs, you can simply use the right tool for the job. Hacks are grouped into chapters so you can find what you need quickly, including ways to: * Reduce workbook and worksheet frustration -- manage how users interact with worksheets, find and highlight information, and deal with debris and corruption. * Analyze and manage data -- extend and automate these features, moving beyond the limited tasks they were designed to perform. * Hack names -- learn not only how to name cells and ranges, but also how to create names that adapt to the data in your spreadsheet. * Get the most out of PivotTables -- avoid the problems that make them frustrating and learn how to extend them. * Create customized charts -- tweak and combine Excel's built-in charting capabilities. * Hack formulas and functions -- subjects range from moving formulas around to dealing with datatype issues to improving recalculation time. * Make the most of macros -- including ways to manage them and use them to extend other features. * Use the enhanced capabilities of Microsoft Office 2007 to combine Excel with Word, Access, and Outlook. You can either browse through the book or read it from cover to cover, studying the procedures and scripts to learn more about Excel. However you use it, Excel Hacks will help you increase productivity and give you hours of "hacking" enjoyment along the way.
Excel Insights: A Microsoft MVP Guide To The Best Parts Of Excel
by 24 Excel MVPsLearn favorite techniques from this group of twenty-two Excel MVPs. The Excel MVPs are friends and competitors who each pulled out their favorite tricks to impress you and their fellow MVPs.
Excel Macros For Dummies
by Michael AlexanderReady-made Excel macros that will streamline your workflow Excel Macros For Dummies helps you save time, automate, and be more productive, even with no programming experience at all. Each chapter offers practical macros that you can implement right away, with practical exercises that extend your knowledge and help you understand the mechanics at work. You'll find the most effective Excel macros for solving common problems, and explanations of why and where to use each one, plus invaluable guidance and step-by-step instruction for applying them effectively. Learn how to customize your applications to look and work exactly the way you want them to, with simple, friendly walk-throughs that directly apply to real-world tasks. Follow it through from start to finish, or quickly look up problems as they occur; the book's clear layout and organization makes it an irreplaceable desk reference, and all macro code is available for download from the companion website. Microsoft Excel is the world's leading spreadsheet application, and it supports VBA macros that allow you to customize the program and automate many common tasks. This book helps you take advantage of macros to get more done, and get it done better. Grasp the fundamentals of VBA and macros Work with workbooks, worksheets, and ranges Clean data, automate reporting, and send email from Excel Use tips and tricks that streamline your workflow If you have an Excel problem, there's a macro to solve it. You don't need to be a programmer, and you don't need to spend months learning code. Excel Macros For Dummies gives you the "recipes" you need, and the knowledge to apply them effectively.
Excel Macros For Dummies
by Dick KusleikaSave time and become an Excel wizard with the world’s leading Excel macro guide Do you love Excel and all the things you can do with it, but wish you could just work…faster? Excel macros—automated workflows that save you time and energy—might be just what you need. In Excel Macros For Dummies, you’ll learn over 70 of the most productive, time-saving macros in less time than it takes to back up the files on your computer! Every chapter in the book gives you practical info and exercises you can put to work immediately, alongside step-by-step instructions and guidance on how to customize Excel to fit your every need. Inside, you’ll find: Automations that take your Excel productivity to the next level, and beyond Fully updated macros compatible with the newest version of Excel included in Microsoft 365 Careful explanations of the basics as well as tips for the advanced user With something for everyone, Excel Macros For Dummies is the productivity supercharger you’ve been waiting for. Grab a copy today!
Excel Makros für Dummies (Für Dummies)
by Michael AlexanderExcel-Makros sind ein Mysterium für Sie? Sie haben das Ziel, selbst Makros zu schreiben? Oder wollen wissen, wie Sie mit Excel Makros wertvolle Zeit sparen können? In dieser aktualisierten Auflage hat Michael Alexander die 70 gebräuchlichsten Excel-Makro-Anwendungen für Sie zusammengestellt. Er beginnt mit einer knappen Einführung in die Makrogrundlagen und VBA, erläutert aber auch, wie Sie Makros anwenden, an Ihre Bedürfnisse anpassen und sie selbst schreiben. So lernen Sie Makros effizient einsetzen und das Fehlerpotenzial manueller Eingaben reduzieren.
Excel Pivot-Tabellen für Dummies (Für Dummies)
by Martin WeissPivot-Tabellen haben völlig zu Unrecht den Ruf, kompliziert und nur etwas für Excel-Profis zu sein. Wenn die Daten, die Sie auswerten wollen, in großen Excel-Tabellen vorliegen, sind auch für Sie Pivot-Tabellen ein unverzichtbares Werkzeug. Pivot-Tabellen ermöglichen Ihnen, Daten nach verschiedenen Kriterien auszuwählen, zusammenzufassen und zueinander in Beziehung zu setzen. Plötzlich wird in der Flut der Daten ein System erkennbar, Zusammenhänge werden sichtbar. Wie Sie aus üblichen Excel-Tabellen mit wenigen Mausklicks Pivot-Tabellen machen und worauf Sie bei den Quelldaten und bei der Formatierung achten sollten, erfahren Sie in diesem Buch. Fortgeschrittene Nutzer werden sich über die Einführung in Power Pivot und Power Query und die Themen Datenschnitte, Zeitachsen und berechnete Felder und Elemente freuen.
Excel Pivot-Tabellen für Dummies (Für Dummies)
by Martin WeissPivot-Tabellen haben völlig zu Unrecht den Ruf, kompliziert und nur etwas für Excel-Profis zu sein. Wenn die Daten, die Sie auswerten wollen, in großen Excel-Tabellen vorliegen, sind auch für Sie Pivot-Tabellen und Pivot-Charts ein unverzichtbares Werkzeug. Pivot-Tabellen und -Charts ermöglichen Ihnen, Daten nach verschiedenen Kriterien auszuwählen, zusammenzufassen und zueinander in Beziehung zu setzen. Plötzlich wird in der Flut der Daten ein System erkennbar, Zusammenhänge werden sichtbar. Wie Sie aus üblichen Excel-Tabellen mit wenigen Mausklicks Pivot-Tabellen machen und worauf Sie bei den Quelldaten und bei der Formatierung achten sollten, erfahren Sie in diesem Buch. Fortgeschrittene Nutzer werden sich über die Themen Datenschnitte, Zeitachsen und berechnete Felder und Elemente freuen.
Excel PivotTables and PivotCharts: Your visual blueprint for creating dynamic spreadsheets (Visual Blueprint #40)
by Paul McFedriesMaster two of the most powerful features of Excel Even if you use Excel all the time, you may not be up to speed on two of Excel's most useful features. PivotTable and PivotChart turn long lists of unreadable data into dynamic, easy-to-read tables and charts that highlight the information you need most; you can tweak results with a click or easily fuse data from several sources into one document. Now you can learn how to tap these powerful Excel tools with this practical guide. Using a series of step-by-step tutorials and easy-to-follow screenshots, this book shows you in a visual way how to create and customize PivotTables and PivotCharts, use them to analyze business data, and ultimately achieve more with less work. Explains the benefits PivotTables and PivotCharts, two powerful features of Excel that allow users to create dynamic spreadsheets Covers creating and customizing, analyzing business data, building custom calculations, linking to external data sources (including Access databases, Word tables, Web pages, XML data, SQL Server databases, and OLAP cubes), creating macros to automate tasks, and more Uses step-by-step tutorials and easy-to-follow screenshots, a "learn by seeing" approach for visual learners Practical, visual, and packed with content, this is the book you need to ramp up your Excel skills with PivotTables and PivotCharts.
Excel Portable Genius: Power Toolkit (Portable Genius)
by Lisa A. BuckiYour genius-level guide to Excel excellence Excel Portable Genius covers the key features of Microsoft Excel in a concise, fast-paced, portable format that provides the perfect quick and easy-to-follow reference for novices and experienced users alike. Written by seasoned tech expert and trainer Lisa A. Bucki, it answers the nine key questions Excel users are most likely to face in their work and adds some hot tips and advice on this incredibly useful—but sometimes difficult-to-learn—program’s lesser-known features. Build formulas to perform powerful calculations Format data to make it easy to find interpret and to highlight key results Sort and filter to organize or display specific information Chart data to pinpoint changes and identify trends Communicate results by printing and sharing Complete with a comprehensive index and extensive illustrations complementing straightforward instructions, this is the ideal guide to mastery of the world’s most popular spreadsheet program.
Excel Power Pivot & Power Query For Dummies
by Michael AlexanderLearn to crunch huge amounts of data with PowerPivot and Power Query Do you have a ton of data you need to make sense of? Microsoft’s Excel program can handle amazingly large data sets, but you’ll need to get familiar with PowerPivot and Power Query to get started. And that’s where Dummies comes in. With step-by-step instructions—accompanied by ample screenshots—Excel PowerPivot & Power Query For Dummies will teach you how to save time, simplify your processes, and enhance your data analysis and reporting. Use Power Query to discover, connect to, and import your organization’s data. Then use PowerPivot to model it in Excel. You’ll also learn to: Make use of databases to store large amounts of data Use custom functions to extend and enhance Power Query Add the functionality of formulas to PowerPivot and publish data to SharePoint If you’re expected to wrangle, interpret, and report on large amounts of data, Excel PowerPivot & Power Query For Dummies gives you the tools you need to get up to speed quickly.
Excel Power Pivot und Power Query für Dummies (Für Dummies)
by Michael AlexanderHaben Sie eine große Menge an Daten, die Sie sinnvoll verarbeiten müssen? Dabei helfen Ihnen Excel Power Pivot und Power Query. In diesem Buch erfahren Sie, wie Sie diese beiden Funktionen von Excel schnell und effizient nutzen. Mit vielen Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen lernen Sie, wie Sie mit Power Pivot Ihre Berichte und Analysen verbessern. Michael Alexander zeigt Ihnen außerdem, wie Sie mit Power Query Daten ermitteln, sie miteinander verknüpft und importiert. So hilft Ihnen dieses Buch, wenn Sie schnell diese beiden mächtigen Werkzeuge nutzen wollen.
Excel Programming
by Denise EtheridgeA great guide to Excel programming that is perfect for visual learners and takes you beyond Excel basics!This book is the perfect reference for Excel users who want to delve deeper into the application to create powerful and dynamic programs. From creating macros to customizing dialog boxes, this step-by-step guide helps you get more out of Excel than you knew was possible. Each step has callouts so you can see exactly where the action takes place and this Web site offers tons of usable code and sample macros that you can put to use instantly.Explains step-by-step how to automate Excel, the world's leading spreadsheet application from MicrosoftCovers most tasks in two-page spreads -- no flipping back and forth required!Teaches you over 130 tasks, including how to record macros, program in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), debug code, automate charts, interface with other macros, automate functions -- all in an easy-to-follow visual formatUses clear, step-by-step, numbered instruction and lots of graphics and screenshots -- perfect for visual learners!Helps you maximize your productivity with practical examples, tips, and advice Harness everything that Excel has to offer with this friendly, practical, visual guide.
Excel Programming with VBA Starter
by Robert MartinThis is a starter guide, covering the basics you need to get up and running as quickly as possible. This book is written for users of Excel who want to speed up and streamline normally arduous tasks for maximum productivity.
Excel Sales Forecasting For Dummies
by Conrad CarlbergWhen they first told you that forecasting sales would be part of your job, did you feel just the tiniest bit of panic? Did you momentarily consider consulting the Yellow Pages for listings of "Psychics" or "Tea Leaf Readers"? Well, fear not. Excel Sales Forecasting For Dummies can help you predict the future without incense or a crystal ball. Excel Sales Forecasting For Dummies shows you how to use the number one workbook program, Microsoft Excel, to predict trends and future sales based on something not quite so ethereal-numbers. You use data about the past to forecast the future. Excel provides all sorts of tools to help you do that, and this book shows you how to use them. From recognizing why forecasting is a good idea to making sense of exponential smoothing, Excel Sales Forecasting For Dummies has you covered. If you have a basic grasp of how to use Excel, you'll be ready to discover how to Select and use the right forecasting method for your business Choose and arrange data in lists, then manage that data with pivot tables Filter lists and turn them into charts that illustrate what's going on Find relationships in your data Use Excel's Analysis Toolpak feature to create forecasts automatically, or venture into advanced forecasts using worksheet functions Gain more control over your forecasting and target specific types of predictions Use moving averages and predict seasonal sales Written by Conrad Carlberg, a nationally recognized expert on Excel who also has experience in sales and marketing, this friendly guide gets you up and running quickly and easily. You'll soon be setting up a baseline you can chart and label, summarizing data with pivot tables, making forecasts based on regression, understanding correlation, and discovering how smoothing lets us profit from our mistakes. You'll find your confidence in your ability to make sales predictions has soared right off the chart.