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Explaining Algorithms Using Metaphors
by Michal Forišek Monika SteinováThere is a significant difference between designing a new algorithm, proving its correctness, and teaching it to an audience. When teaching algorithms, the teacher's main goal should be to convey the underlying ideas and to help the students form correct mental models related to the algorithm. This process can often be facilitated by using suitable metaphors. This work provides a set of novel metaphors identified and developed as suitable tools for teaching many of the "classic textbook" algorithms taught in undergraduate courses worldwide. Each chapter provides exercises and didactic notes for teachers based on the authors' experiences when using the metaphor in a classroom setting.
Explanatory Animations in the Classroom: Student-Authored Animations as Digital Pedagogy (SpringerBriefs in Education)
by Brendan JacobsThis book provides groundbreaking evidence demonstrating how student-authored explanatory animations can embody and document learning as an exciting new development within digital pedagogy. Explanatory animations can be an excellent resource for teaching and learning but there has been an underlying assumption that students are predominately viewers rather than animation authors. The methodology detailed in this book reverses this scenario by putting students in the driver’s seat of their own learning. This signals not just a change in perspective, but a complete change in activity that, to continue the analogy, will forever change the conversation and make redundant phrases like “Are we there yet?” and “How much longer?” The digital nature of such practices provides compelling evidence for reconceptualising explanatory animation creation as a pedagogical activity that generates multimodal assessment data. Tying together related themes to advance approaches to evidence-based assessment using digital technologies, this book is intended for educators at any stage of their journey, including pre-service teachers.
Explanatory Model Analysis: Explore, Explain, and Examine Predictive Models (Chapman & Hall/CRC Data Science Series)
by Tomasz Burzykowski Przemyslaw BiecekExplanatory Model Analysis Explore, Explain and Examine Predictive Models is a set of methods and tools designed to build better predictive models and to monitor their behaviour in a changing environment. Today, the true bottleneck in predictive modelling is neither the lack of data, nor the lack of computational power, nor inadequate algorithms, nor the lack of flexible models. It is the lack of tools for model exploration (extraction of relationships learned by the model), model explanation (understanding the key factors influencing model decisions) and model examination (identification of model weaknesses and evaluation of model's performance). This book presents a collection of model agnostic methods that may be used for any black-box model together with real-world applications to classification and regression problems.
Exploding Data: Reclaiming Our Cyber Security in the Digital Age
by Michael ChertoffA former Secretary of Homeland Security examines our outdated laws regarding the protection of personal information, and the pressing need for change. Nothing undermines our freedom more than losing control of information about ourselves. And yet, as daily events underscore, we are ever more vulnerable to cyber-attack. In this bracing book, Michael Chertoff makes clear that our laws and policies surrounding the protection of personal information, written for an earlier time, are long overdue for a complete overhaul. On the one hand, the collection of data—more widespread by business than by government, and impossible to stop—should be facilitated as an ultimate protection for society. On the other, standards under which information can be inspected, analyzed, or used must be significantly tightened. In offering his compelling call for action, Chertoff argues that what is at stake is not so much the simple loss of privacy, which is almost impossible to protect, but of individual autonomy—the ability to make personal choices free of manipulation or coercion. Offering vivid stories over many decades that illuminate the three periods of data gathering we have experienced, Chertoff explains the complex legalities surrounding issues of data collection and dissemination today, and charts a path that balances the needs of government, business, and individuals alike. &“Surveys the brave new world of data collection and analysis…The world of data as illuminated here would have scared George Orwell.&”―Kirkus Reviews &“Chertoff has a unique perspective on data security and its implications for citizen rights as he looks at the history of and changes in privacy laws since the founding of the U.S.&”—Booklist
Exploding the Myths Surrounding ISO9000
by Andrew W. NicholsThe secrets of successful ISO9000 implementation Thousands of companies worldwide are reaping the benefits from adopting the ISO9000 family of quality management standards. However, there are many conflicting opinions about ISO9000s best practice approach. Some companies have delayed adopting ISO9000, or have chosen not to undertake implementation at all. This might be because of a lack of time and resources to investigate it properly, or because of misunderstandings about the way it works. So, how do we know who and what to believe? In Exploding the Myths Surrounding ISO9000, Andrew W Nichols debunks many of the common misconceptions about ISO9001 and describes the many advantages it brings. Drawing on more than 25 years of hands-on experience, Andy gives clear, practical and up-to-date advice on how to implement a Quality Management System to maximum effect. Full of real-life examples, this book enables you to read and interpret the ISO9000 documentation. With the advice in this book, you can foster an effective ISO9000 system that brings increased efficiencies, reduces waste and fuels growth in sales as you better understand and meet the needs of your customers. About the author Andrew W Nichols has more than 25 years of experience of management systems, in both the UK and the USA. As a trainer, he has delivered hundreds of ISO9000 related courses to audiences ranging from shop-floor personnel to CEOs of Fortune 500 companies. He has also led and contributed to the development of best in class training courses for a number of international standards. Andy is a regular contributor to the well-known Elsmar Cove internet forum for management systems. Read this unique book and make ISO9000 work for you.
Exploration of Novel Intelligent Optimization Algorithms: 12th International Symposium, ISICA 2021, Guangzhou, China, November 20–21, 2021, Revised Selected Papers (Communications in Computer and Information Science #1590)
by Kangshun Li Yong Liu Wenxiang WangThis book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 12th International Symposium, ISICA 2021, held in Guangzhou, China, during November 19–21, 2021. The 48 full papers included in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 99 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows: new frontier of multi-objective evolutionary algorithms; intelligent multi-media; data modeling and application of artificial intelligence; exploration of novel intelligent optimization algorithm; and intelligent application of industrial production.
Exploration of Quantum Transport Phenomena via Engineering Emergent Magnetic Fields in Topological Magnets (Springer Theses)
by Yukako FujishiroThis book addresses novel electronic and thermoelectronic properties arising from topological spin textures as well as topologically non-trivial electronic structures. In particular, it focuses on a unique topological spin texture, i.e., spin hedgehog lattice, emerging in a chiral magnet and explore its novel properties which are distinct from the conventional skyrmion lattice, and discusses the possibility of realizing high-temperature quantum anomalous Hall effect through quantum confinement effect in topological semimetal. This book benefits students and researchers working in the field of condensed matter physics, through providing comprehensive understanding of the current status and the outlook in the field of topological magnets.
Explorations in Computing: An Introduction to Computer Science (Chapman & Hall/CRC Textbooks in Computing)
by John S. ConeryBased on the author's introductory course at the University of Oregon, Explorations in Computing: An Introduction to Computer Science focuses on the fundamental idea of computation and offers insight into how computation is used to solve a variety of interesting and important real-world problems. Taking an active learning approach, the text encoura
Explorations in Computing: An Introduction to Computer Science and Python Programming (Chapman & Hall/CRC Textbooks in Computing)
by John S. ConeryAn Active Learning Approach to Teaching the Main Ideas in Computing Explorations in Computing: An Introduction to Computer Science and Python Programming teaches computer science students how to use programming skills to explore fundamental concepts and computational approaches to solving problems. Tbook gives beginning students an introduction to
Explorations in Monte Carlo Methods (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics)
by Ronald W. Shonkwiler Franklin MendivilMonte Carlo Methods are among the most used, and useful, computational tools available today. They provide efficient and practical algorithms to solve a wide range of scientific and engineering problems in dozens of areas many of which are covered in this text. These include simulation, optimization, finance, statistical mechanics, birth and death processes, Bayesian inference, quadrature, gambling systems and more.This text is for students of engineering, science, economics and mathematics who want to learn about Monte Carlo methods but have only a passing acquaintance with probability theory. The probability needed to understand the material is developed within the text itself in a direct manner using Monte Carlo experiments for reinforcement. There is a prerequisite of at least one year of calculus and a semester of matrix algebra.Each new idea is carefully motivated by a realistic problem, thus leading to insights into probability theory via examples and numerical simulations. Programming exercises are integrated throughout the text as the primary vehicle for learning the material. All examples in the text are coded in Python as a representative language; the logic is sufficiently clear so as to be easily translated into any other language. Further, Python scripts for each worked example are freely accessible for each chapter. Along the way, most of the basic theory of probability is developed in order to illuminate the solutions to the questions posed. One of the strongest features of the book is the wealth of completely solved example problems. These provide the reader with a sourcebook to follow towards the solution of their own computational problems. Each chapter ends with a large collection of homework problems illustrating and directing the material. This book is suitable as a textbook for students of engineering, finance, and the sciences as well as mathematics. The problem-oriented approach makes it ideal for an applied course in basic probability as well as for a more specialized course in Monte Carlo Methods. Topics include probability distributions, probability calculations, sampling, counting combinatorial objects, Markov chains, random walks, simulated annealing, genetic algorithms, option pricing, gamblers ruin, statistical mechanics, random number generation, Bayesian Inference, Gibbs Sampling and Monte Carlo integration.
Explorations in Quantum Computing
by Colin P. WilliamsBy the year 2020, the basic memory components of a computer will be the size of individual atoms. At such scales, the current theory of computation will become invalid. "Quantum computing" is reinventing the foundations of computer science and information theory in a way that is consistent with quantum physics - the most accurate model of reality currently known. Remarkably, this theory predicts that quantum computers can perform certain tasks breathtakingly faster than classical computers - and, better yet, can accomplish mind-boggling feats such as teleporting information, breaking supposedly "unbreakable" codes, generating true random numbers, and communicating with messages that betray the presence of eavesdropping. This widely anticipated second edition of Explorations in Quantum Computing explains these burgeoning developments in simple terms, and describes the key technological hurdles that must be overcome to make quantum computers a reality. This easy-to-read, time-tested, and comprehensive textbook provides a fresh perspective on the capabilities of quantum computers, and supplies readers with the tools necessary to make their own foray into this exciting field. Topics and features: concludes each chapter with exercises and a summary of the material covered; provides an introduction to the basic mathematical formalism of quantum computing, and the quantum effects that can be harnessed for non-classical computation; discusses the concepts of quantum gates, entangling power, quantum circuits, quantum Fourier, wavelet, and cosine transforms, and quantum universality, computability, and complexity; examines the potential applications of quantum computers in areas such as search, code-breaking, solving NP-Complete problems, quantum simulation, quantum chemistry, and mathematics; investigates the uses of quantum information, including quantum teleportation, superdense coding, quantum data compression, quantum cloning, quantum negation, and quantum cryptography; reviews the advancements made towards practical quantum computers, covering developments in quantum error correction and avoidance, and alternative models of quantum computation. This text/reference is ideal for anyone wishing to learn more about this incredible, perhaps "ultimate," computer revolution. Dr. Colin P. Williams is Program Manager for Advanced Computing Paradigms at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, and CEO of Xtreme Energetics, Inc. an advanced solar energy company. Dr. Williams has taught quantum computing and quantum information theory as an acting Associate Professor of Computer Science at Stanford University. He has spent over a decade inspiring and leading high technology teams and building business relationships with and Silicon Valley companies. Today his interests include terrestrial and Space-based power generation, quantum computing, cognitive computing, computational material design, visualization, artificial intelligence, evolutionary computing, and remote olfaction. He was formerly a Research Scientist at Xerox PARC and a Research Assistant to Prof. Stephen W. Hawking, Cambridge University.
Explorations in the Mathematics of Data Science: The Inaugural Volume of the Center for Approximation and Mathematical Data Analytics (Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis)
by Simon Foucart Stephan WojtowytschThis edited volume reports on the recent activities of the new Center for Approximation and Mathematical Data Analytics (CAMDA) at Texas A&M University. Chapters are based on talks from CAMDA’s inaugural conference – held in May 2023 – and its seminar series, as well as work performed by members of the Center. They showcase the interdisciplinary nature of data science, emphasizing its mathematical and theoretical foundations, especially those rooted in approximation theory.
Exploratory Data Analysis in Business and Economics
by Thomas CleffIn a world in which we are constantly surrounded by data, figures, and statistics, it is imperative to understand and to be able to use quantitative methods. Statistical models and methods are among the most important tools in economic analysis, decision-making and business planning. This textbook, "Exploratory Data Analysis in Business and Economics", aims to familiarise students of economics and business as well as practitioners in firms with the basic principles, techniques, and applications of descriptive statistics and data analysis. Drawing on practical examples from business settings, it demonstrates the basic descriptive methods of univariate and bivariate analysis. The textbook covers a range of subject matter, from data collection and scaling to the presentation and univariate analysis of quantitative data, and also includes analytic procedures for assessing bivariate relationships. It does not confine itself to presenting descriptive statistics, but also addresses the use of computer programmes such as Excel, SPSS, and STATA, thus treating all of the topics typically covered in a university course on descriptive statistics. The German edition of this textbook is one of the "bestsellers" on the German market for literature in statistics.
Exploratory Data Analysis Using R (Chapman and Hall/CRC Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Series)
by Ronald K. PearsonExploratory Data Analysis Using R provides a classroom-tested introduction to exploratory data analysis (EDA) and introduces the range of "interesting" – good, bad, and ugly – features that can be found in data, and why it is important to find them. It also introduces the mechanics of using R to explore and explain data. The book begins with a detailed overview of data, exploratory analysis, and R, as well as graphics in R. It then explores working with external data, linear regression models, and crafting data stories. The second part of the book focuses on developing R programs, including good programming practices and examples, working with text data, and general predictive models. The book ends with a chapter on "keeping it all together" that includes managing the R installation, managing files, documenting, and an introduction to reproducible computing. The book is designed for both advanced undergraduate, entry-level graduate students, and working professionals with little to no prior exposure to data analysis, modeling, statistics, or programming. it keeps the treatment relatively non-mathematical, even though data analysis is an inherently mathematical subject. Exercises are included at the end of most chapters, and an instructor's solution manual is available.
Exploratory Data Analysis with Python Cookbook: Over 50 recipes to analyze, visualize, and extract insights from structured and unstructured data
by null Ayodele OluleyeExtract valuable insights from data by leveraging various analysis and visualization techniques with this comprehensive guide Purchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBookKey FeaturesGain practical experience in conducting EDA on a single variable of interest in PythonLearn the different techniques for analyzing and exploring tabular, time series, and textual data in PythonGet well versed in data visualization using leading Python libraries like Matplotlib and seabornBook DescriptionIn today's data-centric world, the ability to extract meaningful insights from vast amounts of data has become a valuable skill across industries. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) lies at the heart of this process, enabling us to comprehend, visualize, and derive valuable insights from various forms of data. This book is a comprehensive guide to Exploratory Data Analysis using the Python programming language. It provides practical steps needed to effectively explore, analyze, and visualize structured and unstructured data. It offers hands-on guidance and code for concepts such as generating summary statistics, analyzing single and multiple variables, visualizing data, analyzing text data, handling outliers, handling missing values and automating the EDA process. It is suited for data scientists, data analysts, researchers or curious learners looking to gain essential knowledge and practical steps for analyzing vast amounts of data to uncover insights. Python is an open-source general purpose programming language which is used widely for data science and data analysis given its simplicity and versatility. It offers several libraries which can be used to clean, analyze, and visualize data. In this book, we will explore popular Python libraries such as Pandas, Matplotlib, and Seaborn and provide workable code for analyzing data in Python using these libraries. By the end of this book, you will have gained comprehensive knowledge about EDA and mastered the powerful set of EDA techniques and tools required for analyzing both structured and unstructured data to derive valuable insights.What you will learnPerform EDA with leading python data visualization librariesExecute univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis on tabular dataUncover patterns and relationships within time series dataIdentify hidden patterns within textual dataLearn different techniques to prepare data for analysisOvercome challenge of outliers and missing values during data analysisLeverage automated EDA for fast and efficient analysisWho this book is forWhether you are a data analyst, data scientist, researcher or a curious learner looking to analyze structured and unstructured data, this book will appeal to you. It aims to empower you with essential knowledge and practical skills for analyzing and visualizing data to uncover insights. It covers several EDA concepts and provides hands-on instructions on how these can be applied using various Python libraries. Familiarity with basic statistical concepts and foundational knowledge of python programming will help you understand the content better and maximize your learning experience.
Exploratory Data Analytics for Healthcare (Innovations in Big Data and Machine Learning)
by R. Lakshmana KumarExploratory data analysis helps to recognize natural patterns hidden in the data. This book describes the tools for hypothesis generation by visualizing data through graphical representation and provides insight into advanced analytics concepts in an easy way. The book addresses the complete data visualization technologies workflow, explores basic and high-level concepts of computer science and engineering in medical science, and provides an overview of the clinical scientific research areas that enables smart diagnosis equipment. It will discuss techniques and tools used to explore large volumes of medical data and offers case studies that focus on the innovative technological upgradation and challenges faced today. The primary audience for the book includes specialists, researchers, graduates, designers, experts, physicians, and engineers who are doing research in this domain.
Exploratory Programming for the Arts and Humanities
by Nick MontfortThis book introduces programming to readers with a background in the arts and humanities; there are no prerequisites, and no knowledge of computation is assumed. In it, Nick Montfort reveals programming to be not merely a technical exercise within given constraints but a tool for sketching, brainstorming, and inquiring about important topics. He emphasizes programming's exploratory potential -- its facility to create new kinds of artworks and to probe data for new ideas. The book is designed to be read alongside the computer, allowing readers to program while making their way through the chapters. It offers practical exercises in writing and modifying code, beginning on a small scale and increasing in substance. In some cases, a specification is given for a program, but the core activities are a series of "free projects," intentionally underspecified exercises that leave room for readers to determine their own direction and write different sorts of programs. Throughout the book, Montfort also considers how computation and programming are culturally situated -- how programming relates to the methods and questions of the arts and humanities. The book uses Python and Processing, both of which are free software, as the primary programming languages.
Exploratory Programming for the Arts and Humanities
by Nick MontfortA book for anyone who wants to learn programming to explore and create, with exercises and projects to help the reader learn by doing.This book introduces programming to readers with a background in the arts and humanities; there are no prerequisites, and no knowledge of computation is assumed. In it, Nick Montfort reveals programming to be not merely a technical exercise within given constraints but a tool for sketching, brainstorming, and inquiring about important topics. He emphasizes programming's exploratory potential—its facility to create new kinds of artworks and to probe data for new ideas. The book is designed to be read alongside the computer, allowing readers to program while making their way through the chapters. It offers practical exercises in writing and modifying code, beginning on a small scale and increasing in substance. In some cases, a specification is given for a program, but the core activities are a series of “free projects,” intentionally underspecified exercises that leave room for readers to determine their own direction and write different sorts of programs. Throughout the book, Montfort also considers how computation and programming are culturally situated—how programming relates to the methods and questions of the arts and humanities. The book uses Python and Processing, both of which are free software, as the primary programming languages.
Exploratory Programming for the Arts and Humanities, second edition
by Nick MontfortA new edition of a book for anyone who wants to learn programming to explore and create, with exercises and projects to help readers learn by doing.This book introduces programming to readers involved with the arts and humanities; there are no prerequisites, and no previous knowledge of programming is assumed. Nick Montfort reveals programming to be not merely a technical exercise within given constraints but a tool for sketching, brainstorming, and inquiry. He emphasizes programming's exploratory potential--its facility to create new kinds of artworks and to probe data for new ideas. The book is designed to be read alongside the computer, allowing readers to program while making their way through the chapters. It offers practical exercises in writing and modifying code and outlines "free projects" that allow learners to pursue their own interests.
Explore Business, Technology Opportunities and Challenges After the Covid-19 Pandemic (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #495)
by Bahaaeddin Alareeni Allam HamdanThis book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the International Conference on Business and Technology (ICBT2021) organized by EuroMid Academy of Business and Technology (EMABT), held in Istanbul, between November 06–07, 2021. In response to the call for papers for ICBT2021, 485 papers were submitted for presentation and inclusion in the proceedings of the conference. After a careful blind refereeing process, 292 papers were selected for inclusion in the conference proceedings from forty countries. Each of these chapters was evaluated through an editorial board, and each chapter was passed through a double-blind peer-review process. The book highlights a range of topics in the fields of technology, entrepreneurship, business administration, accounting, and economics that can contribute to business development in countries, such as learning machines, artificial intelligence, big data, deep learning, game-based learning, management information system, accounting information system, knowledge management, entrepreneurship and social enterprise, corporate social responsibility and sustainability, business policy and strategic management, international management and organizations, organizational behavior and HRM, operations management and logistics research, controversial issues in management and organizations, turnaround, corporate entrepreneurship, and innovation, legal issues, business ethics, and firm governance, managerial accounting and firm financial affairs, non-traditional research and creative methodologies. These proceedings are reflecting quality research contributing theoretical and practical implications, for those who are wise to apply the technology within any business sector. It is our hope that the contribution of this book proceedings will be of the academic level which even decision-makers in the various economic and executive-level will get to appreciate.
Explore/Create: My Life in Pursuit of New Frontiers, Hidden Worlds, and the Creative Spark
by Richard Garriott David FisherAn inventor, adventurer, entrepreneur, collector, and entertainer, and son of legendary scientist-astronaut Owen Garriott, Richard Garriott de Cayeux has been behind some of the most exciting undertakings of our time. A legendary pioneer of the online gaming industry—and a member of every gaming Hall of Fame—Garriott invented the multi-player online game, and coined the term “Avatar” to describe an individual’s online character.A lifelong adventurer and member of the Explorers Club, Garriott has used the fortune he amassed from the gaming business to embark on a number of thrilling expeditions. He has plumbed the depths of the Atlantic ocean to see the remains of the Titanic, hunted for meteorites in Antarctica, and in 2008 became one of the first private citizens to be launched into space. Richard has been one of the foremost pioneers of the private space industry, investing his time and energy into making space travel more accessible.In this fascinating memoir, Garriott invites readers on the great adventure that is his life. Yet his is no ordinary autobiography; throughout, Garriott engages readers with interactive activities and challenges them with “secret codes” for his games. An audacious genius with an insatiable curiosity and an irrepressible playfulness, Garriott takes readers on an unforgettable intellectual experience that is enlightening, adventurous, and fun.
Explore It!: Reduce Risk and Increase Confidence with Exploratory Testing
by Elisabeth HendricksonUncover surprises, risks, and potentially serious bugs with exploratory testing. Rather than designing all tests in advance, explorers design and execute small, rapid experiments, using what they learned from the last little experiment to inform the next. Learn essential skills of a master explorer, including how to analyze software to discover key points of vulnerability, how to design experiments on the fly, how to hone your observation skills, and how to focus your efforts.Software is full of surprises. No matter how careful or skilled you are, when you create software it can behave differently than you intended. Exploratory testing mitigates those risks. Part 1 introduces the core, essential skills of a master explorer. You'll learn to craft charters to guide your exploration, to observe what's really happening (hint: it's harder than it sounds), to identify interesting variations, and to determine what expected behavior should be when exercising software in unexpected ways. Part 2 builds on that foundation. You'll learn how to explore by varying interactions, sequences, data, timing, and configurations. Along the way you'll see how to incorporate analysis techniques like state modeling, data modeling, and defining context diagrams into your explorer's arsenal. Part 3 brings the techniques back into the context of a software project. You'll apply the skills and techniques in a variety of contexts and integrate exploration into the development cycle from the very beginning.You can apply the techniques in this book to any kind of software. Whether you work on embedded systems, Web applications, desktop applications, APIs, or something else, you'll find this book contains a wealth of concrete and practical advice about exploring your software to discover its capabilities, limitations, and risks.
Explore Software Defined Radio: Use Sdr To Receive Satellite Images And Space Signals
by Wolfram DonatDo you want to be able to receive satellite images using nothing but your computer, an old TV antenna, and a $20 USB stick? Now you can. At last, the technology exists to turn your computer into a super radio receiver, capable of tuning in to FM, shortwave, amateur "ham," and even satellite frequencies, around the world and above it. Listen to police, fire, and aircraft signals, both in the clear and encoded. And with the book's advanced antenna design, there's no limit to the signals you can receive. Combine your desktop or laptop computer with easy-to-find, Software Defined Radio (SDR) equipment, and tune in a wide range of signals in no time at all. Then, go one step further by converting a Raspberry Pi into your own dedicated SDR device. SDR USB dongles are usually designed to receive and decode high-definition digital television broadcasts, but the rising popularity of SDR has led to several of these devices being specifically made for - and marketed to - the software radio crowd. With step-by-step instructions, you'll have no problem getting everything up and running on both Windows and Linux. The antenna is the final piece in the SDR puzzle: Which antenna do you use? What shape do you need? How big does it have to be? And where do you point it? Get all the answers you need and learn what's possible when it comes to picking out or building an antenna. And if you're not particularly handy, don't worry. You can use an old-school set of rabbit ear antennas without too much modification. Discover the fun of this growing hobby and then open your ears to the hidden signals that surround you. What You Need: You will need a relatively recent computer or laptop, running either Windows or Ubuntu Linux. You can also use a Raspberry Pi. All of the software necessary is free and open-source, and the book describes in detail where to get it and how to install it, depending on your operating system.
Exploring: Microsoft Access 2013, Comprehensive
by Maryanne Poatsy Cynthia Krebs Eric Cameron Robert T. Grauer Jerri WilliamsThis book offers full, comprehensive coverage of Access. Move students beyond the point-and-click. The goal of the Exploring series is to move students beyond the point and click, to understanding the why and how behind each skill. And, because so much learning takes place outside of the classroom, this series provides learning tools that students can access anywhere, any time. Students go to college now with a different set of skills than they did years ago. With this in mind, the Exploring series seeks to move students beyond the basics of the software at a faster pace, without sacrificing coverage of the fundamental skills that everyone needs to know. NOTE: Before purchasing, check with your instructor to ensure you select the correct ISBN. Several versions of Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products exist for each title, and registrations are not transferable. To register for and use Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products, you may also need a Course ID, which your instructor will provide. Used books, rentals, and purchases made outside of Pearson If purchasing or renting from companies other than Pearson, the access codes for Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products may not be included, may be incorrect, or may be previously redeemed. Check with the seller before completing your purchase.
Exploring Adobe InDesign CS6
by Terry RydbergWith many software guides serving as high-tech "recipe books," teaching cookie-cutter habits with little relevance to complex, real-world projects, EXPLORING ADOBE INDESIGN CS6 takes a different approach. Emphasizing on fundamental design principles, critical thinking skills, and practical applications to prepare you for professional success, this unique text features step-by-step tutorials, vibrant illustrations, and realistic exercises to engage your interest while helping you develop essential software skills. Each chapter builds on what you have learned, guiding you from exploring basic operations to creating complex documents with confidence and efficiency. In addition to mastering InDesign CS6--including standard functionality and features new to this release--the text prepares you to analyze new design projects, identify potential challenges, develop effective strategies, and apply industry-standard principles and practices to execute your plans successfully. The Data Files used to complete the projects found in the book are now available online. For access information please refer to the directions available in the preface of the book.