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Gradle for Android

by Kevin Pelgrims

If you are an experienced Android developer wanting to enhance your skills with the Gradle Android build system, then this book is for you. As a prerequisite, you will need some knowledge of the concepts of Android application development.

Gradle in Action

by Benjamin Muschko

SummaryGradle in Action is a comprehensive guide to end-to-end project automation with Gradle. Starting with the basics, this practical, easy-to-read book discusses how to build a full-fledged, real-world project. Along the way, it touches on advanced topics like testing, continuous integration, and monitoring code quality. You'll also explore tasks like setting up your target environment and deploying your software.About the TechnologyGradle is a general-purpose build automation tool. It extends the usage patterns established by its forerunners, Ant and Maven, and allows builds that are expressive, maintainable, and easy to understand. Using a flexible Groovy-based DSL, Gradle provides declarative and extendable language elements that let you model your project's needs the way you want.About the BookGradle in Action is a comprehensive guide to end-to-end project automation with Gradle. Starting with the basics, this practical, easy-to-read book discusses how to establish an effective build process for a full-fledged, real-world project. Along the way, it covers advanced topics like testing, continuous integration, and monitoring code quality. You'll also explore tasks like setting up your target environment and deploying your software.The book assumes a basic background in Java, but no knowledge of Groovy.Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.Whats InsideA comprehensive guide to GradlePractical, real-world examplesTransitioning from Ant and MavenIn-depth plugin developmentContinuous delivery with GradleAbout the AuthorBenjamin Muschko is a member of the Gradleware engineering team and the author of several popular Gradle plugins.Table of ContentsPART 1 INTRODUCING GRADLEIntroduction to project automationNext-generation builds with GradleBuilding a Gradle project by examplePART 2 MASTERING THE FUNDAMENTALSBuild script essentialsDependency managementMultiproject buildsTesting with GradleExtending GradleIntegration and migrationPART 3 FROM BUILD TO DEPLOYMENTIDE support and toolingBuilding polyglot projectsCode quality management and monitoringContinuous integrationArtifact assembly and publishingInfrastructure provisioning and deployment

Gradle Recipes for Android: Master the New Build System for Android

by Ken Kousen

Android adopted Gradle as the preferred build automation system a few years ago, but many Android developers are still unfamiliar with this open source tool. This hands-on guide provides a collection of Gradle recipes to help you quickly and easily accomplish the most common build tasks for your Android apps. You’ll learn how to customize project layouts, add dependencies, and generate many different versions of your app.Gradle is based on Groovy, yet very little knowledge of the JVM language is required for you to get started. Code examples use Android SDK version 23, with emulators from Marshmallow (Android 6) or Lollipop (Android 5). If you’re comfortable with Java and Android, you’re ready. Understand Gradle’s generated build files for Android apps; Run Gradle from the command line or inside Android Studio; Add more Java libraries to your Android appImport and export Eclipse ADT projects; Digitally sign a Release APK for the Google Play store; Use product flavors to build many versions of the same app; Add custom tasks to the Gradle build process; Test both your app’s Android and non-Android components; Improve the performance of your Gradle build.

Graduate Savvy: Navigating the World of Online Higher Education (2nd edition)

by Jeffrey L. Green

Graduate Savvy begins with a compelling exploration of online learning as it moves into the heart of the text, which is to help you succeed should you decide to enroll in a web-based program. Topics such as plagiarism, Bloom's Taxonomy, scholarly sources, and academic writing make this a must read for all graduate learners.

Graduate Skills and Game-Based Learning: Using Video Games for Employability in Higher Education (Digital Education and Learning)

by Matthew Barr

This book explores the efficacy of game-based learning to develop university students’ skills and competencies. While writing on game-based learning has previously emphasised the use of games developed specifically for educational purposes, this book fills an important gap in the literature by focusing on commercial games such as World of Warcraft and Minecraft. Underpinned by robust empirical evidence, the author demonstrates that the current negative perception of video games is ill-informed, and in fact these games can be important tools to develop graduate skills related to employability. Speaking to very current concerns about the employability of higher education graduates and the skills that university is intended to develop, this book also explores the attitudes to game-based learning as expressed by instructors, students and game developers.

Grafika w Internecie

by Shelley Powers

Spraw, by Twoja strona wyglšda?a profesjonalnie! Jaki format wybra? dla plików graficznych?Jak tworzy? grafik? u?ytkowš?Jak wykorzysta? grafik? wektorowš? Wszyscy doskonale wiemy o tym, ?e o warto?ci strony internetowej ?wiadczš tre?ci na niej umieszczone. Nie da si? jednak zaprzeczy?, ?e forma, w jakiej sš one podane, równie? ma znaczenie. Osišgni?cie równowagi w tym zakresie nie jest rzeczš ?atwš. Jak sprawi?, ?eby nie dosz?o do przerostu formy nad tre?ciš? Jak zapewni? optymalny stosunek jako?ci u?ytych grafik do ich obj?to?ci (w ko?cu przepustowo?? ?šczy nie jest niesko?czona)? Przy du?ej liczbie odwiedzajšcych ró?nica kilku kilobajtów mo?e prze?o?y? si? na ogromny wzrost obciš?enia ?šczy, a co za tym idzie, wzrost kosztów utrzymania strony. Wydawa?oby si?, ?e te i wiele innych kwestii mogš rozwišza? tylko profesjonali?ci. Jednak wcale nie musi tak by?! Ka?dy, kto przeczyta t? ksiš?k?, b?dzie czu? si? swobodnie w zagadnieniach zwišzanych z publikacjš i wykorzystaniem grafiki w Internecie!Dzi?ki ksiš?ce "Grafika w internecie" poznasz wszystkie aspekty pracy z obrazami umieszczanymi w globalnej sieci. Shelley Powers przedstawi Ci wykorzystywane formaty plików graficznych oraz poka?e, do czego ka?dy z nich nadaje si? najlepiej. Zdob?dziesz wiedz? na temat dost?pnych narz?dzi do obróbki grafiki -- zarówno tych p?atnych, jak i darmowych. Ponadto nauczysz si? tworzy? miniatury zdj?? i uk?ada? zdj?cia na stronie. Dowiesz si?, jak tworzy? grafik? u?ytkowš, jakie zasady obowišzujš przy pracy z grafikš wektorowš oraz jakie mo?liwo?ci drzemiš w formacie SVG. Na koniec zapoznasz si? z tematami zwišzanymi z projektowaniem stron internetowych -- zrozumiesz, jak wykorzysta? kaskadowe arkusze stylów (CSS), jak przygotowa? dobrš i przejrzystš stron? oraz jak dynamicznie zmienia? w?a?ciwo?ci grafiki! Je?eli my?lisz, ?e praktyczne wykorzystanie grafiki na stronach WWW to wiedza tajemna, ta ksiš?ka z pewno?ciš to zmieni!Formaty plików graficznych i ich zastosowaniePrzygotowanie zdj?? do publikacji w InternecieNarz?dzia do obróbki grafiki -- p?atne i darmoweEdytory obrazów dost?pne onlineTworzenie miniatur Sposoby uk?adania zdj?? na stronieNarz?dzia do automatycznego generowania galerii oraz pokazów slajdówTworzenie grafiki u?ytkowejWykorzystanie grafiki wektorowej i formatu SVGZastosowanie kaskadowych arkuszy stylów (CSS)Zasady tworzenia dobrych stron WWWNarz?dzia u?atwiajšce projektowanie stron WWWDynamiczna modyfikacja grafikAutomatyzacja obróbki grafiki -- narz?dzie ImageMagick oraz obróbka za pomocš PHP/GDSposób wykorzystania serwisów Google Maps oraz Yahoo! Maps?šczenie danych z grafikš Poznaj wszystkie aspekty praktycznego wykorzystania grafiki w Internecie!

Grails 1.1 Web Application Development

by Jon Dickinson

This book is a guide to building a rich web application using Grails. The approach taken for building the application is incremental and iterative; each chapter will produce a working addition to the application, or iterate over existing features, as well as introduce and carefully explain the new part of the Grails framework used. The book does not go into exhaustive descriptions of every detail of Grails. While there is a lot of code in the book, there are very few large code listings. As you will find, it is not necessary to write reams of code to get results using Groovy and Grails. This book is aimed at Java web developers looking for ways to build web applications quickly, and wanting to find out how it's done quickly. If you are frustrated with integrating the many different frameworks that are available for web development and want to get on with building slick web applications for your users, then this book is for you. Grails is built on the Groovy language, but experience in Groovy is not required, as you will learn enough about Groovy to understand how to use Grails.

Grails 2: A Quick-Start Guide

by Dave Klein Ben Klein

Grails is a full-stack web development framework that enables you to build complete web applications in a fraction of the time and with less code than other frameworks. Grails uses the principle of convention over configuration and the dynamic Groovy programming language.This revised and updated new edition shows you how to use Grails by iteratively building a unique, working application. By the time you're done, you'll have built and deployed a real, functioning website. Using this hands-on, pragmatic approach, you'll explore topics such as Ajax in Grails, custom tags, and plugins. You'll dig into Grails' powerful view technology, Groovy Server Pages, and see how you can easily leverage the help offered by scaffolding to create custom user interfaces faster than you would have thought possible. Along the way, you'll learn about domain classes, controllers, and GSP views. And you'll see how Grails enables you to use powerful frameworks such as Spring and Hibernate.With Grails, you can get a lot done with little effort. With this book, you'll get a lot done as well. Get started with Grails today.What You Need:Grails 2 will run on any machine that supports Java. Grails applications can be deployed on any Java Servlet container, including Tomcat, Jetty, WebLogic, JBoss, and Websphere.

Grails in Action

by Peter Ledbrook Glen Smith

SummaryGrails in Action, Second Edition is a comprehensive introduction to Grails 2 focused on making you super-productive fast. In this totally revised new edition, you'll master Grails 2.3 core skills as you apply TDD techniques to developing a full-scale Twitter clone. Along the way you'll learn the latest single-page web app UI techniques, work with NoSQL backends, integrate with enterprise messaging, and implement a complete RESTful API for your services. Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.About the TechnologyIt may be time for you to stop reconfiguring, rewriting, and recompiling your Java web apps. Grails, a Groovy-powered web framework, hides all that busy work so you can concentrate on what your applications do, not how they're built. In addition to its famously intuitive dev environment and seamless integration with Spring and Hibernate, the new Grails 2.3 adds improved REST support, better protection against attacks from the web, and better dependency resolution.About the BookGrails in Action, Second Edition is a comprehensive introduction to Grails 2. In this totally revised edition you'll master Grails as you apply TDD techniques to a full-scale example (a Twitter clone). Along the way you'll learn single-page web app techniques, work with NoSQL back ends, integrate with enterprise messaging, implement a RESTful API ... and more.No Java or Groovy knowledge is required. Some web development and OOP experience is helpful.What's InsideCovers Grails 2.3 from the ground upAgile delivery and testing using SpockHow to use and manage pluginsTips and tricks from the trenchesAbout the AuthorsThere's no substitute for experience: Glen Smith and Peter Ledbrook have been fixtures in the Grails community, contributing code, blogging, and speaking at conferences worldwide, since Grails 0.2.Table of ContentsPART 1 INTRODUCING GRAILSGrails in a hurryThe Groovy essentialsPART 2 CORE GRAILSModeling the domain 63Creating the initial UIRetrieving the data you needControlling application flowServices and data bindingDeveloping tasty forms, views, and layoutsPART 3 EVERYDAY GRAILSBuilding reliable applicationsUsing plugins: just add waterProtecting your applicationExposing your app to other programsSingle-page web applications (and other UI stuff) Understanding Spring and transactionsPART 4 ADVANCED GRAILSUnderstanding events, messaging, and scheduling NoSQL and GrailsBeyond compile, test, runGrails in the cloudBONUS ONLINE CHAPTERSAdvanced GORM kung fuDeveloping plugins

Grammar-Based Feature Generation for Time-Series Prediction

by Anthony Mihirana De Silva Philip H. W. Leong

This book proposes a novel approach for time-series prediction using machine learning techniques with automatic feature generation. Application of machine learning techniques to predict time-series continues to attract considerable attention due to the difficulty of the prediction problems compounded by the non-linear and non-stationary nature of the real world time-series. The performance of machine learning techniques, among other things, depends on suitable engineering of features. This book proposes a systematic way for generating suitable features using context-free grammar. A number of feature selection criteria are investigated and a hybrid feature generation and selection algorithm using grammatical evolution is proposed. The book contains graphical illustrations to explain the feature generation process. The proposed approaches are demonstrated by predicting the closing price of major stock market indices, peak electricity load and net hourly foreign exchange client trade volume. The proposed method can be applied to a wide range of machine learning architectures and applications to represent complex feature dependencies explicitly when machine learning cannot achieve this by itself. Industrial applications can use the proposed technique to improve their predictions.

Grammar Essentials

by Susan Herman

Improving your grammar will help you deliver polished and professional written communications. Correct grammar and a refined, concise writing style can help you clearly articulate your ideas to others, streamline the directions and instructions that you deliver, and create impressive presentations and reports.

Grammar Sense 4

by Susan Kesner

Grammar Sense is a four-level discourse-based grammar series which focuses on the connection between form, meaning, and use of English structures. The series is based on the fundamental premise that English grammar is learnable and teachable if it is systematically organized and explained. Grammar Sense implements linguistic and applied linguistic research on how, where, when, and why native speakers use English structures, and how non-native speakers learn them. This series provides learners with a true understanding of how grammar is used in authentic contexts. Grammar is presented in discourse rather than in isolated sentences which allows the students to understand English grammar in real life situations.

Grammar Systems: A Grammatical Approach to Distribution and Cooperation

by Erzsebet Csuhaj-Varju Jurgen Dassow Jozef Kelemen Gheorghe Paun

First Published in 1994. The central problem of the “classic” formal language theory concerns the generation (the recognition) of languages by grammars (automata, respectively). However, in present day computer science, in artificial intelligence, in cognitive psychology and in other related fields we have to deal more and more with complex tasks distributed among a set of “ processors” , which are working together in a well defined way. Parallel computers, computer nets, distributed data bases and knowledge sources are practical materializations of this idea. Similarly, the psychologists speak about the modularity of mind, in problem solving theories there appear many models based on cognitive agents’ cooperation. As the formal language theory is involved in most of these circumstances (for example, as a theoretical framework, well developed from a mathematical point of view, for modelling aspects whose essence can be captured at the level of symbol systems, of the syntax of collections of strings of abstract symbols), a clear challenge appears for it: to consider systems o f grammars/automata, working together for generating/recognizing a language. In this context, notions such as distribution, cooperation, communication, concurrency, synchronization, parallelism etc. should be formalized and enlightened. The present monograph is an attempt to answer this challenge.

El gran cambio: Cómo desarrollar un emprendimiento exitoso en la era digital. El caso kambista

by Franco Lanata Zelada

Conoce la historia de Kambista, la primera casa de cambio digital en el Perú Esta es la historia de un emprendimiento disruptivo. El modo como un grupo de amigos ideó Kambista: la primera casa de cambio digital en el Perú. El relato fresco de Franco Lanata, acompañado de los útiles comentarios de Daniel Bonifaz —socio fundador de Kambista—, da cuenta del desarrollo de este proyecto innovador y exitoso que supo resolver una necesidad en el campo de las transacciones monetarias en el país: cómo cambiar dinero de manera justa, segura y transparente mediante la vía digital. Aquí se cuenta el origen de la empresa, los errores, los aciertos, los desafíos, la consolidación del plan, las campañas comunicativas y, lo que es más resaltante, el trabajo en equipo de unos jóvenes que no solo supieron echar a andar su sueño, sino aportar un beneficio a la economía de todos los peruanos. El gran cambio se propone compartir los aprendizajes obtenidos a partirde la hazaña de Kambista, con el fin de que esta experiencia sirva de ayuda a futuros emprendedores.

El Gran Cuaderno de Podcasting: Cómo crear, difundir y monetizar tu podcast

by Francisco Izuzquiza

El Gran Cuaderno de Podcasting muestra todo lo necesario para aprender a crear un podcast, publicarlo y darlo a conocer para convertirse en un podcaster profesional. Francisco Izuzquiza, locutor y consultor de radio y podcasts, describe las claves y las herramientas imprescindibles para iniciarnos en el mundo de los podcasts y los consejos y aspectos técnicos para usuarios más avanzados o, incluso, expertos. Desde la elección del tema del podcast, su planificación, los métodos de grabación o el micrófono más recomendable según nuestras necesidades y presupuesto, a los programas de grabación, el alojamiento del podcast, la medición de escuchas, los rankings, la música, los derechos de autor y la monetización. El auge de los podcasts supone un reto apasionante para todo aquel que quiere acercase a esta actividad desde el mundo de la radio o desde cualquier otro sector. En este libro el autor comparte su experiencia y todo lo aprendido hasta conseguir dedicarse al podcasting de forma profesional.

Grand Challenges in Technology Enhanced Learning

by Frank Fischer Fridolin Wild Rosamund Sutherland Lena Zirn

This book presents a key piece of the vision and strategy developed in STELLAR. It sets out a new mid-term agenda by defining Grand Challenges for research and development in technology-enhanced learning. Other than mere technology prizes, STELLAR Grand Challenges deal with problems at the interface of social and technical sciences. They pose problems that can be solved only in interdisciplinary collaboration. The descriptions of the Grand Challenge Problems were sent out to a number of stakeholders from industry, academia, and policy-making who responded with insightful, creative and critical comments bringing in their specific perspectives. This book will inspire everyone interested in TEL and its neighboring disciplines in their future projects. All of the listed problems, first hints with respect to the approach, measurable success indicators and funding sources are outlined. The challenges focus on what noted experts regard as important upcoming, pending, and innovative fields of research, the solution of which is within reach in a timeframe of a mere 2 to 15 years of work.

Grand Research Challenges in Games and Entertainment Computing in Brazil - GranDGamesBR 2020–2030: First Forum, GranDGamesBR 2020, Recife, Brazil, November 7-10, 2020, and Second Forum, GranDGamesBR 2021, Gramado, Brazil, October 18–21, 2021, Revised Selected Papers (Communications in Computer and Information Science #1702)

by Rodrigo Pereira dos Santos Marcelo da Silva Hounsell

This book constitutes selected papers presented during the two events: the First Forum, GranDGamesBR 2020, held in Recife, Brazil, in November 2020, and the Second Forum, GranDGamesBR 2021, held in Gramado, Brazi, in October 2021.The 12 papers presented were thoroughly reviewed and selected from 24 submissions. The topics included in this volume cover the following fields connected to games and entertainment computing: game design, educational games, games evaluation, game-based learning, player experience, human-computer interaction, games industry, business models, game software ecosystems, ethics, serious games, cyberdemocracy, emotional design, computer graphics, cognitive simulation, immersive entertainment, virtual/augmented/extended reality, gamification, and creative process.

Grand Societal Challenges in Information Systems Research and Education

by Jan Vom Brocke Armin Stein Sara Hofmann Sanja Tumbas

This book examines how information systems research and education can play a major role in contributing to solutions to the Societal Grand Challenges formulated in "The Millennium Project" (millenium-project. org). Individual chapters focus on specific challenges, review existing approaches and contributions towards solutions in information systems research and outline a research agenda for these challenges. The topics considered in this volume range from climate change, population growth, global ICT availability, breakthroughs in science and technology and energy demand to ethical decision-making, policymaking, gender status and transnational crime prevention. It is the first book to present ideas on how the Information Systems discipline can contribute to the solution on this wide spectrum of grand societal challenges.

Grand Theft Auto V - Guia Não-Oficial

by Telma Rodrigues Joshua Abbott

A popular saga Grand Theft Auto chegou à sua quinta edição, nomeadamente GTA 5, ou Grand Theft Auto Cinco. Se analisarmos a franquia Grand Theft Auto, veremos que o Grand Theft Auto V ocupa o 15º título global. Este incrível jogo, criado pela editora Rockstar Games, pode ser jogado na PS3 e Xbox 360 de 17 de setembro de 2013. Este guia, contém dicas que irão ajudar o jogador a explorar e a concretizar as missões deste incrível jogo. Assim como truques, mods e cheats para uma maior diversão. Bom jogo!

Grand Timely Topics in Software Engineering

by Jácome Cunha João P. Fernandes Ralf Lämmel João Saraiva Vadim Zaytsev

This tutorial volume includes the revised and extended tutorials (briefings) held at the 5th International Summer School on Grand Timely Topics in Software Engineering, GTTSE 2015, in Braga, Portugal, in August 2015. GTTSE 2015 applied a broader scope to include additional areas of software analysis, empirical research, modularity, and product lines. The tutorials/briefings cover probabilistic program analysis, ontologies in software engineering, empirical evaluation of programming and programming languages, model synchronization management of software product families, "people analytics" in software development, DSLs in robotics, structured program generation techniques, advanced aspects of software refactoring, and name binding in language implementation.

Grant Seeking in an Electronic Age (Technical Communication Ser.)

by Victoria M. Mikelonis Signe T. Betsinger Constance Kampf

This guide teaches students and professionals a systematic process for researching, designing, writing, and submitting successful grant-seeking proposals. <P><P>Focusing on proposals submitted for government, foundation, and corporation funding, Grant Seeking in an Electronic Age leads the reader through a six-step grant-seeking process, from researching potential funders, to designing, writing and submitting a proposal that follows the funder's guidelines. Grounded in theory, but rooted in successful practice, it teaches students what really works–a third of students who submit proposals based on this text's approach get funded within a year. The text's guided discovery process provides a useful framework for novice writers while its thinking-planning exercises offer useful ways of organizing information and discovering what still need to be researched.

Granular Computing: Analysis and Design of Intelligent Systems (Industrial Electronics #70)

by Witold Pedrycz

Information granules, as encountered in natural language, are implicit in nature. To make them fully operational so they can be effectively used to analyze and design intelligent systems, information granules need to be made explicit. An emerging discipline, granular computing focuses on formalizing information granules and unifying them to create a coherent methodological and developmental environment for intelligent system design and analysis. Granular Computing: Analysis and Design of Intelligent Systems presents the unified principles of granular computing along with its comprehensive algorithmic framework and design practices. Introduces the concepts of information granules, information granularity, and granular computing Presents the key formalisms of information granules Builds on the concepts of information granules with discussion of higher-order and higher-type information granules Discusses the operational concept of information granulation and degranulation by highlighting the essence of this tandem and its quantification in terms of the associated reconstruction error Examines the principle of justifiable granularity Stresses the need to look at information granularity as an important design asset that helps construct more realistic models of real-world systems or facilitate collaborative pursuits of system modeling Highlights the concepts, architectures, and design algorithms of granular models Explores application domains where granular computing and granular models play a visible role, including pattern recognition, time series, and decision making Written by an internationally renowned authority in the field, this innovative book introduces readers to granular computing as a new paradigm for the analysis and synthesis of intelligent systems. It is a valuable resource for those engaged in research and practical developments in computer, electrical, industrial, manufacturing, and biomedical engineering. Building from fundamentals, the book is also suitable for readers from nontechnical disciplines where information granules assume a visible position.

Granular Knowledge Cube: An Expert Finder System for Knowledge Carriers (Fuzzy Management Methods)

by Alexander Denzler

This book introduces a novel type of expert finder system that can determine the knowledge that specific users within a community hold, using explicit and implicit data sources to do so. Further, it details how this is accomplished by combining granular computing, natural language processing and a set of metrics that it introduces to measure and compare candidates’ suitability. The book describes profiling techniques that can be used to assess knowledge requirements on the basis of a given problem statement or question, so as to ensure that only the most suitable candidates are recommended. The book brings together findings from natural language processing, artificial intelligence and big data, which it subsequently applies to the context of expert finder systems. Accordingly, it will appeal to researchers, developers and innovators alike.

Granular-Relational Data Mining

by Piotr Hońko

This book provides two general granular computing approaches to mining relational data, the first of which uses abstract descriptions of relational objects to build their granular representation, while the second extends existing granular data mining solutions to a relational case. Both approaches make it possible to perform and improve popular data mining tasks such as classification, clustering, and association discovery. How can different relational data mining tasks best be unified? How can the construction process of relational patterns be simplified? How can richer knowledge from relational data be discovered? All these questions can be answered in the same way: by mining relational data in the paradigm of granular computing! This book will allow readers with previous experience in the field of relational data mining to discover the many benefits of its granular perspective. In turn, those readers familiar with the paradigm of granular computing will find valuable insights on its application to mining relational data. Lastly, the book offers all readers interested in computational intelligence in the broader sense the opportunity to deepen their understanding of the newly emerging field granular-relational data mining.

Granularities-Driven Hesitant Fuzzy Linguistic Decision Making (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing #433)

by Zeshui Xu Yuanhang Zheng

This book introduces a state-of-the-art extension of fuzzy sets that is hesitant fuzzy linguistic term sets with granularity levels, and based on the fuzzy technique, several granularities-driven hesitant fuzzy linguistic decision-making methods are introduced to provide powerful tools to solve actual problems. Motivated from the idea of granular computing, the technique of hesitant fuzzy linguistic term sets with granularity levels is constructed, which not only brings flexibility and individuality for the linguistic model, but also provides a possibility to process a large amount of linguistic information in group decision-making efficiently and accurately. Thus, the researches on granularities-driven hesitant fuzzy linguistic decision making, can provide an effective way to solve practical decision-making problems based on complex linguistic information, and enrich the research system of decision-making and granular computing in theory and practice. In specific, this book introduces the construction of hesitant fuzzy linguistic term sets with granularity levels, and methods of handling attribute dependence, attribute reduction, single-objective group decision-making, and bi-objective group decision-making. The above decision-making methods are applied to the evaluation of medical and health management, and the effectiveness and advantages of the methods are verified by simulation comparison and analysis. Therefore, this book has not only important theoretical significance, but also broad application prospects.

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