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Fundamentals of Wavelets
by Jaideva C. Goswami Andrew K. ChanMost existing books on wavelets are either too mathematical or they focus on too narrow a specialty. This book provides a thorough treatment of the subject from an engineering point of view. It is a one-stop source of theory, algorithms, applications, and computer codes related to wavelets. This second edition has been updated by the addition of: a section on "Other Wavelets" that describes curvelets, ridgelets, lifting wavelets, etc a section on lifting algorithms Sections on Edge Detection and Geophysical Applications Section on Multiresolution Time Domain Method (MRTD) and on Inverse problems
Fundamentals of Wearable Computers and Augmented Reality
by Woodrow BarfieldData will not help you if you can't see it where you need it. Or can't collect it where you need it. Upon these principles, wearable technology was born. And although smart watches and fitness trackers have become almost ubiquitous, with in-body sensors on the horizon, the future applications of wearable computers hold so much more. A trusted refer
Fundamentals of Web Development
by Randy Connolly Ricardo HoarFundamentals of Web Development covers the broad range of topics required for modern web development (both client- and server-side) and is appropriate for students who have taken a CS1 course sequence. The book guides students through the creation of enterprise-quality websites using current development frameworks, its comprehensive coverage of a modern internet development platform#65533;includes HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, and the LAMP stack (that is, Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP). Other important technologies covered include jQuery, XML, WordPress, Bootstrap, and a variety of third-party APIs that include Facebook, Twitter, and Google and Bing Maps. Coverage also includes the required ACM web development topics in a modern manner closely aligned with best practices in the real world#65533;of web development. #65533; Teaching and Learning Experience Help students master the fundamentals of web development:#65533;A true grasp of web development requires an understanding of both the foundations of the web and current web development practices. Support learning outcomes in various teaching scenarios:#65533;This book allows instructors to chart their own unique way through the topics that make up contemporary web development.
Fundamentals Of Web Development
by Randy Connolly Ricardo HoarWelcome to the Fundamentals of Web Development. This textbook is intended to cover the broad range of topics required for modern web development and is suitable for intermediate to upper-level computing students. A significant percentage of the material in this book has also been used by the authors to teach web development principles to first-year computing students and to non-computing students as well.
Fundiert entscheiden: Ein kleines Handbuch für alle Lebenslagen
by Karsten WeiheOrientierungshilfe in postfaktischen Zeiten Dieses Buch ist ein Rettungsanker in der Flut der Informationen, die ununterbrochen auf uns einstr#65533;men. Tag f#65533;r Tag m#65533;ssen Sie sich Meinungen bilden, sei es zu politischen Fragen, zu privaten Kauf- und Anlageentscheidungen oder zu medizinischen Problemen. Aber wo immer Sie suchen, wen immer Sie fragen - jede Information kann falsch sein! Es scheint kaum m#65533;glich, "die Wahrheit" zu finden und fundierte Entscheidungen zu treffen. Gerade bei den ganz gro#65533;en Fragen geben viele Leute fr#65533;hzeitig auf und vertrauen nur noch ihrem Bauchgef#65533;hl oder dem ersten zuf#65533;lligen Augenschein oder aber dem Experten mit dem seri#65533;sesten Auftritt. Karsten Weihe zeigt Ihnen, dass das nicht sein muss. Die Grundprinzipien, um Informationen einzuordnen und fundierte Entscheidungen zu treffen, sind #65533;berall dieselben. Jeder kann sie durchschauen und in seinem t#65533;glichen Leben anwenden. Mehr als einhundert #65533;berraschende Fallbeispiele veranschaulichen die praxisnahen Erkenntnisse und Handreichungen. Nach der Lekt#65533;re dieses Buches wird Ihnen niemand mehr so leicht etwas vormachen k#65533;nnen!
Funding a Revolution: Government Support for Computing Research
by National Research CouncilThe past 50 years have witnessed a revolution in computing and related communications technologies. The contributions of industry and university researchers to this revolution are manifest; less widely recognized is the major role the federal government played in launching the computing revolution and sustaining its momentum. Funding a Revolution examines the history of computing since World War II to elucidate the federal government's role in funding computing research, supporting the education of computer scientists and engineers, and equipping university research labs. It reviews the economic rationale for government support of research, characterizes federal support for computing research, and summarizes key historical advances in which government-sponsored research played an important role.Funding a Revolution contains a series of case studies in relational databases, the Internet, theoretical computer science, artificial intelligence, and virtual reality that demonstrate the complex interactions among government, universities, and industry that have driven the field. It offers a series of lessons that identify factors contributing to the success of the nation's computing enterprise and the government's role within it.
Fungal Machines: Sensing and Computing with Fungi (Emergence, Complexity and Computation #47)
by Andrew AdamatzkyThis unique book explores fungi as sensors, electronic devices, and potential future computers, offering eco-friendly alternatives to traditional electronics. Fungi are ancient, widely distributed organisms ranging from microscopic single cells to massive mycelium spanning hectares. They possess senses similar to humans, detecting light, chemicals, gases, gravity, and electric fields. It covers fungal electrical activity, sensors, electronics, computing prototypes, and fungal language. Authored by leading experts from diverse fields, the book is accessible to readers of all backgrounds, from high-schoolers to professors. It reveals the remarkable potential of fungal machines while minimizing environmental impact.
Funktionalität und Standardunterstützung von IoT-Software-Plattformen: HMD Best Paper Award 2019 (essentials)
by Sebastian Lempert Alexander PflaumDerzeit konkurrieren über 450 Anbieter von IoT-Software-Plattformen miteinander, die Komplexität und die unterschiedlichen Eigenschaften dieser Plattformen führen zu einem intransparenten Markt. Folglich stehen Unternehmen, die eine IoT-Anwendung unter Weiternutzung ihrer bestehenden IT-Infrastruktur umsetzen wollen, vor der Herausforderung, die für diesen unternehmensspezifischen Anwendungsfall am besten geeignete IoT-Plattform aus einer Vielzahl von Kandidaten auszuwählen. Vor diesem Hintergrund werden Unternehmen durch das vorliegende Buch in die Lage versetzt, die Funktionalität und Standardunterstützung der am Markt verfügbaren IoT-Plattformen schnell zu verstehen und untereinander zu vergleichen.
Funktionelles Zusammenspiel von Gehirn und Herz: Von der Physiologie zur fortgeschrittenen Methodik der Signalverarbeitung und -modellierung
by Vincenzo Catrambone Gaetano ValenzaDiese Monographie bietet einen systemübergreifenden Austausch und eine modalitätsübergreifende Untersuchung des Zusammenspiels von Gehirn und Herz. Das Zusammenspiel von Gehirn und Herz (Brain-Heart Interplay, BHI) ist ein hochgradig interdisziplinäres wissenschaftliches Thema, das sich von der Physiologie des zentralen/autonomen Nervensystems, insbesondere des zentral-autonomen Netzwerks, bis hin zu fortgeschrittener Signalverarbeitung und Modellierung zur Quantifizierung seiner Aktivität erstreckt. Motiviert durch klinische Befunde und unterstützt durch die neuesten Erkenntnisse der Neurophysiologie, untersucht diese Monographie zunächst die Definition grundlegender Quantifizierer des Zusammenspiels von Gehirn und Herz und geht dann zu fortgeschrittenen Methoden für die Bewertung von Gesundheits- und Krankheitszuständen über. Der nicht-invasive Einsatz von Techniken zur Überwachung des Gehirns, einschließlich des Elektroenzephalogramms und der funktionellen Magnetresonanztomographie, wird zusammen mit der Überwachung der Herzschlagdynamik durch Pulsoximeter und EKG-Signale beschrieben.Das Buch richtet sich insbesondere an biomedizinische Ingenieure und Mediziner mit Fachkenntnissen in Statistik und/oder Signalverarbeitung. Aber auch Forscher in den Bereichen Kardiologie, Neurologie, Psychiatrie und Neurowissenschaften im Allgemeinen können sich für dieses Buch interessieren.
Funktionstrennung in ERP-Systemen
by Petra Maria AsprionEin unverzichtbares Instrument zum Management von Risiken ist die Aufteilung von Tätigkeiten auf mehrere Personen. Aus der Organisationslehre stammend, wurde das Konzept der Funktionstrennung auf betriebliche Softwareanwendungen transformiert und in Form von Zugriffsrechten abgebildet. Petra Maria Asprion erläutert aktuelle Konzepte und Methoden zur Funktionstrennung unter Berücksichtigung aktueller Compliance-Anforderungen. Einen Schwerpunkt bildet die Sanierung unzureichender Funktionstrennungen sowie der Einsatz spezieller Software. Auf Basis einer qualitativen Studie stellt sie Faktoren dar, die die Assimilation solcher Software fördern bzw. verhindern.
Funny Cats: A Hilarious Collection of the World’s Funniest Felines and Most Relatable Memes
by Charlie EllisFeaturing comedic captions, relatable memes and a collection of the world’s funniest felines, this book is the purr-fect gift for connoisseurs of hilarious cat contentIt’s a truth universally acknowledged that cats are some of the funniest animals on the planet. From contorting themselves into strange shapes, to pulling bizarre expressions, to cramming themselves into tiny cardboard boxes, wherever there’s a cat there’s always something weird and wonderful to be seen.Funny Cats is here to chronicle these important moments of absurdity. Within its pages, you’ll find:A selection of ridiculous cats in high-quality photo formWitty captions to make you laugh out loudPriceless expressions and relatable memes for all the moments you thought you were the only one (but realized you weren’t)There is simply no end to the nonsense that cats are capable of – and this book is here to celebrate, honour and cherish that fact.
Funny Dogs: A Hilarious Collection of the World’s Silliest Dogs and Most Relatable Memes
by Charlie EllisFeaturing comedic captions, relatable memes and a collection of the world’s most hilarious doggos, this book is a pawsome gift for anyone who enjoys preposterous pooch picsIt’s a truth universally acknowledged that dogs are one of the most hilarious animals on the planet. From amusingly awkward sleeping positions, to pulling bizarre expressions, to zoomies so quick they give themselves a “frighten”, wherever there’s a doggo there’s always something silly and splendid to be seen.Funny Dogs is here to chronicle these important moments of absurdity. Within its pages, you’ll find:A selection of ridiculous dogs in high-quality photo formWitty captions to make you laugh out loudPriceless expressions and relatable memes for all the moments you thought you were the only one (but realized you weren’t)There is simply no end to the nonsense that dogs are capable of – and this book is here to celebrate, honour and cherish that fact.
Funology 2: From Usability to Enjoyment (Human–Computer Interaction Series)
by Mark Blythe Andrew MonkHow should we understand and design for fun as a User Experience? This new edition of a classic book is for students, designers and researchers who want to deepen their understanding of fun in the context of HCI. The 2003 edition was the first book to do this and has been influential in broadening the field. It is the most downloaded book in the Springer HCI Series. This edition adds 14 new chapters that go well beyond the topics considered in 2003. New chapter topics include: online dating, interactive rides, wellbeing, somaesthetics, design fiction, critical design and participatory design methods. The first edition chapters are also reprinted, with new notes by their authors setting the context in which the 2003 chapter was written and explaining the developments since then. Taken with the new chapters this adds up to a total of 35 theoretical and practical chapters written by the most influential thinkers from academia and industry in this field.
Furnishing the Library Interior
by William S PierceThis book discusses the selection, evaluation, and purchase of furniture and equipment for libraries. It examines the arrangement of the interior to update and illuminate earlier writings, and helps those spending even small amounts for library furniture and equipment to do so more wisely.
Further Advances in Internet of Things in Biomedical and Cyber Physical Systems (Intelligent Systems Reference Library #193)
by Valentina E. Balas Vijender Kumar Solanki Raghvendra KumarThis book covers the further advances in the field of the Internet of things, biomedical engineering and cyber physical system with recent applications. It is covering the various real-time, offline applications, and case studies in the field of recent technologies and case studies of the Internet of things, biomedical engineering and cyber physical system with recent technology trends. In the twenty-first century, the automation and management of data are vital, in that, the role of the Internet of things proving the potential support. The book is consisting the excellent work of researchers and academician who are working in the domain of emerging technologies, e.g., Internet of things, biomedical engineering and cyber physical system. The chapters cover the major achievements by solving and suggesting many unsolved problems, which am sure to be going to prove a strong support in industries towards automation goal using of the Internet of things, biomedical engineering and cyber physical system.
Fusing Big Data, Blockchain and Cryptocurrency: Their Individual and Combined Importance in the Digital Economy
by Hossein Hassani Xu Huang Emmanuel Sirimal SilvaAs technology continues to revolutionise today’s economy, Big Data, Blockchain and Cryptocurrency are rapidly transforming themselves into mainstream functions within the financial services industry. This book examines each concept individually, analysing the opportunities and challenges they bring and exploring the potential for future development. The authors further evaluate the fusion of these three important products of the FinTech revolution, illustrating their combined influence on the digital economy. Providing a comprehensive analysis of three innovative technologies, this timely book will appeal to scholars researching innovation in the finance industry and financial services technology more specifically.
Fusion 360 for Makers: Design Your Own Digital Models for 3D Printing and CNC Fabrication
by Lydia Sloan ClineLearn how to use Autodesk Fusion 360 to digitally model your own original projects for a 3D printer or a CNC device. Fusion 360 software lets you design, analyze, and print your ideas. Free to students and small businesses alike, it offers solid, surface, organic, direct, and parametric modeling capabilities.Fusion 360 for Makers is written for beginners to 3D modeling software by an experienced teacher. It will get you up and running quickly with the goal of creating models for 3D printing and CNC fabrication.Inside Fusion 360 for Makers, you'll find:Eight easy-to-understand tutorials that provide a solid foundation in Fusion 360 fundamentalsDIY projects that are explained with step-by-step instructions and color photosProjects that have been real-world tested, covering the most common problems and solutionsStand-alone projects, allowing you to skip to ones of interest without having to work through all the preceding projects firstDesign from scratch or edit downloaded designs. Fusion 360 is an appropriate tool for beginners and experienced makers.
Fusion 360 for Makers: Design Your Own Digital Models for 3D Printing and CNC Fabrication
by Lydia Sloan ClineLearn how to use Autodesk Fusion 360 to digitally model your own original projects for a 3D printer or a CNC device.
Fusion and Integration of Clouds, Edges, and Devices
by Junlong Zhou Kun Cao Jin Sun Keqin LiThis book provides an in-depth examination of recent research advances in cloud-edge-end computing, covering theory, technologies, architectures, methods, applications, and future research directions. It aims to present state-of-the-art models and optimization methods for fusing and integrating clouds, edges, and devices.Cloud-edge-end computing provides users with low-latency, high-reliability, and cost-effective services through the fusion and integration of clouds, edges, and devices. As a result, it is now widely used in various application scenarios. The book introduces the background and fundamental concepts of clouds, edges, and devices, and details the evolution, concepts, enabling technologies, architectures, and implementations of cloud-edge-end computing. It also examines different types of cloud-edge-end orchestrated systems and applications and discusses advanced performance modeling approaches, as well as the latest research on offloading and scheduling policies. It also covers resource management methods for optimizing application performance on cloud-edge-end orchestrated systems.The intended readers of this book are researchers, undergraduate and graduate students, and engineers interested in cloud computing, edge computing, and the Internet of Things. The knowledge of this book will enrich our readers to be at the forefront of cloud-edge-end computing.
Fusion in Computer Vision
by Bogdan Ionescu Jenny Benois-Pineau Tomas Piatrik Georges QuénotThis book presents a thorough overview of fusion in computer vision, from an interdisciplinary and multi-application viewpoint, describing successful approaches, evaluated in the context of international benchmarks that model realistic use cases. Features: examines late fusion approaches for concept recognition in images and videos; describes the interpretation of visual content by incorporating models of the human visual system with content understanding methods; investigates the fusion of multi-modal features of different semantic levels, as well as results of semantic concept detections, for example-based event recognition in video; proposes rotation-based ensemble classifiers for high-dimensional data, which encourage both individual accuracy and diversity within the ensemble; reviews application-focused strategies of fusion in video surveillance, biomedical information retrieval, and content detection in movies; discusses the modeling of mechanisms of human interpretation of complex visual content.
A Fusion of Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things for Emerging Cyber Systems (Intelligent Systems Reference Library #210)
by Pardeep Kumar Ahmed Jabbar Obaid Korhan Cengiz Ashish Khanna Valentina Emilia BalasThis book aims at offering a unique collection of ideas and experiences mainly focusing on the main streams and merger of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) for a wide slice of the communication and networking community. In the era when the world is grappling with many unforeseen challenges, scientists and researchers are envisioning smart cyber systems that guarantee sustainable development for a better human life. The main contributors that destined to play a huge role in developing such systems, among others, are AI and IoT. While AI provides intelligence to machines and data by identifying patterns, developing predictions, and detecting anomalies, IoT performs as a nerve system by connecting a huge number of machines and capturing an enormous amount of data. AI-enabled IoT, therefore, redefines the way industries, businesses, and economies function with increased automation and efficiency and reduced human interaction and costs.This book is an attempt to publish innovative ideas, emerging trends, implementation experience, and use-cases pertaining to the merger of AI and IoT. The primary market of this book is centered around students, researchers, academicians, industrialists, entrepreneurs, and professionals working in electrical/computer engineering, IT, telecom/electronic engineering, and related fields. The secondary market of this book is related to individuals working in the fields such as finance, management, mathematics, physics, environment, mechatronics, and the automation industry.
The Fusion of Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, and Cloud Computing in Health Care (Internet of Things)
by Patrick Siarry M. A. Jabbar Rajanikanth Aluvalu Ajith Abraham Ana MadureiraThis book reviews the convergence technologies like cloud computing, artificial intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) in healthcare and how they can help all stakeholders in the healthcare sector. The book is a proficient guide on the relationship between AI, IoT and healthcare and gives examples into how IoT is changing all aspects of the healthcare industry. Topics include remote patient monitoring, the telemedicine ecosystem, pattern imaging analytics using AI, disease identification and diagnosis using AI, robotic surgery, prediction of epidemic outbreaks, and more. The contributors include applications and case studies across all areas of computational intelligence in healthcare data. The authors also include workflow in IoT-enabled healthcare technologies and explore privacy and security issues in healthcare-based IoT.
Fusion of Machine Learning Paradigms: Theory and Applications (Intelligent Systems Reference Library #236)
by Ioannis K. Hatzilygeroudis George A. Tsihrintzis Lakhmi C. JainThis book aims at updating the relevant computer science-related research communities, including professors, researchers, scientists, engineers and students, as well as the general reader from other disciplines, on the most recent advances in applications of methods based on Fusing Machine Learning Paradigms. Integrated or Hybrid Machine Learning methodologies combine together two or more Machine Learning approaches achieving higher performance and better efficiency when compared to those of their constituent components and promising major impact in science, technology and the society. The book consists of an editorial note and an additional eight chapters and is organized into two parts, namely: (i) Recent Application Areas of Fusion of Machine Learning Paradigms and (ii) Applications that can clearly benefit from Fusion of Machine Learning Paradigms. This book is directed toward professors, researchers, scientists, engineers and students in Machine Learning-related disciplines, as the hybridism presented, and the case studies described provide researchers with successful approaches and initiatives to efficiently address complex classification or regression problems. It is also directed toward readers who come from other disciplines, including Engineering, Medicine or Education Sciences, and are interested in becoming versed in some of the most recent Machine Learning-based technologies. Extensive lists of bibliographic references at the end of each chapter guide the readers to probe further into the application areas of interest to them.
Fusion of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems and Genetic Algorithms: Industrial Applications
by Lakhmi C. Jain N. M. MartinArtificial neural networks can mimic the biological information-processing mechanism in - a very limited sense. Fuzzy logic provides a basis for representing uncertain and imprecise knowledge and forms a basis for human reasoning. Neural networks display genuine promise in solving problems, but a definitive theoretical basis does not yet exist for their design.Fusion of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems and Genetic Algorithms integrates neural net, fuzzy system, and evolutionary computing in system design that enables its readers to handle complexity - offsetting the demerits of one paradigm by the merits of another.This book presents specific projects where fusion techniques have been applied. The chapters start with the design of a new fuzzy-neural controller. Remaining chapters discuss the application of expert systems, neural networks, fuzzy control, and evolutionary computing techniques in modern engineering systems. These specific applications include:direct frequency converterselectro-hydraulic systemsmotor controltoaster controlspeech recognitionvehicle routingfault diagnosisAsynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) communications networkstelephones for hard-of-hearing peoplecontrol of gas turbine aero-enginestelecommunications systems designFusion of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems and Genetic Algorithms covers the spectrum of applications - comprehensively demonstrating the advantages of fusion techniques in industrial applications.
Fusion of Smart, Multimedia and Computer Gaming Technologies
by Dharmendra Sharma Margarita Favorskaya Lakhmi C. Jain Robert J. HowlettThis monograph book is focused on the recent advances in smart, multimedia and computer gaming technologies. The Contributions include: ·Smart Gamification and Smart Serious Games. ·Fusion of secure IPsec-based Virtual Private Network, mobile computing and rich multimedia technology. ·Teaching and Promoting Smart Internet of Things Solutions Using the Serious-game Approach. ·Evaluation of Student Knowledge using an e-Learning Framework. ·The iTEC Eduteka. ·3D Virtual Worlds as a Fusion of Immersing, Visualizing, Recording, and Replaying Technologies. ·Fusion of multimedia and mobile technology in audio guides for Museums and Exhibitions: from Bluetooth Push to Web Pull. The book is directed to researchers, students and software developers working in the areas of education and information technologies.