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Global Technology and Legal Theory: Transnational Constitutionalism, Google and the European Union (Routledge Research in International Commercial Law)
by Guilherme Cintra GuimarãesThe rise and spread of the Internet has accelerated the global flows of money, technology and information that are increasingly perceived as a challenge to the traditional regulatory powers of nation states and the effectiveness of their constitutions. The acceleration of these flows poses new legal and political problems to their regulation and control, as shown by recent conflicts between Google and the European Union (EU). <P><P> This book investigates the transnational constitutional dimension of recent conflicts between Google and the EU in the areas of competition, taxation and human rights. More than a simple case study, it explores how the new conflicts originating from the worldwide expansion of the Internet economy are being dealt with by the institutional mechanisms available at the European level. The analysis of these conflicts exposes the tensions and contradictions between, on the one hand, legal and political systems that are limited by territory, and, on the other hand, the inherently global functioning of the Internet. The EU’s promising initiatives to extend the protection of privacy in cyberspace set the stage for a broader dialogue on constitutional problems related to the enforcement of fundamental rights and the legitimate exercise of power that are common to different legal orders of world society. Nevertheless, the different ways of dealing with the competition and fiscal aspects of the conflicts with Google also indicate the same limits that are generally attributed to the very project of European integration, showing that the constitutionalization of the economy tends to outpace the constitutionalization of politics. <P><P> Providing a detailed account of the unfolding of these conflicts, and their wider consequences to the future of the Internet, this book will appeal to scholars working in EU law, international law and constitutional law, as well as those in the fields of political science and sociology.
Global Technology Management 4.0: Concepts and Cases for Managing in the 4th Industrial Revolution
by Pratim Milton DattaTechnology is pervasive in today’s globalized world. Moreover, technology and globalization drive competitiveness and strategy, and must be managed well. This textbook uses technology management as the central theme to cover multiple business and social facets, including digital transformation, cybersecurity, international operations, marketing, finance, culture, human capital, and the political economy. The book is divided into four sections. Part 1 examines the confluence of globalization and technology from the first Industrial Revolution to the current Fourth Industrial Revolution. Part 2 introduces strategic and analytical metrics and models that are crucial to managerial decision-making. Part 3 discusses the basics of cybersecurity and combating cyber-threats to protect organization and its stakeholders. Part 4 focuses on sustainable operations, global projects, and digital transformation in a technology-centric, globalized world. The book will help students learn how to navigate business aspects of globalization and technology in the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR). For instructors, the learning objectives and discussion questions help guide students in grasping the material.
The Global Technology Revolution 2020, Executive Summary
by Philip S. Anton Richard Silberglitt Anny Wong David R. HowellIn 2020, areas of particular importance for technology trends will include biotechnology, nanotechnology, materials technology, and information technology. The authors of this report assessed a sample of 29 countries across the spectrum of scientific advancement (low to high) with respect to their ability to acquire and implement 16 key technology applications (e.g., cheap solar energy, rural wireless communications, genetically modified crops).
Global Thoughts, Local Designs: Ifip Tc 13 Workshops At Interact 2017, Mumbai, India, September 25-27, 2017, Revised Selected Paperrs (Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues #10774)
by Marco Winckler Helen Petrie Peter Dannenmann Venkatesh Rajamanickam Torkil ClemmensenThis book contains revised selected papers presented at 4 workshops held at the 16th IFIP TC 13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, INTERACT 2017, in Mumbai, India, in September 2017. The workshops are: Workshop on Dealing with Conflicting User Interface Properties in User-Centered Development Processes (IFIP WG 13.2 and 13.5), Workshop on Cross Cultural Differences in Designing for Accessibility and Universal Design Organizers (IFIP WG 13.3), Human Work Interaction Design Meets International Development (IFIP WG 13.6), and Beyond Computers: Wearables, Humans, and Things - WHAT! (IFIP WG 13.7).The 15 full papers included in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from numerous submissions. They show advances in the field of HCI dealing with topics such as human-centered computing, user interface design, evolutionary user interface prototyping, end-user development systems, accessibility design, human work interaction design, and wearables.
Global Trafficking in Women and Children (International Police Executive Symposium Co-Publications)
by Obi N. I. Ebbe Dilip K. DasWar, poverty, and famine; political, social, and economic change; and the deep seated views and rituals rooted in a culture‘s history and traditions all contribute to the widespread and growing trafficking of women and children. The multilayered complexity, myriad contributing factors, enormous amount of money involved, and sheer magnitude of the
Global Usability
by Ian Douglas Zhengjie LiuThe concept of usability has become an increasingly important consideration in the design of all kinds of technology. As more products are aimed at global markets and developed through internationally distributed teams, usability design needs to be addressed in global terms. Interest in usability as a design issue and specialist area of research and education has developed steadily in North America and Europe since the 1980's. However, it is only over the last ten years that it has emerged as a global concern. Global Usability provides an introduction to the important issues in globalizing design and an insight into the development of usability expertise around the world. The book is divided into two sections. The first section deals with the general issues in cross-cultural design and the methods for conducting usability design and evaluation across geographical boundaries. The second section describes the state of usability development in fifteen countries. The descriptions include a history and review of activities and include some unique perspectives that have developed in relation to usability work. Researchers and practitioners from a variety of design-related disciplines will find the book a useful guide for understanding the issues and an excellent reference source for working in any of the countries covered.
The Global Virtual University
by Lalita Rajasingham John TiffinThis book is about the shift from the modern university of the nation state to the global virtual university of the future. John Tiffin and Lalita Rajasingham launched the idea of virtual universities on the Internet with the publication of 'In Search of the Virtual Class: Education in an Information Society' in 1995. Since then, virtual universities have multiplied worldwide. However, the authors argue that globalisation and the Internet are still in their infancy, and universities have yet to face the challenges of global free trade in broadband telecommunications, artificial intelligence and HyperReality.Based on material gathered from research in the USA, Japan, Taiwan, Brazil, Malaysia, Australia and New Zealand, this book describes how a global university could function in the future and presents a paradigm from which it might be constructed.This unique, visionary text will be critical reading for academics, postgraduate students and for anyone involve din policymaking and planning within the university community and administration.
The Global War for Internet Governance
by Laura DenardisThe Internet has transformed the manner in which information is exchanged and business is conducted, arguably more than any other communication development in the past century. Despite its wide reach and powerful global influence, it is a medium uncontrolled by any one centralized system, organization, or governing body, a reality that has given rise to all manner of free-speech issues and cybersecurity concerns. The conflicts surrounding Internet governance are the new spaces where political and economic power is unfolding in the twenty-first century. This all-important study by Laura DeNardis reveals the inner power structure already in place within the architectures and institutions of Internet governance. It provides a theoretical framework for Internet governance that takes into account the privatization of global power as well as the role of sovereign nations and international treaties. In addition, DeNardis explores what is at stake in open global controversies and stresses the responsibility of the public to actively engage in these debates, because Internet governance will ultimately determine Internet freedom.
Globale Kommunikation und Kollaboration: Globale Supply Chain Netzwerk-Integration, interkulturelle Kompetenzen, Arbeit und Kommunikation in virtuellen Teams
by Klaus-Dieter GronwaldDie technologiegetriebene Digitalisierung globaler Supply Chain-Netzwerke hat viele Facetten. Sie steht im Spannungsfeld politischer, ökonomischer, ökologischer und gesellschaftlicher Faktoren. Der Erwerb notwendiger Kernkompetenzen in den Bereichen Big Data, In-Memory Computing, Machine Learning und Data Management ist zwingend. Blockchains, Smart Contracts und Due Diligence für Supply Chain Management-Systeme beeinflussen den Wandel von einer Shareholder-dominierten Unternehmensführung zu einer Stakeholder-fokussierten globalen Unternehmensverantwortung mit ethischen Werten. Das Verständnis kultureller Unterschiede in Arbeitsstilen ist ein Schlüssel zu einer erfolgreichen globalen Teamarbeit. Die wichtigsten Theorien zur Internationalisierung von Unternehmen und zu kulturellen Dimensionen/Distanzen werden diskutiert, um interkulturelle Kompetenzen und Konfliktmanagementstile für internationale Projektmanager zu entwickeln.Leserinnen und Leser lernen die Herausforderungen internationaler Kooperation kennen und können die für die Bedürfnisse globaler virtueller Teams relevanten Formen der Zusammenarbeit unter Einsatz von Technologien und Medien anwenden.
Globale Kommunikationsnetze: über Digitalisierung, elektromagnetische Wellen, Glasfasern und Internet (erfolgreich studieren)
by Volkmar BrücknerAufbauend auf gymnasialen Kenntnissen werden die Zusammenhänge zwischen Glasfaser-Festnetz als Grundlage für schnelle Datenübertragung und mobilen Geräten wie Smartphones als Zugang zu Informationen immer und von überall geschildert. Dabei werden vorrangig Methoden der digitalen Informationsübertragung behandelt. Besonderer Wert wird anhand von Beispielen auf die Entwicklung von Fähigkeiten gelegt, technische Probleme in eine „Ingenieurssprache“ zu übertragen. Zudem werden Probleme der Datensicherheit und deren mögliche Lösungen in der Zukunft an Beispielen erläutert.
Globalization and Corporate Citizenship: A Collection of Seminal Essays
by Malcolm McIntoshThe theory and practice of corporate citizenship and CSR have many alternative perspectives to the business-as-usual gaze. The essays in this volume encapsulate the essence of these alternative ideas and embrace the idea that progressive ways and means of this century do not lie in mainstream capitalist thinking. These pieces ask critical questions about the way we see the relationship between capitalism, business models and society – a subject not often discussed in non-academic literature. Globalization and Corporate Citizenship: The Alternative Gaze features contributions and new analysis from Klaus M. Leisinger, Chris Laszlo, David Coopperrider, Simon Zadek, Sandra Waddock and others. This title is one of a two-volume set – a collection of seminal and thought-provoking essays, drawn from the Journal of Corporate Citizenship’s archive, accompanied by new analysis and reflection from the original authors. Written by some of the most widely recognized academic and business pioneers and leaders of the corporate responsibility and global sustainability movement, the volumes make essential reference texts for anyone interested in the radically awakening new global political economy.
Globalization and Papua New Guinea: Ancient Wilderness, Paradise, Introduced Terror and Hell
by Falk HuettmannThis book aims to present a reality view for Papua New Guinea based on many years of first-hand field work and research accounts. It further assesses sustainability in the light of 47,000 years of a self-sustained type of civilization without bad global impacts. This book contrasts the modern sustainable development failures from the colonial times onwards, as promoted by the ‘western world’, namely Australia, the UK, EU and the U.S as well as Japan and now, China, in times of globalization, Trump’ism and royal governance (Papua New Guinea is still part of the British Dominion and of the Antarctic Treaty etc). This assessment and book is the first of its kind also employing modern data analysis, Landscape Ecology principles (patterns and processes, telecoupling) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) with Open Access data focusing on ecological economics, marxism, socialism and contrasting it with current capitalism and neoliberalism that Papua New Guinea is fully exposed to. Throughout the 31 book chapters various aspects are covered how a further insistence on the ‘new’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and so-called Development Aid will result in unwanted side effects and perverse outcomes for Papua New Guinea and for the world in times of wider ‘global change’ and unprecedented man-made crisis.
The Globalization of Chinese Enterprises: Trends and Characteristics (The Chinese Enterprise Globalization Series)
by Huiyao Wang Lu MiaoThe internationalization of Chinese enterprises is one of the most notable aspects of economic globalization in the 21st century. Despite the 2008 financial crisis and weak global outbound investment, under the “go global“ initiative, Chinese outbound investment has gone from strength to strength, while also diversifying in terms of investment modalities, destinations, and industries. However, growing anti-globalization sentiment in some countries has also created new challenges for Chinese firms expanding internationally. Drawing on nearly 3000 data samples, using both quantitative and qualitative research methods, this book presents unique insights into the features and patterns of Chinese enterprises’ globalization. The analysis provides a useful reference for enterprises that have already gone global and those that plan to. In particular, this book investigates challenges confronted by Chinese companies when doing business in foreign countries. It summarizes research covering three angles, namely: the current situation, causation analysis and corresponding solutions, and recommendations for firms, government agencies and other institutions. This book provides a comprehensive overview to help readers to grasp the broad picture of the international expansion of Chinese enterprises. It has important reference value for enterprises to help devise foreign investment strategy, seize opportunities, and navigate challenges in the course of globalization.
Globalization of Mobile and Wireless Communications
by Sudhir Dixit Tero Ojanpera Ramjee Prasad Richard Van NeeGlobalization of Mobile and Wireless Communications is a collection of cutting-edge research in mobile and wireless communications with impact on developments as far forward as 2020 and beyond. The book draws upon the insights and performed research work of leading experts in the field. Topics of discussion are related but not limited to spectrum-efficient radio interface technologies, enabling technologies for reconfigurability, wireless sensor networks, cognitive networks, coherent wireless transmission, algorithmic design, middleware for novel services and applications. The material has been edited to provide a vision for the future of mobile and wireless, towards a dynamic communication system that breaks down the barriers between communications means; and evolves and integrates business models and culture to match the technological evolution. In addition, strategies on how to overcome the technological challenges for achieving that vision are also outlined.
Globalization of Professional Services: Innovative Strategies, Successful Processes, Inspired Talent Management, and First-Hand Experiences
by Ulrich Bäumer Peter Kreutter Wolfgang MessnerIn the past, services had a strong local and national focus. Professional services were very likely to be independently and autonomously organized from country to country in order to cater to local needs and local legal requirements. This has since changed radically, and highly integrated business and delivery models around the globe have become the status quo in clients' businesses and strategies. Serving clients on a global level requires professional services firms to adopt a structural change from local to distributed global sales and delivery. This book brings together many years of experience, current perspectives and future ideas of international business practitioners, academics, and market researchers. Along those lines it is structured into four parts. Part I "Winning Strategies and Innovative Ideas" lays the book's foundation: it discusses core strategies behind the globalization movement and introduces the major paradigms and ideas. Part II "Successful Processes for Realization" provides solutions for how to establish successful processes for delivering global professional services. Part III "Inspired Talent Management" goes to the core of the professional services industry: attracting, developing, and keeping the right talent in the right locations. Finally, Part IV offers "Experiences and Case Studies" on all aspects related to successfully building a globalized professional services firm. In short, this handbook provides professional services firms and their clients alike with a sound foundation for responding strategically to fundamental global changes and turning them into business advantages. It offers a comprehensive perspective of why and how to successfully globalize a professional services firm.
Globalizing Domain-Specific Languages
by Bernhard Rumpe Jean-Marc Jézéquel Robert B. France Benoit Combemale Betty H. C. ChengThe development of modern complex software-intensive systems often involves the use of multiple DSMLs that capture different system aspects. Supporting coordinated use of DSMLs leads to what we call the globalization of modeling languages, that is, the use of multiple modeling languages to support coordinated development of diverse aspects of a system. In this book, a number of articles describe the vision and the way globalized DSMLs currently assist integrated DSML support teams working on systems that span many domains and concerns to determine how their work on a particular aspect influences work on other aspects. Globalized DSMLs offer support for communicating relevant information, and for coordinating development activities and associated technologies within and across teams, in addition to providing support for imposing control over development artifacts produced by multiple teams. DSMLs can be used to support socio-technical coordination by providing the means for stakeholders to bridge the gap between how they perceive a problem and its solution, and the programming technologies used to implement a solution. They also support coordination of work across multiple teams. DSMLs developed in an independent manner to meet the specific needs of domain experts have an associated framework that regulates interactions needed to support collaboration and work coordination across different system domains. The articles in the book describe how multiple heterogeneous modeling languages (or DSMLs) can be related to determine how different aspects of a system influence each other. The book includes a research roadmap that broadens the current DSML research focus beyond the development of independent DSMLs to one that provides support for globalized DSMLs.
Globally Networked Teaching in the Humanities: Theories and Practices (Routledge Research in Higher Education)
by Alexandra Schultheis Moore Sunka SimonAs colleges and universities in North America increasingly identify "internationalization" as a key component of the institution’s mission and strategic plans, faculty and administrators are charged with finding innovative and cost-effective approaches to meet those goals. This volume provides an overview and concrete examples of globally-networked learning environments across the humanities from the perspective of all of their stakeholders: teachers, instructional designers, administrators and students. By addressing logistical, technical, pedagogical and intercultural aspects of globally-networked teaching, this volume offers a unique perspective on this form of curricular innovation through internationalization. It speaks directly to the ways in which new technologies and pedagogies can promote humanities-based learning for the future and with it the broader essential skills of intercultural sensitivity, communication and collaboration, and critical thinking.
Glossary of Morphology (Lecture Notes in Morphogenesis)
by Federico Vercellone Salvatore TedescoThis book is a significant novelty in the scientific and editorial landscape. Morphology is both an ancient and a new discipline that rests on Goethe's heritage and re-forms it in the present through the concepts of form and image. The latter are to be understood as structural elements of a new cultural grammar able to make the late modern world intelligible. In particular, compared to the original Goethean project, but also to C.P. Snow's idea of unifying the “two cultures”, the fields of morphological culture that are the object of this glossary have profoundly changed. The ever-increasing importance of the image as a polysemic form has made the two concepts absolutely transitive, so to speak. This is concomitant with the emergence of a culture that revolves around the image, attracting the verbal logos into its orbit. Incidentally, even the hermeneutic relationship between past and present relies more and more on the image, causing deep changes in cultural environments. Form and image are not just bridging concepts, as in the field of ancient morphology, but real transitive concepts that define the state of a culture. From the Internet to smartphones, television, advertising, etc., we are witnessing – as Horst Bredekamp observes – an immense mass of images that fill our time and affect the most diverse areas of our culture. The ancient connection between science and art recalled by Goethe emerges with unusual evidence thanks to intersecting patterns and expressive forms that are sometimes shared by different forms of knowledge. Creating a glossary and a culture of these intersections is the task of morphology, which thus enters into the boundaries between aesthetics, art, design, advertising, and sciences (from mathematics to computer science, to physics, and to biology), in order to provide the founding elements of a grammar and a syntax of the image. The latter, in its formal quality, both expressive and symbolic, is a fundamental element in the unification of the various kinds of knowledge, which in turn come to be configured, in this regard, also as styles of vision. The glossary is subdivided into contiguous sections, within a complex framework of cross-references. In addition to the two curators, the book features the collaboration of a team of scholars from the individual disciplines appearing in the glossary.
Glossy: Ambition, Beauty, and the Inside Story of Emily Weiss's Glossier
by Marisa MeltzerINSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Financial Times Best Book of the Year The &“compulsively readable narrative of beauty, business, privilege, and mogul-dom&” (The New York Times) that reveals—for the first time—exactly wat happened at Glossier, one of America&’s hottest and most consequential startups, and dives deep into the enigmatic, visionary woman responsible for it all.Called &“one of the most disruptive brands in beauty&” by Forbes, Glossier revolutionized the beauty industry with its sophisticated branding and unique approach to influencer marketing, almost instantly making the company a juggernaut with rabid fans. It also taught a generation of business leaders how to talk to Millennial and Gen Z customers and build a cult following online. At the center of the story lies Emily Weiss, the elusive former Teen Vogue &“superintern&” on the reality show The Hills turned Into the Gloss beauty blogger who had the vision, guts, and searing ambition needed to launch Glossier. She cannily turned every experience, every meeting into an opportunity to fuel her own personal success. Together with her expensive, signature style and singular vision for the future of consumerism, she could not be stopped. Just how did a girl from suburban Connecticut with no real job experience work her way into the bathrooms and boudoirs of the most influential names in the world and build that access into a 1.9-billion-dollar business? Is she solely responsible for its success? And why, eight years later, at the height of Glossier mania, did she step down? In Glossy, journalist and author Marisa Meltzer combines in-depth interviews with former Glossier employees, investors, and Weiss herself to bring you inside the walls of this fascinating and secretive company. From fundraising to product launches and unconventional hiring practices, Meltzer exposes the inner workings of Glossier&’s culture, culminating in the story of Weiss herself. The Devil Wears Prada for the Bad Blood generation, Glossy is not just a gripping portrait of one of the most important business leaders of her generation, but also a chronicle of an era.
Glow Kids: How Screen Addiction Is Hijacking Our Kids - and How to Break the Trance
by Nicholas KardarasWe've all seen them: kids hypnotically staring at glowing screens in restaurants, in playgrounds and in friends' houses--and the numbers are growing. Like a virtual scourge, the illuminated glowing faces--the Glow Kids--are multiplying. But at what cost? Is this just a harmless indulgence or fad like some sort of digital hula-hoop? Some say that glowing screens might even be good for kids--a form of interactive educational tool. Don't believe it. In Glow Kids, Dr. Nicholas Kardaras will examine how technology--more specifically, age-inappropriate screen tech, with all of its glowing ubiquity--has profoundly affected the brains of an entire generation. Brain imaging research is showing that stimulating glowing screens are as dopaminergic (dopamine activating) to the brain's pleasure center as sex. And a growing mountain of clinical research correlates screen tech with disorders like ADHD, addiction, anxiety, depression, increased aggression, and even psychosis. Most shocking of all, recent brain imaging studies conclusively show that excessive screen exposure can neurologically damage a young person's developing brain in the same way that cocaine addiction can. Kardaras will dive into the sociological, psychological, cultural, and economic factors involved in the global tech epidemic with one major goal: to explore the effect all of our wonderful shiny new technology is having on kids. Glow Kids also includes an opt-out letter and a "quiz" for parents in the back of the book.
Glowworm Swarm Optimization
by Krishnanand N. Kaipa Debasish GhoseThis book provides a comprehensive account of the glowworm swarm optimization (GSO) algorithm, including details of the underlying ideas, theoretical foundations, algorithm development, various applications, and MATLAB programs for the basic GSO algorithm. It also discusses several research problems at different levels of sophistication that can be attempted by interested researchers. The generality of the GSO algorithm is evident in its application to diverse problems ranging from optimization to robotics. Examples include computation of multiple optima, annual crop planning, cooperative exploration, distributed search, multiple source localization, contaminant boundary mapping, wireless sensor networks, clustering, knapsack, numerical integration, solving fixed point equations, solving systems of nonlinear equations, and engineering design optimization. The book is a valuable resource for researchers as well as graduate and undergraduate students in the area of swarm intelligence and computational intelligence and working on these topics.
GLSL Essentials
by Jacobo RodríguezThis book is a practical guide to the OpenGL Shading Language, which contains several real-world examples that will allow you to grasp the core concepts easily and the use of the GLSL for graphics rendering applications.If you want upgrade your skills, or are new to shader programming and want to learn about graphic programming, this book is for you. If you want a clearer idea of shader programming, or simply want to upgrade from fixed pipeline systems to state-of-the-art shader programming and are familiar with any C-based language, then this book will show you what you need to know.
Glut: Mastering Information through the Ages
by Alex WrightWhat do primordial bacteria, medieval alchemists, and the World Wide Web have to do with each other? This fascinating exploration of how information systems emerge takes readers on a provocative journey through the history of the information age. Today's "information explosion" may seem like an acutely modern phenomenon, but we are not the first generation--nor even the first species--to wrestle with the problem of information overload. Long before the advent of computers, human beings were collecting, storing, and organizing information: from Ice Age taxonomies to Sumerian archives, Greek libraries to Dark Age monasteries. Today, we stand at a precipice, as our old systems struggle to cope with what designer Richard Saul Wurman called a "tsunami of data." With some historical perspective, however, we can begin to understand our predicament not just as the result of technological change, but as the latest chapter in an ancient story that we are only beginning to understand. Spanning disciplines from evolutionary theory and cultural anthropology to the history of books, libraries, and computer science, writer and information architect Alex Wright weaves an intriguing narrative that connects such seemingly far-flung topics as insect colonies, Stone Age jewelry, medieval monasteries, Renaissance encyclopedias, early computer networks, and the World Wide Web. Finally, he pulls these threads together to reach a surprising conclusion, suggesting that the future of the information age may lie deep in our cultural past.
Glycome Informatics: Methods and Applications (Chapman And Hall/crc Computational Biology Ser.)
by Kiyoko F. Aoki-KinoshitaA Focused, State-of-the-Art Overview of This Evolving FieldPresents Various Techniques for GlycoinformaticsThe development and use of informatics tools and databases for glycobiology and glycomics research have increased considerably in recent years. In addition to accumulating well-structured glyco-related data, researchers have now developed semi
The gm/ID Methodology, a sizing tool for low-voltage analog CMOS Circuits
by Paul JespersIC designers appraise currently MOS transistor geometries and currents to compromise objectives like gain-bandwidth, slew-rate, dynamic range, noise, non-linear distortion, etc. Making optimal choices is a difficult task. How to minimize for instance the power consumption of an operational amplifier without too much penalty regarding area while keeping the gain-bandwidth unaffected in the same time? Moderate inversion yields high gains, but the concomitant area increase adds parasitics that restrict bandwidth. Which methodology to use in order to come across the best compromise(s)? Is synthesis a mixture of design experience combined with cut and tries or is it a constrained multivariate optimization problem, or a mixture? Optimization algorithms are attractive from a system perspective of course, but what about low-voltage low-power circuits, requiring a more physical approach? The connections amid transistor physics and circuits are intricate and their interactions not always easy to describe in terms of existing software packages. The gm/ID synthesis methodology is adapted to CMOS analog circuits for the transconductance over drain current ratio combines most of the ingredients needed in order to determine transistors sizes and DC currents.