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If We Build It: Scholarly Communications and Networking Technologies: Proceedings of the North American Serials Inte
by Mls Suzanne McMahonHelp lay the foundation for the future of scholarly communication with these informative chapters on new information technologies and predictions for developments in the publishing industry. If We Build It, the proceedings from the 7th annual conference of the North American Serials Interest Group, stresses that the time to prepare for the revolution and phenomenal growth in electronic technology is now.This groundbreaking book addresses important questions about the future that libraries need to answer today such as: What will change for serials librarians, vendors, and publishers as ink and paper become the oddity and electronic transmitters and receivers become the norm? What services will be in demand and who will provide them? Which economic models will keep them afloat? Most importantly, can the disparate groups currently active in scholarly communication work together to build the physical, social, and economic backbone of a new model?If We Build It is an invaluable guide to the future of serials librarianship. It describes new technologies, predicts how the publishing industry will develop in the near future, and explores how the library may evolve within a new system of scholarly communication. Just a few of the exciting topics covered in these proceedings include the development of standards for networking technologies, the shift from ownership to access in libraries as a result of electronic information, the history of scholarly communication, copyright of electronic data, higher education in the 1990?s, marketing in libraries. A unique perspective on issues of cooperation between librarians, scholars, and publishers is provided by the inclusion of a joint conference day with the Society for Scholarly Publishing. If We Build It is an energizing look at the new possibilities for libraries and a call to strengthen structures and work together to build a solid future for libraries within the future of scholarly communication.
If You Like Exploring, Adventuring, or Teamwork Games, Try This! (Away From Keyboard)
by Daniel MauleónEven the most game-crazed kids need a tech timeout. No cheat codes needed for this collection of DIY projects! Not enough controllers for the whole crew? No problem! Bring adventure and teamwork games to life with these activities.
If You Like Sports Games, Try This! (Away From Keyboard)
by Marne VenturaEven the most game-crazed kids need a tech timeout. No cheat codes needed for this collection of DIY projects! From baseball and football to racecars and obstacle courses, these activities bring sport games to life.
If You Like World-Building Games, Try This! (Away From Keyboard)
by Marne VenturaEven the most game-crazed kids need a tech timeout. No cheat codes needed for this collection of DIY projects! Bring world-building games to life with miniature medieval towns, sweet castles, pixel pillows, and more!
If You, Then Me
by Yvonne WoonWarm and funny, this coming-of-age romcom from teen author Yvonne Woon is set in Silicon Valley and delves into the questions we all ask when making mistakes—in life and in love—perfect for fans of Emergency Contact and When Dimple Met Rishi. <p><p> What would you ask your future self? First question: What does it feel like to kiss someone?Xia is stuck in a lonely, boring loop. Her only escapes are Wiser, an artificial intelligence app she designed to answer questions as her future self, and a mysterious online crush she knows only as ObjectPermanence. <p><p> Until one day Xia enrolls at the Foundry, an app incubator for tech prodigies in Silicon Valley, and suddenly anything is possible. Flirting with Mast, a classmate also working on AI, leads to a date. Speaking up generates a vindictive nemesis intent on publicly humiliating her. And running into Mitzy Erst, Foundry alumna and Xia’s idol, could give Xia all the answers. <p><p> And then Xia receives a shocking message from ObjectPermanence. He is at the Foundry, too. Xia is torn between Mast and ObjectPermanence—just as Mitzy pushes her towards a shiny new future. Xia doesn’t have to ask Wiser to know: The right choice could transform her into the future self of her dreams, but the wrong one could destroy her.
If You're Bored With Your Camera Read This Book (If you're ... Read This Book #2)
by Demetrius FordhamYou know photography, don't you? Nice group pictures, tasteful landscapes, perhaps a filter from an app on your phone. Conventional, easy to manage, inoffensive, boring...right?WRONG! In this book you'll find inspiring ideas and genuinely different techniques that you can use to capture anything, from artistic portraits, through to stunning street photography and unusual aboreals. This book will open your eyes, and your lens cap, to new ideas.Topics include:Put Down Your CameraForget the RulesCreative Shooting ExercisesGo Back to Basics
If You're Bored With Your Camera Read This Book (If You're ... Read This Book Ser.)
by Demetrius FordhamYou know photography, don't you? Nice group pictures, tasteful landscapes, perhaps a filter from an app on your phone. Conventional, easy to manage, inoffensive, boring...right?WRONG! In this book you'll find inspiring ideas and genuinely different techniques that you can use to capture anything, from artistic portraits, through to stunning street photography and unusual aboreals. This book will open your eyes, and your lens cap, to new ideas.Topics include:Put Down Your CameraForget the RulesCreative Shooting ExercisesGo Back to Basics
iFM 2023: 18th International Conference, iFM 2023, Leiden, The Netherlands, November 13–15, 2023, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14300)
by Paula Herber Anton WijsThis volume LNCS 14300 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 18th International Conference, IFM 2023, in November 2023, held in Leiden, The Netherlands. The 16 full papers presented together with 2 short papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 51 submissions. The conference focuses on all aspects of the design of integrated techniques, including language design, verification and validation, automated tool support, and the use of such techniques in software engineering practice.
The IFPUG Guide to IT and Software Measurement
by IfpugThe widespread deployment of millions of current and emerging software applications has placed software economic studies among the most critical of any form of business analysis. Unfortunately, a lack of an integrated suite of metrics makes software economic analysis extremely difficult.The International Function Point Users Group (IFPUG), a nonpro
Ihre Produktentwicklung digitalisieren: In einfachen Schritten den Grundstein für die digitale Transformation legen
by Vasileios KitsiosWelche Schritte müssen unternommen werden, um die Produktentwicklung effizienter, verlässlicher und vollständig digital durchzuführen? Dieses Fachbuch vermittelt die notwendigen Inhalte über Systeme, Prozesse und Tools, um in geeigneten Schritten eine vollständige Produktbeschreibung nach den Ein-Quellen-Prinzip zu erzielen. Anhand konkreter Fallbeispiele aus der Automotive und Luftfahrtindustrie wird das Konzept veranschaulicht und dem Leser wird die Umsetzung in 3DExperience R2021x und CATIA V5- 6R2019 demonstriert.
Il Dark Web: Il lato invisibile di Internet
by Bolakale AremuQuesto è il libro relativo al Dark Web e alla Dark Net attualmente più aggiornato. Se volete conoscere o intraprendere il viaggio sul Dark Web, non potete non leggere questo libro. Conoscerete i fondamenti, i fatti e le cifre del Surface Web (Web in superficie), del Deep Web (Web in profondità) e del Dark Web. Il libro fornisce un'ampia panoramica delle minacce digitali e dei crimini informatici attuali ed emergenti. Verrete aggiornati con informazioni essenziali sulle frodi e sui furti di identità perpetrati quotidianamente nel Dark Web. Nello specifico scoprirete: • Che cos'è esattamente il Dark Web? • Le origini del Deep Web e del Dark Web. • Le attività che hanno luogo nel Dark Web. • In che modo il Dark Web vi riguarda. • Come vengono venduti i dati personali sul Dark Web. • I dati venduti più spesso sul Dark Web. • Traffico di organi umani e servizi di pedopornografia sul Dark Web. • I mercati del Dark Web. • La rete Tor e il funzionamento del browser Tor. • La storia di Ross William Ulbricht, l'uomo dietro la Silk Road (Via della Seta). • La verità sul Surface Web: perché non ci si può fidare di alcuni siti per quanto riguarda i propri dati. Le cose più importanti che imparerete: • Cosa potete fare per proteggervi dalle attività criminali del Dark Web. • Come mantenere la vostra identità al sicuro su Internet ogni giorno.
Il Manuale Completo ai Dispositivi Roku: TV, Express, Ultra, Stick, Canali, Applicazioni, Account
by Hiddenstuff EntertainmentUna guida passo passo su come ottenere il massimo dai tuoi dispositivi Roku *Utilizzabile con tutti i dispositivi Roku* Le massime capacità dei dispositivi Roku non sono tutti i suoi canali e le sue funzioni. Impara ad utilizzare i tuoi dispositivi al massimo, come fanno i professionisti. Ecco cosa avrai: -App -Menù -Canali -Show, tv e musica -Impostare il dispositivo -Opzioni -Aggiornamenti -Risoluzione dei problemi -Impostazioni del display + MOLTO ALTRO! --> Vai in cima alla pagina e clicca su aggiungi al carrello per acquistarlo immediatamente Disclaimer: This author and or rights owner(s) make no claims, promises, or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the contents of this book, and expressly disclaims liability for errors and omissions in the contents within. This product is for reference use only.
Il Metodo Gtd Con Evernote
by Jonathan Baker F. RossiImparate come sfruttare al meglio GTD ed Evernote.Getting Things Done®, o GTD®, è una metodologia di gestione del tempo creata dal consulente di produttività David Allen. Il GTD è una delle tecniche più diffuse ed efficaci per prendere il controllo delle to-do list ed aumentare la produttività; vi aiuta non solo a portare a termine i compiti e i progetti che vi capitano sotto mano, ma anche ad avvicinarvi agli obiettivi più importanti della vostra vita.Evernote® è una applicazione software che è stata originariamente progettata per scrivere note ed archiviarle. Queste note possono essere testi, pagine web, memorandum vocali, immagini e molto altro. Evernote è ottimo per memorizzare tutti i tipi di informazione, e rende semplice organizzare e trovare i dati.Con poche informazioni, date in questo libro, potrete unire Evernote e il GTD e creare una potente macchina per aumentare la produttività. Usando Evernote e il GTD potrete organizzare il vostro lavoro e la vostra vita personale in forma elettronica. Dato che Evernote è disponibile come applicazione web e sui dispositivi mobili, potrete avere sempre accesso ai vostri compiti, progetti, obiettivi e note dovunque e in ogni momento.
Il motore ad acqua
by Maria Antonietta Ricagno Ares Van JaagIl motore ad acqua è un’invenzione che sfortunatamente è stata “inventata” molte volte. L'idrogeno proveniente dall'acqua è molto abbondante, è rinnovabile e può essere utilizzato sia nei Paesi con scarse risorse energetiche sia in quelli che ne dispongono in abbondanza. Il petrolio crudo e il gas naturale sono invece risorse energetiche limitate. Ma sono molte le persone che pensano che determinate tecnologie promettenti siano state soppresse da vari poteri politici o economici, generalmente allo scopo di proteggere i loro investimenti e interessi e, ai livelli più estremi e assurdi dell'illogicità cospiroparanoica, per motivazioni sinistre di portata ancora maggiore. In questa nuova opera, il versatile compositore e scrittore Van Jaag ci accompagna in un appassionante viaggio attraverso la storia di questa invenzione sconosciuta e dei suoi denigrati inventori.
Il podcasting semplice: come avviare e guadagnare dai podcast
by Adidas WilsonSostanzialmente un podcast è una specie di trasmissione radiofonica. L'unica differenza è che il podcast presenta determinati vantaggi, come ad esempio la possibilità di ascoltarli quando lo si desidera, invece che ad una certa ora o un determinato giorno. I podcast somigliano molto a dei talk show radiofonici, tuttavia sono molto diversi tra loro, come i video YouTube e la televisione. Un podcast può essere descritto perfettamente come una serie di episodi in formato di file audio, lo stesso che si utilizza per la musica su smartphone o laptop. Proprio come qualsiasi altro spettacolo televisivo o radiofonico, un podcast si incentra solitamente su un tema: ad esempio i videogiochi, l'horror, lo spettacolo, lo sport, la politica, ecc.. In ogni episodio si affronta un tema. Puoi scegliere di iscriverti ad un podcast (solitamente in forma gratuita) o ascoltare un episodio singolo. Un podcast piuttosto famoso è Pod Saves America, in cui si affrontano tematiche di cronaca politica. I conduttori sono Daniel Pfeiffer, Jon Lovett, Tommy Vietor e Jon Favreau. Spesso invitano esperti a esprimere la propria opinione. Gli episodi sono incentrati principalmente su tematiche politiche, come la riforma fiscale o la sanità pubblica. Un altro podcast è Critical Role.
iLife '04: The Missing Manual
by David PogueiLife '04: The Missing Manual gives you everything you need to unleash your creative genius with iLife '04, a suite of five programs (available at the Apple store and preinstalled on all new Macs) that is revolutionizing the way we work--and play. Everybody's talking about Apple's unparalleled software package for digital music, photography, video, and DVD creation: iTunes 4.6 is digital jukebox software for Mac (and even Windows!) that rips songs from your music CDs onto your hard drive, organizes and plays your music collection, lets you buy songs from the iTunes Music Store, and syncs all your music with your iPod. iPhoto 4 pulls photos from your digital camera and then helps you organize and present them--as a slideshow, Desktop picture, screen saver, email attachment, Web page, DVD, printout, or hardbound photo book. iMovie 4 turns those old, seemingly endless home movies that bore everyone to tears into short, fun, tightly edited highlight reels that friends and family actually beg to watch. iDVD 4 transforms your iMovie productions and digital slideshows into Hollywood-style DVDs that play on everyday DVD players. GarageBand is the all-new program that turns your Mac into a digital music-recording studio. David Pogue, computer columnist for the New York Times and creator of our Missing Manual series (you know, those indispensable books that should have been in the box), wants to make sure there's nothing standing between you and professional-caliber music, photos, movies, and more. His authoritative, witty, all-inclusive iLife '04: The Missing Manual gives you the essentials of every program in the iLife '04 suite. Pogue highlights the newest features and improvements, covers the capabilities and limitations of each program, and delivers, in one volume, countless goodies you won't find anywhere else: undocumented tips, tricks, and secrets for getting the very best performance out of each and all of these life-changing new applications. iLife '04: The Missing Manual : it's your guide to livin the iLife!
iLife '05: The Missing Manual
by David PogueThe incomparable iLife '05 is the must-have multimedia suite for everyone who owns a Mac--and the envy of everyone who doesn't. iLife '05: The Missing Manual is the definitive iLife '05 book--and what should have come with the suite. There's no better guide to your iLife experience than the #1 bestselling Macintosh author and expert--and Missing Manual series creator--David Pogue. Totally objective and utterly in-the-know, Pogue highlights the newest features, changes, and improvements of iLife '05, covers the capabilities and limitations of each program within the suite, and delivers countless goodies that you won't find anywhere else: undocumented tips, tricks, and secrets for getting the best performance out of every iLife application. Pogue examines all five programs in iLife '05, including: iTunes 4.7 . The digital jukebox software for Mac (and Windows) rips songs from music CDs onto your hard drive, organizes and plays your music collection, lets you buy songs from the iTunes Music Store, and syncs all your music with your iPod. iPhoto 5 . With iPhoto 5, you can pull photos from digital cameras and then organize and present them as a slideshow, desktop picture, screen saver, email attachment, web page, DVD, printout, or hardbound photo book. iMovie HD . Now you can easily import and edit video from the newest High Definition camcorders and even little flash media video cams in all the latest formats. You can turn those seemingly endless home movies into short, fun, tightly edited, top-quality highlight reels that friends and family actually beg to watch. iDVD 5 . Transform your iMovie productions and digital slideshows into Hollywood-style DVDs that play on everyday DVD players. GarageBand 2 . This critically acclaimed program turns a Mac into a digital music-recording studio. With your authoritative, witty, full color, all-inclusive iLife '05: The Missing Manual at the ready, there's nothing standing between you and professional-caliber music, photos, movies, and more.
iLife '11 For Dummies
by Tony BoveGet the most out of the latest iLife suite with this full-color, friendly guide! The iLife software suite from Apple is comprised of iPhoto, iMovie, iDVD, GarageBand, and iWeb, all of which assist with organizing, viewing, and publishing digital content such as photos, movies, music, and Web pages. This fun, friendly, and full-color guide will help you easily and efficiently organize all your digital materials. Veteran author Tony Bove reviews the latest enhancements to the latest version of iLife and presents you with clear explanations and step-by-step instructions for keeping track of everything digital. Popular author Tony Bove shows you how to organize your digital photos, movie clips, audio, Web pages, and much more with the newest version of iLife Features full-color images, clear explanations, and step-by-step instructions to demonstrate how iLife can make your life easier and more organized Walks you through the capabilities of iPhoto, iMovie, iDVD, GarageBand, and iWeb With iLife '11 For Dummies, Tony Bove shows you how to organize your digital life!
iLife '11 Portable Genius
by Guy Hart-DavisMaximize the power of the iLife suite The iLife suite, pre-loaded on every new Mac, includes iPhoto, iMovie, iDVD, GarageBand, and iWeb. This straight-to-the-point guide shares key features, tips, and techniques to help you make the best use of each of these tremendously popular applications. Learn to make movies and DVDs; organize, edit and share your digital photos; create Web sites, blogs, and podcasts; and compose original music with the latest version of iLife. The iLife suite of applications is included with every new Mac and received the Editor's Choice Award from PC Magazine This full-color book gives you confidence as you tackle all the applications, offering savvy advice on everything from getting started to making the most of advanced features Shows you the best ways to organize and edit your photos with iPhoto, make movies with iMovie and iDVD, compose and record your own music with GarageBand, and build great Web sites and blogs with iWeb The iLife suite releases your creativity; iLife Portable Genius gives you the no-nonsense advice, tips, and techniques to take full advantage of it.
Illegal Online File Sharing, Decision-Analysis, and the Pricing of Digital Goods
by Michael I. NwoguguIllegal online file sharing costs companies tens of billions of dollars of lost revenues around the world annually and results in lost productivity, various psychological issues, and significant reduction of incentives to create and innovate. Legislative, technical, and enforcement efforts have failed. This book presents psychological theories about why people illegally share files online; analyzes and characterizes optimal sanctions for illegal online file sharing; introduces new models for pricing of network-access and digital-content to help reduce illegal online file sharing; introduces new content control and P2P systems; and explains why game theory does not work in pricing of network access.
Illumination of Artificial Intelligence in Cybersecurity and Forensics (Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies #109)
by Sanjay Misra Chamundeswari ArumugamThis book covers a variety of topics that span from industry to academics: hybrid AI model for IDS in IoT, intelligent authentication framework for IoMT mobile devices for extracting bioelectrical signals, security audit in terms of vulnerability analysis to protect the electronic medical records in healthcare system using AI, classification using CNN a multi-face recognition attendance system with anti-spoofing capability, challenges in face morphing attack detection, a dimensionality reduction and feature-level fusion technique for morphing attack detection (MAD) systems, findings and discussion on AI-assisted forensics, challenges and open issues in the application of AI in forensics, a terrorist computational model that uses Baum–Welch optimization to improve the intelligence and predictive accuracy of the activities of criminal elements, a novel method for detecting security violations in IDSs, graphical-based city block distance algorithm method for E-payment systems, image encryption, and AI methods in ransomware mitigation and detection. It assists the reader in exploring new research areas, wherein AI can be applied to offer solutions through the contribution from researchers and academia.
The Illusion of Control: Project Data, Computer Algorithms and Human Intuition for Project Management and Control (Management for Professionals)
by Mario VanhouckeThis book comprehensively assesses the growing importance of project data for project scheduling, risk analysis and control. It discusses the relevance of project data for both researchers and professionals, and illustrates why the collection, processing and use of such data is not as straightforward as most people think. The theme of this book is known in the literature as data-driven project management and includes the discussion of using computer algorithms, human intuition, and project data for managing projects under risk. The book reviews the basic components of data-driven project management by summarizing the current state-of-the-art methodologies, including the latest computer and machine learning algorithms and statistical methodologies, for project risk and control. It highlights the importance of artificial project data for academics, and describes the specific requirements such data must meet. In turn, the book discusses a wide variety of statistical methods available to generate these artificial data and shows how they have helped researchers to develop algorithms and tools to improve decision-making in project management. Moreover, it examines the relevance of project data from a professional standpoint and describes how professionals should collect empirical project data for better decision-making. Finally, the book introduces a new approach to data collection, generation, and analysis for creating project databases, making it relevant for academic researchers and professional project managers alike.
The Illustrated AWS Cloud: A Guide to Help You on Your Cloud Practitioner Journey
by Jen Looper Denise YuAn intuitive, fully illustrated guide to Amazon Web Services for the visually oriented In The Illustrated AWS Cloud: A Guide to Help You On Your Cloud Practitioner Journey, a team of veteran tech educators delivers a visual and entertaining guide to Amazon Web Services cloud concepts. The authors focus on the job role and responsibilities of an AWS cloud practitioner, guiding readers through choosing the best AWS services for specific use cases. In addition to general cloud concepts, security and compliance, technology, and billing and pricing topics, you’ll find: High-resolution, black-and-white illustrations clearly explaining critical technical concepts Comprehensive coverage of working with an AWS account and understanding the AWS environment Complete chapters on each of the main categories of AWS services, including Compute, Storage, Database, and NetworkingThe authors also provide bonus content on their companion website at https://illustratedaws.cloud/. Perfect for anyone looking for an easy-to-follow and visual introduction to the Amazon Web Services cloud, including those considering a career as a cloud administrator or technical support person, The Illustrated AWS Cloud is an effective resource for business, finance, sales, and marketing professionals who support and collaborate with AWS tech professionals.
Illustrated Computational Intelligence: Examples and Applications (Studies in Computational Intelligence #931)
by Priti Srinivas SajjaThis book presents a summary of artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques in its first two chapters. The remaining chapters of the book provide everything one must know about the basic artificial intelligence to modern machine intelligence techniques including the hybrid computational intelligence technique, using the concepts of several real-life solved examples, design of projects and research ideas. The solved examples with more than 200 illustrations presented in the book are a great help to instructors, students, non–AI professionals, and researchers. Each example is discussed in detail with encoding, normalization, architecture, detailed design, process flow, and sample input/output. Summary of the fundamental concepts with solved examples is a unique combination and highlight of this book.
An Illustrated Guide to Linear Programming
by Dr Saul I. Gass"I would not hesitate to recommend the book." -- Industrial Engineering. Entertaining, nontechnical introduction covers basic concepts of linear programming and its relationship to operations research; geometric interpretation and problem solving, solution techniques, network problems, much more. Appendix offers precise statements of definitions, theorems, and techniques, additional computational procedures. Only high-school algebra needed. Bibliography.