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Showing 27,751 through 27,775 of 59,655 results

Imparare la realtà virtuale: la prima guida per fare soldi con la realtà virtuale.

by Mario Rutigliano Adidas Wilson

Da anni la gente aspettava il decollo della realtà virtuale ed è sempre rimasta delusa, questo fino a poco tempo fa. In vista c’è un futuro promettente per la realtà virtuale, ma gli investitori dovrebbero essere a conoscenza di molte cose prima di investire; come ad esempio, quali sono i rischi, quanto grande sarà il mercato, perché questa strategia dovrebbe essere giocata a lungo termine e chi sono i clienti chiave.

Imparare Linux in 5 giorni

by Simona Leggero Jason Cannon

Se volete imparare come usare Linux ed avanzare nella vostra carriera, ma siete pressati da tempo, leggete. Come fondatore della Linux Training Academy ed istruttore in diversi corsi, ho avuto la fortuna di aiutare centinaia di persone a perfezionare le loro conoscenze di Linux. Interagendo con alcune persone che hanno appena iniziato con il sistema operativo Linux, ho avuto l'intuizione impagabile dei particolari sforzi e sfide che le persone affrontano a questo livello. Una delle più grandi sfide per le persone interessate ad imparare i dentro e i fuori di Linux è semplicemente una mancanza di tempo. Quando state lavorando con risorse limitate e di ottimo valore, volete essere sicuri di fare di più. La più grande sfida per i principianti di Linux è sapere da dove incominciare. Ci sono molte informazioni disponibili che permettono di decidere come focalizzare la vostra attenzione, per prima cosa, il grande ostacolo è quello di mantenere le persone già dall'inizio. La cosa peggiore è iniziare il percorso di studio solo per scoprire molti concetti, comandi e sfumature che non sono spiegate. Questo tipo di esperienza è frustante e vi lascia con più domande che risposte. Ecco perché ho scritto questo libro. Non ho solo sintetizzato il materiale più importante in cinque capitoli, ognuna disegnata per essere studiata in un giorno, ma ho anche strutturato il contenuto in modo logico e sistematico. Questo metodo vi assicurerà di risparmiare tempo studiando prima gli aspetti fondamentali di Linux e successivamente costruire le fondamenta giorno dopo giorno. In Imparare Linux in 5 giorni, imparerete i concetti e comandi più importanti, e sarete guidati passo dopo passo in esempi pratici e di vita reale. I nuovi concetti, comandi o gerghi in cui ci imbatteremo sono spiegati in un linguaggio semplice rendendoli di facile comprensione. Ecco qui cosa imparerete leggendo Imparare Linux in 5 giorni. Come accedere al s

Impatient Optimist: Bill Gates in His Own Words

by Lisa Rogak

Bill Gates, the founder and former CEO of Microsoft, has been a revered, and occasionally controversial, worldwide business icon for more than three decades.Recognized by most as an ingenious visionary, and painted by some as a tyrannical, less-than-scrupulous empire builder, Gates has had an unignorable impact on the growth of digital technology in daily life over the past 30 years. Even his sharpest critics have to acknowledge the obvious: Gates helped spearhead one of the greatest revolutions in modern history by seizing on the importance of software to the rise of the personal computer, along the way turning an arcane, specialized technology into a commonplace tool for the office and home.Gates has long been ranked as one of the world's wealthiest men--which gave him a name recognition far greater than that of most CEOs--and businesspeople of all stripes have looked to him as a role model, using his words and business strategies to help create, inspire, and grow their own companies. After he stopped running Microsoft's day-to-day operations in 2008 to devote himself full-time to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, a kinder, gentler Gates began to emerge. As a result, people actively involved in the philanthropic world, whether in professional, part-time, or personal capacities, began to develop a new appreciation for the man.Bill Gates's second act is no less compelling than his first. And whether you're interested in his personal life or looking for inspiration to drive you forward in your own business endeavors, Impatient Optimist: Bill Gates in His Own Words has much to offer. As the tech giants who distinguished the turn of the 21st century shape public life in ways that outstrip the efforts of the previous century's titans of industry, we look to figures like Gates for inspiration as one of America's greatest business icons. This book will surely feed the world's curiosity about one of the most important leaders of the digital age.

Impending Inquisitions in Humanities and Sciences

by Mohan Varkolu Kranthi Priya Oruganti M P Mallesh

In an era of increasing specialization, the need for cross-disciplinary dialogue demands an integrated approach that transcends the artificial boundaries between disciplines. "Impending Inquisitions in Humanities and Sciences" presents a groundbreaking tapestry of cutting-edge research across the spectrum of humanities and sciences. This volume presents a meticulously curated selection of research papers presented at the conference, a forum where scholars from diverse fields – English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry – converged to engage in rigorous dialogue and push the boundaries of knowledge. From the nuanced interpretations of literary texts to the elegant formulations of mathematical models, from the awe-inspiring revelations of physics to the meticulous experiments of chemistry, each contribution challenges assumptions and provokes fresh perspectives. This collection serves as a valuable resource for scholars, students, and academic fraternity with an insatiable curiosity about the world around us.

Implantable Sensors and Systems

by Guang-Zhong Yang

Implantable sensing, whether used for transient or long-term monitoring of in vivo physiological, bio-electrical, bio-chemical and metabolic changes, is a rapidly advancing field of research and development. Underpinned by increasingly small, smart and energy efficient designs, they become an integral part of surgical prostheses or implants for both acute and chronic conditions, supporting optimised, context aware sensing, feedback, or stimulation with due consideration of system level impact.From sensor design, fabrication, on-node processing with application specific integrated circuits, to power optimisation, wireless data paths and security, this book provides a detailed explanation of both the theories and practical considerations of developing novel implantable sensors. Other topics covered by the book include sensor embodiment and flexible electronics, implantable optical sensors and power harvesting. Implantable Sensors and Systems – from Theory to Practice is an important reference for those working in the field of medical devices. The structure of the book is carefully prepared so that it can also be used as an introductory reference for those about to enter into this exciting research and developing field.

Implementación de Calidad de Servicio basada en ISO/IEC 20000

by Michael Kunas

ISO/IEC 20000 es un estándar internacional importante para los proveedores de servicios de TI. La implementación y certificación según esta norma mejorará sus procesos y prácticas de negocio, y dará a sus clientes la confianza de que su empresa sea eficiente y fiable. Los clientes volverán porque saben por experiencia que su servicio es insuperable. Los clientes potenciales buscarán a los proveedores con la norma ISO/IEC 20000 por la tranquilidad que proporciona. Este libro le guiará a través de la implementación y certificación, lo que le permitirá agilizar sus procesos de gestión y ofrecer a sus clientes servicios de primera clase con precios competitivos. Esta guía de gestión 'paso a paso' beneficiará a todos los que tengan un papel en el proceso de implementación y certificación. Escrita para empresas de cualquier tamaño y de cualquier lugar, le da un desglose claro y detallado de la edición de 2011 de la norma y examina su relación con otras normas relacionadas, como ITIL® y COBIT®. Ofrece una gran cantidad de consejos prácticos y recomendaciones sobre cómo prepararse para la auditoría y la puesta en práctica, por lo que su viaje a la certificación será lo más fácil posible. Michael Kunas es auditor jefe de ISO/IEC 20000 y consultor ITSM y tiene más de 15 años de experiencia en todas las áreas de ciencias de la computación. Ha viajado por todo el mundo como consultor, docente y conferenciante sobre la norma ISO/IEC 20000 y los marcos y métodos relacionados con esta norma. También es coautor de un libro sobre un software de matemáticas y ha escrito artículos sobre la gestión de servicios TI, ITIL e ISO/IEC 20000 en las revistas españolas de informática, tales como Data TI y Computerworld. Una guía práctica que dará a su empresa la 'vanguardia' en la calidad del servicio.

Implementando el método GTD con Evernote

by Maria Jose Balbontin Jonathan Baker

Aprende cómo sacarle el máximo provecho al método GTD y a Evernote. Getting Things Done®, o GTD®, es un método de gestión de tiempo creado por el consultor de productividad David Allen. GTD es una de las técnicas más efectivas y populares que puedes usar para tomar las riendas de tu lista de tareas e incrementar tu productividad. El método GTD no sólo te ayuda a completar las tareas y proyectos inmediatos, sino que también te ayuda a avanzar hacia las metas más grandes en tu vida. Evernote® es un programa que originalmente fue creado para tomar y archivar notas. Estas notas pueden ser de texto, páginas web, mensajes de voz, fotos, y más. Evernote es estupendo para guardar todo tipo de información, y te hace fácil organizar y encontrar tu información. Con los consejos que ofrece este libro podrás combinar Evernote y GTD para crear un poderoso sistema para mejorar tu productividad. Usar el método GTD con Evernote te permitirá organizar tu vida personal y profesional en formato electrónico. Ya que Evernote está disponible como aplicación web y en dispositivos móviles, siempre puedes tener acceso a tus tareas, proyectos, metas y notas cuando y donde las necesites.

Implementando o método GTD com o Evernote

by Jonathan Baker Janaina De Oliveira Ribeiro

Aprenda a tirar o maior proveito do GTD com o Evernote. Getting Things Done®, ou GTD®, é um método de gerenciamento de tempo criada pelo consultor de produtividade David Allen. GTD é um das técnicas mais populares e eficazes que você pode utilizar para manter a sua lista de afazeres sob controle e aumentar sua produtividade. Além de auxiliar a completar as tarefas e projetos à mão, O GTD também lhe ajudará a caminhar em direção às metas maiores em sua vida. O Evernote® é um software que foi originalmente desenvolvido para fazer e arquivar anotações. Essas anotações podem ser texto, páginas da Web, memorandos de voz, quadros, e mais. O Evernote é ótimo para armazenar todos os tipos de informações, tornando fácil a organização e o acesso a seus dados. Com um pouco do know-how fornecido nesse livro, você poderá casar o Evernote com o GTD para criar uma poderosa máquina de aumento da produtividade. O uso do Evernote com o GTD permitirão que você organize seu trabalho e vida pessoal no formato eletrônico. Desde que o Evernote está disponível como um aplicativo da web e em dispositivos móveis, você sempre poderá ter acesso a suas tarefas, projetos, metas e notas sempre que e onde quer que os necessitar.

Implementation and Analysis of Ciphers in Quantum Computing (Computer Architecture and Design Methodologies)

by Anubhab Baksi Kyungbae Jang

This book deals with the upcoming threat that may be posed by quantum computers on modern-day security standards, particularly those involving symmetric key ciphers. Considering the progress in the field of quantum computing over the past few years, there is an ever-growing need to analyze the ciphers that are being employed in ensuring security. The symmetric key ciphers are generally considered safe against quantum computers, though one must consider the possible impact due to Grover's search algorithm (that reduces the security claim to the square root bound of what is expected against a classical computer). This book consolidates all the major research works in one place and presents it with adequate clarity, making the subject matter easy to understand for seasoned researchers and students alike. It covers the prerequisite information, new research works (including some of the state of the art), thought-provoking problems for further research, and all the relevant source codes. This book is interesting to engineers, researchers, and students who work/study in the field of cryptography.

Implementation and Application of Automata: 22nd International Conference, CIAA 2017, Marne-la-Vallée, France, June 27-30, 2017, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #10329)

by Arnaud Carayol and Cyril Nicaud

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Implementation and Application of Automata, CIAA 2017,held in Marne-la-Vallée, France, in June 2017. The 17 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 31 submissions. The topics of the presented papers include state complexity of automata; implementations of automata and experiments; enhanced regular expressions; and complexity analysis.

Implementation and Application of Automata: 23rd International Conference, CIAA 2018, Charlottetown, PE, Canada, July 30 – August 2, 2018, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #10977)

by Cezar Câmpeanu

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Implementation and Application of Automata, CIAA 2018, held in Charlottetown, PE, Canada, in July/August 2018.The 23 regular papers presented in this book together with 4 invited papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 39 initial submissions. The topics of the papers include state complexity of automata, implementations of automata and experiments, enhanced regular expressions, and complexity analysis.

Implementation and Application of Automata

by Frank Drewes

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Implementation and Application of Automata, CIAA 2015, held in held in Umeå, Sweden, in August 2015. The 22 revised full papers presented together with 4 invited papers and 2 toool demonstration papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 49 submissions. The papers cover all aspects of cover automata, counter automata, decision algorithms on automata, descriptional complexity, expressive power of automata, homing sequences, jumping finite automata, multi-dimensional languages, parsing and pattern matching, quantum automata, realtime pushdown automata, random generation of automata, regular expressions, security issues, sensors in automata, transducers, transformation of automata, and weighted automata.

Implementation and Application of Automata: 28th International Conference, CIAA 2024, Akita, Japan, September 3–6, 2024, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #15015)

by Szilárd Zsolt Fazekas

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Implementation and Application of Automata, CIAA 2024, held in Akita, Japan, during September 3-6, 2024. The 24 full papers and one invited paper presented here were carefully reviewed and selected from 38 submissions. These papers have been covering various fields in the application, implementation, and theory of automata and related structures.

Implementation and Application of Automata

by Yo-Sub Han Kai Salomaa

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 21st InternationalConference on Implementation and Application of Automata, CIAA 2016, held in Seoul, South Korea, in July 2016. The 26 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from49 submissions. The papers cover a wide range of topics including characterizations of automata, computing distances between strings and languages, implementations ofautomata and experiments, enhanced regular expressions, and complexity analysis.

Implementation and Application of Automata: 24th International Conference, CIAA 2019, Košice, Slovakia, July 22–25, 2019, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #11601)

by Michal Hospodár Galina Jirásková

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Implementation and Application of Automata, CIAA 2019, held in Kosice, Slovakia, in July 2019.The 17 regular papers presented together with 2 invited papers in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 29 initial submissions. The topics of the papers include complexity of languages and language operations, regular expressions, picture languages, jumping automata, input driven and two-dimensional automata, tree languages and tree transducers, architecture of oritatami systems, intruder deduction problem, context sensitive ash codes, rational relations, and algorithms for manipulating sequence binary decision diagrams

Implementation and Application of Automata: 25th International Conference, CIAA 2021, Virtual Event, July 19-22, 2021, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #12803)

by Sebastian Maneth

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Implementation and Application of Automata, CIAA 2021, held in July 2021. Due to Covid-19 pandemic the conference was held virtually. The 13 regular papers presented in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 20 submissions. The topics of the papers cover various fields in the application, implementation, and theory of automata and related structures.

Implementation and Application of Automata: 27th International Conference, CIAA 2023, Famagusta, North Cyprus, September 19–22, 2023, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14151)

by Benedek Nagy

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Implementation and Application of Automata, CIAA 2023, held in Famagusta, North Cyprus, during September 19–22, 2023. The 20 regular papers presented in this book together with invited talks were carefully reviewed and selected from 30 submissions. The topics of the papers cover various fields in the application, implementation, and theory of automata and related structures.

Implementation and Application of Functional Languages

by Ralf Hinze

This book contains the selected peer-reviewed and revised papers from the 24th International Symposium on Implementation and Application of Functional Languages, IFL 2012, held in Oxford, UK, in August/September 2012. The 14 papers included in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 28 revised submissions received from originally 37 presentations at the conference. The papers relate to the implementation and application of functional languages and function-based programming.

Implementation and Applications of DSL Technology

by Philip Golden Hervé Dedieu Krista S. Jacobsen

The digital subscriber line (DSL) industry is expanding rapidly and a technology once thought to be only transitional will soon clear $100 billion in total annual service revenue. From the world's leading DSL experts, Implementation and Application of DSL Technologies builds upon the theory presented in Fundamentals of DSL Technologies

Implementation and Benefits of Digital Twin on Decision Making and Data Quality Management

by Florian Blaschke

Digital twin technology is becoming important for the realization of Industry 4.0 using cyber-physical systems (CPS) and information technology. CPS form the backbone to support the creation of a network for decentralized and autonomous decision-making. The design principles for Industry 4.0 serve as guidelines for virtualization concepts that are virtual copies of the physical world and create a link between the real and virtual worlds to collect data and monitor processes, the so-called digital twin. In this book, a theoretical digital twin-driven decision-making model has been developed that combines corporate data quality management, a process digital twin, and a model-driven decision support system. It leverages the benefits of the digital twin to create, test and build a process in the virtual world that supports decision making by combining data, analytics and visualization of insights to help managers make better decisions

Implementations and Applications of Machine Learning (Studies in Computational Intelligence #782)

by Saad Subair Christopher Thron

This book provides step-by-step explanations of successful implementations and practical applications of machine learning. The book’s GitHub page contains software codes to assist readers in adapting materials and methods for their own use. A wide variety of applications are discussed, including wireless mesh network and power systems optimization; computer vision; image and facial recognition; protein prediction; data mining; and data discovery. Numerous state-of-the-art machine learning techniques are employed (with detailed explanations), including biologically-inspired optimization (genetic and other evolutionary algorithms, swarm intelligence); Viola Jones face detection; Gaussian mixture modeling; support vector machines; deep convolutional neural networks with performance enhancement techniques (including network design, learning rate optimization, data augmentation, transfer learning); spiking neural networks and timing dependent plasticity; frequent itemset mining; binary classification; and dynamic programming. This book provides valuable information on effective, cutting-edge techniques, and approaches for students, researchers, practitioners, and teachers in the field of machine learning.

Implementierung von IT Service-Management

by Arne Fischer Andreas Breiter

Bisher wurde das IT Service-Management in der öffentlichen Verwaltung in Deutschland nur am Rande behandelt. In diesem Buch geben die Autoren einen umfassenden Einblick in die bisherigen Fortschritte bei der Implementierung von IT-Prozessen in öffentlichen Einrichtungen und arbeiten, basierend auf fünf Fallstudien, Erfolgsfaktoren heraus, die auch auf andere Organisationen übertragbar sind. Bei der Aufbereitung der Erfolgsfaktoren liegt der Schwerpunkt bei den organisatorischen Maßnahmen zur Prozess-, Kunden- und Dienstleistungsorientierung.

Implementing AI Systems: Transform Your Business in 6 Steps

by Tom Taulli

AI is one of the fastest growing corners of the tech world. But there remains one big problem: many AI projects fail. The fact is that AI is unique among IT projects. The technology requires a different mindset, in terms of understanding probabilities, data structures and complex algorithms. There is also a need to deal with complex issues like ethics and privacy.This is where Implementing AI Systems comes in. You'll learn the step-by-step process for successful implementations of AI, backed up with numerous case studies from top companies. This book puts everything you need to know into one place – that is, it’s the handbook you need for AI. You’ll focus primarily on understanding the core concepts for AI like NLP, Machine Learning, Deep Learning and so on.This book will help you find the right areas to apply AI.What You’ll LearnPut together an effective data strategyCreate models and how to successfully test themEvaluate AI toolsAssemble the right teamScale AI across an organizationWho This Book Is ForPrimarily for managers, IT professionals and executives of mid-size and large companies wanting to implement AI in their organization.

Implementing Always On VPN: Modern Mobility with Microsoft Windows 10 and Windows Server 2022

by Richard M. Hicks

Implement and support Windows 10 Always On VPN, the successor to Microsoft's popular DirectAccess. This book teaches you everything you need to know to test and adopt the technology at your organization that is widely deployed around the world.The book starts with an introduction to Always On VPN and discusses fundamental concepts and use cases to compare and contrast it with DirectAccess. You will learn the prerequisites required for implementation and deployment scenarios. The book presents the details of recommended VPN protocols, client IP address assignment, and firewall requirements. Also covered is how to configure Routing and Remote Access Service (RRAS) along with security and performance optimizations. The Configuration Service Provider (CSP) is discussed, and you will go through provisioning Always On VPN to Windows 10 clients using PowerShell and XML as well as Microsoft Intune. Details about advanced client configuration and integration with Azure security services are included. You will know how to implement Always On VPN infrastructure in a redundant and highly available (HA) configuration, and guidance for ongoing system maintenance and operational support for the VPN and NPS infrastructure is provided. And you will know how to diagnose and troubleshoot common issues with Always On VPN.After reading this book, you will be able to plan, design, and implement a Windows 10 Always On VPN solution to meet your specific requirements.What Will You LearnPrepare your infrastructure to support Windows 10 Always On VPN on premises or in the cloudProvision and manage Always On VPN clients using modern management methods such as IntuneUnderstand advanced integration concepts for extending functionality with Microsoft AzureTroubleshoot and resolve common configuration and operational errors for your VPNWho This Book Is ForIT professionals and technology administrators for organizations of all sizes

Implementing an Information Security Management System: Security Management Based on ISO 27001 Guidelines

by Abhishek Chopra Mukund Chaudhary

Discover the simple steps to implementing information security standards using ISO 27001, the most popular information security standard across the world. You’ll see how it offers best practices to be followed, including the roles of all the stakeholders at the time of security framework implementation, post-implementation, and during monitoring of the implemented controls. Implementing an Information Security Management System provides implementation guidelines for ISO 27001:2013 to protect your information assets and ensure a safer enterprise environment. This book is a step-by-step guide on implementing secure ISMS for your organization. It will change the way you interpret and implement information security in your work area or organization. What You Will LearnDiscover information safeguard methodsImplement end-to-end information securityManage risk associated with information securityPrepare for audit with associated roles and responsibilitiesIdentify your information riskProtect your information assetsWho This Book Is ForSecurity professionals who implement and manage a security framework or security controls within their organization. This book can also be used by developers with a basic knowledge of security concepts to gain a strong understanding of security standards for an enterprise.

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