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Independent Politics
by Samara Klar Yanna KrupnikovThe number of independent voters in America increases each year, yet they remain misunderstood by both media and academics. Media describe independents as pivotal for electoral outcomes. Political scientists conclude that independents are merely 'undercover partisans': people who secretly hold partisan beliefs and are thus politically inconsequential. Both the pundits and the political scientists are wrong, argue the authors. They show that many Americans are becoming embarrassed of their political party. They deny to pollsters, party activists, friends, and even themselves, their true partisanship, instead choosing to go 'undercover' as independents. Independent Politics demonstrates that people intentionally mask their partisan preferences in social situations. Most importantly, breaking with decades of previous research, it argues that independents are highly politically consequential. The same motivations that lead people to identify as independent also diminish their willingness to engage in the types of political action that sustain the grassroots movements of American politics.
Independent Random Sampling Methods (Statistics And Computing Ser.)
by Luca Martino David Luengo Joaquín MíguezThis book systematically addresses the design and analysis of efficient techniques for independent random sampling. Both general-purpose approaches, which can be used to generate samples from arbitrary probability distributions, and tailored techniques, designed to efficiently address common real-world practical problems, are introduced and discussed in detail. In turn, the monograph presents fundamental results and methodologies in the field, elaborating and developing them into the latest techniques. The theory and methods are illustrated with a varied collection of examples, which are discussed in detail in the text and supplemented with ready-to-run computer code.The main problem addressed in the book is how to generate independent random samples from an arbitrary probability distribution with the weakest possible constraints or assumptions in a form suitable for practical implementation. The authors review the fundamental results and methods in the field, address the latest methods, and emphasize the links and interplay between ostensibly diverse techniques.
InDesign CS4 Bible
by Galen GrumanThe soup-to-nuts guide on everything InDesign users need to know about the much-anticipated CS4 release! Packed with more than one thousand pages of real-world insight and valuable guidance, this authoritative resource describes the power and potential of InDesign-whose popularity as a page-layout program is growing stronger and gaining new converts every day No matter what your skill level, you will get everything you need to know in order to make the most of this software and take advantage of InDesign CS4's innovative architecture, functionality, and many ingenious features Learn how to edit Photoshop, Illustrator, and PDF files from within InDesign; export documents in HTML for publication on CD-ROM or the Web; tap the power of multiple layers and master pages; optimize InDesign for efficient project workflow; take advantage of dynamic spell-checking; and more Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
InDesign CS4 For Dummies
by Galen GrumanInDesign is the preferred graphic design software, and InDesign CS4 is loaded with cool new desktop publishing features. InDesign CS4 For Dummies shows you how to use every one! Whether you’re an experienced designer or just want to create a cool newsletter for the school soccer team, you’ll benefit from Galen Gruman’s guidance. This desktop publishing expert shows you how to navigate InDesign menus, dialog boxes, panels, and panes; streamline your work with templates; prepare your creations for printing or online publication, and more. Explore the new tools, work with the application frame, and set preferences for the way you work Learn to open and save documents and export content Get familiar with the Pages panel, apply Master Pages, and work with Layers Make the most of color with color libraries, multi-ink colors, spot versus process color, and gradients Create layout guidelines and use color swatches for consistency Streamline text formatting by using styles and treat text as a graphic element Design for the Web with hyperlinks, multimedia elements, and Flash files See how InDesign CS4 works seamlessly with other applications in the Adobe Creative Suite Discover why good design is part science and part art and learn to manipulate, organize, and align design objects Take advantage of tips for cropping and positioning graphics Prepare for printing or other output with enhanced preflighting tools InDesign CS4 For Dummies also offers great advice for designing pages that do their job perfectly. Start creating today!
InDesign CS4 For Dummies
by Galen GrumanInDesign is the preferred graphic design software, and InDesign CS4 is loaded with cool new desktop publishing features. InDesign CS4 For Dummies shows you how to use every one! Whether you're an experienced designer or just want to create a cool newsletter for the school soccer team, you'll benefit from Galen Gruman's guidance. This desktop publishing expert shows you how to navigate InDesign menus, dialog boxes, panels, and panes; streamline your work with templates; prepare your creations for printing or online publication, and more. Explore the new tools, work with the application frame, and set preferences for the way you work Learn to open and save documents and export content Get familiar with the Pages panel, apply Master Pages, and work with Layers Make the most of color with color libraries, multi-ink colors, spot versus process color, and gradients Create layout guidelines and use color swatches for consistency Streamline text formatting by using styles and treat text as a graphic element Design for the Web with hyperlinks, multimedia elements, and Flash files See how InDesign CS4 works seamlessly with other applications in the Adobe Creative Suite Discover why good design is part science and part art and learn to manipulate, organize, and align design objects Take advantage of tips for cropping and positioning graphics Prepare for printing or other output with enhanced preflighting tools InDesign CS4 For Dummies also offers great advice for designing pages that do their job perfectly. Start creating today!
InDesign CS5 In Simple Steps
by Kogent Learning Solutions IncINDESIGN CS5 in SIMPLE STEPS is designed to help you work with InDesign CS5 in an easy and user-friendly way. An easy to understand language, step-by step approach, and lots of illustrations are some of the key features that make the book unique in itself. The book is extremely useful for readers who have some knowledge to work in PageMaker and are now considering to learn InDesign. The content of the book is arranged in such a way that it is beneficial for both the beginners as well as for professionals. The book covers: Launching InDesign CS5 and exploring its user interface Working with Page Tool, Gap Tool, New LAYERS panel, Track Text Changes, Mini Bridge, Presentation Mode, and Live Corner Effect Adding graphics, objects, images, and shapes Working with Colors and Swatches panels Creating tables and applying table styles Inserting live captions from metadata Using Process and Spot color modes Working with the KULER panel, the Preflight Check option, and the Print Preset feature Converting a document to a PDF file
InDesign in Easy Steps
by Robert ShufflebothamIf your aim is to get started with the basics; become a competent and confident user; and then to master InDesign - this book is for you.The book builds from the basics, such as the Working Environment, Building Pages, Text, character and Paragraph settings. Then, it continues to cover more and more of the extensive range of functionality InDesign has to offer. By following the book's logical structure you can develop the core skills needed to master the software. Areas covered include: Tables and Tabs; Table of Contents, Indexing and Books; Printing and Exporting; Transformations and Transparency; Paths and the Pen Tool.Covers InDesign CS3, CS4 and CS5.
InDesign Production Cookbook
by Anne-Marie Concepcion Alistair Dabbs Keith Martin Ken McmahonThe book covers the very latest features in Adobe InDesign CS2 for Windows and Macintosh, including tips on using the program with Bridge within Adobe Creative Suite 2. Unlike the traditional "bible" approach to learning new software, InDesign Production Cookbook's unique combination of concise explanations, expert tips, and practical recipes will bring new users up to speed quickly, while providing more seasoned professionals with the information they need to complete specific tasks on the run. The book covers: handling typography, including customization and special effects working with photographs and illustrations using InDesign's art tools to create illustrations formatting tables applying color and transparency effects building multi-page documents creating indexes and tables of contents making interactive multimedia eBooks InDesign style tagging There's even a chapter specifically for QuarkXPress users making the switch to Adobe InDesign, showing where you will find familiar tools and commands in the new program. Packed with step-by-step instructions, hundreds of full-color examples, and authoritative information and advice, InDesign Cookbook is the ultimate, no-nonsense production guide for every InDesign user.
Index and Query Methods in Road Networks
by Jun Feng Toyohide WatanabeThis book presents the index and query techniques on road network and moving objects which are limited to road network. Here, the road network of non-Euclidean space has its unique characteristics such that two moving objects may be very close in a straight line distance. The index used in two-dimensional Euclidean space is not always appropriate for moving objects on road network. Therefore, the index structure needs to be improved in order to obtain suitable indexing methods, explore the shortest path and acquire nearest neighbor query and aggregation query methods under the new index structures. Chapter 1 of this book introduces the present situation of intelligent traffic and index in road network, Chapter 2 introduces the relevant existing spatial indexing methods. Chapter 3-5 focus on several issues of road network and query, they involves: traffic road network models (see Chapter 3), index structures (see Chapter 4) and aggregate query methods (see Chapter 5). Finally, in Chapter 6, the book briefly describes the applications and the development of intelligent transportation in the future.
Index Modulation for OFDM Communications Systems (Wireless Networks)
by Miaowen Wen Qiang Li Xiang ChengThanks to their considerable advantages, index modulation and orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) are considered to be promising candidates for future wireless communications. This book focuses on the index modulation techniques for OFDM communications systems, which allow information to be conveyed not only via constellation symbols, but also by the indices of various transmission entities in OFDM systems, such as signal constellations, spreading codes, and pilots. The book discusses representative transmitter and receiver designs, optimization and performance analysis of index modulation based on various transmission entities. It first introduces readers to constellation-based index modulation via a combinatorial approach, including the classical index modulation scheme and two embodiments of information-guided precoding for OFDM systems. It further discusses constellation-based index modulation via a permutational approach, including the basic, generalized, and diversity-enhancing forms. It then describes how the spreading code is used to design an index modulated spread spectrum for OFDM systems, and the extensions to multi-code and multi-user scenarios. In addition it explores information guided pilot insertion for OFDM systems, followed by applications to carrier phase tracking and channel estimation. Lastly, the book highlights a number of open problems and discusses future research directions in the general field of index modulation. Intended for professionals and researchers in the field of wireless communications, this book is also a valuable resource for advanced-level electrical engineering and computer science students.
India Connected: How the Smartphone is Transforming the World's Largest Democracy
by Ravi AgrawalIndia is connecting at a dizzying pace. In 2000, roughly 20 million Indians had access to the internet. In 2017, 465 million were online, with three new people logging on for the first time every second. By 2020, the country's online community is projected to exceed 700 million; more than a billion Indians are expected to be online by 2025. While users in Western countries progressed steadily over the years from dial-up connections on PCs, to broadband access, wireless, and now 4G data on phones, in India most have leapfrogged straight into the digital world with smartphones and affordable data plans. What effect is all this having on the ancient and traditionally rural culture dominated by family and local customs? Ravi Agrawal's book explores that very question, seeking out the nexuses of change and those swept up in them. Smartphones now influence arranged marriages, create an extension of one's social identity that moves beyond caste, bring within reach educational opportunities undreamed of a generation ago, bridge linguistic gaps, provide outlets and opportunities for start-ups, and are helping to move the entire Indian economy from cash- to credit-based. The effects are everywhere, and they are transformative. While they offer immediate access to so much for so many, smartphones are creating no Utopia in a culture still struggling with poverty, illiteracy, corruption, gender inequality, and income disparity. Internet access has provided greater opportunities to women and altered how India's outcasts interact with the world; it has also made pornography readily available and provided an echo chamber for rumor and prejudice. Under a government determined to control content, it has created tensions. And in a climate of hypernationalism, it has fomented violence and even terrorism. The influence of smartphones on the world's largest democracy is pervasive and irreversible, disruptive and creative, unsettling and compelling. Agrawal's fascinating book gives us the people and places reflecting what the internet hath wrought. India Connected reveals both its staggering dimensions and implications, illuminating how it is affecting the progress of progress itself.
India, Habermas and the Normative Structure of Public Sphere
by Muzaffar AliThis book examines how the contemporary Indian situation poses a strict theoretical challenge to Habermas’s theorization of the public sphere and employs the method of samvāda to critically analyse and dissect its universalist claims. It invites the reader to consider the possibility of imagining a normative Indian public sphere that is embedded in the Indian context—in a native and not nativist sense—to get past the derivative language of philosophical and political discourses prevalent within Indian academia. The book proposes that the dynamic cooperative space between Indian political theory and contemporary Indian philosophy is effectively suited to theorize the native idea of the Indian public sphere. It underlines the normative need for a natively theorized Indian public sphere to further the multilayered democratization of public spheres within diverse communities that constitute Indian society. The book will be a key read for contemporary studies in philosophy, political theory, sociology, postcolonial theory, history and media and communication studies.
India Higher Education Report 2021: Private Higher Education
by N. V. Varghese Jinusha PanigrahiThis volume provides an in-depth analysis of the critical dimensions of higher education in India. It focuses on the growth and expansion of private higher education and public policy. The volume discusses issues related to the growth of for-profit and not-for-profit private higher education institutions and their implications at the policy level. It outlines the role of such institutions towards the internationalization and global ranking of the Indian higher education system. The book discusses the trends in internationalisation adopted by private higher education institutions and explains the resulting impact on aspects such as the diversity of programs, skill formation, employability, pedagogic practices, standards, curriculum development, and research and development, as well as the wider externalities in terms of promoting India’s soft power and international relations with other countries. While outlining the challenges of Open Distance Learning (ODL) and online education in India, the book also discusses the use of ICT, OER, and MOOCS among others to address the challenges of the ODL system. This volume will be of interest to teachers, students, and researchers of education, public policy, political science, international relations, law, sociology, economics, and political economy. It will also be useful for academicians, policymakers, and anyone interested in the internationalization of Indian Higher Education.
The Indian Periodical Press and the Production of Nationalist Rhetoric
by Sukeshi KamraConsiders the Indian periodical press as a key forum for the production of nationalist rhetoric. It argues that between the 1870s and 1910, the press was the place in which the notion of 'the public' circulated and where an expansive middle class, and even larger reading audience, was persuaded into believing it had force.
Indian Politics and Political Processes: Ideas, Institutions and Practices
by Mithilesh Kumar Jha Kamal Nayan ChoubeyIndian Politics and Political Processes explores the key ideas, foundations, continuities, major shifts and challenges to the state and democracy in modern India. The book presents an in-depth analysis of recent issues and challenges confronting the Indian state and politics. Presenting a comprehensive account of the major trajectories of Indian politics, this book introduces the readers to the existing literature and enables them to think critically about major issues and institutions of politics and democracy. The chapters engage critically with the historical antecedents, major debates, and recent developments. The book also elaborately deals with issues such as populism, religious movements, minority rights, health, and the environment, which are often ignored or side-lined in the available literature on Indian politics and political processes. The book will be useful to the students, teachers and researchers pursuing courses in political science, South Asian Studies, and international/global politics and economics. It will also be an informative read for those interested in contemporary South Asian politics.
Indie Cinema Online
by Sarah E.S. SinwellIndie Cinema Online investigates the changing nature of contemporary American independent cinema in an era of media convergence. Focusing on the ways in which modes of production, distribution, and exhibition are shifting with the advent of online streaming, simultaneous release strategies, and web series, this book analyzes sites such as SundanceTV, YouTube, Netflix, Hulu, and other online spaces as a means of redefining independent cinema in a digital era. Analyzing the intersections among cinema studies, cultural studies, and new media studies within contemporary convergence culture, author Sarah E.S. Sinwell looks at sites of media convergence that are often ignored within most studies of digital media. Emphasizing the ways in which the forms and technologies of media culture have changed during the age of convergence, this book analyzes contemporary production, distribution, and exhibition practices as a means of examining the changing meanings of independent cinema within digital culture.
The Indie Game Developer Handbook
by Richard Hill-WhittallThe indie game developer’s complete guide to running a studio. <P><P>The climate for the games industry has never been hotter, and this is only set to continue as the marketplace for tablets, consoles and phones grow. Seemingly every day there is a story of how a successful app or game has earned thousands of downloads and revenue. As the market size increases, so does the number of people developing and looking to develop their own app or game to publish. The Indie Game Developer Handbook covers every aspect of running a game development studio—from the initial creation of the game through to completion, release and beyond. <P><P> Accessible and complete guide to many aspects of running a game development studio from funding and development through QA, publishing, marketing, and more. <P><P> Provides a useful knowledge base and help to support the learning process of running an indie development studio in an honest, approachable and easy to understand way. <P><P> Case studies, interviews from other studies and industry professionals grant an first-hand look into the world of indie game development
Indie Video Game Development Work: Innovation in the Creative Economy
by Alexander StyhreThis book presents a study of so-called indie video game developers that are widely regarded as the creative and innovative fringe of the video game industry. The video game industry is an exemplary entrepreneurial high growth industry that combines digital media, cinematographic representations and interactive gaming technologies, and uses global digital distribution channels to reach local gaming communities. The study examines a number of issues, concerns, challenges, and opportunities that indie developers are handling as part of their development work. The love of gaming and video games more specifically is the shared and unifying force of both so-called Triple-A developers and the indie developer community. Still, issues such as how to raise financial capital or otherwise fund the development work, or how to optimize the return on investment when video games are released on digital platforms are issues that indie developers need to cope with. The study is theoretically framed as a case of an innovation-led sector of the economy, yet being anchored in the Swedish welfare state model, wherein e.g., free tertiary education and social insurances and health case at low cost are provided and supportive of enterprising. This book will be valuable reading for academics working in the fields of knowledge management, innovation, and the creative economy.
Indigeneity in Real Time: The Digital Making of Oaxacalifornia (Latinidad: Transnational Cultures in the United States)
by Ingrid KummelsLong before the COVID-19 crisis, Mexican Indigenous peoples were faced with organizing their lives from afar, between villages in the Oaxacan Sierra Norte and the urban districts of Los Angeles, as a result of unauthorized migration and the restrictive border between Mexico and the United States. By launching cutting-edge Internet radio stations and multimedia platforms and engaging as community influencers, Zapotec and Ayuujk peoples paved their own paths to a transnational lifeway during the Trump era. This meant adapting digital technology to their needs, setting up their own infrastructure, and designing new digital formats for re-organizing community life in all its facets—including illness, death and mourning, collective celebrations, sport tournaments, and political meetings—across vast distances. Author Ingrid Kummels shows how mediamakers and users in the Sierra Norte villages and in Los Angeles created a transborder media space and aligned time regimes. By networking from multiple places, they put into practice a communal way of life called Comunalidad and an indigenized American Dream—in real time.
Indigenous People and Mobile Technologies (Routledge Studies in New Media and Cyberculture)
by Laurel Evelyn Dyson Stephen Grant Max HendriksIn the rich tradition of mobile communication studies and new media, this volume examines how mobile technologies are being embraced by Indigenous people all over the world. As mobile phones have revolutionised society both in developed and developing countries, so Indigenous people are using mobile devices to bring their communities into the twenty-first century. The explosion of mobile devices and applications in Indigenous communities addresses issues of isolation and building an environment for the learning and sharing of knowledge, providing support for cultural and language revitalisation, and offering the means for social and economic renewal. This book explores how mobile technologies are overcoming disadvantage and the tyrannies of distance, allowing benefits to flow directly to Indigenous people and bringing wide-ranging changes to their lives. It begins with general issues and theoretical perspectives followed by empirical case studies that include the establishment of Indigenous mobile networks and practices, mobile technologies for social change and, finally, the ways in which mobile technology is being used to sustain Indigenous culture and language.
Individual-based Methods in Forest Ecology and Management
by Arne Pommerening Pavel GrabarnikModel-driven individual-based forest ecology and individual-based methods in forest management are of increasing importance in many parts of the world. For the first time this book integrates three main fields of forest ecology and management, i.e. tree/plant interactions, biometry of plant growth and human behaviour in forests. Individual-based forest ecology and management is an interdisciplinary research field with a focus on how the individual behaviour of plants contributes to the formation of spatial patterns that evolve through time. Key to this research is a strict bottom-up approach where the shaping and characteristics of plant communities are mostly the result of interactions between plants and between plants and humans. This book unites important methods of individual-based forest ecology and management from point process statistics, individual-based modelling, plant growth science and behavioural statistics. For ease of access, better understanding and transparency the methods are accompanied by R code and worked examples.
Individual-based Modeling and Ecology (Princeton Series in Theoretical and Computational Biology #2)
by Volker Grimm Steven F. RailsbackIndividual-based models are an exciting and widely used new tool for ecology. These computational models allow scientists to explore the mechanisms through which population and ecosystem ecology arises from how individuals interact with each other and their environment. This book provides the first in-depth treatment of individual-based modeling and its use to develop theoretical understanding of how ecological systems work, an approach the authors call "individual-based ecology.? Grimm and Railsback start with a general primer on modeling: how to design models that are as simple as possible while still allowing specific problems to be solved, and how to move efficiently through a cycle of pattern-oriented model design, implementation, and analysis. Next, they address the problems of theory and conceptual framework for individual-based ecology: What is "theory"? That is, how do we develop reusable models of how system dynamics arise from characteristics of individuals? What conceptual framework do we use when the classical differential equation framework no longer applies? An extensive review illustrates the ecological problems that have been addressed with individual-based models. The authors then identify how the mechanics of building and using individual-based models differ from those of traditional science, and provide guidance on formulating, programming, and analyzing models. This book will be helpful to ecologists interested in modeling, and to other scientists interested in agent-based modeling.
Individualized Quality of Experience Estimation in Audiovisual Communication (T-Labs Series in Telecommunication Services)
by Robert Philipp SpangThe book presents an in-depth exploration of the Individuality Assisted Estimation (IAE) model in the context of Quality of Experience (QoE) assessment for multimedia, specifically audiovisual communication. The book delves into how individual characteristics, including psychological traits and states, influence perceptions of multimedia quality. The book argues for the integration of individual differences into these assessments, hypothesizing that this approach can enhance the accuracy and relevance of QoE ratings. Through a series of experiments and analyses, the book rigorously evaluates the effectiveness of the IAE model, comparing it against traditional methods, and highlights its particular strengths in estimating task load. The research contributes to the field by emphasizing the importance of individuality in multimedia quality assessment and offering a practical, empirically validated approach for incorporating individual differences into QoE models.
Indo-Pacific Smart Megacity System: Emerging Architecture and Megacity Studies (Advances in 21st Century Human Settlements)
by T. M. Vinod KumarThis book is an in-depth study of the Indo-Pacific region for effective interventions in the megacities system. First, based on several criteria, the region is identified as homogeneous country groupings of diversity, a multi-polar spatial system, and as program regions of QUAD and I2U2 for action programs and investment transcending many nations but mostly the ocean space of the Indo-Pacific, connecting all megacities sub-regions spatially and functionally. Then, the megacities with problems and prospects for economic integration are studied from the point of view of regional economics and international trade, and finally, the rural–urban interface with case studies of selected countries is presented. Prospects of systems of megacities and individual megacities for regional economies are designed. Existing interconnections through rail, air, and ocean of megacity systems, their capacity, performance, and potential are analyzed for emerging issues. International trade among the megacity systems/countries with emerging issues and barriers are presented. The mobility of money, goods, and services among the systems of megacities is analyzed. Rule-based diplomacy and other emerging options are discussed to sustain the above calls for a study of the Security of the Indo-Pacific region. Finally, the emerging architecture for megacity system governance is also presented.Out of 21 megacities in the Indo-Pacific, an in-depth study of a few in India and Japan in the Indo-Pacific region for effective economic interventions in the megacities system at the city level was studied. COVID-19 has affected most of the countries in the Indo-Pacific. With a contraction of GDP and a GDP growth rate negative, the number below the poverty level increased. Foreign Direct Investment is not forthcoming in any of these countries. Job creation becomes a priority in addition to public health concerns connected with COVID-19.
Indoor Infrared Optical Wireless Communications: Systems and Integration
by Ke WangThis book aims to give an overview of recent developments in indoor near-infrared optical wireless communication technologies and systems, including basic theories, operating fundamentals, system architectures, modelling, experimental demonstrations, advanced techniques, and most recently, the research efforts towards integrations. Both line-of-sight and diffusive-signals-based options will be reviewed, to provide readers a complete picture about this rapidly developing area, which targets the provision of high-speed wireless connectivity to end- users in indoor environments, such as offices, homes and shopping centres, to satisfy the growing high-speed communication requirement. Provides a systematic approach for the fundamentals of indoor optical wireless communications. Provides an overview of recent developments in indoor infrared optical wireless communications, including theoretical fundamentals. Examines system architectures, modelling, experimental demonstrations, and the research efforts towards integrations. Dr. Ke Wang is an Australian Research Council (ARC) DECRA Fellow and a senior lecturer in the School of Engineering, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT University), VIC, Australia. He worked with the University of Melbourne, Australia, and Stanford University, California, before joining RMIT University. He has published over 110 peer-reviewed papers in top journals and leading international conferences, including over 20 invited papers. He has been awarded several prestigious national and international awards as recognition of research contributions, such as the Victoria Fellowship, the AIPS Young Tall Poppy Science Award, and the Marconi Society Paul Baran Young Scholar Award. His major areas of interest include: silicon photonics integration, opto-electronics integrated devices and circuits, nanophotonics, optical wireless technology for short-range applications, quasi-passive reconfigurable devices and applications and optical interconnects in data -centres and high-performance computing.