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Industrielle Automatisierungs- und Informationstechnik: IT-Architekturen, Kommunikation und Software zur Systemgestaltung
by Michael WeyrichDas Lehrbuch vermittelt Kenntnisse von Automatisierungssystemen, deren Komponenten und Strukturen. Dabei spielen heute Aspekte der Kommunikation und Echtzeitverarbeitung sowie der Zuverlässigkeit und Qualität von Soft- und Hardware eine wichtige Rolle. Zahlreiche Anwendungsbeispiele unterstützen den Lernerfolg.
Industrielle Datenanalyse: Entwicklung einer Datenanalyse-Plattform für die wertschaffende, kompetenzorientierte Kollaboration in dynamischen Wertschöpfungsnetzwerken
by Jochen Deuse Ralf Klinkenberg Nikolai WestDieses Open Buch schlägt eine Brücke zwischen Theorie und Praxis für das produzierende Gewerbe im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung, der Industrie 4.0 und der Künstlichen Intelligenz. Es ist das Resultat eines vierjährigen Forschungsprojekts, das unter der Leitung des Instituts für Produktionssysteme der Technischen Universität Dortmund und der RapidMiner GmbH in Zusammenarbeit mit zwölf weiteren Partnern durchgeführt wurde. Das Hauptziel des Projekts war die Entwicklung einer Datenanalyse-Plattform zur Förderung einer effektiven und kompetenzorientierten Zusammenarbeit in dynamischen Wertschöpfungsnetzwerken.Die zwanzig Beiträge in diesem Sammelband liefern umfassende Einblicke in die Forschungsergebnisse und schildern die gemeinsamen Erfahrungen der Partner aus produzierenden Unternehmen, Software- und Hardware-Anbietern sowie Forschungseinrichtungen. Im Fokus steht die Entwicklung von Lösungen, die in einem modularen Referenzbaukasten zusammengefasst sind. Dieser Baukasten unterstützt industrielle Datenanalysen und deren Integration in betriebliche Abläufe. Er fördert darüber hinaus eine kompetenzorientierte Zusammenarbeit und ermöglicht somit die Initiierung neuer Geschäftsmodelle und Kollaborationen.Das Buch richtet sich an Praktiker:innen aus der Industrie ebenso wie an Wissenschaftler:innen. Es liefert Impulse und bietet Hilfestellungen, um den Herausforderungen der digitalen Transformation zu begegnen und die Zukunft der industriellen Datenanalyse erfolgreich zu gestalten.
Industrielle Dienstleistungen 4.0: HMD Best Paper Award 2015 (essentials)
by Matthias M. Herterich Falk Uebernickel Walter BrennerAuf Basis empirischer Daten von 45 konkreten Anwendungsfällen identifiziert dieses essential Nutzenpotentiale cyber-physischer Systeme im Kontext industrieller Dienstleistungen. Die Autoren nennen Implikationen und Handlungsempfehlungen für die Unternehmenspraxis. Die Leser erfahren, wie die fortschreitende Digitalisierung und der geschickte Einsatz cyber-physischer Systeme das Dienstleistungsgeschäft der produzierenden Industrie sowie im Maschinen- und Anlagenbau transformieren. Damit ergeben sich einerseits neue Möglichkeiten zur Effizienzsteigerung bereits bestehender Prozesse. Andererseits eröffnen sich bisher ungeahnte Möglichkeiten zur Umsetzung innovativer, datengetriebener industrieller Dienstleistungen.
Industrielle Robotersysteme: Entscheiderwissen für die Planung und Umsetzung wirtschaftlicher Roboterlösungen
by Andreas Pott Thomas DietzDieses Buch bietet eine Einführung in die Grundlagen des industriellen Robotereinsatzes und vermittelt Praxiswissen im Hinblick auf Planung, Umsetzung und Betrieb von Robotersystemen. Roboter haben sich als zuverlässige Werkzeuge in der Automatisierung bewährt. Sie sind in vielen Industriebereichen für die wirtschaftliche Produktion unentbehrlich. Die erweiterten Einsatzmöglichkeiten verursachen allerdings auch einen erheblichen Integrationsbedarf auf dem Weg vom »nackten« Roboter zu einer maßgeschneiderten Roboterlösung. Zur Auswahl der passenden Roboterlösung und zur effektiven Kommunikation mit Lieferanten und Kunden sind technisches Basiswissen, die Grundbegriffe der Robotik und ein umfassender Marktüberblick unverzichtbar. Die Autoren vermitteln praxisnah die notwendigen Grundlagen, um informierte Entscheidungen bei der Umsetzung von Robotersystemen zu treffen.
Industry 4.0: Technologies, Applications, and Challenges (Emerging Trends in Mechatronics)
by Aydin Azizi Reza Vatankhah BarenjiThis book presents Industry 4.0 enabler technologies and tools. It also highlights some of the existing empirical applications in the context of manufacturing. The book elucidates innovative thematic concepts of Industry 4.0 and its perspectives. It establishes routes to empirically utilize Industry 4.0 standards for manufacturing companies. The book can be used as a reference for professionals/engineers, researchers, and students.
Industry 4.0
by Alasdair GilchristExplore the current state of the production, processing, and manufacturing industries and discover what it will take to achieve re-industrialization of the former industrial powerhouses that can counterbalance the benefits of cheap labor providers dominating the industrial sector. This book explores the potential for the Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data, Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), and Smart Factory technologies to replace the still largely mechanical, people-based systems of offshore locations. Industry 4. 0: The Industrial Internet of Things covers Industry 4. 0, a term that encapsulates trends and technologies that could rewrite the rules of manufacturing and production. What you'll learn What are the Industrial Internet and Industrial Internet of Things Which technologies must advance to enable Industry 4. 0 What is happening today to make that happen What are examples of the implementation of Industry 4. 0 How to apply some of these case studies What is the potential to take back the lead in manufacturing, and the potential fallout that could result Who this book is for Business futurists, business strategists, CEOs and CTOs, and anyone with an interest and an IT or business background; or anyone who may have a keen interest in how the future of IT, industry and production will develop over the next two decades.
Industry 4.0: Developments towards the Fourth Industrial Revolution (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)
by Kaushik Kumar Divya Zindani J. Paulo DavimThis book provides an overview of the burgeoning next generation of industry- Industry 4.0, which promises to increase flexibility in manufacturing in tandem with mass communication, improved productivity and better quality. This volume provides a comprehensive and holistic overview of intelligent manufacturing, process planning, assessment of product development opportunities, aspects of risk management, education and qualification requirements, socio-technical considerations and the sustainability of business models. This volume will be of interest to engineers, entrepreneurs, academics and students working in these fields.
Industry 4.0: Challenges, Trends, and Solutions in Management and Engineering (Manufacturing Design and Technology)
by Carolina Machado J. Paulo DavimIndustry 4.0 is a challenge for today’s businesses. It’s a concept that encompasses the technological innovations of automation, control, and information technology, as it’s applied to manufacturing processes. It’s a new topic that recently emerged in academia and industry, with few books that target both management and engineering. This book will cover the new advances and the way to manage competitive organizations. The chapters will include terms of theory, evidence, and/or methodology, and significantly advance social scientific research. This book: Focuses on the latest and most recent research findings occurring on the topic of Industry 4.0 Presents the ways companies around the world are facing today's technological challenges Assists researchers and practitioners in selecting the correct options and strategies to manage competitive organizations Provides recent advances in international studies Encompasses the main technological innovations in the fields of automation, control, and information technology applied to the manufacturing processes Industry 4.0: Challenges, Trends, and Solutions in Manangment and Engineering is designed to increase the knowledge and effectiveness of all managers and engineers in all organizations and activity sectors Carolina Machado has been teaching in the Human Resources Management subjects since 1989 at University of Minho, Portugal. She has been an associate professor since 2004, with experience and research interest areas in the field of Human Resource Management, International Human Resource Management, Human Resource Management in SMEs, Training and Development, Emotional Intelligence, Management Change, Knowledge Management, and Management/HRM in the Digital Age. She is head of the Department of Management and head of the Human Resources Management Work Group at University of Minho, as well as chief editor of the International Journal of Applied Management Sciences and Engineering (IJAMSE). J. Paulo Davim is a professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Aveiro, Portugal. He has more than 30 years of teaching and research experience in Manufacturing, Materials, Mechanical, and Industrial Engineering, with special emphasis in Machining & Tribology. He has also interest in Management, Engineering Education, and Higher Education for Sustainability. He has worked as evaluator of projects for ERC (European Research Council) and other international research agencies.
Industry 4.0: Industrial Revolution of the 21st Century (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control #169)
by Elena G. Popkova Yulia V. Ragulina Aleksei V. BogovizThis book addresses a wide range of issues relating to the theoretical substantiation of the necessity of Industry 4.0, the development of the methodological tools for its analysis and evaluation, and practical solutions for effectively managing this process. It particularly focuses on solving the problem of optimizing the development of Industry 4.0 in the context of knowledge economy formation. The book presents the authors’ approach to studying the process of Industry 4.0 formation in connection with knowledge economy, and approach that allows the process to be studied in connection with the existing socio-economic and technological conditions. As a result, the conclusions and recommendations could be applied to modern economic systems and do not require any further elaboration. The presented research is based on modern economic theory scientific and methodological tools, including the tools of the theory of economic cycles, the theory of games, and the institutional economic theory. Raising awareness of the problem of Industry 4.0 formation, the book is of interest to a wide audience, including not only specialists and experts with a detailed knowledge of the topic, but also scholars, lecturers, and undergraduates of various fields of economics.
Industry 4.0, AI, and Data Science: Research Trends and Challenges (Demystifying Technologies for Computational Excellence)
by Vikram BaliThe aim of this book is to provide insight into Data Science and Artificial Learning Techniques based on Industry 4.0, conveys how Machine Learning & Data Science are becoming an essential part of industrial and academic research. Varying from healthcare to social networking and everywhere hybrid models for Data Science, Al, and Machine Learning are being used. The book describes different theoretical and practical aspects and highlights how new systems are being developed. Along with focusing on the research trends, challenges and future of AI in Data Science, the book explores the potential for integration of advanced AI algorithms, addresses the challenges of Data Science for Industry 4.0, covers different security issues, includes qualitative and quantitative research, and offers case studies with working models. This book also provides an overview of AI and Data Science algorithms for readers who do not have a strong mathematical background. Undergraduates, postgraduates, academicians, researchers, and industry professionals will benefit from this book and use it as a guide.
Industry 4.0 and Advanced Manufacturing: Proceedings of I-4AM 2019 (Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering)
by Amaresh Chakrabarti Manish AroraThis book presents selected papers from the 1st International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Advanced Manufacturing held at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore and includes deliberations from stakeholders in manufacturing and Industry 4.0 on the nature, needs, challenges, opportunities, problems, and solutions in these transformational areas. Special emphasis is placed on exploring avenues for creating a vision of, and enablers for, sustainable, affordable, and human-centric Industry 4.0. The book showcases cutting edge practice, research, and educational innovation in this crucial and rapidly evolving area. This book will be useful to researchers in academia and industry, and will also be useful to policymakers involved in creating ecosystems for implementation of Industry 4.0.
Industry 4.0 and Healthcare: Impact of Artificial Intelligence (Advanced Technologies and Societal Change)
by Ashish Mishra Jerry Chun-Wei LinThis book presents different stages of Industrial Revolution in artificial intelligence and its impact on industry 4.0 and Healthcare. It contains chapters prepared for the industrial landscape which is being transformed to the fourth stage with the rise of autonomous robots, contemporary automation, cyber-physical systems, the Internet of things, and the Internet of services for examining the circumstances of health care system for the future. It highlights the emerging trends in integration of different intelligent manufacturing systems and advanced information technologies. Additionally, understanding of the real-world issues using artificial intelligence and the solutions discussed in this book help the enormous numbers of techniques which can be applied for effective diagnosis and predicting diseases from health care data.
Industry 4.0 and the Digital Transformation of International Business
by Gurinder Singh Richa Goel Vikas GargThe book throws light on the ongoing trends in international business, integration of information technology with global businesses, its role in value co-creation, resource integration, and service for service exchange. While discussing the issues of these areas, chapters of this book also delve into prevalent problematic areas which are closely related like employment, ethical aspects, power creation, and so on. Recognizing the role digitization and new technologies play in enabling global managers to communicate with outside world directly via digital channels irrespective of their location (which is especially true in time of COVID-19), the book takes an emerging economy perspective and throws light on new theories, perceptions, employment opportunities, and innovative ideas through its content. The book not only discusses effects of information technology but also the latest emerging technology in global business like use of artificial intelligence, robotics, machine learning, big data, and their integration with the global business 4.0. Since emergence of these new technologies requires proper infrastructural development, the book also throws light on government initiatives and CSR in this respect. It contains takeaways for both undergraduate and graduate students, researchers and academicians, industry watchers, practitioners, start-ups, and entrepreneurs
Industry 4.0, China 2025, IoT: The Hype Around the World of Automation
by Wolfgang BabelThe book gives an overview about automation technology over the last 50 years, based on my own experiences. It is a good summery for automation since 1970 for all who want to know about the context of automation developments and their standards. It is a fundamental summery and enables the reader to get experience in the complex field of automation.In detail the question is arised, whether Industry 4.0, China 2025, IoT, AI are a revolution or more an evolution of timewise established availbale technologies in HW, SW and algorithms. Is the hype about Industry 4.0 justified or not?In that context a timelline since 1970 ist shown for AI, ANN, essential milestones in automation, e.g OSI-model, automation pyramid, standards for bus systems, main SW-languages, robots, AI, ANN, pattern recognittion, Ethernet, the 12 most important international field busses, their main features and characterisitcs, foundation of committees, harmonization and standardization efforts, OPC UA and cloud computing, field devices, PLCs, SCADA, MES, ERP and automation history. All that history is seen in the context of µ-controller, DSP (Digital signal processor), FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Arrays), ASICs (Application-Specific Integrated Circuit) , Chip on Board. It is include the HW-history, from Intel 8080 to octuple multicore processors. In the same way it is shown the history of field device out from laboratory into the field with all difficulties and benefits of that transition. The issues are summerized in a pyramid of complexity. Requirements for robustness and safety are shown for field devices. In the same way it is shown the development of mainframes, workstations and PC’s. SAP a leading ERP System is explained in mor detail. Specially it is figured out how SAP works and what has to be considered in working with such kind of system. The differences between MES- and ERP-systems are discussed, specially also for future combined SAP/MES systems. Explained are the problems of middlesized companies (SMEs) in dealing with Industry 4.0 and automation. Further examples are given and discussed for automized quality control in automotvie, PCB-handling, CIGS (Solar cell)-production. Also shown is the upgrade for older products and make them ready for automation standards. In detail the history oft he modern robotics is shown for the automotive industry. In summery also is figured out the Industry 5.0 which is just coming up more and more.
Industry 4.0 Driven Manufacturing Technologies (Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing)
by Ajay Kumar Parveen Kumar Yang LiuThis book is a comprehensive guide to the latest advancements in manufacturing, adopting an Industry 4.0 approach. It covers the core principles of big data informatics, digital twin technology, artificial intelligence, and machine learning strategies. Readers will gain insights into the realm of cyber-physical intelligent systems in production, the role of blockchain, and the significance of information and communication technology. With a focus on real-time monitoring and data acquisition, the book offers practical solutions for online error troubleshooting in manufacturing systems. It explores a wide range of Industry 4.0-based applied manufacturing technologies and addresses the challenges posed by the dynamic market of production. Recognizing the lack of a cohesive resource on manufacturing advancements within the context of Industry 4.0, the authors have taken the initiative to compile this valuable knowledge from domain experts. Their goal is to disseminate these insights with this book. The book will be beneficial to various stakeholders, including industries, professionals, academics, research scholars, senior graduate students, and those in the field of human healthcare. With its comprehensive coverage, the book is an important reference for technical institution libraries and a useful reader for senior graduate students.
Industry 4.0 for SMEs: Challenges, Opportunities and Requirements
by Dominik T. Matt Vladimír Modrák Helmut ZsifkovitsThis open access book explores the concept of Industry 4.0, which presents a considerable challenge for the production and service sectors. While digitization initiatives are usually integrated into the central corporate strategy of larger companies, smaller firms often have problems putting Industry 4.0 paradigms into practice. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) possess neither the human nor financial resources to systematically investigate the potential and risks of introducing Industry 4.0. Addressing this obstacle, the international team of authors focuses on the development of smart manufacturing concepts, logistics solutions and managerial models specifically for SMEs. Aiming to provide methodological frameworks and pilot solutions for SMEs during their digital transformation, this innovative and timely book will be of great use to scholars researching technology management, digitization and small business, as well as practitioners within manufacturing companies.
Industry 4.0 Technologies: Volume II - Methods for transition and trends (Environmental Footprints and Eco-design of Products and Processes)
by K. E. K. Vimal Sonu Rajak Vikas Kumar Rahul S. Mor Almoayied AssayedThis book covers topics related to implementation of advanced technologies, such as AI, big data, procurement 4.0, Logistics 4.0 and Lean 4.0, in Industry 4.0 for the manufacturing supply chain. Many applications of Industry 4.0 in the manufacturing supply chain have been presented. The content of this book is useful for students, researchers and professionals in order to implement Industry 4.0 in manufacturing supply chain.
Industry 4.0 Technologies: Volume 1—Theory, Challenges, and Opportunity (Environmental Footprints and Eco-design of Products and Processes)
by K E K Vimal Sonu Rajak Vikas Kumar Rahul S. Mor Almoayied AssayedThis book brings forth the fundamental understanding of the role of Industry 4.0 technologies in sustainable manufacturing supply chain. Readers will get an overview of the challenges, opportunities, and requirements for the implementation of digital technologies and how they can support manufacturing supply chains to be sustainable. The book presents many applications of Industry 4.0 including integration of IoT, AI, Big Data, Blockchain, Procurement 4.0, Logistics 4.0, and Lean 4.0 in different contexts. The book therefore provides a platform for researchers, academicians, and professionals from diverse backgrounds to gain state-of-the-art knowledge for using Industry 4.0 in sustainable manufacturing supply chains. Readers will also be able to identify the practical significance and opportunities for future work directions.
Industry 4.0 Technologies for Education: Transformative Technologies and Applications
by P. Kaliraj T. DeviThe transformative digital technologies developed for Industry 4.0 are proving to be disruptive change drivers in higher education. Industry 4.0 technologies are forming the basis of Education 4.0. Industry 4.0 Technologies for Education: Transformative Technologies and Applications examines state-of-the-art tools and technologies that comprise Education 4.0. Higher education professionals can turn to this book to guide curriculum development aimed at helping produce the workforce for Industry 4.0. The book discusses the tools and technologies required to make Education 4.0 a reality. It covers online content creation, learning management systems, and tools for teaching, learning, and evaluating. Also covered are disciplines that are being transformed by Industry 4.0 and form the core of Education 4.0 curricula. These disciplines include social work, finance, medicine, and healthcare. Mobile technologies are critical components of Industry 4.0 as well as Education 4.0. The book looks at the roles of the Internet of Things (IoT), 5G, and cloud applications in creating the Education 4.0 environment. Highlights of the book include: Technological innovations for virtual classrooms to empower students Emerging technological advancements for educational institutions Online content creation tools Moodle as a teaching, learning, and evaluation tool Gamification in higher education A design thinking approach to developing curriculum in Education 4.0 Industry 4.0 for Service 4.0 and Research 4.0 as a framework for higher education institutions Eye-tracking technology for Education 4.0 The challenges and issues of the Internet of Things (IoT) in teaching and learning
Industry 4.0 A Way to Achieve Occupational Health and Safety (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control #575)
by Suchismita Satapathy Arturo Realyvásquez-Vargas Meghana MishraThis book consists of advances in data intelligence and its applications in sustainable computing and explores challenges of Industry 4.0. Occupational health and safety is a problem faced by many industries. It effects health, safety, and also wellbeing of employees and workers engaged. Industry 4.0 has changed the total scenario of many industries. Safety and sustainability are two major problems with most industries and other emerging sectors. So, safety is a most important criterion and is often taken care of by framing and following safety policies. Soft computing methods are used to resolve all innovative and research problems in engineering, manufacturing, and business management areas. Much innovative design and sustainable solutions are resolved by IoT and AI techniques. Any troublesome work without hard labor and with easy approaches can be resolved by IoT, which is safer and can be learned quickly. It will help research and find a significant replacement with innovative solutions to any technical and business-related problems. A huge and developing number of producers acknowledge generous monetary and natural advantages from feasible strategic policies. Manageable assembling makes items through financially strong cycles that limit adverse ecological effects while moderating energy and regular assets. Sustainable manufacturing also enhances employee, community, and product safety. A developing number of organizations are treating sustainability as a significant goal in their procedure and activities to build development and worldwide intensity practices in every place of manufacturing industries. Automation systems usually make workplaces safer by keeping people out of dangerous situations. They also encourage inclusion by substituting less physically demanding computer-based monitoring activities with jobs requiring strength or agility. The shift from a physically oriented to a knowledge-based work environment substitutes more intellectual, decentralised decision-making stresses for workplace problems like repeated actions.
Industry 4.0 with Modern Technology: Proceedings of the International Conference on Emerging trends in Engineering and Technology, Industry 4.0 (ETETI-2023)
by Mufti Mahmud North Carolina Sujit Kumar Pradhan Rabinarayan SethiThis volume contains the papers presented at International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology-Industry 4.0 (ETETI-2023) being organized by the prestigious Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, Sarang (An Autonomous institute of Govt of Odisha), India, during 6th and 7th May 2023.
Industry 5.0: Creative and Innovative Organizations
by Carolina Feliciana Machado João Paulo DavimThis book brings together chapters from leading world experts that signpost the way forward for industry and commerce in the coming decade, as we emerge from the Covid emergency to a new era of challenges and opportunities. It has the following aims, to: - Keep at the forefront of innovative theories and strategies relate with industry 5.0, both on an international and transnational level.- Develop and improve our knowledge about industry 5.0 implications in sustainable and competitive organizations.- Communicate and share knowledge and experience in industry 5.0. The book will be of interest to all those concerned with the development of industry and its relationship to commerce and human development.
Industry 5.0 and Emerging Technologies: Transformation Through Technology and Innovations (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control #565)
by Aziza Chakir Rohit Bansal Mohamed AzzouaziThe book aims to provide up-to-date research on the emerging technologies and applications in Industry 5.0, challenges and emerging trends in Industry 5.0 and the role of Industry 5.0 in sustainable economy. Industry 5.0 is a new production model where the focus lies in the interaction between humans and machines. Industry 5.0 takes the next step, which involves leveraging the collaboration between increasingly powerful and accurate machinery and the unique creative potential of the human being. Industry 5.0 is characterized by going beyond producing goods and services for profit. It shifts the focus from the shareholder value to stakeholder value and reinforces the role and the contribution of industry to society. Industry 5.0 is the future and already an emerging trend: the interaction and collaboration between man and machine. It places the well being of the worker at the center of the production process and uses new technologies to provide prosperity beyond jobs and growth while respecting the production limits of the planet. It complements the existing "Industry 4.0" approach by specifically putting research and innovation at the service of the transition to a sustainable, human-centric and resilient European industry. Industry 5.0 brings benefits for industry, for workers and for society. But making Industry 5.0 a reality is not just a nice thing to do. Industries must adapt, evolve and embrace the green and digital transitions to continue to be competitive and remain engines of prosperity. Industries must play an active role in providing solutions to challenges in society including the preservation of resources, climate change and social stability.
Industry 5.0 for Smart Healthcare Technologies: Utilizing Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Medical Things and Blockchain (ISSN)
by Sherin Zafar S. N. Kumar A. Ahilan Gulsun Kurubacak CakirIn this book, the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT) and Blockchain in smart healthcare is explained through a detailed study of Artificial Neural Network, Fuzzy Set Theory, Intuitionistic Fuzzy Set, Machine Learning and Big Data technology.Industry 5.0 for Smart Healthcare Technologies: Utilizing Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Medical Things and Blockchain focuses on interesting applications of AI, promising advancements in IoT and important findings in Blockchain technology. When applied to smart healthcare technologies, Industry 5.0 offers numerous benefits that can revolutionize the healthcare industry. This book provides readers with insights and tools for enhanced patient care, remote patient monitoring, predictive analytics and early intervention of diseases, seamless data sharing and interoperability, telemedicine and virtual care, and a safer and more secure healthcare ecosystem. The authors examine novel computational algorithms for the processing of medical images, as well as novel algorithms for the processing of biosignals in detection of diseases. This book also explores systems for processing physiological parameters and discusses applications of AI techniques in the broader healthcare industry. The authors also investigate the importance of Augment Reality/Virtual Relatity (AR/VR) in the healthcare sector and examine the futuristic applications of Industry 5.0 in the healthcare sector.This book is intended for researchers and professionals working in interdisciplinary fields of computer engineering/science and healthcare. It will provide them with the tools to enhance diagnostics, optimize treatment plans, and empower patients to actively participate in their healthcare journey.
Industry 6.0: Technology, Practices, Challenges, and Applications (Future Generation Information Systems)
by C Kishor Kumar Reddy, Srinath Doss, Lavanya Pamulaparty, Kari Lippert, and Ruchi DoshiWhat are the means to create a paradigm shift from conventional to intelligent companies? Industry 6.0: Technology, Practices, Challenges and Applications shows how integrating Industry 6.0 technology with data creates a framework for that shift. The book discusses the limitations, pitfalls, and open research questions in Industry 6.0, as well as the most recent advances, architectures, frameworks, applications, and novel practices, methods, and techniques. These are vital for resolving intelligent Internet of Things issues. There is a special focus on sustainable growth, humanization and environmentally friendly intelligent system applications, and an emphasis on the latest innovations in intelligent systems in classical machine learning, deep learning, Internet of Things (IoT), Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), blockchain, knowledge representation, knowledge management, big data, and natural language processing (NLP).Features: Presents the latest trends in the fields of intelligent systems, machine intelligence, deep learning, and Industrial Internet of Things for smart environments. Discusses securing the mobile ad hoc network (MANET) by detecting the Intrusions using CSO and XGBoost model. Highlights the methods of smart things in collaborative autonomous fleets and platforms for integrating applications across different business and industry domains. Focuses on intelligent process manufacturing, automation using robotics, development of robotic appliances, and smart manufacturing. Covers data-driven agriculture, crop disease prediction, drip irrigation systems, pesticide and fertilizer sprinkling using the Industrial Internet of Things, and water estimation systems. With many contemporary articles from both scientists and practitioners working in many fields where intelligent systems and the IIoT can break new ground, the text is assembled to aim at a readership that includes researchers, statisticians, practitioners, scientists, and developers.