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The Influencer Industry: The Quest for Authenticity on Social Media

by null Emily Hund

A critical history of the social media influencer&’s rise to global prominenceBefore there were Instagram likes, Twitter hashtags, or TikTok trends, there were bloggers who seemed to have the passion and authenticity that traditional media lacked. The Influencer Industry tells the story of how early digital creators scrambling for work amid the Great Recession gave rise to the multibillion-dollar industry that has fundamentally reshaped culture, the flow of information, and how we relate to ourselves and each other.Drawing on dozens of in-depth interviews with leading social media influencers, brand executives, marketers, talent managers, trend forecasters, and others, Emily Hund shows how early industry participants focused on creating and monetizing digital personal brands as a means of exerting control over their professional destinies in a time of acute economic uncertainty. Over time, their activities coalesced into an industry whose impact has reached far beyond the dreams of its progenitors—and beyond their control. Hund illustrates how the methods they developed for creating, monetizing, and marketing social media content have permeated our lives and untangles the unforeseen cultural and economic costs.The Influencer Industry reveals how, in an increasingly fractured and profit-driven communications environment, the people we think of as &“real&” are merely those who have learned to exploit the industry&’s ever-shifting constructions of authenticity.

Influencer Marketing: Für Unternehmen und Influencer: Strategien, Plattformen, Instrumente, rechtlicher Rahmen. Mit vielen Beispielen

by Marlis Jahnke

Dieses Buch erläutert fundiert und pragmatisch alle entscheidenden Erfolgsfaktoren des Influencer Marketings – sowohl für Unternehmen als auch für Influencer.Marketingprofis erfahren, wie sie Influencer Marketing bestmöglich in ihre Kommunikationsstrategie integrieren, wie sie die passenden Influencer finden und nach welchen konkreten Regeln die Zusammenarbeit optimal funktioniert: von der Vertragsgestaltung über das Briefing bis hin zum Monitoring. Zudem werden viele nützliche Plattformen, Netzwerke und Instrumente vorgestellt.Influencer erhalten wertvolle Anregungen, wie sie ihre Karriere weiter professionalisieren können und lernen aus Erfahrungsberichten und Empfehlungen von erfolgreichen Akteuren im Markt.Als wichtiges und erfolgskritisches Thema werden auch die wettbewerbsrechtlichen Grundlagen des Influencer Marketing verständlich und handlungsorientiert dargestellt. Ein unverzichtbares Grundlagenwerk, das zeigt, wie sich das mitunter fragile Zusammenspiel beider Seiten effizient, langfristig und vor allem für alle Seiten gewinnbringend gestalten lässt.Auszug aus dem Inhalt Wie sieht das Marketing im Influencer-Zeitalter aus?Markenstrategischer Fit im Influencer MarketingWettbewerbsrechtliche Grundlagen von Influencer MarketingPlattformen, Instrumente und Netzwerke im Influencer MarketingProfessionalisierung für Influencer über NetzwerkeErfahrungsberichte von Influencern14 strukturiert aufgearbeitete Fallbeispiele, u.a. aus den Branchen Drogerie, Food, Technik und MedienDie Herausgeberin Marlis Jahnke begleitet die Szene seit vielen Jahren und hat mit HashtagLove eine der ersten und erfolgreichsten Influencer-Marketing-Plattformen in Deutschland gelauncht. Beitragsautoren im Werk sind Professor Regina Brix, Dr. Annette Bruce, Thomas Fuchs, Dr. Caroline Hahn, Fabian Held, Hendrik Martens, Moritz Meyer, André Krüger, Melanie Lammers, Franziska von Lewinski, Monika Sekara und Simon Unge.

Influencer Marketing: Building Brand Communities and Engagement

by Sevil Yesiloglu

This is one of the first textbooks to explore the phenomenon of Influencer Marketing and how it fits within marketing communications to build brands and their communities. Influencers – those who can impact a brand’s marketing and advertising strategies as well as build brand communities – are making extensive use of the new digital and traditional communications platforms. Influencers offer brands the ability to deliver the “right” communication and marketing messages to a specific target audience. Across four core sections, this book brings together the key theory and practical implications of this new marketing tool: how it works as part of communications campaigns, including how to select the right influencers and measure their success, the dark side of influencer marketing, and the legal and ethical framework. With contributions from authors across the globe, each chapter is also accompanied by an in- depth case study – from the Kardashians to Joe Wicks – that demonstrates how the theory translates to practice. Influencer Marketing is important reading for advanced, postgraduate and executive education students of Marketing, Digital Marketing, Marketing Communications, Brand Management and Public Relations. With its accessible style and practical content, it is also highly valuable for Marketing Communications, Branding and PR specialists.

Influencer Marketing for Brands: What YouTube and Instagram Can Teach You About the Future of Digital Advertising

by Aron Levin

In the next few years, brands are on track to spend billions of dollars on influencer marketing. This form of marketing—currently utilized with great success on Instagram and YouTube—is not a short-lived fad, but a tectonic shift for the future of digital advertising. It's the way of the future, and the responsibility is on business leaders to keep up.Modern marketing professionals looking to adopt influencer marketing for their brands face equally modern challenges. Like finding the right talent, tracking and measuring results and quantifying how this new marketing opportunity aligns with the overall strategy. Influencer Marketing for Brands is the field guide for the digital age. After working with hundreds of brands from across the globe, author Aron Levin shares his insider knowledge gained from research, strategy, and hands-on experience from more than 10,000 successful collaborations with influencers on Instagram and YouTube. He provides you with valuable insights that help you eliminate guesswork and avoid common mistakes. More importantly, he shows you how to turn influencer marketing into a scalable and sustainable marketing channel. The digital media landscape grows more complicated by the hour, and influencer marketing is no exception. Influencer Marketing for Brands breaks down the art and science of influencer marketing and helps you synthesize, contextualize and transform this new way of creating and distributing content with powerful formulas, proven strategies, and real-world examples.What You Will LearnPlan effective influencer marketing campaigns using a simple 3-step formulaCreate top performing YouTube videos that drive website traffic, app installs and salesUnderstand what to pay for influencer marketing and how much you should invest if you're just starting out Who This Book is ForMarketing and agency professionals, influencers and content creators, marketing students, those who are looking for more effective forms of advertising and are generally interested in understanding the new and evolving digital media landscape.

Influencer Marketing Strategy: How to Create Successful Influencer Marketing

by Gordon Glenister

Create an influencer marketing strategy that benefits both brand and the influencer with this fascinating guide, rich in case studies from the biggest and the best and the small and specialist. Influencer marketing can no longer be ignored. Whether it's broad scale celebrity endorsement, or micro-influencers with niche, highly targeted followings, influencer marketing has become a natural extension of content marketing. However, while the opportunities are vast, the very nature of influencer marketing means that a brand must relinquish control of their marketing message to allow the influencer to communicate in their natural style. This can be unnerving, and it's therefore imperative to have a clearly defined campaign that mutually benefits and protects both the brand and the influencer. Influencer Marketing Strategy gives readers everything they need to create influencer marketing strategy. It will walk readers through the key considerations, and offer insight into decisions such as choosing the right influencer, planning content, and how to incorporate influencer marketing into your wider marketing strategy. This book presents fascinating, in-depth case studies from the beauty, fashion, gaming, travel, health and tech industries, demonstrating the variety of ways that influencer marketing can be utilized, and the huge opportunities it presents for organizations and industries of all sizes. Influencer Marketing Strategy is the ultimate guide to developing a successful influencer marketing strategy - and building campaigns that create real value.

Influencer Marketing Strategy: How Influencers Can Help Grow Your Business

by Gordon Glenister

Influencer marketing is one of the most powerful forms of advertising in today's world. Learn how to implement a successful influencer marketing strategy with this complete guide. This new edition of Influencer Marketing Strategy covers essential topics, from broad scale celebrity endorsement to micro-influencers with niche, highly targeted followings. It features new content on platforms such as Be Real, Whatsapp and Wechat and how understanding cultural differences is key to finding the right influencer for your brand. It also includes new case studies from industries such as travel and tech, demonstrating the huge opportunities it presents for organizations and industries of all sizes. Influencer Marketing Strategy is the ultimate guide for marketers, walking readers through the key considerations of incorporating influencer marketing into a wider marketing strategy. This includes the legal and ethical impacts of working with influencers and how to measure the effectiveness of campaigns. This book provides everything organizations need to understand and implement a successful influencer marketing strategy.

Influencer Relations: Marketing Und Pr Mit Digitalen Meinungsführern

by Annika Schach Timo Lommatzsch

Die Zusammenarbeit mit digitalen Influencern wird für die Marketing- und PR-Abteilungen großer Unternehmen immer interessanter. Neben klassischer Werbung, Media Relations und Content Marketing gehört auch das Influencer Marketing mittlerweile zum Handwerkszeug der Unternehmenskommunikation. Aber was sind eigentlich Influencer? Influencer sind die Meinungsführer und Meinungsmacher des digitalen Zeitalters. Typischerweise haben sie sich über verschiedene digitale Kanäle (wie Blogs und Social Media) ein Netzwerk aufbauen können, in dem sie dank einer gewissen Themenkompetenz als Anlaufquelle für bestimmte Informationen gelten. Influencer sind in der Regel also weder Journalisten noch klassischen Testimonials oder Prominente, die seit jeher in der Werbung als Botschafter eingesetzt werden, sondern viel mehr ganz normale Menschen, die sich in der digitalen Öffentlichkeit den Ruf eines Experten für bestimmte Themen erarbeiten konnten. In Unternehmen gilt daher die Pflege der Influencer Relations als Weiterentwicklung des Empfehlungsmarketings. Denn auch wenn die Theorie die Wirksamkeit des Influencer Marketings noch oft kritisch diskutiert, sind Unternehmen, die mittlerweile - ausschließlich oder verstärkt - auf diese Form der Kommunikation setzen, sehr erfolgreich damit. Dieses Grundlagenwerk bietet erstmals eine fundierte Aufbereitung der Felder Influencer Relations und Influencer Marketing. Neben einer umfassenden Definition und Abgrenzung der wichtigen Begrifflichkeiten stellt es vor allem die Aspekte der strategischen Planung und praktischen Umsetzung vor und erläutert die Themen Evaluation/Key Performance Indicators sowie rechtliche und medienethische Grundlagen. Führende Experten aus der Praxis geben anhand aktueller Best-Cases einen Einblick in den aktuellen Status quo der jungen Disziplin, der vor allem für Vertreter aus Unternehmen und Agenturen interessant ist. Insgesamt ein lohnendes Buch für Kommunikations- und Marketingexperten wie auch Studierende der Kommunikationswissenschaften sowie der Public Relations und des Marketings.

Influencia!: Guia para ser um influenciador digital de sucesso

by Maria Gonçalves

Transforma a tua paixão num negócio rentável! Com exercicíos práticos, listas de tarefas e modelos para poderes criar o teu projeto de sucesso! Tornar-se num influenciador digital não é tarefa fácil, pelo menos quando se quer ser bem-sucedido. Mas a Maria Gonçalves, a primeira blog coach portuguesa, tem todas as informações pertinentes para que a tua paixão se transforme num negócio rentável. Só tens de seguir este guia, juntar-lhe muita dedicação e dar o melhor de ti. Este livro é uma ferramenta indispensável se ambicionas - ganhar dinheiro como criador de conteúdo - ser um influenciador digital de sucesso - poder assumi-lo como a tua profissão a tempo inteiro. Cada capítulo está dividido numa parte teórica, que transmite a informação essencial de forma simples e direta, e numa parte prática, que inclui exercícios, listas de tarefas e modelos para poderes criar o teu projeto de sucesso e, ainda, ferramentas úteis para criar um blog, criar conteúdo, enviar campanhas de e-mail e vender produtos digitais.

Influencing Factors in Speech Quality Assessment using Crowdsourcing

by Rafael Zequeira Jiménez

This book evaluates the impact of relevant factors affecting the results of speech quality assessment studies carried out in crowdsourcing. The author describes how these factors relate to the test structure, the effect of environmental background noise, and the influence of language differences. He details multiple user-centered studies that have been conducted to derive guidelines for reliable collection of speech quality scores in crowdsourcing. Specifically, different questions are addressed such as the optimal number of speech samples to include in a listening task, the influence of the environmental background noise in the speech quality ratings, as well as methods for classifying background noise from web audio recordings, or the impact of language proficiency in the user perception of speech quality. Ultimately, the results of these studies contributed to the definition of the ITU-T Recommendation P.808 that defines the guidelines to conduct speech quality studies in crowdsourcing.

The Influential Project Manager: Winning Over Team Members and Stakeholders (Best Practices in Portfolio, Program, and Project Management)

by Alfonso Bucero MSc PMP PMI-RMP PMI F

All best practice recommendations and key success criteria point to the importance of developing soft skills as a project manager, but few sources exist about how to develop the power of influence for achieving better project and business results. Filling this need, this book supplies readers with guidance on how to improve their influence skills to achieve better business results. It explains how to set and meet ambitious goals for you, your team, and your stakeholders. It describes how to listen actively to influence people and how to build partnerships that can pay dividends for a lifetime.

Info We Trust: How to Inspire the World with Data

by Rj Andrews

How do we create new ways of looking at the world? Join award-winning data storyteller RJ Andrews as he pushes beyond the usual how-to, and takes you on an adventure into the rich art of informing. Creating Info We Trust is a craft that puts the world into forms that are strong and true. It begins with maps, diagrams, and charts — but must push further than dry defaults to be truly effective. How do we attract attention? How can we offer audiences valuable experiences worth their time? How can we help people access complexity? Dark and mysterious, but full of potential, data is the raw material from which new understanding can emerge. Become a hero of the information age as you learn how to dip into the chaos of data and emerge with new understanding that can entertain, improve, and inspire. Whether you call the craft data storytelling, data visualization, data journalism, dashboard design, or infographic creation — what matters is that you are courageously confronting the chaos of it all in order to improve how people see the world. Info We Trust is written for everyone who straddles the domains of data and people: data visualization professionals, analysts, and all who are enthusiastic for seeing the world in new ways. This book draws from the entirety of human experience, quantitative and poetic. It teaches advanced techniques, such as visual metaphor and data transformations, in order to create more human presentations of data. It also shows how we can learn from print advertising, engineering, museum curation, and mythology archetypes. This human-centered approach works with machines to design information for people. Advance your understanding beyond by learning from a broad tradition of putting things “in formation” to create new and wonderful ways of opening our eyes to the world. Info We Trust takes a thoroughly original point of attack on the art of informing. It builds on decades of best practices and adds the creative enthusiasm of a world-class data storyteller. Info We Trust is lavishly illustrated with hundreds of original compositions designed to illuminate the craft, delight the reader, and inspire a generation of data storytellers.

Infocracia: La digitalización y la crisis de la democracia

by Byung-Chul Han

Un análisis sagaz del régimen de la información, el nuevo gobierno al que estamos sometidos, por el filósofo más leído del siglo XXI. La digitalización avanza inexorablemente. Aturdidos por el frenesí de la comunicación y la información, nos sentimos impotentes ante el tsunami de datos que despliega fuerzas destructivas y deformantes. Hoy la digitalización también afecta a la esfera política y provoca graves trastornos en el proceso democrático. Las campañas electorales son guerras de información que se libran con todos los medios técnicos y psicológicos imaginables. Los bots -las cuentas falsas automatizadas en las redes sociales- difunden noticias falsas y discursos de odio e influyen en la formación de la opinión pública. Los ejércitos de trolls intervienen en las campañas apuntalando la desinformación. Las teorías de la conspiración y la propaganda dominan el debate político. Por medio de la psicometría y la psicopolítica digital, se intenta influir en el comportamiento electoral y evitar las decisiones conscientes. El nuevo ensayo de Byung-Chul Han describe la crisis de la democracia y la atribuye al cambio estructural de la esfera pública en el mundo digital. También le da un nombre a este fenómeno: infocracia.

Infocràcia: La digitalització i la crisi de la democràcia

by Byung-Chul Han

Una anàlisi sagaç del règim de la informació, el nou govern a què estem sotmesos, pel filòsof més llegit del segle XXI. La digitalització avança inexorablement. Atordits pel frenesí de la comunicació i la informació, ens sentim impotents davant del tsunami de dades que desplega forces destructives i deformants. La digitalització també afecta l'esfera política i provoca greus trastorns en el procés democràtic. Les campanyes electorals són guerres dinformació que es lliuren amb tots els mitjans tècnics i psicològics imaginables.Els bots —els comptes falsos automatitzats a les xarxes socials— difonen notícies falses i discursos d'odi i influeixen en la formació de l'opinió pública. Els exèrcits de trolls intervenen en les campanyes apuntalant la desinformació. Les teories de la conspiració i la propaganda dominen el debat polític. Per mitjà de la psicometria i la psicopolítica digital s'intenta influir en el comportament electoral i evitar les decisions conscients. El nou assaig de Byung-Chul Han descriu la crisi de la democràcia i l'atribueix al canvi estructural de l'esfera pública al món digital. També dóna un nom a aquest fenomen: infocràcia.

Infoglut: How Too Much Information Is Changing the Way We Think and Know

by Mark Andrejevic

Today, more mediated information is available to more people than at any other time in human history. New and revitalized sense-making strategies multiply in response to the challenges of "cutting through the clutter" of competing narratives and taming the avalanche of information. Data miners, "sentiment analysts," and decision markets offer to help bodies of data "speak for themselves"—making sense of their own patterns so we don’t have to. Neuromarketers and body language experts promise to peer behind people’s words to see what their brains are really thinking and feeling. New forms of information processing promise to displace the need for expertise and even comprehension—at least for those with access to the data. Infoglut explores the connections between these wide-ranging sense-making strategies for an era of information overload and "big data," and the new forms of control they enable. Andrejevic critiques the popular embrace of deconstructive debunkery, calling into question the post-truth, post-narrative, and post-comprehension politics it underwrites, and tracing a way beyond them.

The Infographic: A History of Data Graphics in News and Communications (History and Foundations of Information Science)

by Murray Dick

An exploration of infographics and data visualization as a cultural phenomenon, from eighteenth-century print culture to today's data journalism.Infographics and data visualization are ubiquitous in our everyday media diet, particularly in news—in print newspapers, on television news, and online. It has been argued that infographics are changing what it means to be literate in the twenty-first century—and even that they harmonize uniquely with human cognition. In this first serious exploration of the subject, Murray Dick traces the cultural evolution of the infographic, examining its use in news—and resistance to its use—from eighteenth-century print culture to today's data journalism. He identifies six historical phases of infographics in popular culture: the proto-infographic, the classical, the improving, the commercial, the ideological, and the professional.Dick describes the emergence of infographic forms within a wider history of journalism, culture, and communications, focusing his analysis on the UK. He considers their use in the partisan British journalism of late eighteenth and early nineteenth-century print media; their later deployment as a vehicle for reform and improvement; their mass-market debut in the twentieth century as a means of explanation (and sometimes propaganda); and their use for both ideological and professional purposes in the post–World War II marketized newspaper culture. Finally, he proposes best practices for news infographics and defends infographics and data visualization against a range of criticism. Dick offers not only a history of how the public has experienced and understood the infographic, but also an account of what data visualization can tell us about the past.

Infographics For Dummies

by The Infographic World Team Justin Beegel

Create stunning infographics with this hands-on guideInfographics For Dummies is a comprehensive guide to creating data visualization with viral appeal. Written by the founder of Infographic World, a New York City based infographic agency, and his top designers, the book focuses on the how-to of data, design, and distribution to create stunning, shareable infographics. Step-by-step instruction allows you to handle data like a pro, while creating eye-catching graphics with programs like Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. The book walks you through the different types of infographics, explaining why they're so effective, and when they're appropriate.Ninety percent of the information transmitted to your brain is visual, so it's important to tickle the optic nerves to get people excited about your data. Infographics do just that. Much more exciting than a spreadsheet, infographics can add humor, interest, and flash while imparting real information. Putting your data in graphic form makes it more likely to be shared via Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and other social media sites, and the visual interest makes it less likely to be ignored. Infographics For Dummies provides a tried-and-true method for creating infographics that tell a story and get people excited. Topics include:Talking to clients about the dataDiscovering trends, outliers, and patternsDesigning with mood boards and wireframesLaunching and promoting your infographicThe book, written by Justin Beegel, MBA, founder of Infographic World, Inc., describes the elements of a successful infographic, and stresses the must-have ingredients that get your data noticed. Humans are visual creatures, telling stories in a visual way. In today's world filled with data and messaging, an infographic is one of the best ways to get your point across.

Infonomics: How to Monetize, Manage, and Measure Information as an Asset for Competitive Advantage

by Douglas B. Laney

<p>Many senior executives talk about information as one of their most important assets, but few behave as if it is. They report to the board on the health of their workforce, their financials, their customers, and their partnerships, but rarely the health of their information assets. Corporations typically exhibit greater discipline in tracking and accounting for their office furniture than their data. <p>Infonomics is the theory, study, and discipline of asserting economic significance to information. It strives to apply both economic and asset management principles and practices to the valuation, handling, and deployment of information assets. This book specifically shows: CEOs and business leaders how to more fully wield information as a corporate asset; CIOs how to improve the flow and accessibility of information; CFOs how to help their organizations measure the actual and latent value in their information assets. <p>More directly, this book is for the burgeoning force of chief data officers (CDOs) and other information and analytics leaders in their valiant struggle to help their organizations become more infosavvy. <p>Author Douglas Laney has spent years researching and developing Infonomics and advising organizations on the infinite opportunities to monetize, manage, and measure information. This book delivers a set of new ideas, frameworks, evidence, and even approaches adapted from other disciplines on how to administer, wield, and understand the value of information. Infonomics can help organizations not only to better develop, sell, and market their offerings, but to transform their organizations altogether.</p>

Informal Introduction to Stochastic Processes with Maple

by Paul Vrbik Jan Vrbik

The book presents an introduction to Stochastic Processes including Markov Chains, Birth and Death processes, Brownian motion and Autoregressive models. The emphasis is on simplifying both the underlying mathematics and the conceptual understanding of random processes. In particular, non-trivial computations are delegated to a computer-algebra system, specifically Maple (although other systems can be easily substituted). Moreover, great care is taken to properly introduce the required mathematical tools (such as difference equations and generating functions) so that even students with only a basic mathematical background will find the book self-contained. Many detailed examples are given throughout the text to facilitate and reinforce learning. Jan Vrbik has been a Professor of Mathematics and Statistics at Brock University in St Catharines, Ontario, Canada, since 1982. Paul Vrbik is currently a PhD candidate in Computer Science at the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario, Canada. .

Informal Learning and Institution-wide Language Provision: University Language Learners in the 21st Century (New Language Learning and Teaching Environments)

by Denyze Toffoli

“Theoretically wise and practically powerful, this book is about how to take full advantage of advances in technology and the learner autonomy they afford, rather than simply adapt to or deny them. It issues a clarion call to language educators and administrators interested in building on recent advances in language learning via the informal avenues of digital communications.” --Mark Dressman, Professor Emeritus, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, US, Professor and Chair of English at Khalifa University, UAE “This important and original book challenges us to rethink the design and delivery of the language learning opportunities universities provide for their students. Drawing on Complex Dynamic Systems Theory, Self-Determination Theory and her own empirical explorations of informal online language learning, Denyze Toffoli paints a portrait of today’s university language learner that is novel, unexpected and urgent.” --David Little, Fellow and Associate Professor Emeritus at Trinity College, IrelandThis book takes a fresh look at both context and the language learner in an attempt to shed light on the holistic and ever-changing system of the contemporary L2 speaker’s language development. Drawing on complex dynamic systems theory as a means to more fully understand the holistic nature of contemporary language learning, the author attempts to bridge the longstanding gap between formal language provision in Higher Education institutions, and more informal language acquisition achieved through activities such as listening to music, watching films and television, and playing games. Based on a theoretical understanding of the interplay between these contexts, contents and practices, the author offers suggestions concerning the shape of language centres in higher education and the role of teachers in readying the contemporary language learner for autonomous lifelong and lifewide language development. This book will be of particular interest to language teachers, teacher trainers, and higher education administrators.

Informants, Cooperating Witnesses, and Undercover Investigations: A Practical Guide to Law, Policy, and Procedure, Second Edition (ISSN)

by Dennis G. Fitzgerald Simon Coffey

This book covers every aspect of the informant and cooperating witness dynamic a controversial technique shrouded in secrecy and widely misunderstood. Quoted routinely in countless newspaper and magazine articles, the first edition was the go-to guide for practical, effective guidance on this tricky yet powerful tactic. Extensively updated, topics in this second edition include changes in the FBI's informant program, changes brought on by immigration reforms, recent high-profile cases, and the changing nature of compensation and cooperation fees. It also examines the management of informant-driven search warrants and challenges posed by fabricated information.

Informatics and Communication Technologies for Societal Development

by Elijah Blessing Rajsingh Anand Bhojan J. Dinesh Peter

This volume comprises research papers presented at the International Conference on Informatics and Communication Technologies for Societal Development (ICICTS 2014) held at Karunya University, India. The content focuses on the recent advancements in image or signal processing, computer vision, communication technologies, soft computing, advanced computing, data mining and knowledge discovery. The primary objective of this volume is to facilitate advancement and application of the knowledge and to promote ideas that solve problems faced by society through cutting-edge technologies. The chapters contain selected articles from academicians, researchers and industry experts in the form of frameworks, models and architectures. Practical approaches, observations and results of research that promotes societal development are also incorporated. This volume will serve as a useful compendium for interested readers and researchers working towards societal development from the technological perspective.

Informatics and Cybernetics in Intelligent Systems: Proceedings of 10th Computer Science On-line Conference 2021, Vol. 3 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #228)

by Radek Silhavy

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the informatics and cybernetics in intelligent systems section of the 10th Computer Science Online Conference 2021 (CSOC 2021), held online in April 2021. Modern cybernetics and computer engineering papers in the scope of intelligent systems are an essential part of actual research topics. In this book, a discussion of modern algorithms approaches techniques is held.

Informatics and Intelligent Applications: First International Conference, ICIIA 2021, Ota, Nigeria, November 25–27, 2021, Revised Selected Papers (Communications in Computer and Information Science #1547)

by Robertas Damaševičius Sanjay Misra Jonathan Oluranti Rytis Maskeliunas

This volume constitutes selected papers presented at the First International Conference on Informatics and Intelligent Applications, ICIIA 2021, held in Ota, Nigeria, in November 2021. The 22 full papers were thoroughly reviewed and selected from 108 submissions. The papers are organized in the following topical sections: AI applications; information security; emerging technologies in informatics.

Informatics and Management Science I: 204 (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering)

by Wenjiang Du

The International Conference on Informatics and Management Science (IMS) 2012 will be held on November 16-19, 2012, in Chongqing, China, which is organized by Chongqing Normal University, Chongqing University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Nanyang TThe International Conference on Informatics and Management Science (IMS) 2012 will be held on November 16-19, 2012, in Chongqing, China, which is organized by Chongqing Normal University, Chongqing University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Nanyang Technological University, University of Michigan, Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences, and sponsored by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC). The objective of IMS 2012 is to facilitate an exchange of information on best practices for the latest research advances in a range of areas. Informatics and Management Science contains over 600 contributions to suggest and inspire solutions and methods drawing from multiple disciplines including:<P><P> Computer Science<P> Communications and Electrical Engineering<P> Management Science<P> Service Science<P> Business Intelligence<P> Management Science<P> Service Science<P> Business Intelligence<P> echnological University, University of Michigan, Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences, and sponsored by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC). The objective of IMS 2012 is to facilitate an exchange of information on best practices for the latest research advances in a range of areas. Informatics and Management Science contains over 600 contributions to suggest and inspire solutions and methods drawing from multiple disciplines including: Computer Science Communications and Electrical Engineering Management Science Service Science Business Intelligence

Informatics and Management Science II: 205 (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering)

by Wenjiang Du

The International Conference on Informatics and Management Science (IMS) 2012 will be held on November 16-19, 2012, in Chongqing, China, which is organized by Chongqing Normal University, Chongqing University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Nanyang Technological University, University of Michigan, Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences, and sponsored by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC). The objective of IMS 2012 is to facilitate an exchange of information on best practices for the latest research advances in a range of areas. Informatics and Management Science contains over 600 contributions to suggest and inspire solutions and methods drawing from multiple disciplines including:<P><P> Computer Science<P> Communications and Electrical Engineering<P> Management Science<P> Service Science<P> Business Intelligence<P> Management Science<P> Service Science<P> Business Intelligence<P>

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