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The Internet Consumer Bible
by Tess Read Calum Chace Simon RoweThe Internet Consumer Bible is the most authoritative guide to the internet available. Far more than a directory, this book shows you - whether novice or experienced web surfer - which sites can help you and which sites are a waste of time. Taking you through every aspect of life and showing how to save hundreds of pounds and release hours of valuable time for other activities, the book also looks at what you can't do on the web or what you can still do better offline. Chapters finish with a list of sites in the area providing a brief description of what the site does and a star rating of 1-5 for how good each is. There are five major sections: 1) Basics. Chapters in this section include: what is a 'good website'?; getting started, unmetered access, ADSL, virus programmes, firewalls, screening software, mobile internet and interactive TV.2) Lifestages. Chapters in this section include: births and young children; education; dating, marriage and divorce; work: job-seeking, self-employment, redundancy; death.3) Shopping. Chapters in this section include: home, mortgages, online estate agencies, DIY, gardening, cars, clothes, groceries.4) Entertainment and Leisure. Chapters in this section include: travel and holidays, sport, films, music, restaurants, TV, nightlife, genealogy, weather, hobbies.5) Organising Your Life. Chapters in this section include: money (covers investing
Internet Core Protocols: Help for Network Administrators
by Eric HallIf you've ever been responsible for a network, you know that sinking feeling: your pager has gone off at 2 a.m., the network is broken, and you can't figure out why by using a dial-in connection from home. You drive into the office, dig out your protocol analyzer, and spend the next fourhours trying to put things back together before the staff shows up for work.When this happens, you often find yourself looking at the low-level guts of the Internet protocols: you're deciphering individual packets, trying to figure out what is (or isn't) happening. Until now, the only real guide to the protocols has been the Internet RFCs--and they're hardlywhat you want to be reading late at night when your network is down. There hasn't been a good book on the fundamentals of IP networking aimed at network administrators--until now.Internet Core Protocols: The Definitive Guide contains all the information you need for low-level network debugging. It provides thorough coverage of the fundamental protocols in the TCP/IP suite: IP, TCP, UDP, ICMP, ARP (in its many variations), and IGMP. (The companion volume, Internet Application Protocols: The Definitive Guide,provides detailed information about the commonly used application protocols, including HTTP, FTP, DNS, POP3, and many others). It includes many packet captures, showing you what to look for and how to interpret all the fields. It has been brought up to date with the latest developments in real-world IP networking. The CD-ROM included with the book contains Shomiti's "Surveyor Lite," a packet analyzer that runs on Win32 systems, plus the original RFCs, should you need them for reference. Together, this package includes everything you need to troubleshoot your network--except coffee.
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers im internationalen Rechtssystem: Wie diese die Europäische Datenschutz-Grundverordnung umsetzt und welchen Einfluss die Umsetzung auf das E-Mail-Marketing hat (BestMasters)
by Tobias SattlerFür den stabilen und sicheren Betrieb des Internets ist die US-amerikanische gemeinnützige Organisation Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) verantwortlich, wozu die Koordination der Vergabe von Domain-Namen gehört. Die Europäische Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (EU-DSGVO) dient der Vereinheitlichung des Datenschutzrechts und schützt die Verarbeitung von personenbezogenen Daten. Dies hat einen Einfluss auf die öffentlich zugänglichen Informationen von registrierten Domain-Namen, deren Veröffentlichung die ICANN in ihren Richtlinien vorschreibt. Diese Informationen umfassen personenbezogene Daten wie den Namen, die Postanschrift und die E-Mail-Adresse der Domain-innehabenden Person. Die ICANN änderte ihre Richtlinien, jedoch ist weiterhin die Veröffentlichung dieser Angaben möglich. In dem vorliegenden Buch werden die Auswirkungen der EU-DSGVO auf das E-Mail-Marketing und die Verwendung von E-Mail-Adressen für E-Mail-Kampagnen untersucht, insbesondere in Bezug auf unerwünschte E-Mail-Werbung. Dazu wird die folgende Forschungsfrage gestellt: Welchen Effekt hat die Veröffentlichung der E-Mail-Adresse der Domain-innehabenden Person in den WHOIS-Datenbanken auf die Anzahl eingehender unerwünschter Marketing-E-Mails?
Internet Cures: The Social Lives of Digital Miracles
by Dang NguyenIn health care, we come across daily promises of miraculous cures for various ailments. However, in the digital era, the dynamics of experiencing and practicing these remedies have changed. This book explores the intersection of miracle cures and technology, showcasing their transformation into hybrid forms, such as handwritten recipes captured in photos or tutorials streamed through videos. Combining computational social media data with ethnographic insights from Vietnam and the US, the book captures the interconnected lives of these cures in the digital realm with a unique methodology. Unravelling the intricate connections between social, technological, biomedical and non-biomedical spheres, this is a significant contribution to how social scientists study online media.
Internet, Cyber- und IT-Sicherheit von A-Z: Aktuelle Begriffe kurz und einfach erklärt – Für Beruf, Studium und Privatleben
by Ron PorathDie wichtigsten Begriffe zu Internet, Cyber-Risiken, IT-Sicherheit und Datenschutz. Kurz, aktuell, prägnant und einfach zu verstehen. Finden Sie hier schnell und ohne lange Texte lesen zu müssen die Bedeutung von aktuellen und in Zukunft wichtig werdenden Begriffen wie Blockchain, GDPR, Quantencomputer, WannaCry, Hacking, Ransomware oder Künstlicher Intelligenz. Dieses Standardwerk ist schnell zur Hand und darf heutzutage auf keinem Schreibtisch fehlen.
Internet Daemons: Digital Communications Possessed (Electronic Mediations)
by Fenwick McKelveyA complete history and theory of internet daemons brings these little-known—but very consequential—programs into the spotlight We’re used to talking about how tech giants like Google, Facebook, and Amazon rule the internet, but what about daemons? Ubiquitous programs that have colonized the Net’s infrastructure—as well as the devices we use to access it—daemons are little known. Fenwick McKelvey weaves together history, theory, and policy to give a full account of where daemons come from and how they influence our lives—including their role in hot-button issues like network neutrality.Going back to Victorian times and the popular thought experiment Maxwell’s Demon, McKelvey charts how daemons evolved from concept to reality, eventually blossoming into the pandaemonium of code-based creatures that today orchestrates our internet. Digging into real-life examples like sluggish connection speeds, Comcast’s efforts to control peer-to-peer networking, and Pirate Bay’s attempts to elude daemonic control (and skirt copyright), McKelvey shows how daemons have been central to the internet, greatly influencing everyday users.Internet Daemons asks important questions about how much control is being handed over to these automated, autonomous programs, and the consequences for transparency and oversight.
Internet Denial of Service: Attack and Defense Mechanisms
by Jelena Mirkovic Sven Dietrich David Dittrich Peter ReiherSuddenly your Web server becomes unavailable. When you investigate, you realize that a flood of packets is surging into your network. You have just become one of the hundreds of thousands of victims of a denial-of-service attack, a pervasive and growing threat to the Internet. What do you do? <p><p> Internet Denial of Service sheds light on a complex and fascinating form of computer attack that impacts the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of millions of computers worldwide. It tells the network administrator, corporate CTO, incident responder, and student how DDoS attacks are prepared and executed, how to think about DDoS, and how to arrange computer and network defenses. It also provides a suite of actions that can be taken before, during, and after an attack.
Internet der Dinge in der Intralogistik
by Willibald Günthner Michael Ten HompelExperten aus Wissenschaft und Technik fordern ein Umdenken in der Intralogistik: weg von durchgeplanten, vorherbestimmten Systemen, hin zu einem Netzwerk gleichberechtigter Einheiten, die keiner übergeordneten Koordination bedürfen. In dem Band werden die notwendigen Komponenten, die Softwarearchitektur und die Potenziale dieser neuen Technologie beschrieben. Anwendungsbeispiele liefern Entwicklern und Planern eine Grundlage für die Gestaltung moderner Materialflusssysteme in der Industrie.
Internet Dos and Don'ts: Keep Your Passwords Secret
by Shannon MillerPasswords are important personal information that should not be shared--not even with a best friend. Readers will learn why password privacy is key to their safety and the potential consequences of telling others confidential information.
Internet Econometrics
by Serge Allegrezza Anne DubrocardThe proliferation of the internet has often been referred to as the fourth technological revolution. This book explores the diffusion of radical new communication technologies, and the subsequent transformation not only of products, but also of the organisation of production and business methods.
Internet Economics
by Lee W. Mcknight Joseph P. BaileyThe Internet has rapidly become an important element of the economic system. The lack of accepted metrics for economic analysis of Internet transactions is therefore increasingly problematic. This book, one of the first to bring together research on Internet engineering and economics, attempts to establish such metrics. The chapters, which developed out of a 1995 workshop held at MIT, include architectural models and analyses of Internet usage, as well as alternative pricing policies. The book is organized into six sections: 1) Introduction to Internet Economics, 2) The Economics of the Internet, 3) Interconnection and Multicast Economics, 4) Usage Sensitive Pricing, 5) Internet Commerce, and 6) Internet Economics and Policy. Contributors: Loretta Anania, Joseph P. Bailey, Nevil Brownlee, David Carver, David Clark, David W. Crawford, Ketil Danielsen, Deborah Estrin, Branko Gerovac, David Gingold, Jiong Gong, Alok Gupta, Shai Herzog, Clark Johnson, Martyne M. Hallgren, Frank P. Kelly, Charlie Lai, Alan K. McAdams, Jeffrey K. MacKie-Mason, Lee W. McKnight, Gennady Medvinsky, Liam Murphy, John Murphy, B. Clifford Neuman, Jon M. Peha, Joseph Reagle, Mitrabarun Sarkar, Scott Shenker, Marvin A. Sirbu, Richard Jay Solomon, Padmanabhan Srinagesh, Dale O. Stahl, Hal R. Varian, Qiong Wang, Martin Weiss, Andrew B. Whinston.
The Internet Edge: Social, Technical, and Legal Challenges for a Networked World
by Mark J. StefikThis book offers an eagle's eye view of the Internet edge. It is about the experiences of those who encountered similar issues as they built precursors to the Net such as videotext, teletext, and the Source.
Internet Election Campaigns in the United States, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan
by Shoko Kiyohara Kazuhiro Maeshima Diana OwenThis book investigates how institutional differences, such as the roles of political parties and the regulation of electoral systems, affect the development of Internet election campaigns in the U. S. , Japan, Korea, and Taiwan. It examines whether or not the "Americanization of elections" is evident in East Asian democracies. While Japan is a parliamentary system, the U. S. and Korea are presidential systems and Taiwan is a semi-presidential system that has a president along with a parliamentary system. Furthermore, the role of the presidency in the U. S. , Korea, and Taiwan is quite different. Taking these variations in political systems into consideration, the authors discuss how the electoral systems are regulated in relation to issues such as paid advertisements and campaign periods. They argue that stronger regulation of election systems and shorter election periods in Japan characterize Japanese uniqueness compared with the U. S. , Korea, and Taiwan in terms of Internet election campaigns.
Internet Environments for Science Education
by Marcia C. LinnInternet Environments for Science Education synthesizes 25 years of research to identify effective, technology-enhanced ways to convert students into lifelong science learners--one inquiry project at a time. It offers design principles for development of innovations; features tested, customizable inquiry projects that students, teachers, and professional developers can enact and refine; and introduces new methods and assessments to investigate the impact of technology on inquiry learning. The methodology--design-based research studies--enables investigators to capture the impact of innovations in the complex, inertia-laden educational enterprise and to use these findings to improve the innovation. The approach--technology-enhanced inquiry--takes advantage of global, networked information resources, sociocognitive research, and advances in technology combined in responsive learning environments. Internet Environments for Science Education advocates leveraging inquiry and technology to reform the full spectrum of science education activities--including instruction, curriculum, policy, professional development, and assessment. The book offers: *the knowledge integration perspective on learning, featuring the interpretive, cultural, and deliberate natures of the learner; *the scaffolded knowledge integration framework on instruction summarized in meta-principles and pragmatic principles for design of inquiry instruction; *a series of learning environments, including the Computer as Learning Partner (CLP), the Knowledge Integration Environment (KIE), and the Web-based Inquiry Science Environment (WISE) that designers can use to create new inquiry projects, customize existing projects, or inspire thinking about other learning environments; *curriculum design patterns for inquiry projects describing activity sequences to promote critique, debate, design, and investigation in science; *a partnership model establishing activity structures for teachers, pedagogical researchers, discipline experts, and technologists to jointly design and refine inquiry instruction; *a professional development model involving mentoring by an expert teacher; *projects about contemporary controversy enabling students to explore the nature of science; *a customization process guiding teachers to adapt inquiry projects to their own students, geographical characteristics, curriculum framework, and personal goals; and *a Web site providing additional links, resources, and community tools at www.InternetScienceEducation.org
The Internet Escapade
by Joan Lowery NixonBecause Sean and Matt have been playing pranks on the school computers, they are in trouble when someone else creates real mischief with the technology.
Internet Famous
by Danika Stone<P>An engaging and relatable novel for the digital age that perfectly captures the complicated interaction between what goes on in our real lives and what we say online. <P>Internet sensation Madison Nakama has it all! Her pop-culture rewatch site has a massive following, and fans across the world wait on her every post and tweet. And now Laurent, a fellow geek (and unfairly HOT French exchange student!), has started flirting with her in the comments section of her blog. But Laurent’s not the only one watching for Madi’s replies… Internet fame has a price, and their online romance sparks the unwanted attention of a troll. <P>When Madi’s “real life” hits a rough patch, she feels her whole world crumbling. With Laurent’s support, can Madi rally her friends across the globe to beat the troll, or will he succeed in driving her away from everything—and everyone—she loves? <P>Internet Famous is a fresh, contemporary young adult romance for the iGeneration from Danika Stone, author of All the Feels.
The Internet For Dummies
by John R. Levine Margaret Levine YoungThe latest update to a perennial bestseller gets you up and running on the Internet!Now in its lucky thirteenth edition, this peerless book has outsold and outlasted all the competition. Veteran authors John Levine and Margaret Young return with an updated road map to both the online tools and resources that have defined the Internet for years, as well as all the new things that keep Internet users interested. You'll not only find a lot of the basics presented in a straightforward and friendly style, you'll also get the latest on social networking, security, and much more.The authors begin with an overview of all things Internet-related and branch into vital topics such as keeping personal information secure and protecting your kids online. You'll gain valuable insight to web browsers, search options, online shopping, and personal finance tools. Before you know it, you'll know how to use Internet tools to find, stream, download, or share music, video, and photos. Helpful advice on staying in touch walks you through setting up and using online e-mail, chat, and social networking sites.Introduces you to what's online, how to deal with annoyances like spam and spyware, and how to control what your kids see and do onlineWalks you through picking a provider, getting hooked up to the Internet, and sharing a connection in your home or with other devicesGives you a guided a tour through popular web browsers, getting good search results; finding music and video; shopping; banking; and sharing filesAlso covers e-mail, connecting with friends, online chats, and moreHelps you find the hot social networking sites and see how to handle photo and video sharingGet going and get online with this easy-to-understand, helpful guide!
Internet for Scientists
by Kevin O'Donnell Larry WingerThis book provides a straightforward manual and review handbook for accessing and using the resources of the Internet in the day to day labours of the working scientist. It addresses the problem of how to cope with an army who have discovered a whole new toy shop full of goodies.
The Internet for the Older and Wiser
by Adrian ArnoldThe Internet is not just for the youthful-it's for everyone!With plenty of leisure time and disposable income, the over 50s are the fastest growing segment of Internet users. From booking holidays to shopping, joining clubs and researching family history, the Internet is where the people over 50 can indulge in their favorite pastimes and stay in touch with friends and family.The Internet for the Older and Wiser is the ideal solution to get you up and running safely on the World Wide Web. This full-colour guide walks you step by step through the basics, while giving you the best advice on how to make the most of what the Internet has to offer.Shows you how to safely search and shop online; research your family tree; stay in touch with family; join social networks; and manage your financesWritten in full colour with explanatory screenshots and an easy-to-read fontIncludes brain-teaser sections, a glossary for easy reference, and a useful website directory.Uses the latest release of Windows Vista Home Premium, Windows XP, and Internet Explorer 8-updates, including Windows 7, and training tutorials can be found online at pcwisdom.co.ukIf you want to get started online but don't know how, you won't find a better guide than The Internet for the Older and Wiser.
An Internet for the People: The Politics and Promise of craigslist (Princeton Studies in Culture and Technology #26)
by Professor Jessa LingelHow craigslist champions openness, democracy, and other vanishing principles of the early webBegun by Craig Newmark as an e-mail to some friends about cool events happening around San Francisco, craigslist is now the leading classifieds service on the planet. It is also a throwback to the early internet. The website has barely seen an upgrade since it launched in 1996. There are no banner ads. The company doesn't profit off your data. An Internet for the People explores how people use craigslist to buy and sell, find work, and find love—and reveals why craigslist is becoming a lonely outpost in an increasingly corporatized web.Drawing on interviews with craigslist insiders and ordinary users, Jessa Lingel looks at the site's history and values, showing how it has mostly stayed the same while the web around it has become more commercial and far less open. She examines craigslist's legal history, describing the company's courtroom battles over issues of freedom of expression and data privacy, and explains the importance of locality in the social relationships fostered by the site. More than an online garage sale, job board, or dating site, craigslist holds vital lessons for the rest of the web. It is a website that values user privacy over profits, ease of use over slick design, and an ethos of the early web that might just hold the key to a more open, transparent, and democratic internet.
Internet Forensics: Using Digital Evidence to Solve Computer Crime
by Robert JonesBecause it's so large and unregulated, the Internet is a fertile breeding ground for all kinds of scams and schemes. Usually it's your credit card number they're after, and they won't stop there. Not just mere annoyances, these scams are real crimes, with real victims. Now, thanks to Internet Forensics from O'Reilly, there's something you can do about it.This practical guide to defending against Internet fraud gives you the skills you need to uncover the origins of the spammers, con artists, and identity thieves that plague the Internet. Targeted primarily at the developer community, Internet Forensics shows you how to extract the information that lies hidden in every email message, web page, and web server on the Internet. It describes the lengths the bad guys will go to cover their tracks, and offers tricks that you can use to see through their disguises. You'll also gain an understanding for how the Internet functions, and how spammers use these protocols to their devious advantage.The book is organized around the core technologies of the Internet-email, web sites, servers, and browsers. Chapters describe how these are used and abused and show you how information hidden in each of them can be revealed. Short examples illustrate all the major techniques that are discussed. The ethical and legal issues that arise in the uncovering of Internet abuse are also addressed.Not surprisingly, the audience for Internet Forensics is boundless. For developers, it's a serious foray into the world of Internet security; for weekend surfers fed up with spam, it's an entertaining and fun guide that lets them play amateur detective from the safe confines of their home or office.
Internet Freedom Software and Illicit Activity: Supporting Human Rights Without Enabling Criminals
by Sasha Romanosky Martin C. Libicki Zev Winkelman Olesya TkachevaThis report examines the portfolio of tools funded by the State Department s Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor that help support Internet freedom and assesses the impact of these tools in promoting U. S. interests (such as freedom of expression, freedom of the press, and the free flow of information) without enabling criminal activity. "
Internet für Senioren für Dummies (Für Dummies)
by Sandra WeberSie wollen mit Ihren Enkeln per Videochat in Kontakt bleiben? Oder auch die Möglichkeit des Onlineversands nutzen? Dann zeigt Ihnen dieses Buch wie Sie in den Weiten des Internet navigieren und welche Dienste Sie nutzen können. Von der Suche nach Informationen über Nachrichtenvermittlung bis zu Onlinebanking. Das Internet kann das Leben erleichtern. Wenn man weiß wie es geht. Mit diesem Buch erhalten Sie leicht verständliche Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen zur Nutzung des Internet.
The Internet: Getting Connected (Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment System 2 #Level X, Nonfiction)
by George CapaccioThe Internet: Getting Connected by George Capaccio
Internet Governance: The NETmundial Roadmap
by Patrick Ryan Joana Varon Ferraz Matthew Shears Ronaldo Lemos Vint Cerf Emma Llansó William J. Drake Larry Gross Max Senges Shawn Powers Jeremy Malcolm Lea Kaspar Nnenna Nwakanma Anriette Esterhuysen Arlene Luck Avri Doria Samantha Dickinson Wolfgang Kleinwächter Richard Whitt Markus Kummer James Losey Monroe E. Price Marilia Maciel"Following up on the promise of the NETMundial meeting, this timely and useful book explores the challenges of implementing its roadmap for the future of Internet governance." -- Milton L. Mueller, Professor, Syracuse University School of Information Studies, USAInternet Governance: The NETmundial Roadmap explores key implications of the Global Meeting on the Future of Internet Governance held on April 23-24, 2014 in São Paulo, Brazil. At the meeting, government, business, civil society, Internet technical community and academic participants from around the world agreed to a "NETmundial Multistakeholder Statement" that included a "Roadmap for the Future Evolution of Internet Governance." This volume brings together leading practitioners and scholars to explore the challenges of implementing the Roadmap's section on institutional improvements, and was prepared for release and debate at September 2014 global Internet Governance Forum in Istanbul. The 16 chapters are grouped into six sections: Overviews; Strengthening the Internet Governance Forum; Filling the Gaps; Improving ICANN; Broader Analytical Perspectives; and Moving Forward. The book was produced as a part of the Internet Policy Observatory, a program at the Center for Global Communication Studies, the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania. It is edited by William J. Drake of the University of Zurich and Monroe Price of the Annenberg School for Communication.