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Showing 30,676 through 30,700 of 59,387 results
Title Author ISBN Copyright Features Action
Introducing Regular Expressions: JavaScript and TypeScript 2268590 Jörg Krause 9781484225080 2017 Contains images
Introducing ReScript: Functional Programming for Web Applications 5137152 Danny Yang 9781484288887 2023 Contains images
Introducing Robotic Process Automation to Your Organization: A Guide for Business Leaders 4342399 Robert Fantina Andriy Storozhuk Kamal Goyal 9781484274163 2022 Contains images
Introducing SEO 1381905 Aravind Shenoy Anirudh Prabhu 9781484218549 2016 Contains images
Introducing Software Verification with Dafny Language: Proving Program Correctness 4466436 Boro Sitnikovski 9781484279786 2022 Contains images
Introducing Spoken Dialogue Systems into Intelligent Environments 655992 Wolfgang Minker Tobias Heinroth 9781461453833 2013 Contains images
Introducing Spring Framework 6: Learning and Building Java-based Applications With Spring 5114701 Felipe Gutierrez Joseph B. Ottinger 9781484286371 2022 Contains images
Introducing SQL Server 1430918 Mike Mcquillan 9781484214190 2015 Contains images
Introducing SQLite for Mobile Developers 1362246 Jesse Feiler 9781484217665 2015 Contains images
Introducing Starling 6419804 Thibault Imbert 9781449320874 2012 Contains images
Introducing the HTML5 Web Speech API: Your Practical Introduction to Adding Browser-Based Speech Capabilities to your Websites and Online Applications 3397194 Alex Libby 9781484257357 2020 Contains images
Introducing the MySQL 8 Document Store 2102384 Charles Bell 9781484227251 2018 Contains images
Introducing the Oscillations Based Paradigm 1413524 Darius Plikynas 9783319390406 2016 Contains images
Introducing Vala Programming: A Language and Techniques to Boost Productivity 2955325 Michael Lauer 9781484253809 2019 Contains images
Introducing Web Development 2268589 Jörg Krause 9781484224991 2016 Contains images
Introducing Windows 8.1 For IT Professionals 1036824 Ed Bott 9780735684676 2013 Contains images
Introducing Windows Azure for IT Professionals 722969 Mitch Tulloch 9780735682894 2013 Contains images
Introducing Windows Server® 2008 761934 Mitch Tulloch Microsoft Windows Server Team 9780735649279 2010 Contains images
Introducing Windows Server® 2012 551912 Mitch Tulloch 9780735669765 2008 Contains images
Introducing Windows Server 2012 R2 724954 Mitch Tulloch 9780735682795 2013 Contains images
Introducing Windows Server 2012 R2 Preview Release 1036823 Mitch Tulloch 9780735682948 2012 Contains images
Introducing Windows Server® 2012 RTM Edition 551965 Mitch Tulloch 9780735675315 2012 Contains images
Introducing ZBrush 843586 Eric Keller 9781118065518 2008 Contains images
Introducing ZBrush 3rd Edition 848536 Eric Keller 9781118330463 2012 Contains images
An Introduction to Agent-Based Modeling: Modeling Natural, Social, and Engineered Complex Systems with NetLogo 1348479 Uri Wilensky William Rand 9780262731898 2015 Contains images

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