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Introduction to Deep Learning Business Applications for Developers

by Armando Vieira Bernardete Ribeiro

Discover the potential applications, challenges, and opportunities of deep learning from a business perspective with technical examples. These applications include image recognition, segmentation and annotation, video processing and annotation, voice recognition, intelligent personal assistants, automated translation, and autonomous vehicles. An Introduction to Deep Learning Business Applications for Developers covers some common DL algorithms such as content-based recommendation algorithms and natural language processing. You’ll explore examples, such as video prediction with fully convolutional neural networks (FCNN) and residual neural networks (ResNets). You will also see applications of DL for controlling robotics, exploring the DeepQ learning algorithm with Monte Carlo Tree search (used to beat humans in the game of Go), and modeling for financial risk assessment. There will also be mention of the powerful set of algorithms called Generative Adversarial Neural networks (GANs) that can be applied for image colorization, image completion, and style transfer.After reading this book you will have an overview of the exciting field of deep neural networks and an understanding of most of the major applications of deep learning. The book contains some coding examples, tricks, and insights on how to train deep learning models using the Keras framework.What You Will LearnFind out about deep learning and why it is so powerfulWork with the major algorithms available to train deep learning modelsSee the major breakthroughs in terms of applications of deep learning Run simple examples with a selection of deep learning libraries Discover the areas of impact of deep learning in businessWho This Book Is For Data scientists, entrepreneurs, and business developers.

Introduction to Deep Learning for Healthcare

by Cao Xiao Jimeng Sun

This textbook presents deep learning models and their healthcare applications. It focuses on rich health data and deep learning models that can effectively model health data. Healthcare data: Among all healthcare technologies, electronic health records (EHRs) had vast adoption and a significant impact on healthcare delivery in recent years. One crucial benefit of EHRs is to capture all the patient encounters with rich multi-modality data. Healthcare data include both structured and unstructured information. Structured data include various medical codes for diagnoses and procedures, lab results, and medication information. Unstructured data contain 1) clinical notes as text, 2) medical imaging data such as X-rays, echocardiogram, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and 3) time-series data such as the electrocardiogram (ECG) and electroencephalogram (EEG). Beyond the data collected during clinical visits, patient self-generated/reported data start to grow thanks to wearable sensors’ increasing use. The authors present deep learning case studies on all data described.Deep learning models: Neural network models are a class of machine learning methods with a long history. Deep learning models are neural networks of many layers, which can extract multiple levels of features from raw data. Deep learning applied to healthcare is a natural and promising direction with many initial successes. The authors cover deep neural networks, convolutional neural networks, recurrent neural networks, embedding methods, autoencoders, attention models, graph neural networks, memory networks, and generative models. It’s presented with concrete healthcare case studies such as clinical predictive modeling, readmission prediction, phenotyping, x-ray classification, ECG diagnosis, sleep monitoring, automatic diagnosis coding from clinical notes, automatic deidentification, medication recommendation, drug discovery (drug property prediction and molecule generation), and clinical trial matching.This textbook targets graduate-level students focused on deep learning methods and their healthcare applications. It can be used for the concepts of deep learning and its applications as well. Researchers working in this field will also find this book to be extremely useful and valuable for their research.

Introduction to Dependent Types with Idris: Encoding Program Proofs in Types

by Boro Sitnikovski

Dependent types are a concept that allows developers to write proof-carrying code. Idris is a programming language that supports dependent types. This book will teach you the mathematical foundations of Idris as well as how to use it to write software and mathematically prove properties.The first part of the book serves as an introduction to the language's underlying theories. It starts by reviewing formal systems and mathematical logical systems as foundational building blocks, then gradually builds up to dependent types. Next, you'll learn type theory for dependent types. Following this, you'll explore the Idris programming language and conclude by exploring the depths of formal systems and type checkers by implementing them.Introduction to Dependent Types with Idris will walk you through simple examples through more advanced techniques, stepping up the difficulty as you gain more knowledge. Every chapter includes a set of exercises based on what it covered to further cement your learning. No specialized knowledge of mathematics is expected beyond the basics, so it is perfect for novices.What You Will Learn Understand Lambda calculus and dependent types Gain insight into functional programmingWrite mathematical proofs with IdrisWho This Book Is ForProgrammers, mathematicians, academics, and anyone else interested learning dependent types and lambda calculus.

An Introduction to Design Science

by Paul Johannesson Erik Perjons

This book is an introductory text on design science, intended to support both graduate students and researchers in structuring, undertaking and presenting design science work. It builds on established design science methods as well as recent work on presenting design science studies and ethical principles for design science, and also offers novel instruments for visualizing the results, both in the form of process diagrams and through a canvas format. While the book does not presume any prior knowledge of design science, it provides readers with a thorough understanding of the subject and enables them to delve into much deeper detail, thanks to extensive sections on further reading. Design science in information systems and technology aims to create novel artifacts in the form of models, methods, and systems that support people in developing, using and maintaining IT solutions. This work focuses on design science as applied to information systems and technology, but it also includes examples from, and perspectives of, other fields of human practice. Chapter 1 provides an overview of design science and outlines its ties with empirical research. Chapter 2 discusses the various types and forms of knowledge that can be used and produced by design science research, while Chapter 3 presents a brief overview of common empirical research strategies and methods. Chapter 4 introduces a methodological framework for supporting researchers in doing design science research as well as in presenting their results. This framework includes five core activities, which are described in detail in Chapters 5 to 9. Chapter 10 discusses how to communicate design science results, while Chapter 11 compares the proposed methodological framework with methods for systems development and shows how they can be combined. Chapter 12 discusses how design science relates to research paradigms, in particular to positivism and interpretivism. Lastly, Chapter 13 discusses ethical issues and principles for design science research.

An Introduction to Design Science

by Paul Johannesson Erik Perjons

This book is an introductory text on design science, intended to support both graduate students and researchers in structuring, undertaking and presenting design science work. It builds on established design science methods as well as recent work on presenting design science studies and ethical principles for design science, and also offers novel instruments for visualizing the results, both in the form of process diagrams and through a canvas format. While the book does not presume any prior knowledge of design science, it provides readers with a thorough understanding of the subject and enables them to delve into much deeper detail, thanks to extensive sections on further reading. Design science in information systems and technology aims to create novel artifacts in the form of models, methods, and systems that support people in developing, using and maintaining IT solutions. This work focuses on design science as applied to information systems and technology, but it also includes examples from, and perspectives of, other fields of human practice. Chapter 1 provides an overview of design science and outlines its ties with empirical research. Chapter 2 discusses the various types and forms of knowledge that can be used and produced by design science research, while Chapter 3 presents a brief overview of common empirical research strategies and methods. Chapter 4 introduces a methodological framework for supporting researchers in doing design science research as well as in presenting their results. This framework includes five core activities, which are described in detail in Chapters 5 to 9. Chapter 10 discusses how to communicate design science results, while Chapter 11 compares the proposed methodological framework with methods for systems development and shows how they can be combined. Chapter 12 discusses how design science relates to research paradigms, in particular to positivism and interpretivism, and Chapter 13 discusses ethical issues and principles for design science research. The new Chapter 14 showcases a study on digital health consultations and illustrates the whole process in one comprehensive example. Also added to this 2nd edition are a number of sections on practical guidelines for carrying out basic design science tasks, a discussion on design thinking and its relationship to design science, and the description of artefact classifications. Eventually, both the references in each chapter and the companion web site were updated to reflect recent findings.

Introduction to DevOps with Chocolate, LEGO and Scrum Game

by Dana Pylayeva

Discover a role-based simulation game, designed to introduce DevOps in a very unusual way. Working with LEGO and chocolate, using avatars, personas, and role cards, you will gain an understanding of the Dev and Ops roles as well as their interdependencies. Throughout the game, players go through a range of emotions and learn to expand the boundaries of individual roles, acquire T-shaped skills, and grow the Scrum-team circle to include Operations. The game combines ideas from "The Phoenix Project" with the experience gained from real-life challenges, encountered by development and operations teams in many organizations. Security vulnerabilities, environments patching, deployment code freeze, development and operations silos - the game helps simulate an end-to-end product delivery process and visualize the bottlenecks in the value delivery flow. Introduction to DevOps with Chocolate, LEGO and Scrum Game engages all five senses to maximize learning effectiveness and in three sprints takes players through a gamified DevOps transformation journey. What You Will Learn Play the Chocolate, LEGO and Scrum role-simulation game Gain knowledge of DevOps and how to apply the game to it See how this game illustrates the DevOps cycle as a case study Who This Book Is For Programmers or system admins/project managers who are new to DevOps. DevOps trainers and Agile Coaches who are interested in offering a collaborative and engaging learning experience to their teams.

Introduction to DevOps with Kubernetes: Build scalable cloud-native applications using DevOps patterns created with Kubernetes

by Onur Yılmaz Süleyman Akbaş

Become familiar with Kubernetes and explore techniques to manage your containerized workloads and services Key FeaturesLearn everything from creating a cluster to monitoring applications in KubernetesUnderstand and develop DevOps primitives using KubernetesUse Kubernetes to solve challenging real-life DevOps problemsBook DescriptionKubernetes and DevOps are the two pillars that can keep your business at the top by ensuring high performance of your IT infrastructure. Introduction to DevOps with Kubernetes will help you develop the skills you need to improve your DevOps with the power of Kubernetes. The book begins with an overview of Kubernetes primitives and DevOps concepts. You'll understand how Kubernetes can assist you with overcoming a wide range of real-world operation challenges. You will get to grips with creating and upgrading a cluster, and then learn how to deploy, update, and scale an application on Kubernetes. As you advance through the chapters, you’ll be able to monitor an application by setting up a pod failure alert on Prometheus. The book will also guide you in configuring Alertmanager to send alerts to the Slack channel and trace down a problem on the application using kubectl commands. By the end of this book, you’ll be able to manage the lifecycle of simple to complex applications on Kubernetes with confidence.What you will learnCreate and manage Kubernetes clusters in on-premise systems and cloudExercise various DevOps practices using KubernetesExplore configuration, secret, and storage management, and exercise these on KubernetesPerform different update techniques and apply them on KubernetesUse the built-in scaling feature in Kubernetes to scale your applications up and downUse various troubleshooting techniques and have a monitoring system installed on KubernetesWho this book is forIf you are a developer who wants to learn how to apply DevOps patterns using Kubernetes, then this book is for you. Familiarity with Kubernetes will be useful, but not essential.

Introduction to Digital Communications (Signals and Communication Technology)

by Joachim Speidel

This book offers students, scientists, and engineers an extensive introduction to the theoretical fundamentals of digital communications, covering single-input single-output (SISO), multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO), and time-variant systems. Further, the main content is supplemented by a wealth of representative examples and computer simulations. The book is divided into three parts, the first of which addresses the principles of wire-line and wireless digital transmission over SISO links. Digital modulation, intersymbol interference, and various detection methods are discussed; models for realistic time-variant, wireless channels are introduced; and the equivalent time-variant baseband system model is derived. This book covers two new topics such as blockwise signal transmission and multicarrier modulation with orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) systems.Since not all readers may be familiar with this topic, Part II is devoted to the theory of linear time-variant systems. The generalized convolution is derived, and readers are introduced to impulse response, the delay spread function, and system functions in the frequency domain. In addition, randomly changing systems are discussed. Several new examples and graphs have been added to this book.In turn, Part III deals with MIMO systems. It describes MIMO channel models with and without spatial correlation, including the Kronecker model. Both linear and nonlinear MIMO receivers are investigated. The question of how many bits per channel use can be transmitted is answered, and maximizing channel capacity is addressed. Principles of space–time coding are outlined in order to improve transmission quality and increase data rates. In closing, the book describes multi-user MIMO schemes, which reduce interference when multiple users in the same area transmit their signals in the same time slots and frequency bands.

Introduction to Digital Control: An Integrated Approach

by Biswanath Samanta

This textbook presents an integrated approach to digital (discrete-time) control systems covering analysis, design, simulation, and real-time implementation through relevant hardware and software platforms. Topics related to discrete-time control systems include z-transform, inverse z-transform, sampling and reconstruction, open- and closed-loop system characteristics, steady-state accuracy for different system types and input functions, stability analysis in z-domain-Jury’s test, bilinear transformation from z- to w-domain, stability analysis in w-domain- Routh-Hurwitz criterion, root locus techniques in z-domain, frequency domain analysis in w-domain, control system specifications in time- and frequency- domains, design of controllers – PI, PD, PID, phase-lag, phase-lead, phase-lag-lead using time- and frequency-domain specifications, state-space methods- controllability and observability, pole placement controllers, design of observers (estimators) - full-order prediction, reduced-order, and current observers, system identification, optimal control- linear quadratic regulator (LQR), linear quadratic Gaussian (LQG) estimator (Kalman filter), implementation of controllers, and laboratory experiments for validation of analysis and design techniques on real laboratory scale hardware modules. Both single-input single-output (SISO) and multi-input multi-output (MIMO) systems are covered. Software platform of Matlab/Simulnik is used for analysis, design, and simulation and hardware/software platforms of National Instruments (NI)/LabVIEW are used for implementation and validation of analysis and design of digital control systems. Demonstrating the use of an integrated approach to cover interdisciplinary topics of digital control, emphasizing theoretical background, validation through analysis, simulation, and implementation in physical laboratory experiments, the book is ideal for students of engineering and applied science across in a range of concentrations.

Introduction to Digital Humanism: A Textbook

by Hannes Werthner Carlo Ghezzi Jeff Kramer Julian Nida-Rümelin Bashar Nuseibeh Erich Prem Allison Stanger

This open access textbook introduces and defines digital humanism from a diverse range of disciplines. Following the 2019 Vienna Manifesto, the book calls for a digital humanism that describes, analyzes, and, most importantly, influences the complex interplay of technology and humankind, for a better society and life, fully respecting universal human rights. The book is organized in three parts: Part I “Background” provides the multidisciplinary background needed to understand digital humanism in its philosophical, cultural, technological, historical, social, and economic dimensions. The goal is to present the necessary knowledge upon which an effective interdisciplinary discourse on digital humanism can be founded. Part II “Digital Humanism – a System’s View” focuses on an in-depth presentation and discussion of the main digital humanism concerns arising in current digital systems. The goal of this part is to make readers aware and sensitive to these issues, including e.g. the control and autonomy of AI systems, privacy and security, and the role of governance. Part III “Critical and Societal Issues of Digital Systems” delves into critical societal issues raised by advances of digital technologies. While the public debate in the past has often focused on them separately, especially when they became visible through sensational events the aim here is to shed light on the entire landscape and show their interconnected relationships. This includes issues such as AI and ethics, fairness and bias, privacy and surveillance, platform power and democracy. This textbook is intended for students, teachers, and policy makers interested in digital humanism. It is designed for stand-alone and for complementary courses in computer science, or curricula in science, engineering, humanities and social sciences. Each chapter includes questions for students and an annotated reading list to dive deeper into the associated chapter material. The book aims to provide readers with as wide an exposure as possible to digital advances and their consequences for humanity. It includes constructive ideas and approaches that seek to ensure that our collective digital future is determined through human agency.

Introduction to Digital Image Processing

by William K. Pratt

The subject of digital image processing has migrated from a graduate to a junior or senior level course as students become more proficient in mathematical background earlier in their college education. With that in mind, Introduction to Digital Image Processing is simpler in terms of mathematical derivations and eliminates derivations of advanced s

Introduction to Digital Signal Processing Using MATLAB with Application to Digital Communications

by K. S. Thyagarajan

This textbook provides engineering students with instruction on processing signals encountered in speech, music, and wireless communications using software or hardware by employing basic mathematical methods. The book starts with an overview of signal processing, introducing readers to the field. It goes on to give instruction in converting continuous time signals into digital signals and discusses various methods to process the digital signals, such as filtering. The author uses MATLAB throughout as a user-friendly software tool to perform various digital signal processing algorithms and to simulate real-time systems. Readers learn how to convert analog signals into digital signals; how to process these signals using software or hardware; and how to write algorithms to perform useful operations on the acquired signals such as filtering, detecting digitally modulated signals, correcting channel distortions, etc. Students are also shown how to convert MATLAB codes into firmware codes. Further, students will be able to apply the basic digital signal processing techniques in their workplace. The book is based on the author's popular online course at University of California, San Diego.

Introduction to Digital Systems Design

by Davide Anguita Domenico Ponta Luca Oneto Giuliano Donzellini

This book has been designed for a first course on digital design for engineering and computer science students. It offers an extensive introduction on fundamental theories, from Boolean algebra and binary arithmetic to sequential networks and finite state machines, together with the essential tools to design and simulate systems composed of a controller and a datapath. The numerous worked examples and solved exercises allow a better understanding and more effective learning. All of the examples and exercises can be run on the Deeds software, freely available online on a webpage developed and maintained by the authors. Thanks to the learning-by-doing approach and the plentiful examples, no prior knowledge in electronics of programming is required. Moreover, the book can be adapted to different level of education, with different targets and depth, be used for self-study, and even independently from the simulator. The book draws on the authors’ extensive experience in teaching and developing learning materials.

Introduction to Discrete Event Simulation and Agent-based Modeling

by Theodore T. Allen

Discrete event simulation and agent-based modeling are increasingly recognized as critical for diagnosing and solving process issues in complex systems. Introduction to Discrete Event Simulation and Agent-based Modeling covers the techniques needed for success in all phases of simulation projects. These include: * Definition - The reader will learn how to plan a project and communicate using a charter. * Input analysis - The reader will discover how to determine defensible sample sizes for all needed data collections. They will also learn how to fit distributions to that data. * Simulation - The reader will understand how simulation controllers work, the Monte Carlo (MC) theory behind them, modern verification and validation, and ways to speed up simulation using variation reduction techniques and other methods. * Output analysis - The reader will be able to establish simultaneous intervals on key responses and apply selection and ranking, design of experiments (DOE), and black box optimization to develop defensible improvement recommendations. * Decision support - Methods to inspire creative alternatives are presented, including lean production. Also, over one hundred solved problems are provided and two full case studies, including one on voting machines that received international attention. Introduction to Discrete Event Simulation and Agent-based Modeling demonstrates how simulation can facilitate improvements on the job and in local communities. It allows readers to competently apply technology considered key in many industries and branches of government. It is suitable for undergraduate and graduate students, as well as researchers and other professionals.

Introduction to Discrete Event Systems

by Christos G. Cassandras Stéphane Lafortune

This unique textbook comprehensively introduces the field of discrete event systems, offering a breadth of coverage that makes the material accessible to readers of varied backgrounds. The book emphasizes a unified modeling framework that transcends specific application areas, linking the following topics in a coherent manner: language and automata theory, supervisory control, Petri net theory, Markov chains and queueing theory, discrete-event simulation, and concurrent estimation techniques. Topics and features:detailed treatment of automata and language theory in the context of discrete event systems, including application to state estimation and diagnosiscomprehensive coverage of centralized and decentralized supervisory control of partially-observed systemstimed models, including timed automata and hybrid automatastochastic models for discrete event systems and controlled Markov chainsdiscrete event simulationan introduction to stochastic hybrid systemssensitivity analysis and optimization of discrete event and hybrid systemsnew in the third edition: opacity properties, enhanced coverage of supervisory control, overview of latest software toolsThis proven textbook is essential to advanced-level students and researchers in a variety of disciplines where the study of discrete event systems is relevant: control, communications, computer engineering, computer science, manufacturing engineering, transportation networks, operations research, and industrial engineering. ​Christos G. Cassandras is Distinguished Professor of Engineering, Professor of Systems Engineering, and Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Boston University. Stéphane Lafortune is Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

An Introduction to Distance Education: Understanding Teaching and Learning in a New Era

by M.F. Cleveland-Innes D. R. Garrison

An Introduction to Distance Education is a comprehensive look at the field today, outlining current theories, practices and goals. The book reviews the influence of past distance education theory and practice, along with current changes. It outlines the practical skills and information that are essential to effective distance education design, delivery and navigation. This volume brings together seminal contributors who have and who are currently researching and shaping our understanding and practice of distance education. A discussion of past and present practices in higher and distance education leads to an understanding of accessible education and the appropriate use of Web 2.0 technology. Utilizing a student-guided approach, each chapter offers pedagogical features to engage and support the teaching and learning process, including: questions for reflection, review and discussion: students can use these questions as triggers for further thoughts related to the topic. Instructors can use these questions for classroom and online discussion key quotations: strategically placed throughout the text, these points act as a springboard for further reflection and classroom discussion concept definitions: central concepts discussed in the text are defined or students at the end of each chapter. A perfect textbook for educational technology Doctorate, Masters and Certificate programs, students will find An Introduction to Distance Education offers a solid foundation from which to explore and develop new approaches to designing and implementing online courses.

An Introduction to Distributed Algorithms

by Valmir C. Barbosa

An Introduction to Distributed Algorithms takes up some of the main concepts and algorithms, ranging from basic to advanced techniques and applications, that underlie the programming of distributed-memory systems such as computer networks, networks of workstations, and multiprocessors. Written from the broad perspective of distributed-memory systems in general it includes topics such as algorithms for maximum flow, program debugging, and simulation that do not appear in more orthodox texts on distributed algorithms. Moving from fundamentals to advances and applications, ten chapters--with exercises and bibliographic notes--cover a variety of topics. These include models of distributed computation, information propagation, leader election, distributed snapshots, network synchronization, self- stability, termination detection, deadlock detection, graph algorithms, mutual exclusion, program debugging, and simulation. All of the algorithms are presented in a clear, template- based format for the description of message-passing computations among the nodes of a connected graph. Such a generic setting allows the treatment of problems originating from many different application areas. The main ideas and algorithms are described in a way that balances intuition and formal rigor--most are preceded by a general intuitive discussion and followed by formal statements as to correctness complexity or other properties.

Introduction to Distributed Algorithms

by Gerard Tel

Distributed algorithms have been the subject of intense development over the last twenty years. The second edition of this successful textbook provides an up-to-date introduction both to the topic, and to the theory behind the algorithms. The clear presentation makes the book suitable for advanced undergraduate or graduate courses, whilst the coverage is sufficiently deep to make it useful for practising engineers and researchers. The author concentrates on algorithms for the point-to-point message passing model, and includes algorithms for the implementation of computer communication networks. Other key areas discussed are algorithms for the control of distributed applications (wave, broadcast, election, termination detection, randomized algorithms for anonymous networks, snapshots, deadlock detection, synchronous systems), and fault-tolerance achievable by distributed algorithms. The two new chapters on sense of direction and failure detectors are state-of-the-art and will provide an entry to research in these still-developing topics.

Introduction to E-Commerce (E-Commerce in Theory and Practice)

by Zheng Qin Guolong Wang Wanqiu Deng Yanli Hao

This book brings together the new trends, new knowledge, new methods and new tools in the development of e-commerce in China and global and appropriately expounds the basic concepts and cultural concepts of e-commerce from the perspective of e-commerce basic knowledge and e-commerce culture. The key technology involved including e-commerce support, payment, and security is introduced. This book highlights the practical application of the applied psychology of e-commerce in business activities and expounds the system structure, transaction mode, and decision-making strategy paradigm of e-commerce with typical examples. This book helps readers to understand the basic concepts, the latest knowledge and the way of e-commerce development. This book elaborates the theory, specific tools, methods, and practical experience, which can be used as a textbook or professional book for e-commerce courses and also a reference book for interested readers.

Introduction to e-Supply Chain Management: Engaging Technology to Build Market-Winning Business Partnerships (Resource Management)

by David Frederick Ross

In the quest to remove supply channel costs, streamline channel communications, and link customers to the value-added resources found along the supply chain continuum, Supply Chain Management (SCM) has emerged as a tactical operations tool. The first book to completely define the architecture of the merger of SCM and the Internet, Introduction to e

An Introduction to Electronic Art Through the Teaching of Jacques Lacan: Strangest Thing

by David Bard-Schwarz

Electronic art offers endless opportunities for reflection and interpretation. Works can be interactive or entirely autonomous and the viewer's perception and reaction to them may be challenged by constantly transforming images. Whether the transformations are a product of the appearances or actions of a viewer in an installation space, or a product of a self-contained computer program, is a source of constant fascination. Some viewers may feel strange or unnerved by a work, while others may feel welcoming, humorous, and playful emotions. The art may also provoke a critical response to social, aesthetic, and political aspects of early twenty-first-century life. This book approaches electronic art through the teachings of Jacques Lacan, whose return to Freud has exerted a powerful and wide-ranging influence on psychoanalysis and critical theory in the twentieth century. David Bard-Schwarz draws on his experience with Lacanian psychoanalysis, music, and interactive and traditional arts in order to address aspects of the works the viewer may find difficult to understand. Dividing his approach over four thematic chapters—Bodies, Voices, Eyes, and Signifiers—Bard-Schwarz explores the links between works of new media and psychoanalysis (how we process what we see, hear, touch, imagine, and remember). This is a fascinating book for new media artists and critics, museum curators, psychologists, students in the fine arts, and those who are interested in digital technology and contemporary culture.

Introduction to Electronic Commerce and Social Commerce (Springer Texts in Business and Economics)

by Efraim Turban Judy Whiteside David King Jon Outland

This is a complete update of the best-selling undergraduate textbook on Electronic Commerce (EC). New to this 4th Edition is the addition of material on Social Commerce (two chapters); a new tutorial on the major EC support technologies, including cloud computing, RFID, and EDI; ten new learning outcomes; and video exercises added to most chapters. Wherever appropriate, material on Social Commerce has been added to existing chapters. Supplementary material includes an Instructor’s Manual; Test Bank questions for each chapter; Powerpoint Lecture Notes; and a Companion Website that includes EC support technologies as well as online files.The book is organized into 12 chapters grouped into 6 parts. Part 1 is an Introduction to E-Commerce and E-Marketplaces. Part 2 focuses on EC Applications, while Part 3 looks at Emerging EC Platforms, with two new chapters on Social Commerce and Enterprise Social Networks. Part 4 examines EC Support Services, and Part 5 looks at E-Commerce Strategy and Implementation. Part 6 is a collection of online tutorials on Launching Online Businesses and EC Projects, with tutorials focusing on e-CRM; EC Technology; Business Intelligence, including Data-, Text-, and Web Mining; E-Collaboration; and Competition in Cyberspace.

Introduction to Electronic Materials and Devices

by Sergio M. Rezende

This textbook lays out the fundamentals of electronic materials and devices on a level that is accessible to undergraduate engineering students with no prior coursework in electromagnetism and modern physics. The initial chapters present the basic concepts of waves and quantum mechanics, emphasizing the underlying physical concepts behind the properties of materials and the basic principles of device operation. Subsequent chapters focus on the fundamentals of electrons in materials, covering basic physical properties and conduction mechanisms in semiconductors and their use in diodes, transistors, and integrated circuits. The book also deals with a broader range of modern topics, including magnetic, spintronic, and superconducting materials and devices, optoelectronic and photonic devices, as well as the light emitting diode, solar cells, and various types of lasers. The last chapter presents a variety of materials with specific novel applications, such as dielectric materials used in electronics and photonics, liquid crystals, and organic conductors used in video displays, and superconducting devices for quantum computing.Clearly written with compelling illustrations and chapter-end problems, Rezende’s Introduction to Electronic Materials and Devices is the ideal accompaniment to any undergraduate program in electrical and computer engineering. Adjacent students specializing in physics or materials science will also benefit from the timely and extensive discussion of the advanced devices, materials, and applications that round out this engaging and approachable textbook.

An Introduction to Electronic Warfare; from the First Jamming to Machine Learning Techniques

by Chi-Hao Cheng James Tsui

Since its creation at the beginning of World II, radars have forever transformed the practice of modern warfare. The evolution of countermeasure conducted by electronic warfare systems against radars and radars’ corresponding counter countermeasures is an intriguing technical subject. This book provides a very accessible introduction to a broad range of radar and electronic warfare technologies. The subjects covered in this book range from early radar development to later technologies such as stealthy techniques, low probability of intercept radar, and machine learning. Historical events are used to illustrate the principles of electronic warfare and to help readers to apprehend contexts under which radars and corresponding electronic warfare techniques were developed.

Introduction to Elementary Computational Modeling: Essential Concepts, Principles, and Problem Solving (Chapman & Hall/CRC Computational Science)

by Jose Garrido

With an emphasis on problem solving, this book introduces the basic principles and fundamental concepts of computational modeling. It emphasizes reasoning and conceptualizing problems, the elementary mathematical modeling, and the implementation using computing concepts and principles. Examples are included that demonstrate the computation and visu

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