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Showing 31,051 through 31,075 of 59,331 results

Introduction to Static Analysis: An Abstract Interpretation Perspective

by Xavier Rival Kwangkeun Yi

A self-contained introduction to abstract interpretation–based static analysis, an essential resource for students, developers, and users.Static program analysis, or static analysis, aims to discover semantic properties of programs without running them. It plays an important role in all phases of development, including verification of specifications and programs, the synthesis of optimized code, and the refactoring and maintenance of software applications. This book offers a self-contained introduction to static analysis, covering the basics of both theoretical foundations and practical considerations in the use of static analysis tools. By offering a quick and comprehensive introduction for nonspecialists, the book fills a notable gap in the literature, which until now has consisted largely of scientific articles on advanced topics.The text covers the mathematical foundations of static analysis, including semantics, semantic abstraction, and computation of program invariants; more advanced notions and techniques, including techniques for enhancing the cost-accuracy balance of analysis and abstractions for advanced programming features and answering a wide range of semantic questions; and techniques for implementing and using static analysis tools. It begins with background information and an intuitive and informal introduction to the main static analysis principles and techniques. It then formalizes the scientific foundations of program analysis techniques, considers practical aspects of implementation, and presents more advanced applications. The book can be used as a textbook in advanced undergraduate and graduate courses in static analysis and program verification, and as a reference for users, developers, and experts.

An Introduction to Statistical Data Science: Theory and Models

by Giorgio Picci

This graduate textbook on the statistical approach to data science describes the basic ideas, scientific principles and common techniques for the extraction of mathematical models from observed data. Aimed at young scientists, and motivated by their scientific prospects, it provides first principle derivations of various algorithms and procedures, thereby supplying a solid background for their future specialization to diverse fields and applications. The beginning of the book presents the basics of statistical science, with an exposition on linear models. This is followed by an analysis of some numerical aspects and various regularization techniques, including LASSO, which are particularly important for large scale problems. Decision problems are studied both from the classical hypothesis testing perspective and, particularly, from a modern support-vector perspective, in the linear and non-linear context alike. Underlying the book is the Bayesian approach and the Bayesian interpretation of various algorithms and procedures. This is the key to principal components analysis and canonical correlation analysis, which are explained in detail. Following a chapter on nonlinear inference, including material on neural networks, the book concludes with a discussion on time series analysis and estimating their dynamic models. Featuring examples and exercises partially motivated by engineering applications, this book is intended for graduate students in applied mathematics and engineering with a general background in probability and linear algebra.

An Introduction to Statistical Learning: with Applications in R (Springer Texts in Statistics #103)

by Trevor Hastie Gareth James Robert Tibshirani Daniela Witten

An Introduction to Statistical Learning provides an accessible overview of the field of statistical learning, an essential toolset for making sense of the vast and complex data sets that have emerged in fields ranging from biology to finance to marketing to astrophysics in the past twenty years. This book presents some of the most important modeling and prediction techniques, along with relevant applications. Topics include linear regression, classification, resampling methods, shrinkage approaches, tree-based methods, support vector machines, clustering, and more. Color graphics and real-world examples are used to illustrate the methods presented. Since the goal of this textbook is to facilitate the use of these statistical learning techniques by practitioners in science, industry, and other fields, each chapter contains a tutorial on implementing the analyses and methods presented in R, an extremely popular open source statistical software platform. Two of the authors co-wrote The Elements of Statistical Learning (Hastie, Tibshirani and Friedman, 2nd edition 2009), a popular reference book for statistics and machine learning researchers. An Introduction to Statistical Learning covers many of the same topics, but at a level accessible to a much broader audience. This book is targeted at statisticians and non-statisticians alike who wish to use cutting-edge statistical learning techniques to analyze their data. The text assumes only a previous course in linear regression and no knowledge of matrix algebra.

Introduction to Statistics: Using Interactive MM*Stat Elements

by Wolfgang Karl Härdle Sigbert Klinke Bernd Rönz

This book covers all the topics found in introductory descriptive statistics courses, including simple linear regression and time series analysis, the fundamentals of inferential statistics (probability theory, random sampling and estimation theory), and inferential statistics itself (confidence intervals, testing).Each chapter starts with the necessary theoretical background, which is followed by a variety of examples. The core examples are based on the content of the respective chapter, while the advanced examples, designed to deepen students’ knowledge, also draw on information and material from previous chapters.The enhanced online version helps students grasp the complexity and the practical relevance of statistical analysis through interactive examples and is suitable for undergraduate and graduate students taking their first statistics courses, as well as for undergraduate students in non-mathematical fields, e.g. economics, the social sciences etc.

Introduction to Statistics Through Resampling Methods and R

by Phillip I. Good

A highly accessible alternative approach to basic statistics Praise for the First Edition: "Certainly one of the most impressive little paperback 200-page introductory statistics books that I will ever see . . . it would make a good nightstand book for every statistician."--Technometrics Written in a highly accessible style, Introduction to Statistics through Resampling Methods and R, Second Edition guides students in the understanding of descriptive statistics, estimation, hypothesis testing, and model building. The book emphasizes the discovery method, enabling readers to ascertain solutions on their own rather than simply copy answers or apply a formula by rote. The Second Edition utilizes the R programming language to simplify tedious computations, illustrate new concepts, and assist readers in completing exercises. The text facilitates quick learning through the use of: More than 250 exercises--with selected "hints"--scattered throughout to stimulate readers' thinking and to actively engage them in applying their newfound skills An increased focus on why a method is introduced Multiple explanations of basic concepts Real-life applications in a variety of disciplines Dozens of thought-provoking, problem-solving questions in the final chapter to assist readers in applying statistics to real-life applications Introduction to Statistics through Resampling Methods and R, Second Edition is an excellent resource for students and practitioners in the fields of agriculture, astrophysics, bacteriology, biology, botany, business, climatology, clinical trials, economics, education, epidemiology, genetics, geology, growth processes, hospital administration, law, manufacturing, marketing, medicine, mycology, physics, political science, psychology, social welfare, sports, and toxicology who want to master and learn to apply statistical methods.

An Introduction to Statistics with Python: With Applications in the Life Sciences (Statistics and Computing)

by Thomas Haslwanter

This textbook provides anintroduction to the free software Python and its use for statistical dataanalysis. It covers common statistical tests for continuous, discrete andcategorical data, as well as linear regression analysis and topics from survivalanalysis and Bayesian statistics. Working code and data for Python solutionsfor each test, together with easy-to-follow Python examples, can be reproducedby the reader and reinforce their immediate understanding of the topic. Withrecent advances in the Python ecosystem, Python has become a popular languagefor scientific computing, offering a powerful environment for statistical dataanalysis and an interesting alternative to R. The book is intended for masterand PhD students, mainly from the life and medical sciences, with a basicknowledge of statistics. As it also provides some statistics background, thebook can be used by anyone who wants to perform a statistical dataanalysis.

An Introduction to Statistics with Python: With Applications in the Life Sciences (Statistics and Computing)

by Thomas Haslwanter

Now in its second edition, this textbook provides an introduction to Python and its use for statistical data analysis. It covers common statistical tests for continuous, discrete and categorical data, as well as linear regression analysis and topics from survival analysis and Bayesian statistics.For this new edition, the introductory chapters on Python, data input and visualization have been reworked and updated. The chapter on experimental design has been expanded, and programs for the determination of confidence intervals commonly used in quality control have been introduced. The book also features a new chapter on finding patterns in data, including time series. A new appendix describes useful programming tools, such as testing tools, code repositories, and GUIs.The provided working code for Python solutions, together with easy-to-follow examples, will reinforce the reader’s immediate understanding of the topic. Accompanying data sets and Python programs are also available online. With recent advances in the Python ecosystem, Python has become a popular language for scientific computing, offering a powerful environment for statistical data analysis.With examples drawn mainly from the life and medical sciences, this book is intended primarily for masters and PhD students. As it provides the required statistics background, the book can also be used by anyone who wants to perform a statistical data analysis.

Introduction to Stochastic Processes and Simulation

by Gerard-Michel Cochard

Mastering chance has, for a long time, been a preoccupation of mathematical research. Today, we possess a predictive approach to the evolution of systems based on the theory of probabilities. Even so, uncovering this subject is sometimes complex, because it necessitates a good knowledge of the underlying mathematics. This book offers an introduction to the processes linked to the fluctuations in chance and the use of numerical methods to approach solutions that are difficult to obtain through an analytical approach. It takes classic examples of inventory and queueing management, and addresses more diverse subjects such as equipment reliability, genetics, population dynamics, physics and even market finance. It is addressed to those at Master's level, at university, engineering school or management school, but also to an audience of those in continuing education, in order that they may discover the vast field of decision support.

Introduction to Stochastic Processes Using R

by Sivaprasad Madhira Shailaja Deshmukh

This textbook presents some basic stochastic processes, mainly Markov processes. It begins with a brief introduction to the framework of stochastic processes followed by the thorough discussion on Markov chains, which is the simplest and the most important class of stochastic processes. The book then elaborates the theory of Markov chains in detail including classification of states, the first passage distribution, the concept of periodicity and the limiting behaviour of a Markov chain in terms of associated stationary and long run distributions. The book first illustrates the theory for some typical Markov chains, such as random walk, gambler's ruin problem, Ehrenfest model and Bienayme-Galton-Watson branching process; and then extends the discussion when time parameter is continuous. It presents some important examples of a continuous time Markov chain, which include Poisson process, birth process, death process, birth and death processes and their variations. These processes play a fundamental role in the theory and applications in queuing and inventory models, population growth, epidemiology and engineering systems. The book studies in detail the Poisson process, which is the most frequently applied stochastic process in a variety of fields, with its extension to a renewal process. The book also presents important basic concepts on Brownian motion process, a stochastic process of historic importance. It covers its few extensions and variations, such as Brownian bridge, geometric Brownian motion process, which have applications in finance, stock markets, inventory etc. The book is designed primarily to serve as a textbook for a one semester introductory course in stochastic processes, in a post-graduate program, such as Statistics, Mathematics, Data Science and Finance. It can also be used for relevant courses in other disciplines. Additionally, it provides sufficient background material for studying inference in stochastic processes. The book thus fulfils the need of a concise but clear and student-friendly introduction to various types of stochastic processes.

Introduction to Supply Chain Analytics: With Examples in AnyLogic and anyLogistix Software (Classroom Companion: Business)

by Dmitry Ivanov

The book offers a concise yet comprehensive introduction to supply chain analytics covering management, modeling, and technology perspectives. Designed to accompany the textbook “Global Supply Chain and Operations Management”, it addresses the topics of supply chain analytics in more depth. The book describes descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive supply chain analytics explaining methodologies, illustrating method applications with the use of training exercises, and providing numerous examples in AnyLogic and anyLogistix software. Throughout the book, numerous practical examples and short case studies are given to illustrate theoretical concepts. Along with AnyLogic and anyLogistix model development guidelines and examples, the book has two other distinct features. First, it reviews and explains novel frameworks and concepts related to data-driven decision-making and digital twins. Second, it shows how to use analytics to improve supply chain resilience.Without relying heavily on mathematical derivations, the book offers a structured presentation and explanation of major supply chain analytics techniques and principles in a simple, predictable format to make it easy to understand for students and professionals with both management and engineering backgrounds. Graduate/Ph.D. students and supply chain professionals alike would benefit from a structured and didactically-oriented concise presentation of the concepts, principles, and methods of supply chain analytics. Providing graduate students and supply chain managers with working knowledge of basic and advanced supply chain analytics, this book contributes to improving knowledge-awareness of decision-making in increasingly data-driven and digital environments. The book is supplemented by a companion website offering interactive exercises with the use of AnyLogic and anyLogistix software as well as Spreadsheet Modeling.

Introduction to Supply Chain Management Technologies (Resource Management)

by David Frederick Ross Frederick S. Weston Stephen W.

It is almost impossible to conceive of the concept and practical application of supply chain management (SCM) without linking it to the enabling power of today‘s information technologies. Building upon the foundations of the first edition, Introduction to Supply Chain Management Technologies, Second Edition details the software toolsets and suites

An Introduction to Support Vector Machines: and other kernel-based learning methods

by Nello Cristianini John Shawe-Taylor

This is the first comprehensive introduction to Support Vector Machines (SVMs), a new generation learning system based on recent advances in statistical learning theory. Students will find the book both stimulating and accessible, while practitioners will be guided smoothly through the material required for a good grasp of the theory and its applications. The concepts are introduced gradually in accessible and self-contained stages, while the presentation is rigorous and thorough. Pointers to relevant literature and web sites containing software make it an ideal starting point for further study.

An Introduction to System Modeling and Control

by John Chiasson

A practical and straightforward exploration of the basic tools for the modeling, analysis, and design of control systems In An Introduction to System Modeling and Control, Dr. Chiasson delivers an accessible and intuitive guide to understanding modeling and control for students in electrical, mechanical, and aerospace/aeronautical engineering. The book begins with an introduction to the need for control by describing how an aircraft flies complete with figures illustrating roll, pitch, and yaw control using its ailerons, elevators, and rudder, respectively. The book moves on to rigid body dynamics about a single axis (gears, cart rolling down an incline) and then to modeling DC motors, DC tachometers, and optical encoders. Using the transfer function representation of these dynamic models, PID controllers are introduced as an effective way to track step inputs and reject constant disturbances. It is further shown how any transfer function model can be stabilized using output pole placement and on how two-degree of freedom controllers can be used to eliminate overshoot in step responses. Bode and Nyquist theory are then presented with an emphasis on how they give a quantitative insight into a control system's robustness and sensitivity. An Introduction to System Modeling and Control closes with chapters on modeling an inverted pendulum and a magnetic levitation system, trajectory tracking control using state feedback, and state estimation. In addition the book offers: A complete set of MATLAB/SIMULINK files for examples and problems included in the book. A set of lecture slides for each chapter. A solutions manual with recommended problems to assign. An analysis of the robustness and sensitivity of four different controller designs for an inverted pendulum (cart-pole). Perfect for electrical, mechanical, and aerospace/aeronautical engineering students, An Introduction to System Modeling and Control will also be an invaluable addition to the libraries of practicing engineers.

Introduction to Systems Thinking and Interdisciplinary Engineering (Synthesis Lectures on Engineering, Science, and Technology)

by Horst Czichos

​This concise textbook introduces a systems approach to technology, describing tribological, mechatronic, cyber-physical systems, and the technologic concept of Industry 4.0 to students in a range of engineering domains. “Technology” in this book refers to the totality of human-made, benefit-oriented products, based on engineered combinations of material, energy and information. Dr. Czichos examines technology in this volume in the context of systems thinking with regard to the following main technology areasTechnical systems with “interacting surfaces in relative motion” especially in mechanical engineering, production, and transport; including the analysis of friction-induced energy losses and wear-induced materials dissipation. Technical systems that require a combination of mechanics, electronics, controls, and computer engineering for needs of industry and society. Technical systems with a combination of mechatronics and internet communication. Cyber-physical Systems for the digitalization of Industry in the development project Industry 4.0.Considers technology as combination of the physical world and the digital virtual world of information and communication.Describes the product cycle of technical systems and the corner stones of technology: material, energy and information.Presents a holistic view of technology and engineering.

Introduction to SystemVerilog

by Ashok B. Mehta

This book provides a hands-on, application-oriented guide to the entire IEEE standard 1800 SystemVerilog language. Readers will benefit from the step-by-step approach to learning the language and methodology nuances, which will enable them to design and verify complex ASIC/SoC and CPU chips. The author covers the entire spectrum of the language, including random constraints, SystemVerilog Assertions, Functional Coverage, Class, checkers, interfaces, and Data Types, among other features of the language. Written by an experienced, professional end-user of ASIC/SoC/CPU and FPGA designs, this book explains each concept with easy to understand examples, simulation logs and applications derived from real projects. Readers will be empowered to tackle the complex task of multi-million gate ASIC designs.Provides comprehensive coverage of the entire IEEE standard SystemVerilog language;Covers important topics such as constrained random verification, SystemVerilog Class, Assertions, Functional coverage, data types, checkers, interfaces, processes and procedures, among other language features;Uses easy to understand examples and simulation logs; examples are simulatable and will be provided online;Written by an experienced, professional end-user of ASIC/SoC/CPU and FPGA designs.This is quite a comprehensive work. It must have taken a long time to write it. I really like that the author has taken apart each of the SystemVerilog constructs and talks about them in great detail, including example code and simulation logs. For example, there is a chapter dedicated to arrays, and another dedicated to queues - that is great to have! The Language Reference Manual (LRM) is quite dense and difficult to use as a text for learning the language. This book explains semantics at a level of detail that is not possible in an LRM. This is the strength of the book. This will be an excellent book for novice users and as a handy reference for experienced programmers. Mark GlasserCerebras Systems

Introduction to Teaching with Webex

by M. Jane

Learn to take your classroom curriculum digital using Cisco Webex&’s unique video conferencing features to create engaging lessons, collaborative activities, and more. Introduction to Teaching with Webex will help teachers of all grade levels master the basics of communication and education using the Cisco Webex video conferencing service. Learn how to connect with students, record your Webex meetings, control access to lessons, contribute to live chat streams, and conduct webinars. Webex newbie? No worries! Experienced educator and author M. Jane takes readers step-by-step through the most common Webex features and terminology. Packed with tips, tricks, troubleshooting, helpful screenshots, and activity ideas to keep students of all ages engaged, this book is indispensable as the future of teaching continues to evolve.

Introduction to Teaching with Zoom

by Madison Salters

Learn how to take your classroom curriculum digital using Zoom&’s unique video conferencing features to connect with students with amazing results. Introduction to Teaching with Zoom will help teachers of all grade levels master the basics of communication and education using the Zoom video conferencing service. With step-by-step instructions paired with helpful screenshots, teachers will learn how to connect with students, record your Zoom meetings, control access to lessons, contribute to live chat streams, and conduct webinars. Zoom newbie? No worries! Experienced educator and author Madison Salters takes readers through the most common Zoom features and terminology. Now more than ever, schools have become increasingly reliant on digital means for education. Whether public grade schools have been temporarily closed, or colleges and universities are looking to invest in distance learning, teachers need to be armed and ready to do what they do best no matter the platform. Packed with tips, tricks, troubleshooting, and lesson plans to keep students of all ages engaged, this book is indispensable as the future of teaching continues to evolve.

Introduction to the Art of Programming Using Scala (Chapman And Hall/crc Textbooks In Computing Ser.)

by Mark C. Lewis

With its flexibility for programming both small and large projects, Scala is an ideal language for teaching beginning programming. Yet there are no textbooks on Scala currently available for the CS1/CS2 levels. Introduction to the Art of Programming Using Scala presents many concepts from CS1 and CS2 using a modern, JVM-based language that works we

Introduction to the Command Line

by Vivek Nagarajan

Introduction to the Command Line is designed for programmers, who use GUIs, but want to understand how to use the command line to complete tasks faster and get more out of their computer. All you need for this book is basic understanding of how to use a computer.

Introduction to the Cyber Ranges (Chapman & Hall/CRC Cyber-Physical Systems)

by Bishwajeet Pandey Shabeer Ahmad

Introduction to the Cyber Ranges provides a comprehensive, integrative, easy-to-comprehend overview of different aspects involved in the cybersecurity arena. It expands on various concepts like cyber situational awareness, simulation and emulation environments, and cybersecurity exercises. It also focuses on detailed analysis and the comparison of various existing cyber ranges in military, academic, and commercial sectors. It highlights every crucial aspect necessary for developing a deeper insight about the working of the cyber ranges, their architectural design, and their need in the market. It conveys how cyber ranges are complex and effective tools in dealing with advanced cyber threats and attacks. Enhancing the network defenses, resilience, and efficiency of different components of critical infrastructures is the principal objective of cyber ranges. Cyber ranges provide simulations of possible cyberattacks and training on how to thwart such attacks. They are widely used in urban enterprise sectors because they present a sturdy and secure setting for hands-on cyber skills training, advanced cybersecurity education, security testing/training, and certification. Features: A comprehensive guide to understanding the complexities involved with cyber ranges and other cybersecurity aspects Substantial theoretical knowhow on cyber ranges, their architectural design, along with case studies of existing cyber ranges in leading urban sectors like military, academic, and commercial Elucidates the defensive technologies used by various cyber ranges in enhancing the security setups of private and government organizations Information organized in an accessible format for students (in engineering, computer science, and information management), professionals, researchers, and scientists working in the fields of IT, cybersecurity, distributed systems, and computer networks

Introduction to the Development of Web Applications Using ASP .Net (Synthesis Lectures on Computer Science)

by Razvan Alexandru Mezei

This book introduces a simplified approach to web application development using the open-source ASP .Net Core MVC framework. Readers will learn to implement web applications using the following languages and frameworks: HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Bootstrap, C#, ASP .Net, and Entity Framework Core. In addition, this book addresses how to build a web application to create user accounts, store data in a database, manipulate data, and how to allow controlled access to certain parts of the application functionality. The author also covers both client-side and server-side development and the use of an object relational mapper to work with persistent data (using a database). Topics include: models, views, controllers, routing, entity framework core, identity, layouts, dependency injection and services, model binder, among others. This book: Introduces the development of web applications using the open-source ASP .Net Core MVC frameworkImplements web applications including HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Bootstrap, C#, ASP .Net, and Entity Framework CoreFeatures client-side development, server-side development, and object relational mapper software

Introduction to the History of Computing

by Gerard O'Regan

Tracing the story of computing from Babyloniancounting boards to smartphones, this inspiring textbook provides a conciseoverview of the key events in the history of computing, together withdiscussion exercises to stimulate deeper investigation into this fascinatingarea. Features: provides chapter introductions, summaries, key topics, and reviewquestions; includes an introduction to analogue and digital computers, and to thefoundations of computing; examines the contributions of ancient civilisationsto the field of computing; covers the first digital computers, and the earliestcommercial computers, mainframes and minicomputers; describes the earlydevelopment of the integrated circuit and the microprocessor; reviews theemergence of home computers; discusses the creation of the Internet, theinvention of the smartphone, and the rise of social media; presents a shorthistory of telecommunications, programming languages, operating systems,software engineering, artificial intelligence, and databases.

Introduction to the Semantic Web and Semantic Web Services

by null Liyang Yu

Even though the semantic Web is a relatively new and dynamic area of research, a whole suite of components, standards, and tools have already been developed around it. Using a concrete approach, Introduction to the Semantic Web and Semantic Web Services builds a firm foundation in the concept of the semantic Web, its principal technologies, its rea

Introduction to the Senses

by Terry R.J. Bossomaier

An understanding of the senses - vision, hearing, touch, chemical and other non-human senses - is important not only for many fields of biology but also in applied areas such as human computer interaction, robotics and computer games. Using information theory as a unifying framework, this is a wide-ranging survey of sensory systems, covering all known senses. The book draws on three unifying principles to examine senses: the Nyquist sampling theorem; Shannon's information theory; and the creation of different streams of information to subserve different tasks. This framework is used to discuss the fascinating role of sensory adaptation in the context of environment and lifestyle. Providing a fundamental grounding in sensory perception, the book then demonstrates how this knowledge can be applied to the design of human-computer interfaces and virtual environments. It is an ideal resource for both graduate and undergraduate students of biology, engineering (robotics) and computer science.

Introduction to the Simulation of Dynamics Using Simulink (Chapman & Hall/CRC Computational Science)

by null Michael A. Gray

Designed for undergraduate students in the general science, engineering, and mathematics community, Introduction to the Simulation of Dynamics Using Simulink (R) shows how to use the powerful tool of Simulink to investigate and form intuitions about the behavior of dynamical systems. Requiring no prior programming experience, it clearly explains how to transition from physical models described by mathematical equations directly to executable Simulink simulations.Teaches students how to model and explore the dynamics of systemsStep by step, the author presents the basics of building a simulation in Simulink. He begins with finite difference equations and simple discrete models, such as annual population models, to introduce the concept of state. The text then covers ordinary differential equations, numerical integration algorithms, and time-step simulation. The final chapter offers overviews of some advanced topics, including the simulation of chaotic dynamics and partial differential equations.A one-semester undergraduate course on simulationWritten in an informal, accessible style, this guide includes many diagrams and graphics as well as exercises embedded within the text. It also draws on numerous examples from the science, engineering, and technology fields. The book deepens students' understanding of simulated systems and prepares them for advanced and specialized studies in simulation.

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