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IT-Sicherheitsmanagement nach der neuen ISO 27001: ISMS, Risiken, Kennziffern, Controls (Edition <kes>)
by Heinrich Kersten Gerhard Klett Jürgen Reuter Klaus-Werner SchröderDieses Buch behandelt das Management der Informationssicherheit auf der Basis der Norm ISO/IEC 27001. Mit der 2. Auflage wurden die Inhalte des Fachbuches umfassend aktualisiert und den Neuerungen der Norm angepasst. Die Autoren erläutern kompetent den Standard und seine organisatorisch-technische Umsetzung. Dies betrifft die Anforderungen an das Informationssicherheits-Managementsystem (ISMS) genauso wie die 114 Controls aus dem Anhang der Norm. Die ausführlich kommentierten Controls unterstützen Sicherheitsverantwortliche bei der Auswahl geeigneter Sicherheitsmaßnahmen in allen Bereichen.Die Normenreihe ISO 27000 ist ein wichtiges Hilfsmittel für Unternehmen und Behörden, die ein IT-Sicherheitsmanagement in ihrer Organisation einführen und betreiben wollen. Im internationalen Kontext ist die Anwendung der ISO 27001 für viele Organisationen nahezu unverzichtbar. Nicht zuletzt mit dem deutschen IT-Sicherheitsgesetz erhält dieser Standard auch national eine hohe Bedeutung. Seit der Neufassung der Norm im Jahr 2015 (deutsche Version) und Änderungen in 2017 müssen sich alle Organisationen entsprechend umstellen und ihr ISMS anpassen. Hierfür enthält das Buch entsprechende „Fahrpläne“.
IT-Strategie: Die IT für die digitale Transformation in der Industrie fit machen
by Volker JohanningErstellen Sie mit diesem Buch eine IT-Strategie für Ihr UnternehmenIn sieben aufeinander aufbauenden Schritten präsentiert dieses Buch die Entwicklung einer IT-Strategie für produzierende Unternehmen mit der Möglichkeit der praktischen Umsetzung anhand von vorgefertigten Arbeitsblättern. Dabei betrachtet es alle für eine IT-Strategie relevanten Themenkomplexe, von der Ableitung der IT-Strategie aus der Unternehmensstrategie bis zur Erstellung der Applikations- und Sourcingstrategie. Die Rolle der IT im Unternehmen und die Rolle des CIOs werden eingehend beleuchtet und als Aufbauorganisation wird das Demand/Supply-Modell ausführlich vorgestellt. Der Leser erfährt in diesem Buch, wie er die IT-Strategie in eine Roadmap zur Umsetzung überführt, ein Portfolio zur Steuerung der Projekte nutzt und mit einem eigens entwickelten IT-Strategiecockpit die Ziele der IT-Strategie umsetzen und kontrollieren kann. Die zweite Auflage berücksichtigt verstärkt die DigitalisierungDiese zweite Auflage setzt den Fokus auf produzierende Unternehmen, um dem Branchenfokus einer jeden IT-Strategie Rechnung zu tragen. Sie betrachtet außerdem die Abgrenzung zu Digitalisierung und Digitalisierungsstrategien und enthält zusätzliche Erläuterungen zu agilen Methoden, DevOps sowie bi-modalen IT-Strukturen. Damit ist das bestehende 7-Schritte-Konzept zur Entwicklung einer IT-Strategie fokussierter geworden und hat sich der aktuellen Themen der sich weiterhin rasant entwickelnden IT und Digitalisierung angenommen.Inhaltlich konzentriert sich das Buch über die Erstellung von IT-Strategien auf die folgenden Bereiche:· Grundlegendes zur IT-Strategie sowie Abgrenzung zu einer Digitalisierungsstrategie· Gründe für eine IT-Strategie· Ist-Analyse der IT· Analyse der Unternehmensstrategie· IT-Applikationsstrategie· Sourcing-Strategie· IT-Organisation und IT-Governance· Praxis-Umsetzung: Budgetierung, IT-Roadmap und IT-Projektportfolio· Monitoring und Kontrolle der IT-Strategie mit dem IT-Strategiecockpit Der Autor richtet sich vor allem an CIOs und IT-Leiter von mittelgroßen bis großen Unternehmen und Konzernen der produzierenden Industrie. Darüber hinaus ist das Buch für die folgenden Zielgruppen geeignet:· Mitarbeiter von IT-Stabsabteilung, IT-Controlling und IT-Führungsebene· IT-Management-Berater· CFOs, CEOs, Geschäftsführer und Vorstände von produzierenden Unternehmen
IT Strategy: Making IT Fit for the Digital Transformation
by Volker JohanningCreate an IT strategy for your company with this book.In seven consecutive steps, this book presents the development of an IT strategy for manufacturing companies with the possibility of practical implementation using ready-made worksheets. It looks at all the issues relevant to an IT strategy, from deriving the IT strategy from the corporate strategy to creating the application and sourcing strategy. The role of IT in the company and the role of the CIO are examined in detail, and the demand/supply model is presented in detail as a structural organisation. In this book, the reader learns how to transfer the IT strategy into a roadmap for implementation, how to use a portfolio to control the projects and how to implement and control the goals of the IT strategy with a specially developed IT strategy cockpit. The second edition takes greater account of digitalisationThis second edition focuses on manufacturing companies in order to take into account the industry focus of any IT strategy. It also considers the distinction from digitalisation and digitalisation strategies and contains additional explanations on agile methods, DevOps as well as bi-modal IT structures. As a result, the existing 7-step concept for developing an IT strategy has become more focused and has taken on the current issues of IT and digitalisation, which continue to develop at a rapid pace.In terms of content, the book on creating IT strategies focuses on the following areas:- Fundamentals of IT strategy as well as differentiation from a digitalisation strategy.- Reasons for an IT strategy- As-is analysis of IT- Analysis of the corporate strategy- IT application strategy- Sourcing strategy- IT organisation and IT governance- Practical implementation: budgeting, IT roadmap and IT project portfolio- Monitoring and control of the IT strategy with the IT strategy cockpit The author primarily addresses CIOs and IT managers of medium-sized to large companies and groups in the manufacturing industry. In addition, the book is suitable for the following target groups:- IT staff, IT controlling and IT management level employees.- IT management consultants- CFOs, CEOs, managing directors and board members of manufacturing companies
The IT Support Handbook: A How-To Guide to Providing Effective Help and Support to IT Users
by Mike HalseyBecome a more effective tech professional by learning how to provide the most useful IT support for your users. You'll learn how to efficiently and effectively deal with any type of problem, including operating systems, software, and hardware. IT support is often complex, time-consuming, and expensive, but it doesn't have to be with the right processes in place.Whether you're an individual, part of an IT support team, or managing staff supporting PC users in their homes, The IT Support Handbook will help you understand the right way to approach, troubleshoot, and isolate problems so they can be handled efficiently, with least disruption and cost to your business. You'll make yourself popular with your colleagues, and keep your customers and users happy and productive.What You'll LearnManage reporting, and keep a record of issues that occurProvide effective remote support for users away from home or working in another officeUse error and system reporting in Windows to obtain high-quality, relevant informationSpot patterns in user behavior that may be causing difficult-to-diagnose problemsBe familiar with best practices to make you a better support professionalWho This Book Is ForIT professionals, IT support (on-site and remote), and system administrators who manage support teams. No prior knowledge is required.
The IT Support Handbook: A How-To Guide to Providing Effective Help and Support to IT Users
by Mike HalseyBecome a more effective tech professional by learning how to provide the most useful IT support for your users. You'll learn how to efficiently and effectively deal with any type of problem, including operating systems, software, and hardware. IT support is often complex, time-consuming, and expensive, but it doesn't have to be with the right processes in place. Whether you're an individual, part of an IT support team, or managing staff supporting PC users in their homes, this book will help you understand the right way to approach, troubleshoot, and isolate problems so they can be handled efficiently, with the least disruption and cost to your business. Expanded and revised for this second edition, you'll make yourself popular with your colleagues, and keep your clients and users happy and productive. New To This Edition The world of work has changed, with remote and hybrid working now the new normal and with IT Support departments worldwide having to adapt to this new paradigm. This expanded edition highlights the skills, tools, and structures needed to support businesses of any size in the new normal. What You'll Learn Manage reporting, and keep a record of issues that occur Provide effective remote support for users working from home or elsewhere in the world Use error and system reporting in Windows to obtain high-quality, relevant information Spot patterns in user behavior that may be causing difficult-to-diagnose problems Be familiar with best practices to make you a better support professional Who This Book Is For IT professionals, IT support (on-site and remote), and system administrators who manage support teams. No prior knowledge is required.
IT-Systeme wirtschaftlich verstehen und gestalten: Methoden – Paradoxien – Grundsätze
by Reinhard Schütte Sarah Seufert Tobias WulfertDer Einsatz von IT-Systemen ist omnipräsent. Im Gegensatz zur Verbreitung der Systeme werden die Wirkungen der Systeme für Individuen, Unternehmen oder Gesellschaften selten betrachtet. Damit dürften viele Nutzer und Unternehmen von der Wirkung der Investition überrascht werden. Die Gefahr fehlerhafter Investitionen nimmt zu und mögliche Potenziale der IT bleiben ungenutzt. Das Buch vermittelt wissenschaftlich fundiertes Wissen über die Wirkung und Wirtschaftlichkeit von IT-Systemen. Aufbauend auf Grundlagen aus der Organisationslehre, Soziologie, Entscheidungstheorie, Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung wird diskutiert, welche Phänomene durch IT-Systeme induziert werden. Die mannigfaltigen Wirkungen von IT-Systemen sowie Verfahren zur Wirkungsermittlung werden beschrieben. Sämtliche Aspekte für ein holistisches Wirkungsmanagement von IT-Systemen von der Projektskizze bis zur Umsetzung in der Realität werden in einem neuen Ansatz integriert.
Italian Modern Art in the Age of Fascism (Routledge Research in Art and Politics)
by Anthony WhiteThis book examines the work of several modern artists, including Fortunato Depero, Scipione, and Mario Radice, who were working in Italy during the time of Benito Mussolini’s rise and fall. It provides a new history of the relationship between modern art and fascism. The study begins from the premise that Italian artists belonging to avant-garde art movements, such as futurism, expressionism, and abstraction, could produce works that were perfectly amenable to the ideologies of Mussolini’s regime. A particular focus of the book is the precise relationship between ideas of history and modernity encountered in the art and politics of the time and how compatible these truly were.
Italian Philosophy of Technology: Socio-Cultural, Legal, Scientific and Aesthetic Perspectives on Technology (Philosophy of Engineering and Technology #35)
by Simona Chiodo Viola SchiaffonatiThis is the first volume about the Italian philosophy of technology written in English and including novel and translated contributions. The volume presents original research on emerging topics in the field, as well as an overview of the most distinguished Italian approaches to the philosophy of technology. While offering both historical and political perspectives and the contributions of the philosophy of law, philosophy of science, and aesthetics, Italian Philosophy of Technology promotes a novel view on the intersection between continental and analytic traditions in the philosophy of technology.
Iterative Learning Control for Network Systems Under Constrained Information Communication (Intelligent Control and Learning Systems #12)
by Wenjun Xiong Zijian Luo Daniel W. HoThis book focuses on the subject area of Network Systems and Control Theory, providing a comprehensive examination of the dynamic behavior of networked systems operating under communication constraints. It introduces innovative iterative learning control strategies that aim to ensure stability, consistency, and security of networked systems. The field of networked systems has garnered significant interest from scientists and engineers across various disciplines, including information, electrical, transportation, life, social, and management sciences. This book consistently addresses a wide range of issues related to networked systems, emphasizing the critical impact of communication constraints on stability and security. It highlights the effectiveness and importance of iterative learning methods in tackling these challenges.Suitable for both undergraduate and graduate students interested in networked systems and iterative learning control, this book alsoserves as a valuable resource for university faculty and engineers engaged in complex systems, control theory research, and real-world applications. Its broad appeal extends to professionals working in related fields, seeking a deeper understanding of networked systems and their control mechanisms.
Iterative Learning Control over Random Fading Channels
by Dong Shen Xinghuo YuRandom fading communication is a type of attenuation damage of data over certain propagation media. Establishing a systematic framework for the design and analysis of learning control schemes, the book studies in depth the iterative learning control for stochastic systems with random fading communication. The authors introduce both cases where the statistics of the random fading channels are known in advance and unknown. They then extend the framework to other systems, including multi-agent systems, point-to-point tracking systems, and multi-sensor systems. More importantly, a learning control scheme is established to solve the multi-objective tracking problem with faded measurements, which can help practical applications of learning control for high-precision tracking of networked systems. The book will be of interest to researchers and engineers interested in learning control, data-driven control, and networked control systems.
Iterative Learning Stabilization and Fault-Tolerant Control for Batch Processes
by Limin Wang Ridong Zhang Furong GaoThis book is based on the authors’ research on the stabilization and fault-tolerant control of batch processes, which are flourishing topics in the field of control system engineering. It introduces iterative learning control for linear/nonlinear single/multi-phase batch processes; iterative learning optimal guaranteed cost control; delay-dependent iterative learning control; and iterative learning fault-tolerant control for linear/nonlinear single/multi-phase batch processes. Providing important insights and useful methods and practical algorithms that can potentially be applied in batch process control and optimization, it is a valuable resource for researchers, scientists, and engineers in the field of process system engineering and control engineering.
Iterative Optimizers: Difficulty Measures and Benchmarks
by Maurice ClercAlmost every month, a new optimization algorithm is proposed, often accompanied by the claim that it is superior to all those that came before it. However, this claim is generally based on the algorithm’s performance on a specific set of test cases, which are not necessarily representative of the types of problems the algorithm will face in real life. This book presents the theoretical analysis and practical methods (along with source codes) necessary to estimate the difficulty of problems in a test set, as well as to build bespoke test sets consisting of problems with varied difficulties. The book formally establishes a typology of optimization problems, from which a reliable test set can be deduced. At the same time, it highlights how classic test sets are skewed in favor of different classes of problems, and how, as a result, optimizers that have performed well on test problems may perform poorly in real life scenarios.
iText in Action
by Bruno LowagieWith iText, one can transform PDF documents into live, interactive applications quickly and easily. This free and open source library for Java and .NET is the leading tool of its kind, and was primarily developed and maintained by Bruno Lowagie, the author of this book.iText in Action, Second Edition offers an introduction and a practical guide to iText and the internals of PDF. While at the entry level iText is easy to learn, there's an astonishing range of things you can do once you dive below the surface. This book lowers the learning curve and, through numerous innovative and practical examples, unlocks the secrets hidden in Adobe's PDF Reference.This totally revised new edition introduces the new functionality added to iText in recent releases, and it updates all examples from JDK 1.4 to Java 5. The examples are in Java but they can be easily adapted to.NET. Purchase of the print book comes with an offer of a free PDF, ePub, and Kindle eBook from Manning. Also available is all code from the book.
ITIL® 2011 At a Glance
by John O. Long"ITIL® 2011 At a Glance" is an important update to the internationally-recognized ITIL® best practices for IT Service Management. "ITIL® 2011 At a Glance" provides graphical and textual memory joggers for the primary concepts of those best practices. IT organizations worldwide are implementing ITIL® as a vehicle for improving IT service quality and improve return on investment for IT services. This book is an update based on the ITIL 2011 Update. The desk reference's unique graphical approach will take otherwise complex textual descriptions and make the information accessible in a series of consistent, simple diagrams. "ITIL® 2011 At a Glance" will be of interest to organizations looking to train their staffs in a consistent and cost-effective way. Further, this book is ideal for anyone involved in planning consulting, implementing, or testing an ITIL® implementation.
ITIL® and Organizational Change
by Pamela ErskineOrganizational change is difficult to manage and takes time to implement. How it is managed has a direct impact on its success. The implementation of ITIL can be particularly challenging, especially for organizations for whom it represents a radical change. So how do you ensure that the process goes smoothly and offers a return on your investment? In ITIL® and Organizational Change, Pamela Erskine analyzes some of the reasons why organizations fail to realize the benefits of ITIL and offers practical ways to avoid these pitfalls. She examines ways to clear the many hurdles that can obstruct progress and investigates how to improve acceptance of change in the workplace. Drawing on her many years of experience, Pamela discusses five different models of organizational change and explains how to select the most suitable approach for your project and your organization. Real-life examples bring the theories to life.
ITIL Foundation Exam Study Guide
by Liz Gallacher Helen MorrisEverything you need to prepare for the ITIL exam - Accredited to 2011 syllabusThe ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) exam is the ultimate certification for IT service management. This essential resource is a complete guide to preparing for the ITIL Foundation exam and includes everything you need for success. Organized around the ITIL Foundation (2011) syllabus, the study guide addresses the ITIL Service Lifecycles, the ITIL processes, roles, and functions, and also thoroughly explains how the Service Lifecycle provides effective and efficient IT services.Offers an introduction to IT service management and ITIL V3 service strategyHighlights the topics of service design and development and the service management processesReviews the building, testing, authorizing, documenting, and implementation of new and changed services into operationAddresses creating and maintaining value for customers through monitoring and improving services, processes, and technologyDownload valuable study tools including practice exams, flashcards, a glossary of key terms and more.If you prefer self-study over the more expensive training course, but you don't want to skimp on information or preparation, then this study guide is for you.
ITIL Intermediate Certification Companion Study Guide: Intermediate ITIL Service Capability Exams
by Liz Gallacher Helen MorrisThe expert-led, full-coverage supporting guide for all four ITIL exams ITIL Intermediate Certification Companion Study Guide is your ultimate support system for the Intermediate ITIL Service Capability exams. Written by Service Management and ITIL framework experts, this book gives you everything you need to pass, including full coverage of all objectives for all four exams. Clear, concise explanations walk you through the process areas, concepts, and terms you need to know, and real-life examples show you how they are applied by professionals in the field every day. Although this guide is designed for exam preparation, it doesn't stop there — you also get expert insight on major topics in the field. The discussion includes operational support and analysis; planning, protection and optimization; release, control and validation; and service offerings and agreements that you'll need to know for the job. ITIL is the most widely-adopted IT Service Management qualification in the world, providing a practical, no-nonsense framework for identifying, planning, delivering, and supporting IT services to businesses. This book is your ideal companion for exam preparation, with comprehensive coverage and detailed information. Learn service strategy principles, organization, and implementation Master the central technologies used in IT Service Management Be aware of inherent challenges, risks, and critical success factors Internalize the material covered on all four ITIL exams The ITIL qualification is recognized around the globe, and is seen as the de facto certification for those seeking IT Service Management positions. Passing these exams requires thorough preparation and rigorous self-study, but the reward is a qualification that can follow you anywhere. ITIL Intermediate Certification Companion Study Guide for the ITIL Service Capability Exams leads you from Foundation to Master, giving you everything you need for exam success.
ITIL Intermediate Certification Companion Study Guide: Intermediate ITIL Service Lifecycle Exams
by Helen Morris Liz GallacherComplete, detailed preparation for the Intermediate ITIL Service Lifecycle examsITIL Intermediate Certification Companion Study Guide is the ultimate supporting guide to the ITIL Service Lifecycle syllabus, with full coverage of all Intermediate ITIL Service Lifecycle exam objectives for Service Operation, Service Design, Service Transition, Continual Service Improvement, and Service Strategy. Using clear and concise language, this useful companion guides you through each Lifecycle module and each of the process areas, helping you understand the concepts that underlie each skill required for certification. Illustrative examples demonstrate how these skills are applied in real-life scenarios, helping you realize the importance of what you're learning each step of the way. Additional coverage includes service strategy principles and processes, governance, organization, implementation, and technology considerations, plus guidance toward common challenges and risks. ITIL is the most widely adopted approach for IT Service Management in the world, providing a practical, no-nonsense framework for identifying, planning, delivering, and supporting IT services to businesses. This study guide is the ultimate companion for certification candidates, giving you everything you need to know in a single informative volume. Review the information needed for all five Lifecycle exams Examine real-life examples of how these concepts are applied Gain a deeper understanding of each of the process areas Learn more about governance, organization, implementation, and more The Intermediate ITIL Service Lifecycle exams expect you to demonstrate thorough knowledge of the concepts, processes, and functions related to the modules. The certification is recognized around the world as the de facto standard for IT Service Management, and the skills it requires increase your value to any business. For complete, detailed exam preparation, ITIL Certification Companion Study Guide for the Intermediate ITIL Service Lifecycle Exams is an invaluably effective tool.
ITIL® Lifecycle Essentials
by Claire AgutterTaking you through the ITIL Foundation exam and beyond. ITIL is the best practice methodology for IT Service Management, developed by the UK government and globally adopted in both the public and private sectors. ITIL Lifecycle Essentials covers all of the vital material required for the entry-level ITIL Foundation Certificate, which gives candidates a comprehensive overview of the key elements, concepts and terminology used in the ITIL service lifecycle. The essential link between your ITIL qualification and the real-world. More than just a guide to help you pass an exam, this book also provides practical guidance for when newly qualified practitioners enter the real-world. By addressing processes and concepts not covered in the syllabus, this book guides practitioners as they go beyond Foundation level. It features practical tips on using service management, and for each process the author adds to the theory with lessons from her own real-world experience. ITIL Lifecycle Essentials is ideal for self-study candidates, training delegates and V2 Foundation Certificate holders who have not yet taken the upgraded exam. Project managers looking to broaden their qualifications will find it a helpful companion to their studies and a practical aid for their professional development. Contractors or consultants with limited study time will also find this book essential to their part-time education. A perfect companion before, during and after your ITIL education. Claire Agutter has held a number of operational, consulting and implementation roles, giving her real-world, practical experience of ITIL. Since 2007 she has been an ITIL principal lecturer and has been involved in exam panels for ITIL V2 and V3. She has also provided online ITIL training to hundreds of successful Foundation delegates.
ITIL Version 3 at a Glance
by John O. LongITIL® Version 3 At a Glance takes a graphical approach to consolidating the information of ITIL® version 3. ITIL® is an internationally-recognized set of best practices for providing IT service management. IT organizations worldwide are implementing ITIL® as a vehicle for improving IT service quality and improve return on investment for IT services. The desk reference's unique graphical approach takes otherwise complex textual descriptions and makes the information accessible in a series of consistent, simple diagrams. ITIL® Version 3 At a Glance will be of interest to organizations looking to train their staffs in a consistent and cost-effective way. Further, this book is ideal for anyone involved in planning consulting, implementing, or testing an ITIL® Version 3 implementation.
ITNG 2021 18th International Conference on Information Technology-New Generations (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #1346)
by Shahram LatifiThis volume represents the 18th International Conference on Information Technology - New Generations (ITNG), 2021. ITNG is an annual event focusing on state of the art technologies pertaining to digital information and communications. The applications of advanced information technology to such domains as astronomy, biology, education, geosciences, security, and health care are the among topics of relevance to ITNG. Visionary ideas, theoretical and experimental results, as well as prototypes, designs, and tools that help the information readily flow to the user are of special interest. Machine Learning, Robotics, High Performance Computing, and Innovative Methods of Computing are examples of related topics. The conference features keynote speakers, a best student award, poster award, service award, a technical open panel, and workshops/exhibits from industry, government and academia. This publication is unique as it captures modern trends in IT with a balance of theoretical and experimental work. Most other work focus either on theoretical or experimental, but not both. Accordingly, we do not know of any competitive literature.
ITNG 2022 19th International Conference on Information Technology-New Generations (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #1421)
by Shahram LatifiThis volume represents the 19th International Conference on Information Technology - New Generations (ITNG), 2022. ITNG is an annual event focusing on state of the art technologies pertaining to digital information and communications. The applications of advanced information technology to such domains as astronomy, biology, education, geosciences, security, and health care are the among topics of relevance to ITNG. Visionary ideas, theoretical and experimental results, as well as prototypes, designs, and tools that help the information readily flow to the user are of special interest. Machine Learning, Robotics, High Performance Computing, and Innovative Methods of Computing are examples of related topics. The conference features keynote speakers, a best student award, poster award, and service award. . This publication is unique as it captures modern trends in IT with a balance of theoretical and experimental work. Most other work focus either on theoretical or experimental, but not both. Accordingly, we do not know of any competitive literature.
ITNG 2023 20th International Conference on Information Technology-New Generations (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #1445)
by Shahram LatifiThis volume represents the 20th International Conference on Information Technology - New Generations (ITNG), 2023. ITNG is an annual event focusing on state of the art technologies pertaining to digital information and communications. The applications of advanced information technology to such domains as astronomy, biology, education, geosciences, security, and health care are the among topics of relevance to ITNG. Visionary ideas, theoretical and experimental results, as well as prototypes, designs, and tools that help the information readily flow to the user are of special interest. Machine Learning, Robotics, High Performance Computing, and Innovative Methods of Computing are examples of related topics. The conference features keynote speakers, a best student award, poster award, service award, a technical open panel, and workshops/exhibits from industry, government and academia. This publication is unique as it captures modern trends in IT with a balance of theoretical and experimental work. Most other work focus either on theoretical or experimental, but not both. Accordingly, we do not know of any competitive literature.
ITNG 2024: 21st International Conference on Information Technology-New Generations (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #1456)
by Shahram LatifiThis volume represents the 21st International Conference on Information Technology - New Generations (ITNG), 2024. ITNG is an annual event focusing on state of the art technologies pertaining to digital information and communications. The applications of advanced information technology to such domains as astronomy, biology, education, geosciences, security, and health care are the among topics of relevance to ITNG. Visionary ideas, theoretical and experimental results, as well as prototypes, designs, and tools that help the information readily flow to the user are of special interest. Machine Learning, Robotics, High Performance Computing, and Innovative Methods of Computing are examples of related topics. The conference features keynote speakers, a best student award, poster award, service award, a technical open panel, and workshops/exhibits from industry, government and academia. This publication is unique as it captures modern trends in IT with a balance of theoretical and experimental work. Most other work focus either on theoretical or experimental, but not both. Accordingly, we do not know of any competitive literature.
It's a Book
by Lane SmithPlayful and lighthearted with a subversive twist that is signature Lane Smith, IT’S A BOOK is a delightful manifesto on behalf of print in the digital age. This satisfying, perfectly executed picture book has something to say to readers of all stripes and all ages.